| THIS IS IT, FOLKS . . . The Power "GOLD DO LLAR SALE" st area should be int i : arts to-day . . . Every prudent sh More than ever Nerestes I stocking up and saving on these --_--y ot the Oshiays -end the Power slogan "More Power to your Doll SOUS +r» ollar' is a slogan that's as "Good as Gold". TOMATO JUICE. 8. SOVe 16° STOKELYS GOLDEN Save 5°-STOKELY'S -HONEY POD CREAM 5CORN 7 ': seve 16° - VAN CAMPS - IMPROVED BEANS //4PORK £ FANCY PEAS....6 Save I7°* AYLMER CHOICE PEACHES n / Save 16° BICK'S SPECIAL HIGHLINER SPECIAL HIGHLINER al! 12°0FF DEAL « MAPLE LEAF {QUID DETERG ay id CL is a SPECIAL POLAR KING PICKLE a mf Save 8°- LIPTON'S ha aa » . STO FAS NSO 1010 AN oP 6.0 o save 6°- TULIP SWEET MIXED CHICKEN NOODLE Fish and Chips . 49° Choplels 'wore 've 45° Cod Fish Sticks '». 29° Biranterries i 63° MA # of: 2 / N £€ GROCERY PRICES EFFECTIVE PKG PKGS. TO TUESDAY MAY 26TH ¥ YOUR For Only Alclelo PEN I3NE, big 24 NL) NEL, amaz ; : hang onus old Free G ods of bilicustomeft relophaned v¢ at Head Office HT aneoRIAY ag { aware of the importante we are happy to announce a NE BETTER So keep On saving your P YWATCH FOR IN|24] WEEK'S EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT. J and There EXCITING GIFTS! ORDER DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME 25 sponse to our announcement that the ift Plan wos being discontinued. Hun and asked us ed at the re we are always help us with our W BIGGER AND ONUS-GOLD" FREE GIFT PLAN! d" Cash Register Slips i h the Plan: Becapse 8f having our customers Power Policy, POWER "B ower "'Bonus-Gol will be MORE NEW GIFTS . . . MORE Watch for it next Thursday. POWER PRICES SET THE PACE IN THE PROVINCE ' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 20, 1959 | ' 4 NM 'GRANUL 15-02 TINS eal) [5-02 JARS RN PKGS --) [-1b CARIN FRESH GRADE "A" ontrolled BEEF Chicken Le n POWER 'Bonus-Gold"' DING R 0 AST PL I \L\' BE STAN PEAMEALED - RIB Cottage Rolls sack Ih. C|: wii REMOVED Pork Sausage gs or Breasts® 59¢ and Ib. 49c Half Cry-0-Vae gongLEss WT _ X. Brand Skinless og Steak Roast +. 79° For further information FREE! AN 3-JNCH CAKE TIN WITH THE PURCHASE OF enquire at the cigarette bar in your friend! PKG} toverobeve. 6 "or Jello Dessert ov 58° ONLY 58 WINESAP APPLES MEAT AND FR Garden Fresh Fruit SUNKIST ORANGES |CEBERG LETTUCE bi po Round Stringless Vale GREEN BEANS Extra Fancy British Columbie SIZE 138% 49° DOZEN UIT PRICES EFFECTIVE T SWEET JUICY s and Vegetables VALENCIA Crisp, Tender ntine 0 SATURDAY, ---- = 1.00 138's = we Head HIGHWAY No. TWO