18 _ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 1, 1959 45--Reol Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA REAL ESTATE BOARD Invites you to come and see our new "FIFTY-NINES" Brick Veneer Homes on spacious lots with 3 bedrooms, dinette Entertainment size living room Designed with your family in mind. ROSSLYNN ESTATES WILSON REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 47 --Automobiles For Sale |50--Articles For Sale |50--Articles For Sale '55 PONTIAC deluxe, two-door, two- -- -- ei tone, excellent condition, private. TA [REPAIRS to Sunbeam, Remington, spECIAL discount! 25 per cent off fo 5.6777 125¢ (Schick, Ronson and Philashave electric pyjiders, apartment or home owners on We PCR hardio LITT Hote | TAZOM®: cords, cutting heads etc., fast|p, iin cooking tops, dishwash- 4 P, 0 a | service, Meaghers 5 King Sireet West, if glass, whitewalls, radio, $795. Older car| gher a js ele. Kelly Appliances, 81 King West. as part payment. Rear IGA, 170 Ritson FRIGIDIARE deluxe, 11 cu. ft. 'frig. (KELVINATOR refrigi with 1 | South, 8-0844. 125f | Reg. $340, only $199 with trade, No| size automatic range and Thor washe "51 MORRIS OXFORD, A. condition, (Ioney down Kelly Appliances. BRAIRA SASL an very reasonable. TEule 915%. Ie} LG on v fh iy hy 760 ite 1 spotlight Friday in the suit of Dr KB7 INTE ick, BARGAINS! Rangette, $12; dresser, |tion; three 15 by 760 white wall tires. 3 8! . id aay tum rs 139: washing Moco $25; cedar chest, |APPly 242 Elgin Street. ___1#ib|Gerald J. Pelletier, 38, of subur- ; " ~~ |812; chesterfield and chair, $25; HD| PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon,|ban Rexdale. 57 CHEVROLET standard coach, auto- stove, $49; bedroom suite, $49: vefrig-|all colors Guaranteed, flat, gloss. Osh-| The doctor is suing Lond 1 matie, 6 cylinder, black with white |erators, chrome sets, beds, desks, rugs, awa Hardware and Eelectric, 8 Church DC £ ng ndon and .|walls, radio. RA 33661. 122|etc. For bargains contact 19 Prince |Sireet. RA 3.7624. ; Lancashire Guarantee and Acci-| WRECKING 9700 GMC, all parts for|Street. Phone RA 81131 (OTOR Tike. NEO Cie. 90 55, good dent Company of Canada and R.| sale. Phone RA 3-4158. ~~ 122 pu qoinaid dress 15, condition, $125 cash. RA 8.8462 after|C: Stevenson, Canadian represe CAR radios installed, rear seat speaker Je dn p.m. 124f tative of Non-Marine Underwrit- |ONE folding couch, clean, and in very €TS members of Lloyd's) for $350,000 for loss of a limb. His Saas installed vear gest peaker | street length, RA 8-0285. and dual aerials optional. lwo: a oR SY TWO pair hinge type garage doors, 6 terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond its each. Apply 68 Park Road North, (00d condition. Apply 159 Cromwell, | | 1221 left leg was amputated below the knee after it was torn by shot Street West. DODGE_ three-ton, platform and rack, tarpaulin, good tires and running 2 F few di 3950. Brooklin 159. 126f tion, private, from the gun during a hunting | ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up to eis Tn = ture, only $295, consisting of a beauti-|(FiP: : WE pay highest prices in the city fr ful honey bedroom suite, Restonic box. The insurance companies are used furniture, Pretty's Use "|spring and mattress, gorgeous Serta seeking to have Dr. Pelletier ture Store. RA 3.3271. 444 Simcoe South. | ju / i zg to hn v. tie | ture Store. RA 3 oe SOUh |living room suite, five-piece kitchen prove his claim before a civil 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home call RA 5-2802. ture 4 Sim, ATTENTION restaurant, lunch counter chrome sel. All three rooms only $295. : A . and resort owners for immediate sale, See these and many more at Wilson's JUIY that the shooting was acc en modern curve-type - booths and tables, | Furniture, 20 Church Street. 4 various restaurant equipment. APPLY | AnriRAT air conditioner, % hp, clear. Gunsmith Harry Hickey testi- [315 Hillside or dial RA 37988. lance, $169. Parkway Television, 918/fied that the 12-gauge gun was {FOR sale lady's suit, size 14, in ¥oud [Sieve Street North. RA 3-3043 __|not in the same condition when {condition. Phone RA 5-6063. a [BEAR front end alignment and wheel he examined it Thursday as when | HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- balancing. Moring's Garage, im- | 1 i ture, also sell and Sishange. Contest soe Street North. [oe first Bandled it Jest Jauuary: Community Furniture Store, rince | ENO | a been 126b Street. Phone RA 8-1131 |ENOUGH used lumber to bulld 3 4:40 3 condition at the time of the ted |THE Dutch Merchant. Used TV's and : on ding as it was when he first | ) : iH a tion 130] 55 Evioreds "Al" condition, D0) ow it, the gumemith said, 'he 171 Bond Street East. RA | Verdun Road. would not have expected it to 86051. We buy and sell. a POWER lawn mowers, name brand, |," Repairs to all wringer-type wash- discharge accidentally if dropped. He did not elaborate. largest discounts in town. Get your... "Guaranted reconditioned washers. best price then come to the Hilltop. paGqy's Market, Hampton. Ma 3-2055| Dy. Pelletier claims he was ded identally while duck between Oshawa and Whitby on High- gow 0 ne miss Bd Wilsons furniture hunting on Rice Lake last Octo- | Gun Changed Hearing Told TORONTO (CP) A short. p barrelled riot gun made for the condi.| United States Marines held the th 1 size |PRILGO retrigerator, excellent condl.| JUNE BRIDES! | Take advaniage of $60. Phone RA 3.9525. |these tremendous savings during our 125¢ | liquidation sale. Three rooms of furni- y "ui An area of green around the | belt (shaded area on map). | unshaded areas within the centre core of Ottewa is the | The city lies within the belt, | green belt are Bells Corners dream of the National Capital | except for a small area on the | (left), a 940-acre hamlet in the Commission, a 20-member | east bank of the Rideau River | belt but not part of it, and group administering a $300,000,- | which dips into the ribbon of | Blossom Park housing develop- 000 plan to make the city one of | green. Map also shows main | ment (lower right). Smaller the world's most beautiful cap- | highway routes into the city; | area include a number of small itals. The commission already | No. 17, the Trans-Canada High- | federal developments. has 95 per cent of the land re- | way; No. 15 to Perth and No. quired for the 37,500-acre greea | 31 to Morrisburg. Two large Eerie | UPRIGHT '59 food freezer. Big 48-1b. | 100 dation sale; S5-piece chrome suite, ber with his 11-year-old son Rich- FREES BR Se ani is vil gate Bod 4 Of Second charg: accidentally. Miner Discovered 81 King West. aE ST {only 99¢, wir te _Juicnase of any liv- {VACUUM cleaner repa all makes, ing room suite. son's Furniture, 20/ 3 parts, attachments. brushes, guaran Church Street. o| The case continues Monday. teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. | ------ - re . Rentals Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- 1 BP nous, Sew, S55: portable an vice. RA 81081 anytime. |i . } AJ A KIRKLAND LAKE (CP)--Re- eer of the provincial mines " -- - |'55, push-button, $29: electric greasing HOME-MADE cabin trailer, $200, also|machines, Alemite, with grease gui covery tious ime Sunday Jepdrimex ¢, ateompanied My reached the y of the second Buckle undergroun nday. He of two miners killed in a rock-| praised the work of the recovery % burst Thursday morning in the|crews and of the mine manage- P Wright-Hargreaves gold mine. |ment au said they were taking vel le General Manager every safety precaution '68 Buick, sedan, power steering, padded dash, tinted glass, color Arctic white, con be financed, phone days RA 8-6214, evenings RA 3-2341. |48--Aut Ww 1270/4350 AUSTIN or small make, good running order. Will pay cash. Phone RA 5-0916. i Coa 1% HOME-MADE cabin trailer, $200, also '50 Ford sedan, $75, fair condition. Ap- ply 184 Beatty Avenue. 122 LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA 5-1161 or RA 5-1182. hi --CP Newsmap Radiation Hazards Stir Fight MONTREAL (CP)---A group of prominent. Montreal men has been organized to combat what it calls the "growing hazards of EASTHAVEN STREET Modern 5Y2-room brick bungulow -- storms, screens, landscaped -- all services paid for extra large rooms, close to all schools, early occupancy -- N.H.A. mortgages -- no approval necessary. Asking only $13,000.00. After 5:30 call 5-9191, MOHAWK STREET S-year-old 6-room brick bungalow with breezeway and attached HIGHEST PRICES garage on beautifully landscaped large lot with plenty of tall PAID FOR trees. Paved drive, natural fireplace, aluminum storms and close | | to school. Owner transferred. Decorated. Price reduced to Good clean cars. Trade up or $16,700.00. down, Liens paid off. ay 2 --_|ponr VACANT LOTS Contact this office for V.L.A. lots, apartment lot, and good build- ing lots. We have one good ravine lot 90 x 160 ft, all lots close to schools, shopping and transportation, ' FINUCANE STREET 4 years old -- 3-bedroom brick bungalow, decorated, patio at rear. .$12,900 with $4,900 down. After 5:30 call Everett Elliott ot 3-9290. WHITMAN CRESCENT 2 rs old -- beautiful inside and out. 'Large basement apart- ment completely self-contained. $15,900 with $7,300 down. Call Dick Barriage after 5:30 at 5-6243. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE | va oo sus com an Wili buy good clean cars. 3% Simcoe Street South Dial RA 3-9329 or 5-6551 | Pov off liens. Sell on consign- AFTER 5:30 DIAL-- ment. Trade up or down 3-9290 Lloyd Metcalf .... od Me | NEW LOCATION 5-9191 Dick Barriage KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In '50 Ford sedan, $75, fair condition. Ap-/$60: and many other items at very | K{~ Frank " ryere was no indication when ply 184 Beatty Avenue before 5.30 p.m asonable prices. Come in and look Buckle, in a statement issued yo podies, still buried in crushed DODD MOTOR SALES 122f (around every evening. Apply 507 Sim. | USED tires, $3. up, T Terms, Dominion | 0¢_ Street South. RA 5-9216. when he came to the surface,| i {ro~k, would be brought up. said both Peter Moras, 54, and| nr. pawden said the recovery 314 PARK RD. S. Friduds ears i eer RA 3.9421 Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. USED 'friges, ranges, washers, TV y / 4 lhl tid ee | BEAT the cost of living by filling your | aerials, air conditioners, etc. Kelly TV, Z % | killed), "a very precarious UIC 81 King West. | | | gas tank at the Hilltop. Quality gas at { BUCK'S BODY SHOP |bargain prices. Free Texaco credit o poopie OUTFIT -- Only $26.66, | werk gards available, | This includes full size crib, spring, owing Expert collision -- Welding, and Storage. and sold. | Painting, H." MARLYN, Prop. Cars 361 BLOOR ST. E. RA 5-4513 or RA 5-7456 wal radiation." YOU break them, we fix them! At Bill mattress and bumper pads. Unbe. | The group Sat b h Moring's Garage. 1373 Simcoe Street|lievable value! Barons' Home Fun. | Gilles Huard, 19, had been 2 P Saturday called for ought Nort |1shings, 424 Simcoe St. 8 H a public meeting June 4 to found |B. F. GOODRICH Stores, fires, batter- | pare tone 0 0 ee wer Serta ; Lipid by falling rock. |job." a committee for the control of jes, Kelvinator refrigerators. _tele.|DAICAINE of 4 'life time! sos § \ ? | Of three men working at the!" "1 am thoroughly in accord radiation hazards. They said they | vision, Thrifty budget plan RA 5-4543| "ynreo only, $22.50, Apartment size |2,700-foot level when the burst oc- with the methods and procedures|said they represent 'no political |SEE the spectacular new Buccaneers! | chrome iltes, Arborite table and | curred, only Frank Uramows"'. sisi ted by the mine manage-|Party or ideology." [2 to. 35 hp. with. we _astarting matching «hairs, SSEwiar 308 0 abe Wl 35, was rescued. He was brought! ment in the recove k," he, Main speaker at th i | models. C in and choose yours now. seven sets only $29.95, Car bed baby| AN V4 . : | me Ty work, e Sp e meeting and terms. Cy Preece Garage, carriages, $2.50. Continental beds | . out alive, but suffering frem ~-igaiq "It's a painfully slow job|ls to be George Dion, dean Gliddon at Verdun Road. ~_|single size, complete $27.50. GE floor, vere head lacerations, shortly but if you were there as I was,|0f agriculture at Macdonald Col- $3.85 per week year round for all your S% nen ular 343.95--slashed oo after the accident. you would realize they are doing|lcze. Chairman of the meeting MUST clear all TVs, radios and Hi-Fi's|$36.95. Fabulous savings during the Tai ! : : ey, Iwill be © ake "store alterations, Many items liduidation sale. Wilson Furniture, 20 William Bawden, chief engin- everything they can. {wi eC oi Gifford. professor : ele - a ee Sip ar at the McGill University school | Passionate Plea 'To Retain Jack OTTAWA (CP) -- An impas- below cost. Parkway Television, 918 Church Street. Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043. 14 FOOT "mahogany boat, FREEZER chest, big 420 Ib.,, new '59 bottom, 65" am, pe model, door lock, 4-inch fibre glass in- duty boat trailer. sulation, 5-year warranty, $249.95. Kelly after 5.30 p.m : f TV. RA 55121. ~~ |ZENITH transistor radios, from $59.95 HOOVER Sales and Service, new or to $129.50; Zenith Stereo Hi-Fi, see used, guaranteed vacuums. Nu-Way famous Polonaise model with 80 watts Rug Sales and Service. RA 35-1202. peak power output. Meagher's, 5 King GYM sets and children's slides, priced | Street West. REL from $7.95 up. Dominion Tire Store, 48 QUANTITY of cedar posts, 7, 8, 16 and of social work. Others sponsoring the group are 8S. B. Frost, dean of the Mc- Gill facully of divinity; Dr, J. S. Thomson, { mer moderator of the United « 'rch; F. R. Scott, McGill law 'essor and noted constitutional ~~ hority; Dr. Karl Stern, profess © ~f psychiatry at 4 fibre" giass x eep, eavy ! , p Phone Ajax 655 W RAR Vancouver - born Babs War- den, ballet mistress of the hit revue "La Plume de ma Tante" on Broadway says her 5-6983 5.6243 1270 47--Automobiles For Sale | Everett Elliott Joe Maga . . cesses 45--Real Estate For Sale liamentary procedure we have WHY wait? Its easy to trade the home you have for one that will give you the need and can have. We have the buyers and all types of] logan money to make your deal work. Call mow Joseph Bosco Realtor. RA $-9870. | THREE - room apartment, self-contain- | ed on the third floor, $45 per month. Phone RA 35-6607. 1276 HOUSE CRANFIELD MOTORS USED CARS B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN MOORRIS, M.G., WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES & SERVICE. MUST BE SOLD Choice residentio| district, $ room brick bungalow, hard- wood floors oluminum screen doors end windows, 3 piece BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 tiled bathroom. Large lot with vegetable garden and fruit RA 5-5743 CASH FOR YOUR CAR! LIENS PAID OFF NO WAITING, WALK AWAY WITH CASH IN YOUR HANDS Seaway Motors LIMITED 200 DUNDAS W. | WHITBY OPEN TILL 10 PM | and mattress envi) e : n_R . chest, only 99c. with the purchase ofl; po0T double planked boat, |$ny bedroom suite. Wilson's Furniture. [12 OOT P 20 Church Street. |AWNINGS, plain, stripes, | mates. Order now for early delivery. ing for removal. RA 51577 between 6 Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 and 8 p.m. {Simcoe North. | USED tires, most all sizes, $3 up Bond Street West. Ras ORDERED sold $78,000 stock of fine furniture. Take advantage of the fabu-| ous bargains: 5-piece kitchen chrome | suite, or famous Restonic box spring skiff, in or genuine Lane cedar 122 colors, or gay esti. prompt service. Free F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5-4543. BOATS, motors and trailers, New and and chair, $30; used, \ Store, 48 Bond Street West, terms at Dominion . Tire Easy Oshawa. SELL YOUR BOAT? Boats sold on consignment. We obtain all cash for you! Large display area. MARINE STORAGE - | muffler, $5. 311 Pacific Avenue. 120 feet long, also cedar poles and {clothes line posts. L. Clemens, Hamp- {ton, MArket 3-2436. 124 PETERBOROUGH boat, cedar, 14 foot R 124 $250 cash. Apply 77 Drew Street after 5 na 1 able. 165 Verdun Road. LUMBER and house doors; also build. | 3, SPRING mattress $4: Coleman heat- er, pipes, barrel, cil, $30; oven control- led rangette, $10; Kroehler davenport 4 x 12 drain tile, 5c three-speed bicycle, $20; Prefect hub caps, water pump and 126b ELECTRIC refrigerators, all makes, |completely reconditioned. 90-day free warranty, from $69.50. ances, 50 Bond East. USED television sets, 17" and 21", com- each; radiator, secret of success is to work like a beaver. Miss Warden studied at the British Columbia School of Dancing, Vancouver, and has done considerable televi- sion and variety work. In her current role she is a teacher | and understudy for all the | dancers in the award-winning | Parisian play. 2600 Reds 'Claimed Dead Irvine Appll-| mAIPEI Formosa (AP) -- A - Nationalist Chinese news agency | sioned plea for inclusion of the Union Jack in any distinctive na- tional flag for Canada was made Frida by a 56-year-old Canadin of Ukrainian de:cent, Nicholas Mandziuk (PC--Mar- quette) told the Commons that {the Union Jack should be on the. |flag as a symbol of the freedom land opportunity his immigrant |father and mother found on their arrival in Canada. "Throw away the Union Jack?" he asked. L "Why not throw away the idea of Her Majesty being our Queen? |Why not throw away all the par- | Muriel Galt pletely reconditioned. Free 90-day war. claims Tibetan rebels killed| inherited from the Mother of Par- liaments? Why not throw away all our freedoms? Mr. Mandziuk spoke during de- bate of a private bill sponsored by Samuel Boulanger (L--Drum- mond - Arthabaska) for adoption of a distinctive national flag for Canada. Under the bill, the gov- submit it to Parliament. NO DECISION The bill was still being dis- |cussed when the hour for pri- ernment would design a flag and| the University ui Montreal and Dr. H. H. Wa!.;, VicGill profes. sor of church his. 7. Senator Takes Indian Sal 'e HAMILTON (CP) -- £ nator James Gladstone, first Indian b of the Senat vate aislati ox be pired. It is unlikely it will debated again this session. Margaret Aitken (PC -- York Humber) said a national flag is not a selection of colors and em- blems but a tracing of historv. The Union Jack was part of Canadian history and should be and a member of the Blood band of the Blackfoot tribe took the sa' 'te Saturday as 10,000 scouts, guic °s, brownies and cubs marched to the beat of 23 bands in a"tribute to the North American Indian." Mr. K. B. Clysdale of St Mary's, Ontario provincial com- The Supreme {49--Automobile Repairs Iranty on laber and parts. Irvine Ap- ahout 2,600 Chinese Communist | trees, oil heating, near school ( in such a flag. end bus line. PRICE $13,900 Down : payment con be aor- ranged, PHONE RA 3-4836 | After 6 p.m. except Saturdays. 46--Real Estate Wanted WOUSES and farms wanted for clients. All or your ity. For quick sale eall W. McAuley altor, 26 Prince Street, Oshawa, RA 32512; Whitby MO 833. WANTED -- Four or fivercom house or , priced with $800 down. Write Box 5 Oshawa Times. 126¢c Moke three people happy by Listing your property -- we Sell it. You'll be happy, the buyer will be happy, so will-we, that makes three. BERNEICE ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE RA '5-3692 MO 8-3355 &7--Automobiles For Sale mE -- -- -- WILBAK MOTORS 'St FORD customline sedan, radio, heater, window washers, direction sig- nals, llent, 55 Meadow Crescent or phone 57129 after 3 p.m. 1221 8 BUICK super hardtop, RA 3.4303. 122¢ '4 STUDEBAKER in good runni condition, $100. 476 Albert Street ng 122¢ "82 Cadillac, hydromatic, radio, small extr; a take trade. 381 Howard Street. 122f 88 PONTIAC, light blue, in excellent conditién, complete with radio, $700. RA 8. er 6 pm, RR. 88 PONTIAC station wagon, low mile- age, po trade. Apply 873 Hortop after 5 p.m, or Saturday 125¢ 51 'VROLET sedan, automatic, one owner. RA 51207 after 5.30 p.m. 123f $1 CHEV. cylinder automatic, 18,000 miles, {ery clean. Apply 34 Avenue Street. 127 "49 PUNMOUTH, very good motor and fair. Phone RA 53251. 127 . Apply = V deluxe sedan, automatie in llent condition, excel radio. Dial RA 3-7197. 127¢ equipped, 235 Eulalie. 127a offer. Will accept trade-in. 8-0094 after 5 o'clock. 127¢ hydramatie, power . Can finance, "1-ton "truck, new body. RA 81516. 124 - DODGE station wagon, radio and clean inside and out, good rub ark Road . Orpwood Texaco, P RA S401L SUNBEAM RAPIER | Endurance, Reliability NOW ON DISPLAY WELLMAN MOTORS LTD Performance & Safety | | | | NONQUON RD. RA 3-443) RAMBLER the SALE SUCCESS SENSATION Drive One and Discover WHY WELLMAN MOTORS LTD.| AUTHORIZED DEALER Nonquon Rd. RA 3-4431 10% DOWN NO CO-SIGNERS NO ENDORSERS 25 CAR SELECTION TRADE UP OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF 137 KING W. RA 5-0732 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. TEL; RAndolph. 3-3461 BRAMLEY MOTORS | SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford Service and | parts, Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment. Newest type _ electronic tune-up equipment, | DKW & FIAT | SALES & SERVICE - | | ' | | ANDY NAGY'S | BODY SHOP | _408 King St. W.--RA 3.7132 FOR THE FINEST | REPAIR SERVICE ON | FORD - RENAULT - CHRYSLER | PRODUCTS = TRY | Van Huesen Motors 149 King West RA 5.3557 50--Articles For Sale SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc, For top cash offer, con- |tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 83-1131. | {1#' CEDAR strip boat, 15 Evinrude | |motor, boat trailer, fully equipped. | {Used one season. Cash 'preferred. | | Water skis. RA 5-1017 after 5. | | BOAT trailer, heavy jtongue 500 by 12 tires, large runabouts or cruisers, | Wilson Road South. - i 125f | duty, 18 it. | suitable for | $190. 124 a 125 HIGH pram, cream, in very good con- dition, $15. RA 5-6893 125f | REFRIGERATOR, stove, chesterfield |and other household goods. Phone be- tween 5 and 630 p.m. RA 5.0498 | 125¢ 21.INCH Emmerson felevision table model, BEST USED CARS CHEVROLET Bel Air Se- dan, two-tone, clean, whitewalls CADILLAC Fleetwood Sedan, excellent condi- tion, radio $1050 FORD Victoria Hard- top, A-1 condition, ra=~ dio $450 BUICK Sedan, A-1 con- dition . $350 CHEVROLET, clean, per- fect motor $350 These cars con be bought ot a low down payment, RA 5-4513 or RA 5-7456 BUCK'S 'BODY SHOP 361 BLOOR E. '51 '51 i { overhauled, . $75. |Terms $10 cash, $7.50 per month. Meagher's, 5 King Street West. 125¢ VACUUM cleaner, Hoover, with at. tachments, $25. RA 5.3422 125¢ & SUPPLY LTD Brooklin, Ont -- Phone 87 GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trade-ins accepted. Finance. Terms, Open evenings and weekends MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN ONT. PHONE 87 COLONIAL ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS, DOORS AND AWNINGS Manutactured in our Whitby plant. Before buying come into our show room at 134 Simcoe St. S. and see our display or for a home dem- onstration call Oshawa RA 8-8571. FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN COLONIAL ALUMINUM 134 SIMCOE S., OSHAWA TELEVISION 17-in. from $75.; 21-in. from $100 One year war- ranty, $10 down, $6 month- ly. Regent T.V., 140 Simcoe Street South. RA 8-6911, Canadian made combination win- dows and prime windows, self-storing doors. Very low price, only $49.50 installed. Finest aluminum awnings Remember sold only by your local dealer. ALEX VAJDA, Modern Woodworking Shop, RA 3-9851, The finest aluminum SEWING MACHINES, portable, darns and mends automatically, zig-zag pat. terns beautifully made, guaranteed, $2.25 weekly RA 5-3422, 125¢ SEWING MACHINES, portable, one only, salesman's demonstrator, guar- anteed automatic stitch and mending device built-in. A real buy, Regularly $139.50, now $95.50. No down payment. $2.00 weekly. RA 5-3422. 125¢ THE Dutch Merchant. Used TV's and appliances. 171 Bond Street East. RA 8-6051. We buy anc sell. OUTBOARD motors, name brand, huge discount. New motors from $122.50. Come to the Hilltop between Oshawa | and Whitby on Highway 2. NEW and used boats, outboard motors ~ and Lawn-Cruiser grass mowers. Buc. caneer motors from $150 up. Highest prices allowed on your old outboard motors and lawn movers. Boat kits, all sizes from B8-foot prows to 21-foot cruisers, Barons' Marine and Sports, 426 Simcoe Street South. RA 3-2263. BEAVER saw attachments, stand, 4" jointer planer, two motors, quantity ef fishing tackle, Browning .22 rifle, good |condiion. RA 5-0826. 123f COMPLETE set of me: tools, roll cabinet and chest, new condi- tion. Phone RA 8-0538 after 5 p.m. 123f BOAT 12 feet, 57-inch beam, trailer with | pare wheel 389 Gliddon Avenue. 121f] | TAPE recorders for rent, $5 for two days, also all sizes of recording tapes fie sale. Also television sets for rent Meaghers, King Street 33428. 11 EXTRA !! For a better buy on aluminum storm-screen windows, flair- vent awnings, doors, porch railings, pre-fab cottages and garages, stone tex siding, call HOLODY ALUMINUM 30 Grenfell St., RA 5-2431 Whitby, MO 8-4633 11 EXTRA !! For a better buy on aluminum storm-screen windows, flair- vent awnings, « doors, porch railings, pre-fab cottages and gorages, stone tex siding, call HOLODY ALUMINUM 30 Grenfell St, RA 5.2431 Whitby, MO 8-4633 pliances, 50 Bond East ELECTRIC ranges, all makes, com- pletely reconditioned. 90-day warranty, from $39.50. Irvine Appliances, 50 Bond East FOR SALE LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN AND ACCESSORIES In Excellent Condition $40.00 PHONE RA 5-4629 SEE HOME APPLIANCES | OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 8 1--Swap and Barter POWER mowers, garden tractor, roto- tiller, outboard motor, pop cooler, water filter (softener), Seabreeze iron- er, adding machine, typewriter, trail er, shot gun, pump jack, plumbing sup- plies and piping of all kinds; rent, trade or sell. Chinn's, corner of Hill side and Park South. TREMENDOUSLY important -- When something's lost, it can be tremendous- at once. Dial RA 3-3492, [a important to place a Classified Ad | | 'Hungarian 'Does Not Lose Hope TORONTO (CP) -- Sandor Szi- lagy, the Hungarian with two de- portation orders clouding his Canadian future, Saturday mar- ried the Hungarian freedom fighter who helped him enter the country illegally. Szilagy, 32, was ordered de- ported Friday when an immigra- tion board heard he had told a false story of imprisonment in Siberia for killing a Russian sol- dier. He told the story to immi- graton officials when he gave himself up shortly after his ar- rival. Honeymooning in a New To- ronto home with his bride Magda, 25, he says he has not lost hope that he will be permitted to stay ere. Szilagy says it is up to his wife whether she will return with him if the deportation order is execu- ted. A freedom fighter who came to Canada legally, she faces death if she returns, he says. He says he will not fight the deportation order. His wife was a childhood ac- quaintance whom he met again {by chance before coming to Can- ada. From Russia, he travelled to Hungary, Austria and Ger- many where he stowed away on the liner Arcadia. Magda fed him scraps of food during the voyage. |troops May 22 in a battle south- | [ |west of Lhasa, Tibet's capital. | Dies At There was no way of confirm- _|ing the report carried Sunday by | |Tatao, which claims underground contacts on the China mainland. In bloody fighting lasting two hours, all but 600 of 3,200 Com-| munist troops were killed, the rest fled, Tatao said, casualties among rebel forces. TOKYO (AP) -- Peiping radio said Saturday 595 Tibetan rebels taken prisoner during the upris- ing in Lhasa last March have been released by the Chinese Communist army in Tibet. Peip- ing said all had been "re-orient- {ated" in prison camps. | Widow Jailed, Protest Raised LONDON (Reuters)--A widow with four children, jailed Thurs- day for two months for earning money while on relief, has de- cided to appeal her sentence, it was announced Sunday. Hundreds of Londoners earlier petitioned for her release but |Eftihia Christos, 39, said then she would not appeal. She was charged with not dis- closing earnings of £2 £3 ($5.60 to $7.80) pounds a week from sewing while she was get- ting about $14 a week in national assistance. She got about $4 a week extra for her children, three of whom have tuberculosis. The magistrate's sentence on the 'widow touched off a storm of protest, The Anglican bishop of the London suburb of Southwark de- scribed the sentence as "savage and inhuman." More than 1,600 London stevedores signed a peti- tion demanding her release and also collected about £100 ($280) to pay the costs of an appeal. Guelph Student Wins Roadeo WINDSOR, (CP) -- John Seb- estik, 19-year-old student from Guelph, Saturday won the teen- age safe driving roadeo in com- petition with 52 students from all parts of Ontario. Second place went to Robert Good of Fort William. Ronald Kennas of Port Arthur was third. The three are now eligible to compete in the national finals in July at Galt. They received prizes of $100, $75 and $50 and trophies. Speaking to finalists Saturday night, D. L. McGillivray of Im- perial Oil said the car population in many parts of Canada is in- crea ing twire ag fast as the hu- man population. He called for more research into the causes o" accidents. Imperial Oil" and the Junior Chamber of Commerce were joint and| the| news agency made no mention of | died suddenly here Sunday. Montreal MONTREAL (CP) Grace Galt, 85, last ter of Sir Al Aangh Muriel surviving der Galt, Canada's first finance minister, She was the last of Sir Alex- |ander's 11 children. | Miss Galt was a nurse by pro- |tession and saw duty around the {world in two wars. { In 1922 she settled in Victoria with her brother, Elliott T. Galt, and her sister Selina, who died two months ago. Funeral service is to be held here Wednesday with burial here. Miss Galt was the grand- daughter of John Galt, the Scot- tish novelist who founded Guelph and after whom Galt was named. John Galt was a commissioner and later superintendent of the Canada Company and played a prominent role in the colonization of parts of Western Ontario early in the 19th century. Galt was founded by William Dickson about 1817 and it was he who de- cided to name the community after his friend, John Galt. Category Plan Gerard Loiselle (L -- Montreal St. Ann) and Robert Lafreniere (PC--Quebec Montmorency) said they are opposed to either the Union Jack or fleur-de-lis being used. 'They believed other sym- bols of the English and French races would be more appropriate. New Teacher TORONTO (CP) -- Percy M. Muir, executive director of the Ontario School Trustees' Council, said Saturday the council will caution secondary school boards to consider carefull a new teacher category plan before ap- proving it. Proposed by the Ontario Sec- ondary School Teachers' Federa- tion, the new plan places teach- ers in one of four categories ac- Sorging to their qualifications, he said. Mr. Muir told council members it is apparent there is confusion and misunderstanding in the minds of trustees concerning the project. The council decided to form a committee to study the plan and missioner for girl guides, also took the salute. Flanking Senator Gladstone on |the saluting base were Six Na- tions Indian chief and a council. man from Ohsweken near Brant- ford, in full Indian regalia. Mother And Son Killed In Crash WINDYGATES, Man. (CP)--A mother and son from Toronto were killed Sunday when their car missed a turn and smashed into the Canadian customs build: ing in this southern Manitoba border point. The victims were Mrs. Hazel Condon, 47, and Paul, 21. The customs office closed at 10 p.m. CST Saturday and the bod- ies of the man and woman were found in their car about 7:30 a.m. Sunday. The RCMP could not say immediately when the crash oc- curred. MEXICAN CHURCH The church of Santo Domingo at Oaxaca, Mexico, was founded by the Dominican Order in the suggest changes. Canal Jam | At Welland Continues PORT COLBORNE, (CP)--The number of ships waiting to pro- ceed down through the Welland Canal has again reached the con- gested stage. There are approx- imately 30 ships now anchored beyond Port Colborne break- water, waiting for their turn to enter the canal. Upbound traffic through the canal has picked up and the num- ber of downbound vessels able to navigate the canal has been les- sened. During a 24-hour period Sunday, the canal handled 16 up- bound vessels and 20 downbound ships. Some of the ships are taking 15 to 20 hours to pass through the canal, compared to a normal running time of eight to 10 hours. This is over and above tte time they are anchored off Port Col borne to wait their turn down- bound. Seaway authorities now are ex- amining all ocean freighters at Montreal to make sure they have the proper equipment before al- lowing these vessels to enter the seaway, The ships now must carry proper line winches, cables and pulleys through which cables run to the snubbing posts on the cana' wall Ships which proceeded up the waterway before the regulatio was put into effect are heing ad vised on their return trin ihe 16th century. SEAWAY BOTTLENECK The Welland Canal provides the first big bottleneck of the St. Lawrence Seaway, less than two weeks after opening of the waterwar to traffic. Great | Takes shipping piled up at the cana! on the upbound voyage, waiting to enter the canal link- | ing Lake Ontario and Lake | Erie. At one time more than | sponsors of the competition here.lthe future requirements will be.| 4) ships were backed up wait- ing to enter the first lock at Port Weller, at the Lake On- tario end of the canal, The lock at Port Weller is a single one, with upbound and down- bound traffic taking turns mov- ing thror~h i' The remainder of the 2.°.-mil> canal which enters Lake Frio «~* Bgopt (a). borne provides * techie. --LUP Newsmap. 120 a 13 < TT TL : BAN EE] Sangin rr aml 3d ERA RE | % RS PY a