Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Jul 1959, p. 14

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, July 30, 1959 SPORTS MEN By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 14 SPORTS CALENDAR | TODAY'S GAMES SOFTBALL I | South Ontario County League--| {Markham vs Oshawa Merchants, | Scugog Cleaners Jrs. Beat Markham In 9th v Legion Juniors "Win And Lose | Oshawa Legion Juniors played, were earned in fact all three for Oshawa and failed to get past two games on successive nights, were scored without the aid of |the first inning, five hits, a walk, in their Lakeshore Baseball either of the two hits they did and three errors giving New- | Assoc. schedule, losing a 13-8 de- get, singles by Hill and Wills in|castle six runs. cision in Newcastle on Tuesday the 4th and 5th frames. Rowland had replaced Pipher {night but coming back home to, Legion got two mes in the before the inning had ended and {blank Port Hope 3-0, in a snappy third, after two out, when Gray he struck out three batters in the {game at Kinsmen Civic Memo- was safe on an error. so was|second inning, then got his lumps |rial Stadium, last night Wills and then a third error, plus|in the third. Newcastle struck for Last night's game at the Sta- a stolen base and a passed ball, four hits, which together with a |dium was a great pitching battle enabled both Gray and Wills to walk and two more errors, gave Oshawa Scugog Cleaners with a single. With two on and the sidelines, for an extra base, Juniors tightened their grip on none out, Taylor fanned Watson advanced Tidgbury and he fcoved i 5 la playoff berth in the South On- and got the next two batters to|after the catch, when son [3 Rade Tas v5 2a. a tario County Softball League,/pop up weakly to the infield. '| went far behind 3rd base to make Brooklin, 8.15 p.m. {when they came from behind a] The Cleaners went in front ina one-handed catch of Coverly's | Inter - County League--Eben- | deficit and staged a story-the 8th inning. Bob Brown|foul pop-up. This made the score lezer vs Hoy's, at Lakeview|book finish in the 9th inning, to/doubled with one out and9-9. . |Park: Crawford's vs Thompson's | Wi 11-9, in Markham; last night. Newey's lift into left field was In the top of the 9th, Price |at Alex. Park, east diamond; | The '"'Scugogs™ scored the first| dropped. With two out, Ron Sim-| opened with a solid double and {Port Perry 15. vs McLaughlin's, runs of the game, in the first/coe doubled through the infield !then Larry Weidon | poled one {at Alex. Park, west diamond and frame, on a walk to Wilson and|and both Brown and Newey came over the right-fielder's head, for | Tony's 'vs Scugog Juveniles at | Singles by Price and Bob Simcoe, home on a bad throw-in from a clean homer, making it 119, |Storie Park; all games at 6.45/With a Jase bh between, vemires Jen with two om Big Tat suded fhe scoring for {he 1 : "| scorin ilson an rice. wo strikes on the batter, Sim- game, Ww ] ey, between Danny Gray for Oshawa cross the plate. Wills got on|them four more runs. They add-|P-m. 2 on a wild Ron Simcoe 1! making - nifty : CRA - Neighborhood Assoc. However, this two-run lead coe sprinted home y |Legion and Harrison of the Port again via an error in the 8th|ed a couple in the fourth on two| > Neighboriood ASSOC, --. 4.4.04 1ast 'tong. Lun red for pitch, to make the score 97 for plays in the botiom of the 9th, to [Hop i |(Pee Wee Girls) Rundle at|didnt ong. 0 Ope {Hope club. Gray had a total of and scored later on a stolen base | singles, a walk and an error. ee irls undie a | Rg Any | TOL. I Werivien * (Bantam Gols) Markham with a walk, in fact|Scugogs. _ |retire the Markham team in 1, 17 strikeouts and gave up only|/ard a bad throw by the catcher, Hill did the pitching in the 3 a {Glenn Hornshy, badly lacking in' The Markham team weren't/2, 3 order and clinch the win. |three hits, in his best game of plus a second infield bobble iia gave up a homer to Mason, (St00e at Sovimead 7 3 actio control, walked four of the first ready to give up by any means, Reamer was the only Mark. v y oy firs t -- then!@ ingside; (Juvenile Girls Nur ; | ' od ial aver t a 4 its, fie season. He walked air. Hwee FORT HOPE 5 Mercer, 25: He fst by 7 Ne tore) en Slo igh "i Phen Bark: [five batters he faced to score|and they came right back to tie|ham player to get two hits, of the : . /alden, if; Jex, 3b; 3 | Harrison, p; : A |Luno, but got out of it with only|the score. Luno was safe on an|seven they collected. 08 {the 3rd, when Port Hope came Watts. ¢: Wolol ; 7. | succession, of them ia|all games at 6.30 p.m. {the one run allowed. |error, Holman flied out and when|Cleaners had 10 hits with Ron | their closest to scoring, the only aus + © strikeouts, {BASEBALL Pearce. 1b: Lee . | Hornsby wasn't nearly as for-| Tidsbury grounded to the infield, | Simcoe having a homer and |innirg in which they got a runner" "" "° ©' x : Oshawa didn't score off Carle-! Lakeshore Assoc Port Hope tunate in the next inning. He Luno just managed fo beat the double; Price a double and {as far as third base. OSHAWA -- Wills, 2b; Cooper, ton's pitching until Hill andvs Cobourg, at Cobourg, 6.30|walked Frost to start then throw to the plate. An infield single; Weldon a bunt hit and a Harrison was even better th s; Campbell, 1b; Hill, rf: West-| Campbell singled in succession|p.m | ee | Middleton singled, so did Luno. | bobble that saw the ball roll into! homer. Gray, in that he struck out BR, 5 hele. %; ddieton | 1a start the fourth and an oul-lgo0epR (With two batters out, a couple of | ~~ batters, allowed only two hits, 7th: St Y "es In BR. id jel il advanced the two run. Oshawa and District League-- errors and two more singles by and did't allow a single walk, |' SUO0€, 881 \ gers id 8 Sugle by Daze scored gp gy Kickers vs Oshawa Reamer and Watson, made it a) ... The big difference was in| LOSE IN NEWCASTLE pell. n the Ril, HIV hom-|gi 1a at Kinsmen Civic Memo- a af Be first th b real parade for the home club, | i A . rs ee batte . , : errors. Legion committed only! Oshawa Legion was not as suc- hod A ea Mish a {with a toial of six runs scoring, two miscues N " in their defensive cessful on Tuesday night, at New-| for a 7-2 lead. | abd doubled. That gave Oshawa five Avior v ved | |Play bit Jue visiting Port Hope sastie, Wliere the home club took | 1 and they aa ne py live Ios, Yaviet. We eee {team had seven errors and a 13-8 verdict. tact tallv io the ol an None ' i ia sb | none of Oshawa's three runs' Pipher started on the mound a ally the 610. Whe 2 Row FRIDAY'S GAMES proceeded to set Markham back| 'Bantam-Midget : i Minor Softball South Ontario County League Oshawa Merchants vs Brougham ! Cleaners vushed over a run in at Brougham, 8.15 p.m the 4th, Newey's double scoring No othe scheduled Hickey, who had forced Melnick, | a walk. In the fifth, Ron Simcoe walked and advanced on TO COACH ALL-STARS a passed ball, Price was hit by! MONTREAL (CP)--Clay Bry-'a pitch and Weldon bunted safe- } ant, Montreal manager, will|ly, then Simcoe scored on Mel Oshawa Minor Softball Associ-|Woodview, fanned a dozen and| OSHAWA -- Wills, 2b: Cooper, handle the International League nick's sacrifice fly to centre, ation teams in both Bantam and|walked seven. Strzelzyk had a{ss; Westfall, ¢: Hill, rf and p;|all-star team which meets the| In the sixth inning, after two Midget sections, were in action two-run homer in the third and | Campbell, 1b; Middleton. 3b; last night, their last schedule Malazuk hit a two-run homer in | Daze, cf; Rowland, W and p: dates until August 17, as league the 7th. For Woodview, Jarvis Pipher, p; Daniels, If {games are not booked for the GM|and McNamee both hit homers] NEWCASTLE Werry, rf; G.| [holiday period. but for thé most part they | McCullough, 2b; Osborne, 1b: D.| SIMCOE HALL Police Boys scored their runs on walks as McCullough, ec; Mason, ss; Sin- Club visited Radio Park Bantams the Kingside pitchers failed tojclair, of: Lane, If; Carleton, p; last night and pounded out a total find the plate Gibson, 3b. Pitisburgh Pirates at Columbus, out, Tavlor singled and Ron Sim- Ohio, Aug loop president|coe smashed a line-drive homer, of 20 hits for a 21-4 victory over FERNHILL PARK. Auto-Work the home club. Black, pitching Credit Union def Frank Sha s8y announced [to make the score 7-6, Tuesday. Shaughnessy announced, Taylor came up with his best ballots have been sent to league pitching effort in the 7th, after managers for selection of a 10-Coverly got on by being hit with player all-star squad a pitch and Reamer followed feated Storie for Simcoe Hall, limited Radio park boys in 2 Midget League to seven hits with Connell having! ,4me last night at Storie Park, [three of these. a triple, double|1g.3 With Flintoff pitching good {and single. Black and Macko pai after the first inning, there each had four-forfive, to pace wan't much to He walked ithe Simcoe Hall aliack w hile three and gave up hits to Solo-| Curry had three and most of the n,n and Tropak in the first F . others had a couple, Black, frame and then fanned a batter or Club Title Macko and Seton each hitting a ith the bases still loaded to end homer the inning. The only other run| The Club Championship (men's | SOUTHMEAD didn't have any Storie Park was able to collect section) for the 1959 title at the| |"Welcome Mat" out for the visit in the 7th, when Wastlyk Oshawa Golf Club has moved into ling Thornton's Corners Bantams belted a homer. Flintoff only|the third round, the semi - final {last night -- they defeated Thorn-|gave up six hits and but for the bracket, with defending cham-| Iton's 6-2 in a good game. Siblock, iwalks he issued was too good at Pilon Jeff McGrath surviving, | McKnight, Wright, Goring and |all times for Storie |along with Fred Cross, Earl Mc- {Gibson were the big men at the! peornhill didn't do much to Master and Jack Germond Jr. plate for Southmead. who took gyranvk's pitching until late in McGrath defeated Ross Gibb in {the lead with three runs in the {he same. in fact they trailed 2-0 the second round play while Cross 2 won over Bruce Bradley: Me- 'Everything From Soup To Nuts IT COULD BE -- they've found the answer. Two | gang leaders put on eight-ounce gloves, headguards and groin cups--and slugged it out in a New York boxing gymasium yesterday. When they were both almost too tired to stand after only two rounds (it takes real con- dition to fight legally, in a ring) they called the fight off, shook hands and left the gymnasium arm-in-arm. You say what's so unusual about this?--Well, just this--a few minutes before these two gang leaders, with each having about 20 of his "club" members with him, were all lined up, facing each other in the street, some with knives al- ready drawn, ready to do battle for gang leadership supremacy. In such a brawl, one or two might easily have been killed, it's happening in New York and other large cities, quite frequently these days. But this busi- ness of settling the differences, like men, not hoodlums, may work where a lot of Social Welfare, Juvenile Delin- quency and other agencies, including "the strong arm of the law", have failed to halt such rowdyism and subse- quent bloodshed, It would be a little ironic if the men interested in the "fight game" --who are so often maligned by certain "do-gooders -- should come up with the right answer to this increasingly serious problem. As a result of yes- terday's incident in New York--Harry Wiley, Sugar Ray Robinson's trainer, who runs the gymn, is going to have all churches and newspapers make it known that the gymn is available from now on, for glove fights be- tween leaders of social clubs, groups or "gangs", who wa to settle a difference. It all came about when Candy McFarland, a lightweight training at the gymn and Rob- inson's advisor George Gainford came upon the pending gang fight, grabbed the two leaders to stop the melee and suggested they go to the gymn to settle "the best man" argument--and invited the other forty would-be battlers to come and watch and cheer for their favorite, McFar- land refereed the bout and a policeman and a detective, who just came along at the right time, stayed to keep order. McFarland is to fight Len Matthews tomorrow night at Madison Square Gardens. This incident, which of course will "hit" all sport pages, should certainly be good publicity for Candy McFarland and come to think of it, since Sugar Ray is closely associated with Wiley, Gainford, McFarland, ete., the "ink" will not do him any harm either. It sounds so "pat'"'--one wonders if it was merely co-incidence--but if it really did happen, as re- lated, and is "legit" as the boys say--then we repeat, it could be one of the best things that ever happened BRIGHT BITS:--Trailing 7-2 after two innings, Scugog Cleaner Juniors came from behind in Markham last night to take a 9-7 lead, had the score evened again at 9-9 and then won out with a two-run homer in the 9th inning, for one of the most exciting wins of the sea- son , . BY THE WAY, we heard in Markham last night that the scheduled South Ontario County League game booked for tonight, here at Radio Park, between Mark- ham and Oshawa Merchants, has been postponed--but fi Kelly, ss; Ye ~ two-to-go... rial Stadium, 7.00 p.m. and Osh-| wa Italia vs Port Hope United) at Kinsmen Stadium, 8.45 p.m, TRAVEL SET by S home-run blow Hill's homer and single, his fine relief pitching, made him Oshawa's only star of the game. Campbell also had two hits for Legion while Bill Osborne with three, Lane and Carleton with two apiece, were the big {guns for the home club plus hulton 5 James arier | Oshawa Golfer | In Semi-Finals ers' AFTER SHAVE LOTION STICK DEODORANT For traveling light and handsome -- brisk OLD SPICE After Shove lofion, designed to keep © man's skin healthy; OLD SPICE Stick Deodorant, to give you all-day protection--the quickest % way! Applies and dries faster than any roll-ons, creams, ordinary sticks: safe for skin and clothes. in unbreakable plastic -- made for easy going! 2 75 See us for lube work that you can rely on Like all our other work . . . when it comes to lube so far, we have not been notified of this fact by the Osh- awa team . . . YANKEES and White Sox were tied 4-4 vesterday when rain halted play in the 6th inning, so that one may be a big important game to settle, later in the season. Boston Red Sox dumped Cleveland 4-1 yester- day and Baltimore halted Detroit 5-1 while the A's de- feated Washington . . . . MILWAUKEE got back within one game of first place in the National League yesterday, Braves beating Chicago Cubs 8-5, Giants slipped an- other notch, losing to the Phillies again, 3-1 this time, while Dodgers blanked Pirates 2-0 and Cincy Redlegs beat the Cardinals 9-2. That win puts Dodgers right up in first place . . , GIANTS have lost four in succession, to slip out of top spot . . . FORD FRICK has expressed the opinion that the new third Major League Baseball group will be formed while veteran Yankee president first inning and stayed in front. until the fourth, when they got | : Matthews and Nekkers crossed ne Two more in the fifth put Master eliminated Dave Henry the plate for Thornton's corners |them in front and they scored and Jack Germond Jr. "gave it with Gow and Nekkers the only steadily after that with Norris to Jack Germond Sr | real power at the plate. having two home-run blows while! McGrath and Cross will hook | NIPIGON PARK Bantams Wilson had a triple and three ho in one Jo final round, a 36- had a close win, 11-10, in their singles and Mosier had three 2 No als Sunday, Aug. game at North Oshawa diamond singles and so did Turner. Flin the ey nd ip 0s = = 2m. sndf last night. The winners got five! toff had two HOOD hy Fh Aor of their runs in the first inning] SUNNYSIDE PARK Western|and Germond Jr. meet in the | and four more in the fourth, then mire Midgets had it all their own [other bracket. added one in each of the last two|way "on their home diamond last| Tie 3 tt Lumber Tournas: innings, to get the win. North i hi hianking the visiting North{ment, originally scheduled for Oshawa got one at the start and |oshawa team 36-0, in a game|July 25-26, was postponed until | six in the second, to take a 7-5i4¢ had to be called after seven|August 29-30, the July date con-| (lead. Thev added one in theljn,inse Kornvio pitched the win|flicting too seriously with holi-| {fourth and tied the game With, Sunnyside and he allowed|days. Inaugurated last on] {two in the sixth but failed in the only two hits, by Watt and Reid. |the Peacock Tournament prom. | !7th. Woods, Twine, Knapp, ipo}, in the fifth. Porteous, for|ises to be a highlight of the sea- || jobs . expect here: top work by experts who doing their best. take a look. Ford ~ Edsel - we touch all bases. You get what you Auto's got an ache? Drive in. Let our ' MOTORS LTD. 149 King St. W. take pride in "motor-docs" Low rates. EUSEN bagi. 28 KING ST. EAST DIAL RA 3-462] RA 5.3557 Monarch Dealer White, these were the best bat-|the Josers, was hit hard from the son. ters for North Oshawa while|socond inning on. All the Sunny- {Parkinson both pitched and hit ide Park team got a good share Larry MacPhail opines that a third "Major" league is a a -- | silly idea. {well for Nipigon and got help|iy the one-sided win with Jarvis {from all his mates having a homer, triple and two WOODVIEW PARK Bantams doubles while Labu hit two had an easy 18-5 win at home homers, a triple and single in last night, over the visiting King-|four trips. Wright also had a Ritson Drugs . rE Top UAW Dels sasesait scones, stapes Moford (9) I and Bucha; Susce,| Pehanick (2) Brodowski (8) and| Thompson, Henry (9). Hi: Mia- 7 0 valentine (6). Tor-King (11), A Oshawa Ritson Drugs defeated] Ritson Drugs won the game in| BY THE CANADIAN PRESS UAW Del's 18-14 in a wild and|their half of the 8th. McCabe and American League wide-open slugfest at Bathe Park Scott each singled, then with one Baltimore 210 001 100-5 last evening, with the two locallout, Halliday walked, so did| Detroit 000.000 100-1 6 2 wilson (15) Intermediate girls' softball Brown and Helen O'Connor's| Walker 3-5, Pappas (7) and ; squads piling up a total of 30 homer, her third hit of the night, |Triandos: Foytack 99, Burnside hits. They stayed so long at bat cleaned the bases to make it a (8) and Berberet that the game had to be called/fiverun rally and put the score Boston 000 200 002--4 9 0 Chicago on account of darkness after|at 18-14. Cleveland 001 000 000--1 6 1 Clevelan eight full innings. ! Along with O'Connor, Thomas Schroll 1-1 and White; McLish Baltimore Bev McCabe, pitching for Rit- @nd McCabe each had three hits 13-4 Cicotte (9) and FitzGerald. Kansas City son Drugs, gave up two runs on|for the winners while Ruby New York 020 002--4 5 0 New York hits by Glad Sutton and Ruby|Dusty, Delucia, Allen and Sagar |Chicago 020 0204 8 0 Detroit Dusty and Joan Nesbitt's sacri-|@ach had a pair, for the Del's.| (Tie-- called end of sixth, rain) Boston fice, in the first inning. In the] UAW DEL'S: Fice, p; Suttom,| Ford, Maas (2) and Berra; | Washington third, Joan Fice singled, Dusty 2b; Dusty, 3b; Nesbitt, rf and p; Shaw and Romano, Lollar (3) hit a homer then Nesbitt was|Delucia, 1b; Allen, ss; Sagar, HR: NY-Berra (13) safe on an error and Rose De-|¢f; Gray, ¢; Goyne, If; Aughney,|Washington 000 000 022--4 6 1 Lucia's single plus Bea Allen's |; Hunter, 2b; Wallis, If. Kansas City 203 000 00x--5 11 .2| "0 Gr (6-4) sacrifice and an error, followed | RITSON DRUGS: Gibbens, 2b; Fischer 8-6, Stobbs (3) Cleven- Ne hi -- hi a Si by a passed ball, scored DeLucia | Halliday, ¢; Brown, ss; O'Con- ger (8) and Naragon; Tsitouris Tah ely " leagy-Shant with the fourth run of that in-|Dor, rf; Thomas, 3b; Richards, 1-0 Grim (8) and Chiti. HR: Key Baltin Li D. a ning. |1b; Delves, ef; McCabe, p; Scott, | Williams (10). Pip yy : The Del's got two runs in the | If. Washington at Kansas City (N)| Jou So two. walks od Some] Ramos (10-12) vs Herbert (10-7) | 84 at the time. It was all tied up at 8-8 in the sixth when UAW Del's splurged for six runs on! two walks and four hits, by Sut-| Nip Marion Auto ton, DeLucia, Allen and Barbaral Sagar. That made it 14-8 -- but, Modern American League W L Pct. GBL 588 | 1 | 8 8% | 9% | 10% | 15 16% | Today's Games | (And Probable Pitchers) Boston at Cleveland -- Brewer ALIZ PE HILDE National League Phil 000 300 000-3 San Fran 000 100 0001 Cardwell 56 and Lonneit: An- tonelli 146 and Schmidt, Land rith (8). HR: Pha-Bouchee (12) Freese (15); SF-Cepeda (21). Cleaners defeated St. Louis 200 000 000-2 7 "hicago 1 ory : 'e scor.| Marian Auto Ltd. 5-4, Wednes- Cincinnati 021 000 06x--9 10 0 pitt hur Ne OVS the end of Del's scor |day at Alexandra Park, In one Jackson 8-9, McDaniel (8) Ur- H shitgh Ritson Drugs came from be. | of the best UAW Softball League ban (8) and Porter; Nuxhall 4-8 yp 0innati hind to win it. They got simgle-|52mes of their schedule. {and Bailey. Phil tons in each of the first two in-| Maxwell, pitching the win, Chicago nings then picked up two runs in|22Ve UP only five scattered hits, Milwaukee 201 120 20x--8 11 0 (And Probable Pitchers) the third on walks to A. Halliday | P€VeT more than one in an in-| Hillman 5-8, Drabowsky (5) Philadelphia at San Francisco and Sharon Brown plus hits by| Dine. Tureski was safe on an Singleton (7) and S. Taylor; Bur-| Roberts (9-9) vs McCormick] Helen O'Connor, Diane Thomas error in the first and scored on dette 14-10, McMahon (7) and (9-8) and Bev McCabe and another a single by Csuhaj. In the fourth, | Crandall, HR: Chi - Banks 2 (29)| Chicago at Milwaukee (N)-- | walk to Marg Delves. In the | Welsh was safe on an error and 'S. Taylor (7): Mil-Aaron 2 (26).|Ceccarelli (4-0) vs Spahn (13-10) fith, Ritson Drugs added four Elliott's double brought him Pitisburgh 000 000 000--0 6 2| Pittsburgh at Los Angeles (N)| runs on a walk, an error, Me. | home. Marshall was safe on an'Los Angeles 000 000 02x--2 7 0 Friend (4-13) vs Podres (8-7) Cabe's single and error in the fifth and another| Law 11.7 and Kravitz: Craig. St. Louis at Cincinnati (N)--| Mari '8| > : ' : vt triple and an a Nari Scott's| single by Csuhaj and Sutton's|6-2 and Pignatano. Gibson (0-0) vs Newcombe iki gue : | sacrifice fly, scored Marshall. In' In the sixth, Brown walked and (the 9th, Marshall got nis second | O'Connor homered, then 8 hit of the game, pinch-hitter| Richmond 022 000 402-10 13 3 Pet. GBL | doubled and scored on a single |Childerhose drew a walk and al Rochester 000 201 300--6 10 1/ Buffalo | by Joan Richards. Two more wild pitch scored Marshall with! Wiesler, Flowers (4) and John-| Havana runs in the 7th , on two walks, his team's last run, the game son; Nunn, Hiland (3) McClain|Richmond two errors and Cathy Gibbens' | ending with the tying run'on 3rd/(5) Hurd (7) Miller (8) and Miami second hit of the night, made it|base. Green Montreal 14-13 | Lyons pitched the game for Columbus 001 000 403--8 14 1 Columbus i {Marian Auto. McMullen homered Buffalo 830 000 01x-12 16 0 Toronto 55 ; {to open the second and then Tilk! Jackson, Giel (1) Williams (1) Rochester 57 SOUTH AFRICA ICE ENTRY |y, "sate on a two-base error in and Baich, Tall (8); Lehman, Today's Games JOHANNESBURG (Reuters)-- the outfield, scoring on a single Erickson (7), Bunker (9), Mason Columbus at Buffalo South Africa will send four ice|by Maxwell. Wallace homered in| (9) and Coker. HR: Buf-Phillips.| Havana at Montreal skaters to the Winter Olympic | the third and in the sixth, Mod-|Havana 100 000 020--3 8 1 Miami at Toronto Games in Squaw Valley, Calif.,|erns got the two runs that won Montreal 000 100 000--1 3 1|Richmond at Rochester next February, the South African the game when Bryan opened; Craddock and Gonder: Valdes American Association Olympic nad Com mon wealth|with a single and Andy McMul- and Teed. HR: Hav - Gonzales, Denver 4 Charleston 2 Cames Association decided Tues-|len hit his second homer of the |Mtl-Amoros Houston 3 Dallas 2 day night. They will be South/game. Lyons only allowed six|Miami 140 000 000 01-6 5 '1| Minneapolis 1 Louisville Africa's first representatives in| hits. for five runs, but three of Toronto 300 100 010 00--5 12 4 Indianapolis 6 St. Paul 7 3 6 0 0 Modern Cleaners National League WL 46 4% Los Angeles San Fran Milwaukee ~ 000 103 100-5 8 1 Today's Games International League International Lea L ALLSTATE No. 1737 CRUSADER NO 47 54 3 43-45 SIMCOE ST. N. Installation Arranged ALSO IMMEDIATE DELIVERY -- BUDGET PRICED TIRES Our Lowest Priced New Tire 9 Month Guarantee NOW IN STOCK +1545 CHEVROLETS, FORDS, NO TRADE-IN REQUIRED WITH PLYMOUTH, DODGE. ALLSTATE SUPER SAFETY Tyrex 670-15 TUBE-TYPE VISCOSE CORD No. 2637 OUR MOST POPULAR TIRE Ae» AIF 5 HANS ALLSTATE "CERTIFICATION MARK TYREX INC EES ES SE SS -- Nylon Tires ALLSTATE No. 9637 pt" SUPER-SAFETY 670-15 NO TRADE-IN REQUIRED 25 Month Guarantee STORE HOURS: Daily 8:45 to 5:30 -- Wed. 8:45 to 12:30 95 nu 670-15 TRADE-IN REQUIRED FHONE RA 5-4781 Winter Olympics. 'those safeties were homers. Anderson, Kay (1) Archer (8)! Fort Worth 2 Omaha 4

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