assistants were Mrs. William Mc- Horticultural Society. They gave : TH Ww. Family Makes ; F OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 20, 1939 ; 9 C IE Feeters, Mrs, Harry Thompson an interesting demonstration of, i 1 y y > and Mrs, Dorothy Norrie. what could be done with dried| : | | The bazaar reports were given flowers and weeds. Some helpful Sweet Music His wife Lotta is a professional|recently won top honors in ee CONNAUGHT PARK AUX. (bazaar was a great success. Mrs, [and the members were pleased tips ware, poled out on treating |cellist, who learned to play the|arts festival here. The regular meeting of Con- Edward Holland and Mrs. Wil. With results, i y Pp MONTREAL (CP) -- Music is' instrument as a child in her| We're very happy that they Park Ladies Auxiliary| liam Stallibrass gave their re-| Plans were formulated for the] Refreshments were served by the big thing in the Brott family ,.ive Germany |have both taken to musical ed- |was held recently in the chib Ports on the WA Presbytery held annual night of cards held in the Mrs, John Houghton and Mrs. of Montreal. ative. serman ucations, because it is a wonder- house with Mrs. Stephen Dy, at Tyrone. It was decided to have|early part of October with thei; y pellingham Alexander Brott is professor of] She believes in children start: uperience for children," she president, presiding. 3 pt luck Juppel Jusie 10, nba conveners being elected. ™ . next ting will be hel TUM¢ 'at tie McGill Conserv. ing their musical cducation be- 8K: Boll eal sowed 17 m 3 Rigg ig fo Challopy The members were pleased to te next meeting will be held geory, assistant conductor of the tween the ages of six and seven VALUED MATERIAL |present, including one new mem- er aiter hic . BET have with them during the eve.|in the form of a pot luck supper|Montreal Symphony Orchestra but her Of six and sever ID 1 (Bese es. were paid and secre. Group served refreshments. ning, Mrs. L. H. Guy, and Mrs at the home of Mrs. William|and Ee BO re oe Dundes, $ report "harles Sn "th awa in ¢ 8 eager, fis, 14, plays the Scotland, range from coarse sack ftary's Jupiit Fives by Mee. Ed rE PASTON AX, {Charles Snfith, of the Oshawallocke on Tuesday, June 9. department, {French horn and violin, and Denisling to fine carpets. by Mrs, Henry Whiteley and card e Jessie Panton Evening - I report by Mrs, H. J. Lefaive, also| Missionary Auxiliary of St. An-| bingo report of the past "|drew's United Church met in the Help was arranged for bingo Chapel recently. Ifor the next month and the park| Mrs. W. F. Manuel, president, | {opening on May 30 was discussed presided. 8 for. the var | Five selections by the choir of and help arranged the Adelaide McLaughlin School| ljous booths for it. wr The next meeting will be on ere contributed, conducted by| P [June 4 wher there will be a pot- their teacher, Miss MacIntosh. | Inck supper and election of offic: Miss Rose Hawkes led in the ers, The lucky draw was won br' devotional period, the rerptue Mrs. W. R. Herrington. [story was "The Good Samaritan" | "The social committee for _this| interpreted by the Reverend wil-| {month Mrs, E. Hubbell and Mrs.|llam Barclay. | {John Peaker served refresh-| \ige Stella Browne, recording ments. secretary, read the minutes of the| . last two meetings. Miss ellie FAITHFUL GROUP Scorgle, flower secretary, report. The business of the meeting ed letters of appreciation for flow- was opened by the president, ers from sick members i Mrs. James Frost. The auxiliary was asked to The roll was called and min- cater for a wedding this month, ki Ph A i. utes were read. Thirty-six calls] Members were asked to attend ; hw 7 WH i had been made on the sick. a conference in Deer Park Unifed pr, % ] Hib "ad Mrs. Arthur Legge, Mrs Lich to be held from May 26 to} 3 |Souch and Mrs. George Twiddy|June 2. ! JANE ELIZABETH |put money in the birthday box. | Mrs. J. A. Moore and Miss : MEAT BALLS WITH This Tovely ttle lady is Jane | daughter of Mr. and Mes, | THE teachers' bowting bandtet|Scorgle gave ihe study book. Vrs ; Eli 3 ey he a Yn ane f Ja sh A. P ing. OsHawd i | [was planned to be heid on May| Moore gave a comprehensive ac- ry 2 ilizabe iE hte of Mr an James A Pe ing, Mhavs, an 19. The group is catering to the!count of the work of the Church i : © " J 7 RANCH STYLE FL VOR! Mis, doa Peeling, Carlyle r. Thomas J. Bailey, Burke. oo ove' Federation dinner on in Mexico and Miss Scorgie re i *v o A A viewed the work in Hawaii Court, J: ) Was one ar ton. June 3 4 ¥ : 4 old on April 12 is the grand- --Photo by Ireland i . freshments ore Served 4 y : ! ¥ 's. L. Souch was in charge Refreshments were served by . 2 " a 4 ; . " - -- -- Mrs. L. M. Souch wz & the men" Group. A 3! lender choice quality western beef is lightly seasoned and of the devotional. | : e cooked in the tin to seal in all the flavor. Just heat and eat with Sal : guese, Dutch, British, Frenc h Mrs. William Pe! introduced RE , The Rising Tide and Belgian, who must do some- Mr, Hurlbert, a rs from| nigh Th Wii hi . thing, and quickly, ot quell they . , who showed Y ! 7 > vegetables of your choice - p ith Of Black vs White rising surge against them." ii gs work he and| The regular meeting of the ; Rw WY ; 2 ' choice makes a truly nutritious meal. y Mr. Lechford pointed out that|pis wife are doing among the| Evening Branch of the Woman's I Af inn! A many Africans, given the oppor- natives, | Auxiliary, Christ Memorial Angli-| ] rica s gony tunity, have availed themselves, Refreshments were served by can Church, was held at the An insight into the problems of higher education and received yrs L. M. Souch and her group. ome of Wis James Parsons, racking Africa was presented to university degress, poy So a wih Mos. Clare MeCuioogh, Pre . : : A on returnin; e land of their| 8 : Y BE Aes ra noich Teturaing 10 the land of Yheirf ~~ ALBERT STREET WA "Mts. peter Franch, secretary, Serving good food to the nation for over 70 years Dr. Peter Lechford at the annual for them. The monthly meeting was io read the minutes and Mrs. Rob- meeting last week. lon Wednesday evening with the| "cays, treasurer, gave the Dr. Lechford of the South "The white man holds all the president, Mrs. Sam Gibbs, pre- oY Tod 'Mrs Donald Wii-| Africa General Mission, has keys." he said, "but, to say|siding. The Golden Links were in| 0 "54 leader, gave her report red Oe al wo, ute map go ome: is Jullle:|ciarse of the devotions. and stated that 18 girls attended vast continent lived in Northern Africa is home now to many Mrs. Wilbur Downs read the the JA rally in St. John's Angli-| Rhod ia, N rasaland and Bechu white men who have been settled scripture, Mrs. Ethel Wilson read can Church Peterborough Her Kes, non Ct "Gouth for six generations, and theirs isla story, "Too Busy". Mrs. Wil- ' Fish 8 dna and, ayy Dd ed pic. the responsibility." bur Downs read a poem. The de- rica and painted a word pic- "ni. UT ochford answered many votions closed with prayer. ture of He ig scene with questions from the audience The treasurer reported the unvarnished realism whom he asked to "keep con- Ee -------------- ET TT | ] . . Be ppnted- con ons ihe IT: hmmaeno.ontnent of Toned re \iquidating The Balance of the changed conditions: the prim: homogenous continent of mixed {tive bamboo shacks in groups of whites and mixed coloreds might The ten and twelve, set in a clearing ride the storm, piloted by men 3 LIE | in the forest, where life is re-of faith and goodwill COL : duced to the simplest Jiandacds push dd S o | of eating, sleeping, child-bearing - - and dying. or SOME CANADIAN "FIRSTS" "Six out of ten children die be- 2 What is said to be the only monument | f they are one year old, he : moves to a new location and life % Wir 2 prch "Therefore there is no over- povelation. When the ground fails NGS. ne and industrializa- | : The N ) * thank ov an © v OF "SHIRLE y 'S S | Y LE SHOP" coun ey $580 scr Yoho DPC ince ot vn 114 LAKESHORE ROAD MIMICO, ONT. yield a harvest, the colony compound. They become by different sets of & Caress I ow . p ord 4 H thet 4 | nd A eur Prices Re-Grouped and Marked Down For These Three Big Days ne ¥ " . of unwanted, tribeless children, . living Mike animals on the fringes ¥ brings of cities. ; o tO " e oon ¥ ing to gon Rmg iy You : | v 9 : They are the outcome of the Beauty | ; » 00 { ays P w+" 0 WwW MORN- white man's ploneering, Portu-| x, | . ARLY You SHAR . t A ET Deplores 'Sheep DESERT FisWeR ot Part Ont." Called "The Conadie & RGA! T In Dynamic Age Fab In Chicoge I 199 4 S ynamic Age |{ HAND and s0OY hursday, Friday and Saturday milk of 10,000 cows for one day, and TORONTO (CP) -- Today's LOTION was later sold to Sir Thomas Lipton. gramme he TL wine [Eee | APA ; Died Church of Canada tn eart of Lanolin Corsi 1 ot. or sor > \& fa ¥ \ LADIES ARNEL Scoop! Ladies' LADIES' "ead th Domini col J N \ 2 \ HALF SLIPS | [| NYLON SLIPS | | BRASSIERES BL inky newsprint, no dusty excelsior = | \ \ Crepes, Cottons and Nylons. Shadow Panel. White and By 'Rosemarx' Exquisite OUSES the United Cirred Hey shotld The remarkable new lotion ony & ™ oige rma? \ Small, Medium and Large. colors. Sizes 32-40. Form. Il drip dry, various styles. 3 the most cushlony corrugated anc Assorted eolors. Siz es spiritual life, of courage to be that both softens and tones bh Christian and of world-minded- your skin. Use Desert Flower TA hh oi I ; nent ad mic. church is bi Hand and Body Lotion ell ext move, or it you have to store you) ( : 8 8c 1 5 12 : ah or a ergy 8 over you after avery bath. | turniture. The cost is no more--ofter 4 » . C - Rev. Dr. V. T. Mooney, treas- You'll feel your skin respond | '*$+--thon you expected. ' ' REGULAR T! 2 OR Rev. Dr. V. T. Mooney, treas Jac tn yo ie ruin sani ni iy STRATE 0 2.98 REGULAR 2.98 EARLY BIRD SAVINGS [) out $250,000 ls realized ann | And you'll be delightfully | 98 Dundas St. E,, TRENTON EX 2-350! y uests and that more| 1376 Hommond St. N than $8.000.000 has been received| scented with the true perfume lomm ORTH BAY. Tat since church union in 1925 from| & © Deert Flower. 184 Bond Street, OSHAWA RA 5.85 VA 1a , See = 104 Bora Sam. OSHAWA RA Sas) ; : Never Before--Never Again! ee i % mile wat, on, Petawawa Highway off 50 LADIES' HOUSEHOLD HINT aid fl : | tran JO PION Be o Two handfuls of ordinary salt ESCH . Philosopher" on 2180 Belleville Su = CHOV Pembroke on Satur , and or ¢ SEAMLESS fn a basin of hot wat akes : davs ot water makes 0 Libor Say end CKLB Oshaw« L . ' . 3 newspaper : Bath w > Dundes. adies Swim Suits We are including some of our better Mesh d ; oo : naan F ; car coats ot this fantastic | 8s. on lain kni T------ amous name suits in cotton and ry For such outstanding lit Prise: sizes p 40 needle. Al 69° a wonderfully refreshing foot some Lastex styles. ALL SIZES choose early, the savings were never greater. Regular to 12.95, T-SHIRTS "51 GAUGE - 15 DENIER Fine striped cotton and plain colors. All sizes. ORLON Look! Ladies! Full fashioned and first quality. Regular 44° 09 149 PULLOVERS | | SLIM JIMS sis 1.719 SHORT SLEEVES AND GABARDINE Better FULL SLIPS Assorted sizes and colors. SLACKS KNEE-HIGH Assorted colors Seamless mesh. Some subs 82 to Arnel, crepes and nylons, et Reg J. Y0 3.98 now; ylons, etc. White . SIZE 10-20 Regular 1.00 and colors. Sizes 32 i 40. REG. 3.98 3.98 ---- 4.98 66 GAUGE-15 DENIER TO 3.98 Full fashioned. Firsts. Spring colors. All (1 Orion PULLOVERS SLIPS y 'Grandmere' and 'Golden C ' 14" o ss and vorious other makers, Asoried gle LADIES' | Ver us Sud Sram fk In sizes. . ; egulor to 45 GAUGE-51 GAUGE p -- SHORTS 3 EE ABRIC onl 30 denier walking sheer. Spring shades ¢ LADIES' DUSTERS 97 Corton. Cn All sizes. Regular 1.50 : . 0 olors an Embossed cottons, wrap around v4 on Chine stiped mi a5, = 9° LJ Double woven hand sewn. style. Assorted colors ond sizes 'Dan River' fabric and 2 PAIR 1.00 BERMUDA SHORTS BABY DOLL PYJAMAS Reg. to 5.95 fine twills. All styles By Shomrock. Assorted colors, and colors, assorted | S Cotton drip dry prints and nyl ith | ; SKIRTS sizes one 10-18 3.98 by 'tailor made' and A Wa Him PANTIES 293... 1.88 A "big league" drink for ; i ; Printed cottons in beautiful patterns 88 White, pink and blue. Elastic : any "little league piayer a ELT Ax ee iD) RESTON J cede % 7 0h SILK SQUARES GOWNS Plain anl printed 32 inches by 32 inches 59 LADIES' SLIM JIMS 1.88 dion shartle rd Jog All first quality. Regular 1.00 Wool tartans and stripes, Famous 99 258 Shi Res - 1.88 BETTER BLOUSES make. Assorted colors and sizes Plain, crepes, cotton prints. Various 1.88 LJ Made and Bottled by . . . Reg. 14.95 MITH BEVERAGES LTD, | Conon cordon ERWINNE'S | s.r stoarisss sea Fine knitted cotton cardigan 48 rdigar = SPECIALTY SHOPS Exquisite form. Regular 4.00. 1 49 . Tass sssanmeas L White with red or blue trims. Sizes BOWMANVILLE | S, M, L. All First Quality. Reg. 3.95 11 SIMCOE SOUTH RA 3-742) -- ¥ - ' Now