™\ are still missing. THOUGHT FOR TODAY A philosopher is a man who can give a plausible explanation of the inexplicable. - She Osharon Times WEATHER REPORT Increasing cloudiness Sunday and a little warmer with winds southeast 15, Price Not Over i0 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, SATURDAY, -SEPTEMBER 19, 1859 Authorized As Second Class Mall Post Office Department, Ottawa TWENTY PAGE! 88--No. 219 oy In Montreal Boost Total By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ten new cases were reported in polio-stricken Montreal 'Friday and three move in Cornwal Other reports from across Can- aca raised the total in Newfound- while Saskatoon ceived four more patients. The new cases raised to 781 the number treated this year in Montreal hospitals. Total deaths remained unchanged from last turday at 40. Three of Friday's cases came from the city, three from the suburbs and four from other provincial points. | children have died this ly in Newfoundland. Fifteen {polio patients are in iron lungs] |and five others in respirators. | Three children from the same | {family were brought to Ottawa hospitals from Cornwall, raising the number transferred there from the seaway city to 20 Five-year-old Shéron Flaro and j her brother Michael, 2, both were diagnosed as suffering from bulbar polio. Ronald Flaro, 1, has a less serious form of the disease. PREMIER Krush- velt (centre) and Mrs, Khrush- Pri late | velt's U.S. president Roosevelt, He SOVIET chev m~de a day to the estate of the Khrushchev Laboring n Image For States will do in the and that Ameri- him if he does. | stands at ith Mrs hrief si : : grave AP Wirephoto immense common the talking he "You believe in United States wouldn't cans will excuse NEW YORK (AP) -- With dixie grin, waggling his fat 'inger, cracking homespun jokes } ind pleading sweet reason, Ni- waste my energy Yes, he say is true he used kita Khrushchev is driving hard vert you to ours." the phase We will bury you. oday .oward a major objective, He pulls 'a big switch, a sharp But' then his expression changes of his United States tour. departure from an orthodox Rus-|swiftly, to a bitier scowl, and he This is to persuade Americans sian line praising President says that was distorted, What he he is not the monster they pic- Eisenhower as a great military meant he says, is that commu- a appearance of he system sense, savs arg I trying to con- our n WEST REACTION WARY TO KHRUSHCHEV OFFER said Ottawa police Friday exposed a huge iuterproviacia! car theft ring which they of the viggest every to operate | Eastern Ontario. ters for the ring, which police | was one Headquar- ' Admit Success As Propaganda LONN (Reuters) Western | reaching echo among the uncom ources were cautious today ini mitted powers. heir first approach to Nikita The West German government Khrushchev's disarmament pro-| 0 o posals, but admitted he had always has favored studying all likely scored a great propaganda serious disarmament offers, said SUCCESS. informed but rigidly noncommite Expressions of outright appro. tal sources in Bonn. val were few for the Russian| In Belgrade, observers said the slan outlined in the United Na. move would almost certainly get ions Friday, except for Moscow an enthusiastic welcome from adio which predictably de- the Yugoslav government, scribed it as "remarkable « *» + INDIAN REACTION wonderful , . . sincere." The Indian government was Many spokesmen indicated still awaiting fuller details of the skepticism of true Russian good plan, but authoritative New Delhi aith in the pr sources said it would be "a good British diplomatic sources said thing if Khrushchev's latest pro. Khrushchev's call for complete posals . . . were accepted by abolition of all armies and their everybody." weapons in four years struck| Japanese government * sources them at first sight as disappoint-iin Tokyo unofficially said the ing for the apparent lack of prac-| speech could be taken more as a tical proposgls. propaganda move than as an ine | dication of Russia's positive de« LITTLE NEW 3 Isire for disarmament. | They said his alternative sug- ' " |gestion for a five-point partial] In 'Taipei, the Nationalist Chi- |disarmament plan seemed . to Nese government said in a state- {have little new in it. {ment that any genuine global . disarmament "depends upon Foreign Secretary Selwyn yosal Canadian Aute Theft Brueau, examine one of the many stolen cars that were al- tered beyond iecognition at a | garage conceaicd in 2 barn at said ranged all the way from | the Montrea' to Windsor, Ont., was | reportedly at Asihion, about 20 miles west of Ottawa. In the photo. Detectives Bob Smith, of | Ottawa, and Ber Lemarre 'of | As HEAT ON HOFFA wired. leader "in our common struggle" isn would supersede me SBP» juring the was and acknowledg-|talist system, just as capitalism savoring to build the gd pi srsodes sudal sv. lilies gijeavoriy \n practical, |ing the importance of U.S. mili superseded the feudal System, ag b an. who wants. tc aid to Russia during the In a closed room, directly con- fowiio-egrth nan 9 > an he fronting an audince, Khrush- iendly. To this task, he Wal Jigv 18 sible inc ge he force of a towering FOr years, lesser Russians than chev is plausible , copvincing: rsonality and a shrewd eve for Khrushchev have insisted the caormously efiective bi is gest- Ffects. Note some of the fechni- Red army and its leaders won|ures, the cadences «of his voice ee' the war singlehandedly. as wide-ranging as a pipe organ " Cab Driver ques; He visits hallowe d U.S. --and the expressions . flitting - He describes his governmnt| cp.inac wowing low before the across his face all enhance what- At Whitb as & "corporation," and himself|i,iye of Abraham Lincoln and ever he is saying. Y as a ration executive, One ji ins nearly 100 miles to Hyde, The total impact of Khrush-| of the most familiar figures on park fo place a wreath on the chev's arguments and theatrics, the : i ' . a ert ETA SSRI S08 rave ot, Prausin'D. Roosevels, (be poner ie one Boldly, he discusses the two APPEARS HUMAN ments of people, listening to him grep © aN overeat, systems, eapitalist and Commu-| There is something ingrati-in the same room, indicate, morning. 4 tary war. WHITBY (Staff) -- A Toronto point, near the 657 hi gro reported the death toll and 40 are miss Police on land was 24 ing National police in South Korea reported Friday that 175 pe were kil'ad, 173 are missing 195 were injure phoon wrecked home estimated $1,000.00 States military installations swamped fishing vessels RE = ~ |presicont in the morning. In that appear-| clean nist. But he doesn't try to de- atingly human about him when|strongly that he is already mak-| Llovd McGraw. 26 "Metro" recate the former or sell the he expresses the hope that he ing a certain dent on U.S. opi-| ob er told oe a man he / " | am. produced a "hand gun" af and demanded all his money, Deadl Pacific i oves est when they arrived at Whitby. of The holdup man then left the leab and got into a car that had Storm Weakens To Glamourland [i= 506 & {McGraw's money TOKYO (Reuters) Typhoon McGraw immediately reported Sarah was reported weakening] NEW YORK (AP) -- Nikita made his visit 12 hours too early. to Whitby Detachment OPP, today while Japan and South Khrushchev took a bris un- He should have seen it on Satur- which set up roadblocks along and damage tell from the 14th and then flew to Los Angeles for jumping. give a good description of the typhcon of the year a quick look at the American Khrushchev's plane, a US, car Investization of the case is The Javanese Maritime Society west. of the strangest appointments in under the direction of OPP Con- said it estimated 3¢ Japanese His plane left Idlewild airport what must be the strangest trip stable Joseph Tullock. fishermen lost their lives in the|at 9:42 a.m. EDT for a 5%-hour ever undertaken by the head of ---------- ' - LT Bd - swept around Kyushu, Japan's Much had been made of He was due in Los Angeles in B ] southernmost island, this week. Khrushchev's plans to visit Har-|time for lunch ai 20th Century- ritish : urist The board's staiion at Moji, in |em, one of the world's best- Fox studios, then on to see the Kyushu, also reperted that known Negro communities. The actual filming of a number from Fears Spacemen other fishermen and 12 crewmen Communists oft@n have pointed the musical Can-Can 3 policies, but today's trip by Mavor Norris Fou'son of Los nent British jurist has warned made no more of a stir than it! Angeles: Sunday hc is off for San that the people of earth may be would through any other part of Francisco : placed in danger "by the inhabit- the city so early in the morning Friday Khrushchev put in what ooo oper planets from far Trucks had washed down the has now become known as one of vo nq the system." and by the place up a bit. a bit of everything. and recorder of Nottingham when 1 a. hundred persons Besides his speech to the gave the warning in a letter to! Yoags, an re when Rarusheney went United Nations, where le made a Soviet scientisi appealing for hy tow. wave y his disarmament proposal, he Vis-linternzijonal co-operation in the and MADE TOO EARLY ited Hyde Park, N.X¥., where he study of the problems and Franklin" D. Roosevelt secondly in the whole cosmos.' Shawcross wrote in his capac- ity as chairman of the Provi- sional Institute of Space Law. He was addressing Professor Leonid . 0 h M tional" Astronautical Federation r 1 Miners | awa VaR uid Oo | , | He wrote that "the implica | cquitte nN tions for the continued existence -we all hope in happiness--of B ib Co nt the peoples of this planet may be (CP) -- Hendrik | this globe but also--and per-| KIRKINTILLOCH, Scotland, The flames ate through timb- (AP)--Forty-seven Scottish min-'ers and caused rock and earth) ers were given up for dead today!falls, trapping the miners who| as rescue operations stopped were riding on a pit train 1,050 temporarily while a coal mine feet underground was 'looded to extinguish an : underground fire. SIX SAVED lian rbfugee, was acquitted Fri-|P"" Rescie squads 18 Rescue workers equipped with day of trying to bribe a Metro-|Vasion, hours to put oul they were driven back bv a large concentration of carbon monox- : 4s Mr, el 3 tter. On the contrary, with the won't "drop a brick" during all!nion. picked up' in East Toronto, at 4 {pulled up behind. The car con- Korea added up 2 heavy death eventful tour of Harlem today, day night. Then the joint 'is Highway 40. He was unable to East China Sea when the typhoon flight to Los Angeles a major modern power. of vessels which sank Thursday accusingly at United States Ne-! Tonight there is a dirner given LONDON (Reuters)--A promi- streets before Khrushchev went his typical days. Thai is, it had Christopher Shawcress, lawyer Observers said Khrushcheviplaced a wreath on the grave of gancers in "the solar system and |ance he was solem: and re- Hope Abandoned Sedov, president of the Interna- placed in jeopardy not only from | TORONTO |Varju, 23, of Oshawa, a Hungar-| by the inhabitants toiled for > le the fire until OXY&en masks descended quickly politan Toronto policeman with ; 01 and were able to rescue six men. a $10 bill when he made an il- the solar system. The body of another was brought |jegal left turn. or all iast of personality, lta; driver was robbed, at gun- United S d Brock cracking Teamsters which offendcr provisions, himself PASSED TO LAWYERS Hoffa s for lice, Lush lawyers receive labor similar messages to other|CIO's 2,500,000 members to sup- unions but did not name them. | port the steel strikers. when The sent them haps more so--from: the possi-|night {bilities of exploration, if not in-|their pattern of breaking of farm homes for food other planets from far beyond money and even baths but the {men made no noticeable move. two and Thug Robs | 'Offender' List Being Demanded SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--Labor| {Secretary James P. Mitchell has has started working through 2% told the AFL-CIO convention the years of Senate racket commit- tates government isitee testimony in which some un- down swiftly President signed Monday, bans anyone con-| victed of certain serving as said union also violates does for it." secretary kidnap a working six-by-10 in expected Friday and searching the district, cut the men would continue Ly the Nation River, "while farm- intolers keep their homes and cars clothing, locked and their guns handy. demanded Hoffa advise "'what action your industr) organization is taking regarding tion from Coagress should the law's Strike continue after the 80-day the new " the official period. He later told a press con- in Detroit turn Mitchell's telegram over to plause near the end of his talk, "if and and study suspects farmlands mile early racketeers and subversives in une lion leadership under the new la-/las criminal offenders. bor control law. Mitchell disclosed Fridav that{ger against Mitchell and Eisen- he has wired a demand to Team- hower sters boss James R. Hoffa that sirike and the prospect of an 80- he produce within 10 days a list|day union officers Hartley labor I or employees with criminal or! strike, greeted Mitchell with a lirst was elected in 1923. Communist records, The Landrum-Griffin labor law,' Eisenhower WON'T SETTLE STRIKE crimes or atalk a Communist party member from steel industry leaders are short- for Sighted if five years after such conviction Hartley membership Mitchell official he said he 000,000 a that to the surface about noon. One| He told an assize court jury man escaped ai the outset, he thought he was paying for A three-day sirike which ended|a fine on the spot. Const. Gary Thursday probably prevented a|DeFoe said Varju gave him $10 ide gas "AMogether 47 men are miss- ing in the colliery and are pre- sumed dead " an official of the LATE NEWS FLASHES greater tragedy, The mine 10| after he stopped him and was! goverument's coal board said 5! . Mas 4 ic. miles from Giasgow employed [questioning him, Friday night "There is practic- Restaurant Owner Killed maorr burs porting caught fire smoke rolled passageways. CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 girders Airliner Loses Propeller SHANNON AIRPORT, off and embedded in electric fan Thomas In Toronto Blaze Acrid fumes and Warn fellow miners, said: * ; Itor to bring us back. I felt the Which destroyed the editorial of- thing except that pick! Five firemen passengers. No one was hurt. ally no hope of survivors." 800 men, Most had stayed home ------ The fire started in the 50-year- and planned to resume work | old Avchengeich colliery Friday "onda: Call Arson Sauad i Green, 50, rescued . Nearby sup- after he had collapsed while and timbers crawling through the smoke fo rapidly through|Were fravelling in a train when| TORONTO» (CP) The arsor we saw smoke swirling toward Squad was called in Friday night us. We belled the haulage opera !0 investigate a twe-alarm fire [train reversing and then it|fices and printing plant of Shing halted. I climbed from the bogey|Way Daily News i the downtown (eart). 1 could hardly see any area | he were injured! and 1 used it to I as [Iifighting 'he blaze walked Then evervthi went 'in the hnseme lack." tor building. Noe yeh sorted Eden Shows Improvement LONDON (AP Sir ac vere take Anthonv Three Roman Catholic priests to he tal {took turns descending with res- Firemea estimatcd damage to reported toda) icue workers. ithe building at $10,000. ¥ shows "some improvement. in his g The fever was said to be subsiding. resigned as prime minister in 1957. Ireland (AP)--An Air France Super-Constellation flying from New York to Paris landed safely at Shannon airport today with one propeller ripped the fuselage. The plane carried 12 n 8 a lit ets, vith a TORONTO (CP)--Ruben Millstone, a downtown restaur- owner, was fatally beaten with a lead pipe today an hour after he was found in a pool of blood in the Kit¢hen of the Royal coffee shop at King and Church St are searching for a shabbily dressed man. < He died Police fever 1 Eden (CP Wirephoto) I 'k . = ee P -- | Lloyd, who arrived back here to- Whether She national) So |day from UN headquarters in|yeir plang of aggression and set New York, said he thought there|r... oy captive peoples under were similar elements in his own goin Gomination » plan for disarmament put before New Zealand! : Pri Minist [the UN Thursday. |. New Zealand's Prime Minisies | d said hi A t Walter Nash said Khrushchev { Lloyd said his plan aimed at}.q jsued *"a far-reaching pro- {the abolition of all nuclear weap- I 'whi {ons and reduction to low levels of Yosa) Wie merits "serious con Veteran U.K. LJ LJ Socialist {all conventional weapons in three [stages -- and with control. The| UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP) Now Baron Fam ol plan' also had three --Nikila Khrushchev"s plan for [stages and control with similar| abolishing war by secuttling all |aim, though complete disarma- weapons is getting a cautious-- or LONDON (Reuters) -- Herbert| ment was the goal, |sometimes skeptical--response at Miteaell said his staff already Morrison, a policeman's ons who| "we need to work-on both plans the United Nations. worked his way up in the Labor|and see whether anything can be y portan! " party to become one of Britain's made of them," he said. a Biv ut Boures wrest leading elder statcomen, Peday! Control, in the British view, be bs the Soviet , Joined the ranks of the titled was "the essence of the matter."|0 Eon the Sov wi Assembly Friday that the | | | | ion leaders labor manage- ment consultants were identified | peerage. The announcement that the| CLEVER MOVE ueen will hi : ete on cnake im 8 oaroh| mment but foreign ministry of-/navies, ai forces, military the stalemated steel |}; final departure from the/ficials said privately it was "a|schools and bombs i ew \clever propaganda move." They years. {House of Commore, where he has| dd h | been a member for 27 years. He| ed, though, that the plan nay But spokesmen return re- platedly to the it's-t00-good-to-be- | The convention, roused to. an- by injunction under the Taft- law to halt the |mean Khrushchev is willing to Nid 33 reach understanding and peace-/true theme. Western representa- Morrison's parliamentary ea-ify) coexistence. tives poiut to flaws in Khrush- {reer ended with the dissolution off wp shrewd move aimed at em-|chey's formula where matters of sailed into his Pariiament Friday, in preparation amassing the West," was the control and inspection are con- re elieve: Mera. eco + B-lsumming up of Italian political = i i declared he believes yorrison, 71, is not running toring I , pir JOS [cerned hurdles on which earlier re-election. (Continued on Page 2) low swell of boos. But Mitchell and a Taft 'find, as Russia intended, a far- achieve they expect injunction to strike settlement. Instead Mitchell declared, the ry risks distasteful legisla- {ference he intended his assess- iment as a warning to the steel industry Mitchell drew mounting ap- the - convention then voted | § unanimously to collect up to $30,-| month from the AFL. Kidnap Suspect Search Pressed WINCHESTER, Ont, (CP)--Po- lice today continue their search |Sept who [abducted Mr. since Tuesday night have eluded!/Rooney from their home at area agara-on-the-Lake near tas village 35 miles south- them in Trenton east of Ottawa. Some 70 Ontario Provincial Po-| held hostage. 12-hour shifts, | have patrolled the level area of|identified by police since the Madison, 17, and Wilbert Durn- pair ditched a car and made off ing, 32. the hazards of human errors onlinto fhe woods Police had 5 HERE a GEORGE MATHYS IN HOSPITAL AT OTTAWA PARALYZED AFTER FIGHT Polio Victim Tells arend Of Fight With Bear owned by RCMP constable Bob; OTTAWA (CP -- Polio victim veloping paralysis in his arms. Potvin, joined the search Thurs- George Meuihys, a crewcut col-| Though his condition was de-|the tower two miles away and day. He worked a trail that van-|lege senior partially paralzed|scribed as fair to good, his/report to Kapuskasing. The walk fries into the river. [told Friday night of a two-hour natural capacity for inhaling was|left me completely tired out. . . , The search has been on since] 6 when two armed men and Mrs. George Ni-| and released Since 'then nine! other persons were abducted or The wanted men have been as Frank Police are manning roadblocks "Every so often I had to go to oo w-- = battle he had last week with. a/said to have dropped consider- _ "Labor Day night I walked oute |black bear. |ably. It is when this capacity side and found a big black The struggle, which likely fois down to 25 per cent that ajmother bear in front of the caused his paralysis, occurred Patient is placed in an iron lung. cabin 1 Poi 8 ot, Bt ] with : 5 YSIS 2 i my .22r 3 'Sept. 10 at George's lonely cabin] He was admitted to hospital| oo opi ih an ed Ry " . | Without Needles 15 miles south of Kapuskasing, | Tuesday after registering at St.| oo i : |Ont., where he spent the sum-|Patrick's College here for his prety . MONTREAL (CP) Doctors mer as a fire ranger. In the end|last undergraduate term for a so- SECOND BEAR ARRIVES will administer anti-polio vaccine he subdued the animal with his cial science degree "I was Just getting ready to without a needle Monday night bare hinds and tied it up. Dr. Morris Resnick, director of shoot again When another bear ja; 2 mass clinic in the city halll The 21-year-old pevehology ma-|the isulation ward, said extreme came up behind me. It was about {of suburban Verdun. jor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph| physical exertion very often leads|SiX moiths oid and evidently the Alex C. Solomon, president of wyainue of Kapuskasing, spoke|to paralysis of a polio victim, Son of {he first ene. I fired at this the Quebec March of Dines, said excitedly from his bed in the|/where otherwise there would be|second bear bu! missed. It ran the "virus spray" method will belo 1a4i,0 ward of Otfawa's Civie|no paraly a og the woods. used for the first time in Canada. | gro cnita) Bandages covered| Here is George's story: n the meantime its wounded The' vaccine is sprayed on the} ie 2 {mother got up and made off in patient's skin and enters the gys-| Parts of his 2ros ris hands) I was alone at the cabin alliihe opposite divection. {tem through the pores, It is pain- Whete Je Frisky. batt 4 Jrown sumiper. On Aug. 7 I went home| «yat Thursday morning--that less. black bear scratched and bitlto Kapuskasing for four days' ould be 2% days "after I saw Phe , him holiday. When I returned to thelthe hears--the young one pushed v a six-fovier who weighs woods T. began tc feel sick:lits wav through the door of my three-stage in ' " ond 175 pounds when in good! though I had the flu cabin. It was zijone. Its mother tion program. About 10,000 are healt is paralyzed in the right couldn't even get up the energy apparently had died somehwere expected to attend. leg and also appears to be de-ito cook a meal. {in the bush. 'To Give Vaccine clinie is receive for those whe have already 1 the f shot of In Paris there was no formal|should get rid of its armies,