Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 19 May 1959, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusedey, May 19, 1959 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS |25--Pets and Livestock |35--Employment Wanted | FOR sale -- Siamese kittens of pedigree (WOMAN wishes housework, two or | stock. Phone RA 8 1309. 6g Wray days a wesk, Phone RA. 3900) OFFICE HOURS 8AM. to5P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY. SATURDAY 8 TO 12 Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 |13--Gardening & Supplies |14--Household Repairs 19--Personal "and GARDENS and lawns rofo tilled, any 0 leaner, Ol DRIVING to Toronto arriving at Yonge | od size, average size $3.00 mxperienced Foun Jue mney Sa AR and Wellington 7.45 a.m. Passenge Pply Cin _Yunre #14 Park Roadigtailed, furnaces vacuumed, Free esti. Wanted RA 8.5278, AT = iden or snier: Soke ol] South, R. 3 gies for sale, tal tra mates, RA 3-2097, {COMPANIONSHIP of a woman, good tax weeks obi. 16 Burk Soper RA|36--Female Help Word CA; stallations at reasonable rates. |cavating, ele, RA 3.3808 or RA [STRAWBERRY plants. Premier, grown (MESTERFIELDS and odd © -lhome, good Jying, from retired man, IX, from virus-free plants, Any quantity. | covered like new, Get the 8 oh yi Toss For further information. Apply 423 d | Friedlander, B. Comm, CPA. mation and estimates free 5 Joy tv type of plumbing. Dial RA 5-424 Foley, 10--Sharpening Service [Order today. RA 5.8978 at Modern Uphoistering, 926% Simcoe| Perry Street, Whitby, _M5cipon sate -- (HAVE your lawn mower sharpened | TREE removal and (rimming, wood | Street North, Call RA 8.6451 for a free MOVIE and TV stars use hypnosis/red with white markings. 1--Accountants _|8--Building Trades [8--Building Trodes | YALE, ;, PRIEDLANDER, 'HUNTER and PLUMBING and heating pi pes, Mitings, (GENERAL contractors, brick Co., and Licensed new and used, Cin from [cement work and repairs. BA 5.5028 "44 Ring Breet septic tanks to sewer a4 speclalty. Ing SEViNTS dug. and back: filled, {An Please Note Deadlines now this eolumn: Births, Memorioms, Thanks ; 9 AM. SAME DEATHS - 14 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 i Trustee in Bankrupicy, | East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, in effect for Boxer, male, 54, month. | 114¢| THE YWC, bathing. de. |10rs at July Da a an. los Fi BL i afternoons, ons, for other 6. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certified Cords of lipublie Accountants, 172 King Street NrERIOR, qxteriar painting, "odd jobs, Reasonable. 51% saws, scissors, knives, etc. Perey cut with chain saw, free estimates, RA estimate ie I Nell, 102 Hi ighland A 88363. [5 7704 FURNITURE ~ and Te-uph | East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 53508. | BOB CLANCY'S _ Ontario Accounting |" now, M NALD! ND a owers and "shears! COW manure, $7 & load: chicken man. |stered. See out materials for re. cover- JACK C. 0cDO pened, saws filed. Apply G. Power, ure, $5 & load. Load approximately a{ fuk: Jive R. Dalton, 75 Charles Fast, | Serviceg offer complete bookkeeping AI) PAINTER & DECORATOR 1262 "Simcoe Sireet North fon. RA 8.8976. | services for small business. 184 Bond Paperhunging and Pointing POWER and hand lawn mowers sharp | LEN Bowlers landscaping | Street West, Room 1. Office RA 5.0307; Residence. RA 3.7605 Gyptex enced, pick-up and delivered. RA 3.9266 | ing service lawns seeded Free Estimates WERGER FRANKEL AND CO. ae All Work Guaranteed countants and auditors, 8% Kieg 50 Nassou St. RA 3- 7080 fo help them with their over-weight Why don't you? Do it now for | your health and safely and quickly, Consult Edwin Hasth, Institute f Ke - of Ethical Hypnosis, ar reet, | UL baby budgi ady for {Oshawa RA 8.017). Weekdays 1 Pm. training, talking strain. Apply "rs od : Saturdays, 10 am. . 1 p.m Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, DAY 121 Kendalwood Road. Waubena Kennels. and garden |CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, n 2 i irra Jee a, Vay. Tore AYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), slabs toed, Mattresses rebuilt. Osha So | mailed post' paid in plain sealed enve. ith price list, 6 les 25! a | [Di BA 50811. 10 Band Btrest Wert, IO WD nes SL05. Men Oy illed. made | . Dept. A-11, Nov Rubber Co, Box 91) or seeding. | Hamilton, Ont [FOR BALE -- FURNACE LEARN to live nd be the master Phone Bronk 64BRA. yourself, Elm fears, tension a [POTATOES for wale. Phone YUkon be happy! H CLEANOUT SERVICE fimmration" ety 6 bo Srwre Fs: 57 wees & $7.50 Labour, plus parts HARRY PERRY HEATING RA 3-3443 Nights--RA 3-7944 "recov Our RA 8.6608 after hours filized, gardens and law [wave your lawn mower precision |roto-tilled Sidewalk stabs sharpened, free pick up and delivery. |Evervihing for your garde RA 3.4360. [GARDENS and lawns rot BEST by far for filling so many needs: ready for spring planting, [Classified Ads. Dial RA 1.3492 or come Call RA 5.8085 / MAINES in, SOD broken lawns and gardens ma made i POWER and hand mowers. shears, perfect. Ne job too small or BUILDING CONTRACTOR | scissors, ste. sharpened, [Reasonable rates. RA 5.4342 from gsr] " i 8 Pick-up and |and 47, Floor experts, Old floor ror miimaction and 3 hats: ROTO mode like new. Hardwood g that lasts, call Jim Fudge, 207|jobs and fawn service or tiling. Carpenter work ol- |Church Street, RA 57616. __ (5-3576 and RA 5.1576. teration hon cabinets lawn mower sharpened (LAWNS and gardens roto-tilled, Harold our specio 8, Scissors, Knives, 4 ote. Perey McDiarmid, 304 Bloor West. RA 3.7901, | EALRA 3.7196 Misuian, AA bases |Btreet East. RA 3-022) THOMAS M, BUNDLE, Barrister, Soli citor and Notary Public, 2604 King {Street East, Phone RA 3.1764 eli Pyedbahhanbdal Ea pi Teaited. must be ad POTATOES, irish Cobblers, for sale, [SyRlats She Steady J onition. F appointment 80289, CERI 20 pigs, six weeks oid, | {AARNE rio technician, full 15h | {time or part time, no shift work, Please apply Business Administrator, Oshaws ie, 115 EXPERIENCED jady 'presser wanted, Scugog * | Top wages, App "| Cromwell A oy BIRTHS GORDON -- To Mr. a son, on May Oshawa General Hospital, (stillborn) | 2--Barristers and Mrs Don | 14, 1999, at the' !GREFR AND KELLY, Barristers Solicitors, ete., 7% Simcoe Street South Dial RA 32278. Residence phones: | _ RAMMLER -- Harry and Joyce (nee|J. M. Greer, BA, Sc. RA 3.3368: Ter Wallow) are happy to announce the ar- [rence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 8.4832; vival of their son, Michael John, 7 Ibs, | Duncan R, Phillips, B. Comm, RA 13 ozs., on Friday, May 15, 1950, at the 8-1974 Oshawa General Hospital. RALPH 8. JONES, BA, and Thomas Y H. Greer, Associate Barristers and So GAWYER -- Bill and Susie (nee Hi 130 King Street East. RA Walker) are happy ro announce the |g.246. Mortgage loans available birth of their son on Saturday, May 16. 1959 al the Oshawa General Hospital, | MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL AND CO., Chartered Accountants, licensed! A brother for Bill. Many thanks to Dr Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, To- MP; 135 Shncoe Street North, Anderson {routes Hon, J. W. Monteith, FCA, A: Whitby MO 8-5731 GIFFORD -- Entered into rest in the | JoiN A MacDONALD, BA, Barrister Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowman: and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North ville on Saturday, May 16, 1959, Everett phone RA 88511 Alfred Gifford. beloved husband of the . Inte Lilla Jane Cornish, and father of | CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and Mrs. T. C. Glaspell (Hazel. Earl and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Not Harold, in his 87th year, Resting at the #17 Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg stgong Funeral Home, Oshawa with | 3 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-34d6: T K service in fhe chapel Tues. Creighton, QC: N. C 19. 2 p.m. Interment Zion K, Drynan, G. L. mortgages arranged JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, THOMPSON -- Entered Into rest In| golcitor Hi to shy the Oshawa eral Hospital on Satur-| King Street East, Oshawa day, May 16, 9. May Eileen Murphy, | Residence, RA 5-3405 beloved wife of Philip Joseph Thomp- son, and mother of Dianne, in her pi DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister vear. Funeral from the Armstrong Fu. and solicitor, 26% King Street East eral Home, Oshawa, Tuesday, May 18, | Telephone: Business, RA 5.3501; Resi with high requiem mass in St. Gre; ence, RA 3 ory's Church, 10 a.m. Interment # ANNING F Gregory's Cemetery | Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Asso. clate, Bruce V, Mackey. BA, Henry Suddenly | Block, 26% King Street East. RA 3.4697 : He PRINS | Residence, dial RA 3-402 EER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar id Notaries Public, thera) is the answer to these pi DEAD farm stock picked wu PE topiens ~ akin troubles, ner.(Phone collect, Bowmanville, vous pains, smoking habit, nail biting, |Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. ship, Stud, Sr Consult Edwin Heath e of Ethical Hypnosis, 27--Fuel Wood REAR Ontario Street, Oshawa. RA 83-0171. DRY hardwood cuttings, $5 and ekdays 1 pm. - § pm. Saturdays loads, Also used lumber. RA 5-2621. am. 1 p.m, | " |28----~Summer Resorts Muskoka, 1% miles off K.. n clean-up | A RA landscaping, "tilling, , one CLERK vist; apable of ior © San Sf Suing divers Pe vical i "ge, experience, length of former employmet, to Box 836, Oshawa Times, ae ie TELEPHONE solicitor 'wanted, experi: experi ence preferred but not necessary, Sal ary, plus commission. For Susther i i formation, call RA 8.6234 before § | 15--Instruction |HARVEY Dance aie Baion, Gar, Roya) Acadamy Db Fynize 4 ster sow King W RA rit net_aow_ 438 fine West 34 Soh LILLIAN Mas Marsh, Dance Educator; | Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, pre- schoo! aerobatic Friday and Saturday Masonie temple. RA T7253 { -5757 VATE teacher, student counsellor, 15 years' experience, Appointment only. Call RA 5.105¢ VAN BELLE GARDENS GARDEN CENTRE Complete garden supplies. Open till 10 at night. High- way 2 3 miles East of Oshawo drapes PHONE MA 3 plant "CROSS TOWN SOD | SUPPLY Al fertilized sod fresh daily. Delivered or laid Free estimates. Prompt deliv- ery. Phone RA 8-8868 GRAVEL 90% driveway RA 8-0109 RA B8-6096 "11 --Business Opportunities NEIGEEORLY service station for lease | im Oshawa, completely equipped. Well | Custom Built Homes Additions, Alterations, Rec-rooms, Kitchen Cupboards, Tile and Hardwood Floors HUGH CROSBY BUILDER RA 5-3937 ° rent | | for right party, Write Box 810, Ounavs | Times 1m) m., GW Lightfoot, CA; RA 5-331, Oshawa; B. Com; {Ries CA, RIA; R. F | George W. Trethewey CA, 12--Dressmaking DRESSMAKING, alterations zippers, buttonholes, mending cuf shirt eollars, ete Phone o> For Fun, Popularity and Success TRY DANCING You Con Actually GO DANCING After One Lesson At ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIOS 11%; Simcoe St. S., RA 3 1681 LEARN TO DRIVE SCHNEIDER'S DRIVING SCHOOL Albert St., Oshawa, Ont, RA 8.5315 13--Gardening & Supplies BOXED, plants, geranium and fuchsia for sale, retail and wholesale, L. Knud- | sen, Enniskillen, Green Houses {RICH cow manure by yard or bushel also black loa and green sod, 15.4274 or RA 8.1775 GARDENS Roto-tilled, land cullivated. Danny Stone Street, RA $3128 GARDEN the Merry Way. Before you buy see the Merry Tiller Tractor in action, Free demonstration. RA 5.6002 FRAME AND TRIMMING Alteration kitchen boards and generol repairs Custom built homes. For free estimates phone Christensen Const, RA 5.6328. Fraser, QC; Murdoch, NHA rolled cut Barrister cup- Office, 14% RA 8.8232 plowed. disced Devean, 585 HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED sinder, Haydite CHIMNEY BLOCKS, 1089 Nelson St. hy AA Corner Wellington |8OD, 20¢ square yard, delivered, finest RA 3-4412 RA 5-704] |auality. Rototilling, MO 8.3015 Whitby a GARDENS and lawns roto | tilled and levelled, Also light blade work. Average size, $2.85. Phone RA 5.1930 anvtime Pp EW "machine repair ang service to all makes, Elna. RA 5-259 SCHNEIDER'S | DRIVING SCHOOL Well teed rates 71 ALBERT ST. RA 8-5315 0. OLAN LAWNMOWER & ENGINE SALES & SERVICE SWARTZ. Barrister, Pit rur stone. Good a good you RA You'll be missing mid call us before in field WANT sod? fet i you don't buy. We delivar or sell Concrete YATES, George Norman block at the residence of his son. Street, Whitby, en Mond 1959, George Norman Yates, Mao husband of the late Ellen Darnell ag risers, Soliety fear father of Mrs. R. Rowe (Ivy), |S King Street RA 3.4717, Russell Wric and John of Whitby. Arthur of | J. Murphy and James A, MacDonald Guelph, Lincoln of Rouge Hill and Ken- | BOWMAN, David L.. Barnser meth of Brooklin, in his 76th year. Rest. tor, 35 Simcoe South. RA 5.9593 ing at the W, C. Town Funeral Chapel, dence, RA §-026¢ borg until Wednesday morning. then |... MPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris at the Tovell Funeral Home, 15 Yar. | ters, Solicitors; R. MH Humphreys, QC mouth Street, Guelph. for service on|o Boyer, BA; Wh Paina Thursday, May 21 at 2 p.m, Interment (1; ¢ Ki Ded: B, ng Street West Phones Woodlawn Cemetery, Guelph Oifice, RA 5-177; , RA 5-404; or AJAX GERROW FUNERAL [1 sashes sn susie | OATS MO 35231 CHAPEL citor, ei. 13% Simcoe EVENINGS RA 5-7426 SOD SUPPLY The finest service at Anytime AVON CALLING Avon Ccsmetics hos open- ings 'in Oshawa and Whitby, Interesting, profitable work, full or part time. Contect Miss E. Outerbridge, 42 Sar- anac Blvd. ' Toronto 1s RY 2.7567 between 8. Evenings GRAVEL 90% for mud driveways, 71 For Infor- Pent known for guaran- 5.2737 satisfoction, Reasonable Effective date, May I, Solicit Resi | DODD & SOUTER PAINTS WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For free estimate eo ob | | TORRANCE, ELECTR L , seve tages and cabins, running water, oo Removal of superfluous hair. beach, Rests, sod fishing, esutial 8 Husa PENAL pre ilets, , also camping nurse Marie Murduff will be in |teekiy and monthly rates. Write Oliver| past experience, age, mame of previous $ ne 9-1 Phone Hutchinson. Torrance or phone Bala employers, or schooling, marital status, Oshawa June 342-W2, (wage expectation, telephone number, 34: N Garo} | hes Genosho, Mote! on these doles {auger ried, ~wotkonly {A Toplies confidential, 'Write Pog 315 for appointment _| vacation, refrigerators, two-, and th | SAL - ra = bedroom, fishing, boating, PAR "Time a Eo Ao ve 20-- arta e safe for children. RA 35-4328. i . also wee! elp, Apply in person 9 ------ NEW lakefroni three bedroom house. On fo Elliott's Restaurant, 7 Simcos LOCKWOOD Moving and Storage, #-|yeeping cottages, complete with thr Street North, mf sonable rates, fully insured. nA 5-831. | piece bath, hot and cold running water, EXPERIENCED quality presser, Do [ROY LOVELESS apartment moving, {large living-room with picture win-inot apply unless experienced, easonable rates, fully insured. RA dow, Kitchen with builtin wo! Apply Modern double Bok, ew refrigerators, Heavy | Cleane 21 Olive Av Avenue, 1 | GALT Cartage. funiture and appliance ULC Sate bench. 70" mies trom To. EXPERIENCED typist for dictaphone lin oving eas ig nt RA s.t0. Fonte. Apply Robert J. Parkin, Little [woss. telephone answering and Tecep- insured. Call day or night, Britain, Ontario. Phone 36R14. rHioniet a a} duties: 40 8, aan i - ae~ers Vi { . (21--Personal Ser fee axl LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH [GIRLS reauired for fine aasmbly work. Li 3 Arviee, THRIFT IYary. aorvi ii DAY CAMP [i Electronic Instruments, Ajax. FOR | tronic components preferred. __Avply BOYS and GIRLS 6 - 14 |LADY to work in wack bar. Mist be hd neat and accurate a res, $15 weekly includes, trans- . Dial RA 5.1644. 113¢ portation, milk, daily. riding, -- ---------------------------------- swimming, archery, erafts, sports etc, Registered nurse mation Dial RA | 280--Traile s COOK'S TRAILER SALES invites you to see the camp- ing models, $995 ond up; terms, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! DO IT NOW! Leain to play the guitar special 10-week course, $1 per 'esson Closses of twe or tour -- Bring your friends. Professional tuition Any style. For appointment eal! ALTO- MUSIC RA 5-1501 un stone, Good ANYTIME RA 8-0109 EVENINGS RA 8-6096 Wanted by a well known ond established Oshawe Firm, a middle aged lady or widow, | 40 or over, whe LOCATION. -- 0 wishes 'a pleasant place to Dial eifice RA 5.3741; Whitby Sod delivered and layed. Top moderate prices v RA| yron St. S., Sser Meu soli. Shane BEVERWYCK RA 8-6226 JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solici- LOCKWOCD HEATING 390 KING STREET WEST for and Notary Public, 18% King Street Fast. RA 3.2269. NHA and private Sheet Meta! Ltd ISMITHING AND mortgages arranged MeGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers Th METAL WORK AIR CONDITIONING Solicitors. Clients' funds available for BUILT-UP ROOFING first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street OIL BURNERS North. RA 5.3366. Charles C, McGib bon, QC: Edgar F. Bastedo, QC w. Bi UCE AFFLECK. BA, Barrister Sold - Instolled « Serviced NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT Phones Office -Ux PHONE RA 3-2511 ~ RA 30704 288 ARTHUR STREET CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES Additions, rec roms tons panelling, counter tops carpenters G. REYNOLDS and SON BUILDERS RA 5-3376 SHEET For Funeral Flower Arrangements See LEWINGTON'S FLOWERS Phone RA 8.6211 -- RA 8.6212 24 King St. Eost, Oshawa (2 doors from Karn's Drug Store). IN MEMORIAM CROWELLS -- In loving memory of William Andrew Crowells, who passed eway May 19, 1954, aged six months. | He was a rT 100 sweet for earth, | Sent here for a while: God a Zetked him when Ne gave him i) took him with a smile. Always remembered by mommy sod Geddy. DR. G. T. SCIUK. Office hours § to 6. Open evenings by appointment. 258 Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 52223 5--Nursing Services ANDEN NURSING HOME KING ST. WEST. Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly pec- ple. (Men and Women). Nurses ond dieticions in attendance Tray service, radio. © T.V, lounge. 6--Optometrists H. TUCK, ® Optometrist. Pleass| accounts downtown Toronto| | Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street RA 5.4587 {Licenced altera cabinets bxperienced THOMAS = loving memory of a dedr brother, Eric Robert, who passed away May 19, 1958 Mis memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away NEW OIL FURNACES Buy it wholesale and hove it by Easy Fuel burners, G. T. HORTON and Associates, Om. | tario Land Surveyors, Professional En-| gineering, 70 Harwood Avenue South Ajax. Phone RA 3.012) Wor always they will be DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Loved, remembered, treasured Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA 5.6381 Always in our memory ce se m------ SLovingls remembered by Madeivn §-- Building Trades y In loving memory of my , Eric Thomas. who pass v May 18, 1958 we love we never lose installed terms urnace HARRY O. PERRY HEATING Nights RA 3-7944 expetrs oii, oil RA 3.3443 LIFETIME WROUGHT IRON RAILINGS Guaranteed rust-proof i BEAUTIFUL ENAMEL FINISH Most Modern Design CONCRETE STAIN-FREE DAILY PHONE RA 5-2063 RA 8.869% and chimney free and stucco estimates framing. 'trim custom work All rod rite Phone 6 pm FENCES SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED We speciolize in permanent type all-steel constructed chain link, golvenized for best rust-resistoncy. Reason- able prices, terms orranged For free estimotes- KELLY'S FENCE RA 8-612] after Saturday Rich Loam Top Soil, Gravel Brick, Sand, Cheap Fill Levelling or back PRE-CAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS WALK SLABS PATIO SLABS STEPS & PORCHES WELL TILE CURBING BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Phone 158 Brooklin filling lors, repuirs, water cement proofing, WEDDING VEIL IPSWICH, Eng. (CP) -- Brides on a 100-vear-old wedding from a women's institute in Sotfelk owe, TURRELL -- In loving memory of a also basements plastered. Dial RA dear wife and mother, Mabel Tnrrell,|5-8702 like threads of gold. |i 0 {ing and repairs, new homes, commer. They never tarnish or grow old cial and industrial work, foundation That's when we miss her most of all N -Always remembered by her husband, | Ang, Timing Full contracts er sub dren Fidina, chimneys, and masonry repairs hone RA 8.0390 CARD OF THANKS 5: 2icx ums ioc: wos. {ernates RA BGs. and Lovell, also nurses and floor aides | parging foundation. Free on 3A and 2C, my relatives, Nelthors: |General repairs. RA 3-487) ner for their lovely cards, flowers Se ming, Kitchen cabinet Tait c cabinets visits. Also special thanks to Rev. At. fm repairs, Mortgages arranged od for me during my recent illness, Mrs: A. (Bud) Henderson. [DODD and Struthers, lightaing installed and repaired Box 125 ROOFING and siding. savestroughing. and old work RA 5-682) BULLDOZING and excavating. Dial In U S Brothers, 36 Hillesurt Drive, Whitby i {JOHN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solic. wg. wn East. RA 3-229. NHA and private riticized Tr Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, the AND PAVEMENTS salty father of the U.S. atomie| day that the American system of P IX 5 progressive education is Russia's! S, 80x 305 RA 8-8132 "If 1 were in their place 1 would spend a great deal of over fold the House of Repre- sentatives space committee nas. Rickover aid American| : 's keep students in - per. RA 5-2156 ege The admiral estimated there oday who are teaching useless end hings like how 1 i how to tie neckties| nl and all that rot." ' { Rickover said the greatest WOOD'S PLASTERING in US. schools today | RA 8-131 dandards governing qualification ¥ teachers and teaching pro- GRAVEL & SAND Prompt Delivery FIRRT CLASS plastering and repairs; May 18, 1954 FREE estimate} on all kinds of build: And when old times we do recall and concrete work eomplete, framing daughters, sons.inlaw, and grandchi). | - ALL TYPES building repairs, roofing, Al BRICK and block work I wish to thank Doctors Rundle, Gill | PLASTERING, patching and friends. also Mr. and MN CARPENTER work kinson and McKnight and all who pray- work guaranteed. RA 3.3378 A 3.357 svsiems; Bowmanville PO: MA 3.2820 - Education mix RA 35-3831. Free estimates. Taylor for and Notary Public, 18% King Street WASHINGTON (AP) -- Vice. ASPHALT SURFACES submarine, told Congress Mon-|W. B. Bennett Paving Ltd greatest - secref weapon money to keep it going," Rick-| In another slap at US. educa-! setual adolescence' through rol we 200,000 to 300.000 teachers PLASTERING and how to fi ind and love a mate | Stucco. s the lack of uniform nationwide | sams. CLIFF BROWN 114% | PICKERING 889 Evenings Ajox 4: OSHAWA SOD SUPPLY No. 1 cultivated, field and nursery grown sod Fertilized weed treated. 12 years ex perience Special contract Free sstimates RA 8-8639 rate Lawn and Garden Supplies Flower ena vegetable seeds garden and lawn tools, fer- tilizers, peat moss, insectis cides, sprayer: sprinklers, hose and gros: seeds, Ask about free use of our fertil izer spreaders, R. B. Reed & Sons HARDWARE 48 SIMCOE N RA 3.4032 Free delivery twice daily Ornamental evergreens, shrubs, hedges, paeonies, per- ennial choice collected cedars hedges 35¢ ond ip. ORCHARD NURSERIES No highway, South side 2 miles west Brooklin for of OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD, GRAVEL-STONE TOP SOIL-SOD RA 3-3528 SPRING CLEAN-UP Power Rolling Fertilizing Tractor Roto-Tilling Top Soil « Sod « Manure HARDSAND LANDCAPING RA 3-172) COURTICE LANDSCAPING Weed treated, field nursery , top soil, gravel. Com. plete service. Contract rates Free Estimates ED KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 GRAVEL Also STONE All Sizes LOAM Be Satisifed Dial RA 5-5279 GARDENS Highway 12 North of Whitby Authorized Clinton, Lawson and Power Product Services, new and used lawnmowers 81 CENTRAL PARK BLVD, S. 16--Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. to 20 per cent, six months to pay. personal service at your home RA 57418 n Save up For call IMPORTERS, GROWERS, 17--Money to Loan |CLIENTS' monies lable for first WHOLESALERS JOHN COX. Prop and second mortgages. Mortgages and| | agreements of sale purchased, Apply| 600 MAPLE ST. WHITBY M. E. Swartz, Barrister and Notary| PHONE MO 8-4184 i Publie, 2% King East, Oshawa, RA/ 3-469 STOCK, shrubs, hedges, gold leaf, etc, new varieties strawberry and box plants, JANE BLACK Studio. ing, Steam Bath end Mas- sage. 451 South, RA 5-9602 Open S lenderizing Slenderizing, Reduc- Simcoe = Street NURSERY roses Yor evergreens lilac trees, GLADIOLI dahlia roots, raspberry plants, seeds, grass seeds FLAGSTONE, loam, atmoss, fertilizer SPRING DISPLAY of flower bulbs, crocus, narcisssus, hv acinths, tulips. Cut flowers for sale Come and see us day and evening week Plenty space ap- Ll 0) ges arranged. | (C a Fraser, Drynan and Mur. | | doch, | {FIRST and second mortgage, sale |agreements purchased and sold. Hen- {nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King! Street East, RA 3.725) NEED CASH? See Seaboard "Your Lending Neighbor" OF CANADA LIMITED (formerly Bellvue) LOANS UP TO $3,000 OSHAWA OFFICE 29%2 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-1121 pointment, 10 am. 10 p.m 122--Radio & TV Repairs PROMPT TV service, any mak rs' experience. RA manure, PROMPT TV service, years' experience. RA | Electronics, {year guarantee, [irom all welded m $29 [53121 IAERIALS installed, moved and re |placed. Fair rates. Phone RA 5.7844. bol ue] open all AD channe) serials 7 days @ parking GARDEN SUPPLIES PLANT FOODS FC- EVERY NEED BULK GARDEN SEEDS FLOWER SEEDS GARDEN TOOLS PEAT MOSS BUG KILLERS WEED KILLERS BOX PLANTS SHRUBBERY ROSES OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS COOPER-SMITH COMPANY 16 CELINA ST RA 3-2312 14--Household Repairs A<) BRUSH or spray painting guaranteed. Oshawa. Whitby Free estimates. RA 8.8617. CALL Joe, RA 58018 painting and handyman. CARPET and rug repairs, alterations, wall to wall installations, binding, fring ing. Ajax 1402W FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE H. M. Mackie Co Lid. RA 5-5954 Cleanout Service $7 labour plus parts of ENfott Street, | Cal RA sm. PARKWAY TELEVISION ELECTROHOME RCA. VICTOR, ADMIRAL, WESTINGHOUSE The finest in television and SEABOARD FINANCE CO service, MONEY AVAILABLE TO HOME OWNERS edi Up to $3,000 for any good purpose, including down pay- ment on home, payment of existing mortgage, consolide- tion of debts ou, purchases of any kind. No penalty for pre payment, no bonus For fast friendly service SEABOARD DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD. 2912 Simcoe Street RA 5.1121 (Formerly Bellvue) RA 3.3042 foctory ap- television Call any For qualified proved appliance, and aerial service. firm listed below. TV's -- HI-FI -- AERIALS Associated Services RA 3-3427 Enterprises RA 5.5121 . RA 5.1685 . RA 3-3043 Pollard Radio RA 3.9512 Premier T.V RA 5-1179 T.V. Enterprises RA 5.2905 APPLIANCE SERVICE Christie Appliance Service RA 5-1179 (Tozer) RA 5.636% Centre RA 5.7743 Warner Williams Service Centre A 5-3531 Members of Service Opera- tors Astociatien in £-fere. tion with shawa Chom. AGREEMENTS OF SALE ber of Commerce. $1,800 to $100,000. Home |23--Women's Column owners, residential property | "SPENCER Foundation summer cottages, suburban | Spencer Foundation Garments individu. homes, toctorie. and acrsage. [ally designed. Reg. Corsetier. Quotations by phone or mail. |Hendershot 208 Park Rd. N. Prompt service {SPECIAL --~ heat permanents, $6.50 {cold waves, $5.30. Page Hairdressing, OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE bond Pine Avenue, RA 3-530 CORP. LTD 112 Simcoe Street North PONTIAC INN S| Wi Oshawe | BANQUETS & WEDDINGS -RA 5.3568 Hot and cold plates $1.50 wp Private RAS dances, : -3993 LITTLE BUCKEROO RANCH RIDING CLUB ADULT and CHILDREN'S CLASSES Lesson twice weekly, $7.50 monthly, Once a week $5 monthly, Trail riding--any- time by reservation, For in. formation Diol RA 5.2737. 25--Pets and Livestock PICKERING DOG SCHOOL Obedience training for a "Bi For information | "PickerING 40M TYEMPIF © 1484 oll Dean Kelly Fowler T.V Parkway T.V, South T.XS 18--Loan Wanted WE HAVE clients' moni first and second mort chase of agreements Hyman, QC, 37 King Street awa, RA 3.4843 for loans on ex and pur ale. Louis § East, Osh. Lodwick Electric star Repo FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES nd Work | distriet for carpentry Day Nights: RA 5.1386 or RA 3.9484 ate 19--Personal LEARN HAIRDESSING Women wanted, greatest opportunity better pay, pleasant work, catalogue free. . Write: Morvel Haire dressing Schools. Branches: Hamilton, Ottawa. "Canade's National System Electric Motor Trouble COMPLETE REWIND SER- VICE TO ALL MAKES OF: WASHERS, DRYERS PUMPS, BLOWERS. * TOOLS, FANS, MOTOR STAR Repair Centre 49 BURK ST. RA 5.7743 Go to the Dutch Lady FORTUNE TELLER MAIN STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 1732 [Leo [Hx HWY, NO. 2 AT COURTICE 29--Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted [INFORMATION -- pre-fab cottages and, |garages, RA 3-3105 after § p.m, SUMMER store or snack e Scugog. Priced to sell at all_down payment, Pew, Waterford, 770, with gas | {pumps, all year living quarters, on new | aved through road, at view Lake on) $6200. Look this over, Ontario. Phone | [FOR SALE -- on Scugog Lake fron | cottage, clean and Somiatiably 4 furni |ed, resdy to live in, hydre | Phone RA 8-1920. well. any make, 10 pennies, Would find 8-5286, Oshawa | 5.1779, 93: easy terms. Kelly TV, Ra Pom, 14 years old. RA 5.1721 SPECIALIZED radio and television | trailer. service, All makes. Fred Thompson, 137 CEMENT mixer - electric, also sidewalks and ~--= | driveway curbs laid, RA 5-4274 or RA! 30--Lost and Found LOST 0) #5286, OShAWS | GST a dark fabric 'change purse con: taining a $10 bill, 50.cent piece and 12/ finder please call hou 1 , [Lost "small dog ~ Blonde Pom, 14 years old, RA 5.1721. Black English leather change | purse, sum of money. Vicinity of Bell| ALL and Bank of Montreal, JA 5.4546. "Pekinese iar} LOST -- Small dog, blond Pekinese| {CEMENT mixer, [31--Articles For Rent electrie, Phone RA 5.7149, barrows, TV sets, 8-1775 ELNA rentals. RA 5291 stitch and Rnd AE. Stra WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FOR RENT "282 King St. West RA 3-4873 Ample Parking SEW and SAVE RENT a SINGER also box wheel. 32 Articles Wanted | Garment -- | | PIANOS -- 10, any make or size, pay cash; state make and price. Write Box 844 Oshawa Times Dn of SELLING furniture. We'll buy it | frigerators TV's, washers, stoves, etc Tince Street. Phone RA 8.181, "RA LY needed. Fill and lots 26 Garrard Road North, evenings. Re. | pianos, For top cash offer, contact | !'CASH FOR SCRAP !! WE BUY STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, Shee RAGS, Etc Open All Day Saturday M. GREENBERG & SONS LTD RA 3.7333 308 Bloor St. E CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD ON : : METALS PAPERS RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 RESIDENCE -- RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP SHAW AUTO WFECKING CO Wants cars for wrecking, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday oll day. Phone:-- RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E. | WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 work. Applicant must have o good school background with grammar and spelling being the best subjects, This work is interesting and conversational, regular bugis ness hours, plus full benefits, If you are tired and bored living in an apartment end with a change A in an interesting" Gee pation, pleuse write Box 934, Osh- awa Times. All replies will be strictly confidential. Vint LADIES! UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FULL OR PART TIME For exceptionally good ime come, The Nationel Firm is expanding in this area, and o limited number of openings are available. If you are in- terestea in meeting people, have the desire to work, ond access to car, please call MRS. ROBERTSON Between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY MAY 20 HOTEL GENOSHA 116b 37 --Male Help Wanted ED plasterers and labor. ers, Phone RA 3.3122 WANTED Two men to work 9 hours per day $100 per week, WRITE BOX 930 OSHAWA TIMES nt SALESMEN We have a sales position for an experienced Real Estate Salesmar. Must be married, own late model car. Age no barrier, Highest commissions paid. If interested please call Bill McFeeters or Reg Aker, of Schofield Insurance Assoc. iates, Daytime RA 3.2265, and evenings RA 5.1726. WANTED AMBITIOUS YOUNG MEN FOR SHORT TERM TRAINING AS SHOE STORE MANAGERS If you: have 3 years High School are between 22. 30 years of age have pre- vious retail exnerience are willina to relocote Apply to: Mr. B. P. Rhodes on Thurs. In person Hotel Ochawa

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