Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Jul 1959, p. 2

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1959 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednasdey, July 15, LARGE GROUP OF CHILDREN RECEIVE FIRST COMMUNION Semeniuk, Irene Shlemko, Mary | Nazarewicz, Elizabeth Majkut, Helen Kaplan, Jannie Mankow- ski, Mary Daciuk, Helen Fediw Roman Shtilnyk, Olga Kroch parish | Katherine Kit ynko oman John Mark Humnil- Bakaj, Irene Smysnuik, Irene Kurylo, Walter Lyshka, aMur- een Kir tm. Philip Kirkham, Walter Filipowich, George Kal A la Rev C. Perevma priest rge group of children théir first Holy last Sunday at St Ukrainian Catholic Albert The we seen with vho was the celebrant Janiw, John The nuns with the Sister Parascovia ter Igntius. The received owyez Bakaj, Denis eceived Com- group are Rt. Sis children commumor munion and George's street who dren here were PLANNING BOARD BRIEFS An unsigned letter, written on {wrapping paper, was received by /the Planning Director and read to the members of Oshawa Plan- © [ning Board Tuesday night from| #1 lan unknown resident of Church (St The letter stated that he or! |she was glad to see that the city] {plans to widen Church St "Do a good job," the letter| |said, It was signed, "an interest. led taxpayer." Strangely enough, [the lefter was postmarked, | "Whitby." DELEGATES NAMED Oshawa Planning Director Bert IWandless and one member of! planning board was delegated to attend the annual National Plan- ning Conference to be held in Montreal, Sept. 13 to 16 AMEND BYLAW Planning Board approved an amendment to the zoning bylaw re front yard depths, The amend- ment reads: '"No building shall |be erected or used on any lot in a residential district unless the lot upon which the building is or is to be erected, has a front vard depth of the immediately adjoin ing, built upon lots fronting on the same street, or if there is only one such adjoining built upon lot, than equal to or great er than the front vard depth of such an adjoining lot." Bohdan Schurko, Fred 'Ricky Kuchma, Al- Kudryvk, William Hry- Edward Stroywons. Maks;amyshyn. Bohdan Donald Sas by Mary's mal Mandiyk exander horyk Myron Gulan and Photo Studio WEATHER FORECAST Wheels Of Truck OBITUARIES ACCEPT THREE LOTS Three lois were accepted by planning board from Loupan De Kills Child, Three ORILLIA (CP) HECTOR RAVARY A! 251 Dundas St. 4 his ad 9 Robert Hector-Ravary, Charles Turner, 3. was crushed F., Whitby, died suddenly at to death Tuesday beneath the home Tuesday. Juiy 14, of wheels of a three-ton dump truck heart attack driven by his step-brother Rob- year ert H. Turner, 34 Born at St Pressure Ridge Keeps Sunshine TORONTO (CP) foreca issued by the office at 5 a.m te Isdore de Prescott, g becoming light at Official south 10 to 15 veather Nazaire and Adele Ravary He was married at y Ont... in 1939, and run behind the truck when his of step-brother, who lives with the of Cornwall family, was reversing the ve- Cornwall hicle. The truck driver heard a moved to Whitby nine vears bump and found the boy crushed, A Roman Catholic, My beneath a rear dual wheel attended the Church of St pr RA DISTRICT ape onstruction Open FINE A fine of $50 was Winston Petch was victed of a charge of speeding, in Also surviving are five »'8 cou Tuesday. Mrs. Teresa Jarvis of Ingleside H light at might. zuskoka at' Ont Mrs. V.. T. Moore, of a ! iy X one Mrs .. Major (F ® Kick and Lake Killaloe ! on'lone, N.Y Ir 1 1a jor er: | : 4 Harmony Rd nandi), of Prescott. Ont Mrs Bay Sudbury: | Earlton z : varm and 'Sudbur a R. Warner Andrea), of Seeley ds orth FINE CARELESS DRIVER Bay, Ont: and Mrs. L. Sullivan Winds to! North Bay Jame Milton Nassau (Jacqueline of Malone Y re vas convicted of careless and six brothers, Ha ba Magistrate A S./Summerstown, Ont.: An Nv, of Tuesday. Mag- | Summerstown, Ont Ednow ssessed Milton Summerstown, Ontario: Raymond ta of Oshawa; John of Oshawa, and Gerald of Whitby is at the W.. C night River, Timmins - Kapus James Bay with Thurs kasing Sunny and A ridge of high pre he Great Lakes is giv n | day ago cloudy a i and wa 1) This ideal continue today | 4 John|] was the d orms most likely bot] 1 Ww outherly 20, becom tered thunder n the loon or evening vince th some thunder- Ng into northern re light a I J Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Windso mndil St and Thursday w He leaves his wife, the former Harriett Gallinger: two daugh [ti ters, Mrs. H. Fudge (Elaine) Oshawa, and Jovee of Whitby; |r one son, Robert of Whitby, and 'W his parents, Nazaire and Adele | Ravary of Cornwall y'€ Storms moving gior Thursday Regional mudanignt forecasts vahd Thu "sday Lond y ondor 5 Huron, Lake winghan 3 $50 Haliburton re- Toronto London, Hamil- 1rentor Sunny and warms; Cathar Thursday, Winds east-| fam Lake imposed on ) gara Windsor Toronto who con- sisters nd 1 ind ilton becomi mpn wgian Bay, | North and dar Indian Woman KEY ISSUES IN Concert Guest STEEL STRIKE - n NEW. YORK (AP) These One of Canada's outstanding " . 4 > le Key issues in the S ( citizens will attend the Ontario . strike Ave Regiment Band concert Thurs . iat Wages and Bene day, night at today southeast 199 [iF mn: court tchell a and Mitchell $25 fine costs NO FULL STOP The body ayton Orpwood, 240 Tresane Funeral Home, Whitby vas convicted of failing to Mass will. be sung. at St. John: the Bandshell A me to a full stop, He was fined the Evangelist Church, Gifford 1 ss Susan Hardie, an elde t Seeks $15 and costs In magistrate's St, Whitby, at 9 a.m Thursday | er of the Six Nation Re re e in pé court Tuesday Interment will be at St. John's at Bi for i t denefits e { art Roman Catholic Cemetery follow r a Jrantford, will be the / SPEEDER FINED 4 hid oy : guest of George A. Fletcher, ; ing the mass which will be sung ter of Ceremonies he o was assessed by Rev. L. Austin, piring contract against Gilbert W Taylor, 779 Must Hardie SUH siya Manor drive, by Magis HAROLD B. GALLINGER Mohawk Institute in Brant A. S$ Mitchell in court : i ford for 35 years before retiring He was charged with In failing health for the wre than 20 vears ago. In her i ny vear Harold Gallinger, 387 Mary Miss Hardie peedir St., died at the Oshawa General F Indian senator to Hospital this morning He was in n admission to the Sen his 66th Ott He is James tor A son of the late Benjamin and 1¢ Lethbridge. Al.! In adjusting work practices and Bite Mary = Gallinger the deceased ! altering job duties to realize Thu is bo . was born at Cornwall, Ont., and I economie and ain maxi- Avani ay's sate of The Oshawa was married there in 1913. A|( mum - efficienc Union ays > ne 8, mitted the name of resident of Oshawa for 18 years, pre rmit ober rect who was promoted jo had previously lived in Por- S he . with third class cupine for 23 years. An adherent R of the United Church, Mr. Gal Town gr are come on hou fare new contra Mas. 1or annual. zains Yealized: in exe A of $15 Industry Glen any further creases spu nflatic Work Union Says a 3 trate uesday hing career t the practice Refuses to ag industry plea only NAME OMITTED of promotions Central Collegiate which appeared in last year The Oshawa list at the Insti Y 1 nore lee ate Glac herta Throughoist Bas made the many of the awa tone from her lifetime she oir acquaintance of Indian leaders in a close friend the famous ent agreeme) pe was Johnson ed He was in his 44th pl Street The child is thought to have Ontario, the deceased was a son |, Ravary Whithy orenda Jaae widow of Perry 1934 hildren 10 and dren of jie Requiem net am Gerald Morden past | pital year July 14 velopments on their plan as 5 per cent conveyance. This is the j former Naylor sub-division on ing St Irs. Dalton Fickes of Oshawa nd three grandchildren The funeral service will be held t the McIntosh Funeral Home af p.m. Friday, July 17. Rev. W.| Dickson, minister of Centre United Church, will con- My uct the services. Interment will "©" in Oshawa Union Cemetery, (he lakefront, east of Oshawa, is| being constructed. Roads are be- ing cut, tables built, and tempor- ary buildings constructed. He said that the temporary frame buildings will be replaced later by stone buildings. The lakefront Harry McKinley. The is being dredged The park cov was in her 89th year ers an area of 252 acres It is planned to operate the park both \ daughter of the late George winter and summer. There is and Ann Hodeson, the deceased provision for skiing and tobog ved on Scugog Island. Port gunning in the winter seasn. Mr and Brooklin before tak-|\yandless said the park is ex 1g up residence in Whitby. She|pected to be completed within as a member of Port Perry five vears, or sooner if the de nited Church. He: main inter mand warrants it ts certred in her home Predeccased hy his husband in she leaves a daughter. Mrs Whitney of Newcastle surviving REPORTS ON PARK Wandless reported that the Provincial Park, located on IRS. I'he deat! stroke, at LORENDA J. McKINLEY occurred, following Fairview Lodge, Friday. June 19, of (Jennie) Hodgson, on eceased HEARING SET A public hearing was set for July 28 to consider an applica- are five tion of M. G. Hart for the re at-grandchildren zoning of 617 King St. E., from at-great-grandehil-'R2 to R3 or R4 held ASKS CONSIDERATION Fu A leiter was received by the Port Perry, Mon: hoard from E. G. Faludi concern 22. with Rev. S. J. Hil jug the urban renewal study for officiating. In- Oshawa, asking that he be consid- Pine Grove ered, if and when such a stud: Albert is carried out were three Whitney, Ken Russell Wrat A grandsons \! and azel Also three gyre funeral service was MeDermott-Panabaker The the ral Chapel ay. June r of Brooklin ment was in metery, Prince The pallbearers wndsons. Cecil h' Whitney and 1 three orept Wray, Wayne Way Del.ong POLL CONFIRMED confirmation of a telephone vote was received from Kassing Wil- er Construction, re the 5 per cent convevance in the Beau Valley subdivision. BOARD ADJOURNED memorial service for Mrs The board adjourned until 19 Elm St. who September and any meetings ed at the Oshawa General Hos. Should the need arise, will be last Sunday. in her 51st called by the chairman. was held at the Armstrong i] uneral Home at 2 p.m. Tuesday FUNERAL OF MRS, GERALD MORDEN The tev. 8S. C. H. Atkinson, minis. «+ of Albert Street United| hurch,. conducted the services.| iterment was in Oshawa Union emetery The pallbearers were F Barta, D. Brown, W Hill and D. Armstead ORGANIST Nightly at HOTEL LANCASTER Davis, Ladies ond Escorts Room Abbott, | such disputes ed and submit e for decision . CALLS linger was a member of the maintenance staff at the Oshawa Oshawa Fire Department General Hospital four ambulance calls dur He ) h fe. ti ast 2 e leaves his wife e house alls # hours. Al. were Mina J. Hart: a daughter, Mrs u +01 ? W. E. Chambers (Olive), of To uh at as heen foe FIVE CASES ADJOURNED Tonto and a son, Arnold, of Osh ra rr X An on equit i awa able ne ive ( A date by Magistrate iso Seek Opinion - LE es On Arena who set the Indian 4 AMBULANCE The mack ing the Industry and overtime practices ult in an undue Band playir Abide Regiment visit by hymn tune col former orite mpire decide must spute prac ases were adjourned un SUrvViving are a wster 8 later ~ Too Generous With Servings PORT CREDIT (CP A d motherly dietitian has been fired A charge of failing|py South Peel education hoard full stop against |for being too generous with her 451 Beverly street servings adjourned to July 21 A finance committee report in dicated there was a deficit last vear of $1,121 in the operation of six cafeterias in the board's sec- ondary schools, in this village homson of careless driving Gilles Lan teigne, 95 Nassau street, was T olitics ot Committee 3 The Politic al Action \ e Rudi Wicht 33 Muskoka Ave of Local 222, UAW. has announc were remanded to Aug. 25 Ed- ton of public. financial support come to a DOS --_ af proposed new civic arena Earl Harding . remanded to Aug. 11. Gunther al e By Goltas, 221 Sinclair Ave., and od plans 8 \ 1 of the d p ans 0 : nduet a #5 of the ward Vaillancourt was remande ocal's membership on the ques ig July 21 eaveronrook . Was to the roject LONDON The committee will construct ai ook Thesdas booth confaining displays pertain the project at the annual picnic to be held this Saturday at Lakeview Park Along with the booth there be a ballot box and members paper empire will go through. the have been invited to cast their press lord said Thomson will be hallots; either pro or con denot just "about the top CP)--Lord Bea welcomed the emergency of Thomson as est STREETS CLOSED following streets will be today, for construction Nipigon street, from Welland av-| near Torento enue to Rossland road west; Business administrator Jack Rossland road west, from Glen-| Brown said tle deficit could only ge. Lair street to Gibbons street; (be explained by the operator giv i! & ipigon street, closed at Ross- ing too generous servings and the ng their ishes on the among the big Ai- land road west: Gibbons street, high quality of food served booth will be under DOUNC ent of the Kemsloy deal closed at Rossland road west: He said he advised the woman Roy Fleming, chair-|is ex a Thursday Alice street closed at Mary her services "would not he re. committee and will! Beay rook, a power on Fleet greet and Mary street closed at quired for the coming term drawings of Street for a Quarter of a Cantu Alice street. Whenever possible "This dietitian Is the matronly personal iY. Sictuted a twos > these streets will be partially type and when she sees a thin digs ID vest ns rh open to permit movement of lo- boy she just heaps his plate up cal traffic Extreme weather said trustee John Caldwell ound that the results of the poll sor } ne homson-Kemsley ne conditions, such as heavy rain financial assistance a city Roy Thomson may result in the closing of other MeNALLY In campaign would be : blisk A sading new pu mM etod, by the committee for the \" l A I publishe streets Wing a new Follow report 0 I of the: ary Juv 1 Agues hawa Hospital for ved ghter of the ; He w construction of the community " > urnalism here the week ending July 11: Admis.|and erine MeNally 3 nto centre, to solicit funds for the e and improve sions 310; births, male 25; female late Fred McNall Rd ted fello nadian Britain's big Taking for grat will bid for the pe Pec ng fo Roy one of | The publishers closed ted that Kemsley news Thom son's come subject the di proprietors The ection of man of the contain architects the proposed arena Mr. Fleming said that if it is sotiations vill be the n Britain conception will favor now vide con vhich HOSP ITAL REPORT i Oshawa on Wed McNally, be late Edward and sister (Taunton our present PRAISE informal commen said "most freatments roup controlled by WINS RADIO Arlain Edwards 10, of 13 Garrard road, has won a minia ture rocket radio in the second Cimer Limerick Contest. © The ontest is snovsored locally by The Times have accepted i Oshawa Adding an vonderful for Requiem mass at 8 a.m. Interment nations 101; casts 30; physiother NEW YORK (AP)--The gover-|wmirror Ralph NUTS both standerd and portable Beaverbrool St. Gregory's Cemetery 164d Daily apy 305 rs of the fashionable West Side |pyarmewortt ' nephew models. Speciol student rotes. human and Cec Tennis Club say they would the Northeliffe FOR RENT Walmsley & Magill chan project Thomson is a 28: major surgery 37: minor sur- in her 34th year, Fu five perso lity a courteous and prompt attention" |r bably has ater assbls than modern typewriters and adding Office Equipment Ltd. methods PERSONAL Club Reverses | fo Ea most attrac ry 91 eve ear nose and|July 17th to St. Gregory's Church R li throat 32; treatments and exami- olor Ruling unm: Beaverbrook said 1 to a membership application by ',, hl. B k 15 Ine he oF machines of all makes: Under. woods, Smith Corona, Royal, 9 KING ST, EAST 1 DIAL RA 3-3333 ition of the club pres y told Bunche were: not rship bec pers i S 4 {newspaper and television stake ED WILSON SEZ: We Love Babies! Lorge mattre that he on for ause are ize and i r 24.88; 8.88. WILSON FURNITURE, 20 Church St. itement \ aid the club to con I sgard print nembers without ereed or color." Manchester, FIRST WITH THE NEW 1960 LINE Only RCA Victor offers All these outstanding features Victor Crafted Furniture Styling New RCA Victor Gold Seal "60" Chassis New Clarity Control Keyed Automatic Gain Control Security Sealed Circuits Three Speaker Balanced: Fidelity FM Sound Pre-Set Fine Tuning Retroce Line "Extinquisher" "Noise Suicide" Circuit . to emily. 1e serv- . applica- " . attention. RCA Victor "Good Neighbour' Desisttion call RA CSA Approval SEE IT AT ..3 FOOD ME A G prem INING OOM 5 KING W, Stereo Jack and Switch Picture Synchronization Circuits ® © © © 0 ® © ® © © 0 0° 0 YOU'LL LOVE THE FRESH TASTE You can pay more . . . but you een't buy better produce values than these we display every day. Top-of-the-crop fruits ond vegetables are delivered dewy- fresh daily . . . placed on sele immedi. ately . . . and priced real low to give you the most of the best for your money. Take your pick -- and add the taste of FRESHNESS to delicious dishes end uperb salads, FRESH FROM BRADFORD MARSH GREEN CELERY 2 FRESH GREEN FLORIDA LIMES LARGE STALKS 15 oe. BG" LB 1 9 1-L8. PKG. MEAT DEPARTMENT RINDLESS BACON BREAKFAST SAUSAGE. 49° COOKE! god BRAUNSCHWEIGER CHUBS GREEN BEANS Round Steak or Roast Boneless 59° COOKED MEAT 25° TOMATO JUICE 1 WHOLE CHICKEN PEAS TOILET TISSUE FRUIT PUNCH PICNIC BRAND SWEET MIXED PICKLES I" 23° CHEER DT ERGENT 79 PKG Store Hours { SPROULE'S--King at Ritson mursoaY OPEN TILL 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAY SPROULE"S--Simcoe at Mill Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights Sproules - Simcoe at Colborne 48-0x. ™ ET" 99+ 15.02 59- TINS 8... 89° ROLLS 48-07. TIN 3.18, 4.02 TIN 4 37° Kotex Sanitary Napkins 2 5, 89 French's Instant Potato he. 29° Wagstaffe's Assorted Jams and Marmalades et 1: Solo Margarine hy, 20° Puss 'n Bools Cat Food r 10¢ FB" ¥ BIRDSF ""UKEY and BE LIFT Yomi | LIKE estate--I, +52 TO Beiich LiviNG The spot, with functi * Best Value for your Food Dollars et SPROULE'S * AMPLE FREE PARKING * DELIVERY AT A NOMINAL CHARGE TOODS 63° 22° your family to appreciate you see T0 RE geau Valley soon 12.02. PKG. presents a h Drop in at our Field Office on Rossland Rd. or Phone RA

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