45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Reol Estate For Sale JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS 169 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 NEW--NEW FULL PRICE $11,900 This home Jide, be seen to ppreciated. It is d near new GM. plant -- a 5 room bungalow has over 1150 sq. ft. with divided basement, don't miss this one if are looking for value. Call Eugene Patterson at RA 5.6544, CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Choice lots and designs built to the plan you select. We will arrange N.H.A, financ- ing with minimum down pay- ment. For additional inform- ation, call: Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544. May 19,21,23,25 John A. J. BOLAHOOD Limited Realtors Insurance 169 Simcoe S. RA 5-6544 $500 DOWN $500 Lost chance to buy this beautiful S-room bungalow with > spacious bedrooms, oil heating, all the hard work is done. For further information contact Howie McCobe at RA 5.6544, SIMCOE ST. N. $12,900 full price -- Extra lorge landscaped lot, garage, 6 large rooms, very tastefully decorated. Owner will takes bock mortgage for balance, carries for only $75.00 mont This home hos to be seen to realize the value. For ointment contact Howie McCabe at RA 5-6544, ! Yeo |47--Automobiles For Sale ed BI ] JLDSMOBILE 88 sedan, bind clean as a mileage, Se Tr THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tessdey, Mey 19, 1959 2} and|45--Recl Estate For Sale JOHN 'A, J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS 169 SIMCOE SOUTH RA 5-6544 NORTH WEST Low down, new 3-bed homes, tile boths, large clos- ets, oluminum storms and 37--Male Help Wanted 37--Male Help Wanted LEARN TO SELL AT OUR EXPENSE NATIONALLY KNOWN COMPANY WITH FACTORIES COAST TO COAST 1S CONDUCTING AN EXTENSIVE SALES TRAINING PROGRAM. APPLICANTS ACCEPTED WILL BE PAID A SALARY WHILE THEY LEARN THE MOST MODERN DIRECT SELLING TECHNIQUES. Our modern engineering and research development is responsible for the many tremendous new products that are part of 60% of the new homes built in Can- ada today. TRAINING PERIOD WHICH LASTS ONE MONTH GIVES US AN OPPORTUNITY TO DETERMINE WHICH §7--Male Help Wanted a |44--For Rent GRITION open for two reliable men ONE Ia furnished housekeeping PORTION operatives, for mationaliy| room, sini b Jor Swe. Die oF two sentle. good opportu | men. 194 King Street ¥ fhdveriine man. élore 5:30 p.m. po AEG a wh ih - | #0h $4204 and atter MO 34085, _I11i| TRREE - room apartment. separate sn. HEN, executive type salesmen, $350 trance bath, ng per month plus bonus, Intensive me . " arr od man with good education pre: low to rent, gas heat, full basement, married mai 8 | omen. ferred. Write in confidence to Box 744 | Lake Vista, $05 month or wi sell. Sawn Times and include phone num: | down, NHA first, year | 2 d, I 6 'D mechanic for service sta. 116b LICENSED mechanic for service sta. tion. Apply Box 933, Oshawa Times, 11 inside - opposite bedroom modern i time to sell things you no need, the Classified section is the place to do it quickly and economically. Dial RA 3.3402. Kingston Road, Toronto, 5 p.m, % a ONE large housek room, close 31! Sous GM, RA 57277. ue . room apartment and bath, " , unfurnished, heated, ne 373 monthly. Avaliatly | { i i i N.H.A. RESALE 1.YR. OLD brick 0 Décorated, New built-in stove ond oven, ond many other extras, RA 8-1338 SEVEN ROOM BRICK HOUSE ¢ (Soma 3.piece bath on fis Na floor; 2 modem kitchens; stools and shower in the basement, and garage. $10,995 Very low down payment; no real 'estate, please, 313 FRENCH ST. : "Company, Oshawa Shop- ) requires experienced furni- A an. Apply Customer's Ac-| co at tocation, $75 on M6€ I une 1. RA 86434. Cust er. APPLY | go unfurnished rooms, nice and : Glover's Ti, single people preferred, for June iol J. 66 McGregor. Phone RA Sabu, List FRGENTLY required, licensed body TWO clean and comfortably Cy Apply Port Hope Auto|housekeeping rooms, conveniences; rsons on third floor, «Body, 8 Mill § South, Port Hope. English, Peaking Deon rio Street, 116f : panic, high us bonus | THREE ms. central. " h wages plus bonus| THREE unfurnished rooms Lf pga carburetor | Apply 71 Warren Avenue. ha and valve work. Phone Bowmanville | ou" nvp wOASTLE -- fully modern heat. Jaruat 23008. 1143 apartment, $50. MArket 3.5669, 1146 N D room, gentiema ly, FURNISHED room, gentleman on! $4.50 per week, RA 3.2653. _ sa NFURNISHED three large rooms, kit- i -- sink, cupboards and heavy duty stove, Married couple. 44 Quebes Street. ad SINGLE room or room an ard, private, Phone RA 8-6053, 1121 FOUR room basement apartment, us- Firmished, or furnished, all con- veniences, semi-private entrance, in a new home, newly decorated. Apply 28 | . EATON Centre, { IE j hi counts office. (ENCED garden ny Landscapting, 9 .{Road, Phone RA 51721, 3 i bral ' d near shopping ond churches, in very select section, only four left. For inspection call Bill Swarbrick at RA 5.6544, CUSTOM BUILT Choice lots and designs built to the plan you select, we will arrange financing, with mini- mum down payment, For ce ditional information ask for Bill Swarbrick ot RA 5-6544, $700 DOWN $700 RITSON & ALICE STS. 6-room brick, garoge, new oil 'furnace, new elec. hot water tank modern kitchen, clean home, close to every- thing, if you are looking for a good home, not too old, ond easy monthly payments on existing mortgage, phone now for Jack Apleby at RA 5.6544. NEW -- NEW $11,100 FULL PRICE These new homes are located near shopping centre, fea- tures 3 bedrooms, brick con- struction, 4-pc. baths, oil heat, sodded front lowns, and many more extras, You can't afford to pass up o price like this for a home like this -- call immediately for Bill Ratcliffe ot RA 5-6544, 46--Real Estate Wanted | HOUSES and farms wanted for ) ing or taken down. Newcastle 3676. 115b 75 ACRE ranch, two miles south of Little Britain, well fenced, with good wal supply, excellent pasture, hi 35 to 40 head of cattle, Pholis i G salekman, sell in Oshawa PAT distriet. Phone TEmple 9 1721, Pickering. bi 3 "SURVEY party chief Write Box 924, jo 'Times, with full particulars, ""SALESMEN Experience not neces- : aL Colonjal Aluminum Industries 'manufacture their own home improve. ment products in their Whitby plant. i We require thre direct factory sales: men. Full training given. Leads sup »; oiied, Excellent oppormmity for. Je 3 round position. rT al Colonial Aluminum Chadburn_Street hide "Industries, 134 Simcoe Street South. RA COREE room Apartment, sep 387], 11] entrance. central, suitable for busine: po Mrs. McTaggart, RA 3.7012 38--Male or Female [couple, Mra. Me HT Help Wanted TWO - xvom apartment, ot roam | \CIST, fi |trance, all conveniences; I A a a ee. house, teenage children only. Avply S93} + Oshawa Cline. 115¢| Drew Street. -- --_ EAM OF BARLEY Pa AGE for rent, made over rom lle, will require lifeguard and swim. garage, RA 5-5010. D siming instiycior to begin as soon as TWO rooms, unfurnished. weather permits or schools close. 113f| park Road South 'oom FUR . light y room| rh and Board 4 one or two gentlemen, cludes Ie) OOM and . fac! en, Tea for gentlemen, close frigerator and washing | i BO a oA " Elgin Street sonable. Apply 208 Bloor West, 113 vz/Bast, KA 3.7014. | FURNISHED, room. wuitable for two '"TRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail people, board if required, iia in private home, 82 Park Road |Streef, 11 ww North, 5-7 p.m, RA 8.8671. Sl | FIVE FURNISHED room, business girls or|ences, also "nurses only, two may share, Refriger-| Apply 165 Vi Bosco, Realtor RA 59870. ~ {$2000 DOWN. Ritson and Bulalie dis |trict, solid brick, six rooms, modern) good renting area. Call RA LOT, 4 x 104, 508 Fairleigh Avenue, Water, sewers, sidewalk, $1800. Best RA 5-8020. 4 DISNEY REALTOR--INSURANCE 84 SIMCOE ST. S, $7500 FULL PRICE 1 Va-storey, 3-bedroom insul brick oil-heated with garage on huge lot, all conveniences, easy terms. A good buy on Verdun, close to Ritson, rk, Bowman. | | | Apply 59 113¢ « | ~ voom bungalow, all conveni-| apartment, available now. | erdun Road. RA 3-3096. 114f electric kettle and laundry privile| wop Jigen bachelor apartment, cen- Close to hospital and downtown. | FURNRIGD C00 0% one RA 5.9054 0238. '58 DYNAFPLO Buick, real Son: 3 ft. plywood boat, ui 1161 | TTRAC "workers to your organ-| er -- Ain 7 gern ous openings POU 07, Wall SP ven | +in_the Classified, Phone RA 3-383, fences, semi-private entrance, in a new | /OOMFORTABLE room for refined gen-|y me newly decorated. Apply 216 lemen, in lovely home, single beds, (padbumn Street 1164 WHITMAN CRESCENT 2 yrs. old -- beautiful inside and out -- large basement apart- ment completely self-contained, $15,900 with $7,300 down. | | '55 METEOR tudor, tutone worn interior. Obviously has care, end rear , excellent meals, North Oshawa, parking JRA 86718, A ROOM and board -- one gentleman, y excellent meals, Monday to Friday Sandra Aven RA 3.9579, 1 ROOM and board, single, double or triple accommodation at hotel 3,7161, Bowmanville, ROOM, man, A 42--Room and Board or room and pply 195 Albert Street. YOUNG man requires room and board, single room, central to: North area. Ph Ruddy Electric Wholesale. RA $-3536, Mr, Hollingsworth, daily 3 to 3 pom. 43--Wanted to Rent WANTED ~ self - cont; apartment, bathroom included, Jor one person. icinit, meoe reet, re ranly Blmcs orth, Apply Box| 110f| FOR rent 1 flable June 1 lock, available Jun single beds, private bath, TV, radios in NW 1114 {SELF rooms, | monthly, includes heat, water A| couple. June 1. RA 88393 goa -- | THR board for gentle: |g nig 112f | gibhert Street [OWE - | frigerator, Wanted | RA 5.3815, Five-room duplex, heated, | nice yard in hospital | fl , ound Tien Phone Brook: 116¢ contained upper duplex, four | bathroom, good location, $78 Quiet 116¢ room basement apartment, 172 116¢ bedroom apartment, stove, re- washing facilities. Phone EE - hed or unfurnished. Apply ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT washing Stove, refrigerator, facilities, Phone RA 5-3815 preferably Simcoe Ni 97, Oshawa Times. de AGE or parking place, close to fotlaw's store Fy Athol Street. Phone RA 50018. : 5 Ae To house in Phone MO 13 LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less thon e vacancy, only screened ond liable. tenants. | Lloyd Realty (Osha X 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 { | | "WHITBY CLASSIFIED WANTED ~ Votes for Al Schatz for president 'of the Kinsmen Club of Whitby. Al has been vice-president long enough, Let's make him president, nat LOST -- Part hound dog, red brown, white spot on chest. Answers to | "Tippy". Reward, MO 8-449 115¢ FOR SALE ~ Large six-room brick , landscaped, nice location, near ar 507 Euclid Street. MO 8-2261 for further information, 118¢ FORE RENT -- two-room apartment, nicely furnished, bed sitting room and kitchen, private entrance. 21 Palace Street, ing Street West, MO 8-2860 FOR SALE -- '35 Chevrolet sedan V8, | equipped. 816 Centre South, MO 8 after 7 p.m. FOR SALE -- Al sd. Phone MO FOR RENT -- Single furnished room, THREE room apartment, heated, with | #4114 1 May 28|three-piece bath, $45 "Roto. | Brooklin, Immediate possession. PI ois. "| Brookiin 164. 'Whitby. FOR RENT -- Furnished light house.| ---- keeping room with private entrance and TV Apply 542 Mary East, MO 8-2332, 114e ROOM and board and apartmen| rent with conveniences. 700 C South, Mrs, Bates. and GARDENS and lawns rototilied, ready | for spring planting and seeding. Whitby | MO 8.3870. 12¢ CULTIVATED sod for sale Delivered 20 cents yard. Phone Ajax 526.J. t for mire June 12| WOUSE and bungalow wanted. Good | down payments. W. McAuley Realtor | MO 83231, Oshawa RA 3.2512 | FOR RENT -- Furnished 3 rooms and bath on ground floor, apartment build ing: range, refrigerator; $70. RA 5.3214. BRICK, block and general cement work. For free estimate call , Wolters, MO 8.2204. June 7 FOR rent -- Smelt nets, lanterns, $1 each per night. Cabin trailers, $45 week- ly. Wilde Rental Service, Whitby. MO 8-3226 CALL us now. Clients waiting. Buying, selling or renting. Call T. Lamson, Real Estate, MO 83-3032, May 23 PANT ffing and alterations, men's R. H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South and ladies' wear; drapery alterations. May 2 -- RA nh FOR C.I.L. PAINT | call | DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South | oe | GRAVEL & FILL | Driveway Gravel, $7 per load Cement Gravel, $1 60 per yd For Delivery Phone ERIC BRANTON | MO 8-2660 | * Ornamental Shrubs, Hedges Perennials, choice Cedars for hedges Evergreens, Paeonies, collected 35¢ ond up, ORCHARD NURSERIES No, 7-Hwy., South Side, 2 miles west of Brooklin®, | | FOR RENT «= New five-room bunga-| low, $100. Mr. Green. MO 8-3154, ror RENT apartment, and [{ately, Phone MO 8.2583. FOR RENT centrally located. sion. 415 Byron Street North. 115¢ LIVE poultry, also feathers wanted. Highest market prices paid, Phone lect MO 8-3486 Whitby FOR RENT -- Three-room self-contain- ly red . Appl ¥ Sa FOR RENT -- attractive bachelor FOR SALE -- Wrecking "51 Pontiac, | \partment, convenient location in pleas- [straight 8, - aut surroundings, bathroom, stove, re-|also '51 Nash All parts for sale. MO TWO lar frigerator, laundry facilities and park. |8-4737 : Apply Apt. No. 2, 305 St. John goTO.TILLING, gardens, lawns, b _ | Dennis, phone Oshawa, RA 8-1386 SEPTIC excellent condition, standard shift, fully way new tanks installed. Walter Ward, ladies, two separate beds, single room, cooking privileges. Apply 4242 Chestnut West; 114c ™ July 5/66 Warren Avenue. 11f| central. Phone A student will do posters, small gop, 20c square yard, delive signs, suitable for stores etc. MO S39 tilling, rockery stone. MO 8. c 12 Hybrid ted ed- Three-room hea Available Imm 115b 'Three-room apartment, Immediate posses. central. Tuesday, May 20, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. DEPARTMENT YOU ARE SUITED FOR--WHOLESALE OR RETAIL If you have a car and want to assure yourself of a secure future and learn about man's most interesting SELLING! Apply in person with the intention of associating yourself with a large company where <nlesmen are urgently needed for DIRECT SALES PERSONNEL BRANCH SALES MANAGERS DISTRICT FACTORY SALES MANAGERS Call Dick Barrioge at 5-6243 ofter 5:30. EASTHAVEN STREET | yr. old, S-room, 3-bedroom brick and stone bungalow -- sliderol windows -- ceramic tile bathroom, sodded lawn, com- 0 with $3,500 down. After 5:30 call 91. plete for only $13,00 Joe Maga -- RA 5.91 THOMAS STREET Nearly-new S-room, 3-bedroom brick bungalow, tastefully decor- ated, centre hall plan, tiled kitchen walls, tiled bathroom walls, $12,900 N.H.A. landscaped, garage. We still have becutiful ravine lots for the home of your choice in Harmony Heights or Crestview Gardens. homes cormpleted in every way but not sold in either location but we are taking orders for custom built homes ond we hove model homes to show. other families in the lost 2 weeks have decided this was the location for their new home and we would be pleased to show you the mony advantages of these homes and locations, LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 3Va2 Simcoe Street South AFTER 5:30 DIAL-- Jos Maga . $9194 Coll Art Weinberger -- RA 3.2333 or evenings RA 3.7244, OUTSTANDING BUNGALOW HARRIS AVE. Beautiful well-built 5-room ranch-style bungalow, stone front (natural - stones - from Ohio). Especially designed by builder in quiet and love- ly neighborhood. Very close to shopping centre. Reason- able price, large down pay- ment wanted, Call Art Wein. berger RA 3-2333 or even- ings RA 3-7244, MODERN STORE PLUS 4 ROOM APT. FULL PRICE $16,000 ONLY Very close to 4 comers, Bakery and Beauty Parlor with $1,600 down, HOMES Prepaid services, Sorry we have no homes up 21 Dial 3-9329 or 5-6551 wavs 3.9290 116a Everett Elliott APPLY IN PERSON IN OSHAWA: Rooms 201-203 GENOSHA HOTEL col June 12 44--For Rent |44--For Rent 610 Dun apartment with bathroom. +2924 111 s West. MO f 6 hydramatic transmission; the sanitary tanks cleaned phone MO 8-2563. 08-2466. THIS WEEKEND SPECIAL AT PICKERING NURSERIES | ROSES ROSES - ROSES | Collections carefully selected | for variation in color ly Teas (amongst others, Peace, Helen Trou- bel, Golden Masterpiece), $10.90 (regular value $15.75) Hybrid Teas. $5.70 (reg- ular value $8.25) Grandiflora's (2 each Bue- caneer and Queen Elizo- beth). $4.90 (regular value $6.00), 6 Floribundas (Independence, Jiminy Cricket, Red Pin- occhio, etc.) $5.70 (reg- ular value $7.75) Fine Everblooming Climbers (Parade, Climbing Goldi- locks, Dr, J. H. Nicholas), $3.90 (regular value $4.75) : THREE - room apartment, $50 a month, heat, ~|cluded. Children welcome. Phone af 1 111f (ate bathroom and other conveniences able in private home. 82 rd Souple. Apply 936 Simcoe Street North § * | North, | LARGE room for two gentlemen or| May 24| or EAN, two - === |frigerator, rangette, and two. RA 5-4383, THREE adults preferred. Apply 175 Athol Street town. Adults only, $60. RA 8-8175. | East after § p.m, R TWO-room apartment, 'frig., stove and | sink; near Holy Cross. RA 8-0M7. "114f) TWO-storey house, in Port Perry area.| Oil furnace, 3-plece bath, Top storey! [could be used as apartment | Port Perry, {FOR rent each per night, bc SA | THREE unfurnished rooms, lights and water, baby. Phone RA 3 7595, |ONE room in mew house, for one of two gentlemen. Apply 637 Albert Street share bath, THREE . room apartment, private in- bath, entrance, heavy wiring. Couple ter only. Available June 1. 196 Park Road 15f North. RA 5.2907, 115¢ ge unfurnished rooms, separ- ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail Park Road 1 p.m. RA 8-867]. lights, water, RA 80030. MODERN four large room upper du. plex apartment: new 'frig., new stove, separate entrance, complete four-piece { bath, kitehen cupboards. Nice surround. 116f | ings, King Street East, $95 per month. See it and judge for yourselves, Avail- able July 1, Phone RA 39114 between in9.12, 1.6 hone 1164 also aus | & month, | THREE rooms furnished stove 'and re- | frigerator, share bath, good location, [SINGLE and double rooms, cooking [Rrivileges if desired, gentleman only. 176 Warren Avenue, Poly 133 Seine Street, a ova 115¢ | DESIRABLE apartment, self contained, ---- [three rqoms and bath, unfurnished, quiet, heavy wiring, heat and water, down. room apartment, re. washing facilities r conveniences, suit one or unfurnished rooms, TWO large rooms, builtin sink, hot and cold water, use of phone, private entrance. RA 5.9517 between 3 - § p.m, : neh 1114 THREE small rooms, upstairs, cen. by tral, share bathroom, heat, lights, hot OD | water. $50 monthly, RA 8.1412 after J 5-7825, 6 p.m, ny Smelt nets, lanterns, $1 THREE - room apartment, self.contain- SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. REAL ESTATE NEW HOME---GARRARD RD. N. There is 1325 sq. ft. of living stone ranch bungalow, Located large bedrooms and 1 medium size, Very spacious bathroom with double vanity, double mirrors, tiled walls and coloured fixtures. Home is completely decorated, back and front. Be sure to be the first to see this excellent home for further information, please call Bill McFeeters, evenings, APPLE HILL DISTRICT Large ranch bungalow under N.H.A. Just 6 months old, dir- ectly across from new school. This home must be sold as owner is moving to U.S.A. See it now and make on offer. For further information, please call Bob Davis, evenings, RA 8.3426, NEW BUNGALOW WITH APARTMENT North--large modern 6 roomed brick bungalow. Lovely large RA 5-1726. living room with fireplace and modern kitchen with dining area 3 roomed aq quick sale Stinson, evenings, RA 5-0243, LISTINGS URGENTLY NEEDED Used homes are in great- demand, We have buyers waiting. If you are thinking of selling now is the time to sell, For friendly sincere service, please call RA 3-2265 daytime, evenings . . . Bill McFeeters RA 5.1726 Henry Stinson RA 5-0243 Before $ p.m, RA 3.2265 rtment in basement. Must be sold, priced for 13,500 -- $3,800 down ----- please call Henry Between 5 and 6 p.m. RA 8-1624 with 4 -rgom apartments above. Each section full price $16,000 with $5,000 down. A buy so terrific it is hard to believe, clients, All cash or your equity. For quick sale call W. McAuley Realtor, 38 Prince Strat, Oshawa, RA 3-2512; Whitby MO Make three people happy by Listing your property -- we Sell it. You'll be happy, the buyer will be happy, so will we, that makes three, BERNEICE ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE RA 5-3692 MO 8-3355 47--Automobiles For Sale 's3 CHEV, truck. Phone RA x wus dehvesy 113¢ K hard-top, spotless interior Fa ry , opposite Shopping Centra, 57 BUIC | white, radio, West | tires, Phone RA 56047, 's5 FORD Customline sedan, BUDGE (rik apes dear Bo Sood 1 down lei King West Motors, bg SE 1953 AUSTIN, A490, for 5-1204 after 6.90, CRANFIELD MOTORS USED CARS B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN MOORRIS, M.G., WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES & SERVICE. 48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE 'Wreckers am ow Sher or RA 81 J w white, excellent tires, new motor guar- aneted by Ford dealer, nice clean in. » $1085, Lea N Sexiar ¥ se expiring sale, King A IRENA, "55 PONTIAC Laruentian two-door, tone, white walls, radio, A-1 condition: one owner. RA 3-4250 after § p.m, 118f '58 MERCURY Lucerne sedan, copper and white, automatic transmission, Have your own business, live rent free and collect $230 monthly on rent. Call Art Weinberger RA 3-2333 or evenings RA 3.7244, Daytime RA 3-2333 After 6 p.m --Salesmen: Art Weinberger. RA 3.7244 Ed. Irish. RA 3-330! Ed. Disney RA B-6954 Po 116a OSHAWA'S BUSIEST LOYD REALTY REAL ESTATE FIRM $11,050 FULL PRICE Low safary requirements for these N.H.A. semi-detached 3 bedroom bungalows. large living rooms and kitchen. Tiled bathrooms and large lots. Sodded front lawns, oil heating 'and recreation room possibilities, Only $1,350 down and carries for ap- proximately ~~ $85.00 - per month, principal, interest and taxes, CaN g Gower, RA 8.5123. BROCK ST. W. space in this 6 room brick and on a lot 75 x 200°. 2 extra paved driveway. Lawns seeded, built in bookcase. Extra large and 3 bedrooms. 4 pc. bath plus for further. information, » Reg. Aker RA 5.0201 Bob Davis RA 8-6326 116a Cabin trailers $45 week. ed. Apply 539 Albert Street, Phon Wilde Rental Service, Whitby, MO, 8.0753, e RA SPECIAL heated, | room No objection to aloutlet, 11f | plenty RA 3 THREE unfurnished rooms, $55 month. ly, lights, heat and water included. No children, RA 5.7825. 114 THREE - room suite with bath, self contained, refrigerator and stove, in apartment building. Available June 1. | RA 5-8160. 113 {TWO - room apartment with private bath, private entrance, $40 a month, heat and hydro included. Phone RA 5-7915. 112¢ TWO - room (very large) apartment, redcorated, sink continuous hot water, parking; one single room; one large housekeeping room. RA 5.8352, 1134 ROOM in' private home, vel | spring _mattres: Elgin Street East | THREE - room apartment, heated, fur |nished, central, available June 1, Phone RA 3.7692, 114 TWO furnished . rooms, bedroom and kitchen, with refrigerator, cupboards { and sink, all conveniences. Apply 887 Ritson Road South. 114 new self-contained three. apartment, good location, TV range, refrigerator included, he parking. Adults only. Phone 16. MODERN TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT All conveniences: Parking orea. Northway Apts. 630 Simcoe N. Available June 1. Apply: 341 Division St., after 6. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS Immedicte possession, elec- trically - equipped, best loca- tion. Buckingham Manor. RA 8-8676 central, suit gentleman, 102 THESE WILL ALL BLOOM THIS SUMMER MODERN TWO-BEDROOM Plant now, do not delay! Evergreens, Hedge Plants, Trees & Shrubs, Guaranteed Stock! Also Box Plants, Peatmoss, ete PICKERING NURSERIES 2 Highway west Picke west of Dunbarton PHONE: TEmple 9-211) Open All Weekend 3 miles t 1] ng m ""UNFURNISH THREE . room basement apartment in {new home, perfectly dry. Bright, mod. ern kitchen, bedroom, large living room, heat and lights, parking space, bus service: abstainers, quiet couple, RA 50702 1126 TWO nice rooms, cupboard and sink ON 15 GIBBONS ST. . Im- lin kitchen, private bath, separate "en- mediate possession. Adults trance, suitable for working or with children over 12, Apply 21 Gibbons St. | QUIET APARTMENTS couple gy Five minutes from four : us ED 1} APARTMENTS [ONE lovely furnished room in private TO RENT" home. nice for gentleman. RA 3.7070. FOUR . room bungalow. three-piece | bath, $65 per month. in Ajax. Immed. Three med late possession. RA 5.0429. Tindall Real apartment to rent 192 Bond Street $45.00 monthly, ed Apply West r unfurr Estate, 43 Bond Street Wes', Oshypa, | ne fully 86 ne TWO unfurnished rooms equipped kitchen 116f King Strest West, plus Close to buses. NEW N.H.A. HOMES ROSSLAND RD. W. (Only 2 Left) featuring: I. 3 lorge bedrooms -- double closets, 2. Tiled bathroom -- built-in 3. Lorge living room -- cove ceiling -- built-in valance box, 4. Loods of cupboards in bright 5. Pierson windows, heavy duty cable, laundry tubs. 6. Carport --= forced air oil heating. 7. Down payments from $2,500.00 and up. 245.00 ond payments of $80.94, principal and interest. KING ST. E. (Only 2 Left) Same as above without carport. schools. $1,750 00 down, full payments of $71.95, principal Spacious S-room bu on Lloyd St. (about 1}4 blocks large lot 75 x 239 ft., forced air oil heating, 4+pc. colored bath, hardwood and tile floors, fully landscaped, and aluminum storms and screens. A steal ot $11,900 with Addison for an appointment at 8-room house, Simcoe St. N., on This commercial property can be used for different types: of Forced air oil heating, three-piece bath, second floor has built-in cupboards, would make good apartment. Full price $11,900, * Terms. Call RA 3-2254. BANCROFT, ONT. 100 acres of land -- 70 acres of bush, balance of workable land plus six-room house and bem. Good hunting and fishing. business, Reforestration area. Full price Interested parties should contact Ozzie Addison at RA 3.2254 LLOYD REALTOR alow with 3-rcom basement apartment, CENTRAL FULL PRICE $9,900 DOWN $2,000 6 room house, 3 large bed- rooms, living room, and din- ing. Large lovely kitchen, fully decorated. Oii heating, large lot. Close to public and separate school. This house | must be seen. Call Frank Barnoski, RA 8-5123. COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE | ONLY $1,000 DOWN vanity. kitchen plus dinette area. Full price $15,- lass, back lights, etc West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. 116f 's8 CHEV. Bel-Alr fordor hardiop, 8 ry » power Turboglide transmission, level air pension. Other extras, RA 3-9748. power » power brakes, radio, dash, tinted King or of same. Will wreck: . RA 54944. Sup any a WAI front end er"s price HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good cleon cars, Trade up er down, Liens paid off, =~ ""io DODD MOTOR SALES. 314 PARK RD: §: : RA 3.9421 BUCK'S BODY SHOP "2, Spe Rd wd " '51 FORD customline sedan, tutone, radio, small mileage, absolutly im- maculate interior, Ford expert says its perfect mechanically, new tires, $1495, King West Motors, lease expiring sale, opposite Shopping Centre. 1168 53 FORD automatic, radio, white-wall tires etc, 121 High Street, Bowman. ville. MArket 3.2706. 1156 '55 BUICK two-door hard-top, red and white, upholstery red and blue with not |even a scuff mark, automatic transmis. sion, radio, white-walls, $1205, expiring sale King West ors, Oppo ite Shopping Centre, 116f |'59 PONTIAC sedan, automatic, radio, washers, ete, private, can finance. RA 5.2802 49 CHEV, %-ton, new paint, very good condition, one owner. Price $275. Phone RA 5.8931, 116¢ '58 MORRIS, 1000, A-1 condition, $1195. Also refrigerttor, range and washer. May be seen, Oshawa Missionary Col lege 'before 5.30 p.m., after call David Gay, Orono \ 116a '57 VAUXHALL VELOX, six-cylinder, excellent condition, 10,000 miles, origi- nal owner. RA 5.8612, '85 FARGO %-ton pick-up, Very good condition, ready to work, driver since new. Apply 214 Celina Street after. 5, mf T. '57 CHEVROLET deluxe sedan, gray and white powerglide, heater, white- walls, discs, windshield washers, out- standing condition. One owner. Call RA 3.3034. 1 DON'T overlook the many offers in the Classified section every day. And don't overlook a Classified ad as the simple solution to your problems, Dial RA 3-3402, 48 CHEV. in good condition. Ph RA 8.5904 '55 CHEV, tudor, brand new cellent condition. Apply Road South. one = 111¢ tires, ex- 4 Wilson nu Bien collision York --- 'elding, Painting, Towing: »* ond Storage. Cars bought and sold, Re prog. H. MARLYN, : 341 BLOOR ST. "lh RA 5-4513 or RA 5.7486..." MACKIE MOTORS ny Will buy good clean carsiin Pay off liens. Sell on consiga- -.... ment. Trade up or down. ad NEW LOCATION: KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In *' RA 5.5743 + \ CASH FOR 2 y 1% YOUR CARI LIENS PAID OFF I"... NO WAITING, WALK... AWAY WITH CASH IN YOUR HANDS Seaway Motors; LIMITED 2 200 DUNDAS W. WHITBY OPEN TILL 10 PM. «4 ate 4 * Robinson Motors (OSHAWA) LTD. 574 Ritson Rd. S. DODGE - DESOTO - SIMCA Sales -- Parts -- Service RA 5.6518 Will buy this 5 room bunga- low with attached garage. This home is exceptionally clean and well decorated, and the hardwood and tile floors are just like new. The low taxes and full price makes this home even better. Don't pass this home by. Call Doug Central to Public and Separate price $12,989.38 and monthly and interest. off King W.) Only 3 yrs. old, The Supreme SUNBEAM RAPIER Performance & Safety Endurance, Reliability NOW ON DISPLAY WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. Hurst, RA 8.5123. | NASSAU & GIBB ST. $1,500 DOWN Buys this clean, five room bun. galow with all conveniences. Close to Shopping Centre and bus service. Excellent financ. ing. One mortgage for the balance. For information Call Irwin Cruikshanks, RA 8.5123. $3,000 down. Call Ozzie RA 3.2254. large lot 150 feet by 291 feet, NONQUON RD. RA 3-443} BUYING OR SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Uust Eost of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494, Res. 5-5574 Lioyd Realty Ltd. Realtors Simcoe St RA 8.5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER only $3,400 with $800 down. 101 N AYERS SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE i 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. 116e TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 49--Automobile Repairs DKW & FIAT." SALES & SERVICE hd ANDY NAGY'S £1] BODY SHOP 80 408 King St, W.--RA 3.7132" * - * FOR THE FINEST REPAIR SERVICE ON... FORD - RENAULT - CHRYSLER PRODUCTS = TRY Van Huesen Motors 149 King West RA 5.3557 BRAMLEY MOTORS _ SALES LTD. 0 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3.4675 Specialists In Ford Service and parts, Wheel alignment, whee! balonce, with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment, (Continued on Page 2) ns ow i sna «