}7--Male Help Wanted |37--Male Help Wanted 41--Room end Boat |44--For Rent |§4---For Rent 45--Reel Estate For Sale TT A le LA a ad a DOr cd S--Real Estate Por Sale | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 19, 1959 17 4% ACR! for sale. WANTED sales, full training su not necessary, Phone Whithy, MOhawk 8.4891, 218 COLONIAL Aluminum Industries Ltd. requires two men for direct faetory| supplied, experience | BOOM and board for gentlemen, elose fe downtown. Apply 23 Elgin Street Bast. Phone RA 3.7814. A DAIRY SALESMAN with chauffeurs licence for retail route, remuneration on salary and commission basis. With P.S.I. hospital insur- ance ond group insurance, mon to obtain steady, well- |B |5-1044. ROOM and board. One single room and one to AS Phone RA $4382. Five MAN WANTED With vive Sovaring oxo perience. Phone OIL burner es man To off _com- |pany. Write Box 515 Osha | | PLUMBERS -- Apprentices and jou |neymen, highest wage and excellent opportunity for right |Must have at least two years' axper. un A 350M and x board fi for ho I fry ROOM and bo board for twe young ladies, ; Single beds, E Mvpiy 30 twin beds, mi benefits. (near south plant, Phone RA sass 0 ce. Lorne ¥ for | room TV and) BA ATTRACTIVE furnished in vate home. paid employment; pension plan is also available. Apply in writing, outlining ex- [ perience, oge and other par- | tieulars to-- | | BOX 535 OSHAWA TIMES 219¢c Have YOU a Plan for Your Future? Be ¢ mon with a plan! Join one of the Canadian Army's crack infantry regiments to- day. Applications "are again being accepted for enrolment HIGHEST EARNINGS are made by our men during home privil sear bus service, No other roomers, A auet ROOM and board, good home eocking. | clean home, ten minutes walk to four corners, alse yarage for reat, Apply 340) Division Street. 207% the Fall, | available. National organize- tion established 15 years. Products sold to ell stores, offices, factories, garages, schools, hotels, municipali- ties, etc. Top commissions paid on orders received with 859% repeat business year. round at full commission. Restricted or exclusive terri- tory; full or part-time. We train you and Manager wait- ing to interview you NOW! Rush reply to Cerified Elec- tric Co., Dundas, Ontario, ROOM and board, private home, con- wveniences, 1a done. $18 per week, 913 McCullough ve, Whitby, 218 ROOM and board for four girls, cen- tral location, Nome privileges. RA 3-3330. Te ROOM Fog board Jor tu Swe Joong wile, close all 231 Beatty gy he RA FO ng | a4 Al L. Han 219c [LARGE 91 Warren Avenue, or phone RA 5-779. 219 jac Street, bing ed, Sober 1 15. Apply 820 Syl furnished basement stove 1st, ApS vie FOUR room Spariment, private bath "frig. ailable October 111 Windsor Ave. RA 3-907% APARTMENT, & rooms, ground figor, at 1393 King Street East; adults: $45. partment, 3 rooms, 133 Division, $40. RA 5-1709, pi housekeeping room and y, built-in cupboards, hot water ating, prism entrance. Apply 478 Park Road South ad ONE room for Gr for single man. and igs -in Sipbontds, kitchen, APARTMENT, uit couple or two ay 51000 2M GNF er room in private home,| suitable for two gh breakfast if desi vard North. Phone RA 81942 THREE . room self-contained ment, business couple preferred, RA 59881. Available October 1, net HEATED three - room apartment with and pri For all at Wilson Read ROOMING OR lars | 25|45--Reo! Estate Por Sale GRANDVIEW GARDENS, owner trans NURSING HOME $10,000 e yeer business and modern home combined: Idea! location, fully equipped with ol! Sirveniences Rody te go. Small down ig 168 PHONE i oceupaney. Custom built assinger, hy er SE rouble cmon closets 26-foot living room, Sled bay bulltds vanity , reduced for quick sale. itn call 8, Macko Real it- large kitchen, sink vate bathroom, Suitable for business! couple. Available October 1, 358 hy? if.contal aerial, phone, Available Oe- ivia Street. 3 ONE furnished room for rest, 10 mis utes walk from SGM, Bus at door, Ap. ply 35 Park Read South. nn ed "apartment with water supplied, separate ut and hydro, and sink and boards in kitchen, Private bath, se arate entrance, on Highway No. Near Maple Grove. Immediate posses-| sion. Phone MA 3.2048. Bowmanville, EXCELLENT office space with private tiled -hour py RA 3-4641. Genosha Hotel, ROOM for gentleman. 74 Oshawa Bivd. South, 219 ROOM and board for gentleman, South district, home cooked meals, privileges, clean tion, RA 53710 THREE unfurnished rooms, sink and cupboards. Newly decorated. Apply 71 Warren Avenue. 28 ROOM and board for gentleman in pri. home, eentral, beds, laun- dry done. 118 Summer Street. RA 5-0838. 3 ROOM BASEMENT - apartment, private bathroom and iehetl also one ROOM and board for gentleman, cen- tral location, two minutes from four comers, Apply 3¢ Charles Street. na 218b 38---Male or Female The Canadian Guards Canadian Light Infantry If you can meet the high en- rolment standards, here is your chance for an excellent career with a good future . a life of challenge, travel and odventure and an in- teresting and healthy man's i Enquire mow at your local Army Recruiting Station of: 507 College Street Toronto, Ontario Telephone: EM 6-8341, Help Wanted EXPERIENCED 'tomato to pickers want ed. Trejbal, Mearns Avenue North, MA Princess Patricia's 32s. YOUNG ACCOUNTING CLERK Experience preferred but not essentigl. Junior matricule- tion or better required. W. P. BARKER CANADIAN JOHNS - MANSVILLE COMPANY HIGHLAND CREEK, ONT. 218b local 277 Please provide me details on Roya! Canadian Infantry Corps coreer opportunities. | 'would like an interview at my home [J], at the recruit- ing station [m) EARN EXTRA CASH in spare time. No experience necessary. Show beoutiful Christmas Cards to your friends, Large variety of Christmas ond Everyday As- sortments, Stationery, Ribbon, Wrappings and Novelties. Free folders showing Personel Cords, Generous profits end bonus on volume, Write fo- day for samples. Douglos Greeting Cord Company, 50-R Bleecker St., Toronte. Lost school gods. completed ve Age to a! 41--Room and Boerd Log and . Children wel- Sid 204 ROOM in private nome, very central, spring mattress; suit gentleman 102 ose | Elgin Street East beard for to down town and GM. Phone 5180, 29 Elgin Street East FURNISHED rooms for glean boys, meals ¥ desired. General! Moters pre. ferved. Central. RA 8-1773. 2192 SINGLE bedroom for man, eontinuous hot water, phone, close to dewn town, abstainer. Phone RA 3-3015, 218b TWO - room apartment, furnished, pri- vate bathroom, private entrance, $50 43--Wanted te Rent WANTED te rent a small house, we with lease the 15th October. Phone RA after 4 po 15: APARTMENT or house, four or five rooms, eentral Phone RA 35-0052 215f Times and state 218¢ - "storey seven-room house, Road North, good location, ! heated, immediate possession. 8-1203. CEDAR BEACH four -room cottage, partly furnished, refrigerator and rang. ette, closed in verandah, Phone RA ROOM and board for share, separate beds, Fittings and Arthur Street, RA .INICELY furnished front 318¢| child. Phone | TWO gentleman to share two rooms, + with TV, Ne children. 743 Douglas Street. RA 34079, 218b SIX . room, large two-storey house, Rossland Road West. Children welcome, near school, bus. Phone RA 5-5179, 218f log | SIX room house, four-piece bath, hardweod floors, large lot, landscaped, newly decorated, garage, near 'school, | bus, Available October 6 ,$100 monthly, oy references. Box 820, Oshawa Times. 216f | ONE single furnished housekeeping| room, near Shopping Centre. Apply 107 | Fernhill Boulevard after 5 p.m. 216¢] room, resi- dential, close to hospital, and quiet. RA 8-584 216 FURNISHED bedrooms for rent, in home of quiet business couple, private bathreom, near Rede bus and Nosh) Simeoe School, RA 5-0145, i#|ONE room In new nwuse, for one or| twe gentlemen. Apply 637 Albert Street TWO single rooms, furnished, cooking privileges, separate place for ooking. Phone RA 5-1904 218b ping Centre. No Shjections to RA 86617 218¢ single beds, breakfast only, at corner, RA 52230. 218¢ CLEAN furnished rooms, central, close to shopping district, RA 88402 or ply 15 Gladstone Avenue. 218f CLEAN, quiet basement room, all con- private entrance, nice local 952. 218¢ Tlity, Phone MO 8-4 suit business| eouple or two friends. Must be clean] | THREE large clean rooms, near Shop-|South Dthawa, | small RA 5 . 6 THREE - room S Dut, Jivale on- trance Phone RA 85-6386 after § pm FURNISHED single room with wash. room and private entrance, stove and 'frig. Also two-roomed central. Apply 96 Centre So . Neo ne go Beatrice Street at please, Trg phone RA NOW RENTING $100 MONTHLY For appointment tor. RA 3.0071. NASSAU ST, $500 DOWN Close to Stopring Cine Canty, i 8 room frome house condition. Oil gn LOTS FOR SALE Idec! location, 15 minutes from . Oshewa, ene minute from 115, good roed, mew school, hydro, phone, high 1 i i | hi home by nished, closets, venie: Wile mudern 81 room, twe v Out- por taxes con be used es on income home. $12,000 FULL PRICE For further information please LL] i: MRS. TIERNEY, RA 5-5207 school bus, Oromo 34R12. INCOME HOME 8 ROOMS 4 UP, 4 DOWN Partly furans, oil heated, RT Fw landscoped, Apply--~ + 56 DIVISION ST. 2)8¢ RA 5.7732 2-BEDROOM APTS. STOVE & 'FRIG CHILDREN WELCOME CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE ALL EXTRA LARGE OVERSIZE APARTMENTS THE LASTEST IN MODERN LIVING FOR INSPECTION TODAY CALL RA 5-6544 JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED--REALTORS 21 |{$5--Real Estate For Sale |18 ACRES land for sale, ¢ good location, slosy to GMC. Phone 8 pm. MUST be be i re air mm brick and bungalow, kitchen, an. bath, oil Wo ug aluminum storms and screens, TV rotor aerial: Call ll Mary Hobbs, RA 39860, J. Wacko not HOUSE for sale -- to be removed from site, Best offer accepted, For in- formation apply at 419 Dundas east. Whitby 318¢c very central BUILDER'S SACRIFICE As low os $295 or Den Ag ei é Room sone brick 'bungalows some split levels finished recreation room REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE Close to public end Separate schools. Salesmen 'om location this. weekend from 12.6 p.m. Go South on Park Rid. post General Motors Plant to lake tum left on Stone St. Watch for our mode' home signs or Call Mr. Simsovic, OX 9-9673 Toronto Brethour & Morns Real Estete ¥ drive, HOWE & MILLEN REALTORS EE iy Tf us i Bi; feel fr COMMERCIAL iol ! ELL TH gE of sills Fi i i arid i | i i i : i ] fr: il a i ¥ £ i i i nl i HHS HH H | } H f x 3 i i i i | | ; fl | - . ; | sii {| al : i i : » i : k/ : i % k 7 i i i g | t ¥ 4 Simcoe St. N. -- 6.room 2-storey brick home on lot 75 x 124 ft, oil heating, hardwood end tile floors, dorage; 00d location for small business. Asking $14,300, sasy terms. on Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254. NORTH DISTRICT 7-room brick home completely modernized, situated on & quiet house, near schools, FOUR - room basement apartment, $70 menthly, heated. Apply 164 Elliott Avenue, a TWO furnished clean rooms, electric , refrigerator, basin, Suit quiet stove, . {lady of elderly couple, Apply 224 Bruce Street. 27e - piece bath, private entrance, 10,800 7¢| 3-9708. churches, buses; with al $1000 DOWN -- $75 a month, six-room two-storey, oil heated, Jae, 0 Oshawa Blvd. North close to King. Ju_piice $11,500. oy Mrs, Miller, RA 35-29% Matlan Real Roam, (1 from King Sree 17¢ WHITBY CLASSIFIED ESN water service. Phone anytime, FURNISHED thvee-room Oct. 33 (Whites, heavy duty stove, FE MO 84172. & f gm i i H J pets, $70. x monthly, Dial RA $3314 21% FOR SALE -- Collie Ph 2 each. Phone Brooklin 641 R FOR RENT New modern "ie 219 - nt, due Sheets RENT -- mee" 1S Spariment, Dun av im | HOUSES, new and oid, $6060 to $30,600. 4 i i * LARGE ofl heated, three - room fur. three. | piece private bath, laundry and park- ing facilities, electrically equipped. pL 5-318. VERY CENTRAL, lovely room, single beds, esoking vileges. Suitable for two gentlemen. Apply B51 Street Eas East, 7 THREE-, four - room apartments, ail | close conveniences, 301 Cordova to South GM. Apply 3 Eulalie Avenue, i ! 8 ; i { al FOR RENT and| Apply 120 Broek North. Two - COLLEGE student requires between Whithy to "| tation Monday Phone MO 8.2897 accepted. ther a apply at 419 Dundas ALLOWAY jobs also. rage, moving] $3178 anytime. Oct. East. ros RENT -- Room, Idtehen fa preferred, , gentleman FOR RENT -- Fi $85 per month, Call Mr. Green. MO Don, RA 3.9421, FIVE . room brick veneer house, all conveniences, ba Heat, $75 monthly, on 3 Ao a ~ room brick, reoms, on second floor, 18-foot living room, fireplace, ofl heating, garage. St. N., south of Rossland, month. Possession Oct. 1. Holmes, Realtor, 304 King 5-2363, net R. vent. 84 Simcoe Street . Fhe. RA 5.4468. 07M Toom apartment with bath, heaed, builtin eu A or ie ot, Ee Fr grou id floor, very attractive, completely pri. , stove, sink, refrigerator, tri 2174 | call Colborne | good | EIGHT « room, rug brick, $2300 down. Garage, rec. room, large modern kit- chen; central, RA 34150. 130-ACRE farm, fairly levels $.100m insul-brick house, hardwood barn. $14,000 with $4000 Gown 0 2 1 down. Annan and Cook Realtors. Marvin Nesbitt, Blackstock & WE HAVE IT Simecos ond Rossiond Rd, district. Lovely five. 'room brick bungelow. Two finished rooms in basement, hot water heoting, tile both. Many extras, Full price $12,500. As gbout terms. GERALD BARROW BROKER 25 BURKE ST. RA 5-3852 219a $995 FULL DOWN PAYMENT shudy street, so hondy fo schools, bus end shopping. Wall-to. wall broadloom on living room, "dining room end hall, forced air oil heating, spotless condition. Cail for an eppointment to inspect RA, 3-2254 -- Ozzie Addison. ONLY $600 DOWN you have e car, and ere looking for cheap rent, this is it: lorge S-room home on: Vi-acre of land im villege of Burketon, ccmplete wit: 3-pce. bath, zoul furnace, good barn 24 x 24. | Salt only $5,700 ond easy monthly payments. Call RA N.H.A--5%% Lovely S-room brick bunga'ow with 3-room basement apart- mert (renting for $65.00 mo), forced air oil heating, com- pletely landscaped and decorated, close to Duke of Edniburgh School, Asking $13,500 with terms. Coll RA 3-2254, - LLOYD J. AYERS REALTOR -- RA 3.2254 JH 2 of it i H i il fi 3 I Lh 'g coe beroom, m2 AR '$2000 down. RA NEW NHA five - room bungalow, Sim - oS coe South. foot fiving room has 5 Falk 4 1 ) i i 2152 gis is LH v - br & } i § B i | i g i ih i 3 2 zt i x 3 i ce at i gle | 1) i ace coved $995. Down FOR THE MOST OUTSTANDING HOME VALUES EVER OFFERED WITH THE LOWEST DOWN PAY- MENS AND THE MINIMUM OF CARRYING CHARGES YOU MUST VISIT $1000 DOWN, pre room brick bungalows loaded with extras, plaza across the re th Jiitia ina separate schools twe Bloc! s one bloc! for only $13,000. These For out of town d Cl EAN CARS WANTED TRADE UP OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF WILBAK MOTORS. 137 KING W- RA 5.0733 homes can Be seen Howie t MERCEDES BENZ DKW. FIAT Authorized Sofes & Service ANDY NAGY"S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W., RA 3-7132 618 Oshawa Times. NEW, six toon bungalow = large corner lot, paved streets, close schools, buses. Pollard 8 hs Courtice, RA 8-5579, SIX room brick house; big lot, a and cherry trees; low dows payme! VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE SEE THE NEW Volve, equipped with window 217 contained private entrance, all con Apply 381 Division Street FOUR room, self . contsined one Bedroom unfurnished apartment, stove wo | 88d refrigerator Available October 1 Avply 48 ae Simcoe North, Apariment bl i A 1 THREE - room apartment, builtdn cup. boards snd sink, heavy wiring. Avy f1163 Banting Avenue. 2164 ONE fumished room for two single men, light housekeeping. Lots of park. ing space, five minutes south plant, Ap. [ply 241 Bloor Street West 216f TWO - room shed, light House- , frig fe share, suitable for one persons, Centrally located. Ap- io Street near Stwinid washers, white wall fires, turn signals, undercoating, twin carburetors and many FOR RENT -- Three - feom uafuri. ished apartment, private bath, monthly includes Nest and Nyro Phone MO 8 poultry also feathers Highest market paid. collect MO 83-3488 thy. IF YOU CANT BUY RENT Outboard Motors, 3 7%, 10, 14, 30 hp. So is and Cabin Trollers; ond Comping Equipment; Boats, Canoes Certop Boats; Lown end Garden Equipment; Cement Mixers; Miscellaneous Tools, ete. Wilde Rental Service and Sales 1415 Dundes Eost, Whitey MEADOWCREST SUBDIVISION BROOKLIN FULLY DECORATED ® ALUMINUM STORMS, SCREENS AND DOORS. 75 FOOT FRONTAGE LOTS ® FOR FURTHER INFORMATION DIAL OL 5-3745 FROM SEPT. 20TH W. P. MITTLER, BROKER $600 down -- Split level bungalow, landscaped. Now vacant. Mave right in. Excellent location. OL 5-37485 -- W. P, Mittler, Broker. $1 900 buys immaculate brick bungalow, beeutifully decorated, roter TV, ily 7 exhoust fan. Close to school end shopping. Ol 35-3743 -- W. P. Mittler, B:oker. 21%a PEDWELL REAL ESTATE 200 ocres, close to Lindsay, 130 acres workable, good produc- tive soil, level, no stone, insul brick house, 6 rooms; bankbarn 40' x 100°, $15,000, Terms. 100 acres alose te Oakwood, house newly remodelled; bonk- barnbarn 40° x a, cement tabling. $11,000. Small down payment, 100° acres close t& Newtonville, 8-roém clapboard house, hot ard eold water. bankbarn, 12 acres orchard, $16,850; small down payment. SCUGOG ISLAND «= 150-acre ie fom, hydro, new oil furnace and bathroom, good bam en dimplement shed; i Foss grain farm easy to work. Price $20, 000 with $10,000 down Js acres, 9 miles north of Oshawe. Good building and best of soil. For particulars contact Wr. Heron, Brooklin, Phone 12. Small 8-3184 evenings only. 215¢ FOR RENT -- Two apartments, 4- SIX ROOMS ULTRA MODERN BRICK BUNGALOWS LOADED WITH EXTRAS OPEN HOUSE SALESMEN ON SITE 2 pm. Till Dark Daily MODEL HOME From Simcoe St. S., West on Wentworth to Cedor -- one block south on Cedar to Wacker Drive. Exciusive Agents JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS RA 5-6544 awe nn) LLOYD REALTY me "°™ fw OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS IDEAL INCOME HOME $1,500 down with éne mort- gogé for the belance. Im- mediate possession, Full price $12,300, low monthly pay- ments. For more information, call Dick Young, RA 8-5123, After 6 pm, RA 3.7183, ONLY A FEW LEFT Rossland Rd., Gibbons St, and Nipigon orea. N.H.A. fin- arced new homes. Starting at $13,800 full price and carrying for as low a¢ $74.00 per month, interest and prin- cipal. Excellent werkman- ship, -For full particulars, call Lloyd Corson at RA 8-5123; after 6 p.m. call RA 3-2537 For information on 'buliding a home to your own specifi- cations or any Co-op Listings, call Lloyd Corson, RA 8-5123 or 2537, Cal re 965 Private, no agents, 353 Verdun Road, RA 53877. | LIVE wanted. Phone | Ost. 15 or 3 " Gaepe or evening, wil w oii, Oshawa BA 3: RADIO repairs, Day gam te § pm; Monday - Saturday. Ao Tounislen TV Service, MO § Oct. 13 PANT culfing sand Slterations for men "oui Ma DEM Oct. Y, General ae Cement, Carpen- try. RA $4548 or F188, ceramic, plastic for in vinyl for floors; inlaid Teums. Rivers. MO 85235. ROTOFILLING, gardens, A Densils, Ostawa, RA Fortin INNELLY School of Dancing, member the BATD Tap, ballet, national, modern jazz, Trained for ations. Register now for fall A 316 Byron North. MO 8-. FOR RENT -- sleeping rooms or light housekeeping rooms. All conveniencs, Apply 700 Centre Street South, Whitby. 2u5f BEPTIC tanks cleaned the ary way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, 204 Chestout We walls; line TWO clean unfurnished rooms and bath. Apply 242 Cadillac South. $15¢ NEW, six room House for rent, on Lo | Windsor street, dchool age children wéldome. Apply 18 oot West, bd $13¢ THREE - Boards, private bath $65 per month, ¢dlectrie included, available October 1st. Corner King and Burk Street. RA 3.3224 213¢ THREE room apartment, upstairs. Business couple or girl, after 6.30. 131 awa Boulevard South. RA 52617. THREE apartment, private | efitrance, L room apartment, sink, ecup- ALL IN 1ST CLASS CONDITION AND GUARANTEED: '58 FORD V/8 Tudor, gold and white, many dpariient, all convent ences, separate entrance, hot water MO 8-3226 SPECIAL FALL PRICES |irracrive sommes rooms, suai . RA edd able in prival North § « 7 p.m Fon sem Ootober ivi, ealed, 8 by 25, én Witter 8 treet East single véor for gentleman, one room for two gentlemen. RA 8-5836 B14 room apartment, t two ladies ove to hospital 214¢ room. Photie RA Evergreens, Hedge Plants, Fruit Trees Roses, Peafmoss '58 FORD Convertible, block and white, meny extras $2498 FORD Fairlane 500 Sep dan, b white, Loaded $1995 FORD Ranch Wagon V/8. Radio, eutomati eM i vi. wave $174 PONTIAC Laurention Sedon, bsoutiful cor and grey $149! FORD Fairlone V/8 See dan. Sharp wel bl finish 398 OLDS. 2.Dr. a many extras, immaculate .... $1498 '53 FORD 2-Dr. Custom Coach, radio and outos matic, excellent mechan ically. Needs boty : $498 work ' green, sanitary st. Phone MO $2563, Nov. & A -- FOR C.I.L. PAINT eall DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Streer South MO 8.5231 GRAVEL & FILL | Driveway Gravel, $7 per load Cement Gravel, $1 60 per yd for Delivery Phone ERIC BRANTON RIC SHANTON if You Can't Buy IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE | 1 Model 35 Ferguson tractor, 1 Mode! 33 Massey diesel; 1 rtop Model 44 y diese John Dere Brunt COZY, central flat, bath, Phone RA 3-307 SINGLE or double. rooms, close to North GM, central, dll conveniences. Apply 304 Bond Street East. LLOYD REALTY i RENTAL AGENCY Cur fee is less than a ve- caney. Orly screéndd and re liable tenants. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 1 Simcoe St. North RA 8.5123 SCHOFIELD Insurance Assoc. Ltd RENTAL SERVICE Why worry, we will rént your {(eparty, to reliable tenants. e Have % waiting list. more extras, WILBAK room, wo storey brick house, RTE MOTORS Steet, 137 KING ST. W. EicHs - Soom older house wel Jeph RA 5-0732 . Five rooms dowm, "ly - and bath. Good income home. Would trade 4 for two-bedroom busigalow, Close 10 . Phone RA 3-4162 218¢ ep Dow, new ER So brick se ape Jt Ben BEAUTIFUL GIRLS Bolahood FIVE-ROOM HAVE A LOOK 4 AT THESE LADIES BRICK BUNGALOW Only two yeors old. Taste fully decorated ond land- scoped, large bright kitchen, four-piece ceramic tiled both, storms and screens, oil fur- nace and many extras. $12,500 FULL PRICE Wi $3,500 DOWN RA 8-1077 No Agents, Please 21% A7--Automablies for Sale excellant sondicion RA 35-3228. Fall plantings guaranteed to August, 1960, OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL WEEKEND FREE ESTIMATES LANDSCAPING PICKERING NURSERIES on No. 2 Hwy., just west of Dunbarton Phone TEmple 9-2111 218k ATTRACTIVE two - éomipletely furnished, or girls, préférible. and bus. RA 3-3592, NOW RENTING ADELAIDE MANOR APARTMENT BUILDINGS LOUISA STREET OSHAWA RENT | oder 2-bedroom suites, electrically DAYTIME--RA 3-2265 1 equipped, range, refrigerator, ------------------ bomboé drapes, Broadioom carpets throughout, laundry facilities, lockers, TV .and porking. $105-$120. For information call J. A. Daly, evenings MO 8-4775 WILDE RENTAL | service AnD sates A. J. SCHATZ partment private drive ond ve and REALTOR TE -- wagon, in take trade | oi '58 BUICK, super haraiop in good com- dition. Phone RA 3-4303. 21 *55 PONTIAC two-door, BUYING x SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING S1.--OSHAWA (Just Eust of Wilson Rood) RA 3-4494 Res. 5.5574 Supertest gas station and snack bar on 35 Highway. down payment and easy terms . Gas station and snack bar, Snell service and car sales, on 358 Highway, close tc Lindsay, last year's gollonage 70, 000. This is a rare opportunity, reasonable etrms. 9-rcom house in Orono, 3-p.ece bath, oil furnees, eook stove, hardwood and tile floors. This must be seid to close on estate. $9.000. Terms can be arranged. FORD Custom, radio, overdrive, etc. GMC 3% -ton Truck, Sxcellent 8.25 tires, oxle. Ready for t road $99 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM SEAWAY MOTORS YOUR LOCAL FORD DEALER DUNDPAS ST. WEST WHITBY (Continued on Page 18) - boats, shot- riffes, decoys, sieep- gs, garden tillers, lawn DAgSs canoes, SIX ROOM HOUSE One year lease, FOR THE FINEST REPAIR SERVICE ON FORD « RENAULT « CHRYSLER PRODUCTS , . . TRY Van Heusen Motors 149 King West RA - 5-3557 6-room winterized house at Newcastle Beach, hot end cold water, garage, large lot. $8,000 with $1,000 down for quick sale. 50 acres close to No, 2 Highway, clapboard house, hot and cold wcter, bonkborn 40° x 100°. Bargain for quick sale. Small down payment. New 4.room cottoge elose to Oromo. Very scenic grounds. $4,500. Good terms $100 monthly Apply 268 Haig St. Phone RA 5.6178 Ee A 12 foo elf prope i; b's rs, rollers and mowers, Massey combine 10 foot self i Il saws, drills, For sale, propelled; 2--6 foot 6", Mas- used boots, motors and trafl- sey one-ways (one on rubber, ors. one on steel) 12 foot Massey : cultivator; 10 foot cultivator; | 12 tandem disc or rotchet ft Massa Lloyd Realty Lid Realtors foot The Supreme SUNBEAM RAPIER Performance and Safety Endurance, Reliability «NOW ON DISPLAY w= PHONE 3856 [WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. 219 | NONQUON ROAD---RA 3-4431 MONEY TO LOAN H. C. PEDWELL, BROKER NEWCASTLE Co ------ ow AND APARTMENTS 795 KING STREET E. PHONE RA 3-9292 817 1415 DUNDAS, ST. E. | + GENERAL INSURANCE MO 8-3226 MO 83337 _ | RA 85 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER a) w Fer- 123 ; 1 set of harrows. | 1 three furs 21%]