Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Sep 1959, p. 13

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41--Room and Board 44--For Rent (44--For Rem 45--Reel Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sele §5--Real Estate For Sale ROOM and board for gentleman, South district, home cooked meals, pilvileges, clean acc accommodation. RA 5371 HOUSE for small family, tion, south Oshawa, from GM, garden land. Oshawa Times stating ROOM and board for gentleman 1 in pri vate home, central, s, laun- dry done. 118 Summer Street. RA 5-0858 ROOM anc board for gentlemen. close to down town and GM. Phone 8-5160. 2 Elgin Street East 43--Waonted to Rent WANTED te rent a small house, two bedrooms with lease the 15th | surr October. Phene RA §- after 4 Vio, | Phone APARTMENT or house, four or five rooms, central Phone RA 50852 215f ployment. « ROOMS Sof Selitiofiel Apply 23 Phone RA 37814. BASEMENT Syarcent room for two single men, single beds, Jarking facil ities. Ten) 187 Wilson Rd, FURNISHED bedrooms for home of quiet business a Srivaie bathroom, near Simcoe bus and N Simcoe School, RA 5-0145. pr ONE room in new mneuse, for one er two Apply 637 Albert Street THREE large clean rooms, near Shop- ping tre. No objections to small child. Phone RA 8-6617. 218¢ TWO gentleman to share two rooms, with TV, single beds, breakfast only, ROOMS for gentlemen, clean, quiet Sirtoundingl. ih to North GM. at corner, RA 5-2230. 2i8¢c CLEAR furnished rooms, central, close to shopping district. RA 8-8402 or apply Avenue, 218f bdo three ment, private bath, adults only, Cadillac North, or four room apart. 133 15 FOUR - room basement apartment, : - piece bath, private entrance, 70 Apartment within 10 minutés of Four vers, by couple with two-year-old. Best references RA 57709 after 7 p.m BELL Telephone employee and wife require two-bedroom lower duplex. Wilke Box 536 Oshawa Times and state WANTED TO RENT - duplex Cor- OF [TWO large attractive unfurnished rooms, private bath. Apply Warren ave. RA 3-17 215¢ Fa By Bo eck et aot 3-4841, heated. Apply 184 Elliott Avenue. 217¢ LARGE oil heated, three - fur- nished apartment for couple, three- plece private bath, laundry and Pao bath, maid service. RA Hotel. THREE room apartment, heated, | hydro and gas range. Apply 730 Simcoe, 44--For Rent South, on : ONE Hi i room, and SIX-room house in Port Perry, con- veniences . Phone YUkon 5-7580. 220f THREE room furnished basment |' apartment, newly decorated, all conven- fences, private bath. Suit twy girls or business couple. Phone RA 3-2903. 220f ONE single furnished room, private entrance Close to General Motors north 273 Jarvis Street, WILL rent or sell six-room two-storey brick, centrally located. RA 51089. 2208 THREE room ground floor apart plant, Phone RA 3-7112 or apply 2201 | pe: kitchen with refrigerator, built-in. cup- boards, sink and stove. Private shower d enirance. Use of washer and drier, Apply 350 4 Arthdr Sts Street. 26f SELF-CONTAINED 1 apartment, four rooms, ground floor. Phone RA 37H. (Ne DOWNSTAIRS room for rent, furnished or unfurnished, prefer elderly lady or pensioner. Apply 110 Albert Street. 216f {ROOMS for rent across the street from North GM. RA 8-0818. 26 BACHELOR | R_ apartment, heated, "refrig- - {THREE - room apartment, kia 35-5216. pov $1,000 DOWN $1,000 BARGAIN $7,500 FULL PRICE Attached garage on this 4-room cement brick bungalow, lovely bathroom, 2 bedrooms, nice living room, situated on large treed lot 72 x 200, need we suy more. | mortgoge for the balance at $65.00 monthly. Don't be late and miss out, it will be sold tonight, Call Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544, JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR 220b THREE-, four - all conveniences, 301 Candee, Road, close to South GM. Apply 464 Eulalie Avenue, Avaiable immediately. 217% FIVE - room brick veneer house, all conveniences, oil heat, $75 monthly, on Drew Street near Stacey Avenue, Ap- ply 34 Mill Street, 217% STORE for rent. 8 Simcoe Street North. Phone RA 35-4462. quiet Shee, Child care for working mother | if required. RA 38-6034, 2174 NEWLY d d, self - apartment, private entrance, all con- veniences Apply 381 Division Street erator and sto tober 1, RA 53652. ¢| FOUR -room, self - contained one- d , stove ment, private couple. $65 monthly. 180 Oshawa Boule. vard North Phone RA 35-8266 between 3 and 4 or 6 to 8 pm, 220f | TWO - room ground floor self entrance, light, heat and water hone 3 2154 FOUR rooms, unfurnished, private en- trance, kitchen cupboards. Apply 767 Simcoe Street South. 220f ROOMS, single beds, corner store, Wil- lam and Mary Streets, 220f | ONE large furnished housekeeping room, suit one or two gentlemen, near south GM. Apply 268 Malaga Road. 220f | FURNISHED bedroom, clean, quiet, private home, central. gentleman pre- ferred, abstainer, Will board. Phone RA 5-387 To unfurnished rooms, sult couple Apply 120 Burk Street. 2 ACCOMMODATION for two :lderly Ia- dies, in private home, excellent care. Phone MO 8-4363, Whitby, 2201 3.3101; APARTMENT, centrally located, . Phone [kA 3- 4252 GE {TWO - room apartment t and Kitchen with sink'apd built-in cupboards. Avail lable Oct. 6. Apply 205 Nassau street, ONE or two furnished rooms in gen- ({tleman's five-roomed apartment. Use of kitchen and living room. References required. RA 8-1717. 2158 FOUR - room apartment, all conveni- ences, separate entrance, hot water heating, RA 3-3096. 165 Verdun Road. ATTRACTIVE 'E_ furnished rooms, avail- + in private home, 82 Pard Road North orth § 7 p.m. RA 8-8671. UNFURNISHED three room t, suitable for couple, 360 monthly plus hydro RA 3.9742, 220 UNFURNISHED three -room apart: ment, heated, heavy duty, kitchen cup- boards and sink. 230Y welcome, North| Oshawa. RA 5-1 22 TWO or three rooms, suitable for couple, or woman with one or two ehil- dren, who wishjes day care, reasonable RA 8-6894, 220 APARTMENT, , bed - sitting room and kite! private bath, heat, water, and elegtricity, laundry facil- ities, reasonablé' rent, abstainers, rage. RA 3-7055. ONE furnished bedroom, suit one girl. Two unfurnished housekeeping rooms for couple, 48 Drew RA 3-4152 after § p.m, 220¢ NOW RENTING ADELAIDE MANOR APARTMENT BUILDINGS Phone RA SIX - 1 room bungalow, 24 Olive Avente, y. 3-7947. LARGE room for one gentleman. Call after 5 at 207 Sinclair Avenue. 220¢ TWO unfurnished rooms, private, t new ly decorated, sink, couple only. Apply 153 Park Road North after L r 6 pm. . 29 TWO - "storey seven-room house, off Park Road North, good location, 3 219 heated, immediate possession. 8-1203. CEDAR BEACH four -room cottage, partly furnished, refrigerator and rang. ette, closed in verandah, Phone RA 218f ga- 250 | 5-8410. FOUR'- room apartment, all conveni- ences, garage for car, adults only. 2x ply 91 Cel south door. FOUR - room apartment, near fo corners, . $65 a month. p.m. RA 5-8034. FACE furnished rooms, avail. able in private home. 82 Park Road North § - 7 p.m. RA 83-8671. FURNISHED room, suitable for one or two. Plenty of hot water, Central Abstainers, Apply 48 Brock Street, East. 219f LARGE, furnished room, ground floor, separate entrance, private bath. Gentle. men preferred. 78 Cadillac Avenue North 218¢c ONE furnished room for rent, 10 min- utes walk from SGM. Bus at door, Ap- ply 356 Park Road South. 217% LOUISA STREET OSHAWA 2-bedroom suites, electrically equipped, range, refrigerator, bomboo drapes, broadloom THREE - room apartment, private en- trance Phone RA 8-6386 after 6 pm 216¢ FURNISHED single room with wash | room and private' entrance, stove and "frig. Also two-roomed central. Apply 96 Centre Street 215¢ LLOYD REALTY carpets throughout, laundry facilities, lockers, TV and parking. $105-$120, For information call J. A. Daly, evenings MO 8-4775 A. J. SCHATZ REALTOR AND GENERAL INSURANCE MO 8-3337 RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less thon a ve- cancy, Only screened and re- liable tenants. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe St. North RA 8-5123 SCHOFIELD Insurance Assoc. Ltd. RENTAL SERVICE Why worry, we will rent your property, to reliable tenants. We have a waiting list. 2164 Call today-- DAYTIME--RA 3-2263% WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT New modern apartment, very centrally located, available im. mediately, business couple preferred. Apply 605 Green Street; MO 8-3762, 319% FRESH water service. Phone anytime. MO 83-4172. Oct, 15 FOR RENT -- Three . room apart- fi FOR SALE -- Fiveroom frame bun- , corner lot 66 x 133, paved street, inum ment, self. rig and stove, very central. Phone MO 8-2398. 218¢c 215¢ | ing space, five minutes south plant, go 220f [SINGLE or double rooms, 215¢ pantry, and able October 1 Apply 496 Simcoe North, Apartment 4, RA 5-6309. 216f ONE furnished room for two single men, light housekeeping. Lots of park- ply 241 Bloor Street West. TWO clean unfurnished rooms bath. Apply 242 Cadillac South, NEW, six room house for rent, Windsor - street, school age children welcome, Apply 18 Bond Street West, 215 apartment, upstairs. 121 ~ 2158 on THREE - room Business couple or girl, after 6.30. Oshawa Boulevard South, RA 5-2817. THREE _ room apartment, private entrance, Phone RA 8-6386 after 6 p.m. 216 three rooms and 216f oms, close to North GM, central, all conveniences. Apply 204 Bond Street East. TWO large roomed, unfurnished ment, built-in kitchen. No chil LH please. Apply 21 Beatrice Street or phone RA 5-3190. 216f APARTMENT, two rooms, kitchen, built-in cupboards, sink, suit eouple or one or two girls. RA 8-1880. FOUR . room furnished basement apartment, private bath stove and 'frig. available October 1st. Apply 111 Windsor Ave. RA 3.9379 218 APARTMENT, 4 rooms, ground floor, at 1393 King Street East; adults; $45. Apartment, 3 rooms, 132 Division, had L. Hancock, RA 5-1709. 21% LARGE housekeeping _ r room and built-in cupboards, hot water heating, private entrance. Apply 2B COZY, central flat, bath, Phone RA 3-3078. Ristow & Olsen REALTORS $1.00 WILL MAKE $2.00 Any way you figure it, this income property will moke you money. One block from Ritson end King Sts. The two upstairs apartments rent for over $100.00 per month. Full preie $13,- 900 with o less-than-normal down payment. Call Don Hill » ot RA 5-6165 during the day or Brooklin OL 5-4471 in the evening." No charge. VERDUN ROAD Six-room, one end a half storey insul brick home with geroge, priced at $7,900, financed on a private mortgage at 612% with toxes of orly $138.00. For inspection call Ray et RA 5-6165. ¢ BROOKSIDE SETTING A snug, ranch bungalow with exposed second level overlooking a perfect location on large city lot with a fresh babbling brook on the property. Custom built end featuring spacious rooms, tw~ baths, two fireplaces. Snown in this area of fine homes by appointment only. Call Ray Lathangue at RA 5-6165. FANCY A FAMILY ROOM? Teenagers will love it, you will enjoy it, too, Just off the large kitchen and opening onto patio, plus extra powder room, this all-purpose room is @ must for young moderns. Six other rooms, natural fireplace, attached. garage. All this in Grand- view Gardens ot $7,200 down with N.H.A, financing. Call Hilda Ristow at RA 5-6165, or RA 5-3605 evenings. RA 5-6165 RA 5-3412 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA 2300 Koza. Wi 1 100, at Coiftice. Paved streets, for mortgages, close to schools. RA 8.5579. MUST be sold, and stone bungalow, fourgisee } bath, ofl heated, alu screens, TV roter aerial; very eentral. Call Hobbs, RA 3-9869, J. Wacko Realtor. 209 brick [NEW large kitchen, minum |eul 45--Real Estate For Sale 4% ACRES for sale, For § call at 474 Wilson Road THE OSHAWA TIMES, --_-- September 11, 19 2, "we 13 45--Reol Estate Pdr Sale | 47--Automobiles for Sele third acre lot, with many trees, minutes to Oshawa. Asking Nick Lakas, RA 3-9635 Bove ay sale -- to removed from site, Best offer red, For in. formation apply at 419 Dundas east 'Whitby. 218c Park Road South ONE room for rg 91 Warren Avenue, or phone RA 5-77! for s single "man. THREE-room apartment, self-contain ed, TV aerial, phone. Available Oc- tober 15. - Apply 820 Sylvia Street. 219f THREE - roomed apartment with heat and water supplied, separate hot water and hydro, and sink and cup- boards in kitchen, Private bath, sep- arate entrance, on Highway No. 2. Near Maple Grove. Immediate posses- sion, Phone MA 3-2248. Bowmanville. EXCELLENT office space with private tiled bathroom, 24-hour switchboard service. RA 3-4641, Genosha Hotel. | ROOM for for gentleman. 74 Oshawa Blvd, Far unfurnished rooms, sink and cupboards. Newly decorated. Apply 71 Warren Avenue. 2194 ROOM BASEMENT apartment, room. come. 218 Celina Street, RA 8-5253. 220{ ROOM in private Nome, very central, spring mattress; suit gentleman, 102 Elgin Street East. SIX . room, large two-storey house, Rossland Road West, Children welcome, near school, bus. Phone RA 5-5179. 218f SIX -room house, four-piece bath, hardwood floors, large lot, landscaped, newly decorated, garage, near school, bus, Available October 6 ,$100 monthly, references. Box 620, Oshawa Times. 216f ONE single furnished room, near Shopping Centre. Apply 107 Fernhill Boulevard after 5 p.m. 216f NICELY furnished front room, resi dential, close to hospital, suit business couple or two friends, Must be and quiet. RA 8-5084. SIX ROOM HOUSE One year lease, $100 monthly. Apply 268 Haig St. Phone RA 5-6178 clean nef FOR RENT -- 3.room apartment, Dun. das Street East. Call MO 8-9065. 21! 8-3226. | HOUSES, new and old, $6000 to $30,000. {| Down Jayment from $640. , farms, » yke, R. Robinson, G. Newell Broker. 316 Bsex Street Souths Whitby. Brook. Listings wan Open Mo a: aR Whitby, 9-9 8-4703, P. FOR RENT -- Rooms all ences; parking space, Mitchen privil MO sole enmiyel. 30, FOR RENT -- ALLOWAY . garage, moving; gontract jobs also. MO $3175 anytime. a i. wanted, Good W. McAuley Realtor. 1, Oshawa RA 3.2513. ADIO repairs. Day and Senin: to 9 pom.; Monday - Saturd: Teunissen TV Service, nd x term. Studio 310 Byron North. MO 8-321. FOR RENT -- sleeping rooms or light housekeeping rooms, All conveniencs, Apply 700 Centre Street South, Whitby. 2156 SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed, Walter Ward, 204 Chéstnut West. Phone MO 8-2563 Nov. FOR C.I.L. PAINT call DODD & SOUTER. Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 8-523) GRAVEL & FILL ILL Driveway Gravel, $7 per load Cement Gravel, $1 60 per yd. For Delivery Phone ERIC BRANTON ished apartment, private bath, $65 RON includes heat and hydro, Phone LIVE ull Highest Cod Bas prices collect MO 8-3486 Whitby, IF YOU CAN'T BUY RENT Outboard Motors, 3, 5, 714, 10, 14, 30 hp. Boat, Box and Cabin Trailers; Tents and Comping Equipment; Boats, Canoes ond Cartop Boats; Lown ond Garden it; Cement Mi Miscellaneous Tools, ete, Wilde Rental Service and Sales 1415 Dundas East, Whitby MO 8-3226 feathers wanted. Phone Oct. 15) 'NOW RENTING $100 MONTHLY 2-BEDROOM APTS. METCALF wasn 3V2 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL RA 3-9329 or RA 5-6551 N.H.A. HOMES ON RAVINE LOTS HARMONY HEIGHTS 5 only beautiful terroced lots backing down to wooded valley with wide stream. Your choice of homes on these lots now available. AN homes include clay brick end partial stone front, with aluminum storms and screens, 2 aluminum storm doors -- fan -- cero- mic tiled both -- sodded lowns These cre the most becutiiul lots in Oshawa without exception ond homes from $1,886.00 dowr to be built here. N.H.A, financing erranged on the home of your choice in this fine location, CRESTVIEW GARDENS Your choce of modernly des gned homes with split level en- tronces, on beoutiful ravine lots with walk-out basement with picture windows, Excellent location, just 4 blocks north of King St., East of Wilson Rd. Complete homes in every respect 4 models to inspect -- home. of your design built under NHA. financing at subdivision prices." Only a few left in this fast-moving subdivision. So contact this office immed- lately for en eppointment. CENTRAL PARK BLVD. N. Just north of King St. E. -- Attractive 6-room, -3bedroom bun- gclow in this desirable location. Home is in perfect condition and includes garage, landscaped, storms, screens, ond many other fine features. Call for early inspection, After 5:30 call Everett Elliott et 3-9290, PARKLANE DRIVE S-room 3-edroom ranch style bungalow on landscaped lot, finished recreation room, extra bathroom in basement, close to schools, Just listed ot $12,900.00 with $5,000. 00. down. AFTER 5:3C CALL-- Marion Drew 5.7610 Dick Barriage .... Lloyd Metcalf .... 5-6983 Joe Maga .. Everett Elliott .. 3-9290 5-6243 59191 2200 LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAY ; WINTER AND SUMMER LIVING FOR $7,500, YES, $7,500 Excellent for large family liv- ing. Eight rooms. Most of the furniture stays. Natural fireplace, 3-pc. bathroom. Electric hot water tank, heavy duty wiring. All the com- forts of pleasant living, olso double garage. Situoted on South Lake area. Call Bill Millar, RA 8-5123, FULL PRICE $12,000 Own this é-room brick home with attached garage on lot 90' x 176', Three bedrooms, NHA re-sale. north west Oshawa, brick alow, two cus. tom built for owner, udes storms and landscaped decor- ated, $81 monthly Please call Nick Joseph Boscn Realtor. $2000 DOWN. Ritson and trict, solid brick, siz 81773 $1100 NHA re-sale private house with i vaabes , landscal Principal ten | terest monthly; $3300 pe: $14,600, 7 A Bis +3 ji 8 Bagel Eff i i | gi winte: font, oll a Phone RA 3-254 i Jizflst gas iH = } Hi Bi HE iz i | {i : 3 " = % & eF , kitchen built. in cupboards, I Sachi bath,| = sun room, large lot, oll heating, alum fnum windows, YUkon 52157 Perry, Tse § | 3d Heat if & Ld ie ; 2 » 3 2 cellent condition BA 54513 or RA 5.7456. bush 58 MGA sportacar, like ew, ,|for quick sale, never raced. 121 Street, Ma 3-2706, Bowmanville, 217¢ 20¢ 757 BUICK forder ardiop, 5 blue and white, interior a, eighteen ast es spotless sutomatie nd mie Fi King FIVE-room brick and stone bungalow, paved drive, solid garage, good loca. tion, substantial down payment re- quired Private sale Phone RA 35-577 after § pm balance 1 $45 monthly, RA tic 220 215¢ |STX room cottage, i Bo from ° Whitby, % 70 FORD, good running order, cheap. Jao duty four-burner range, RA 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne four-door Lake [] compas, ' fur- FOR sale, lot, 75 ft. by 200 ft., Whitby and Oshawa. Fok, 255 Athol Street East. |ete., inside plumbing, all veniences, $2500. Pho , power glide, new car condition, for $2400, ers ne MO 5.5389, 217] Cost $3300. Will sel Private, THREE - bedroom brick house, one and a half bath, garage, paved drive. way, lot 80° x 200°. 1043 King Street East, 2158 VLA ~~ Groom house with Attached garage, on Highway 2 between tice and Bowmanville, All on | heated. price really sharp ear. 218¢ large living and dining room, modern kitchen, Down pay ment $2,000. Good mort- gage arrangement. © Ask for Bill Millar, RA 8-5123 ATTENTION NEW PROSPECTING HOME OWNERS For information on building a home to your own specifiy cations or any Co-op listings, call Lloyd Corson, RA 8-5123 6-ROOM 512% N.H.A. Resgle with private drive ond oil heating. This is an excel- lent buy aot $12,500 full price as owner is leaving town, This home hos many extras including 4-pc, ceram- ic tiled bathroom, heavy duty wiring for stove and dryer. Storms and screens, and T.V, antenna and rotor. Reason- able down payment. For more information call Lloyd Corson, RA 8-5123. 52% N.HA. RESALE Large six - room bungalow with breakfast nook, double sink in kitchen, dividers and bookcases between living and dining room, oil heating and 4-piece ceramic tiled bath- room on large 75 x 115' landscaped fenced lot, $12,- 900 full price with reason- able down payment. For more information call Dick Young, RA 8.5123, WHITBY NHA. 5% RESALE Immaculate five-room brick bungalow on a completely fenced-in landscaped lot. Aluminum storms ond screens, T.V. antenna, tile both ond .colored fixtures. Modern kitchen end dining area. This home carries for $72.00 monthly including in- terest, principal and taxes. For information on this home, call 2 Cruikshanks, RA TWO storey six-room brick house on Alice near Mary, modern kitchen, new oll furnace. Low down payment, RA 5-1972 NEW NHA five - room bungalow, alow, Sim- th. Twenty-foot living room has oil $9600. Phone MArket Ts HOUSES and farms wanted All cash or your 215 {call W McAuley | Street, Oshawa, 83231 Highway No, 3 between Oshawa and or clients, | Whitby, Phone RA 8-6891, uity For quick sale| 5g PONTIAC, fourdoor sedan, A-l ealtor, 36 Prince) condition, four new tires and 3.2513: MO| Terms available. Hilltop Motors = y No. Whitby, Phone RA 8-6891, stone fireplace. Four - piece colored bathroom, $72 monthly, down. RA 5-1212. $1000 DOWN, six-room brick bungalows SIX room brick house: big lot, apple and cherry trees; low dows payment. Private, no agents. 2353 Verdus Road, RA 5.5877. 753 PONTIAC, deluxe coach, automatic transmission, radio. mew slip covers, real sharp, Only $405. Van Heusen Mo- loaded with extras, shopping plaza across the street, public and separate schools two blocks, bus one block. All these features for only $12,000. These NEW, corner lot, schools, pues tors, opposite the Brewery on Hine treet. 6 CHEVROLET deluxe tudor, red and white sharp, wate bungalow on large streets, close to Subdivision, six - room paved Pollard 79. ce, RA homes can be seen anytime by call- in Howie McCabe at RA 5-6544. John . J. Bolahood Ltd. Ritts. = to exchange steady income business, with living quarters, for house in Oshawa district. Write Boz 18 « Oshawa Times. DISTINCTIVELY DIFFERENT California ranch bungalow, vertical pine siding, double carport, on 92'6" ravine fot, beautifully landscaped with flowers, trees, pools, terrace, patio with barbecue and sum- mer guest house, HOSKIN AVENUE, Main floor consists of large living room with open fire- INCOME HOME 8 ROOMS white walls, Motors, 46 CHEV.needs transmission. Phone RA 5.9460, 219¢ '5¢ PLYMOUTH sedan, custom radio, like new in every way. Only $585, Van Heusen Motors, opposite the on King Street, PRIVATE -- '55 Chev, two-door, fect condition, $975. Can be finan Phone RA 3.7512. '58 MGA, red, in good condition, ne miles Phone RA 5.4275 after 5 58 MILLMAN, nice condition, new = teh, $350, private, Phone Ajax 1108 or call at § Admiral Road, Ajax, xfter 5.30 BOK 2208 matching ape radio, Street, W. 4 UP, 4 DOWN Partly furnished, oil heated, garage, large lot, nicel landscaped, Terms arranged. Apply-- 56 DIVISION ST. 218¢ per ced. ROOMING OR NURSING HOME $10,000 o year business and modern home combined: Ideal location, fully equipped with all conveniences. Ready to go. Small down Raymer PHONE RA 5- i168 con- ation. 2M 55 PONTIAC two-toor, r, fairly clean car. Phone RA $:3974, 21% 3 PLYMOUTH door sedan, with Phone RA 5.4263, ET Soaps ood ony place, dining room in "L" off, modern kitchen, two bed- rooms, 4-pc. tiled bath and sun deck; rear ground level basement contains living room with open fireplace, corridor type modern kitchen bedroom, . utility room and 3.pc. modern bath. Forced air oil heating, attractively decoroted ready for immed- iate comfortable occupancy. Asking price $27,000 with $6,000 down. YOU'LL RE- GRET MISSING DIFFERENT FEATURES OF THIS DIS- TINCTIVE HOME IF YOU DON'T CALL R. VICKERY REAL ESTATE, RA 8-6228 AND ARRANGE AN IN- SPECTION. 2202 NASSAU ST. $500 DOWN Close to Shopping Centre, this 8 room frame house is in good condition, Oil heating, low taxes ,can be used as on income home. Lloyd Realty Ltd Realtors 101 Simcoe St. N. ° RA 85123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $12,000 FULL PRICE For further information please call: MRS. TIERNEY, 219¢ 51 BUICK, motor in A-1 condition, $325. Apply 897 Festhubert Street. 319¢ "56 DODGE sedan, completely refinish. od and priced to sell at only ¥795. Var na Motors, opposite the Brewery on King Street. 'ss CHEV, like new and ee Heusen Motes" opposite on King Si $995 FULL DOWN PAYMENT SIX ROOMS ULTRA MODERN BRICK BUNGALOWS LOADED WITH EXTRAS OPEN HOUSE SALESMEN ON SITE 2 p.m. Till Dark Daily MODEL HOME From Simcoe St. S., West on Wentworth to Cedar ~ one block south on Cedar to Wecker Drive. Exclusive Agents JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS RA 5-6544 WEA UTES foe "ton, deep td. tres, tmmacuitte condition throughout. Only $1588 Heusen Motors, open till tes. 59 FORD demonstrator sale, Fairlanes and Galaxies clearing I ; ald ge 218¢ RA 5-5207 HOWE & MILLEN REALTORS RA 5.7732 - 2200 219 STOVE & 'FRIG CHILDREN WELCOME CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE ALL EXTRA LARGE OVERSIZE APARTMENTS THE LASTEST. IN MODERN LIVING FOR INSPECTION TODAY CALL RA 5-6544 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED--REALTORS 218d 45--Real Estate For Sale EIGHT room bungalow, private beach $8500 price, four bedrooms, kit- chen, large 33 by 1I' &" I with natural fireplace, two rooms, three-piece bathroom, tarss |If You Can't Buy RENT Cartop boats, canoes, shot- guns, rifles, decoys, sleep- ing bags, garden tillers, lown seeders, rollers and mowers, skill saws, drills. For sale, used boats, motors and trail- ers. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY ble garage. Idea) for swim and small or big crafts. After § RA 73. 85 Muskoka Avenus. $12,200 OR OFFER 4 YEARS OLD--5%2% MTGE. 3 bedroom brick bungalow, aluminum storms and screens, 2 storm doors, 4 pc. tiled bath, nice kitchen, excellent residential district' in North- West, Carries $54.35 month- ly, reasonable cash required. Call John Bolohood at RA 5.6544. JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD MO 8-2660 MO 8-3226 LIMITED, REALTORS MUST SELL! OWNER TRANSFERRED RANCH STYLE BUNGALOW $13,900 ASKING PRICE CHECK THESE EATURES: . SOLID BRICK -- 6 ROOMS . CORNICE CEILING--VALANCE BOXES . COLORED BATHROOM -- MODERN KITCHEN . LANDSCAPED--PATIO & PAVED DRIVE . ALUMINUM' STORMS & SCREEN & DOORS . LARGE OVERHANG--PICTURE WINDOW . BASEMENT DIVIDED READY FOR REC ROOM . MANY OTHER FEATURES . $2,500 DOWN REQUIRED . SEE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY CALL RA 5-6544 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 220¢ BUY AND SELL W THOMAS Large three-bedroom bungaiow front. chen. Howe & Millen REAL ESTATE -- 67 KING ST. EAST RA 5-7732-- RA 5-7052 Nicely landscaped on @ quiet street. Asking $14,000 with $3,000 down. formation, call Charles Smith, RA 8-8254 ITH CONFIDENCE STREET with attached garage, stone Extra large kit- For further in- JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS -- INSURANCE 169 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 BARGAIN!!! This 5 room brick bungalow is only 4 years old, located in the North-West area on a large lot, with gleaming hardwood floors, tile bath, large modern kitchen, oil heat, accessible to schools, shops anu bus. Must be seen call Bill Swarbrick et RA 5-6544, BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING S1.--OSHAWA (Just Eust of Wilson Rood) RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 MERCEDES BENZ D.K:W. FIAT Authorized Soles & Service ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP __408 King St. W., RA 37132 VOLVO CADILLAC AVE. NORTH--$2,500 DOWN Large seven-room home with gerage, recreation rod and nat- ural fireplace. Oil heating, large panelled living room, two baths, bookcases, drapes, many other extras, Just $2,500 down, one first mortgage. The owner (a Doctor) moved to a larger home lost Saturday, so you can have immediate posses- sion. Call Mrs, Tierney, RA 5-5207., McLAUGHLIN BLVD.--$10,500 Five rooms on first floor with a very large bedroom upstairs, suitable for renting. Garage with private drive, oil heating, very cheery kitchen, storms and screens. Low taxes. Good neighborhood. Call Irene Brown, RA 5-3867. GIBBONS STREET Four-room house with large lot 45° x 638', bath, home is in excellent condition, with smaller lot for $11,300. Brown, RA 5.3867 Oil heating, 4-pe. Owner would sell house For further details, call Irene WEST END hait brick home close to Shopping Finished recreation room, patio and outdoor fireplace, fully landscaped, T.V. antenna, venetian blinds. Open to offer. Call Jan Miller, RA 5.2993 OSHAWA BLVD. NORTH--$1,000 DOWN An unbelievavle bargain, For just $1,000 down you can take immediate possession of this two-storey, six-room brick home. Monthly paymen* of only $75.00 1! New oil furnace install Four-room storey and a Centre, North of King st. $1,000 DOWN $1,000 REC-ROOM For this modern 2 year old brick bungalow, with forced air oil heating, large modern kitchen, finished rec-room, in a good residential district. Close to shops. schools, end buses, Don't deloy call to- day for Patrick O'Donnell ot RA 56544. WHY PAY RENT? Income home--one 2 bed- room apartment down, one bedroom apartment up rent- ing for $65.00 ond $85.00 a month, good size lot with garage, top rental location close to shops, schools end bus. Will take a low down payment. Ca!l Bill Swarbrick ot RA 5.6544, Open Evenings Members of Oshawa & Dis- SALES AND SERVICE SEE THE NEW Volvo, equipped with window washers, white wall tires, turn = signels, undercoating, twin carburetors and many more extres. WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING ST. W. RA 5-0732 The Supreme SUNBEAM RAPIER Performance and Safety Endurance, Reliability ~--NOW ON DISPLAY -- WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. NONQUON ROAD--RA 3-4431 trict Rea; Estate Boord. 47--Automobiles for Sele '56 CHEV. Bel-Air fourdor, V-§ engine with power glide transmission, power brakes, radio, Best offer. Hilltop Me- tors. RA 8-8891. this year, newly painted inside and out; Low, low taxes. Full price '$11,500. Once-in-a-lifetime Leven. Act now by call- ing Winston Bradley at RA 3-200 1959 IDEA HOME--PRIVATE INSPECTIONS Built by McCullough Construction Ltd., this ultra-modern home is row for sale, For complete infc mation and a private personal inspection, please contact our office. Several smaller models to be viewed as well : After Hours Please Call-- Winston Bradley RA 3-2006 Charles Smith . . Rolande Tierney RA 5-5207 Irene Brown .. Jan Miller , RA 5-2993 RA 8-8254 RA 5-3867 220a '5¢ PONTIAC, two door, radio, signal lights, ete, Excellent condition through. out, Reasonable, 150 Burk Street. 218f '58 CHEV, coach, two tone, 14,500 miles. $1650. RA 5-8057, 218¢ '55 CHEV. deluxe two-door clean inside and out, Low down payment. Hilltop CI EAN CARS WANTED out of town dealer TRADE UP OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF WILBAK: MOTORS 137 KING W- RA 5.0732 48--Automobiles Wanted RA 83-6891 FOR THE FINEST REPAIR SERVICE ON FORD - RENAULT - CHRYSLER PRODUCTS . . . TRY Van Heusen Motors 149 King West RA 5.9857 | HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3-9421 (Continued on Page I$)

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