7 " THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, September 19, 1959 1} Mrs. Roy Porter, Gpeut Friday with her Norwoud- . James Malley. | Mrs. In pre.enting this page, we wish to comment to our readers the fact that the advertisers deserve your support, goodwill and trade. A newspaper is a community affair. It has it's individual opinions, for it can- not be a jellyfish if it is to serve a useful purpose. But it does strive to give every phase of public opinion and fair news reports. Our advertisers help make this possible, as well as keeping alive local interest in local activities. Buy from those advertising on this page of The Oshawa Times. It will save you money and help build up your own community : E. HANSINK CONSTRUCTION ® Domestie At B 1 |duet. Mrs. William Harbron told held on Tuesday evening by the|spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.[Civic Hospital, Peterborough, |year. Rogers, B ille, were Sun-| Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cuvaty a Sam i Neil {the home of Phyllis Jones. i Clare May Fisk, in Newcastle] ng to the Neilson House in Octo- home on holiday this week. Gilbert, Bor ille. ve je and Norah Horn and Caverly. Woman's Association met Wed- church anniversary service Sep-| The Mt. Zion boys' baseball PONTYPOOL -- Mr. and Mrs.|Weekend and visited Orono fair|Arnold visited their cousin in| ion Slemon, and Mr and Mrs.|of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johnston, | iijieq per brother, Bert Stevens Mrs. Cecil Disney gave a/Rev. Nathan Holmes of Harmony|to 2. Mrs. Fred Nimigan spent last|Saturday in Peterborough. Will Rogers, Caigary, Mr. and|Nestleton, visited Mr. and Mrs. ding anniversary. 607 KING ST. EAST and Mrs. William Harbron and PERSONALS spent the weekend at Midland. | Mrs. C. McNeil and Arnold|ed to Ottawa Monday. Doris is at- h a of her trip to the Laurentians. [young ladies' class for Shirley|Cecil Jones. | Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fisk ce By M. HORN day. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam|and Brent, Oshawa, visited his By MRS. LORNE JONES r ber. Anna Wilson started at Ryer-| Mrs. Cecil Green's brother and|Saturday. | Russell Mrs. Robert Burgess, Tyrone, nesday at the home of Mrs. Wal-/tember 27 to be taken by Rev./team motored to MacTier Sat- Gordon Frederick visited friends/Saturday. Bobcaygeon WelneslaY Alfred Garrard, Haydon, visited Kirby, Friday. and Mrs. Stevens, Wednesday on paper on the miracles o of Jesus,|in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carsoniweek with friends in Toronto, | Sam Manetta and Doris motor- W. Morrison and Herb|Merwin Mountjoy. ust East ot Wilson Rd.) WA Meets Mrs. Jack Empringham sang a! A miscellaneous shower was) Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Hill visited Mrs. McNeil's sister in|tending Carleton College this HAMPTON It was decided to send cloth- Empringham (a bride-to-be) at N POOL Arnold McNeil, Toronto, is|tended the wedding of their niece, HAMPTON -- Mr. and Mrs. Dew parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken BALSAM and MT. ZION -- The! Plans were made for the son school Tuesday. his wife, St. Catharines, spent the| Mr. and Mrs. C. McNeil and|Mr. and Mrs, Loyd Siemon, Mil-|Mrs. Lotiie Doidge were guests ter Carson. T. Fleetham in the morning, and|urday and won by a score of 7|at Bridgenorth Friday. ! Mrs. C. McKay and Brian spent orwood, rs T. M. Mountjoy Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Samells, the occasion of thei B6th wed- Quality Used Cars At Fair Prices OSHAWA ® Commercial ® Industrial ® ALTERATIONS PHONE RA 8-0321 HENDERSON Concrete Products Lid. Concrete, Cinder and Slag Blocks, Haydite Blocks PLANT: 1089 NELSON ST Phone RA 3-4412 EVENINGS RA 8-8339 * REPAIRS 420 ANNAPOLIS AVE. PHONE RA 3-4494 HAMBLY TIRE LTD. SAFETY THROUGH QUALITY General Tire Distributors ® KRAFT SYSTEM RECAPPING ® WHEEL BALANCING ® WHEEL ALIGNMENT SAVE 20% ON YOUR OIL BILL Install An IRON FIREMAN CUSTOM MARK 2 Oshawa Service Center (formerly Oshawa Appliances South Store) DAWSON FRASER, Prop. This 1 Oshawa's Only Authorized Generel 4, Electric Service Depot for . , . T.V.--Radio and Major Appliances G. Ford, 117 Huron, Oshews 506 Simcoe St. S. -- RA 5-4331 FRED STONE'S MOTORCADE (FRED STONE, Prop TEXACO GAS -- OIL PRODUCTS, Complete Mechanical Repairs Parts and Accessories -- Towing Service 1084 SIMCOE ST. N. $34 RITSON RD. SOUTH PHONE RA 8-5931 ® look smart o feel smart e BE SMART Have your DRY CLEANING and SHIRT LAUNDERING done by ACADIAN CLEANERS Phone RA 8-5141 Keith Pollard's Shell Station TUNE-UPS end REPAIRS 24-Hour Towing Service OPEN § AM. to 11 P.M. YS A WEEK BUSINESS: RA 5-7522 RESIDENCE: RA 3-7265 TAUNTON AND WILSON RD. N. FERRARA Italian Grocery A GOOD STOCK OF ITALIAN IMPORTED FOODS FRESH & COLD MEATS Free Delivery RA 5-4643 502 SIMCOE ST. §. JAKE and BILL'S Garage, Fina Products GENERAL REPAIRS FIRESTONE BATTERIES & TIRES Unt UP & Auto ELECTRIC Mary Walmsley, "e "Chevrolet St, Oshaws PHONE RA 8-0921 449 RITSON RD. S. | HOWIE'S B-R SERVICE LUBRICATION - WASHING TUNE-UPS Free Pickup and Delivery OPEN 7 AM. to 11 P.M. AND WEEKENDS Phone RA 5-5337 SIMCOE ST. NORTH at Waverley Rd. LEN & LOU'S T.V. & Aerial A Service Antennas T.V. Aerials o INSTALLED o REPAIRED o MOVED "LL WORK GUARANTEED Phone RA 5-7844 217 CONANT STREET BOWMANVILLE OFFICE MA 3-3942 31 WAVERLY ROAD L. MATHEW, Prop. OIL FURNACE PHONE FOR A FREE ESTIMATE METTE PLUMBING 23 CELINA RA 5-3279 RA 5-6411 S. ULRICH LANDSCAPING AND STONEWORK STONE WALL -- FIREPLACES PATIOS -- Tihs Ar Riding E WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Design: & Estimates Free RA 8-5252 313 FRENCH ST. GUARANTEED USED CARS ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanville Your Friendly Dealer Serving the. Public FOR 37 YEARS CHEVROLET and OLDSMOBILE SALES AND SERVICE Always a Gooa Selection of Used Cars on Display John A. Egon, 771 Stone, Oshawe PHONES: OSHAWA RA 3.7242 BOWMANVILLE MA 3.3922 BOB BOYCE ® GENERAL CARPENTRY eo FLOOR & WALL TILE ® KITCHENS - BATHROOMS ® RECREATION ROOMS Phone RA 5-8498 211 MONK STREET LEE BISHOP RADIATOR REPAIRS CLEANING & RE-CORING New end Used Radiators Phone RA 5-1633 42 BOND ST. WEST MODERN SHEET METAL ® "Modern'? Warm Air Furneses ® "Winter Air' conditioning units HOME & INDUSTRIAL SHEET METAL WORK Phone RA 8-8163 313 OLIVE AVE George Jackson TRUCKING SAND & GRAVEL We deliver to Oshawa, Bow- manville, Whitby, Ajox and District. Phone RA 3-3325 TAUNTON RD. EAST OSHAWA ALUMINUM Sales & Service AGENT FOX AIR SHADE ALUMINUM AWNINGS FROSTED EDGES OR PLAIN 21 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM eo FINES) QUALITY eo REASONABLE PRICES PHONE RA 5-7922 58 NASSAU STREET SPECIALIZED ALES -- SERVICE PHONE RA 5-9251 LAWN CRUISERS 110 VERDUN at GLIDDON "CY. PREECE GARAGE CARBURETOR & IGNITION SERVICE WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS GALE o SUCCANEER OUTBOARD MOTORS PARTS CABINET MAKER CUSTOM BUILT KITCHEN CUPBOARDS WINDOW and DOOR FRAMES ORDER YOUR SCREENS NOW ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS PHONES: BUS. RA 35-8371 RES. RA 3-4902 TAUNTON W. and GARRARD ROAD STEPHENSON'S GARAGE Specializing in: Frame Straightening, Wheel Ali t 6 it Rasai Headlight Service. Phone RA 5-0522 15 CHURCH STREET J. R. WARD ROOFING CONTRACTOR ® ASPHALT SHINGLING o INSUL-ERIC SIDING © NEW & OLD WORK Free Estimates Workmanship Guaranteed PHONE RA 5-682] 240 RITSON RD. §. AL HEFFERING'S ESSO SERVICE "Quality Repairs to all Makes" TIRES--BATTERIES--ACCESSORIES TOWING SERVICE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK-- 7 AM. to 11 P.M. PHONE RA 8-9892 Hwy. No. 2 et Thickson Rd. THE DUTCH MERCHANT See These Bargains PHONE RA 8-6051 USED REFRIGERATOR - Greet for the Cottage 1 USED APARTMENT SIZE FREEZER Completely reconditioned 171 BOND ST. at DIVISION PHONE RA 8-0631 CLEMENT ULTRA SERVICE ® Service Our Specialty © WHITE ROSE GAS - OIL PRODUCTS COMPLETE LUBRICATION SERVICE TIRES and BATTERIES MINOR REPAIRS--ROAD SERVICE 352 WILSON RD. §. BANK'S FLOORING Hardwood Floors ® Sanding ® Finishing A COMPLETE TILE INSTALLATION SERVICE & REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES Phone RA 8-1011 AFTER 6 P.M, 80 Eastlawn St. MARIAN AUTO LTD. Collision Specialists Fast Service Careful Workmanship Complete Automotive Repairs Setisfaction Guaranteed Towing Service RA 85179 25 Grenfell St. FREE 234.00 IN MERCHANDISE OR SERVICE SEE IF YOUR NAME IS IN ONE OF THESE ADVERTISEMENTS THIS PAGE IS A WEEKLY FEATURE OF THE OSHAWA TIMES FOR A 26-WEEK PERIOD AND THERE WILL APPEAR IN THE ADVERTISEMENTS EACH WEEK THE NAMES AND ADD- RESSES OF THREE PEOPLE LIVING IN OSHAWA AND DISTRICT. READ THE ADVERTISE- MENTS IN WHICH YOU FOUND YOUR NAME AND PRESENT IT WITHIN ONE WEEK ALONG WITH A SALES SLIP TO THE OSHAWA TIMES OFFICE, SHOWING THAT GOODS OR SERV- ICES HAVE BEEN PURCHASED FROM ANY ONE OF THE ADVERTISERS ON THIS PAGE AND YOU WILL RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE A $3.00 ORDER TO BE SPENT FOR MERCHANDISE OR SERVICES WITH ONE OF THE ADVERTISERS ON THIS PAGE. WINNER MUST ADVISE WHICH ADVERTISER THEY WISH TO SPEND $3.00 ORDER WITH. PATRONIZE THE BUSINESS FIRMS ON THIS PAGE N. JOHANSEN & SONS APPROVED N.H.A. BUILDERS AND COMMERCIAL BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS MODERN QUALITY HOMES IN ALL PRICE RANGES ADVICE AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN PHONE RA 5-4222 202 ROSEDALE AVE. For Bargains or Buyers, USE THE WANT ADS! Yes, no matter what you ere look. ing for . . . a eT . . the results are faster when you use the Went Ads ins the the classified section of this her. J he Jasiew way iy m r easy hiithe easiest way al ou rea pl or- Ying dollor, ong a L fime when they we "Cal Call RA 3-3492 ORVILLE RAHME'S TEXACO SERVICE SPECIALTY TUNE-UPS h Licensed Mechanic TIRES & ACCESSORIES BRAKE SERVICE CAR WASHING Phone RA 8-1167 SIMCOE N. & GLOVER'S RD. Cranfield Motors CHRYSLER -- PLYMOUTH FARGO -- MORRIS MG -- RILEY -- WOLSELEY SALES & SERVICE 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH RA 3-2284 Oshawa Sand end Gravel Supply WM. MASULKA, Prop Screened Sond and Gravel, Loam, Fill, Brick, Plastering Sand, Crushed Stone, in many grades. Phone RA 5-0232 877 KING ST. EAST HOUSTON'S Service Station and Garage SPECIALISTS IN AUTOMOBILE BRAKE WORK RA 3-7822 67 KING ST. WEST NORM WIRSCHING AND SON Plastering Contractors INTERIOR - EXTERIOR GENERAL REPAIRS PHONES: RA 5-6222--RA 5-8718 130 ROXBOROUGH AVE. FRED'S DRIVE-IN Under New Management OPEN UNTIL MIDNIGHT EVERY NIGHT Plenty ot Free Parking TAKE HOME A BAR-B-Q CHICKEN OR CHICKEN DINNER. GROCERIES ¢ SOFT ICE CREAM Phone RA 5-2533 111 KING ST. WEST MASONRY CONTRACTOR ® STONE © BRICKWORK © FIREPLACES ALL KINDS OF REPAIRS Phone RA 5-7771 90 BLOOR ST. WEST Clayton Orpwood TEXACO GAS. and OIL PRODUCTS » GUARANTEED AUTO REPAIRS o MOTOR TUNE-UPS o BRAKE SERVICE eo TIRES & BATTERIES - H. R. Deville, 326 Piro, .. owe Phone RA 8-6011 46) PARK ROAD SOUTH HAYNES CUSTOM FLOORS Counter Surfacing, FLOOR TILE WALL TILE ALL FLOORING OUR SPIZIALTY WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Phone RA 3-7196 74 KING ST. WEST Earl Gatchell White Rose Products TIRES--ACCESSORIES FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Phone RA 8-878) 1047 Simcoe S. WHEEL BALANCING -- ROAD strvice ® SAND and GRAVEL PHONE RA 8-8412 KEN ASHMORE : PAVING CONTRACTOR ® BLACK TOP DRIVEWAYS ® SERVICE STATIONS FREF ESTIMATES 557 GARRA SUDDARD'S C.C.M. ad RALEIGH BICYCLES SALES & SERVICE SPORTING GOODS KEYS MADE Phone RA 5-3979 497 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH BILENDUKE'S ESSO Service e MOTOR TUNE-UPS eo BRAKE SERVICE e LICENSED MECHANIC eo ROAC SERVICE Phone RA 8-1411 1004 SIMCOE ST. S. VIVIAN'S B-A SERVICE and MARKET GROCERIES--MEATS--CONFECTIONERY LUBRICATION--ACCESSORIES CAR WASHING--TIRES--BATTERIES DIAL RA 3.4872 NONQUON ROAD RA 3-7132 MERCEDES-BENZ -- DKW and FIAT saves & service ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 KING ST. W. RA 3-2031 NORTH OSHAWA Plumbing & Heating ALLAN ROBINSON IPEEDY SERVICE--INSTALLATION ~ REPAIRS -- ALTERATIONS -- ALL COPPER PLUMBING JOBS. Phone RA 5-3715 52 WAYNE AVE. and WHAT A PLEASANT SURPRISE-- Perhaps you've looked all over town for a particular item -- just the right car, or that particular "dream house" or one of a thousand things-- and then you found it in the CLASSIFIED ADS! KEMP'S RS --_-- i's Holiday Tune Up Time eo LICENCED MECHANIC o CARBURETORS A SPECIALTY e WHEEL BALANCING ® EXPERT LUBRICATION SPECIAL TIRE SALE FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY Phone RA 5-3680 288 BLOOR ST. W:, a a ------------------ oy Tr ig