Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Aug 1959, p. 8

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i! ther, the bride chose a gown of | ADDING THEIR SIGNATURES Sagriff of Oshawa and the | bridegroom is the son of Mrs Armand Castilloux of Kent Pictured after their wedding recently at Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church are Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Castilloux. For- | Junction, New Brunswick, and merly Misc Susan Marie | the late Mr. Castilloux. The Sagriff, the bride is the daugh- | couple will live in Oshawa ter of Mr. and Mrs. John ! --Pnoto by 'Hornsby Modern Chemicals Kill Dreaded Poison Ivy Each year, hundreds of holi-|/tive people may be affected by days are marred by an innocent |the volatile oii in the looking three - leafed plant --| poison ivy. Some people can touch this pesky weed without any ill effects but for others even a whiff ot the fumes from broken or burning plants will cause the itchy blisters to appear. smoke Though poison ivy doesn't grow in cultivated areas, it often thrives in the woods around su mer cottages camps and picnic grounds t people |congregate to inspect ithese areas ly before It is relatively easy to rid an children and in explor- area of this dreaded plant with|ing. Even the family dog t modern chemicals. Three which|Can CarTy enough sap on it . : x . to contaminate a will do an effective job are Chip-| gon man poison ivy and brush kilfer, | i A y Poison ivy plays no favorites atlacide and amino triazole. All\young and old alike are affected three .are used as a spray but|by its sap. If someone does come care should be taken that nonelin contact with it, the exposed of the chemical gets on trees, |area should be washed immed-! plants or shrubs for it will de-|iatelv with a strong soap solu- stroy them along with the poison|{tion. However, if watery blisters ivy plant. It may take two treat-|are the first indication of con ments to remove the weed so|tact, bathe the affected part with check it tvo to three weeks after|a solution of bicarbonate of sodal the first spraying. If there are|and avoid rubbing as the blisters! still some parts of the plant|will spread to other areas, Don't thriving, spot-treat them with an-/use powders which will form a other spraying Never burn the|crust and cause further irrita- weed because particularly sensi-|tion. where It is wise thorough vets beg or ¢ sensiti e per- ZZ) G Haass MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF TODAY One year old today is Pat- ricia Leanne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strutt, Osh awa boulevard north. Pat- | ricia"s grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Strutt and ' Mr. and Mrs Benjamin Mitchell, all of Oshawa. Her great grandmothers are Mrs. Jack Pratley, Oshawa, and Mrs. Norman Strutt, Whithy. --Photo by Ireland THE SCHOOL OF DANCING Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Baton, Pre-School Sat., Sept. 5th, '10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Acrobatic Registration: at the MASONIC TEMPLE "91 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA Information: RA 3-7253 & sleeves : Whitby and the late Mr Women, Dial RA 3-3474 | Women's Editor Jo Aldwinckle, 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, So Gary Tummonds of Port Perry Weds Muriel Birkett of Raglan | Port Perry United Church was|Franklin Trull, was matron of| the scene of the recent marriage honor with Miss Donna Bray and of Muriel Geraldine Birkett of|Mrs. Dennis Tobin as tou anti] Raglan and Gary Allan Claire|Gowned in white and mauve em-| Tummonds of . Port Perry. The broidered harem - skirted nylon{ Reverend E. J Linstead officiat-|gowns with white feather hair-| ed. Miss. Gloria Hastings played bands and white accessories, they| the wedding music and Mr. Ken-|carried sprays of mauve feather- neth Hallet sang. led gladioli and white chugganthe. Communion - was administered mums. ¥ | y the bride and bridegroom at| Best man was Mr. Frankiin J.| the conclusion of the service. |Trull with Mr Murray Birkett| The bride is the daughter ofland Mr, Claire Howsam as ush- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bie ers. Raglan. The bridegroom is the ; 'i son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tum o's Cole ress of Doir blue with monds of Port Perry. % aw lace trim and white accessories, | Given in marriage by her fa- and a corsage of pink roses. | The bridegroom's mother was gowned in rose beige crepe with matching panel of chiffon and| white accessories. Her corsage was white carnations. Leaving on their homeymoon r points around Lake On-| turday, August 15, 1959 | { and lace Chantilly lace The slim long sheath and an oval neckline, accented with folds of organza caught with clusters of sequins, | which was repeated on the bil-|lo tour : ) lowing skirt above the deep or-|tario, the bride chose a blue suit ganza flounce featuring a slight|featuring a fitted bodice and weep. Her fingertip veil flowed shawl collar with white accesso-| from a sequin studded head- Iles and pink corsage of carna-| dress matching her gown and she/|tions. . | carried pink roses with white! Upon returning Mr. and Mrs. chrysanthemums Tummonds will reside in Port The bridegroom's Mrs. Perry. . PERSONALS Miss Carol Stezik and Miss Jo- Sir Irving aad Anne Topping, both of Albert|Perbright, Fr street, have returned home from visiting their Miss St. Andrew's College, Winnipeg, Ann Coulter, Toronto Irving after attending a six-week sum- has been Lord Chamberlain of mer course. They showed their London since 1945. appreciation to St John's : Dhraimian Junior Woman's Aux-| Miss Alice Anita Joann Hart iliarv '"'Barvinok', who sponsor- whose marriae to Mr. Morley | ed them, by Carol taking first Franklin Fice will take piace prize in public speaking and cloud white nylon organza hodice featured sister, Lady Gane and, who sister-in-law, Sir of are Jo-|Northminster United Church, this Anne taking first prize in writing evening, nas been feted at s and coloring Easter eggs. All the eral pre-nuptiai parties. Mr. were conducted in| Mrs. Edgar Steed, with Mrs. Jac Crawford as co-hostess, entertain- ed at a mixed party for the You are invited by the Social bridal couple when a chrome Department to send in any little table and four chairs were pre- tems of interest. News of teas, sented. Mrs. Stanley Fice ar- parties, showers, anni- raned a miscellaneous shower versaries: and comings and at her home, Garrard road goings are always very accepi- north, Oshawa. Miss Norma able and for which there is no Elliott and Miss Beverley Imrie charge. Please write or tele- were co-hostesses at a miscellan- phone RA 3-3474 local 18. |eous shower Following the re-| hearsal last evening, the bridal Mrs. James Sproule and fam- party was eniertained at the ily entertained at the Guild of Giohe Cafe, Oshawa, and later at All Arts, Scarboro, in honor ofthe home of the future bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. m + |Hart, Celina street, Oshawa. | SOCIAL NOTICES and Mrs. Arthur Holmes, Marv ENGAGEMENT street, have returned from a Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Bell|motor trip to Boston, Mass. and of Scarborough wish to announce Old Orchard Beach, Maine. While the engagement of their daugh-lin Boston they visited Mrs. ter. Elizabeth Joyce, to Mr. Holmes' brother, Major H. Barry Edward Henderson, son of Bailey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hender- ------ g shawa. arriage is to on, Oshawa. The m DOOR FOR DOGGY take place at Kimbourne Park United Church, Toronto, on Sat- Yi Fido always seems tobe on the wrong side of the door, urday, September 12, at 4 p.m. better give him a door his ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Garnet ovine! The Americans have coma with an Thompson, Whitby, announce the engagement of their daughter, UP Betty Marie, to Mr. John Rus-| arrangement sell Bea, son or Wy ill ti mounted in the bottom of Russell Be 3 2a! 10 "take Screen door. The porthole has place on Saturday, September 12, eight triangular polythene plastic 1959, at 3.00 p.m. in St. ay vanes arranged like a camera Irew's Presbyterian Church, 4 0. mo go through the port- Whitby. hole, a pet pushes through the ENGAGEMENT d centre the iris, which The engagement is announce fers Title resisiane 'tv 1 augh- offers little resistance to nose of Betty Ruth Stonehouse, daug and head, As: he Toves (HIONEH. > § S chouse 0 A ter of Mrs. W. J. Stone De the polythene triangles close house, to John William Fice, son snugly behind him of Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Fice| of Rochester, New York. The| courses Ukrainian Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Clarke r of ingenious porthole which can be soft of | CHILD GUIDANCE ANOT | "modern homemaker is more con- pressed. It was pointed out some | "fashion interest than she is with|sonalities when Don't Blame Your "Nerves" If You're Inclined To Overeat By G. CLEVELAND MYERS You may remember the time when many persons who were overweight had no qualms about eating what and when they liked. The word had come down from a few medical experts that some kind of glandular imbalance or irregularity was the chief cause of obesity in parent or child. Then why not eat and be merry Why struggle to countrol the appetite : 4 HER MYTH But in recent years medical authorities have shattered gland-| responsibility for obesity as just another myth, except in very LACK OF SELF-CONTROL rare instances. { Obviously it has never occurred About the time when most per-{to persons who find escape in sons were facing up to realities| "emotional disturbances" as the and were beginning to struggle|leading cause of poor control of to control their appetite for|appetite, that the alleged cause foods, especially the more fatten- might easily have grown out of ing ones, along came another|lack of self-control and that lack hopeful panacea for quietiy the|of self-control at three, six or 40 conscience when self-control re-| generally presupposes lack of garding intake of food got weak adequate parental control in --emotional imbalance earlier years. . There are some overweight BLAMES EMOTIONS cases, of course, which need So in many instances the Per"| medical or psychiatric care. But son who may not manage his cal-|thay probably are relatively few. orie intake can now blame it on a Rel his emotions, as though he has (My bulletin Educating Your no personal responsibility for Cid in Responsibility may be their control. had by sending a self-addressed Therefore, when Mother con-|U-S: stamped envelope to me in stantly nibbles in the kitchen, or care of this newspaper.) when she and Dad and the over- | pARENTS' questions | weight teen-ager nibble as they Q. I often find small toys and) hil Ty. Dey can blame it on pieces of games and puzzles of 0S E «rss our children three and four out Maybe they just say, It's on: the lawn nerves." Then, when these par-| What should I do about it? ents see their youngsters from | three to 15 always eating some; A. Make clear to these young- weets between meals, .many as- sters what things they may or sume it must be "nerves" caus- may not take outdoors. Set pen- ing them to do so. alties not for losing such things A certain mother, referring to outdoors but for taking them her 13-year-old son who was there. lately growing overweight, said she consulted her physician who! explained that nothing could be done about the matter -- "It's emotional." 1 just happen to know that that boy, from the time he began to toddle, has never been denied any sweet morsel he wanted and has been generally uninhibited, a sterling product of excessive permissiveness. While the mother regrets her son growing so very stout, she feels relieved of re- sponsibility for not having curbed his freedom to consume sweets, always on hand, excessively. CATHOLIC NUPTIALS Pictured after their marriage | and the late Mrs. Andrechuk, recently at Holy Cross Roman | ganq the bridegroom is the son Catholic Church are Mr. and of M Edward Curt § Mrs. Donald Curtin. Formerly | I. ALN Ar urn oO Mis Anne Andrechuk, the | Downeyville, and the late Mrs bride is the daughter of Mr, | Curtin. William Andrechuk of Oshawa, ~Photo by Ireland Properly Selected Colors Can Transform The House by simply painting the dining walls and floor a deeper shade than the kitchen space. A mus- the yellow kitchen make a handsome combination and give the effect of two rooms, Large rooms lend well to bold reds, bright oranges, colors to fabrics and accents and paint walls in lighter shades dark or very bright walls detract from the furnishings. cerned to make an seem smaller if spaciousness peries tend large room warmer, but over- peting will do the trick. Neutral colors tend to small rooms seem larger, but if fine it to one wall. The up- Te- {on the list Soft "don't try" list for such a room. Southern exposures are de- "hot" effect. | provide the solution as do certain hot" pinks and reds, the oranges tard-yellow dining area and a pale themselves Patterned upholstery and dra-|{tern Dept., and 1S part of the plot and plan, plain- colored fabrics and neutral car- make you would like strong color, con- Painting the {woodwork to match the walls is col-| If you live in a warm climate,' light shade, but yellows are top reds are particularly ef- [fective in a sunless room. Most good | Plues and greens are on the sirable, but too much sunlight can If this is your problem, blues and greens | bluish-grays. Keep away from the STAY UP LATER | TPSWICH, England (CP)-- {Children who watch television {stay up 30 to 45 minutes later than non-viewers, says a report to a suffolk education committee. SEW-THRIFTY By ANNE ADAMS The coolest, easiest sundress to be found! You'll love the airy curve of the neckline, the prin- cess skirt that fans out beneath a shapely midriff. Happy note -- no waist seams. Tomorrow's pat tern: Misses' dress Printed Pattern 4761: Misses' Sizes 10. 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 takes 4% wards 39-inch fabric. Printed directions on each pat- tern part. Easier, accurate. Send FIFTY CENTS (50¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accept electric blues, but confine these ad) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, {STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- Oshawa, Ont. Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED By Electrolysis - and 7 the newest, fastest, Kree Century Series shortwave, revealing your true self, free of worry and embar- rassment. aes 4 © - FREE Consultation RESULTS GUARANTEED MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa at the Genotha Hotel August 18-19 Phone RA 3-464) appointment on these dates. ff for CARPETS From The Four Corners of THE WORLD All shapes and sizes NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 Mary St. RA 5.0433 TheFa "Is My | By ELEANOR ROSS . -- = | Life is colorful today--in {home anyway. Colors, properly selected, can Demand For Colored Sheets | cheer the disheartened, soothe | the weary and do over a drab : hd {house or apartment, transforming Results 1n New Packaging |it easily and inexpensively " |CAREFUL SELECTION Women are no longer satisfied | bedspreads. are now being design-| The homemaker is learning with just the utilitarian value of ed for men and women and boys| that, just as she carefully selects home furnishings. Interior decor-|and girls. Color, texture and pat- her personal wardrobe, so she ators generally agree that the tern influence the personality ex-{must select the colors for her home. These are the colors that with color, design and bedspread designs changed per-|flatter her, suit the particular in a different area in which she lives, drama- racticality color. Pastels and light colors in-|tize her furniture and accessories, Several instances were cited to dicate a feminine personality,|cover deficiencies and flaws. prove this point. for example, while the same design in dark| And, of course, the type of area statistics show there is a stead-|colors such as navy blue, brown, |to be painted must be taken into ily declining demand for the flat walnut, red and dark green are!consideration. white sheet, This has-been re-/more suitable for a man's room. Dual - purpose rooms, for in- placed by an interest in colored,| plaids and horizontal stripes, | Stance, can be created by simply fitted over-all printed and striped or geometric desi b |painting walls two different col- sheets and others with fancy|"" ? esigns, because of| printed and woven borders, They heir SPPEEIANGE, Were consider-| pp pER SHADE another enlarging device have been given such NAMES as eu. masculine patterns while the For example, a dining area can|simpler the carpeting and Rose Spray, Rose Trellis, Rose more delicate designs such as be set off from the kitchen proper | holstery fabrics, the better. Arbor, Maytime and others de- floral or lacy motif: ti RA a Sis i § signed to add to the fashion in-| femini ) OLL'S 'express al Kitchens and bathrooms, terest | ee personality 3 ating touches can help give a! gardless of size, should have Just as writing a musical score room a new lease on life. orful hues. Yellows, pinks and MIX AND MATCH or painting a picture brings cre-| pm his manufacturer believes Melon are especially good The current fashion interest in|ative satisfaction to the artist, 50. women should be encouraged to|COOLING EFFECT sheets has resulted in new pack- individual touches in interior dec-|geyote as much creative think-| aging at one large Canadian tex-|orating bring satisfaction to theling in dressing their windows as|paint your kitchen area sea tile firm. Sheets, previously pack- homemaker. That's the theory of ipey do in planning a wardrobe. green to make it seem cooler and aged in pairs, are now sold sing-|a large Canadian curtain manu-| "Changing window treatments is more pleasant to work in ly. Reasoning behind this is that facturer who is making curtains something the whole family can! Nort} a os. 'and. darth single packaging of sheets gives available in a wider variety of appreciate," he said. "There is|, 07 (eT CXPoSUFes anc Care today's homemaker an opportu- styles and color than previously.|,s much satisfaction to be ob-|:s ways respond to almost any nity to mix and match. For ex-| "Our aim is to provide the tained from changing the cur- ample, if a homemaker has one homemaker with plenty of op-|tains on the kitchen window as white sheet, she now is able to| portunities for mixing and match-| there is from co-ordinating a new use a sheet with fashion interest ing," he said. Correlated groups outfit." on top. of cafe curtains consisting of| Frequent laundering is A survey conducted by another styles in all-over floral designs|for most curtains, he maintained.} large textile company revealed and others in harmonizing solid| "Frequently the fabric looks more than 50 per cent of all colors carry out this theme. | more attractive giter it has been oresle a sales in home furnishings were ee et 4 |washed. And it's logical. e directly influenced by color. As REVERSIBLE CURTAINS !said, "to have other curtains on a result this company has cen-| If the homemaker prefers, val-| hand, possibly in a different style tred attention on color and tex-|ances are included in these co-|that could be put up as soon as) ture combination in bedspreads. {ordinated units. Reversible cafe the others are taken down. The color of the bedroom and|curtains with one side of a print-|Changing the style of curtains] the personality of the individual ed polished cotton and the other with the season. or the occasion, | who occupies it are the two most/0f a harmonizing solid color are|can give the morale the same] important things fo consider|also available to the homemaker lift as a new scarf or a new pair when selecting a bedspread, ac-|Who believes a change in decor-lof gloves." cording to this company's fash-|-- ion consultant. Since the bed is § the most prominent piece of fur- i niture in the bedroom, she says| TWO STORES IN OSHAWA | the color of the bedspread should harmonize with the room decor. MASCULINE NOTE This fashion consultant says marriage is to take place in Whitby United Church early in September. ELNA MONDAY MORNING SUMMER CLEARANCE TREADLE .. 4.99] aoe. 9.95 ancen 29.00 Noroc 99.00 59.50 Like New. rweicnt 09.90 EARLY BIRD NEEDLE CONSOLE Reg. $300 149 ELNA SPECIAL RA 35-2591 ELIZABETH ARDEN doaye KENMORE 1 SINGER SLANT city wd 8 KING ST. E. | PHONE RA 3-2245| DE FR OSHAWA A STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA 317 BROCK ST. S. -- WHITBY -- MO 3-2338 Dear Mrs. T. W. § Every sands dreds of thou lke yourself turn s of dollars worth of fabrics to launderers and cleaners without even a receipt. They have full con fidence that precious fabrics RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS day hur f people milli over Extra-Smart ! Extra-Warm ! "LINER" COAT 3998 | Style as sketched, and others. Aloe Grass AND Fane Geranium sed and in satisfactary condi- The world's most . ' week, year after year, in a luxurious soap! truly remarkable demonstra- tion of good faith. Naturally, there are complaints, but in relation to the total number of garments handled, the per- centage extremely small. Actually, Mrs. T.W.S. the legal liability of your cleaner or launderer is limited to the use of ordinary care in the Elizabeth Arden's lovely, memorable fragrances -- June Geranium. These custom Blue Grase and is milled Soaps --cold cream base, lanolin enriched and scented with rare French essences! Every Elizabeth Arden Soap lathers richly less a customer can prove that a cleaner or launderer has been negligent or failed to use accepted methods in servicing her property, he is not liable for damage. and easily. Fine Quality Wool HAND SOAPS --Blue Grass Coating. or June Geranium (box of 8) .now 150 BATH SOAPS--Blue Grass or June Geranium (box of 3) now 200 regularly 2.25 . . @® Fur-like Lining. Satisfocti isfaction Guaranteed by the You'll be delighted with the smartness and cosiness of this "Liner" coat, designed for coldest weather, and priced for the Thrifty! Sizes 12 'to 20 in black, raspberry red, tan, moss green, with fur - like "Orion - & -Dynel" lining. ("Dynel'"' -- Union Carbide's acrylic fibre) Satisfaction Guaranteed . squilarly 3.00 following members BOWMANVIL EE DELIVERY HARWOOD CL 530 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RA5-3546 Shop Now! Pay Later! Use Zeller's Lay-Away Plan! TELLERS LIMITED 226" SreveRson "so. s. PHONE RA 3-2209 MODERN DR DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. §. PHONE RA 3-2294 Liable For Fabric Damage?" will be returned to them clean- | tion, This happens week after | handling of your fabrics, Un- | PICKWICK CLEANERS & DYERS GILLARD CLFANIT SERVICE ALDSWORTH CLEANERS bric Doctor Cleaner Or Launderer ] You can see, Mrs, T.W.S., how vital it is to your pocket- book and your peace of mind that you do not take chances. Employ a cleaner or launderer you can trust. Select one who wants to remain in business; who takes part in community life; who keeps up with ad- vanced cleansing technics and new fabrics. He should res- pect himself and his business if he is to respect your fabrics. If you are as careful in select- ing a reliable cleaner and launderer as were in selecting your garments ori- ginally, you have nothing te worry about. You'll be assured of an honest effort to please you whatever your cleansing | problem. After all, a respon- sible 'cleaner or launderer wants your business now, next year and the years after. Choose him carefully. you LE CLEANERS EANERS, AJAX Y CLEANERS

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