Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 25 May 1959, p. 3

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+ el gun ry di ------ Wan am ® wwithvm mw mmwal Senne wm. eet. The following statement on the bus franchise vote, slated for June 8, was given today to The Oshawa Times by Aid. 8, T. Hop- 'As part of their feview.pre- paratory a decision on the future oper of the bus service for Oshawa, the traffic committee requested that, as an accountant, I review the financial rimance mspecs Of Bus Franchise -- on the amount of subsidy re- quired annually, When they ad- vised that they were prepared to accept a maximum of $37,000 per year it was evident statements of the Oshawa Rail. way Bus Service to determine what the financial cost would be to the eity if it operated the bus "|service itself, The present own- ers were most co-operative in supplying information, ased on' certain assumptions agreed upon it was determined that the deficit fe Bt Joa tub city operated the woul a minimum of $38,415. Future year's deficits would depend on policy decisions as to routes, and sidy and will operate the service with the idea of making a profit. If they do it will cost the city nothing. The only way they can make such a profit is by giving the users of the bus service what they want, There is no other way of improving revenues. 'The most that it can cost the city is $37,000 a year under the led coun- negotiations as to wages. 'From the experi of the present owners it Is fairly safe to assume that deficits in future oll. 1t is true that the service may have to be bought at the end of this time or a new owner found years would not be less than $38,500. 'The first draft from Mr, Dick- son on behalf of the Oshawa Transit Company Limited was that the city cover any deficit ! Iplus 5 per cent of revenue. At my recommendation they were to buy the system but value in the form of equipment would be received for whatever expendi. ture is required, If the city took over the service now it would have to find immediately $100, 000 to buy equipment, at a cost --- REN RECEIVE FIRST COMMUNION procession of children while ap- | ice, all childreq participated in 5 communion préparation class "ARNE - requested to place a maximum of $6000 a year in interest alcue." ou Sy proaching the altar on their I yO CRA Provides way to the communion bench. | gohoql" throughout the year, Preceding the communion serv- ~Oshawa Times Photo » | ment for our citizens, not only of | Oshawa but also the surrounding communities, 5 "We trust that this important: Creative Program Are harboring a desire to|is largely devoted to physical con- be TS ne? Are you confining a|/ditioning and self defence, Con- tests are held throughout the sea: decision that General Motors has; made, may be rewarded in greats er sales of all its products," competent singing voice to the, shower? | The Community Recreational Association, 100 Gibb street, is of- fering a wide and variable pro- gram, guaranteed to satisfy any interest. Shower and bath virtuosos have an opportunity to sing out of the water, The Barbershoppers, a group devoted to furthering the art of barber shop singing, meet Monday and Tuesday evening, 7.30 p.m, The club is a member of the North American Associa son bringing together clubs in friendly competition, On Wednesday and Friday, the Health and Strength Club meet, at 2 p.m, to 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 pm, The club was formed 12 years| ago, and has 50 members attend: | tion of barbershop singers. The club has been divided into two groups, 'each |about 40 members. Quartets are [formed within the club to engage {in competition within the organiz. |tion, and various groups {throughout the province, Choir (work is also practiced. | The Sweet Adelines, female | counterparts of the Barbershop- |pers, meet at 7.30 p.m, Wednes- |day evenings. The program of. | tered Is similar to the male pro- gram. Followers of the physical arts can take part in judo, or body developing, The Judo Club has 25 mem. bers meeting on Tuesday even- ings, 7.90 to 9.30 p.m, Both men and women attend officer; Warrant Officer, Don | Jeyes, with the Hill Memorial trophy, emblematic of the of the greatest contribution to 'the, i and' al Tod Buncan: who COLORFUL ANNUAL inspec. | Donald, RCAF Staff Officer at tion of Oshawa (Chadburn) | the Canadian Army Staff Col Squadron, No 151, of the Royal | lege, Kingston, is shown in- Canadian Cadets numbering | the club, which|tre. THE FAMOUS SMITH-CORONA Shywniter .. all one color Sunny of the In lower Piehiionied , left to hy oN presentations to three award- | al Dave Jubb, with the trophy winning members. In top photo, | distinguishing: him as the Wing Commander D. C. 8, Mac- | group's best non-commissioned TROPHIES AWARDED Air at Osh- | specting the smartly formed won the crest for the highest score in DCRA rifle competi- tion, Presbytery | | | | Rain Cancels oy $79.95 So light, it" con shuttle back and forth between home and school, So marvelously mada, It con do almost everything Tot Events To Ordain The program of races sched. uled for the Oshawa Shopping (*>ntre on Saturday afternoon and here in Oshawa. "General Motors, over the] years, has always 'shown great you'd expect to do on a full® size office typewriter, 610,800 Claim | Candidate | | Tuesday, May 26, at 8 p.m. In |Knox Presbyterian Church the Presbytery of East Toronto will convene for a solemn service of Air Cadet Squadron Wins Unstinting Praise is 5 The writer of the Air Cadet merous small planes sputtered |develop good citizens. He sald] The ordinand is Wilfred Mon- News Column regularly featured|and droned in the blue sky over-|the Rotary club, the squadron's crieff, BA, a graduate in Arts in The Oshawa Times won the head. |instructors and the mothers and from Queen's University and a top award at the annual inspec-| mye trophy, a memorial to Fit, [fathers of the members were graduate this spring from Knox tion of the Oshawa (Chadburn-|ys Don Hill, is awarded annually Working together to help the ca.|College, Toronto. Squadron, No. 151, at Oshawa io ithe non-commissioned officer|dets attain a certain discipline] Mr. Moncrieff is well known in Airport Sunday, |who has contributed the most to and esprit de corps that would Oshawa, having been a mem! Eighteen-year-old Warrant Of-ithe squadron during the year." stand the youngsters in the teaching staff of the ficer, Don Jeyes, 240 Arthur|The commanding officer, Flt. Lt.|stead throughout life schools of Oshawa. He is a mem street, was awarded the Hill Me- R, E. Gilbank, said that W.O.|MANY OPPORTUNITIES ber of the kirk session of Knox morial trophy as the highlight of | Jeyes had earned this distinct ; Church and Is noted for his work the colorful ceremony conducted through his fine ein line ion Mr, Fenn pointed out that ser- among young people. in the shadows of three, hulking, newspaper column (Vice in the air cadets also pro-| At the present time he is on multi-engined aircraft, while nu. |vided worthwhile opportunities tour with the Presbyterian stu- SIX-YEAR MEMBER {in specialized training through| dents' choir throughout Ontario. Don, a member of the Oshawa Prizes and tulips that could be Following his ordination Mr, COMING EVENTS group of the Royal Canadian Air|Won. Mr. Brooks told members Moncrief is to tour the British Cadets for six vears, first started|of the squadron that "President|Isles and the continent and on helping out with the column a lit.|Jim Skinner and the members his return will take his first pas- RUMMAGE sale at CRA building, 100 | Gibb Street, Tops club featuring large size dresses, Friday afternoon, May 29 1 pm, tle over three years ago. In the of the Oshawa Rotary club send toral charge in St. John's, New- early days he and several co. their greetings and thew want me/foundland. . workers found the writing game alto tell you that we're proud of| The preacher for the occasion little difficult, |you | be jhe Rev, Derek ig of "In fact," recalled one of the The inspection was carried off St. Paul's Church a e new senior officers, "the boys ued he with Just one minor casualty. One| minister will be addressed » the say the job was enough to shatter Of the cadets in the rear ranks Rev. Prof. Donald Wade of Knox you." But Don refused to be shat. succumbed to a combination of College. The service is conduct- tered, stuck with it and during|nerves, bright sunshine and stand. ed by the presbytery in the tradl- the past year has turned out the "8 Juli oo long aud had to be Hon of the historic Reformed lcolumn alone - er the highly arr 0 the shade of an air- . und Tie igus plane wing. He was on his feet| It is an inspiring and moving |again before the ceremony was Service in which a young man is completed. |set apart for the holy ministry - - land the public is warmly in. vited. During the service the minister of Knox Church, the Rev. Robert -- i Your old furs NEARLY new sale of clothing, Tues day, May 26, at | p.m. Centre Street United Church, East Group. 120 KINSMEN BINGO Tuesday, May 26 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES appropriate pen-name rless'. WO Jeyes is also acting squad ron commander Other cadets receiving awards were Cpl. Dave Jubb, who won| 121b the trophy presented by the non-| commissioned officers' club, and Cpl. Ted Duncan, who was pre-| WOODVIEW |sented with a crest honoring the highest score in DCRA rifle com. COMMUNITY CENTRE petition MO \ STE R NE PRECISION DRILL are worth money... Pay eos little os 1.00 per wk, WALMSLEY & MAGILL Office Equipment Ltd, 9:11 KING ST. £, OSHAWA Phone RA 3.3333 CHECK YOUR BUILDING LIST » Lumber Plywood Floor & Wall Coverings Paints Builder's Hardware BUEHLERS Fender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF ({ + & RA 3-3633 Frames, sash & Millwork General Building Materials All these are obtain- able through Mill- work & Building Sup- plies. Also Obtain- able is the assistance and guidance that Mcresthan 100 boys and girls | south, Sunday. Rev. P. Coffey, attended their first Holy Com- | pastor of the church, was in muttion at Holy Cross Roman | charge of the celebration, Catholic: Church, Simcoe street | Above, the camera catches the Near-Record Entry At A 1 T 11 D : 1 HH | A near-record number of en- House plant: Earl McDonald,| Six Tulips, any variety, named | es i] | tries were received at the annual|Lynne MacMillan, Wayne Thom: |- ji, A. Maskell, Mrs, J. Dom- . Tulip Show, sponsored by the Osh- son. | ind awa Horticultural Society, in the| Three Red Tulips -- Mrs. A.| Dining table centre, spring flow] . on i Lovel School Auditorium winter, Wm, Alchin, Leo Karnath,|ers -- Mrs, L, Guy, Mrs, J. > you (an give . i st Saturday. Three Pink Tulips Mrs, [inik, Mrs. O, C, Weeks. | ing the Clases. Body bullding 1s| 'Tulips of ail varieties and col-0."C, Weeks, Mrs. J. Dominik, Modernistic arrangement, tu- taught in a safe progressive the OFS were on display and a large wigs 1, Stainton. [lips predominating -- Wm, Al-| ner to insure the members thelentry in the classes for arrange-| "mhree Yellow Tulips -- Wm.|chin, Mrs. L. Guy, Mrs. O. C. best possible results, ments made a most interesting| Frost. Mrs, L. Guy, Mrs, O. C. Weeks. a S u en Dieting problems are discussed exhibit. Weeks, | Cup and saucer arrangement, In the happy atmosphere of the pisH GARDENS Three White Tulips -- Mrs. spring flowers -- Mrs, C. Silver, TOPS Club, meeting Tuesdays at| Along with the horticultural so- 0, C. Weeks, Mrs. A, Graham, Mrs, 0. C. Weeks, Leo Karnath. En |7.30 p.m. |clety the members of the junior Mrs, Wm, Frost. Pansies, arrangement to count i The club consists of members garden club put on an excellent! Three Bronze Tulips -- Wm.|-- Mrs, A. Maskell, Miss L.| with the common problem of exhibit of dish gardens and house|Alchin, Mrs, C. Silver, Miss L.|Stainton, Wm. Frost, overweight. Pound shedding | plants. Stainton, fo " ---- |contests are held within the club,| The dish gardens were started| Three Mauve Tulips -- A, Mas- | . | and encouragement is derived from cactus cuttings and were kell, Miss L. Stainton, Robt. [from the companionship of other arranged and designed by the Ward. | 1 or S 3 exhibitor, which in most cases,| Three Purple Tulips -- Mrs, C.| members. Safe dieting lectures : Nnost : I | | {ven at club meetings, and Portrayed great imagination and | Silver, Wm. Alchin, Leo Karnath, | | are given 4 4 proved a most interesting ex. Three Black Tulips Wm. Al { many social functions ste held fio. chin, Leo Karnath, A. Maskell, ease | providing good entertaimnent. = "mye house plants were started Three Mottled or Siriped Tu- Numerous other activities offer|, \," oiiinae" which were given|lips -- Mrs, A, Winter, Wm, Al- interest to almost any taste," 4 nice members last fall. chin, Miss L. Stainton [they are: woodworking, artim, results were very gratifying| Three Parrot Tulips, red or yel- ove |classes, music, dog training andy, "ineir instructors, Mrs. O. C. low -- Leo Karnath, Mrs. A, Win- | boxing, {Weeks and Mrs, Earle Sandford.|ter. Mrs. A. Graham, | [ The recreation office is open The Junior Garden Club is di-| Three Parrot Tulips, any other| Following Is a statement hand. Monday through Friday. Full in-|yided in two groups when there color -- Mrs, W. Frost, Karnath,/ed to, The Oshawa Times this formation is available on all thejis an exhibition. m, Frost, [morning by Mayor Lyman A. activities carried on at the cen-| The results were #5 follows: | mqyree Tulips, Giltord, glefive a lhe stajetnient JUNIOR GARDEN CLUB other than above -- Mrs. L. Gup| ade by KE, H, Walker, presiden Dish garden, Jr, Group, 8 to 12/Wm. Alchin, Mrs. A, Winter, [of General Motors of Canada, re- years of age: Many Delvin, Terry| Three Tulips, in variety, garding the manufacture of a ™ son, Suzzie Weeks, Ther named -- Mrs. L. Guy, A. Mas. smaller car by the company. esa Holoday, Debbie MacMillan, kell, | "I am sure that the citizens of House plants -- Mary Delvin,| Three Lily Tulips, any color -- Oshawa are well pleased with | | Wendy Prothero, Carol Lang- Robt. Ward, Mrs, A. Graham, the announcement of Mr. Walker, maid, Barbara Burr, Theresa Mrs. A, Winter. jon Friday evening last, that his Holoday. - = firm Is prepared to manufacture Dish garden, Sr. Group, 12 tol its new smaller car in Canada, | 16 years of age: Lynda Thomp- 1 4 on. A son, Earl McDonald, Cheryl| (early evening, was postponed, Thompson, |due 'to the heavy rains of Satur- Ro SL, --| Jobless Funds confidence in the Canadian pur- day afternoon, chaser. and this is just amother| At 4.30 pn. 'achedaled time for Ki Club OTTAWA -(CPY -- Claimants |example of thet conn nother [the "Kiddy Kar" race for tiny msmen for unemployment insurance ben- expansion of its present plant to) tots, it was raining too hard to efits numbered 610,800 at April 30,/ accommodate the production of | bikin Bey ie Had oof Hobb Show ihe bureau of statistics reported tis type of Sar means a reat p y i ay. deal to our city, e ically as Jot own bicycle gg y The figure compared with 766.- well as providing more employ-! event, the 25-mile bicycle mara- inners iven 900 a oth Satie and 722,300 | eee thon, telephoned in, to inquire at apr) 0, J9u8, | {about the weather and were told | Won! average Weekly mummber o that the races had been post-| Winners of the Oshawa King. PeDeliciaries : ned, men Club Hobby Show a oo r|840.200 during Ligh TO5,00. Jor! Early in the evening, alter the/prizes were announced by the|March and 735.200 for April, 1959. rain had siopped, quite a few|club today. riders showed up but after al Winner of the children's record |brief meeting, Frank Ball, direc- player was Carolyn Harward, -of WHOLESALE PRICES = of the day's races announced 847 Masson street, The hi-fi rec- hat the 25-mile road race was/ord player was won by Graham| definitely "off " [Fish of RR 2, Oshawa. TO THE PUBLIC Weather permitting, the race| The door prizes were donated OSH AWA Stents for Kiddies, young Bows onto the Kinsmen Club by the Osh.| cycles and teen-age bicycle awa Children's Arena Commis races, will all be held this Satur-/sion, Joe Flynn Sporting Goods, DISCOUNT HOUSE day at the Shopping Centre, How-|Ltd.,, Smith Sports, Hardsand ever, no new date for the 25-mile| Gardening Supplies, Ltd, Raike|| 290 Albert St, RA 8.0311 road race can be set, until ar- and Jackson Hardware, Radio| Res RA 3.7550 Ir ts can completed. [Station CKLB, Hambiy's Bev: Oren There. #11. Seb Most of the riders intending to|erages and the Oshawa Dairy, pen_Thun, Vil, Nat. here last are Ltd. already booked for another race - event, elsewhere, this i | Saturday. | B. Milroy, will present the new| minister, on behalf of the con.| gregati a Geneva gown and, CASS! The 'opportunity to attend such services aro not often presented to the public and a most cordial) invitation is extended to friends] and followers, | 12 KING E. Meat Specials! Tues, & Wed. LEAN, SLICED -- a ' Before the presentations, the Your old furs are TOP TRADE- ALLOWANCE your down payment SIDE PORK 2 .. 85° PORK LIVER . 19° CUT-UP CHICKEN ® Legs, Thighs, Breasts 2 Ibs. 4 ® Wings 4 Ibs. # you will recieve when you deal with us, We carry the best poss- ible stock for the lowest possible price. ~) " IN \ \ Se TO.GET DEGREE William Michael Comerford, C.SSR, son of Mr. and Mrs. | Samuel 'S. Comerford, of 126 | Burk street, Oshawa, who at. | tended ' St. Mary's College, | Brockville, Ontario, will receive | his bachelor of arts degree | ON OUR LAYAWAY 75 KING ST, admission you squadron staged a letter-perfect precision drill and was inspected by Wing Commander D.C.S. Mac- Donald, DFC, CD, RCAF Staff Officer at the Canadian Army Staff College in Kingston (51.55) Other members of the inspect | - ing party were: Flt..Lt. Gilbank, Fit-Lt. R. K. Roulston, Deputy Air Cadet Liaison Office, Training TONIGHT Command Headouarters, Tren: ton, Ont.: Russ Fenn, represent. ing the Air Cadet League of Can- $1,300 CASH PRIZES ada; Fay Brooks, chairman of the Rotary club's sponsoring com N mittee, CLUDING $100.00 FREE ying Commander MacDonald | told the cadets and the large] CASH DOOR PRIZES crowd of spectators that it came| as a pleasant surprise to learn | RED BARN the squadron was named after an| officer with whom he had served ; Wing Commander Lloyd Chad. ' urn, DSO and Bar, DFC, one of $1.00 gives [Canada's most famed fighter 1 card plus free chance on [pilots : | : hi Wing Commander MacDonald| $100.00 cash door prize | aid k, wag the primary aim of] : fi hy i the Royal Canadian Air Cadets| from Assumy Iniversity of BUS SERVICE TO DOOR io supplement the education re.| Windsor at the 11th convocation | 1210 ceived by today's youth and help on May 30, | -- BUY NOW AND SAVE ARTEN' FURS Opp. Motel Genorhe \ Backs and Necks 3 lbs. 25¢ FREE! FREE! FRESH MADE ¢ A ISA GE COUNTRY Buy 1 Pound at Regular Price, 29c¢, GET ONE POUND FREE! PLAN MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. AST 1279 SIMCOE N. RA 3.4694 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY!

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