Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Aug 1959, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson Tel. MO. 8-3703 | ! Clerk On Reach Honors Retirement MANCHESTER (Special) Grant Christie, retiring clerk- treasurer of Reach township, was| recently honored by Reach township council and employees who presented him with an arm- chair to mark his long associa- tion with the municipality The group, with their wives, visited Mr. Christie at his home, Dundrennan Farm, where Reeve| Howard McMillan, who acted as master of ceremonies for the occasion made the presentation. | An address, paying tribute to] | Mr. Christie for his long, devoted | service to the municipality was| & read by Reeve McMillan. The address signed by councillors) Tdward Dyler, Russell Rodd, | Farl Martyn and Russell Crosier| was presented to Mr. Christie. | Mrs, Christie was presenied| with a bouquet of red roses, and| 2 | several readings were given by| Mrs. Russell Rodd. Greenbank, |and Mrs. Doupe of Seattle, Wash- lington The council commended Mr.| f [Christie for the way in which he A greyhound who may make | race the animal next month at | stroking the animal on the a name for itself is owned by | one of the Florida Greyhound head George Magiire of 208 Palmer-| racing tracks. Photograph ston avenue. George intends to | above shows Bob Maguire, 20 -Photo by A. McCulloch Whitby Man Has TR Racing Greyhound Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harris, {their daughter Marilyn, Mr. and A blurred streak has lately across the property Mrs. John Newton and family, Mrs. W. Hall and Mrs. A, Hadley George Maguire, 206 Palmerston the southern United States, name-| avenue, Whitby. The streak re. !ly Florida, is it popular. In Eng- mained a mystery for a while|land and Ireland, greyhound rac- before a closer investigation re-|ing is widely followed with people] ppp Mrs. R. Gi vealed that when the streak slow-|taking bets on the dogs as they fa, au Fi 3. Siesmay Sui ed down'it turned out to be a dog. |are put into the cages waiting to/s Bamett of Port Whitby, are This dog however, was a grey- be released to chase the electric y,)iqaying in Ottawa. ! hound, perhaps the only one in hare around the track. | + this district, according to Mr.| Mr. Maguire can often be seen Mrs. Robert Hardie, of Cleve Maguire {taking Peggy for a run and with(land, Ohio, is visiting at the The greyhow 1s received in the dog racing season starting|home of Mrs David Mowat, Kent late January from George's next month, George is looking St. brother in Northern Ireland, forward to hopeful results from| are and Mrs. Gerald Cox, their "Over there my brother runs a the Florida tracks. |daughters Margaret and Helen, few of the greyhounds at the local] A dog must be 18 months or| pe spending a few days with race track," George said. older to be able to enter into the inoir parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rae The dog's name is Peggy and tournament, and before they can nd Mr. and Mrs. Cox, of Han- her father recently won a $3000 be entered the Ta iA ie, Hor over. race in the old country, George oughly che ) 3 = : went on to say. Every day, the|tor to see if they are physically |, Mrs. L urd su Js Sn ms dog is taken out and given some] capable of enduring the fast run. holiday at a cottage at Kirkfield exercise in which it limbers up| George who works at the On- r over part of the countryside. tario Hospital in Whitby during| Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leggat, of been seen, Greyhound racing has never of caught on in Canada and only in| in Beaverton. They were the guests of Mrs. Roy Mowbray and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moody. spent last Sunday.at a cottage |had assisted newcomers to soun g |eil, and for the fine financia {shape of the township economy. HOT Mr. Christie entered the muni-| It is not often that the side- | cipal field in 1925, as an elected! walks in Whitby get hot enough { representative. He became ward-| to fry an egg on them, but on en of the county in 1934, and took| Friday, Old Sol shoved the mer- over as clerk treasurer for! cury up to 130 degrees on some Reach Township in 1949. | sidewalks and above, Lorne THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 15, 1959 WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY ENOUGH TO FRY AN EGG? Silver, proprietor of Silver's | walk for the photo. Daring the Grill, demonstrates his egg-fry- | afternoon, downtown Whitby ing technique on the sidewalk | temperatures, in the shade, on Brock street south. Serious- | rose to 92 degrees, one of the ly, the egg was fried inside | hottest days of this summer. and then taken out to the side- --Oshawa Times Photo U.S. BUSINESS Consumer (interest rates will reverse the strike pulled down the Federal Board's industrial pro-| uction index in July to 153 from, {held jobs in mid-July, the labor |155 [ | department |the steel strike began July 15 and|offs in rail and other transporta |its effect on employment did not|tion industries as a result of the {show up in these figures. But the|girike, {current cash-in trend. | Reserve A record 67,594,000 Americans 4 55 in June. There have been numerous lay- reported. However, KIWANIS DELEGATES Don Tuline and Frank Godden have been named delegates for the Whitby Kiwanis Club to at- tend the district caucus in Co- Guaranteed Roofing © Asphalt Shingle ® Tar & G ® Built Up Asphalt Roofing by men with experience, SET AN ESTIMATE BY PHONING MO 8-3724 C. B. FOSTER & SON roller A FAMILY RECREATION Mom, Dad, and the kids con spend a swell evening together! Skating is great fum . . keeps minds and bodies nimble ond trim. Enjoy it together! SKale WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA SKATING EVERY TUES. end SAT. Keeps Buying NEW YORK (AP)--The Amer- been mild thus far," the agency jcan consumer keeps right on|said | buying. | The Federal Reserve Board's | In the hot, humid days of mid-|weekly report on department| |summer the optmism of the con-|store sales placed them nine per | sumer stony Say (iis Yeok as al~-nt higher last week than in| major wonder e business|1958. f [world 3 | ey dass . The sales boom produced such Ws he dors ed jusnusual developments as Radiol 1 k .: '|Corporation of America's cutting id Sheclators may ump Stocks its two-week plant vacations to} oD x ear Win . OveTmon: do {nar to keep up with television | 8 8 4 |and radio orders. General Elec- a SE wiiiage of his|tric announced it would not lay-| credit cards, the consumer in this| ff as many workers as Sng | summer eek eagerly bought ally planned at 'its steam turbine everything from to school suppiies. g ouying money is by cashing| RETAIL SALES UP |in government bonds. In July, for Dun and Bradstreet, the busi-|the 12th straight month, cashpins ness agency, put retail sales injof government bonds exceeded the week ended Wednesday four sales. igh i t fo wig. per oeut higher thas 3 TREASURY WORRIED |generator plant. | furniture : | way the consumer is get- [FILMS TIMES SUBSCRIBERS IN WHITBY FOR MISSED PAPERS AND WHITBY'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE BELL TAXI MO 8-311 If you have not received your Times, ohone your carrier boy first. If you are unable to con- RIGLER'S tact him by 7.00 p.m. STORE PHONE BELL TAXI 200 BROCK: ST. §. | cALLS ACCEPTED BETWEEN MO 8-9022 7-7:30 P.M. ONLY DEVELOPED 24-HOUR SERVICE Do justice to your pictures, moke sure they are sharp and clear, bring them to I | | CANNING BROCK ST. N. | | |vear ago, depending upon the section of the United States. This . trend has the treasury "There were reports of spotty worried. Congress has been| sales in some categories in cit- asked to remove the present 3.26] jes affected by the steel strike/per cent interest rate on the but the impact on'retail trade has bonds. The theory is that higher pe DUE TO A RECORD CORN CROP WE WILL REQUIRE EXTRA WORKERS THIS YEAR HELP WANTED MEN AND WOMEN FOR SHIFT WORK STOKELY VAN-CAMP FACTORY WHITBY Canning Will Start About August 20 and Will Con- tinue Until About September 15 With Two Shifts Working. REGISTER AT TIME OFFICE STARTING AUGUST 10 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 AM. BEGINNERS CLASS AND JUNIOR CONGREGATION EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH REV, GERRIT REZELMAN Srd Concession West of Brock N. ANNOUNCEMENT Bowman & Gibson WHITBY, ONTARIO (Insurance & Real Estate since 1923) 9:15 AM, RADIO BROADCAST 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL HOU 11 AM. AND 7 P.M. REV. JOHN GREENING of Philadelphia, Penn. Special Soloist: MR. GUNNER KNUDSEN EVERYONE WELCOME WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rev. John Smith, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs, J. Beaton, A.R.C.T. Organist 11 AM. MORNING WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 AM Girls ond Bovs 9 vears and over 1AM Girls and boys under 9 vears infant Care -- Junior Worship Take pleasure in announcing 11 e.m~--Dutch Service 11 a.m.--Sunday School in English 7 p.m.--English Service Everyone le Heartily Welcomed | the appointment of MR. E. H. (Ted) COATES and 'MRS. MARGARET C. LEE Whitby Baptist Church Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister Mrs. W. E. Summers, AT.C.M. to our real estate staff. Mr. Coates and Mrs. Lee have a wealth of real estate experience and are well and favorably known throughout the district. 10 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL C This will enable us to handle your real estate needs quickly and more efficently than before. cOPE STEREOPHONIC "Bias 5° EDWARD DMYTRYK **&;°*" ROBERT ALAN AURTHUR ; SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS AT 1:30 11 AM. MORNING to at the Leaside race track, |the rabbit has a hard time elud-| Dr, and Mrs. E. A. MacMillan Hmbered up more she will runimiles an hour. George believes tawa and Valleyfield and various will be raced. "This could mean! Only time will tell if a Present ini, and Mrs. J. Wright. They | spending a few days at their cot- 1 M1 1] R J ) 1 A 0 . S k d vacation. They visited their | | Mrs. Jane Neilson, of King- week and, with the exception of to 18.50; mediums 16-17; com-| Marshall, of Peel St. | wide concern at the increasing| milk industry. Slaughter steers and heifers mediums 16-18 the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, E.|urgent study to this problem. [problem of contamination, ; : rices mediums 20-24. i i iti week. Bulls sold at steady prices|mediums 29.31 her 16th birthday vesterday, Her|in the fall-out from explosions of by the responsible authorities. Whith Church lambs were steady boners 13.2 BOY STRANDED into the bones of human beings that milk can spread numerous : last vear.. Western! Sheep and lambs: Good handy- ; same week last year. Western P or The question of milk conan: ivere Britain, Canada, France, ts to the United States, |dredweight, sheep 4-10 according| t i exports to the United State wei eep according| to a tall silo at the Coldwater in Geneva recently by the World| ---- THIS SUNDAY BYRON ST. 8. AT ST. JOHN ". ums 23.50-25; commons 21-23; [creased its newspaper advertising| Ster had climbed up, appar URGENT ATTENTION boy was gone. He had climb- 3: x many national and international wide strike of 500,000 steelwork- 4] Assistant: Mr. R. Roxburgh RO C Phone MO 8-3618 : [ AR Investigations sponsored by the wage losses neared the $1,500,- The problem is considered so|cline in July for the first time in| WIDMARK - FONDA - QUINN Bond Is sues next year. |its index of industrial production highs this week in the face of Peterborough Man | All short Canadas now are Mrs. E. Hartrey of Thurnbury A | The 91-day treasury bill aver-|tives at Concord. [the Royal Canadian Navy in| from 5.98 per cent with a low|family are spending a weekend at|bee River here. He was trans-| rate, now becomes 6.41 per cent,| Mrs. J. Simons of Pickering - welt RES, | maxium - chartered banks ecan|&nd Mrs, F. Pearce Seven persons were Killed and SERVICE the day, trains Peggy in the eve-| Toronto, were recent guests of CLOCKED AT 45 ning. "When she sees a jack rab- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Maid- During a recent trial in Toron-|bit she takes off after him, and low, of Palace St. Peggy was clocked at 45 miles|ing her," George said. |and daughter Ruth, of Athol St., an hour. "This was her first trial| Several of the greyhounds have have just returned from a two run and possibly when she has|been clocked at speeds up to 60 weeks trip. They visited in Ot- even faster" George said. {that he has a very good invest- parts, Next month George sends the ment in Peggy and hopes that his| ,.. and Mrs. N. E. M grevhound to Florida where it|optimism pays off for him. | 8 Mn a ame 20, Pay 1 wins acy of from ireland WAL ay oR 18 da oy Sheds Tal oh. sien ee enters en CHa sto Bastiat ------------------| Mr. and Mrs. C. Marchant are tage at Rice Lake. aug ter att e£ ante Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McDonald, | of Palace, St., spent a week's | | daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and| . nd irs. Hagar, of winar,| * QPC1I tudies |and also relatives in Cornwall. TORONTO (CP) All classes|23.50; commons 18-20; choice fed| i ; 20 di and grades of slaughter cattle yearlings 26.50-27.50; good 24.50- | tom: is spending a few weeks By RODERIC McELVIE The meeting also discussed hy: met an active demand again this|26; good cows 17.50-18 with sal [ising her daughter and son-in- genic-conditions im tropical coun- é agai 0; 8 8 14. with sales|jaw, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond] GENEVA (Reuters) -- World-|tpries wishing to develop their bulls, price gains registered on!mons 14.50-15.50; ecanners and : rity i a all kinds at the Ontario public cutters 12-14.%0, good heavy bol-| ve and Mrs. Tony Brough, of | Tadissclivity of Wilk due 10 Col ROBLEMS STRESSED stockvards ogna bulls 1919.50; common and|,ohdon, England, and their son; iamination e : i i Ena DIL Sage; Tony Jr. spent a few days at|forcing governments to give The experts stressed that the sold strongly to 50 cents higher.| Replacement cattle: Mill 5 i iati icro-or- ih ps a " 0% wri "% | Miller, of 1805 Dufferin St., Port| The most dangerous of alll whether by radiation, micro-or Fed Jeuriings were iy 3 cents stackers iH 5% Wh Sock yhifie. 0 radioactive substances contained|ganisms, insecticides or antibiot- igher and cows $1 over last|calves up ' | Miss Annie Visser celebrated|in milk is strontium 90, present|ics, is continually under review with heavy fat bulls har ee] | Calves: Good vealers T | The: ras Veal calves sold stramtly fe. with choice t a top of 33.75;|friends wish her many happy re.|nuclear weapons. This element, They stressed, too, that apart lacements. hogs, sheer 4 mediums 25-28: commons 23-25; |turns of the day. which can remain in milk for alfrom the contamination of milk pi hogs, sheep an s Y Y considerable time, finds its way|by new elements, it is known h a recein sre about Hogs: Grade A 25: heavy sows : : : : Si on de recoints were ho 2 15.50; light 5 17.50: es and suimale, and particularly Yispases including tuberculosis . 1 about 700 head less tha .on. a dressed weight basis. into the growing bones of chil-land anthrax. , and about 700 head less than the ON TALL SILO dren. Represented at the meeting LET'S ALL GO St. Andrew's cattle receipts were 390 head and Weight lambs 23; mediums sold : i i jet! I P 161 stock calves. One load was downward to 20; feeders 18-20; COLDWATER, Mich. (AP) inetion a satay. considered Holland, India, Italy, He Sovie I T resbyterian shipped east and there wer bucks were discounted $1 a hun-| Police and firemen w a meeting e expert COM-\jpjon, Switzerland an he | / . . f pped east and 'there were no D Were SGI, | wiitiee vn mith hygiene, convened | United States. 0 PHONE 5 O CHURCH Church PRICES {to quality | Co-Operative Company plant. he UN - Slaughter cattle: Choice steers] | A boy, about 10, was en top, a Taniza 3 26.50-27;: good 25.50-2650; medi-| Last year the fuel industry in-| Employees said the young- tion. Bie 2 'No Sign Of Break good heifers 23.50-24.50 with alby 3.1 per cent over the previ-| ently became panic-stricken | few choice at 25; mediums 22-'ous year. wl Souldut get dows. ™ Members of the committee! FOF Steelworkers | FAITH BAPTIST = mie | cers chm up. The |were told that the problem is re- : 2. ceiving the urgent attention off NEW YORK (AP)--A nation- 5 ed down the other side. s r 423 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY WHITBY | bodies, including the UN Scien- ers was a month old Friday, with Pastor: Rev. E. C. Corbett, B.Th. » tific Committee on Atomic Radia-|{no visible sign of a break in the tion. |bitter deadlock. Production and | in EVENIN All-Time t Now Pla in MING SHOWS 7 & 9 P.M. International Dairy Federation|000,000-mark. | FEATURE STARTS ot 7 & 9:30 | gy» among its member countries The strike caused the output of | 1 h In also are in progress. |U.S. factories and mines to de- RICHARD H g | ENRY ANTHONY serious that another meeting 2/15 months, the government re-| the expert committee to con- ported, DOROTHY DOLORES sider it has been arranged for| The federal reserve board said MALONE - MICHAELS By THE CANADIAN PRESS dropped 170, Los to. 158 per) Canadian goverarmint' shot: PRINCE ALBERT jo of the 1947-49 average. term bond yields reached all-time . | rapidly Jeclining short Canada By F. E. SMITH prices. er bond s als Log prices also| pRINCE ALBERT -- Mr. and . ; Breaks His Neck yielding more than six per cent visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Snel as losses amounted to as much ac Stove Thursday. PETERBOROUGH (CP)- half a point in some issues. | Jean Newnham is visiting rela- Ronald Smith, 24, stationed with |age moved last week to 6.16 from|, Vera Newnham is spending a Parrshoro, N.S., broke his neck 5.73 per cent on Thursday. The|feW days in Whitby. Friday night when he dived 35 12-day bills went to 6.87 per cent| Mr. and Mrs. B. Snelgrove and|feet off a bridge into the Otona- award of 7.25 per cent. a cottage on Stephenson's Point. (ferred t ybrook Hospi [ ae discount rate, pegged at Boi and Mrs. B. Smith spent hgh wk pd YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE -25-per-cent higher than the bill| Thursday with friends in Toronto.|described as seri | tinh ous: WILL BE APPRECIATED up from 5.98 per cent and over has visited Mr. and Mrs. W, reas the siv-ner-cent mark for the first Vance SEVEN DEAD time. The six.per-cent rate is the A. McKee, Toronto, visited Mr BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters [charge on loans, and as a result| Mr. and Mrs, F. MacKay, Ux-/two injured Thursday in a bandit | loan extensions will be drastically bridge, were guests of Mr, and attack on a farm near Circsia, curtailed. Mrs. B. Smith at the weekend. 'ebout 100 miles west of here. 7 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP 1AM 4

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