Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Aug 1959, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, August 15, 1959 Big Four Season Starts Tuesday By THE CANADIAN PRESS (against Montreal. he said "his; He'd rather prove them wrong switched to the offence as a maie The Big Four football season|choice of his 12 imports will be next November than miss out on{for Bobby Simpson gets under way Tuesday night|a defensive combination rather|a prediction that the club will be, Clair is openly worried about amid reports that all clubs ex-|than an offensive crew. {a big winner. his deep backs on defence and cept Montreal Alouettes are] "That (Hal!) Patterson is ex-| The Aloucttes are stronger has stressed that facet in train- stronger--at least on paper. cellent," he said referring to Al- where they were best At quar-{ing. The line one of the best ] the opening games.of the|ouettes' star end. '"'Montreal's of - | terback and in the pass-catching|last year, is unchanged except foitr clubs' 14-game schedules, |fense hasn't changed much in the|department. Most impressive of|for the addition of rookie Mee Alouettes visit Hamilton Tiger-|{last two or three seasons." the new imports is quarter Wes|Racine, 235-pounder from Corn- Cats, defending eastern champ-| This was interpreted to mean|Gideon from Trinity College, (wall, Ont, and veteran John jons, and Toronto Argonauts, per-|that he expects Alouettes to rely|Texas who likely will be used Bove, a former import who now haps the most improved club,imainly on Sam FEtcheverry's/mainly as a defensive half and asiis a Canadian citizen meet Ottawa Rough Riders in the passes to Patterson or end Red|the veteran Etchevermv's under- - Capital. |0'Quinn as their main offensive] study. MUST PRODUCE The visting clubs Tuesday will {threat Walker still is looking for back-| For coach Hamp Pool, in his have their home openers Friday,| Trimble looks on his own club|field strength to go with Joel|third season with Argos, this is with Ticats playing in Toronto/as "more rounded" with the em-|Wells. In camp, he now has a(8 Pproduce-or-else year after fin. and Riders in Montreal, also at|phasis on rushing and defence.|fine pass receiver in Bill Glos- ishing ont of the three-team play night On the ground, the top newcom-|som from Texas Southern and offs the last two years. . : ers are fullback Don Schaefer|import fullback Veryl Switzer, ob-| His team sputtered into life REPORTS ON CLUBS from Notre Dame and halfbacks|tained from Calgary in an off.|last year with a sensational per- Capsule reports on the clubs, Billy Revmnolds from Pittsburgh|season swap for Pat Abruzzi. formance by glamor-boy quarter- by order of finish in 1958, 20 and Duane Wood of Oklahoma The two-way imports on the Pack Ronnie Knox, on loan from something like this State. all potential running mates|line are virtually unchanged, ex-|Chicage Bears, whol try to Hamilton -- Strong ground of-|for star Gerry McDougall. |cept for newcomer guard Ed Hill|break fast from the gate this fence stronger; line bigger and The Ticat line undoubtedly has|from Miami University in Ohio, [Year better. been improved by the acquisitioa|Centre Tom Hugo, guard Jacki| W'th Knox in camp at the start 'Montreal --Almost a stand-pat|of centre-linebacker Jim Taylor Simpson and tackles Billy Ship Of the season, the quarterback club, with a few changes among of Chicago Cardinals and two Ca-land Bill Hudson are back problem of last year doesn't ex- mport backfielders; stronger at|nadian tackles. They are veterar ist. He has Johnny Green, passer quarterback: thin on proven Ca- Oattem Fisher a former import, MAY BE TOUGH and punter from Chattanooga, as nadian reserves. who now is a C an citizen, | Ottawa's Frank Clair has qual understudy. Ottawa--Improved passing at- and Bronco Nt i. Jr.. Ticats' ity in quantity and may have the] The other big Argo problem tack with better quarterbacking: find of the from Notre team to beat this season. He has/last vear was the lack of good more beef on the line; backfield Dame three quarterbacks, any one of|Interior linemen. To correct this, of defence a question mark. Famed Bronco Sr.. was born in| Which could do the job: Veteran|Pool pick up guard Cleve Wes- Toronte--Quarterback problem Rainy River, Ont., thus making it Frank Tripucka, obtained in alter, Auburn's most valuable solved before the season starts; sible for Junior to choose Ca- trade with Saskatchewan Rough- player last year; guard Charley better strength on the line; some na, citizenship, despite his/Tiders. Don Allard from Boston Horton from Bavlor. Detroit good Canadians out for the sea- in Minneapolis, and not|College and Canadian Russ Jack-|Lions' No. 2 draft choice, and son with exhibition and training|have to fight for a spot on the|SOn Who was 2 sensation late last|tackle Jimmy Burks, Virginia camp injuries 12-man import list |\year. Tech team captain Now, the details He has added a power runner The surprise of the camp is un- Hamilton coach Jim Trimble WALKER UNWORRIED in Ohio State half Don Clark but heralded Bot Dehlinger from has a reputation for never going| In Montreal the sport writers stil is looking for a top-flight Idaho, a fine defensive halfback out on a limb. His terse replv who follow the Alouettes are pre-|two-way end But Argos will miss defensive when asked for- a prediction om|dicting a last-place finish this| Canadian end Ted Smale, a ton end Paul Fedor and centre Norm the 1959 season year, but coach Doug (Peahead) defensive player, has blossomed |Stoneburgh, both Canadians who 'It's too early. Can't tell yet."|Walker doesn't let that worry into a pass-catcher during the ex-|are out for the season with in- But looking to the opener him. hibition season and mar be jurles Ontario Soccer Title Is Prize Here Tonight at the Pan Americanjthree and lost none, in theirjgue. The Hamilton team is ¢om- Games at Chicago later this/march to the Ontario Cup final,|posed mainly of Scottish and month, was announced this week |against Oshawa Kickers. The! English players, though right- will officiate while the linesmen|teams eliminated by City were back Jack Davidson is a tiie. Championship between Oshawa will be referees from Toronto. [Hamilton United, Hamilton Ger- brew Canadian and one of the Kickers and Hamilton City STR A. mania and Windsor while Osh-|stars of the team. The game will start at 7:30 UNBEATEN RECORD awa Kickers eliminated the Osh-| The Hamilton lineup is as p.m., after preliminaries which| Hamilton City have been un-lawa contenders and Newmarket|follows: Goal, McLaughlin, de- will feature a "kick-off" by| defeated this season having wonland in the semifinal Sudbury|fence, Davidson and Ovens: Mayor Lyman Gifford. Ray Mor- nine and tied three in thelr|Olympia fell by the wayside to/halves, McKinley, Ramsden and gan, whose appointment as ref-'league schedule while they won|the Oshawa team | Plummer forwards, Allen, Cad- McDonald, Joe Burke and Sharpest threat on the Hamil dell, ton City forward line is centre| Harry Burke. | forward George MacDonald, who| By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR All soccer roads lead to Kins- eree men Civie Memorial Stadium tonight, for the Carling Cup final and the Ontario Senior Soccer {leads his league in goal-scoring, GAME HERE TOMORROW with twenty this season. Starry] Sunday afternoon, at the Stad- right-half Al McKinley played ium, Oshawa Strila will enter- with the famous Vale of Leven|tain a National League team, club in the Scottish Junior lea-/Toronto Tridents. ~ Oshawa Malta United vs Oshawa pay 4 and amateur Jack Straightaway from elevated tee TORONTO (CP) It doesn't her first North American tourna- Mary to make mistakes against/ment by a 5 and 3 count Kickers and Oshawa Old Country| Marlene Stewart Streit. Golfers CANADA.U.S. FINAL Club vs Peterborough UEW. Both |from Canada, the United States sames at Kinsmen Civic Memor-jand England will attest. to that. ial Stadium. first game starts al| The 25-year-old Torono mat- Assoc Ontario Championship Final] jers, at Kinsmen Civie Memorial Are Impo1 tant l Jere |Weldin Braves vs Oshawa Wil-| VANCOUVER (CP) -- Goliers Ellis of Vancouver each have shot wide fairway lined with trees narrow approach, Lakeshore Assoc. Oshawa | |dogleg hole to left, with narrow] DArTOW lon right. sides | CRICKET at Peterborough (League Game), |r ainfall makes it play longer. No. 2 -- 508 yards, par 5.trees on right side and more/trees on right. Left side of fair: = year Trophy), at Port Hope No. 3-- n Io. % 3 rards WA ay (Rosevear phy Pel This is the third tiie tte Cana: No. 3--164 yards, par 3. Deep No. 10 304 yards, par 4.17th fairways, long, narrow green Lindsay Lawn Bowling Club. 1.15/been played in B.C., the first) itn trees and rough. Large trap on right about half-right side of green. Trees on Aug. |, eiore sand trap in front, othericn dike overlooks wide, deep|tial dogleg to left, trees and rough {view Park. 200 p.m The competitive course record 5-520 yards, par 5 e of shots. elevated green has trap 15 feet , "UAW Dels vs Ritson Drugs. y, cei py Bert Ticehurst of Van- protruding on to fairway. and trees down right side, and | hankment. covered by trees and | South Ontario County League : a hfs ir championship, Ticehurst is on the syeen. built against an embank- boundary large traps on left front. | Oshawa Minor Assoc. 3 . 1. Stan {Sunnyside at F ing at 200-yard marker running - t Oshawa: (Ban-|- 1 1) oot |Corners: Fernhill at LJ] |zames at 6.30 p.m | League Playoffs) Beaton's ° In Final Round FRE [6.30 p.m McCarter - set tite Lo tradition was the States final, the first since Mrs. |. week-long meet. The novelty cision by Mrs. Bruce McGhie of J,e5ser of Seatle, Wash new weapon that is fo reploce pro | , FAY \ the Canadian women's open the match. She didn't discount 0 on a DCRA program, TAMPA. Fla. (AP John HULL, Que. (CP)--Pari-mutuel|the Canadian five-time champion! choot today in the last part of previous record set about a|approximate one-under - par 36. | (Dick) Hampton, 45, of Camp {Hi Lee and Progress, in the $300/ EASY FOR INVADER Cerne Outen oy . {nine hits, two of them doubles, weeks ago by Wilf Zeron of Mor- easy time with Mrs. McCarter. Sqdn, Ldr game was second CP)--D. McKeri-|the mile in 2:08 3-5. re and was four up at the, |chants match for eight-member ® e TODAY'S GAMES ea i er on 1 lions ER ) (Carling Cup Tournament) Hamilton City vs Oshawa Kick- Stadium, 7.30 p.m. | {BASEBALL | Leaside Junior Assoc. -- Ideal| to green on left. Boundary fence |kinson's at Alexandra Park, 2.00 playing the picturesque Marine| hon-competitive rounds of 63. iboth sides and rough on the right.[on right from tee to green, with p.m. {Drive golf course in the Canadian OUTWARD NINE i. Be3i5 Yards, Der 4. Sto neuvow Sod," Legion vs Newcastle (Round- amateur Shemplonsuip here Aug | No. 1-33 yards, par > | pening in fairway between trees|Straightaway from ho 'Robin Playoif series) at New-|17-22 wi wise to keep a wary to right, with wide rough on and rough on left. and large trap fairly lar pped |castle, 3.00 p.m eye on the weather. of fairway. Trees and go plfairly large green, trai onal iin Od . wa es h to left. Green at an angle, 30 v. rf = § : | i ! | Tie soil on the 6,186-yard lay- TOUg nat | No. 9-430 yards, par 4. Another| No. 15406 yards, par 4. Green | Oshawa CC vs Peterborough, lout, par 70, is largely clay so to leit, guarded by large trap. |gogleg to left, with large line of|hidden from tee by grove of 2.15 p.m. When dry, a soot has consider-|Straightaway with both sides|irecs and rough on left {way li rough LAWN BOWLING {able roll. Strong winds are also a|lined by trees and rough, to un a No. eg by em au 1 3. Tee Mixed Doubles Tournament | yi ey iprotected green. A diol, over lake Detween 16th ay Lawn Bowling Club, 1.15 pm. - | | . drainage ditch on full length to Straightaway, narrow fairway { 0 |dian amateur title . tourney has| ; . i $ " . trapped front to back on left side, Men's Doubles Tournament, at| |right is out of bounds, left lined has rough and trees both sides.|with large trap on front half of Isince 1954 i . The ch ON : x SUNDAY'S GAMES |pionship ae oy a: 1-161, Yuds, ely Long way down fairivay, deep drainageiback of green and on right side R . 0 : rire # Nie a' slopes along 1 . slightly ditch ol 1 . lof fairway. |CRICKET the Willingdon Cup inter-provin- .0.0g green with water trap No. 11--167 yards, par 3. Tee] oo bP yards, 'par 4. Par |CC (Friend Game) at Lake-|15. traps on back and left side. drainage ditch. Another ditchion right. Lake on left side ix | 3 = 9 No. 5 5. Large near green is a hazard for hooked '|aiaral iar ai + IsoFmmatn S GAMES of 67, for the links on the north jrees and rough on right si 8 lateral wader bazard. Highly + i lt ' . arm of the Fraser River seven green which he arvow entrance. No. 12 305 ds a ) -- "A (First Round) o: : . green which has narrow entrance No. 12 > yards, par 3. deep on left side PWSU Inter "A us 15 |miles from downtown Vancouver, past large clump of trees on left, |Straightaway from elevated tee| No - 408 sie. par 4. Fair. 5 pub-ol.3 SEIIEK" ~ on dike. Wide expanse of rough|yay ¢ dete bo bia a es couver in the qualifving round of No, 6215 yards, par %4|72y on left bordered by high em E ark, the 1958 provincial amateur ficult in wind, with long. nar swale running around left front rough Drainage ditch guards |€cuo0e Cleaners vs M t Zion. Ah of green can deflect shois toward||zrge green hic 4 IS RE he 3.15 ot ish ; B.C. Willingdon Cup team this meni on the right side. Front of y large green. which also has two é aiid, x " . t e (Midget vear, for the second time green slopes sharply to left No. 13 487 yards, par 3. . League) Storie at Wood H Leonard, former pro at 7 407 yards, par Spongy fairway, with trees start- ernhill and South-|Marine Drive, imead at North tam Leaue) Storie at] » eo "Fiesde ar Simtel WOMEN'S GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPS ' . | } foodview a 101" a Bastions] Will Wind Rundle at Southmead and North loshawa at Radio Park. Al N t fri I'S. viariene oSireltl Up Today | Legion Minor Assoc. (Bantam |Dairy vs Ajax at Ajax and Vie- (CP) y i Itor Sorts vs Houdaille Ind.. at Both novelty and tradition [Alexandra Park. Both games at |of the Dominion of Canada Rifle dh] Association matches. |SOCCE awa and District Jane i : the winner of the Governor- stage for today's Canada-United General's match, main event of aL ._ Streit lost on the 37th hole in the wae 2 new match with This victory, plus a 6 and 4 de- 1956 final at Winnipeg to Pat|millimetre FN fle, th ae LE - ¥ . : 1|New York over Toronto's Mrs. "J let h x i " 00 p.m |ron, who looks like a school girl | et her get away with mur-|the 303.calb ur Lon, 3 8 Y der." the 31-year-old Englishishooting © Tc = DCRA roven that since she first won Pari Mu el woman from Middlesex said after was the FN'e. first - tu championship in 1951 Mrs. Streit's game she WaS|though many | competitors took . . Hi h amazed at her own horrible put- practice shots with it last year. 1e8 n orl ad uncanny game is Mrs. Marley agers 10 Dery iis he thissed : > i "Very time siie missed a sool,lination. match Friday were to up a flock of errors on the greens, ~~ © A ed bon : Henderson Burnett, 35. who|Friday in the semi-finals of the vagering at Connaught Park |stepped in to take the hole or the Governor-General's, firing 20 | Ww {Raceway reached an all - timefhalve it rounds at 900 vards. ians 97 through 1934) as : {Indians from 1927 through night, up about $5500 from the end of nine showed her with anjo,0" 2 0 "pus Maj. R. W yards ay. A ' in 1935, died Wednesday. Burnett ¢ i hep ia month ago. |She played consistently good golf|n gw was a victim of acute lukemia. The nine-race program also|and proved with pressure putting De a pes. Morgan, of records, one of which still stands| . 4 July 10, 1932 when he collected {D pace seventh, {o JE. MeGhie, whose golf carpio wen, the grand July 10, 1932 ¥ I : Frank Brook, 11-year-old for-eer was interrupted for nearly RIVE WOR, the Brand AGERegals : t I s the then] mer Perth pacer bought two OF, (ie NA ow 1n u suffered glandular fever, had an|, =" i ; {risburg, and driven by his son| 05 polis. |Cleveland 18-17 in an 18-inning | ; She also toured the front nine the RCAF oe Reynolds of Canadian Press Staff Writer [tion pace--the eighth--by touring|in an approximate 36 8 ugk ' TORON seo! Mani 1 Londo . FIGHTS LAST [mn of Torooio Friday might Second was Don McKay, owned turn, Manifobe vob He LAN Ne be / , : 4 | i me, shoo 357 of: phy from Bil' Duncan Jr. of|erich, and third was Tnias Joe,|ance in the Canadian Open and| Provincial tow ting {next with 549. y 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' TWO SPORTS "feechahs" are on tap for local sports fans today, with Wilkinson's and Ideal Welding meeting Sn a Leaside Junior Baseball Assoc. game at Alexandra Park this afternoon and then this evening; at Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium, we have the All-Ontario soccer #inal, in the Carling Challenge Cup tournament, with Oshawa Kickers facing Hamilton. City for the right to re- present Ontario in Canadian championship play. Ham- ilton City, with a record of an even dozen games without a defeat in schedule play plus three-straight wins in this Carling Cup tournament, are highly regarded as favor- ites for the title. However, the brand of soccer in the Dshawa and District Association is regarded now: as. be. "ing of high calibre and veteran soccer observers insist that the Oshawa Kickers are the most powerful eleven assembled in this area, for a long time, in fact, since the 30's, when Oshawa Nationals and Oshawa City teams were in their heyday Mayor Lyman Gifford will officiate at the initial kick-off for tonight's big playoff game, which is sche- duled for 7.30 o'clock, Members of the Board of Educa- , tion and other civic officials have been invited to watch the sudden-death champijonship game and of course, it's fully expected that the largest crowd of soccer fans seen in Oshawa for over 20 years, will be on hand to watch this game tonight. It's a big thing for the soccer folk of this community and in our neighboring centres, who have been working very hard in the past four or five years to * put soccer back on a top-level basis. With a team in the i Ontario championship finals and the governing body call- ¢ ing the game for an Oshawa field, it's obvious that soccer ¢ once again one of Oshawa's major sports. It's to be + hoped that they have. a worthy attendance at tonight's , classi BRIGHT BITS: -- Haven't time nor space to review * all the games here, but a glance at the "Sports Calen- dar" elsewhere on this page, will show interested ! sports fans that the summer schecules swing back into + high gear on Monday. With the GM holiday session over, all local lea both adult and minor, return to their chedule action, while in several cases, leagues are com- mencing playoffs this week. It's a ladies' softball playoff « game at Bathe Park on Monday night and a Bantam Le- gion boys playoff game at Alexandra Park also while Wednesday's calendar finds UAW Softball League swing- ing into quarter-finals, with four playoff games schedu- , led THE GOLD CUP tournament, annual highlight attraction of Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club, will be held nesday of next week. They've made new arrange- s this year, the Whitby Club's green will not be us- . as in former years. Entries have been cut down to 64 and all play will be at the Oshawa greens, but the GM Gold Cup and about $1,500 of handsome prizes have : sured another crowded entry list CHICAGO CUBS ised that old popular product, home-run blows, to de- feat San Francisco Giants yesterday which keeps the Na- tional League pennant race still in the red-hot class, with Giants, Dodgers and the defending Braves all still very much in the running YANKEES slipped a little this week but they're still not counted out yet, while of course, Cleveland Indians, chasing Chicago White Sox + all the making American League lively affair THE SECOND U.S. professional football league, embracing six cities, has been officially formed, with Dallas, Houston, = Minneapolis-St Paul Denver, New Yark and Los Angeles as the six new teams, in the new American Football League al ail way, are Eg the race a also | CANADIAN AMATEUR | Toronto Yorkshires vs Oshawa|cial team tournament, CONNAUGHT RANGES, Ont playing a woman's game, has The latest victim of Marlene's tin iy Some 300 survivors of an elim- Spearman of England. She piled| |ple ortstop r Cleveland |Canadiz on 2 OW t played dope I eve re Canadian Open 2nd boy od ont of track high of $96,454 Friday, Mrs. Streit's score card at the They fired 16 rounds at 300 and : s and for the old St. Louis Browns! T M | While in the majors he set two oron 0 an : o : produced. the highest quinella of(that a game is won or lost on| oo possible 160 inning game. He set that record five years since 1958 when she tches. He bad 703 of a . Philadelphia Athletics edged possibl By DON SCANDRETT {Jimmie, won the featured invita-| with 700. wrested the Canadian Kodak Tro-|and driven by Ken Kerr of God- This was her second appear- NIGHT a possible 600 points. Ontario Canada And U.S. Kingston, 21-18 in a hard-fought | owned and driven by Cecil Stone she went into the final in the un- singles bowling contest of Petrolia. |derdog role against the only RCAF Sgt. Peter Newman, 35, New York -- Argentina, outpointed Al~n Johnson, 185%, Braddock, Pa NL Protest Thrown Out In Tennis Finals By ARTHUR WILKES The girls' and junior women's | Canadian Press Staff Writer Isingles and junior women's { ldoubles also will be played today, | OTTAWA (CP)--A sharp-play- closing out the 12th annual cham- ing Toronto youth carries Can- pionships which started with a ada's biggest hopes for any hon-|four.day closed tournament for ors in He open Canadian gh Canadians only tennis championships which con-' pg, 1959 - > {clude today. Wb gp n hl CINCINNATI (AP)----Warren Harry Fauquier, 16, meets top-|/wasn't pressed in beating un- (Giles, National o {ranked foreigner Pancho Castillo|seeded Peter Monroe, 16. in Friday threw out a prot of Colombia and Hamtramck, Friday's semi-finals Sa Mig¢h., in the junior men's singles| Julie Heldman and George (oF on |final = Seewagen of Bayside, N.Y., have 80 v He then joins Don Curtis of To-/a chance to win four erowns| ig Se fifty |ronto in the junior men's doubles each jain & ; |final against Karl Hedrick of (Freeport, N.Y., and Jean-Edou- {ard Baker of Haiti. Canada's other hopes for hon-| ors rest with Ottawa's Pat Ryan |and Vicki Berner of Vancouver | winning three crowns Friday--{the coach's box {who play American stars Virgi-|the juvenile boys' singles, boys' | picked up the ball. nia Hesse and Julie Hedlman,| doubles and juvenile doubles. | {both from a tennis school at| {Hamtramck Francisco, during inning, with He girls' doubles with her sister|tw, ont. Teammate Ernie Ban |Carrie | 3 3 _ . [the batter, tapped a foul grou Seewagen plays John Hedrick pay outside the third base li Marilyn Shapiro of Syracuse|ing the ga won the juvenile girls' singles. SPORTS IN BRIEF FIRST CANADIAN WIN {ment of the circuit. A spokesman ROCHESTER, N. Y. (CP)--|said the league has just about Dave Millar of Toronto's Royal|completed its reorganization and {Canadian Yacht Club Friday be-{that Frank Gallagher, president, came the first Canadian to win would announce particulars in a {the 12th district Star class cham few days {pionship at the Rochester Yach fo. RCYC ENTRY LEADS | Skippering Indigo, Millar STE N Py : : {placed first, second and third Tipe CHESTER, ~ Aa le Viigon, 51, was Playing in {the three-day event. He also took |gign yacht Club, Toronto, won| TS ors competition {the Post Trophy for best indivi-|the 19th disfriot star class cham. | toured the par-71 layout in 72. {dual performance pionship at the Rochester Yacht RCYC also won the team tro-|Club Thursday. Sailing in Indigo | In the A class for golfers phy with Gordon Allan placing | Millar scored a second Wednes-|tWeen 50 and 59 years of age, lor out for interference. The Cubs won 20-9 Art Wilson Wins In Golf GUELPH (CP)--Art Wilson |golf championship {seventh and Hal Ferris taking day and now is in the lead of a|ltSh of Credit Valley captured| low gross honors with a 76. Low| eighth place. Races were run in field of 21 with 41 points good weather and light sever mile-an-hour winds HORSE BREAKS RECORD MONTREAL (CP) Dalyce Blue broke the Canadian record es : Fastnet Rock yacht race Friday| -year-ol ters } & > OTS Lor fr ree year-old esters be wh 3 correcied time f 0 oun, loners Wilh. Low i + 38 m 7 y ¢ rentt vets Raceway Fridey might. Pll % Symes Fhe was Tie ih ene joted by Dr. John Findley, the!d 48 -- wh es et Me i brown filly trotted the mile in = 3. Ner Dig nme alawanes. 2:04 35 She eturned $12.80, ALS SIGN HALF The C class for golfers over £5.70 and $3.40 MONTREAL (CP) Montreal | Was won by 3-H Lovett REACH NET FINALS {Alouettes of the Big Four Foot-| Thornhill with 86. F. Dennis EASTBORNE, England (Ap) ball Union Friday signed an im-|St. Catharines had a 65 net {Former Australian Davis Cup | POrt ig and released two ~ " stars Lew Hoad and Ashley others, Signed was Kent Love-| |Cooper Friday reached the final|lace, a 195-pounder from the vi. REMEMBER WHEN? . |of a professional tennis tourns-|Versity of Mississippi | Babe Didrikson Zaharias, (ment. Cooper beat Tony Trabert . r lof Cincinnati, 6-3, 6-4, 6-1. Hoad| RICHEST. IN WEST net honors went to L. Clark SWEDES WIN RACE Camp Borden who had an PLYMOUTH, England (AP)-- The Swedish yacht Anitra was| declared winner of the 605-mile/ York In the B class for golfers net 3 net the second net. 66. downed George Worthington,| EDMONTON (CP) ~y 72 ho! $15.000 - added Canadian Derby, |with a score of 300 for will be run today with 10 f s|The year before she had bec and colts entered in the 1%-mile American event. Co-favorites among the the British Women's Amat Davis Cup team, 6-1, 6-4, 6-2 MILWAUKEE GETS TEAM CINCINNATI (AP) -- Milwau- the fir kee will be represented in the In- three-year - olds are Ky Music| championship. Babe took up golf| ternational Hockey League next|from the Jack Diamond Stable of{on an impulse and won all the| |season, it was announced She died by tha publie slations ay Vancouver and Aerial Wonder of major tourname Mand D Stshis of Calgary. cancer in 1056 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | Alex Miteff, 208 | League president,i ment doubles lodged by Bill Rigney, manager| Chicago Cube game|Chesney. Beacom was beaten in : Cubs ahead 10-7, Chicago's Tony |that of H. Duke of Toronto who Miss Heldman already has won|mavior was on third base 'with/won the tournament |/in the boys' singles final affer|The ball was travelling toward|champion Neil Salk when Taylor |donia Rigney announced he was play- me under protest when the umpires refused to call Tay-| of | } Whitevale Golf Club near Toronto] 0 0 IL LE {Friday won the Ontario senior and has been playing golf 20 years. gross, 22 handicap, for a 61 net.| {tween 60 and 69 D. D. McLachlan | Downs took low gross| prize | {went to J. Muir of Thornhill with | a 97 gross, a 24 handicap for a| A. Sherk of Kitchener had world's 'greatest woman athlete |won the United States women's d { -- Western national open golf title 11 years| Australian coach of the British Canada's richest horse race, the|ago foday at Northfield, N. J,,| to w ---|Canadian to win the US. and|; ¢ 'on the City of | British amateur titles jor-Cany Borden Yun ihe Chg Rocky Hal Can ra TE 0 camp me H T YESTERDAY S !den won the consolation match. singles events were by narrow ard 0 Beat i STARS TT wR margine. Many weren't easy TORONTO (CP)--When Rocky | McKerihan, however, was sel- Hal Can stays down at the start,| go SSOCT dom pushed hard. |as they say around the harness! BE i Vice ATED PRESS keys Pick Jockeys A surprise defeat was that of | tracks, it's. a rare pacer that can blas ¢ : M Of Y Toronto's W. McChesney who beat nim [oiastel 0 4 isk Rotts tol an ear C.| Thursday night won the tourna- The six-year-old son of Atomic | NTO (CP)--The Jockeys' with partner Bomb-Ada Lee, owned by M. C. [score The Red Sox went on gg rig mi est|Tommy Mawson. Toronto's C.[Pappin of Pembroke, stayed| Pitching--Vernon Law, Pitts- Friday announced their "man of Beacom fought a tough 14-12/down Friday night, meaning hep urgh, hurled a five-hitter for his the year" award this year will third-round game to knock Mec-(did not break stride getting away |qqy, victory as the Pirates nipped|go to A. G. (Scotty) Ke of from the mobile starting gate.|io graves 2.1 Lh emncdy of He wasn't pushed at any point in " Winnipeg, general 8 x winning the $2,000 Class A pace Assiniboia Downs track. ¥ featured eighth race. | BREAKS SHOT MARK The annual choice is made by Rocky Hal Can, in winning his] LONDON (AP)--Arthur Rowe, polling ail jockeys riding om fifth race in seven starts here|210 - pound British blacksmith, Canadian. tracks. The Presents this season, raised his earnings|broke the European record for|tion will be made Oct. 22 at the to $5,003 in the good time of|the shot put at a track and field association's annual dinner here, 2.03.1. meet between Poland and Brit-| Kennedy supervised construc. Dune Campbell's Argyel Duke|ain Friday night. The muscled 23-|tion of Assinibola Downs and has was a pallid second nearly six|year-old athlete reached world|presided over it since its lengths back class with a heave of 61 feet. lmeet in June, 1958. Duncan took a one-point lead early in the 21-point Ontario lawn bowling tournament final after 20|ihe score was tied 2-2. He clung 10.146 the lead until the late stages. Duncan's wing through the the| {the next round the| Another surprise defeat was rinks Tues- ks, day night. Duncan took Duke ind | 14-12. ne.| Last year's Canadian singles eld of Cale- went down in the first round to Toronto's Gordon Picken in an extra end. f I CONVERT YOUR PRESENT FURNACE his Heat the Safe-- Economical Way INSTALL A CONROY OIL BURNER and "Deal With People You Know" IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION He be-| Al of | 83 be- | 0 of | of | the, les (A DIVISION OF McLAUGHLIN COAL AND SUPFLIES LI'AITED) 104 King St. West in eur | RA 3-348] of

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