Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 20 May 1959, p. 2

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a A tn A hl Ca Ti ARON LE fe EE WEATHER FORECAST X31 Did Not Stop Warmer, Humid, FYFE 1 RE [Tuesday fined $5 and costs when 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wadnesdsy, Moy 20, 1959 . ~ Find Driver . he pleaded guilty before Magis- More Showers ng 4 } 1 » v Ny | trate R. B. Baxter in police court # --_ 4 ' ' " f %.2 18 "oh 1 %. here to a charge of failing to TORONTO (CP)--Official fore-day and Thursday. Warm an vi rs -- @ stop before entering a through casts issued at 5 am.: humid today, turning cooler seems iy » " highway. . synopsis: Warm humid air will Thursday. Winds southwesterly % ; . : 4 ! ' ® | OPP Constable Bruce Tillson coritinue to dominate the weather 15 to 25 today, shifting to north- J i i By | testified he saw Down travelling in all regions from Georgian. Bay eas '5 by late Thursday. ; 5 bl 4 : " t . [north on the Maple Grove road | southward for two more days,! Timmins-Kapuskasing: Cloudy $i % Lik ? { May 2. He said Down pulled on Celaer «© which has edged into witli scattere hovers today. ; i i ah f % y 2 '8 to Highway 2 without first com- the northern regions will con- Cloudy with scattered showers or 7 id i A ing to a full stop at the inter. tinue {ss very slow movement, nowflurries tonhigh' -nd Thurs southward and is expected to in- day Continuing cool. vade the norther Gee rn Bay is 7 r v Thurs y Forecast Temperatures by A ' 7 i Hh ad i 4 7 gi > ? prstay Hn , Low tonight High Thursday . be. CT ed 1B |nbout 600 feet away when he pull- midnight Thursday. valid unl windsor wo 82s i : ; bk Vy A tau'm Bcd around the corner : : y. St. Thomas 5 7 : ; / 5 \ The accused said ne has been ae Sake : 7 u 2 | London r i 5 " i Ge. 2 driving for the past 40 years and M 4 2a, sou Ary Georgie: Day. Wingham has never paid a dollar in fines ah a v 31d , + Toronto before, 'He expressed some con- Windsor: London, Ramilion, Tor- Trenton cern about the demerit points he ) unny with cloudy inter-|St. Catharines would accumulate, vals and scattered showers and Hamilton Magistrate Baxier stated: Avie A al agistre 8 ¢ thunder howers, Risk of ha both| Muskoka 5 "Thes> will he the best two 43: wonlduing Warm and hu- Killaloe .... A : a a points ever spent." He said many mm' Winde co therly 15 to 25, Earlton 5 : k ' ; it i with stronger gusts in storms. Sudbury ... aE 58 i . Sik . develop Jittle Jot al Nar'horn Ge rian Bay {irk-|North Bay ... J 5 ! i habits. 2 seem 0 nin iv ing land Lake regions, North Bay, Kapuskasing ....... 4 5 around where every one knows us Sugary: Clondy with frequent White River 35 We are n oy own Jittle pasture and can do what we like." showers and thundershowers to- Moosonee ' 3 0 MAROONED BY U S FLASH FLOOD | r---- er ---- | EO tir RY ND EE ee mtr ee | a pear ereck. swept" throu | | ruck Driver Reach Township Tr Barn Destroyed Camera Club | OBITUARIES Fell Asleep ; One of the heaviest and most pitted by rain, makin, assage Bo th P Pp | PERCY THL.ODORE MUTTON firm for nearly 50 years he re Brenniman, charged with are. prolonged electrical storms In'over them difficult. §: Pagag 0 0 u ar The death occurred at Bowman. tired as poan BO de in "1052, less driving was fined $25 and the memory of residents of the Considerable inconvenience was a Club Alle ri 12 { P rs ana \ son of the late Albert and|¢osts when he appeared Tuesday area swept over the Port Perry caused on Olive Ave. where the The Ospawa Camera & LU Hin 3 ay bel 2 " Theo: sce Clark, the deceased was before Magistrate A. S. Mitchell ad Uxbridge districts during the works department is installing oot a cloner So fuse X ig = bang born at Markham Nov. 13, 1885 at Oshaw ord He pleaded not guil-{ ght. [sewer connectio! ate | oW ee A Darje and was married at Oshawa Nov, |ty to the charge The large frame barn on the homes. Brettions private vith the public. Many took ad- deceased was In his 70th year. |;g 1903 | * Brenniman was charged follow- farm of David Prentice, Lot 11,| Rain filled the trenches dug to| Vantage of the flood lighted] A gon of the late John Mutton| Prominent in Masonic circles, ing an accident, on Highway 401 Concession 6, Reach fownship, house the sewer leads. The S.8€ where pretty models posed and Louisa Haggith, the dec-|Mr, Clark was a life member of April 10, at 4 am. when the was struck by lightning during trenches will have to be pumped against a most interesting back- eased was born in Bowmanville Lebanon Lodge, No. 139, AF and|tractor-trailer he was driving the storm and burned to the out before work can be resumed. ground for the picture makers. and was married in Toronto Sept. AM. A 33rd dcgree mason, he [left the road, The vehicle was a ground. Barricades have been erected at| The club is indebled to Mont- 12, 1924. An employee of the was a member of Rameses total wreck Officials of the Maple Le af|the trenches to prevent mishaps. gomery's Ladies' Wear for the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co, Shrine Temple; Toronto and of | Brenniman, a driver for Hope Farmers'. Mutual Fire Insurance! Catch basins leading into storm Bowns which the models wore; he had lived in New Co.. also stated that a number of sewers were blocked by water- also to Jury and Lovell Limited Hastings and Bowmanville He awa . was enroute to Oshawa from ts had been received of swept debris causing small street Mr, Clark was a member and Waterloo with a load of tires, section Down told the court he saw no one coming and the officer was for suplying cosmetics by Eliza- was 2 member of the United } cattle being killed in the ridge flooding. Basins on Jarvis St. beth Arden; Mrs. Marjorie Smith, Church. later an honorary member of the| The accused told His Worship district Fisher St. and Olive Ave. re. Cosmetic Specialist of Jury and Besides his wife. Mr Rotary Llup o ho hay 0 Ah ae. he could not Temember anything i ok 2 5 i n i i ovell's i % -| leaves : 3 /e member o OUshaw | definite from the time he got on The fire broke out at 1.15 a.m. quired cleaning to insure normal Lovell's, applied make-up suit-/leaves a son Donald tieultural 'Society, he had won/fighway 401. Magistrate got on Muiton today. In addition to the barn, flow of water. able to the coloring of each model] Also surviving are a sister, =... bi vB many prizes in the society's com-| "ciated he was sbmewhat par: | three pigs. a calf, 30 hens, 400 POWER LINE HIT for posing under the flood lights. Mrs. Wallace Battle, of Oshawa, petitions and specialized in the|g; bushels of grain and 400 bales of| George Shreve, manager of the! The club wishes to thank the and a brother, Charles Mutton. = |.j5ing I dahlins tial to truck drivers * because hay were destroyed. A number of Oshawa Public Utilities Commis- 1 dels -- the Misses Joanne The funeral service was held| He leaves his wife. the former they are "probably the best cattle were saved. The Uxbridge sion, reported that lightning had ra 3 3 0 lat the Morris Funeral Chapel, yi; 8 NSGAIV:: i ald drivers." However, "there is no i : Henderson, Sandra Stroud, Glad : Manetta Essery; a daughter, i Fire Brigade responded to the/damaged {uses and switches on yo" nicKee, Donna McGahey, all Bowmanville, May 15. Interment Mrs, Ed.. Johnston (Ethel), in my mind that he fell alarm. Mr. Prentice estimates power lines in the Brooklin area.|3' (chawa, and Ruby Hobbs and Was in Bowmanville Cemetery. peterborough and two sons, Cecil asleep at the wheel. i his loss at $20,000. The power failure began at 2 a.m aN Sn yr Dunbar. The services wene conducted by C. of Toronto and Earl W., of Magistrate Mitchell said that Mp. Prentice told The Oshawa|lt is now under repair. No line tor v Rev. W. K. Houslander Oshawa, He was predeceased by [this instance confirmed his be- Times that the lightning bolt fol- damage of any consequence oc- * The pallbearers were Charles a son, Edwin, May 30, 1939 lief that truck drivers are over- lowed a television lead into the curred in Oshawa The next club activity is the all: yy yon Garfield Barrett, T. J. Also surviving are four sisters worked. "No wonder they fall house and started a fire at the. Lightning damaged a trans- day field trip. when members w Webb, Robert Flett and Kenneth Mrs. D. Hough (Elsie) and Mrs. asleep," he said. "Time and rear of his set. He extinguished former at the sewage disposal take to the woods io photograph pg. hoi M. Greeniree (Emma), of Osh-/time again you see truck drivers this' blaze with his hands . He plant, Operations are continuing wild flowers, country vistas and awa: Mrs. P. Goyne (Hazel), of parked on the side of the road then ran to the barn but by that ban tae transformers. until re: whatever they can find that they FRANCOIS ZAVIER GAUTHIER Toronto and Mrs. W. Hallcatching a few winks to refresh time the whole end of the build- pairs are made think will make a picture A resident of Whitby for 'one (Mabel), of Windsor: two broth- them for the rest of their jour- ing was in flames. year Francois Zavier Gauthier ers, Harry, of Toronto and Clif- ney." The heavy downpour of rain |died at Sunnvbrook Hospital, To-|ford, of Oshawa: seven grand A------ -- Tuesday afternoon | am conven. | CITY AND DISTRICT | ronto, Sunday, May 17. He was in children and four great-grand- - caused considerable inconveni- his 65th year children, : B t C t ence in Oshawa and surrounding | | "A son of the late Venance and| The memorial service hii he ac eria oun Armstrong Funera areas. This morning the Oshawa 7 MEN ERRED | Desneige Gauthier, the deceased held at the r AUTOS COLLIDE | PAYMENT DEF was born at St. Sixte, Quebec, Chapel at 2 p.m Friday, May 22, Low At Hospital Creek: was flowing at a higher | f level than at any time during the. Two cars collided at the inter-| A one-year extension Was ys 2 i804 A former postal su- followed by interment in Mount spring run-off. section of Albert St. and Banting| ETanted by oly soul) Westies rvisor at Timmins, he was a Lay n Gemel ny Rey. Fier witli A. Holland . ; ,_ (night in the agreemel of St. Mary of the Peo-|Trant, of St. George's Anglict am A. Holland, superinten- ROADS DAMAGED : Ave, 4:40 p.m. Tuesday. Law- which the Oshawa Housing Com- eae 2 ary Osh- Church, will conduct the ser- gent of the Oshawa General Hos- Tio washouts occurred. Wilson rence J. Latta, of 278 Albert St., pany Limited obtained a loan of awa and of the Timmins Cana- Vices pital reported, at a meeting of road north was washed out along... julis Temecocko, of 232/$47,000. Because of belated ren- dian Legion. A masonic service will be held gna hospital board Tuesday night, She Hides sud Taunton 1084 west, Beatty Ave., were the drivers of tals, the first payment cannot be| A veteran of the First World fl the Funeral Home at 7.15 p.m. | yo" oc iioment purchased for en Bi The ho Bg the vehicles. No injuries were made until Jan. 2, 1960, the com-|War, Mr. Gauthier enlisted with Thursday. the hospital in 1959 to date totals service today. sustained by the drivers. The pany reported, Final payment isthe 15th Battalion, CEF and later FUNERAL OF $10,000 . : damage to Mr. Latta's car was due on Jan. 2, 2009. "'And 1 may|served overseas for the dura-| Nope PHIL IP J. THOMPSON He also reported that a bacter- The Sehawa Board of Yorks estimated at $250. Mr. Teme: just stick around to make sure tion of the war with the 48th Requiem mass Yor Mrs. Philip iological = examination = of the gravel surfaced) oc automobile received an|we get it." quipped Mayor Ly-| Highlanders He won the military Joseph Thompson, 789 Palace swabs at the hospital was taken roads in the vicinity suffered sur-| (oo 1 es damage man Gifford |medal for distinguished conduct ef } \ ho! April 21 and the following rey face damage. The surfaces were ®SHM?@ hy camage, x : [He leaves his wife, the former street, Oshawa, who died at v ie Apr A AN the folicwing report --rr--------------------( HOSPITAL DONATIONS ADMITS CHARGE [Marie Blanche Yvonne Theriault; shag Genray Hospital Ras Tecary fom hie provincial . | Donations > Tne ng Gen- a ber: Hajes, 32 Abert re, da and two. hk , 8. Mahoney in St. Gregory: spoon, Jovk, tumbler and cups had 0 : ccre 1 |eral Hospital a ion fund were pire : oy ber OF | Phillippe, of Timmins and Roman Catholic Church a less than 100 per cent plate count |announced at a meeting of the|2! days on a charge o Mg 1 ceorge, of Montreal a.m. Tuesday, May 19. and coliform organisms were ab- | hospital board Tuesday night. toxicated in a public place. Hel Also surviving are three sisters, The pallbearers were william gent, $3000; | anneared before Magistrate A. 'Mrs. A. Pitre (Maria) and Mrs. Thompson, Thomas Thompson, The public health standard . % Govan and Ferguson, $3000; i A. ¥ Hospital County of Ontario, $4000; Wo- Mitehall Tuesday. Nedlett 7i |A. Fortier (Cora), of Timmins Harvey Kirby, Robert Normoyle, count shall not excced 100 per men's Hospital Auxiliary, $7000 ; stl and Mrs. R. Gauthier (Angela)|Dale Neil and Frank Cullen, cent bacteria per utensil and coli- MAMMOTH TULIPS ELECTED TO BOARD |of Long Lac and a brother, Olida, c Interment was in St. Gregory's form organisms should be absent. o. lof Long Lac. emetery. Mr. Holland also stated that the For Internes | Dr. Wesley J Langmaid, of Bi Pigg] The Seman se "the W. © FUNERAL OF fuel oil contract has been award- Sol 3 rg re fort pw ar AT FRE! ; . Oshawa, was elected to the board tulips growing in his flower gar-| Town harry ping hel or EVERETT ALFRED GIFFORD ed to British American oil Co. Dr. "W. G. McKay reported, at'of directors of the Royal College r iz] service for Ever a pe den Ome of the tulips has a flow-| by y YY The memoria! service for Eve Church at 9 a.m, Thur sday, May ett Alfred Giffor of Taunton, a meeting of the Oshawa Gen-|of Dental Surgeons of Ontario at sday | ing i er measuring between seven and|a; Rey, N. J. Gignac will sing 4 ! . . eral' Hospital Board Tuesdayits annual meeting in Toronto 0, half and eight inches across.|the mass. Interment will be in Who died at the Strathaven Nurs ervice tations ing Home, Bowmanville, last Sat night, that within a few months day {Two others are almost as large.|St. Gregory's Cemetery. the hospital will have an ac- % {urday, was held at the Armstrong . . creditation of internes : PUPILS AT COUNCIL HOSPITAL REPORT WILLIAM EDWIN CLARK Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Tuesday, May Be Limited At the present time there is Some " Grade 10 puvhe Jom Following is the report of the| Following a short illness: the May 19. Mr Gifford was in his only one interne on the staff at Oshawa Central Collegiate Insti-|q awa General Hospital for the death occurred at the Oshawa 87th year A policy governing the number | the hospital, 'We should have at tute were interested spectators yea ending May 16: admissions General Hoepital Tuesday, May| Rev. F. J. Reed minister off A Policy BOVerRIng shy Um ooh least 15," said Dr. McKay at Tuesday night's citv council gsa. piths -- male 31, female 19, of William Edwin Clark, 72 Zion United Church, conducted a a ice gu ons 10 8 hawa vy meeting. But they missed the sg. maior surgery. 46: m a y th. [the services. Interment was in/be thrashed out by city counc g. 28: major surgery, 46; minor sur- Central Park boulevard north e 8¢ at a committee meeting Thurs: a "sights" wi by Py , i is T: rear. |Z Cemetery internes will no longer be| Sights" when they left before so. 51. eye, ear, nose and Mr. Clark was in his 74th year. |Zion 3 ay pe vio hs ; Shak the 3 a al Te hos.|the heated clash between Ald. rt 35. treatments, 78: casts, A resident of Oshawa for 58 The pallbearers were Neil Gif. day night. This assurance was service : *|Albert V. Walker and Ald. Chris- 3s." physiotherapy treatments, years. Mr. Clark started work at ford, Ray Gifford, Keith Peters, given by Mayor Lyman Gifford pital services. They will no long. tine Thomas over the bus fran. 2 [the Ontario Malleable Iron Co.,|Glen Glaspell, Bert Bickell and at Tuesday night's meeting of With the Donald Anderson, open council, er Pe required to do petty jobs 1° "7HCE : | Xt boy whieh internes have been doing chise hiscite to be held June 8 [plant as a small hoy. : ia | ROU aval. Stqtaiont. befdre. LAND SALE APPROVED | council approved location of a] LAND SAL 2 . The internes will be men near-| gale of five acres of land on Fi d Bod Of L S new station at the southeast cor- iy Sfuduatey who ove ging Nelson St. to Henderson Concrete in Y RACCOON BITES ate topping ner ot Taunton Rd. and Simcoe 0 a gener ne ye Ola: products at $1200 an acre was Y AND D . S {St. N. | | {| An application for another at A KINDL H { river ays {the southwest corner of Bloor St. . tion; training. approved by Oshawa city council | Nine new doctors on the Osh- miecdav night. The company willl Towne an | hl : | : AJAX (Staff) -- Under 14 | gumuel Plume, 851 Myra street, and Park Rd. was rejected. awa General Hospital medical! ,y $9000 on transfer of property - staff, one of Vem being a 1ady, ang the remaining $4000 by Dec. FRENCHMAN'S BAY (Staff) Says guaraliine fn the Ajax |uas fined $25 and costs on a me em r-- were introduced. 21, 1959. The '=nrd is needed for -- , y av dog pound is a wild raccoon. charge of failing to yield the right The doctors were. Dr. C. C.eyn-neion of the indu-try, council i bis So I Officials of the Health of Ani- [of way by Magistrate A. S. Mit Stewart, Dr. E.- M. Forsyth wae told 4 p.m. Monday was recovered at 5| mals branch, Bowmanville, '|chell in court Tuesday. He plead- (Mrg.), Dr. W. §. Whelen, Dr p.m. Tuesday Dragging opera- | were in Ajax Tuesday to in- ed not guilty to the charge : G. A. Rundle, Dr. A J. B PARKING FINES tions had continued since pling] vestigate a report that a Plume was involved in an acci Hebert, Dr. R. K. Miller. Dr. C.| Norman Wirsching, 130 Rox- light by Pickering Township | man had been severely bitten |dent at the intersection of Ritson S. Campbell, Dr. William G. bor ugh avenue, was fined $5 and police, firemen and boats from| ©n one hand and a leg. |Rd. S. and Wolfe St. Driver of Grant and Dr. D. Antonevych costs on a charge of violating the the Frenchman's Bay Power) David McCrae, 42, High- [the other vehicle was Gordon - -- -- | parking bylaw, Tuesday by Mag- Squadrons 3 | land. Creek, was treated at | t itrate A. S. Mitchell. Wirsching = ; Ajax and Pickering General Constable G. Kehoe testified he investigated the accident 4 x Alfred Adams, st | i 1 d to go Did Not Look did not appear in court. Jacob ams, pai edmmand:| Hospital and allowe g RE Ts Worry he dil Ifterne accreditation means |Hornby, Ritson road south. Vos. 254 Graburn street, was er of Canadian Power Squadron,| home. : fined #5 ard costs ea~h on two caught the body on the crossbar The animal was wandering not see the Hornby vehicle. He 4 charges under the parking by-|of his drag in ten feet of water. in a confused state on High- also said he stopped when he saw t pee ometer law. Weeds hampered the search. way 2,. blocking traffic. Mc- | but it was too late. The Plume SAY THEY WILL SELL RE SRE iii babii Tin ies of warnings. [Yehicle was eight fect ito the] ",' yOUSE A DAY An Oshawa youth, Glen Rose | that the animals could be "GENIC Hil i"ly auend| IN THE MONTH OF Skea, 318 Division street, was : : rabid, picked it up and Put |e Oshawa Traffic Clinic held fined $25 and costs by Magistrate (0) TOV1 e Tr1Zes it in the trunk of his car, |muesday night. i MAY A. §. Mitchell Tuesday on a police said. Sa A | . ! {| LIST WITH LLOYD... charge of speeding. He was re. : presented by Russ Murphy and | FAST PURSUIT THEN CALL YOUR . leaded not guilty to the charge . . MONTREAL (CP) -- Three po- 4 Constable A. Lavender testified or an u aging 1st quipment licemen were commended by the MOVER he fllowed th» Skea le from city for bravery in capturing Swit Drive eland I three suspects in a high - speed RA 8-5123 't 60 mil r Skea The Central Lake Ontario Con ly. valuable information when T B B ht car chase after a bank holdup -y claithed he wasnt more servation Authority, at its mee. buying the farm." 0 e oug The constables were Jacques MOYD REALTY LTD. | than. 40 miles per hour ng Tuesday night, decided to \ resolution was passed to send 2? . a Naud, Marcel Trudeau and Jac Magistrate Mitchell decided to grant $100 to be used as prizes a letter to the department of| It was reported at & meeting gue Grondines. 101 SIMCOE ST. N. split, it down the middle and make for land judging competitions in|planning and development to re. [of the Oshawa General Hospital - = We Did It | . i 50 miles per hour. Skea ad- Durham county. quest that the survey, being car. Board Tuesday night by the * " 7 mitted he didn't look at his speed-| Technical details for the com-|ried on, include reports on all house committee the following WHOLESALE PRICES APRIL I ometer. [petitions are arranged by the|flood plain areas. equipment is to be purchased: | GOWER sol rt t James Law: y Incubator for children's ward, Lf soils department of the Ontario ames Lawrence was accepted $309; glove washer for central TO THE PUBLIC WM M_ MILLAR D. R HURST CHEMISTRY STUDENTS Agricultural Colege. The princi-'on the conservation and recrea- FREDERICTON (CP The ples involved are the same as tion committee under Chairman supply, $220: and a gas machine CRUIKSHANK formed New Brunswick 0 in other agricultura! com. Gordon Corner. It was reported for third case room $625 OSHAWA LOYD: BOLANOOS pely - < nee teachers' association will petitions according to Conserva- a Em Dent, Orono had Advertising of the cafeteria was { ms a survey of chemisiry be Officer A r Latomell. "It been appointed 'eo represent referred to the house committer DISCAUNT HOUSE WE CAN DO IT oo ( > AGAIN c s. 'facilities and vis an educati pro rke township on the author- With the power to.act qualifications in provincial hig! he repres ive from Reach ity 290 Albert St, RA 2.0311 OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM It as also rocported that schools gResults will be reported (township, 'Ed Oyler said he| The secretary revealed that screening curtains are needed for Res RA 3.7550 the emical Institute of Ca: [thought it was'as interesting as|authority now has a bank balan§h rooms 322 and 320 at a cost of Open Thur. Fri., Sat. to pds © tle judging and 'it is certain of $1709.14, lgs0. Toront6, | Pentalpha Chapter, No. 28, Osh- Transport Limited, Waterloo, at SPROULE'S Doesn't Everybody? by Do you believe that food prices are pretty COUNTRY FRESH much the same in all markets? -- That R where you shop makes little difference in GRADE A SMALL the total cost of your order? Then you're in for a pleasant surprise the very first time you shop at SPROULE'S. Our policy of mak- ing every price a low price gives you a store- ful of savings--not a harrdful of specials' You see the difference for sure---see it in more foods for less money--more cash-in- hand savings for you, QUALITY MEATS With Friendly Personalized Service SPROULE'S BEEF 1S RED BRAND TO ASSURE QUALITY FLAVOUR AND TENDERNESS BONELESS MEATY Round Steak or Roasts BONELESS -- MEATY FULL CUT Rump Roast Ih EXTRA LEAN L] . Round Steak Minced PORK HOCKS 2 TENDER YOUNG SWIFT'S SLICED SIDE BEEF LIVER SLICED .LB 95¢ Premium Bacon RE d Pkg. SWIFT'S PREMIUM--SLICED ASSORTED VACUUM PACKED COOKED MEATS FOUR DELICIOUS VARIETIES CLARK'S TOMATO New low coffee prices AUNT MARY'S Sliced Bread INSTANT 301.35 RED AND WHITE COFFEE % ax 79° Loaf 18 ALLEN'S RED AND WHITE GRAPE DRINK HOMOGENIZED 48.02. 55¢ Peanut Buller TINS BROWN BEAR "ian 29¢ CREAMED HONEY nn 98° LESTOIL LIQUID CLEANER 16-0Z., BOTTLE 43° AYLMER PINEAPPLE CRUSHED SLICED TID BITS 2 "Tg 49¢ TINS §9¢ Kons = §9¢ ALLENS ORANGE 48.01 TINS NO. 1 QUALITY GOLDEN RIPE Bananas 21s. 29 ® LARGE SELECTION OF BOXED FLOWER AN VEGETABLE PLA +®@ MULTIPLIER AND DUTCH SET ONIONS FOR PANTING os ® FLOER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS e VIGORO ee GRASS SEED We are big enough to serve you--Small enough to appreciate you YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD STORE J BT] ff 4d 4 ~

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