or I Re wT Www rw lie Utilities Commission meet to]extra to collect the charges, Com-Ihe arranged fo iron out differ. CHANGE HABITS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Moy 20, 1959 t M et iron out mutual problems was missioner Lowe stated, 'The cost ences before a by-law was passed, BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (Reut:| = " 0 e ase . PUC Commissioner | would have to go to the town, as| |was approved by the commission, |ers)--Beggars and vagrant gyp- ye have he a puitable bus Jae errr S108 {0 Bulgaria now face prison (A TURNER . 2 chine, and wou ve re tence fines unless th of to a letter received sentences or ey . With Council "ert from council about €AiTa help to enable us to take CROWDED TOKYO [peut up their traditional habits, [the inspection of hydrants and Care of the collection," he added.| population of Tokyo, nearly 9,-|according to reports from Sofia. JOHN BAVIN New penalties are provided for of sewer charges.| A motion by the commissioner|000,000 at the start of 1959, Is in- OURG (Staff) -- A request the collection Sop, § $3,000/that a meeting of the two groupsicreasing by 300,000 every year. those who beg in public places, | that Cohourg Council and the Pub-| It would cost well over SUSAN KOHNER - ROBERT ALDA kh MOORE - HA SH STORMING {oii CTY THE HEIGHTS OF | J---- MOTION PICTURE GREATNESS! | ER Vinal Yoh 0k i 3 PARAMOUNT PICTURES FRESENTS A DINO DeLAURENTIIS PRODUCTION Ja the tommy gun to gangland] GEN. L. CARR DECORATES LT.-COL. P. BIGELOW i fi EAT oa \' Ee Jy : : : ® THE STORY NOONEDARED @ Times Staff Photo 1A ny ) \ ' / (Hh { : FILM... UNTIL NOW! H.S. Principal ab TARA m WW 146 rive P mei ox RN Vel do +4080 RN MONDAY REG] Is Decorated 2% AN] fl LR ALIEN Wy) INN | PORT HOPE (Staff) Thirty- called on Brig. Carr to make the eight years service were com-|award. memorated in Port Hope last Officers and men of C and D| night when Brig. Lyall N. Carr|Companies paraded later, with| Filmed in awarded Lt. Col. P. J. Bigelow,|Lt. Col. Bigelow taking the Techni olor® ST ; principal of Port Hope High salute. Earlier they were inspect- School, the Canadian Forces Dec- ed by Col. Clarke an oration, ony took place: at Lt. Col. Bigelow received his) Techni ROSO0 woe ny hip age of | S€condary education at Weston | Lgl, eena a Pa and Lindsay high schools, receiv- 4 2 i ? and Ds Co Regt. of ing his BA in science at Queen' s| 3 4 / . a) J 3 as which Lt, Col. Bigelow is com- versity tized oh 1 oa | 7 P| v ™ HEY KIDS ! ialized in physical - | on at Onta gp BRING YOUR PARENTSf manding officer os 7 's Presentation of the medal was cation at Ontario College of Edu-| oi ry | with retire. cation, and also received a spe- | 4 ' TO SEE planned to concur i | Col. Bigelow; |clalists sertifieate in séience and AGAIN THE PRODUCER OF "WAR AND PEACE" CREATES A VAST STORY OF PEOPLE LIVING | Gulliver's Travels ment plans of Lt He leaves the army at the end a High School Principal's certifi-| of June. cate AND LOVING --AGAINST A BACKGROUND OF AN ERA"S DYING... ANOTHER'S DAWNING! Attending the ceremony was He is president of the Durham | . length color cartoon Col. M. E. Clarke, ED, com.|county branch, Ontario Sec- The Pretender 8 The Peasant The Aristocrat The Gallant The Cringing The Earthy The Vengeful ' ( feature! manding officer of 13 Militialondary School Teachers' Federa- (219) Beauty! Soldier! = B commander! Coward! Matchmaker! Prosecutor! a Group. Col, Clarke, who replaced tion and is vice-president, Quinte on a, : oh J f i} Brig. Carr several months ago, region, w-- ---- | Headmasters' Federation His military career began in| of : by, ta NORTHWEST PASSAGE Will C 11 Bid {1921, when he enlisted in the! 4 iW i : i i ise i 3 ; § J ; " : . 1 a 1 S {Queen's Own Rifles. In 1931 and| 3 4 i 4 ' 1 J, Gs £ 4 ' 3 1932 he received officer training ; 3 BL & § © : d 4 # snrns AGM MASTERPIECE REPRINT eum Lo 1 in the Queen's University COTC| : 2 bi d Sil | ions, S09 : Si { ; On Sub Station | : i sold a Sa JOIN OUR BUMPER CLUB & SAVES § § course. He was commissioned lieu-| , 3 y Ye 4 COBOURG (Staff) -- A call for A RE. y : more adequate lighting facilities tenant With the Huon Regiment ) A : ) : F, 3 in 1982, receiv is captaincy CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS:A COLOR CARTOON for Division street was hea ard by| Sr BA Ch BEE VAN HEFLIN: SILVANA MANGANO VIVEGA LINDFORS: GEOFFREY HORNE - sion Tuesday night. t was made by S. Midland Regiment in 1940. Ra ee "ual. In 1944 ho was decorated with| OSCAR HOMOLKAHELMUT DANTINE® AGNES MOOREHEAD" IA MA 4rd VITTORIO GASSMAN - Directed by ALBERTO LATTUNDA « Screenplay by Lvs Peersen and Abr Lalsda « Based on 8 oe by Nexande Pushin roid Be ia or the STARTS TOM I \l from the stores. He asked Jastings and Prince Einird Glin " ORROW = o a, Pd a ES 2p Ld Yi Paramount nls "chairman said it was the Legion, B BESL, in Port Hoe | "DOG- GONE" 3.03 on a & L JERRY » pr h of the Ontario Secondary| {) C ¢ ry| XO EE a nye ' intention of the PUC to install Col, Bigelow is married, a End Tin a A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE il tubs HERES GREAI that area, along with ives tn Port Hope, and has street. "As soon as funds are on. | ENTERTAINMENT = available, which should be this gy we Yi be able to do this," add It was revealed that at ent a new sub-station will be Putt in the centre of the city to aug- ment the two sub-stations which are heavily overloaded supplying industry Tenders will be called for a new sub-station and transformers as soon as specifications are re-| i -- / MARIE McDONALD ceived. aX : EE Rh / IE ey a SESSUE HAYAKAWA : ~~ TIMES BUREAUS COBOURG A. McCulloch FR. 2-9218| PORT HOPE | Iain Macdonald TU. 55737) HEADING WEST? "Carp Derby" EE at a | fA : At Port Perry CHOOSE Lk _ = CARTOON COMEDY I "Crawling or) Ss FROM MORE TCA SERVICES THAN EVER BEFORE, | [R22] rrr [ceciimr Each year hundreds of carp are taken from Lake Scugog on these EL ee INCLUDING NON-STOP FLIGHTS TO VANCOUVER, EDMONTON AND CALGARY! |---- -- SMASH ACTION SHOW the ponent fish, the largest | at other features inn catch and tures 8.00 A.M. Viscount fo Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Calgary and Vancouver SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT or TCA OFFICE in ST AR 1S 10D A Y Gh 3 10.18 A.M. PACIFIC MERCURY Super Constellation NON-STOP TO VANCOUVER (ex. Wed) 11.00 A.M. Viscount to Winnipeg, Regina and Edmonton TORONTO (6 convenient ticket offices) . = Civic Welcome ! 11.10 A.M. North Star Skyliner Tourist service to Winnipeg and Vancouver (ex. Mon, Tue) ) . | 11.40 A.M. North Star Skyliner Tourist service to Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton and Vanc L N \ I | , Se ¢ couver = { ! For Wintermeyer | 12.10 P.M. WESTERN MERCURY Super Constellation NON-STOP TO VANCOUVER FOR R ES E RVATI 0 NS N ow 2 : Ll RL SAL TURE a: ¥ RL Fi URG ( 0 -- A parade 3.30 P.M. Viscount to Winnipeg (ex. Mon, Sat) : COBO Stat striped 4.00 P.M. North Star Skyliner Tourist service to Winnipeg, Regina and Calgary in an open convertible, providing| the weather is co-operative, will 4.18 P.M. EDMONTON MERCURY Super Constellation NON-STOP TO EDMONTON. on fo Vancouver (ex. Thurs) herald the arrival of Ontario Lib- 8.28 P.M. Viscount to Winnipeg eral Leader John Wintermeyer to| 12.30 A.M. CALGARY MERCURY Super Constellation NON-STOP TO CALGARY, on fo Vancouver (ex. Sun) TRANS -CANADA AIR LINES Oobowrs pis Syeing. alvie wel 2.20 A.M. Viscount to Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton and Vancouver come by Mayor J. D. Burnet and| 3.38 A.M. North Star Skyliner Tourist service to Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary and Vancouver other local dignitaries at the Co- - 4 . 'CA offers -- Turbo-prop Viscount services (First Class only) bourg Pavilion. A mass meeting Super Constellation servi clay (Fh dass only, r c ( nd Tourist) + Narth & i which starts a 9pm will Hezn joos ged shen in Tair) Narth Star Skyliner services (Tourist only), Mr. Wintermeyer and Northum-| ¥ berland. County Liberal candi. a Ve a ! A h @ | Br oy A. x CRAVES "aT date Colin Crews. | - - -- ay [150 ADUL T ENTER TAINMENT STASSEN RUNS FOR MAYOR | A Haro | Id | 2ND Eee THRILLER ! ! wim zits 2%) FOUR SEASONS | BOOK THROUGH See Your Local Travel Agent [| 3053 Philadelphia Tuesday night. He Rina Divas on TRAVEL | DONALD | MEADOWS TERROR! er WY THEATRE GUE | 0c ng worse TRAVEL SERVICE TRAVEL SERVICE || Qecion <4 Brock (Whitby) -- "Action of the Travel Arrangements Tiger," 7 and 10 p.m. : Heart | | of 'a Child," 8.20 p.m. Last com-| 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY Thomas Meadows Co. Canada Ltd. | OF De YOMED a plete show 8.20 p.m. wlaring AN ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE Plaza -- "Imitation of Life" 1.10 1 K . | 57 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA M0 8-3304 or RA 5-4831 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA [Joiiiwittiams. vfs wow « Sp oo. dé 3.10, 5.15, 7.20, 9.30 p.m. Last complete show 9.15 p.m THE Regent = The Temp er J : CinemaScope and _Technicol RA 8-6201 ® NO CHARGE FOR OUR SERVICE @ | RA 3-944] shown daily at 1.55, 4.25, 6.55 925 pm. Last complete show . o 9.00 pan. lad q - SADKING 'IN OUR lea