Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 13 Aug 1959, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 13, 1959 Seek Careers In Teaching Two out of the three top stu- dents at the Central Collegiate lan to enter the teaching pro- ession after graduating from |papers. Ui A pretty blonde, Dianne Gunn, six first class ained Miss Gunn, equaled Bill's average and ob- honor H the daughter of m Miklas, son of Mr. and rs C. Gunn, 351 Athol street Grade 13 Results At OCCI Girl Student Obtains 6 Firsts Out Of 9 CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi. Mrs. M. Mikias, 477 Ritson road will enter Toronto Western Hos south, secured five first class|pital this fall to pursue a nursing honor papers to lead his class. career. mates With an average of 78 per | The third student and also a cent. Bill plans to attend. Queens future teacher, Douglas Taylor, § University where he will major|obtained six firsts in the June in mathematics and science. exams. Although he secured the § After graduation, he hopes to|six firsts, his average was 75 per become a teacher. During his|cent. Doug wrote eleven papers. high school career, Bill was a| Doug, the son of Mr. and Mrs. good part DIANNE GUNN all-round student taking|Charles Taylor, 541 Bloor street, . drama club and the school coun- this fall where he will major i i south obtained | legiate on the recent Grade 13|French Auth. 66, French Comp. ie taining six first - class honors Ronald J. Drapak: Eng. Comp. Dianne Gunn, daughter of Mrs. ] 70, Eng. Lit. 56, Trigonometry, C. Gunn, 351 Athol street east and William Miklas, sof of Mr. and 50. Mrs. M. Mikla: Ritson road Roman C. Dreossi: Eng. ghest stand-/Comp. 66, Eng. Lit. 56, History ing in the Osha Central Col-|61, Geometry 352, Physics 50, examinations held by the De-|67, Italian Auth. 82, Italian Comp. partment of Education in this|80. ; ; school. Pauline A. Durkin: History 60, : n Botany 70, Zoology 60. Dianne wrote nine papers, ob "p, ,0" A Cpdwards: Muse, [76 (over 75 per cent), and three dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth- days today: Marilyne Reid, 270 Wilson road south; Nancy Brown, 638 Park road south; Arthur Johnson, 666 Simcoe street south; Harry Thorne. 364 Louisa street; Bonnie Heard, 266 Gibb street; Rae S, Tre- gunna, RR 2, Oshawa; Aud- rey Gay, 126 William street east; Bert Grennon, 201 Celina street; Mark Mercer, 75, Geometry 50, Botany 66, Zool ogy 78. John D. Love: Spanish Auth. 50, Spanish Comp. 75. Michael G. Lovelock: Chemis- try, 58. Patricia A. McAlpine: Eng. Comp. 66, Eng. Lit. 61, Historv 82, Botany 67, Zoology 75, Latin Auth. 54, Latin Comp. 56, French Auth. 62, French Comp. 59. Mark G. Maly: Eng. Comp. 50, Eng. Lit. 55, History 38, CAPSULE NEWS FORT WILLIAM (CP) -- An unidentified official of the On- tario department of welfare ar- rived Wednesday to conduct an investigation into management of the Grandview home for the aged. The home's superintend- ent, William W. Spary, has been Home Probed For The Aged ing insecticides over the seething mass on streets, sidewalks and in houses. The maggots were the larvae of blue bottle flies forced out of the heavy rains, SEEK MISSING MANAGER BRACEBRIDGE (CP)--Police in football, basketball,|will attend McMaster University eil.-He is a living example of Latin and English. The course i I Geometry 55, Zoology 68. asked for his resignation within rry. J. Flintoff: Eng. Comp. 347 Richmond street east. braly and brawn. of four years' duration. WEATHER FORECAST Cooler, Drier Air In Sight TORONTO (CP)--Official fore-|Cloudy, clearing this morning, £ casts issued at 4:30 am.: |then sunny with some afternoon & Synopsis: Southern Ontario ex- cloudiness. Sunny Friday. Winds periénced one of the warmest | northwesterly 15 to 20 today, light summer nights on record Wed- tonight, easterly 15 Friday. po 8 Sgt, Conler, ariel air| Kirkland Lake, Timmins - Ka- ern ario Ting puskasing regions, North Bay, relief from his sultry weather to- Mo sunny today and day. Skies wa be Generally Friday. Little change in temper- sunny across e prov ature. Winds northwest 15 today, ince joday, but Friday will see light tonight and Friday. y cloudiness increasing from the southw est. Regional forecasts valid until Ww midnight Friday: Lake Erie, Lake Huron, West- ! Niagara re- glos, Windsor, London, Toronto, |moronto Hamilton cities: Cloudy, clearing Tv.anton this fico. Increasing cloudi-|g¢ Catharines . ness owed by a few scat-Hamilton tered showers Friday. Cooler to- Muskoka .. day, little change in temperature Killaloe . j8y. Winds westerly 15 to 20 Earlton .. ¥, light tonight, southeaster'y Sudbury ... 15 Friday. |North Bay .....ee. Eastern Lake Ontario, Geory-| Kapuskasing .. jen Bay, Haliburton regions. White River Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Friday | Windsor 65 |St. Thomas | = | {Wingham S588 LRR32822 INvesssssss % Comp. 72, Eng. Lit. 67, History 77, = 57, Chemistry 50. # Auth, 59, French Comp. 56. second - class honors (66-74). Bill also wrote nine papers and ob- tained five first-class honors and four seconds. They both had an average of 78 per cent. The student standing second on these examinations was Doug- las Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Taylor, 541 Bloor street east. With an average of 75 per cent,| Doug wrote 11 papers, obtaining| lon, | | 177, Eng. Lit. 78, Algebra 52, Geo- Eng. Lit. 50, Chemistry 60. Ian Forbes: Eng. Comp. 71, Eng. Lit. 51, French Auth. 53, {French Comp. 62, German Auth. 50, German Comp. 56. > James 8. Garrard: Eng. Comp. metry 56, Physics 55, Chemistry 81, German Auth. 50, German Comp. 55. Catherine L. Gibbens: Eng. six first - class honors and five comp. 64, Eng. Lit. 52. seconds. Eleanor M. Anderson: History, | Donald W. Andrey: Eng. Comp. 62, Eng. Lit. 50, Algebra 65, Trigonometry 69, Physics 66, Chemistry 68. . D'Arcy J. Beatty: Eng. Comp. 68, Eng. Lit. 66, History 69, Alge- bra 50, Geometry 51, Trigonome-| try 54, Physics 62, Chemistry 68. Eileen W. Berry: Eng. Comp. 76, Eng. Lit. 55. Raymond W. Besse: Eng. French Auth, 59, French Comp.| 58. Edward P. J. Bialek: Algebra 62, Geometry 63, Chemistry 57. Paul A. Black: Trigonometry | John Borovsky: Eng. Comp. 56, | Eng. Lit. 53. Daniel J. Boyko: Algebra 52, | 60, French| Botany 61, . Zoology Joan F. Brady: Eng. Comp. 68, | Eng. Lit. 82, History 88, Geome- | try 60, Trigometry 66, Botany 86, Zoology 83, Garfield G. Girvan: Eng. Comp. 64, Eng. Lit. 68, History, 66, Botany 64, French Auth. 78,| French Comp. 73. Dianne C. Gunn: Eng. Comp. 69, Eng. Lit. 86, Algebra 70, Geo- metry 73, Botany 87, Zoology 84, Chemistry .77, French Auth. 81, {French Comp. 75. | Glen P. Hickey: Chemistry, 50. William E. Hinkson: Eng. | Comp. 60, Eng. Lit. 73, History 70, Geometry 60, Trigonometry |50, Chemistry 61, French Auth. [go 56, French Comp. 52. Aubrey C. Hollis: Eng. Comp. 58, Eng. Lit. 51, Algebra 61, Geometry 53, Trigonometry 63, Physics 63, Chemistry 59, French Auth, 58, French Comp. 54. Garry M. Hughes: Eng. Comp. | 61, Eng. Lit. 66, Algebra 56,| Geometry 59, Trigonometry 71, Physics 50, Chemistry 71, French | Auth, 63, French Comp. 50. ~ Geometry 64, Trigonometry 55,| Ronald S. Jackson: Music, 72. gg Eng. Lit. 70, History R. Michael Johnston: 66, Botany 70, Zoology 69. | C. Patricia Johnston: Eng.| Comp. 82, Eng. Lit. 90, History 70, Algebra 50, Physics 56, Chem-| History |Auth. 50. R. Allan J. Meagher: Eng. Comp. 62 Eng. Lit. 50, History 61, Botany 52, Zoology 70, French William E. Miklas: Eng. Comp. 68, Eng. Lit 83, Algebra 82, Geometry 91, Trigonometry 81, Physics 72, Chemistry 81, French Auth. 70, French Comp. 73. George T. Pollitt: Music, 56. Peter B. Potocnik: Eng. Comp. 55, Eng. Lit. 50, Algebra 59, Geometry 50, Chemistr 50. The first five persons to in- form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period. The cure rent attraction: "Don't Give Up The Ship". Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Wilma. C. Schonberger: Ger- man Auth, 68, German Comp. 88. L. Jeanne Stark: Eng. Comp. 70, Eng. Lit. 72, History 85, Botany 69, Zoology 77, Latin Auth. 64, Latin Comp 52, French Auth. 73, French Comp. 69. | Susan §S. Strawbridge: Eng. Comp. 75, Eng. Lit. 67, History 59, Zoology 82, Latin Auth. 69, Latin Comp. 60, French Auth. 70, French Comp. 72. Douglas C. Taylor: Eng. Comp. | Eng. Lit. 78, History 77,| Botany 69, Zoology 85, Auth Italian Auth. 74, Italian Comp. 68. H. Gilbert Taylor: Eng. Comp. 69, Eng. Lit. 66, History 50. Edith M. Thajer: Eng. C 64, Eng. Lit. 52. Zoology 51, Ger- man Auth. 77, German Comp. 93 Ronald G. Tozer: Eng. Comp. | 56, Trig-| onometrv 50, Botany 54, 72, French Auth. 61, Comp. 50. | Robert J. Walker: Music, 61. | Daniel J. Wyrozub: : Latin stopped a movie in the middle . 71, Latin Comp. 77, French after parents protested scenes Auth. 77, French Comp. 76, | dealing with rape and dope. Theatre said it got complaints {from several mothers who om {tended a showing of The Beat P-|Generation with their children. |The show was stopped and the *|second feature shown. Zoology | agement hadn't seen the film be- Frenct [fore screening it. [ Eng. (tion picture The Bead Generation French Auth. 59, istry 52, French Auth. 54, French|Comp. 62, Eng. Lit. 65, Algebra has Oe released for showing in Parents Rap Movie On Rape. Dope INDIO, Calif. (AP)--A theatre A spokesman for the Aladdin at- The spokesman said the man. EDMONTON (CP) -- The mo- 30 days. UNLOAD STRANDED SHIP MONTREAL (CP)--Tugs Wed- nesday unloaded more iron ore cargo from the grounded Great Lakes freighter Thunder Bay in an effort to free it from a mud bank near the south shore of the St. Lawrence River channel. Can- ada Steamship Lines, the owners, said it was hoped the ship. would be refloated today. GOOD SAFETY RECORD TRAIL, B.C. (CP)--This south-| eastern British Columbia city, reached {its 1,700th consecutive day Wednesday without a motor vehicle death. LONGTIME STAR WORKER GRAVENHURST (CP) -- Wil- liam Walling, 74, for 36 years an| employee of the Toronto Star,! died Wednesday. Mr. Walling worked as private secretary to General Booth of the Salvation Army in England before becom- ing secretary to the late Joseph E. Atkinson, Star publisher. He later moved to editorial work. EXECUTIVE OFFICER TORONTO (CP) -- Clare H. Westcott, a native of Seaforth, Ont., has been appointed execu- tive officer with the newly- have launched a province-wide search for Harold Burton, 40, lo- cal branch manager of a dairy, who disappeared Monday. Bur ton, complaining of headaches since he was injured in a July 17 auto accident, may be suffering from amnesia, police believe. SET INQUEST DATE COLLINGWOOD (CP)--An im quest has been called for Aug. 18 into the death of three Colling- wood men drowned when the tug Bayport sank near the harbor mouth, Drowned were Capt. Percy Butters, 65, a Great Lakes captain for 44 years; Kenneth McInnis, 49, and Edwin McCoy, 49. . BLAME BOYS WITH RIFLES NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE, Ont. (CP)--Police said an elderly man was wounded here Wednesday when boys playing with .22 rifles accidentally shot him in the arm. Albert McQuire, 67, was standing in an orchard talking to another man when he was wounded. condition is satisfactory. FARMHOUSE ROBBERY ST. JOACHIM, Ont. (CP)---Twe armed community 25 miles east of Wind- sor of $10,000 in bonds and more than $600 in cash, provincial po- lice said. formed Ontario. department of energy resources, it was an- nounced Wednesday. CRACK DOWN ON PISTOLS NEW YORK (AP)--Police here See you tonight French Comp. 61. | 64, Geomet 61, Trigonometry | i Beverley Ann Bull: Eng. Comp. | ry gonometry Alberta as an adult film, P. J. A. Comp. 50. | H. Lionel E. Kelly: Eng. Comp.|67, Physics 59, Chemistry 68, Fleming, chairman of the prov- ; : 159, Eng. Lit 63, Botany 65, Zool-|German Auth. 50, German Comp. |ince's film censoring board, said Letizia Le Bussanich: Italian 'ogy 57. 58. Wednesday ' Auth, 60, Italian Comp. 59. Joseph M. Kowalski: Eng.! Karl P. Wysotski: Chemistry i Charles H. Davies: Music, 56. (Comp. 67, Eng. Lit. 70, History 61. *| He was commenting on a re- have moved to stamp out opera- tions they say have produced 40,- 000 illegal pistols. They said that cheap starters' pistols, with plugged barrels, have been im- in the Starlite, AIR CONDITIONED 70 Years Service For Newspaper CORNWALL, Ont. (CP)-- George Wilson, who has seen many an innovation in his news- paper career, is still apt to throw a contemptuous glance at a col- league's chattering typewriter and snort. "I've outworn many of those city and district personalities «nd WILLIAM MIKLAS events. { This is largely just o_retresh his memory. After working an average life span as printer, Te- OBITUARY porter and , he carries around a filing system of his own| MURRAY SHAND COATES in his head. | For many years Canada's lead- He remembers, for instance, a ing auto salesman, Murray Shand and can still outwear livery stable that once stood on Coates died in Oshawa Wed- bis life, Having just completed 70) His fellow editorial workers) Born in Reach Township, son He still walks to work six days which he was given a presenta- 95th year. lived holder, where he has been dis-| Freeholder editor and publisher, since 1900, and for a number of |Massey-Harris, both in the rest of the staff. ww 1915, he -. 3 3 ness, with McLaughlin Buick, and printer's devil at the Cornwall| Capone Given land his retirement in 1949, he setter by the time he moved into |Al Capone was given as sender the Alpha Lodge, AF and AM, $15,000 -- loot from an Ottawa cur weekly, The Freeholder, were On the package, mailed from in Toronto, and took a keen in- knows by name and sight. ter died in 1947. |tin, died in 1924, and a son, Gor- he was once Cornwall's roller-|a parcel might arrive when they Mr. Coates is survived by a son, > an Ottawa. supermarket man tors in Oshawa. He is also sur- The memorial service will be Mr. Coates was a member of Trig. C, Fr. A, C, in M. Jeanne Dickson: Eng.|76, Geometry 50, Trigonometry Comp. 64, Eng. Lit. 70, His- 63, Botany 54, Zoology 70, French tory 70, Geometry 55, Trigo- Auth. 68, French Comp. 68. nometry 50, Botany 74, Zoology| Joseph A. LaRocca: Eng. 69, Chemistry 53. Comp. 72, Eng. Lit. 72, History |port Jrom Regina that an appeal a {board has upheld a decision re- 60, Eng. Lit. 65 Algebra 66, jc ting the film as unfit for pub- Geometry 65, Physics 64, Chem-|j;n™ entertainment in Saskatch- Paul W. Zabudsky: Eng. Comp. ported from West Germany. The plugged barrels unscrew and can be replaced with ordinary bar- rels. | BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Results For Upper School | BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --A.2, Lat. C.2 Fr. A. 1, Fr.C. 1 | Upper school results for Bow-| Margot Rankine: Comp. 2, Lit. manville High School have been|2, Fr. A. C, Fr. C. C. announced as follows: | Peter Reynolds: Comp. 2, Lit. | Joan Allin: Bot. C, Chem. C,{1, Alg. 1, Geom. 1, Trig. 1, Phys. Geog. C. 1, Chem. 1, Fr. A. 1, Fr. C. 1. Robert Allin: Comp. 1, Lit. 1,| Jo-Ann Rutherford: Comp. C, Alg. 1, Geom. 1, Trig. 1, Phys. 1,/Lit. C, Bot. C, Zool. 2, Chem. C. {Chem. 1, Fr. A. 1, Fr. C. L | Peter Schaafsma: Lit. C, Alg. Roy Atkinson: Comp. C. |3, Geom, 3, Trig. 1, Zool. 2, Phys. Erie Barr: Comp. C, Phys. C,|3, Chem. C. {Chem. C. | Peggy Simpson: Comp. 2, Lit. Brian C,!3, Hist. €¢ Trig. C, Bot. 3, Zool. 1, Geog. C. Gloria Smith: Comp. C. Charles Trim: Hist. 3. Joan Turner: Lit. C, Bot. C,| Zool. 2, Fr. A. C. Ray Twist: Alg. C, Geom. C, Trig. 8, Phys. C, Fr. A. C, Fr. C. C, Geog. 2. Shirley Vagg: Hist. C, Bot. C, Zool. 2, Chem. C. Barraball: Comp. Fr. C. 2 Peter Belsey: Comp. C, Zool. C. Heather Bissonette: Greek C. 3. Sheila Brown--Comp. 2; Lit. 12; Hist, C; Lat. A.C; Fr. A. C; Ln C; Greek A, C.; Greek | 'Marion Buttery: Geom. C,| |Chem. C. My Serleon; Comp. 3, Lit. 3, C. Zool. C. Fi. C. C. Pat Cheetham: Comp. 3, Lit. iC, Bot. C, Zool. 2, Chem. C, Fr. {A 3, Fr. Comp. 3. | Linda Colwell Zool. C. Edward Cornish: Comp. C, | Trig. C, Zool. 2, Phys. 8, Chem. Alg. C, Zool. C, Chem. C, Geog. |C Albert Werry: Chem. C. Ken Williamson: Alg. 2, Geom. C, Chem. C. Nancy Wood: Comp. 2, Lit. C, |Alg. C, Geom. C, Trig. 2, Zool. 2, Comp, C |be discharged next spring. Col. closed today for construction: Comp. 2, Lit. °C, | Heather Webb: Comp. 3, Lit. | Don Weish: Comp. 2, Lit. 3, istry 70, French Auth. 62, French ean, CITY AND Layoffs Seen DISTRICT In Cobourg An Oshawa six-year-old, Dennis COBOURG (Staff) -- Layoffs are pending at 26 Central Ord-| nance Depot here, according to McKindless, 653 Drew street, was Col. T. F. Slater, officer com-|a prize winner of a radio in the manding the depot. He said that|sixth Elmer Limerick Contest. 40 civilian employees, mostly | laborers, ard some office staff | STREETS CLOSED have been warned that they may! The following streets will be Slater said the lay-offs are neces- Ritson road south, from Bloor to sary because of decreased work Conant streets; Mary street, at the depot. {closed at Alice street; Emerald He adds that everything is be-lavenue, closed at Oxford street. ing done to find alternate Whenever possible these streets employment for those affected. will be partially open to permit Consultations to this effect have movement of local traffic. Ex- been held with the department|treme weather conditions such PROMISE TO BEHAVE NEW YORK (AP)--The Hun- garian Freedom Fighters Feder- ation says it will refrain from any violence and demonstration during Nikita Khrushchev's visit to the United States. The federa- tion said President Eisenhower's "sincere peace efforts" prompted it to refrain from doing anything that might cause retaliation when Eisenhower visits Russia. PAAR PRAISES PATTI NE WYOR K(CP) -- Canadian television singer Patti Lewis made her United States debut here Tuesday night on the NBC's Jack Paar show. "I think she's great," said Paar of the attrac- tive, blonde Toronto performer. MAGGOTS DISTRESS LONDON LONDON (Reuters) -- Millions of slithering white maggots in- of veterans' affairs officials and as heavy rain, may result in the the Cobourg UIC office. Iclosing of other streets. vaded London Wednesday. Police joined health authorities in spray- 1 § ORGANIST Nightly ot HOTEL Ladies end Escorts Room FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL A ORGAN MUSIC Nightly at the Yonosha Hotel TROUD' FOOD MARKET some more," he says. the present site of the St. Law- nesday, August 12. He had been years as a newspaper man, he is|, 100g him celebrate his 70th an-\of the late William and Alice 8 week at The Standard - Free- (ion by J. B. McKay, Standard-| Mr. Coates in Toronto trict editor since 1932. More often) on behalf of K. R. Thomson of [years was with the sales staff of and Port Perry. In George Wilson was 16 when he Anderson Buick of Toronto. For Weekly Standard. He had gained | As Sender was recognized as Canada's lead- the editorial rooms. He bacame district editor when |0n a parcel containing $4,000 of Toronto, and was an-outstanding robbery received by mail at po-'a member of the Old Victoria united in 1932, and took over the That force now has increased to Ottawa, was written: "sender: Al|terest in Oshawa Curling Club. As an athletic young redhead, don M. Coates predeceased him skating champion. He was an arrested a suspect last week inf Grant Coates, who is with the Still active at 86, he has a|ager. vived by a granddaughter, Mar- his younger colleagues. Often he money was recovered here with onducted at Armstrong Funeral |C. He has written in longhand all rence Seaway Authority building. |in failing health for two months. unlikely to change his ways. niversary at a luncheon, during Coates, Mr. Coates was in his | than not, he's there long ahead of | Thomson Newspapers. in Toronto moved into the car sales busi- started work July 29, 1889, as a| much of the time between 1915 a reputation as a top-notch hand- ing car salesman. TORONTO (CP)--The name of| PAPERS MERGED The Standard and Cornwall's | |curler and lawn bowler. He was lice headquarters here. Curling and Lawn Bowling club direction of 99 correspondents. more than 125, most of whom he|Capone." The famed U.S. gangs-| His wife, the former Etta Mar- Toronto police heard that such in 1954. avid writer and booster of la- connection with the robbery of | INS AC divisicn of General. Mo- city for work that often stuns) Last week $2,200 of the robbery| garet Etta Coates of Toronto. comes to the office carrying a|the arrest of Douglas Parson, 24,|, Home, Friday August 14 at 1] Chem. C, Fr. A. C, Fr, C. C. of work he has completed of Ottawa. at e the night before. ys he usually drops in to Maloley, both 29, of Ottawa were St. Andrew's United Church. In- Gary Cox: Comp. 3, Hist. C, Robert Stewart and Laurence p.m., by Rev. George Telford of Fr. A. C, Fr. C. C. stily back issues of the paper, arrested there shortly after the/terment will be at the family digging up material for his robbery and charged with armed plot in robbery. Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto. weekly Down the Lane column of COLOMBO PLAN Canadians, Pakistan Co-Work In Medicine By RUSSELL ELMAN WARSAK, Pakistan (CP) -- hard-working team of Canadian and Pakistani doctors and nur- A A native of Fredericton and a medical graduate of the Univer- sit of Western Ontario, Dr. Good helped set up the hospital in 1955 dents from the nearby Peshawar Univerrity. Today, the hospital has three Pakistani doctors, and a Warsak- trained doctor is on a Fulbright John Dippell: Comp. C, Hist. C, Alg. C, Geom. C, Trig. 2, Chem. C, Fr. C. C. Verna Foran: Comp. 3; Lit. 3, Fr, A.C, Fr. C.. Susan Foster: Comp. 2, Lit. 8, Trig. C, Zool. 2, Chem. C, ) A.C, Fr. C. 8 Geog. C. Anthony Geboers: Lat. A. C, Lat. C. C. Ruth Goheen: Comp. 2, Zool. C.Fr.A. 3 Fr. C C Elenor Heard: Comp. 2, Lit. C, Zook, C, Chem. C, Fr. A. C, F' C. Mary Anne Heavysege: Comp. 13, Lit, 2, Hist. C, Bot. 3, Zool. 2, Chem. C, Fr, A. 2, Fr. C. 3, Cc Geog. C. William Hooper: Lit. C. David Imlach: Comp. C, Zool. C, Geog. C. Norman James: Comp. 1, Lit. C, Alg. C, Geom. C, Trig. Ann Woodyard: Comp. 2, Lit. C, Hist. 2, Bot. C, Zool. 2, Chem. C, Fr.A. C Fr. C.C. $30 Million | Movie Of Christ's Life NEW YORK (AP)--A recently organized movie company has announced plans to film a $30,- 000,000 motion picture of the life of Christ. The picture would be the most expensive ever made and would have a cast of 50,000 and 150 principal roles, a spokesman for 34 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS Government Graded--Red Brand Beef Steaks --- ©. FINEST FRESH PORK PRIME RIB .. 69° LB. SHOULDER .. 45° ses is saving lives of Pathan|When the Warsak project started. Freda, acts as sec-|travelling fellowship in the United States. There are 27 Pakistani Phys. 1, Chem. 3, Geog. C. Noriyn nie: Parliament Pictures Corporation sald Wednesday. tribesmen on Pakistan's north. His wife, frontier. [retary and assists in administra- Working in the modern Cana- diad, Cofombo hospital at the - aided Warsak hydro- electric project, they are using the latest techniques and equip- ment, in Canadian medicine to treat. workers employed on the scheme and villagers in the sur- rounding tribal region In.its three years' existence, the small, 50 - bed hospital has earned a reputation as one of the finest in Pakistan. Each month more: than 4,000 persons are treated for ailments ranging . minor cuts to severe in- requiring delicate surgery Dr. Donald Good, 42-year-old hospital superintendent, sald with that all major work is done ing plastic. orthopaedic and head surgery. His staff has used every piece of equipment in the hospital, whose wards 'are cooled b vians and a'r-conditioning from the 100-degree-plus summer heat. tion. | The Canadian staff also in- {cludes Dr. A. P H. McLean of Montreal, and nurses Margaret Donaldson, Montreal; Grace Dar- ling, Durham, Ont., and Marion |Cameron, Thamesville, Ont. The {hospital suffered a loss last year when 27 year - old Dr. Rodney Sutheriand died suddenly while travelling home on leave. Canadian standards and rou- tines are practised throughout the hospital, which also serves as a training ground for Pakis- tanis. Canadian doctors give medical lectures, show films and maintain an up-to-date medical library. "One of the lasting values of this hospital is what Pakistan doctors and nurses can learn {from us," commented Dr. Good {This fall he hopes to introduce weekly bedside - teaching classes lfor small groups of medical stu- nurses, but only seven are women, because of difficulties in recruiting females in a Moslem country where women are just beginning to enter public life. The single-storey brick hospital caters principally to the 120 Canadians and 10,000 tribal work- ers and their families engaged in building the Warsak dam and powerhouse. Because of the dan- gerous nature of construction, the accident rate is fairly high with frequent cases of broken bones and burns. However, because the hospital is close by, it has saved many whose lives might have been in jeopardy if patients had to be evacuated by air to distant hospitals. . The hospital has promoted goodwill for Canada by treating emergency cases from neighbor- ing villages where no medical assistance is available. Tt is also the birthplace of 41 babies born to Canadians at Warsak. Comp. C, Lit. C, Bot. C, Zool. C. Beatty Kossatz: Zool. C. Ross Kossatz: Alg. C, Geom. iC, Trig. 1, Zool. 3, Phys. C, |Chem, C. Evelyn Luxton: Comp. 3, Lit. IC, Alg. C, Fr. A. 8, Fr. C. 2. Joanne Mackie: Comp. 3, Lit. 3, Phys. C, .C. MC C : Bot. 2, Fr. C. Carol Maguire | John Mason: Geom. C, Trig. |C. | James Masterson: Comp. C, | Lit. 2, Hist. 2, Chem. C. Mary Mitchell: Comp. C, Lit. I1, Geom. C, Bot. 8, Zool. |Chem. 3, Fr. A. 2, Fr. C. 3 |Geog. 3 The firm is headed by Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton, pres- ident; William Free, board chair- man, and David Stillman, a law- yer. Lord Doulgas - Hamilton, one- time Conservative member of Parliament from Inver ness- shire, Scotland, said he joined the picture - making enterprise be- cause he was impressed with the script prepared by novelist Elaine Rutladge. Free, a former actor who said he was converted to Christianity by evangelist Billy Graham, said the picture, The Son of God, will 1, |go before the cameras in Novem- ber. The actor playing the part of Christ, he said, will remain | Ruth Pascoe: Comp. C, Lit. C, Hist. C, Bot. C, Zool. 2. Graham Pickering: Comp. C. Pat Pingle: Comp. C, Lit. C, |Zool..C, Fr. C. C. | Carol Plummer: Comp. 2, Lit. 12, Bot. 2, Zool. 3, Chem. C, Lat. | anonymous. Free said one-third of profits from the film--which he esti- mated would total $150,000,000 in the first three years of release-- | would go to charities and religi-| ous foundations. | BUTT MEATY LEAN CROSS CUT BLADE .59° MEATY LEAN SHORT RIB .. 59° BONELESS, ROLLED 49+ LR BRISKET BONELESS, SHOULDER POT ROAST. 59° ROASTING AND FRYING Chickens Cw 45+ LOIN FRESH KILLED DEVON RINDLESS BACON FRESH PORK FRESH PORK--TENDERLOIN END TURKEYS .49 SAUSAGE .. 39° SWE =. 99' +. 99" GRADE "A" LARGE SIZE EGGS FIRST GRADE BUTTER.67* NO. 1 NEW Potaloes Arriving Fresh Daily: SWEET CORN NORTHERN ONTARIO BLUEBERRIES Freestone Peaches SALMON-FLESH CANTALOUPES ONTARIO FIELD TOMATOES LOOSE DOZEN 47+ 10-ib. Beg or 6-qt. 49+ Bokt. ONTARIO ] ET BLACK CHERRIES 1-18. CiLLO 99° "GOLDEN RIPE Bananas 21s. 39° md

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