Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Sep 1959, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 21, 1959 CLASSIFIED (Continued from Page 13) ADVERTISING 50--Articles For Sale $2--Legal Notices WAREHOUSE clearance of odds ends, some slightly marked, wal bookcase bed, regular $59 closeout $19; unpainted four -drawer chest $17, end tables $5. Deilcraft genuine walnut coffee tables, regular $49, clearout $19, 48---Autombiles Wanted 50--Articles For Sale FOR wrecking. Highest prices paid. Dial RA 3.2281. 215i 3 be Jumber sale, plate glass ft. 4 in. by 6 ft; joists, doors, inch LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers wan \ cars for wrecking. 'RA 51161 or RA 51182. Highest vrices paid. t| lumber, windows 2 by 4 soil pipe. Ci SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 oy CASH FOR YOUR CAR ~ VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST, W. MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good clean cars. Pay off liens. Sell on consign- ment, Trade up or down. NEW LOCATION KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5-5743 HILLTOP MOTORS URGENTLY REQUIRES 150 GOOD CLEAN CARS FROM 1955 MODELS UP For ofit-of-town dealers. Top cash prices for your car. See Don Armstrong today at-- HILLTOP MOTORS between Oshawa and Whitby on No. 2 Highway 49--Automobile Repairs WINE and elie barrels, all Sizes, solid all RA 5-4498, Galt Cartage. 2168 | ped walnut desk $15. Brand new apartment size electric refrigerator, regular $169, One only $99. Double wardrobe regular $55 sale $29. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. 216f VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. ice. RA 38-1081 anytime. oak, lowest prices. 8 Church, RA 3-7624. plain, colors, SEE the new 3 to 35 hp with two starting models. Come in and chonse yours now. Trade and terms. Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon at Verdun Road. LUMBER, hard wallboard, doors, win- dows, enough to build five room house. Everything complete. Apply 501 Fairleigh. RA 5-9781. 215¢ or gay stripes, prompt service. Free esti mates. Order, now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. ishings, 424 Simeoe St '3. WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furnl ture Store, RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South, COAL furnace with all pipes and stoker A-1 condition Cheap for quick sale. RA 3-9851. 220¢ FOR SALE -- Iron fireman stoker, in good diti Phone RA 3-3863. 216f $3 up. 5-4543. h Stores, R. BOAT, motor, etc., complete outfit in- cluding skis, trailer, tarpaulin etc., 30 hp Johnson, suxilliary tank, many ex- tras. $1000 or closest offer. May be seen 451 Miller Avenue or RA 5-2609. TENTS, camp cots, camp stoves, sleep ing bags, tarpaulins, dunnage bags, rentals. Oshawa Hardware, § ch Street, RA 3-7624. CHESTERFIELD, snow fencing 50 ft., crib, highchair, veranda furniture, two. burner gas plate on 18 inch legs, wicker rocker, small tables. RA i USED tires, most all sizes, B. F. Goodric! A SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, ete. For top cash offer, con- tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. ONE Beaver rangette and one baby tenda, in excellent condition. Phone RA 5-6059. 2154 WALNUT dining room suite, nine piece, in good condition. RA 5-4128. aust PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon, all colors. Guaranteed, flat gloss. Osh- awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street. RA 13-7624. AIR compressors "Brunner," § HP, Mod. H31, also 1 HP, Mod. H3, sacri: fice for half price. Threading machine, | electric, range from % to 2-inch, for all threads, with complete set of dies, $175. Degreasing tank, large, with au tomatic heaters, $125. Portable air compressors, piston type. two cylin ders, gasoline engine 8 HP, like new, $60. Jointer 8-inch, 2 HP, new. Apply 597 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. RA 5-9216. ELECTRIC refrigerators, all makes, completely reconditi . 90-day free warranty, from $69.50. Irvine Appl ances, 50 Bond East. USED television sets, 17" and 21", com- pletely reconditioned. Free 90-d we ranty labor and 50 Bond E . BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford Service end ports. Wheel alignment, ALUMINUM windows, doors, railings. Average window $19.95 complete. Call RA 5-7405. REFRIGERATOR, gsod condition, plus other articles. Phone RA 8-6494. 219% BARCAINS of a life time!!! Serta spring-filled mattresses, regular $49.95 --three only, 50, Apartment size Arborite table and regular $59.95 $29. LES EVENISS SALES LTD. ALUMINUM AWNINGS . DOORS, WINDOWS, SCREENS CUSTOM FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES 15 PRINCE STREET RA 5-4632 YOUR LOCAL ALUMINUM FACTORY COLONIAL HOME IMPROVENTS 134 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA RA 8-8571 To Introduce Canada's First Self-Lubricating Self Storing STORM DOOR $54.50 BUY NOW AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE --SPRING LOADED MAIL SLOT --DELUXE KEY LOCK OUTFIT --DISTINCTIVE FANCY GRILLE FREE -- FREE $12.55 VALUE NO DEPOSIT AND JUST $1.40 A WEEK Limited to One Per Customer RA 8-8571 RA 8-8571 CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA | Tenders for the improve- ment of the lighting of the Civic Administration Building will be received until 5.00 p.m., October 2, 1959, Tenders to be addressed to The Chairman of the City Property Committee in care of the undersigned. Specifications may be ob- tained at the office of the City Treasurer, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. E. TRIPP, City Treasurer 2 19¢ THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING Take Notice that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa, at is regular meeting to be held October 19th, 1959, intends to pass a by-law for stopping up the following streets or highways in the City of Oshawa: (a) 'Belkirk Avenue between Park Road and Nipigon Street. (b) Part of Olive Avenue, north side, between View- mount Street and Grand- view Avenue, having o frontage of 1'11)8" no Viewmount Street and a frontage of 358" on Grandview Avenue, And take further notice that the Council ot the said meet- ing shall hear either in per- son or by his solicitor or agent any person who claims thot his land will be pre- judicially affected by the by= law and who applies to be heard. DATED ot the City of Osh- owa this 21st day of 'Septers ber, 1959. L. R. BARRAND, Ctiy Clerk, Meet On By KEN KELLY Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) -- About this time of year government atten- tion starts to turn toward the next session of Parliament. If Prime Minister Diefenbak Parliament May raft near the shore about a quar- ter of a mile away from the falls. They didn't notice it break away from land and start for the falls. Jan. 14 pose a revision of the Gold Min- ing Assistance Act which expires at the end of 1960. The St. Lawrence Seaway is due for another round of debate as a result of the government's plan to increase by 25 per cent the capacity of the Welland Canal which proved a bottleneck in the |follows the practice of recent rush of shi .after the seaway opened this year. yers--and there are no signs that he will do otherwise--Par- laiment likely will meet about the day, Jan. 14 is a good bet. Some observers believe it will be a contentious session since it is considered good politics from a government standpoint to get the potentially - explosive issues out of the way before the final : of Parli t precedi an election. ITEMS LEFT OVER In the next tliree months the legislative program will be shaped up. But a number of items are apparent now, a few left over from the last session. One big measure good for ex- tended debate will be Mr. Dief- baker's proposed bill of rights. Mr. Diefenbaker is committed to referring his draft bill to a joint Commons-Senate committee which will hear representations from interested groups and in- dividuals. Other major legislative action can be expected on Justice Min- ister Fulton's proposals for sweeping changes in anti-com- bines legislation which were. be- fore Parliament last session but withdrawn. At that time, the bill aimed at outlawing misleading advertising and altering the defi- nition of a combine so that cer- tain types of monopoly or mer- ger would be legal. TO REVISE ACT The government also has indi- cated it will bring in revisions of the 40-year-old Ciyil Service Act based on the study by A. D. P. Heeney, former Civil Service Commission chairman who now is Canadian ambassador to Wash- ington, This almost certainly will give opposition spokesmen a spring- board to launch criticism of gov- ernment policy on pay increases for the civil service, which have been under study now more than Woman Observes 104th Birthday KITCHENER (CP) -- Mrs. Margaret Madden of Kitchener wil be 104 years old Monday, a year, A subject close to the hearts of members of Parliament may be an increase in the $10,000 paid s of the C There has been considerable agitation among the rank and file on both sides of the House for a raise. second week of January. Thurs-| Kidnap REGISTER NOW FOR FALL Irenie Harvey A.CCM. 424 KING ST. W. RA 5.6122 RAD. BALLET -- C.D.T.A. TAP "PAT WAYNE IS SENSATIONAL IN HIS FIRST STARRING ROLE" CV WHITNEY pun 'Suspects Still Loose MORRISBURG (CP) -- Police are continuing a search for two armed kidnap suspects that be- gan 200 miles away 15 days ago. A couple abducted at Niagara- on-the-Lake Sept. 6 were later released at Trenton. Since then nine other persons have been ab- ducted or held at gunpoint while two men wansacked their homes taking food, clothing and money. Ontario Provincial Police had only about 20 men on search duty today--the smallest group in several days. But another 50 are standing by, Armed police and a dog have been combing regions east and north of this St. Lawrence River village. The search had centred near Winchester about 20 miles north of here but Saturday it swung towards the tiny commu- nity of Brinston, six miles north of here, after a farm home there had been entered. Police continue roadblocks around Winchester and Kempt- ville, where the men were re- ported seen earlier this week. {Kemptville is about 25 miles} east of Winchester. | Early today police said they, have had no leads since the Brinston breakin. Meanwhile, district farmers are keeping their homes and cars locked and Jtheir guns handy. Police have identified the wanted men as Frank Madison, 17, and Wilbert Durning, 32. Boys Nearly Swept Over 20-Foot Falls | GRAND | OL OPRY NASHVILLE, TENN. PRESENTS £4 GRANDPA JONES WILMA LEE STONEY COOPER MAC WISEMAN BIG SLIM CLINCH MOUNTAIN CLAN TORNADOS 2 BIG SHOWS WED. SEPT. 23 ADVANCE TICKETS WILSON & LEE"S RED BARN ADMISSION 1.50 LEARN TO BE A PLUS RITA RANDALL 's . THE EASY WAY Yes, there's a fun way, a really quick way to learn to dance, thanks to Arthur Murray's famous "Magic Step". In your first lesson you learn the key to the Cha Cha, Samba, Foxtrot--all the latest dances, Parties are part of your lessons, so you can count on meeting hosts of new friends-- have more invitations than ever before Come in and have a half-hour $1.00 trial lesson. See for yourself how quickly you learn to dance. ARTHUR MURRAY 112 SIMCOE S. OPEN 10 AM. - 000000 ePe0OEE00ORN0000000000000000000 RA 8-1681 10 P.M. 9000000000000 00RR0GRGOROS ST. CATHARINES, Ont. (CP) --A runaway raft almost carried {three St. Catharines-area boys lover a 20-foot falls at nearby CR.A. FALL PROGRAM The C.R.A. is prepared to conduct classes in the following should there be sufficient registration. 3. Car bed baby|5]__Swap and Barter carriages, $28.50. C 1 beds, 5 P " -- {Port Dalhousie Sunday night, al er, single size, complete $27.50. GE floor goat, motor, pressure and 3 she frankly admits she| Legislation may be proposed on| w + | polishers, segular_$49.93slashed & tems, sump - pump, three - piece didn't Whisk he would make thislold age pensions, arising omit RR the buss fully Juped $36.95. abulous vings during ath sets (colored), water softener an ear' i he y n | 4 year's birthday. the study of the Canadian and feet from the spillway of Lock sale. Wilson Furniture, 20 gyper d plumbing plies (all + A : Street. oid ont Reon site| Stricken wita influenza last|United States social security sys-|2 of old Welland Canal. H, Chinn, Hillside and Park Road winter, she was near death four{tems by Professor Robert. Clark, Robert Davidson, 15, of Port wheel balance with lotest type equipment, Newest type 7 "electronic tune-up equipment, 50--Articles For Sale Church HOUSEHOLD furniture -- Fate, dining room , bedroom suite, large refrigera-|feries, range, kitchen table, B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat- South, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele. vision, Thrifty Budget plan. RA 5-4543. 3 ble, and many other articles. Apply Street, rr rE you a htncie sai" It's where buyers SI. Dial' RA 33488 mow diane "i ad. " XROEHLER chesterfield, in clean con- dition, Excellent for cottage or rerea- ,. tion room, Very reasonable. RA 5-3462. . 2202 4 LARGE cti of * di TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim. coe Street North. USED tires, B. F. Goodri most all sizes, $3 up. ch Stores. RA 5-4543. LAWN Cruiser power lawn mowers 25; 18 in. deluxe mowers, just arrived for our huge sale, regular price $90.75, our low low sale price only $59.95, This Is a genuine discount of 36 per cent. Don't be d. Hurry out to the Hil + SHOP and save on fine foods every day at Glecoff Supermarket, Ritson Road daily to 10 p.m. We cash pay and pen: sion cheques, South. Free bonus gifts, open USED refrigerators, chines, radios, all reconditioned -- best offer. top Snack Bar on Highway 2 between Oshawa and Whitby, RA 8-689L washing ranges, televisions, ma- electric SPACE heater, "Duro-Therm", auto. matic lighter, automatic blower, one| year old. Phone RA 5-0112. 20 | WESTINGHOUSE frig, table top range, | evening or bridesmaid's gown, maroon gym suit and 10 by 13 tarpaulin. 196 Ritson Road South, 220f CHESTERFIELD suite; piano; four- treadle sewing 220¢ piece bedroom suite; machine, Phone RA 3-8102. UNDERWOOD typewriter, like new, $40, Seven bang adding machine, very | good condition. $30. RA 3.4434. HUBBARD squash, all sizes MArket 3-2033, 21 INCH TV, console model, beautiful cabinet, excellent reception Original cost $400, selling $125. MA 3-5241. 220c Phone 2208 .|guaranteed repairs to all makes of radio, and all electrical ap- Barons' Radio anG Electric, Phone RA television, pliances. 428 Simcoe Street South. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of MIDDIE McCLELLAN, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontrio, Widow, de- ceased, ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of MID- DIE McCLELLAN, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of - Ointario, who died on or about the 19th times but rallied. Her daughter, Mrs. Joseph O'Sullivan who will be 76 ncxt monih, says 'mother always has had a lot of gump- tion. She still doe: a little step dance now and then." Mrs, Madden is looking for- ward to her annusl visit to the races in Toroiato which she "wouldn't miss for the world." Mrs. Madden's other children are Mrs. Robert Allen of Tim- mins, Mrs, D. L McMillan of Port Arthur, Mrs. Peter Moncrief of Calgary, Robert of Vancouver, and Pairick of Aiaska, day of July, 1959, are here- by notified to send full par- 3-2263. LARGE space heater, with two oil drums, with fittings; cheap for quick sale Phone RA 38-0754, 218 '59 CHEVROLET Bel Air, four door, hardtop, accessories, RA 8-5580. 218f HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 81131 SALE on floor coverings, thousands of ards of latest patterns for every room in your home. You can save many dollars, Wilson's Sale price 25¢ per foot. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church. 216¢ SINGLE metal bed and mattress, two three-drawer dressers, one single and one double wooden wardrobe. 155 Ver- dun Road, 219¢ ORDERS taken for storm sashes, mea- stirements and estimates free. Please order early, RA 3.4989, MARCONI combination, TV radio Te- 16 PIECE ensemble, completely furn- ishes your living room, lovely sweet. heart back davenport 'set, beautiful upholstering, two end tables, one coffee table, two table lamps, 2 shades, hassock, magazine rack, 4 wall pictures, broadloom scatter mat, great saving. Sale price complete $139.00. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church St. 216f cord poayer, 17-inch, in good Owner leaving town. RA 83-5068. 219¢ NEW gas furnace, 85,000 BTU, value _ 8450. Will sell for $125. RA 5-1202, 219f SIX cubic foot, Westinghouse refriger- ator, excellent condition, $70. Apply 1022 treet. 2188 $ HP Buccaneer motor, been , sacrifice. RA COAL and wood furnace, three years old, $60, Phone MO 8-3145, 218c has never 38-6891. FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 o week per fomily of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer, No down payment. For appointment (no obligo- tion)}----phone RA 5-3709. SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE D ic and C ial RA 5-5332 YOU'VE TRIED THE REST now TRY THE BEST Open Evenings FROM 12' CARTOPS ti 21° CRUISERS SCOTT OUTBOARD SALES AND SERVICE EASY TERMS AJAX MARINE NO. 2 HIGHWAY, AJAX ONT. CALL 1266 AJAX GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS NO PAYMENTS ON ALUMINUM DOORS & = WINDOWS UNTIL FEB. 1st, 1960 DUMONT ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 377 SIMCOE 5. RA 8-1651 Don't Fight About The Fights . . . Have A Second Set USED 17" AND 21° TV. SETS THE DUTCH MERCHANT RA 8-6051 171 BOND ST. EAST 215E| Trode-ins accepted. Finance. Terms. Open evenings ond weekends, MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT., PHONE 87 FOR SALE--A quantity of late model typewriters, 3 and 4 years old. These have been replaced by new models ond are in first class condition. Price each, $75, an excellent buy for students. Phone RA 5-3375. These may be seen at the Oshawa Business Coll- ege, between 8 and 5. 1960 T.V.'s ARE NOW IN STOCK SEE THEM SOON AT PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ticulars of their claims to the undersigned personal repre sentative of the said de- ceased on or before the 14th day of October, 1959. Im- mediately ofter the said date, the said personal rep- resentative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice. DATED at Toronto this 14th day of September, 1959. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, 253 Bay Street, TORONTO, Ontario. Executor. By its Solicitor: JOHN A. CAMERON, B.A, Barrister & Solicitor, 18%2 King Street East, OSHAWA, Ontario. MAYORS MEET IN TUB DERBY BATH (CP) -- Eastern and western mayors are slated to meet in a Bath tub derby Sat- urday in this Eastern Ontario town. Mayor Harry Veiner of Medi- cine Hat is upholding the honor of the west in the event which is part of Bath's centenary celebrations. Mayor Veiner, who has de- feated Prairie mayors in every- thing from Indian wrestling to pancake eating, has challenged the mavors of Toronto, Mont- real, Ottawa and Kingston to enter. Vehicles in the derby will be iron bath tubs mounted on rubber wheels. They will be rolled down a hill on Bath's main stret. The event .is billed as the first of its kind in the world.' CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1. Infant 8. Crazes 9. Bundling machine 20. Rugged 4. Before 8. Deadly 6. Dry 7. Not living mountain 8. Strain | crest 9. Vegetables 12. Flush with 11. Ahead | _ Success of time {18. Coronet 15. American | 34. Spirit lamp | 15. Jacob's ewe +16. Music note of healing | 37. Conger 20. Part of & i 18. Mulberry geisha's 19. Scotland costume (poet.) 22. Tedious 124.To haggle 26. Revolve 28, Speaks 31. Exclamae tion | 32. Letter | 33, Pronoun 134. Aquatic mammals $7. Indonesian island 39. To forgo 40, ne Archipelago 41, Abrupt 42, Heathen images 43. French river 44. Moisture (poss.) DOWN 1. European \ fea 17. Norse goddess and National 2.Mr. Ladd 21. Brown. 38. Greek letter ish 22. Fruit stone y (RACECHMBIL EST] tuber Saturday's Answer 29. Com- petitors 30. Remains 32, Crinkled fabric 35. Layer 36. Level 37. Green gem 38. Below (naut.) 40. Middle of the University of British Co- lumbia. {Dalhousie and Dennis Lesard, 12, and David Henry, 14, both of St. The government may also pro-|Catharines, climbed aboard the| l = GEORGE STEVENS CINEMAS cOPE MATINEE ADULTS ... 60¢ ADULTS STUDENTS .. 40¢ STUDENTS .. CHILDREN _. 25¢ CHILDREN .. LOGES 10¢ EXTRA EVENING Prices For This Engagement ~wz=z MILE PERANS 68 me DIARY... ANNE FRANK 2) = FEATURE DAILY AT ... 2:10, 5:25, 8:45 NOW PLAYING | ORGAN ADULT JUDO POTTERY DRAWING & PAINTING COPPER TOOLING ALUMINUM ETCHING LEATHERCRAFT METAL JEWELLERY BOX-LOOM WEAVING WEIGHTLIFTING TABLE TENNIS CLUB FOR REGISTRATION OR INFORMATION CALL C.R.A,, RA 5-1111 CHILDREN BALLET ART ARTS & CRAFTS LEATHERCRAFT TUMBLING WOODCRAFT BOXING SQUARE DANCING SHELLCRAFT TEEN AGE DANCING CLUB "AS TENSE MUSIC NIGHTLY AT THE GENOSHA HOTEL JAMES HTYTY CLOSE PLUS INTRIGUE ADULT ENTERTAINMENT AND ACTION!!! CHILE RR under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (OLOR CARTC AND CHILLING A SHOCKER AS JAMES STEWART LEE REMICK BEN GAZZARA ARTHUR O'CONNELL ALONG EVE ARDEN IN YEARS!" LIFE LEX 7 V4] 13 WN AT... 12.30 - 3.25 6.15- 9.10 ADMITTANCE one] Lz 10 YOARL OF AGE OF OIE OIG pp "FEATURE SHOWN KATHRYN GRANT SY] JOSEPH N. WELCH STARTS TODAY as Judge Weaver

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