Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Aug 1959, p. 19

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) |50--Articles For | Sale 50--Articles For Sale PIGEONS for RA 5-6856, RR . oe ex at Meaghers's SMALL cook stove for cool evenings terms. Many new models now at your cottage; also four wooden ki chen. chairs, Phone RA 5.2090 after you buy. Meagher's, 5 King Street p.m. 190b | West. RA 3-3425. QUICK sale, used Hecla (gas) furnace|ye™ vou pagement "damp? Then try and burner: one used No. 30 Ruud hot|g,otrohome ~~ de-humidifier. Speci al water heater. good condition: Dbest| yer one week's free trial. Parkway offer. RA 5-9538 Television, 918 Simcoe North. on SCM bicycle, "condition. Phone | RA 3-3043. Store will be closed on Mon vy hi = 190f d ys during July and August. ONE five foot used bath tub, one china |ELECTRIO ranges, an makes basin, one used toilet. Phone RA 5- 4241, | pletely reconditioned 90-day i | us |irom $39.50. Trvine Appliances, 50 Bond | and subiracting machine, East i hand operated, eight columns, PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon, arg old, valied S200. 3ny reason gall colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss, Osh- 1. |awa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church USED Gravity fursace, good conditicn, Street. RA 3-7624 with oil burner and all controls a3 SMOOTH top mattresses, 3.24% sizes. $59.95 value, now only on very reasonable| to choose | | | ADDING an 252 coil, all $29.99. THE complete contents of a rooming This is a repeat of a previous Sellout. | dred Calley spent the weekend i Toronto and are now the summer course in religious | educa ion | Belleville. house. Write Box 415 Oshawa Times. Barons' Home Furnishings, 24 188¢ Street South ZENITH television, with space com- ELECTRIC razor service depoi mand tuning you can control the iting heads, cords, etc., for all makes o volume from across the room, change electric razors. Meagher's, 5 King St. stations, ete Available at Meag-! West her's, 5 King Street West 6 x ® x 8 AXMINSTSR nu Sxcellent condition. RA 8-0754 en . MOVING to U.S.A. Contents of five] chrome suites, Asporite table and] o lete rooms. Everything must be|matc ing «¢ | pre sacrifice price: also '49 Olds. 6 seven sets only $2095 Car bed baby a $28.50 ' ] beds 56 kespeare nue. 186f| carriages. $28.3 'ontinenta eylinder, 567, Suskeoprare aia single size. complete $27.50 GE floor | ONE double and one single bed £49.95 slashed to! springs. Phone RA 3-3179 savings during the ONE modern 2-piece chesterfield an Wilson Furniture, chair, recovered, grey, full price $112,|Church Street y MO $2344; 1111 Centre South, Whitby. |SEE the spectacular new Buccaneers! | 1890 |3 to 35 hp with two starting models 290 |Come in and choose yours now Trade | ad |and terms. Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon| at Verdun Road regular $49.95| rug, putria.|spring-filled mattresses Apartment size| 186f | _three only, $22.50 gular Fabu! quid ation Lincoln, 300 amps., » phase and wood ARC welder, volts, 60 oy saw, Delta, tion transmiss 1 HP At Bil Street we fis them! er 8| you brea them + 1372 Simcoe South Bend, | Afuring arage ping ma- North USED telev pletely re inches 4 ft; typewrit hine aly from % to 5 HP gasoline engines or pipe threaders: prec ars, and many othe awa Machinery Co South, RA 5.9216 57 AJS motorcycle, 600 cc reasonable. RA 8.6057 HIGHEST prices paid for ture, also sell and excl Community Furniture St Street. Phone RA 8-113 DINETTE set. four chairs table, .coral, black chrome terfield bed matehing chair #25. RA 2.50% Reduced 20 to 40 percent 4 x 9 RUGS--S40.9 now ne l-- while they 1a cleared out at $20 83. While they 1 | Barons' Barons' Home Furnishings. 424 Simcoe st, § Street South your money back we i refrigerator REE rooms of furniture for only pe Chika Avenue. RA Ts Pay only $29 down. This includes 5-8333 bedroom suite, kitchen if coffee and step table: USED tires up lamps ete etc. Guaranteed better B. F: [Soourich where else! Barons USED tires, $3 by ge, 424 Simcoe St. S. Tire Store, 42 Bond reat West LARGE of re.conditioned |52--Legal Notices Television, 918 Sim- bookkes s, piston type build to order with motors ; ream Apply to: Osh 7 Simcoe Street | BENJAMIN 189¢ | sional exterior paint in lion: also 2000 colors * interior to choose from Paint and Wallpaper, 34 sets, 17 and 21". com Free 90-day and parts. Irvine nd East com on war white, $6.75 a in exter at or SELL our er's Column Ads I Dial RA. 33492 now tivestock ( ia if Want ers look KROEHLER and Sectionals extending $85; ch red twe 189¢ chesterfields, Sofabeds all new floor sam ples. Save $40.81 down delly s Ho u 424 Si Lowest prices guaranteed -- or Kelvinator Gliddon ft 290 185f | chesterfield zes, $ set, mattress RA most s 3 Sto 5-4543 ores, value than ar Dominion |Home Furnishi "selection I will not be responsible for any debts | contracted in my name, from this date on, by my wife, Annie L. May. August 1959. -- Gordon May 190¢ TENDERS invited for and trusses Children's material to the Arer | cen in the city for Pretty's Used Furn 3971, 444 Simcoe South. |13 S, motors and trailers. New and terms at Domin' Tire store, 43 Bond Street West, Oshawa AWNINGS or gay Free est Tende early deliverv| oiching Cleve Fox, 412 the Arena plain colors. prompt Order now for r and table rentals Simcoe North LAWN Cruiser power lawn mowers 25 18 in. deluxe mowers; just arrived for our huge sale, regular price $90.75, our| low low sale price only $59.95 This is] a genuine discount of 36 per cent Don't be disappointed, Hurry out to the Hil top Snack Bar on Highway RA an var service are becm Oshawo Varnish for this con Speciticatior obtained from tract may be the undersigned 2 between Oshawa and Whitby 83-6891 ALUMINUM railings Average window £10.95 complete Call Lowest oOr 3 3-7403 necessarily accepted windows, doors tender any se 1:00 1959 Tender August 21st, BILL SMITH YOU'VE TRIED THE REST TRY THE BEST Open Evenings secretary-Manager, FROM 12' CARTOPS Oshawa Children's to Arena Commission CRUISERS SCOTT OUTBOARD SALES AND SERVICE EASY TERMS AJAX MARINE NO. 2 HIGHWAY, AJAX, ONT CALL 1266 AJAX GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Finance 188¢ NOTICE T0 CREDITORS | AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF MORLEY MITCHELL BEATH, DECEASED ALL persons having claims against the estate of the said MORLEY MITCHELL BEATH, late of the Township of East Whitby in the County of Ontario, Farmer deceased, .who died on or about the 2nd day of May. A.D. 1959, are required to file with the undersigned solicitors for the executors full particulars in writing of such claims, on or before the 29th day of August, A.D 1959, after which date the executors will proceed to dis- tribute the said estate, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they. shall then have notice Trade-ins accepted Terms. pen evenings weekends MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD BROOKLIN, ON1 PHON $10 FOR YOUR OLD MATTRESS ON A BEAUTIFUL THER A . PEDIC SMOOTH - TOP MATTRESS WITH A TWEN TY-YEAR WRITTEN GUAR. ANTEE DICK BRADLEY'S FURNITURE DRIVE-IN 299 Simcoe St. South ond NE NE 87 Ontario AD DATED at Oshawa this 6th day of August 1959 CREIGHTON DRYNAN & MURDOCH, 5 Simcoe Street North OSHAWA, Ontario FRASER, | herein for the James Walter and Horace Parkhouse solicitor executors BEATH Vernon LEWIS Nehru Promises Border Defence NEW DELHI (Reuters)--Prime Minister Nehru stated firmly to day that India will defend its boi- der with Tibet against any Com munist encroachment Nehru also disclosed to Parlia ment that India has protested to | The Indian government had no the Communist! Chinese govern- | 'reliable" information that ment against propaganda describ- \Chang had referred to the three ing Indians as "imperialists." [states in his speech, Nehru saic : : "WE ARE ALERT." The prime minister was reply There were lar " Ct for mg to a motion by a right-wing | Tit Phd aliese lor member of Parliament calling for |<°° in Tibet, Nehru said, "but I|, 101 do not think that any 5 a debate on '"'the grave threat {ls Fe 4 at any large force Indian sect and territoriz tegrity eman g from the prop- aganda campaign let loose by the Chinese Communists " Nehru said motion was based on aewspaper reports of a speech supposed to have been made by Gen. Chang Kuc hua, the Chinese government rep resentative in Tibet Vajpayee"s concentrated on our fr er |Anyhow, we arc quite awake and | alert over this matter 5 no communication from the Ch The member, Atal Benari Va) nese government about the re- payee, said "huge Chines ®ldrawing of the MacMahon line, forces" were being concentrated | which marks India's frontier with on the borders of Sikkim and | | Tibet and China. Bhutan, which border on Tibet.| He was loudly cheered when he He added thai the security of Iv- |added in emphatic tones "As far| dia must be safeguarded and the (35 we are concerned the Mac- country must be ready to meet Mahon line is the frontier line any threat coming from firm by auarier | Juakie by geogré firm by treaty and firm PART-TIME POST I'here are about 12,000 post of in Canada, 500 of them phy a) d Col ers in 1 ation" of Sikkim at Lhasa, month bet called for the "lib Ladakh, Bhutan and a mass meeting ia |fices the Tibetan capital, BLACKSTOCK | from. Be sure to see the Zenith before | Sunday -- Rev, 0 charge Canon and Mrs. Chaperlin are rence and Linda, are on holiday | {of the church spending a vacation in the Min-|in the Windsor area | |Services in St will be | Unionville. erlin, Peter, were weekend guests at the ree- tory. Moore's Moorcraft profes-| they {Bruce and Fi | Elizabeth, 1 Nehru said India had received | ough, day usage and Ww By MRS. R. C, HILL BLACKSTOCK Rev. H transistor radios now avail. a family re-union. Service in the United Church holiday at Wasago Beach. was taken by Rev. G. den-Haliburton area for a month. taken by Mrs. E. R. Snow, lan Mrs. John Scott and Mrs, Mil- at Albert Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bowles the weekend here. Sunday a fam. ily gathering was held at {home of Mr. and Mrs {Bowles in honor of Dr. | Bowles" 95th birthday Mr. and Mrs. Mike {Sheffield were Sunday guest ° wr and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson and family are on holiday in Lively Mr. and Mrs. Don Hamilton and family, Oakville, spent last week with Doug Mackie Mr. and Mrs Roy Morrow, Rilton, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gih- son, Nanton, Alia., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard VanCamp Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yates, Tt ronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larmer, Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lar- Peterborough, visited Mr T. McMann Sunday Mrs. G. Wolfe and the last two weeks a Pollach and of boys spent o (tending Canadian Keswick Con- ference at Ferndale, Muskoka Mrs. Ella Marshall, Canning ton, is visiting Mr. and Mrs {Herb Hooey Toronto and Mrs spent will Vera Forder last week with Mr Forder Mrs. Ceci Ferguson 'and and Milton Payne, visited Mr. and Mrs Mountjoy Sunday Mrs. G. Fowler yg in Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bradbura ym. Sidney Newcastle, Montreal, Russell Fergus girls spent a few da the | Wilfred | R. B.| SOLINA By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA August 23 promo- tion exercises will be held at 10.30 in the church. There will be no church service Mrs. J. Yellowlees and Pat Davis visited the former's sister, Ida Reynolds in Our Lady of Mercy Hospital in Toronto Virray Yellowlees spent holi- cousin, Jimmy with Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davis, Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox and sons attended the Tink family picnic at Hampton Satur- day Harold Yellowlees and Helen and Pat Knox were among the 35 4-H Club members from Hasi- ings, Northumberland and Dur ham counties who made a bus trip to Middlesex County where toured farms and were en tertained in the homes of 4-H Club members Mr. and Mrs. Robert Malcolm izabeth visited John days Allin, Knox Rev Hong Mrs. Robert Sherwin Belleville, visited Mr. and Mrs E.R Taylor Monday . Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Broome {and sons spent several! days with {Rev and Mrs. Stanley Snowden Bancroft Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox and sons visited Mr. and Mrs W Knox, Brougham Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Law, Thorn hill, Dave Lycett, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shackleton and Barry, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs, H. Knox Mr. and Mrs, E. Spires visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bent, Osh awa Mr at J. Dyer Mr. and Mrs A Beevor and sons, Oshawa, Mrs Glen Glaspell and sons, Taunton, Mrs. Dave Dyer, Helen and John nie, Columbus, attended a picnic al Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe's home. Mr. and Mrs Ellen and Larry end near Minden with Mrs. Ted Hutton Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and children attended a picnic at Hampton Park Mrs. Dechert. Helen Dechert and Douglas Dechert, Toronto. were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Knox Jean Baker spent sever vith Mr. and Mrs. J Jr., Oshawa Elizabeth Johnson spent holidays with Jean Baker Helen Baker, Toronto, was at {home for the weekend and Mrs, C. Johnson and Hilary, London, are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and Mr. J. Baker E. Ormiston of visitor Mr. and Mrs. Alf Allin sons, Bowmanville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs and Mrs and Ross Cryderman spent the week Mr. and al days Smales, London, cousin, of her Ebenezer also a ind Sunday Wes Yel wlees Mr. and Mrs visiting Dr. and Werry at Pigeon Mr. and Mrs. Myles Hutchison, Bailieboro, Betty Sorg, Peterbor: visited J. Kivell Evelyn Hockaday is on holi with her cousin, Sandra lott, Peterhorou h Mr. and-Mrs. Fran eld, Mr ] M S. E.'Werry are Mrs. George Lake and Parrinder Mr. and Mrs Don Taylor, Wil last | staffed hy full-time eivil serv-|liam and Valerie visited Mr, and | " 'ants, , (Mra, M. Samis, Enfield. Wesley Bradburn, Mr. and Mrs, | Lewis Henry, {and Mrs. Frank Carter and fam-| ily, and Merrill Henry and family, Mrs. P. Romeril and Dennis have manville, were Sunday guests of| |stead of the United Church, Port |left for the Channel Islands for Mr. and Mrs, Crozier of Whitby. Next Sunday, 5 few days last week with Arthur! Robert Werry will be in/yanCamp. John's Church COMMUNITY SHOWER Alfred Hill,| There was a good crowd pres- Graham was appointed secretary ent at the shower for | and Mrs. Jimmy, Mr, and Mrs. Eric Chay- Community Monica and Marcia evening. occasion. ed of a a music by attending Plano 1 {readings by Mrs. Murray Byers|and many To useful articles College, | and H: |discussion led McLaughlin with Mrs |BARAINS of a Nfe time! ! Serta and family, Kirkland Lake, spent Camp, weekend guests and Mrs. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, August 15, 1959 | M. Batten as leader. Mrs. Edgar | {Heron gave a summary of the program for the group as out- | [lined at the convention in Hamil-| S. Lin ton Mrs. 19 | plauded when he warned the in- KEDRON -- Services will be pital. ter - American foreign ministers resumed at Kedron Church Au-, Mrs. F. Werry, Mrs. C. Werry, conference to be "extraordinarily Fred Daw has been re-|gust 16 at 10 am., and 11 am, Mrs. W. Werry and Jeanine were Cautious" about changing the appointed leader of the Explorerfor Sunday School. guests of Mrs. Ewart Nichol, [principle of intervention. Group and Mrs. Ray Taylor will] Margaret Plaskett and Verna Oshawa, Wednesday, when she Brazil, Colombia, the Domini be leader of the COC group for|Lehman, of Guelph, were Se ie at tea for her future/can Republic, El Salvador, the coming year. {night guests of Mr. and Ms, gangicter in-law, June Wood. Mrs. |Guatemala and Costa Rica also. Jean, Pauline and Beverly Murton Walters. i. Werry assisted in the dining spoke strongly in favor of con- Godda have returned home after| Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe, | hy {tinued adherence to the principle spending their holidays at Hunts-i Mr and Mrs. Murton Walters anil - fof non-intervention. ASHBURN By MRS. R. RICHARDSON ASHBURN Rev. E. KEDRON Blackstock, Mr. {home from Oshawa General Hos- Maple Grove, Mr, and Mrs. | Bow-| Joe Bradburn {Perry, had charge of the evening Lorna and Rita Harris are on|service in Burns' Church, and | will conduct the services during] spent August. The August meeting of the Auxiliiry of the WMS of Burns' Frank Butt, Law. | Church was held in the basement Jim Raines, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs Mrs charge of the meeting, R. Batten led in prayer. Mrs. Ray Deeming, president, had and Mrs. | Mr. and held in the Wednesday | in the absence of Mrs. Death A CGIT group is being formed for the teen-age girls with Mrs, Alan Hoskin, Hall, Neil Malcolm was MC The program solo by Mrs 3 .,| panelists the Dayes brothers, | The couple solo by Catharine Bailey,|with a folding -|Hamilton and Ralph Strong as were presented ville with their grandparents, Dorothy, were Sunday auc} lu None 2 the speakers' mens Vers Leach and Mrs. R.|guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy 7 Bir ion astro or Cuba specifio- {Paynter motored to Kingston and Pascoe, Whitby. merican |ally. Su he Cuban revolution. took a boat trip to the Thousand] Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werry,!| jary, and to a lesser extend Vene- Islands |and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Luke of |auelan Present Romulo Betan- Mrs. W. Knight who was a Toronto, spent the weekend at! t y ac patient in Oshawa General Hos-| Mountain Lake, Haliburton oun ries Sted with being Shiefy Tespon- pital has returned home Mr. and Mrs. M. Walters and, Fy ye or the wave of unrest in -| Dorothy attended the Tink re- e Caribbean. FISHERS IN SPAIN [union picnic Saturday ap astro Charges by the Dominican Re- B ARCE] ONA Sp. in (AP) Ms ang Res. oger k on yo Ca is he aig SARCELONA, Spe {and daughters made a two-week| § ground Movie Actress Elizabeth Taylor | camping trip in Vermont, U.S L SANTIAGO, Clile (AP)---Seveno, foreign invasions led to the table and ch and her husband, singer Eddie]! Mr and Mrs. M. Walter and made obvious Wednesday night! of the conference to dis. |Fisher, arrived today by plane Dorothy made a motor trip to[that they oppose interference pyjSuss the erisis in the Caribbean. from Paris. They motored on {o|Northern Ontario, and Wer e|Premier Fidel Castro and his] Ba Sagaro, a se {guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cuban revolutionaries in the af-| Barcelona, where Miss Favre is| Storie, Lake Couchiching |fairs of other Caribbean nations to start work on a movie Mrsy F. Rahme has "returned! Mexico's Manuel Tello was Hamilton called for the with music pro- D. Wilson and son arvey Graham, and a panel| Brian by Mrs. Harold square dances, Keith Van-|vided by Mrs. Ernie Swain, Brian Lloyd One of several types of Cana- {dian falcons, the gyrfalcon of the Mrs. Arctic is a large, swift bird. EATON 'SWOSHAWA "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded" Lr PE, sore me STORE HOURS 9:30 AM. TO 6 P.M. FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M, = rg Tew SAVE...on Golfing Gear! Take advantage of this special selling . . . the low prices on this fine quality equipment ! "STROKEMASTER" GOLF SETS Men's left and right hand, women's right hand only. Matched set; two woods, 1 and 3; and five irons, 3, 5, 7,9 and putter All have stepped-down "True-Temper' steel shafts; irons have weighted flange soie, straight line face scoring. Woods have per- simmon head with inlay face. All 3 @® . 5 have 3-tone leather grips. EATON EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 261 "WATERPROOF" CANVAS GOLF BAGS Modified 'Keystone' ring--14-club oval with two-club seperator large boot pocket, selector ball pocket, combined sweater pocket and travelling hood, plus accessories duplex pocket. Of durable cotton canvas with rubber backing; trimming in vinyl with moulded rubber base. Complete with carrying strap. Three-stay construc- tion, colour is green with beige trim. Opportunity Day, Special, Set: 2 EATON Oppertunity Pay, Special, ® woods and 5 irons PHONE RA 5-7373 Plastic Mattress Protectors Protect your mattress with a well-made, washable, plastic cover. In zippered or contour styling . , . sizes to fit double beds only , .. Sparkling Glass Serving Plates Gleaming pressed glass plates . . . with cut in designs in both clear glass and glass with a frosted effect. Approx. 11" in diam. These may be used to serve sandwiches, cake or cookies. Two different styles to choose from. ® y bd DE mary tec AR ry vVew 35" EMBROIDERED SPECIAL PURCHASE OF POLISHED 36" RAYON BROCADES "EVERGLAZE" COTTON A Clearing Last of the Line Originally easy Much-Higher Priced! EATON Opportunity Day, Special Contour Cover, each 99 PHONE RA 5.7373 Zippered Cover, each 2.29 EATON"S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 222 EATON Opportunity Day Special, each BLES TO CO Tr Ti 58" CREASE-RESISTANT "BUTCHER LINEN" (Rayon) CASHMERE-FINISHED WOOL BROADCLOTH! A Beautiful Weave In New-for-Fall Shades! Ordinarily 4.95 Right in the new fashion trend tor tabrics with a soft silky hand handsome all-wool broadcloth with silk-soft cashmere finish! And it comes in the lovely "toned shades that will lend aon their W to 38" "DRJP-DRY" COTTON BROADCLOTH "Sanforized-Shrunk" . resistant colourful group in small-sized, Here's . Crease. round classic to wear, all-over floral pat- a low price on o year- . Hand-washable . Needs little or no ironing! ! An excellent "Butcher Linen" slub terns (woven through). Pretty bro qug}. ity rayon with ¢ Easy- Shuns the its crisp' look well this ttons threaded with ade that could * translate into lid/, Dloured em ground Char: Boer add much fc or And th ey I la glaze smart weave, holds hand-washable, the iron practical its care for this splendidly woven cot- . Ome. in s with ¢ signs * many attractive tashions from wrinkles, ton! Tremendous! CA) 4 § C ously 'popular for blouses for bn others dowr to fireside togs ! and jacket needs just o One of the use hands iresse and if don't your me separates touch of jance of fs + the piecers or rts! you five-o'clock costumes A This J) y the hand f price excit y v y-Red-Brown-Tone, 5 Eme or Marine-Blue, Greeny-Teal-Blue, Tan, Turquoise, Maple-Leaf-Red,- Natural, Copper- Tone, Charcoal-Grey, Light Aqua, Almond-Green. EATON Oppor- tunity Day, Special, 2 39 1] ou most weoves. for kirts children's wear for those mg In Caribbean Aqua tor home-decor! Pp tin wn two-piecer, a tailored dress or his ey're crea: r J vely t C tmas gift C the hy J R separates you mix and Ue wder Periwinkle, Light Moss G Red Deep Pink, Charcoal, Navy, Black White. EATON Opportunity a9 Day Special, yard " VF Trans ats! match, In Navy White € t Light Beige, Apricot, Powder maki also Red, Tan or Peacock EATON Opponents Day 99 Special, yord PHONE RA 5.7373 Summer kir asor Mauve, Beige Mint party dresses or hou eCcocC Powder, Pink, Doffo- fil-Yellow Tan, Blonde - Beige Orange-Ice, Navy, Black! EATON" Se Opportunity Day 1 98 ] Special, yard EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 233 ra hand or Royal Grey, me In all- begin!) In' Soft-Red, Black atural, Pink Brown white, Aqua, ~ f Yellow, Tan Dark- Blue Lime- Black Gold-¢ Bronzy-Tone EATON Opportunity Day Speciol, yard lour Yip y Lime Gold-colour areen,

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