Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Jul 1959, p. 23

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 15, 1959 23 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Changes Urged pr (Continued from Page 22) In Scout Laws 50--Articles For Sale 52--Legal Notices COBALT (CP) Since the § TYPEWRITER i» good - condition days of the late Lord Baden-| Phone RA 3-665 15% THE CORPORATION OF THE 'powell few scouts worth their RABPPERRIES for sale, BA saosz | TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON badges, have tailed to parade 163f dressed in shorts. but the tradi- ot % NOTICE tion doesn't impress at least one | YOU break them, we fix them! At Bil 'a : Moring's Garage 1373 Simcoe Street OF BY-LAW Canadian scout North And" to boot, Queen's Scout | LOOKING for the best buy in alum. TAKE NOTICE that the Robert Keikkila. 20. who attended | num storm windows and doors. Call (Council of the Corporation of the last world jamboree in Eng- RA 51646 " % rs restricti the Township of Darlington land, considers restrictions on| A PC CRIB OUTFIT -- Only $%.66 will consider passing a by fund-raising also should come in This includes full size crib. spring i 5 i> cl the for review mattress and bumper pads. Unbe.| OW to stop up ond close nS 4 : : lievable value: Barons' Home Fura. ~ north 108 feet more or less I'he Cobalt youth said in an in- ishings, 424 Simcoe St § of Lynwood Avenue lying terview that regulations instituted IS your basement damp? Then try an immediately west of Lot 32 bv the movement's founder, Lord | Electrohome de-humidifier Special according to registered Plan Baden-Powell. in South Africa offer, one week's free trial. Parkway | 23 of o I town- ring 4 y » i od | irr Ta Wd 623 port © rigina towr during the Boer War are in need RA 3.3083, Store. will be closed on| ship lot 29 in the 3rd Con of a change Mondays during July ind August cession of the Town hip f "Scout laws created in the ELECTRIC refrigerators, all makes Darlington) more particularly horse and buggy days don't al-| completely reconditioned 90-day (ree described o ave Ht dav's rocke " warranty, from $69.50. Irvine Appl way it into today's rocket age, ances, 50 Bond East COMMENCING "af the he sai BIG and little farms appear in "Prop. South West angle of Lot The requisite of short pants on erty for Sale" in Classified. What 32 according to Plon parade cuts ne ice with Canadian bovs and their scout leaders as vou're after may be there tiday. Look z, = #23 bole, and could b 5 F: , a ven be TENTS, camp cols, camp stoves, sleep . N i whole, and conic even be 3 ing bags, tarpaulins. dunnage bags, THENCE Westerly in o. [factor preventing, more voung rentals, Oshawa Hardware, 8 Church straight line a distance of people from becoming associated | Street. RA 3-764 66 feet 5 inct more or with the movement, he claimed. USED TV sets $49.50 and up. $10 less to the South East "Shorts are out' of stle and down. Used refrigerators and freezers ie ) : : ile: for Canada's: oi is neavy duty ranges, $45: gas ranges angle of Lot 41, accord unsuitable for Canada old cli washers $19.95 a up; car radios ing to the registered Plan mate or summer bushland said Canada where $19.50 and up. See us for other bar 645 which i tuate in the robert, "In gains. The Duicl Merchant, 171 Bond limit of Lynwood |voungsters wear long pants i to 35 hp with two starting w - ' Come in and chonse yours nos | "THENCE Northerly in and {o force them into shorts in the at Verdun Road Lynwood me ond th . wore FOR 87c¢ Sinden Ried, coi ynwood Avenue and the He also criticized regulations SERVE HOT OR COLD! SWIFT, LEAN, MILD CURED A rel viii, guste, Jimny Lot 4] which limit scout fund - raising BUY THE 918 Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043 : hee . drives to paper and bottle col Stare sy oe closed on Mondays dur tC Fr North toast lections and apple sales 7TH TIN ing July and Auzust angle of said Lot "Cl . ine hurches use bingo as FOR ONLY but the place to find them is always THENCE Easterly og ; Mobile Homes" in Classified. Look tonce of oe : looked upon as gambling and is now lo ott \ taboo to scouts," he said. The SELLING furniture? Well buy it. Re sn le Of So , ' lack of funds was hampering SELLING rmtorer Well buy 6 Re: ngle'of said Lor 32, Plon [lick Of funds Was hampers BUY 6 15-0Z. TINS CHOICE Siyoet Tas RA Sol i ; 3 ti nes t efo re they are venue; sometimes b p py & SEE the spectacular new Buccaneeis! weaned, it is an unpopular step BUY 6 15-0OZ. TINS -- IGA FANCY IG A QU A [ ITY ME A TS and terms. Cv Preece Garage, Gliddo 1long the western limit of scout movement." MOBILE home hunter? Trailers move money-raising means, vet it is 4 r tip cask or, con 623 stoves, etc. For tip cash offer. cor to. attend CAMDS tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-113] CAMPING equipment for vent THENCE Sout n anc FOR 87¢ R LLS complete stock of al br and new equip along tf ter nit WEAR EXPLOSION Tm t st arrived. Tents to s, lan ai. + 19 . n en. Wott. Wecping bags, coolers. out Joa or 37 eng WYTHEVILLE. Va. (AP)-- The BUY THE b is sasonable rates. Bool eastern limit of ynwood re 5 s . he now for vour summer holidays. Hilito oat 108 fot Smee [lueat of an explosion at Hie . . 7TH TIN = FOR ONLY DEVON BRAND Snack Bar, RA 8.6891 to the Point of or y > Max Meadows was removed late B viet hv ae i , r men Tuesday when a burning truck Be ep no EU RINDLESS SIDE BACON . 59° Rentals, V. Cleane x : August, 1959 5 vane ozs it The : Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner io Falivs Propane Songs Ie BUY 4 LA RGE BOTTLES OF IGA PLUS DEPOSIT) NGS, i WALTER E RUNDLE ha j ee SAUSAGES AND PANCAKES ARE OH SO GOOD! AUNINGS: oa, Sore Free eS C the tank for more than three tes. Order now for early delive rx hours. Officials had evacuated a preg table rentals Cleve Fox, 4 Town t Darlington. large number of residents oR $2 JUBILEE BRAND Y THE Simcoe North . TWO boats, ve! M: il. On fist ' A i 0 hoa a an Rs . perwash with Bowmany ille High 5TH BOTTLE PURE PORK SAUSAGE L8 39c ng or partially finished or kit $139 30 up Ma le Grove School Cadets Barons' Marine and Sports, 426 Simcoe i 's ob. Schwager. y Sa P Mi. and Mrs Bob Schwager FOR ONLY IDEAL FOR SALAD PLATES--TABLERITE SLICED LL] es or other pete? People . . Jim Laverty. Saturday ) FOE] dy Tho want them Check PELs lor Sale) Girl Guides ame Getter emerianed I BUY 4 PKGS. PEEK FREAN Cooked Meats ne 25° ane patty to start an ad that sells pets triends at a wiener roast at her UTCH OR 51--Swap and Barter ome Saturday CEMENT finisher, table and skill saw Hold Cam ; i pos Mrs. Harry Clark CARAMEL CRUNCH, MACARONI & CHEESE LOAF, PICKLE & PIMENTO LOAF, D DIGESTIVE, NICE OR ) CHICKEN LOAF garden tractor, power mower, outboard Oshawa, were motor, plumbing ' supplies, and piping M I Mrs Yoeuend gests of LJ i Fr hes ry colt Chae comer] Bo MRS. M. E. LAVE RI ' Ta so Gox wip SHORTCAKE FOR, 1.00 3 3 --Lega ice MAPLE GROVE Maple Grenfell, Sask. where he will 7 % a" i John O'Sullivan. will not be respon. Grove Girl Guides were at camp spend the summer with his aunt BUY THE 5TH PKG. ¥ VOLUME NO. 9 INDOOR & OUTDOOR FOR ONLY oo Sk GARDENING sible for any debts incurred in my last weekend at Osborne's farm and uncle p 3 Mas )'Si va n 11 vf 1 mT ; name by my wife Mary O'Sullivan on rth, of Newcastle Leaders, Lorne Tink. Hampton: Shirley Bo k HOMEMAKERS NOW a ON SALE after this day, July 15. 1959 A - a were District Commissioner. Mrs. Mills, RN and Heather Ash, RN --John O'Sullivan 164c WE ict | i Sons L_ Campbell, will not be re. William O'Neill: Camp Director, both of Kingston: Ed, Jim and BUY A 1'; LB pap el a Ale ENCYCLOPEDIA .... La a gg RR a ae sk Wha gd Wg MAPLE LEAF HAM for 1.55 Cappel. writes order. -- Mone L.| james Geddes and Lois Stalker. Gibson and Patricia, Mrs. M A os ol Guides were Rosa Prins, Di-|Kennedy, Reid and Tina, Acton: | AND BUY A 16-0Z. JAR OF 1.G.A + NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'ana Geddes, Betty Lou 'Snowden, Mr and Mrs. William Begley SWEET MIXED PICKLES for onl . ms IN THE MATTER OF THE DE i ee Y FARM FRESH PRODUCE N son, Gwen Dupuis, Ria Raap- Shunk, Ronald White, Mr. and g ™ BUY 615.07 ' FINS CHOICE CREAM STYLE A HARVEST OF HEALTH, LARGE, CRISP CLUSTERS, INALD LAMBERT, LATE OF horst, Sharon Holmes, Barbara Mrs. Julian Magee, all of Toron THE CITY OF OSHAWA, IN Bothwell, Margaret Stalker, Di-'to; Mr. and Mrs. G. Shunk, Mar FOR 87¢ BUY THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO anne Martyn, Jean and Rose ion and Ronald, Mr. and Mrs GENTLEMAN, DECEASED OCT, AI rls O'NT \Roy Goode. Port Perry. visited THE 7TH TIN U.S. NO. 1 All ho | . Maureen and Peggy Whalen, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mills, Sun AYLMER Foss J ving, 'NOR Lynda Martin, Judy Barraball, day : FOR ONLY MAN REGINALD LAMBERT Mary Jane Laverty and Heather Jim Snowden is spending a few late of the City of Oshowa MacLean weeks with his brother-in-law ana ¥ sister. Mr. and Mrs. Howard BUY 5 15-OZ. TINS FRANCO AMERICAN in. the County of Ontario Brownie Leaders Mrs. Wally He | Peterst Gent! h + Bothwell. Mrs. John W. Noble Hagedorn, in Petersburg sentleman, who died on © Mr. and Mrs. Clare Wright about the 15th day of June and Mrs. Jim Colliss attended| ° H 8 A.D. 1959, are hereby noti the camp Saturday with Brow Oakwood: visited Mrs Avimer FOR 93c BUY fied to send particulars to nies Lorraine Holmes and Anna Beech Monday 3 4 THE 6TH TIN Bake Prins Mrs. W. Pearson, Lakefield the undersigned on or before n } FO the 7th day of August, A.D Some of the Guides attended Visiting her parents, Mr. and R ONLY } i 3 Mrs A. T. Laird and Susan Laird > ; ] 1959, after which date the church in Newcastle Sunday Estate will be distributed morning over the weekend . with regard only to claim Mr. and Mrs. Lester McKie] BUY 3 16-OZ. TINS BEEF, CHICKEN OR LIVER of which the undersigned 4-H CLUB MEETS Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs shall then have had notice The 4-H Homemaking Club was Jack Elliott, Wednesday Te held at the home of Mrs. Ron! Marie Shunk. Toronto. Marion FOR 38¢ BUY ATED ot Oshawo, this Brooks when hints on salad mak-/and Ronald Shunk, Port Perry 6th day of July, A.D. 1959 ing were given. The salads|visited their aunt and uncle, Mr 1 THE 4TH TIN made by the girls were served and Mrs. Cecil Mills for a few FOR ONLY WESLEY HENRY LAMBERT 'as refreshments days CRISP AND TENDER, RUSHED FROM BRADFORD MARSH Executor Sandra Gibson was appointed. Mr: and Mrs. Jack Myers © By His Solicitor secretary to replace Heather Bur-| Courtice, were Sunday visitors of BUY 9 5.0Z. TINS HEI Z | . 9 ton Mr. and Mrs. James T. Colliss > N NFANT OR JUNIOR SARSt € JOSEPH P MANGAN, Q.C Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tllidge, FOR 96¢ BUY HEADS 4% King Street East PERSON ro John, Paul and Peter, Toronto awa ntario James and George Phair. Or- visited Mrs. L. C. S: le Ww o) WwW angeville, visited Mr. and Mrs Mr. 'and Mrs Ronen abret TH ih uy LOCALLY GRO % FRESH TS TENDER 8 : 2eY saved for 3 week's av. Ren, Oona, Sunday. + FOR oh BUNCH CARRO S 3 "" 19 |stayed for a week's holiday Allen, Oshawa, Sunday USE THE Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright and BUNCHES Mr. and Mrs. Bert Snowden and family ichmon in, visi OSHAWA TIMES family, Gail and Betty Snowden Cot onl pM BUY 2 USES BLACK, hii OR ox BLOOD JUICY FREESTONE FLEERTAS Wayne Pickard, Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. T : CLASSIFIED Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pettit visited ar AP aliancre nin NUGGET FOR Com e Mr. and Mrs. Wes Down. Osh- visited Mr. and Mrs y S 50c¢ BUY THE bras Jim Colliss lawa, Sunday Sunday COLUMNS Micki. Hester son ol Mr. and ig and Mrs Jack Elliott and 3RD TUBE FOR LARGE SIZE 150's s. Charles Hester, left on Sat- Louise, visited Mr. and Mrs urday for cadet training at Ip-'Roger Sewell, Oshawa, Sunday LEMONS 39° fvi FROZEN FOOD FEATURES Gi 2HEERIT Ooo'-ALL THIS WEEK! | vork poLy PEAS 2 = 45: DIVIDEND BOOSTERS * MIRISCH COMPANY sens WELCH'S RIPE 'N' RAGGED oe "ium | GRAPE JUICE 2° 30 (GBR IGA PEACHES 7 23+ (Zieclpy TINS Sein Credits RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE PKG PES Dividend AS THE RAIDERS ON DAIRY DEPT. FEATURES TEA BAGS OF 60 79: \ 2 ARE Credits HORSEBACK WHO SAVE 10c ROYAL GOLD HOUSE AND GARDEN BOMB -- RODE LIKE THUNDER : - -. wo sree vores | VILLI CHEESE BLACK FLAG >> 1.59 ie: EE ¥ $0 ry - KRAFT PARKAY COLOR KWIK a ors re. 39° gree ART ivi . HEE iS di MARGARINE un ga JRE odin -- ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 15, 16, 17, 18. Bf an = | <b F growing with the ie 7 THE HORSE SOLDIERS | | > a 'community to BLANE NG COLOR ERT WW serve you better LICE RA 5- FIRE DEPT. R/ BYSPITAL RA AIR-CONDITIONED

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