Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 6 Jun 1959, p. 10

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Wipdt 5 Boil ie. didi COLUMBUS Above is shown 'Scotch Hon- and driven by John Hayes of ', 4-year-old pacer, owned lumbus, Ontario, di HARNESS RACING EN THUSIAST SCORE the "winner's circle" at Rich- winning the Class C pace event George" in elie Park, Montreal, after in 2:07.83, winning over "Sir Mite" by a I By ED WILKS Associated Press Staff Writer The joke was good while it lasted, but it's the New York Yankees, no longer the stumbling, cellar-dwelling world champions, who are having the laugh now. Laugh? They're roaring, so to speak, and the rest of the Am- erican League is discovering it was a mistake not to throw dirt in on the champs when they had 'em in a hole. Nobody spurted while the Yan- kees sputtered (except for De- troit's Tigers, and they were in Yankees Roar Back To Top the same fix as New York). Now, home run of the season and Els- after winning eight of their last|ton Howard his seventh. Art Dit- 10 games, the champs have shot/mar gave up seven hits, two of within 4% games of the top, them homers by Billy Martin and ROMP OVER TRIBE Rocky Colavito. They nailed their third in a row SOX BREAK TIE Friday night with a rollicking, 11-| A three-run, pinch double by |2 romp at Cleveland as the In-|Harry Simpson broke a 3-2 tie in juns--who laughed the loudest at the eighth for the White Sox. the Yankees' late plight--dropped Gerry Staley was the winner in their sixth straight. relief of Early Wynn, Frank Mal- The Injuns, who ribbed the|z0one homered for Boston, Yanks about 'not showing up"| Gus Triandos 12th home run for a rained-out game in New-|sewed it up for the Orioles in the York last month, led the league|third inning, Gene Woodling's by two games when the skid|three-run homer in the ninth gave "KANSAS SCREEN DEFIES LOLLAR KANSAS CITY (AP) -- There's an angle to the smaller home run production in the American League this year--a | 90-degree straight up angle. #| It's the 15 - foot screen atop " RICHELIEU and "Miss Golden SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR Thompson's Win INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE . Over Juveniles ™ 's Pl vir Aalaniad Storie Park Juveniles in an In. ter-County Softball League game at Lakeview Park on Thursday night, 7-2, Richmond In Municipal Stadium's short (330 feet) left field wall, It has rob- bed a lot of American League long-ball hitters of home runs. The screen lifts the barrier to 35 feet. Originally it was 30 . Only 14 balls have gone over | the wire. Twelve got entangled and fell for lesser damage, some mere singles, Chief victim of the screen is Chicago's Sherm Lollar, His drives have been enmeshed twice, Of the 14 blasts over the bar- rier, honors. go to Hector Lopez, now of New York yankees, while he still was on Athletics roster, He has hit three. started. Now they're 1% games an added boost to Milt Pappas behind Chicago's leading White (5-2), who settled for a five hit Southmead Bantams Whip Bathe Park Southmead Bantams defeats Bethe Park Boys 92 in thes Kiwanis Bantam Softball League game this week, at Southmead diamond, Wednesday evening, A lone run in the first inning by McKnight, on a hit by Waters proved the only score of the game until the last of the fifth, when the Southmead boys clicked for four more runs, McKnight, Walters, Peters and Wright all crossing the plate in this rally, In the following inning, they add. ed four more, Kadlan, Wright, Siblock and McKnight doing the scoring, Bathe Park were in danger of the whitewash brush right » until their final chance at the plate, In the 7th inning they scored two runs, Robbins and Brown coming home on help by the Mitchell brothers, Pitcher Wright for Southmead and McKnight were the best at the plate while G._ Brown, B, Mitchell and Bobyk were the pick of the losers, Sox, who defeated Boston 5-2, and ter. Baltimore Paul are in a virtual tie for second with Richards and five Birds, includ- the Baltimore Orioles, who won| ing Triandos, were ejected in a 6-1 at Kansas City. third-inning run-in with the umps. Detroit took fifth place from| A single by Al Kaline won it Washington by beating the Sena- for the Tigers in the ninth, scor- {tors 7-6, skidding the Nats to/ing Eddie Yost, who singled and seventh as the Yankees muscled moved to second on a sacrifice. into sixth, Rookie Bob Allison was 5-for-5 The Yankees swung for 17 hits,|and drove in four runs for the six for extra bases, against loser Nats with his 11th and 12th hom- Gary Ball (4-5) and three reliev- ers. reliefer Dave Sisler (1-1) {ers. Gil McDougald hit his firstiwas the winner, DOGERS ROLLING Big Newk' On Way Back cisco's slugging Giants 72 on three hits. By ED WILKS lated Press Staff Writer Make Rules Harder CUBS, DODGERS WIN The defeat left the second-place Glants 2% games behind Mil waukee, beaten 51 by the Big Don Newcombe, once the best pitcher in baseball, finally is on his way back, It was Newk who won the Na- LAST CHANCE For Free. POLAROID For Figure Skaters TOURS, France (AP)--Figure skaters competing in tional meets will find the skating a little harder from now on, The International Skating Union--the rules-setting body for ah itd decided at meeting Thursday to include jumps and pirouettes in the re- Juired or school figure part of Dodgers, The Chicago Cubs beat Pittsburgh's third-place Pirates 10-5. The St. Louis at Philadel. phia game was rained out. Newcombe had a one-hit shut. out for five innings in a duel with left - hander Johnny Antonelli (7-8). Willie Kirkland's home run gave the Giants a 1-1 tie in the sixth, but the Reds, held to one run--Roy McMillan's homer--and two hits for five frames then chased Antonelli with five runs in their sixth, Johnny Podres (6-2) won his fourth in a row for the with a seven-hitter at Milwaukee, He walked but one and struck out five, SPAHN LOSES The tional League's most valuable player award with 27 victories in 1956 for Brooklyn. But the last two years, and the start of the were night es for the proud right-hander, He had only an 11-12 record in 1957, Last year it was worse, 7-13 at the end of a season in which oles Rigg By Bo Bs ure skating competition. ngeles gers to Cincinnat a ae et judged on after losing his first six deci two categories--the required skat-| sions. ing manoeuvres and free skating] Now Newk's won four straight, in which the. skater is allowed to|putting away a 54 record Fri- improvise his own performance. day night by checking San Fran. Canadian Grid Copeland and Halik shared the pitching for the winners and |other than a few walks, were SATURDAY ROUNDUP: -- One has to admire the pointed never in danger. The Juveniles) pg. yyp ASSOCIATED PRESS remarks used by the officials of the Kingston Merchants hockey got their two runs in the sixth pol club, TE sisgestod 1a pore Ps firm im that the prenlinsinrd inning, with the score 50 at the| Musical chairs is a party game, Making a Fon ving = apo. of a financial pool, as set-up and operated within their own lea. (time. Siblock opened with a|In the International Baseball Fginans Jon 1d . oOtar the Canadian Amateur Hockey|Walk, Mapes singled with one|League it's becoming a way of(in succession Friday night, com. Re, Nos hay ENGLISH 'soccnr uty sports scribes and others out and with two out, Henderson life, ne from beng on Frank Leja's concerned, are more than a little upset over the rather miserable|doubled to drive home his two| At various times recently, Co- feerun Bint h-inning ome Tun showing the English international team made in South America.|Mates and prevent the shutout. (lumbus, Buffalo, Rochester and on ory over in Ten. "ROSS PATON, former Oakville pitching star, who actually] Henderson, Storie Park's hurl: Miami have held the top perch k ih he ox *z conte ly resides in Hamilton but has a one-year leave of absence from |r, fave up three singles and ajin the pennant race, but relin-| noc we Sage 0 or around, there, has been named Brantford property by the Inter-County|Walk in the opening frame for|quished the driver's seat as one/Richinond, ju ourth Pace, hae baseball men, over Galt's claim--though Paton wanted to play for|tWo runs, Shepperdson, Copeland|of the other pretenders for the edged Tite Iwo Samad hii e the Terriers . . . K-W DUTCHMEN are currently leading the I.C|2nd Oidfield doing the hitting In throne put together a winning league lead heud today by Colum: race, thanks to a 12-inning victory, 10-9 Thursday over St. Thomas, the third, Ulrich opened with astreak. | bu ana Buliate LOBE . . . WONDER WHERE is picked as favorite to win the $7,500|Sing'e and Oldfield also Somme. [P CEE LO oak Selene Stakes at New Woodbine today. She is owned by Conn (ed. Weldon forced Oidiielg Dut The Pacese ess ; i ' or Smythe and Larkin Meioney wna was Canada's champion 2ear tems 'outios tue, i, OL | LEGION MINOR fone, nomi fe Se 10, bn, Jt old filly last year . , . SMOKY BURGESS has been given credi oy " 8 A 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' Race For Top Now, it's long-shot Richmond Makes extra coples in 60 Retall , , ith 800 POLAROID Land Camera Kit handed Warren | for setting a new major league record for hitting home-runs, while make it a three-run splurge and falo 6-4. Third-place Rochester, a in the role of a pinch hitter. He got his 10th last Sunday, to top the former mark of nine, held jointly by four other players . . SOFTBALL DATES for the CRA Neighborhood Assoc. leagues, pee wee boys and pee wee, bantam and juvenile girls, appear in to- day's paper. Interested players should clip them out, for future peference, National Golf Week commences tomorrow and continues through to June 14. This is the 8th consecutive year. The On- tarlo Golf Assoc. is presenting a special prize of 10 golf les- sons and one playing lesson, to both the man and lady turn- ing in the lowest "net" scores in Ontario, during the next week. Of course, there are medals for all golfers who beat the score Henry Martell, Canadian PGA champ, will make when he plays his round at Edmonton, a week from today and the ladies have to beat the score that Marlene Stewart-Streit regis- ters, in her game. The proceeds of the "one buck" entry fee, go to help Junior golfers in Canada and last year a sum of almost $11,000 was raised, by 249 clubs, with 79 Ontario clubs accounting for almost $3,500, more than double any other pro- vince except Quebec, which raised $2,061 from 45 clubs, MORE SPORTS BITS: -- Oshawa sports fans who are inter- ested in the big annual walking' race the 33-mile marathon from Toronto City Hall to Oshawa City Hall, being held tomorrow, are advised that, if the race starts on schedule in Toronto, at 9.00 am., the winner is expected to arrive in Oshawa, somewhere between 2.30 and 3.00 o'clock, Sunday afternoon . HARRY HARRIS, world's bantamweight champion in 1901, died Friday in New York He was 77 WILLIE JONES (Puddin' Head) has been traded to Cleveland after playing 3rd base for the Phillies since 1949, af- ter one year with Toronto Leafs . set up a training camp in Quebec . . benched for a few games, so that Cards can get a good look at| rookie Gene Oliver, just called up from Rochester . 1 f ' | Thompson's with two runs to match Stories pair--when Shepperdson singled to open, was forced by Cole but Copeland homered. Garrow, ¢; Wright, 1b; Suddard, 2b; Siblock, White, If; Crosmas, rf; Hender son, p; Mapes, If in 4th; Peters, | of Shepperdson, 3b; Cole ss; Cope- Stinson, 1f; Campbell, 2b; Gilles- pie, rf and ¢; Howard, rf; Halk, p in 3rd. Chuvalo, boxing champion, was discharged . ARCHIE MOORE is going 10 pearing. of , STAN MUSIAL is to be \paned an 19-year-old mother. . DICK TI |greed both the 21-year-old boxer| BALL STANDINGS 5-0 lead. half-game back of the leaders, bowed to Havana 4-1, sixth back In the bottom of the came right BANTAM LEAGUE STANDINGS = ~ = 5 Victor's Sports Beaton's Dairy | Houdaille In, Oshawa Dairy of: |AJax Lions .|FUTURE GAMES Monday, June 8--Ajax vs. Osh. |awa Dairy at Harman Park; THOMPSON'S PLUMBING -|Houdaille Industries vs. Victor's at Alexandra Park, 6:15 p.m. Tuesday, June 9 -- Beaton's Dairy vs. Ajax at Ajax Park, 6:15 p.m, Thursday, June 11--Houdaille vs. Oshawa Dairy at Alexandra Park, 6:15 p.m. Saturday, June 13 -- Oshawa Dairy vs. Ajax at Ajax Park, 10:00 a.m, Sunday, June 14----Ajax vs. Vic. tor's Sports at Lakeview Park, 2:00 p.m JUVENILE STANDINGS WLT Pts, } 8 STORIE PARK -- Burke, ss; OOoWL a DAN 0 Soo Sone 1b; Younge, and, p and 1b; Ulrich, of; Old- feld, 1b and 2b; Weldon ¢; Chu valo Is Freed By Court TORONTO, (CP) George Canadian heavyweight | following preliminary|AJax Merchants Local 222 a charge that he) Jury and Lovell Magistrate Donald Graham|/FUTURE GAMES Tuesday, June 9 -- Jury and 20 200 041 GER, Br. Empire middle champ, and Rory Calhoun fouhgt a bitter and Ernest Holbrook, 22, accused | Lovell ve, Local 222 at Alexandra 10 rounds, to a draw, last night at Madison Square Garden , . TORONTO LEAFS nipped Columbus Jets 4-3 in 11 innings night, on Joe Altohelli's homer . . trouble climbing out of the International League cellar, the scram-| ble for first place is a hectic affair Columbus and Buffalo shar-| ing the honors today--but by Monday morning, it could be entire- old ly different . . . NICK WESLOCK won the Burlington invitation| tournament yesterday . who beat Kansas City. Chicago White Sox held top spot with their| $2 win over Boston Red Sox while Detroit kept pace with Yankees| by beating Washington 76 , . . NATIONAL LEAGUE action yes-| terday saw Dodgers whip Milwaukee 5-1 but Cincy Redlegs held the Giants back by beating them 7-2 while Chicago whipped the suit and also called attention to | Pirates. 10-5, to hold them in third place. Nick Weslock Captures Burlington Invitational |of the same charge, last mother admitted in courttelling WHILE LEAFS are having a friend a plan to sue the boxer . . YANKEES gave it to Cleveland yester-|took her to a lonely section of day, 11-2 as the Indians slipped back tied for second with Orioles, [suburban Rexdale where she was |Krowchuk, Niagara Falls 79-72 | 150; Dave Morland, | 76-74--150; St. Catharines 74-78--152, after the Park. Thursday, June 11--Local 222 Ajax Merchants at Ajax for $10,000 and settle for $5,000.| Park The girl, who has a 17-month-| Sunday, June 14--Ajax Mer- child, claimed early last|chants vs. Local 222 at Alexan. month that Chuvalo and Holbrook|dra Park (postponed game from V8. Going into the ninth, the streak- ing Vees had been limited to five hits by Montreal righthander Ed Rakow. Rakow got past the first two hitters, but Jim Pisoni walked and Fritz Brickell singled, Then Leja put it away. Reliver Johnny James (3.2) set the Royals down 1.2.3 in the ninth to pick up the triumph, Joe Altobelli's homer in the 11th off 20-year-old Dick Lines gave the Leafs their victory over Columbus. It was Altobelli's fourth homer. Rookie righthander Al Pehanick won his first game, coming on in relief of Charlie Rabe in the 10th, Mickey McDermott's high-hop single scored Chuck Oertel with the Marlins' winning run In a three-run seventh. Despite the victory, Miami dropped into fifth place, .001 percentage points be- hind Richmond. Home runs by Borrego Alvarez and Leonardo Cardenas paced the Sugar Kings as lefthander Miguel Cuellar (4-2) limited the Red Wings to four hits. After Al. varez' third - inning homer had tied it, Havana went ahead the same frame with an unearned run off loser Cal Browning. 350 TO COMPETE MONTREAL (CP) -- Upwards of 350 young athletes will com- peet Saturday in Montreal's an- nual big track and field meet for schoolboys. | 2). Game time 2 pm. raped | Defence counsel Arthur Maloney drew from her the ad-| mission of her plan for a civil | medical evidence that she had no bruises. | North Bay | SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS WEEKEND Merle Noyes, Port Colborne 73-78--151; Bill Bevan, 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. BURLINGTON (CP) -- Nicka 60. McKenzie soared to a 79 Weslock, veteran Canadian ama-|on the second and wound up with teur playing out of Windsor Es-|148. sex course, won the 36-hole Buy-| Weslock's 143 was one over par lington Golf and Country Club in.| Gary Cowan of Kitchener, de- vitational tournament with a 143 fending champ, wound up fifth total Friday with 75-74--149, Weslock, one of Canada's| Indian Jack Jacobs, Hamilton elght-man team picked to play In Tiger - Cats football assistant the international pro-am matches coach, made one of his rare ap-| in Toronto June 23, did the first pearances in tournament play 18 in 70 and came through with and fired a creditable 81-73 154. | a solid 73 for the second. Low net winner was Ray Pat- He ended up with a three-|terson of Oakville with 150-14 for stroke lead over Burlington's 136. Runner - up was Waterloo's | Larry St. Denis, who carded 75- Hugh Calderwood with 161-20 for | n 141 | A total of 104 golfers took part. Other scores included: Gary Cowan, Kitchener 75-74--149; M.| Weslock was playing in a three- e with Gord McKenzie of bton, first-round leader with Get , .. | MORE POWER | with a TOWER Ci 6781 == Alex Nathan's J No) «ANTENNA SALES 4 TV SERVICE TUES., JUNE 9TH 8.45 P.M. MW. BOLO LAYTON E- ¥ | Mike Valentine Karl Kulaski i 1 "| Abe Zvonkin Billy Steck Besoin vce of Cosine Rest, 1.25 - 1.00 - 78¢ THE GREAT BOLO Free Exhibition Parking. Pat Milesh Promoter LORD ATHOL ve. vi. BOING YOUR TV TO US RRA %S MONEY, FR: e DEYN T YG 40 FT. TOWER Displayed on our Drive-In Location 64.95 506 RITSON Towers Priced from os low as Mclellan's White Rose Station 38 PRINCE ST. R. J. Tumey's Shell Station 962 SIMCOE ST. N. Sunoco Station 215 KING ST. W, Kemp's Esso Station 288 BLOOR ST. W, T. Goch Supertest Station 437 SIMCOE ST. §. Cooper's Texaco Station 56 BRUCE ST. South End Texaco Station RD. SOUTH Winders Esso Station KING & RITSON RD. Macko's Esso Station 552 BLOOR ST. E | | | Salaries Are ? A Ne- VANCOUVER, (CP) n grid salaries crazy former player with the U.S. tional Football League and Western Interprovincial Football Union suggests they are. Ed Sha , formerly of San Francisco 49ers in the NFL and the B, C, Lions of the WIFU, said Friday he was 'grossly overpaid in Canada." The wage spread between sums paid U.S. players and salaries for Canadians gave Canadians little incentive to turn professional, he added in an in- terview, POOR IDEA | He said it is not good for a team to have a wage spread of up to $15,000. Canadians 'were offered wages of up to $2,000 to untried American player could command up to $18,000 and a dis- carded NFL player could start dickering at about $10,000. Sharkey, a brewery salesman who coaches CYO Raiders of the Junior Big Four Football League here, said Canadians should be offered between $5,000 and $6,000. He said he was paid more than $10,000 as a lineman on the Lions. For whom he two years --more than received or the 49ers paid Leo Join a professional club but an|p) Dodgers is sixth defeat in 13 de- Crazy? » cisions, breaking a 1-1 tie with dreamed of receiving in the NFL and more than New York Giants paid Andy Robustelli and the Nomellini, *'prob- Neal. The Dodgers had 11 three by Neal, who added two doubles and had two RBI, Dale Long homered in a three run first inning for the Cubs, once more at .500, and Ernie Banks hit a two-run homer, his 13th, as they put it away against Vern Law (5-3) in a four-run sec- ond. Glen Hobbie (6-5) won it with Don Elston's save. Dick Stuart hit a two-run homer in the first inning for the Pirates, the first ever to clear the centre field fence--457 feet from the plate-- Forbes Field's half . century ably the highest paid linemen in the league." "Why, it's absolutely crazy. In the NFL, which is far richer than the Canadian leagues, a | good average salary is around |$7,500. A team will pay one or maybe two of its top stars up to $12,000, A few, very few, go higher." CSTRICTIONS HURT He agreed that the present re- strictions on imports 12 to a team -- is part of the trouble, A team of 28 players cut from NFL teams could whip snyHig /in Canada and the average 8 ary would be no more than $7, REMEMBER WHEN? . . Her a Toa Herb Capozzi, Lions' general ne gs ng Derby manager, commented later that Sx in the a team of "discards' could never |defeat a team of players selected brought his from the NFL and college and i io Derb triumphs to five since Canadian teams, 1915, and he won a sixth time in He said all NFL players do not| 107s' He retired from the . The |Irish's colt Papyrus | 28 KING ST. E. come here for higher salaries); jog7 and that all do not receive them, Unlimited y e it would improve the Lions, would | have a tendency to increase the average wages, HE'S OVER HIS CAR TUNED UP ot WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. OSHAWA RA 5-0331 "l was passing a sports field just as the Javelin thrower made o If his brakes had been serviced by our experts, he could have stopped on time. We issue RAYBESTOS BRAKE CERTIFICATES with every brake job . . . proof that your brakes are really safe. probabl GETTING Drop in today. Don't learn about 'bad ® BRAKE SPECIALISTS eo W. L. HOUSTON SERVICE STATION and GARAGE 67 KING ST. WEST record throw", brakes' by accident RA 3.7822

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