OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, May 25, 1 1 » | The ability to judge livestock Ising. Tt is only through careful ob.| RECOVER HUGE GEM | SWEEPS MALACCA VOTE A ES Monday, Jay #9, Ui! UNIOY I AYIMEY'S one of the first essentials for a|servation and practice that good NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- The| KUALA LUMPUR, Malaya : ] {successful - livestock farmer, livestock judges can be devel FBI announced Saturday the re. (Reuters)--The governing United | states Mr, Fair. The ideal of oped. [covery of a $250,000 diamond 4 80 ng Judge County every good breeder should be 0 Livestock judging js an im Fin taken from Mrs, Vera Keupp/Malay National organization led breed animals with a combina~| portant part of the regular Jun." # Nevada robbery six J Saks by Prince Abdul Rahman Sunday . tion of good type and outstanding ior Farmer and 4-H club program "2 The 33-carat diamond was|von all 20 seats of the Malacca vest ability to produce, All interested farm boys and gir] recovered with the arrest of |State assembly, The mu il ) 3 EITIS three persons, Mrs, Krupp is the alliance repeated its ° f UXBRIDGE -- The annual On. Tne development oi a good herd are invited to attend the com-|former wife of Alfried Krupp of veek in Kedah and Perlis, tario County Junior Farmer live-|Ca0 be accomplished by learning petition and learn more about|the German munitions and indus-|where it won all 36 seatx stock judging competition will be, the basic skills in the art of judg- livestock judging. trial family. ' 'ested, heid in the Brooklin area Satur: { day, May 30, | The competition will be under the direction of H. L. Fair, On| tario County agricultural repre. sentative, Uxbridge, and Alvin | Blades, assistant agricultural re- i | presentative, i Al Junior Farmer and 4-H Club 8 members, and any other farm ¥ ] boys and girls, under 26 years of | § age as of Nov. 1, 1959, are eligible| to enter. } The day will start with' regi- stration at the Township Hall, ! Brooklin, at 830 a.m. Judging will be done during the morning g J ' f |at the farms of county livestock THE EXECUTIVE of Bow- | right, Counc. Alfred Perfect, | second vice-president; Mrs, | treasurer and Norm Hannan, (breeders. Reasons will be given manville Ratepayers Associa- | Cobourg, who aided in the Walter Oke, secretary: Ed. Fo- | first vice-president, lon the classes judged, following| tion is shown above, Left to | formation; Tom Masterson, | ran, 'president; John Meachin ~Timees Staff Photo, 'the noon lunch AT BOWMANVILLE C ounty E nter s Ratepayers Elect New Feature Contest | UXBRIDGE -- A pasture com-| The following farmers have en- petition has been organized in tered the pasture competition for| [J LJ * A ' i V Ontario county for (he first time, 1959: SSOC1A 10 An executive committee has been. Roy Ormiston, Brooklin, No. 1; formed with Roy Ormiston, Lance M. Beath, Oshawa, No. 2; BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- AllWard 5 ratepayers association in nan was also acclaimed when Brooklin as chairman of the pas- John Semple, Pefferlaw, No. 1;| wards will be represented in the|that town, explained the func- none of those named for the presi- (re committee. H, L. Fair, coun- C. B. Hewitt, Beaverton, No. 3: new Bowmanville Ratepayers As-|tions of his association. He said dent allowed their names 10 ty agricultural representative; is Lawrence Doble, Uxbridge, No.| sociation, formed in Memorial in Cobourg three councillors are stand for the vice-pt esidency Wal. Acting secretary. 3: Milton Parkin, Brooklin: Les-| Park clubhouse Sunday night. Ed. members of the association. Tom Masterson and rs. | Mr. Fair, at the outset said, lie Smith, Port Perry, No. 2;| Foran, a Liberty strdet south! Deputy.reeve Jack Brough and fer Oke Were Soioinaled Jor Jeu. pasture is one of the most im- Heber Down, Brooklin: Joe Tran,| garage operator, was acclaimed ex.mayor Dr. George James both 0n¢ ice presicen nn diol Tes Mr, Portant crops on the farms of Claremont; George Zebveld, Can- president, being the only one Fd said the ratepayers association in He unanimos ou was ac. Ontario county. Object of the com- nington, No. 1; Murray Holby, | seven presidantial Sonics W 0|could be a power for good. hd Ld and John Mea. petition is to promote a better Port Perry, No. 4; Vernbn Pow-| would allow his wel d | Deputy-reeve Brough urged the hin was named treasurer. understanding and appreciation of ell, Oshawa, No. 1 and George Others on the executive hie uce (association be formed to cover all "uy, To ie ors" Jim Coyle, the value of good pasture, and McLaughlin, Beaverton, No. 3 Norm Hannan. first vice-prestiof Bowmanille. He said it would, oot Joh wir oon ar 5 aeNul. good pasture management. Entries close June | and farm dent; Tom Masterson, second po of great assistance to council. | VTS. | « Mrs, J, Me vu ic. fi ors branch. ers. wishi , 19 mak i Walt tv. Bill Mutton and Bob Martyn' Ken Fallis, field crops branch, ers wishing to join should make Ihe : Dtesiden: Mis, Mea: He Bded 4s Would Josdiily assist were elected by acclamation "Toronto, was present at thé meet- application to the department of chin, treasurer. Five directors in the nin 8. Mo) a Tom Masterson, who acted as ing. He outlined the rules and agriculture office, Uxbridge. be- ' y Jim| i * 51 chairman at the three previous regulations of the competition, fore that date. were named They are ' ml He said in his six year: experi- meetings, said it is unfortunate! and also explained the score card. | at Co ens tee] a on couic] Jo has been ® that a "garbage dump should be, He said the pasture areas on south ward 2; Bob Martyn, north Posed 0.2 diy ig of the issue which sparked forma- the farms entered in the com-y ward 1; Mrs. J. McNulty, north. 0 ward system tion of the association petition would be scored twice ward and Mrs. Nell Wilson, Y. 5y : "The general feeling at the pre- q,.ing the year. Once in June south ward | He said not enough interest has vious meetings here was that a and again in August fring . |been shown in the work of coun-| certain councillor was using his . A I The association was formed as" . : . : . y Winner of the various zones cil, and an association such as/influence on council to get the i . ill then bi a result of a meeting which pro-u 'Go 1q increase the interest|cump out of the north ward, We across the province w en he 9 at tested location of a town dump). ye workings of council. did mot say we wanted it left in Judged and a provincial cham- ere S Ww ere CF] ers I IS rn in the south ward. |" Seven nominations were requir-/the north ward. We did say we,, Pion declared. : Many shades of opinion were oq to secure a president for the did mot want it in the south! Prize money for the zone and heard at the organization meet-|ascociation, Norm Hannan, Dr. ward. We would like to see it out provincial winners is being pro- Ca ing Sunday. They are still some|caoroe James and Jim Coyle de- of town," he said vided by the Canadian Seed Trade From one of the most modern refineries in North America South ward pocile who ranted clined on the first nominations. Meetings of the new associa- Assoriatioon ani Covanid of Can- | the association to be restricted to| on the second nomination, Glen tion will be held in the Memorial ada, Ltd. A trophy will be pro- : : . : the area. Others wished to make pry Harry Depew and John Daw- Park clubhouse the third Sunday vided for the provincial cham- SAY THEY WILL SELL come the quality products that have established Fina as it an all-town project. son all dropped out, leaving only of each month. Executive meet- pion. A HOUSE A DAY : % ings will be held prior to each ------------------------------1 |N THE MONTH OF a leader. It features every latest refining technique . , . Alfred Perfect, a Cobourg Ed. Foran's name. SUBSCRIBERS MAY including the Alkylate Unit that makes Super-Fina LIST WITH LLOYD... THE TIMES THEN CALL YOUR BOWMANVILLE Noi g3 in 25 years. Another good reason why you should . . . FOR MISSED PAPERS AND ' LLOYD REALTY LTD, BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST REALTORS TAXI SERVICE PHONE 107 SIMCOE ST. N. " » STEVEN'S TAXI We bid it In turn in at the sign MA 3.5822 APRILE of leadership Y drive out with . GOWER WM. M, MILLAR If you have not received your 1S Vv f fid : Hig? aes boii (L6VD' BoLAHOOR con ence a tact him by 7:00 p.m WE CAN DO IT Ee | AGAIN ' | TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI . . CANADIAN PETROFINA LIMITED OSHAWA'S BUSIEST FINA - Finest In North Americo rrobucTioN « REFINING + MARKETING » Alkyl-Gas possible -- the only new motor fuel produced Calls Accepted Between 7-7:30 p.m. only REAL ESTATE FIRM A A runner in 4 an obstacle course, but also | was between 26 COD, Cobourg Cross country stag 4 | used as a cooling off spot by and RCEME Training School in COD in Cobourg plunges a | the runners during their dusty | Kingston. The Kingston team pool of water set up as of | five-mile run. The race meet | won for the third straight year. Eastern Star | Choose Girl Explorers Fete Attends Church Ajax Mothers h y a ie gut Of The Year | [)2% Toller o omet 1n O | ar a LWA St. Paul's United Church held a Star, No. 227, Pickering, attended | AJAX -- St. Paul's CGIT clos-| nother - Daughter dinner at the the service at St. Paul's Church ing ceremony was held Wednes- fa) meeting of the season Tues- ay. day when the service was led by| a" Guest speaker was Mrs Rev. T. Rex Norman spoke on Mrs. Johnson's group. The affili- Leask, Secretary for Affiliated < "The Reward for Living Unself- ation ceremony at which the girls ars ODD OW _ ishly." He lauded the principles received their badges followed. EiPiorers Groups of the WMS of of the Eastern Star and sald he Initiation ceremony was held for Mrs, Leask accepted a dona- Ee had heard '"of their unselfish Sandra Drew, Pat Frost, Lau- |; from the Explorers Keeper ul . work to accomplish great things rence Watt and Nancy Lawson. | ooo" m oacive' Darlene An-| : @ for the good of others. | Joanne Galloway gave the|, owria) The person who thinks he can camp council report and intro- re WE, 0 explained ane ¢ get along by himself, worrying/duced new Camp Councillor, 2D WAS dh y 3 adi aly about self, gains uuhing, he Mary Wheeler, W hid S and how the donation ed. "Whosoever save his pV 1 ai . . : : own life shall lose it; whosoever |nataq. one yp the group as Nine = Llotere were Sragjuated) No company stands still--it forges ahead or it drops back. loses his life, the sume shall saveluiiir] of the Year: as follows: [40 CGT re Ellison. it." Gayle Gerrard, Sheila Goslin, 14 A ™ 7 or rch "nis . . a The choir provided music under |Gale Gibson, Susan Robertson, Lend Ballard, Lynda Rooney. The Sun Life's consistent 88-year record of growth is evidence that it we SOUNGE iE lg ©. Milis. Lynda Boyle, Andrea Walker, Ld ly * hi hi di t \YOUNCEMENTS and Adelaide Francey. In the ® 3 . y\My . 3 7 ) ributi is I ess is its readiness to Adrummage sale sponsored by final vote Adelaide Francey was 90 rv Va) : contihues to forge ahead. Contributing to this progr the Dorcas Group of the WA will| chosen "Girl of the Year." wn ldy, donston, receiv or : : : i i I to be held Saturday, May 30 in Mr. | -------- - E" pin for three years attend: adopt worthwhile new ideas in all phases of its operations. Its new, easy-to- Devolin's store, Harwood avenue| , ooo Go DOWN UNDER | There were A eon [ north. Donati of clothing, N UNDE er 7 8 : de He wan oe i ; books or pn a io article will] VANCOUVER (CP)--A Nether- daughters present at the dinnet read policy contracts and its recent additions to an already wide range be picked 860J. [lands official says Canada is los- Which was served by members of ap sd : : picked up by phoning y d St. Paul's WA. : of life insurance and savings plans are just two of many examples. The Men's Club of St. Paul's/ing out to Australia in getting® : will hold a car washing bee in|Dutch settlers. Frans van Ros- the parking arpa behind the/malen of the Netherlands consu- year. Canada however, revises WILL PAY pil Company of Y amount which church Saturday. late in Canberra said Saturday its program every year, chang. i : 3 A b {Australia accepts up to two per ing numbers and types of per- There is a Sun Life representative near you, trained to help mn eficiary who is entitleq ® Family Income Policy to such he LONDON MUwBUM | a. cent of her total population each sons to be accepted dear at Soul 8] | ® Morige Prlcton Poy 1735. | ° Retirement Annuity future years. He will gladly show you how the Company's plans, I ode { '\. @ Security Fund Endowment 's50.2 $2500.77 HOW MUCH | \ @ Family Seurity Benefit $500.2 $1000.? } DO YOU NEED ? o Educational Endowment There's no obligation, of course. voneeseeeene = You're always welcome of Double protection Lie planning security for your family and independence for your _ouicy ne, 2624010 rates, and policy contracts are all "as modern as tomorrow." FOR MISSED PAPERS If you have mot received your 2 y. . : UAX TAX & \ {mm \ | SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA " \t/ L- AJAX TAXI ONE OF , THE GREAT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES OF THE WORLD PHONE AJAX 333 All colls must be placed before 7:30 p.m. pee Ss. (oe to Bimors Thacire; -- ~ Open Un! | . Noon on Saturday -- Branches through- Oshawa Shopping Centre, Oshawa Dl A A SN W. R. WOLFE, District Supervisor,