Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Aug 1959, p. 3

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1 were Mr. and Mrs. | were awarded the prize for the Thomas O'Brien and their fam- | largest family in attendance. ily of Scot! Township, who | More than 400 party stalwarts | attended the sie which was an outstanding success: AMONG THE prize winners | Park, at the Starr-Dymond picnic, held Saturday at Greenwood ~ radical a WALTER WILSON, Greenwood, was the | person to attend the THE AWARD flor the young- | of Whitby. Steven is seen here est child in attendance went to | with his proud mother, Mrs three-month-old Steven Wallace, | Ann Wallace. of fr ¥ olde: picnic prize m flliam Nev man, of Pickering He is seen here receiving his Starr-Dymond Picnic Taxi Snaps --~Photos by John Mills After colliding g Hydro Pole would) Athol near Drew Sunday city pole Out di utstanding Succes : F tax PICKERING (Stafi--More than Dr. Dymond noted that during that succeeding picnics 400 party stalwarts and friends|the past five years there had increase each vear. attended the Starr-Dymond an- been four election campaigns. He] W. H. J Thompson, general nual picnic in Greenwood Park|said "I hope now that elections|chairman assisted by Bill New on Saturday despite 90 degreejare over for a while, but that man was in charge of the child-|P 3 temperature and rainstorms fur- the organization would keep ac-|ren's race program The Winfiers C27 driven by Gilbert Taylor r north in the county. |tive, preparing for the time when were: J Riverside drive Sor of Labor, Hon. Mich-|2 new campaign would hive 10|gpoRrTS RESULTS sgl Starr in a few brief words|be fought." "Rolling race, 6 and under of welcome to the gathering said WARDEN SPEAKS John Morley, David Griffin he regretted that pressure off County Warden Walter Beath,| Rolling race, 7-19--Brian Boyd, duty made it impossible to see said the district could be proud!George Bright as many of) his constituents sof the excellent job, both its re toe race. 6 and under often as would like, but in-|representatives were doing. He|Judith Esmond, Jean Hood vited lettes from any who cared|said, "I know that we in the Sore toe race, 7-12 to write he! county fully appreciate what Mr,| Hood, Debra Wanramaker Mr. Starr said: '"This annual{Starr and Dr. Dymond do to loon kick and picnic began four years ago had help solve county problems. It is|t)nlee Hogan Hood now become an institution and|our privilege to go to them and 3alloon" kick, 7-12 hoped that it would continue for ask their help." Walsh, David Griffin many years to come." "Bill" Newman, Foot races, boys, 6 and under TAPED MESSAGE Conservative John Bagshaw, Tom Newman a hydro street r, 187 King street eas lop south the Was ( vehicle was on Drew accident riving west occurred the post, live w ground together nsformer. The public ere sumfponed Although no one _w \ estin®fted $1000 & Marty | DEC ed upon the two "vehic Saulnier e acciden w he to the t Karen with 6 s Kathy under Progressive candidate in the Hood, (CP) OWEN . SOUND (i who overpow itchener wvouths pre Hood, Don 3 two a3 David Brown, Don W were charged robbery with violence, ping custody and car theft. th Foote Don- | Don Bag Impact Spins Autos Around A two-car crash occurred chim-| Taunton road and Simcoe strertH The # spun both around, throw-|§ to the ground. : : ; last provincial election in Osh-| Girls, 6 and under--Kathy Taped in Edinburgh, Scotland,|awa riding was a member of Hood, Onlee Hogan where Hon. Dr. Dymond has beenthe picnic committee said thel Boys, 7-9--Georg: attending -a medical conventionigrand turn-out here foday is most/ Boyd a message was brought received gratifying. He expressed the hope Cirls,, 7-9--Karen from the Dymo family. Dr.\---------- -- Ino Giskin. Dymond exp ed his regrets Boys, 10-12 at missing the picnic, but hoped - Bagshaw that everyone was having a good river 4d S Girls, 10-12--Betty time. na Cdskin, - AST Boys, 13-16--Bill 1McGary, Don inner LrOM Auto i Skunk Winner 0 | Men's shoe kick--Don Bagshaw b | Women's shoe Mek--Mrs: Don David R. Davies, 33, of 840 Bagshaw In Pet Show {Dundas street east, Whitby, fell| Mer's shoe scramble out of his car Saturday night|shaw, Gordon Hood "Herbie". a pet skunk, belong:- while making a right turn off] Women's shoe scramble--Mrs, ing to Vicki Rector, placed first Park road south to travel west on! Allan Downey, Mrs. H. Ashton as the outstanding pet at the pet Pacific, avenue Horseshoe pitchinz--Bill Ran show in Connaught Park, at 1.20] The driverless car mounted the stead, Harold Shier, Bill Boyd p.m. Friday. curb at 'he southwest corner of Maurie» Walsh : First prize in the domestic pets the interseetion, broke a street SPECIAL PRIZES went to "Pat" Harrington's kit- Sign In) damaged a verandah at|/ Attendance prizes Grani ten, "Suzie" Paul McVety's rab. 2/3 Pacific avenue. Mr. Davies wright, Mason Acton, Timothy bit, "Peter" came second and (We unhurt iske : | Brunton, Mrs. L. G. Brown, Mrs. Sheila Norri~'s dog. "Peggy".| onstable William Cairney in-| Maurice Walsh, and Mr. LG came third vestigated the accident and re-Brown hy | Raboits, cats, dogs. fish and|POrted damage to the verandah Youngest child present--Stev- the skunk sat patiently with their| > s fo be extensive". en, three-month-old son of Mrs owners, waiting for the final de-| Damage to Mr. Davies' car|s;, waliace of Whitby. 4 cision from the judges. was estimated at $300. __| Largest family--Mr. and Mrs wie Min, were Mrs > {Tom O'Brien, Scott Township, 10 « 4 aite Jane Simms an rs. Le- |ehildren, ? faive Heavy Storms Oldest person--Walter Wilson, A " 86, of Gretnwood, 'Hit In East -- COMING EVENTS | sueoic, vo. cp) -- a 15 minute storm packing winds up {to 75 miles an hour struck this KINSMEN BINGO {Northumberland Strait fishing {village Saturday. TUESDAY, AUGUST 18 | The storm toppled 10 horse] {barns, knocked down power lines! JUBILEE PAVILION |and snapped off several FREE ADMISSION ineys. No estimate of damage|north at 2:45 a.m. Sunday EXTRA BUSES {was available force of the -impact JACKPOT 54 & 50 | The storm appeared to be con-|/cars completely centrated in this area. Less than|ing fe Stiver mile east of here, damage was|Neithér driver was hurt. ght There were no injuries. | A car driven by Ernest Saun- - EN - {de of 1398 Simcoe street south Oshawa, proceeding : north on ol Simcoe" street, struck the right side of aan eastbound auto driven by Duane Mooring, of 225 Ritson road south, Oshawa. Saunders' car was spun around. facing south, while Saun- ders himself was thrown to the pavement Mooring's car ended up in the north ditch of Taunton road, east of Simcoe street : Damage to the cars was not | known. 19 WOODVIEW PARK BINGO $1,300 PRIZES $100 DOOR PRIZES Jackpot Nos. 54-59 TONIGHT RED BARN 19le Selling Your Home? PHOTO CO-OP Sells First! Contact Your Local Realtor de a Mayor Lyman Gifford regis | ters real qetermination and raises the dust with his vigor. opening "kick-off" ceremony, at Rinaiggy Civic Memorial i a i F lower and Vegetable Show Fine Success : | Durham t i on The taxi, driven by Paul Saul-\year's efforts an outstanding suc- snap i the pole after colliding with a 135 pro y street had to be cancelled at the last occurred n 2 Kitchener Youth Sud S| judging . Accused Of Robbery Two operating at full pitch on the first misbpolicemen|are concerned ie taken up with and took a joyric ir| preparation. Mar people attend-| Sunday |ing the first day are disappointed get some support for the show es- "MAYOR GIFFORD REGISTERS KEEN DETERMINATIO! ous effort, as he performs the | | get the of utilities livestock THE CSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 17, 1959 3 ) FAIR PROBLEMS Beautification Award Farm Area Holds| Results Announced Success Secret | io eum wm mun, we ug, tome er 3 i hot Flower and Vegetable Show, "Gladiolus, Yose, one spike: Mrs. By ANGUS GORDON The animals on display are sponsored by the Oshawa Hortf Archie Whitmee and Mrs, Clar- DISTRICT EDITOR {worth noting especially. Entries cultural Society, staged in E. A.lence Tink. r | What do the people of Oshawa!in the sheep classes at Oshawa Lovell Public School, was a grati-| Gladiolus, red, one spike: Mrs. {want at their fair? This is est Joo were larger than for| | Smith, Leo Karnath and Mrs. Albert Maskell. Modernistic Arrangement with accessories: Mrs. Albert Mas- kell, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. Joseph Dominik and Mrs. Clar- ence Tink. ° One Color Arrangement: Leo Karnath, Mrs. Les Guy, Mrs. Clarence Tink and Mrs. Albert Maskell. Modernistic Arrange ment, Gladiolus only: Mrs, Les Guy and Mrs. Clarence Tink. Novelty errangement with {flowers: Mrs. Joseph Dominik, ; Basket of Gladiolus, 10 spikes:!Mrs., Albert Maskell, Mrs. Clar- | ying success. ed in during Archie Whitmee and. Mrs. Albert question uppermost in the minds|ah§ show except Ottawa. Entries| yo forenoon Ao) when the en N lof directors of South Ontario' gm the Oshawa show went onltries were closed at 1 p.m., an| diolus. smoke. |Agricultural Society, which has|to win top awards at the CNE, | above average number 4 euiries|' =. Ase e ik |operafed the fair for the past 52|and the Royal. {had been made much the sur- adiolus, named, spike; lyears. Looking back at the his-i It is anticipated that this y se of the chairman of the show, Mrs. Archie Whitmee and Mrs. ear S| alk Clarence Tink torv of the fair, the directors are/show will be a much smoother| | . Albert Maskell | : : 4 {entitled to ask the question Sup. affair than-3ast year, according| The judge for the classes ofl Vase of Gladiolus, six Spikes: es stion. Sup- a port the annual event has lto some directors, who state that|2rrangement was Mrs. Joh nimrs. Archie Whitmee and Mrs. the entries to date are increased Stoneburgh, of Toronto, while Clarence Tink. been faliing off steadily for the wo. jac vear irs. W. P. Marshall and her| past few years This despite Many factors have been gisisiam juice the lizlunce of Mrs. Archie Whitmee. {ence Tink and Mrs. Les Guy. awa the finest a Mamed for lack of interest local-| The best bloom in the flower| Basket of Mixed Flowers! Mis.| Dristyoud A with ly. Chiefly. there is the matter show was a Decorative Dahlia of Les Guy and Mrs Albert Sowers: Mis. . minik and . Ont of a date which would allow local rose beige color grown by Lloyd | Maskell. { eo Karnath, of "he "finest dairy herds. be e fjlarmers to show their crops to|Johnston and named F. W. Bard-| African Violets, collection of VEGETABLE SHOW a nest i breeding estab- the best advantage well Mr Johnston received a|three, all different colors: Mrs. | Collection of vegetables, tk x lishments and. without question,| However, fair schedules for the lovely chia jeapet, ream and | Charles Silver and . Mrs. A.|specimens each of seven vars seme of the fine whole of Ontario are worked out Sugar set donated by' Simps IGtaham Videt a color: |1€ties: Lloyd Johnston, North to ensure that the smaller shows|* 3 hc | rican. Violet, one, ar if W 4 . f Canadas top seed pro- do not clash with the larger Leonard Weeks, 92 Grenfell yrs. Jack McMahon, Miss Leona| Heels, tle Yaris, Tie Ie Ol aOR iu lavents such the CNE. It is|street, won the M. McIntyre Hood |giinion and Mrs. Charles Silver. | SPEC : » ducers are located here, while Evens su he : ne| Trophy for securing the most|™ 5 0.0 tuberous, three and Leonard Martiftnthird. s far: OMmes Ontario. also pointed 1a seasons ria 1 s | 201 y A | 2 inh Bn ne Th vary, as. far bringing crops points in the novice section of Mrs. Joseph| Carrots, ble yay Folnston, } 2 y, as g Tots, » Hire counties are stated to be way / y y. ahead of most areas of compar- the show (Clogs, any color: wns along, is concerned > Dominik, Lloyd Johnston and|specimens: I : Shows evervwhere mean a jot BEAUTIFICATION AWARDS | Leonard Martin and David Pugh. size in the province ; Corn, three : Mrs. Clar- € [Mrs. A. Graham. ¢ hard. extra work for the farm-| Prior to the close of the exhibi-| Phlox, perennial, three trusses, : bis i > ru kr sa so that tion Lloyd Johnston. president of any color: Richard Branton, |ence Tink, second. j respect are no|the society, announced the win-iMrs. Albert Maskell and Mrs.| Cucumbers, three specimens: than ners in the Garden, Garage and Charles Silver. {Lloyd Johnston and Mrs, Archie School beautification competi-| Asters, five blooms, large var-| Whitmee. tions and awarded the trophies: |jety; Mrs. Archie Whitmee, Leo| Onions, any type, three speci- NEED PARKING Garden and Landscaped prop-|Karnath and Mrs. Albert Maslelsimens: Miss Leona Stainton, There is little doubt that the erty as viewed by passerby :|. Asters, Heart of France, five Lloyd Joh and I d existing buildings are totally in- Mr. and Mrs. Les. Guy, 762 Sim-|plooms: Jelle Reker and Mrs. | Martin. se of show the coe street north, won Tod Chal-| Alpert Maskell. \ | Onions, Spanish Type, three It ig/lene Cup. | Carnations, three blooms: Jelle specimens: Mrs. Clarence Tink, obvious, too that much better| Owners, Flower and Vegetable p.yyer Mrs, Clarence Tink and | David Pugh and Lloyd Johnston. arking facilities are needed Garden, over 3000 square feet™Tyi. Archie Whitmee. | Peppers, any variety, three than those which can be muster- Mr- and Mrs. Jos. Dominik, a Cosmos, five blooms: Mrs:|specimens: Leo-Karnath, Mrs. J. { at Alexandra Park. It is rea-| Ritson road south, Horticultural, cio whitmee. Dominik and Lloyd "Johnston. onable to assume that a fais Suciety Cralicnge Cu Vegetable] Cockscomb, three blooms: Mrs.| Potatoes, any variety, three amount of resentment has been Gon, ie 3000 square feet: | Albert Maskell. : |specimens: Leo Karnath, Mrs. J. built up against the fair in re- yr and Mrs. Sidney Burnett, 765! Marigold, African, three) Dominik and Lloyd Johnston. oicent years because" of increased yoo avense Cooper Smith blooms: Mrs. Les Guy, Richard| Potatoes, three specimens: a residential holdings in the area. cpajlenge Bowl. Branton and Mrs. Albert Mas-|David Pugh, Leonard Martin and Residents in the neighborhood, Owners, Flower Garden .over Bel rico, Fronds, ive blooms: Mes, Sivhie WHINR seditious: of Alexandra Park cannot be re-{2500 square feet: Mr. and Mrs. conciled to the cluttered appear-/0. C. Weeks, 85 Montrave ave-|Lloyd Johnston, Leo Karnath and|Jelle Bakker, Leo Karnath and Miss Leona Stainton. ance of their streets with hun-|nue, Horticultural Challenge Cup. Mrs. Charles Smith. |dreds of extra cars parked all} Owners, Flower Garden, under | Pansy, five blooms: Mrs.| Any other vegetable, not class- lov er the 2500 square feet: Mr. and Mrs, Al-|Charles Smith, Lloyd Johnston|eq: Mrs. Archie Whitmee, Mrs. | {J, Dominik and Lloyd Johnston. lace. Traffic in the : larea is a) and a_great deal|bert Maskell, 537 Park road south, and Mrs. Moers Maskell: li fof di fort is e» need gen-| Mike Bouckley. Trophy. | Petunias, double, ee i made Hoa HE re I vis Siscomtont is ex E21 Rented Home, Flower and Veg-|blooms: Lloyd Johnston and Mrs.[NOVICE SECTION obvious that plans for a $100,001 oo ooo hift the CtaDIe Garden -- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink. ; | Asters, amy color: {fair building were useless at the APTeione plang i |Jelle Bakker, 119 Colborne street petunias, ruffled or fringed, Weeks, secdnd. Alexandra Park site locale, especially #mong YOUNE- least, NConger Lehigh Challenge|three blooms, Mrs. Charles| © . any color: Alexandra P¢ . ler members of the fair board, |g ol" Nene {Senitn. Lioyd John and 3 fy osmes It is not vertain Whether He will undoubtedly gain a good deal| "Rock Garden: Mr. and Mrs. | Clarence ok ston irs. | i Mo PO wolf: ar wi 1 av stage © ' f- vi € | {nerd Would B a made|°% Support from city folk {Leonard Weeks, 92 Grenfell Petunias, single, not ruffled,| Weeks, second. cortain' commitments. However, FUTURE PLANS street: C. Ewart McLaughlin|goe py) : Lloyd Johnston,| Gladiolus, any color The younger members point and. Mrs: | Maskell. | Gladiolus, smoke, one spike: for the fact that Osh-| hub of one of ultural producing ). It contains some is the as out as able two months direc board have been ble thinking about thi In the past tors of the cons conditions in this worse in the Oshawa area are elsewhere id problem doing following the and they there may be some ses in the format of year's event, chan show NEW SITE? F and foremost. it is likely that a site will be found for the three-day fair, just outside but of easy Oshawa resi- hout 'travelling 4 the adequate for the tyy rst directors wish to put on ew the limits enough access for to attena wi in thic event deal of copsideratitin en to park it is likely » board over . had acco in plans montns great deal the show at Alexandra However, the city fathers, with lan eve to general expansion of the rity, could not promise an unlimited tenure for the fair at its present site This immediatelv Imade boards plans for perma- improve Park. Cess, JERSEY SHOW | The Jersey Parish Show. one of the fair's biggest attractions, Weeks, o "7% minute last vear becafis€ of the failure of some of the herds to the necessary health certi- ficates prior to the show. This caused a big gap show and kept This is only part of the plans|cpaflenge Trophy. away which some of the more enter-| post Kept Large Garage was Maskell. mang; people prising 'among the directors can| gain won by Cliff Mills Motors! Snapdragon, five spikes: Mrs. | ther factor which may or|visualjze following a change in!ytd. at the corner of Park road| Albert Maskell, Richard Branton | tors are determined to make this White Double Shasta Daisy,| Weeks, first. outstanding sheep show section, t . |with top prize money, could not|Grounds was won by Hanford| Roses, three blooms in var-| Petunias: . | : Leonard Weeks, 7 8 g L the sixth year. | Proximity of the National Stud|School for the sixth y fon ard Jelle Bakker. third. a Wo Sec ic vival|Down, proprietor of the Texaco show section which would rival{Down, prop stocks, five sprays: Mrs, Les| Zinnias, in the! {who received the H. O. Perry a Archie Whitmée"and Mrs. Albert| be responsible for aitheite of the show. and King street. west and Jelle Bakker. Nightly ot despite the lack of grandstand,| Criallenge Yt Mrs. Albert 'Maskell and Mrs | Weeks, second. . i : wer ky MI ue : : i and adequate buildings, the direc-|out that with the fine stock avail- hori aS 537 Park ro a d| Clarence Tink. Marigold, African: a IS ns how section. |SOutH, Pelt Bros. Challenge Tro-ls e "blooms: Mrs. Albert Mas. Marigold, French: complete with sheep dog trials Kept Public Schdpl kell and Lloyd Johnston. Weeks, first. Loomnd be: organized. Wage. jani Sunse ights|iety: William Fulton. third. he: organized Wagg, janitor of Sunset Heig s| eset one bloom: William Ful, ¥ as Farm, with its fine stock, should| Best Kept Small Repair and . ; Yarge: Weeks, + {ensure the success of a horse|Service Station was won by Don joss, vie spiay: Doriunge 0) ot, rge: Leonard : » CN , ; inter Service Station at the corner of Pom Pom: Leoni je CSE oe ova Winter Brock and Simcoe street north,|Guy and Mrs. Albert Maskell. | Weeks, {car Scabiosa, five blooms: Mrs. m---- Lodies and Escorts Room midway Is "ORGAN MUSIC Nightly at the Genosha Hotel this day as far as exhibits| ida in the/from Oshawa people this year," he added. at not finding animals showrings. GET THE BEST For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTERING 926Y2 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA RA 8-6451-or RA 3-4131 PT uF L spike: 11 racing events| There is no =~ason why the fair| k i. Norse = racing vegetable show: Verbena, five sprays: Jelle |of the things' we have to talk| containers: Mrs. Les Guy. : Mrs. blooms: Mrs. Clarense Tink, | Smith, miniature: Lloyd Johnston 'and! Zinnias, land Mrs. R. H. Branton. |Mrs. Clarence Tink. % ferent colors: Lloyd Johnston. | "Any other annual, not listed, k | Gladiolus, yellow, one spike: {bert Maskell. Gladiolus, orange, one | " and Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Tink. | interest in the fact that] diy, wong like to get industry oS ' I Sw i ays: Mrs.) vhi rertised : SUY FLOWER SHOW RESULTS | Sweet Peas, nine sprays: Mrs. while the show is advertised asi; go Oshawa area interested {Albert Maskell, Lloyd Johnston |B hree-day affair, the livestock Following[#re the results of the d Jelle Hakker various classes of the flower and|30d <Jelle Ba ' | » plac til the Friday should not become one of the best ' : {30 Nol ake ace un "Ylagricultural and industrial shows Display of five different kinds|Bakker, Mrs, Clarence Tink au | bi oe in the country. These are some|,r garden flowers, in separate! MIs. A. Graham, | Actually. while the Zinnias, giant flowering, three about following this year's] (Collection of Cactuses: show," said one director. |Charles Silver, Mrs. L. Guy and Richard Branton, M Charles! a eV 7 Id like to|Leo Karnath. | Smit! : BoweNer, Ne oi | Dahlia, six blooms pom pom: | Zinnias, large hybrid, three |L. Johnston. [blooms: Leonard Martin, Mrs. Dahlia, two blooms, cactus, | Les Guy and Mrs. Clarence Tj | Mrs. Charles Silver. _ |plooms: Leo Kar J Dahlia, one bloom, decorative: lance Tink and Mrs. y. {|Lloyd Johnston, Richard Branton| zinniae any other "variety: Dablia, one large cactus or yn. one spike, any color: Mrs. semi-cactus: Lloyd Johnston. Mrs. Albert Maskell Dahlias, basket pom pom, dif- la I # : and Lloyd Johnston. Gladiolus, white, one spike: | 3 gH i Mrs. Archie Whitmee, Jelle|three specimens: Richard Bran- [Bakker and Richard Branton, |ton, Mrs. Les Guy and Mrs. Al- [Mrg. Archie Whitmee and Mrs.| Mantel Arrangement: Mrs. Al-| {| Albert Maskell. * ibert Maskell, Mrs, Joseph Dom-| i |inik, Miss Leona Stainton and { Mrs. Albert Maskell i Clarence Tink | Centre piece for dining table: | Gladiolus, pink, spike: Mrs. Clarence ik, Mrs. Charles one \ Has a home to suit, you, your family, and your budget Everything is backed by 'the, Kassinger guarantee « » . Satisfaction, nothing less. { another ytandard item in Beau Valley Homes. ® stop at our sgle office on Rossland Road near Ritson or-Phone RA 5-9121 or 8-6421 Staditm on Saturday evening, | tary of the Oshawa and Dis when Hamilton City defeated {Ost Kick 10 in their O trict Soccer Association and Oshawa ckers in er On- | y tario Challenge Cup match, | referee Ray - Morgan, of To Watching the Mayor in action, | ronto. are Terence V. Kelly, secre ~Oshawa Times Photo

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