: : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Mey 16, 1959 7 ALONG THE LAKESHORE El a resources, - the of fighting shy o | ne ta rie was mad Cobourg Citiz ens To pris ey operate 4 a ba ho pod ans require. Many n | . ' hy elsewhere 5 abil gh od, 4 : | Entertain Editors RA, SF 1p} or 8 By ANGUS GORDON | All the members are Ontario call a rose. by any other name gral and ingial a ties | 20Te VM ] Clstriet Editor boosters, and from evidence in would smell as sweel on the question of use and ean-| COVERING UP ANTENNA SALES Even In these inflated times, athe files of the department of Apparently Bowmanville conservation of land resources. For BOGNOR REGIS, Eng. (CP)-- 4 TV SERVICE hundred bucks is not to be speer- travel and publicity, the amount |¢il does not lke to be taken 100 {his it ts thats bathers must A ach ed ab. It's much more than some|spent by the province on such!literally. # would appear that| properly need federal in- be Ki of 1s | EEO z of our old age pensioners get to|trips is negligible compared to) statements made in Saunell mus: stration be set up to deal di-|Eobes an App Rh my © Me five on for a whole month, Many|the goodwill' which they have en-|be Hikerp shed in fertns Of bogie with the provinces on these) SHEN BEACH Svea oid | AV AE amilies have to get hy on much| gendered |agtion Ww ch may he a en "pro ems. The department woul Ia g er to k the 171 BOND ST.EART legs per week, From a domestic) In any case, there has been a clon] a -- by "Board 9 (deal with water use and canner. |! : n although ong em. wudget point of view it repre: noticeable increase in tourist traf SOMMORY valion, drainage and mar dud od a Stud the 0 | a ral rks Commitice meetings", sents real money. fie from the territory covered hy| Works Commitice 'wi be reclamation, river erosion, waler- Per However, broken down into the publications represented hy), Souneil ihgreloe wiodid iu de shed develo y wool hy municipal operating terms, it re-(the editors, | lop: | 11, | agement and other factors in a Jeng RA o pi ee, possibly about the cost! As the mayor remarked, is fects do coneuit his ervetal all averall conservation policy. OMPT a y of one day's interest charges on hard to buy that kind of publicity, lft 8" giatoments made in open! This might be 2 good he PR y STORE HOUR the ugly question ve current bapk loans to the town of and virtually impossible to buy oie Porhaps he should wait but again of : "et nurg goodwill with a picayune until counell decisions are vatl- over - government managemen PRESCRIPTION Paily 9g.m. taf p.m, The value of any sum of It Is interesting to note thalified jn committee. land overlapping of Fesponsibill- Sundays end Holidays money 1s, of course, relative to council was eriticized by towns That, somehow, doesu't sound ties will crop up. ; : Tom 16 0m what you can get for if. It would fol for buying chairs at a cost), ui" gut these things can al-| There's Nttle that this i uppear, fram this point of view, of almost $100 gach, bout Co.|WAYS be straightened out bY 4 setting up of authority a¢ dither. {hat Cobourg council is not eo! There was no carping about Co-|piyace bill? ent levels to deal with one speci: much good at old ime horse: bourg's contributions, to the regu yy pARMS NEEDED {fic problem, is of itself erea Inspecting officer, L4.Col, | Cpl. Bandsman Bill Baryaw- | «Times Staff Photo rading {gional development association, | one A ON" The Canadian federation of a problem. Where dogs Duffy, chats with Cadet | elough, and other bodies concerned with} Monday, a coungll majority, agriculture has stated definitely and the ether end. which excluded such experienc (dev aapmen of the tourist trade Ari" ™ 0 ime objective is the| The federal overainest 4 the ald time traders as Mayar Jack|t% 16 8Te8: the 1 B , : . c | . . |small farm, to maintain the pat- moment, by virtue is- , ets Par ade Kiwanis Plant Burnet, and Coungillors Prosser WTERALLY BOWMANVILLE! tern of the family farm w i t hilation dealing with AA y { jand Webb Thomas, turned down|.eeoiution , . . which was misin-|family enterprize. With the aid of provides part of the capital pei a y PR Rexall) ON CHEMISTS | a proposal to' grant $100 towards|iero SEH © °C" Wht clarified at government, the small farm, for big conservation projects such AMERAS - COSMETICS | Seias PRESCRIPTI : New TES the cost of entertaining 30 United 3 Board of Works meeting" says Which is regarded as the back-|as dams, and drainage. This, ad- h j i : or ope States editors a Bowmanville coungil statement bone of Canadian economy, can minisfered bv the various Con- : PROMPT FREE DELIVERY PORT HOPE (Stall) -- Parti "You can't buy the kind of anent fhe proposal to put a dump survive. It also scouts the idea servation Authorities in Ontario pe 535 SIACOE 51.8 PORT HOPE (Staff) Army 14. 8 Fripr. 1 platoon; €dt. 1 Hope Kiwanlang visited their publicity which ean acerue fromlin the South Ward {hat only the large agriculturallat least, has worked out ex- al i 3 OSHAWA "oHioNE, RA 5-3586 ] io MR. Burness, ? plafuon: and Hossmount Christmas free farm such a gathering", Mayor Bur-| Mavbe that word dump should production unit can be operated tremely well, PHONE R Cadets of Port Hope High School it Ld, R Brown. 3 platoon, | Thursday night to plant 2000 trees net told his council. His reason: read "sanitary land All", but the efficiently, | The projects on the Thames, paraded Friday for the annyal ve latoon was Judged the win- damaged during the winter by ing was in vain, and he was tald experts agree, "that which we! However, if Is pointed out thatithe Grand, and other Places ate school Inspection. luspeeting of or V : : mice. ew trees Rlunied are al shat the jown econld not affosd === a p-- -- - fier was Lt.-Col, A. B. Duffy, The corps moved indoors fol! , 15 "0 \ Jue giiisuch expenditures : a CD, commanding officer of Hast-|lowing drill competition for tyan- Lowe, SEATS ns bivriig Peru, k A Jig " tater ings and Prince Edward Regl:|ing demonstrations. These inglud- by re TC A Jmancy hd oer and ater, ment. [od Bren gun drill, map reading, re tire membershi of the 300 em i gp were Cadet parade commandersigirls' physical culture, signals Jub i i A p | not too well-informed on wha were commanding officer Cdt, [and a band concert. I Wi Bu Savile Jhon eval at such a visit could mean to the Major W. F. Pemberton and Following remarks from 14.-Cal. 0B 4 the gt or ines: Li town : Cdt, Capt. P. 8. Merril Duffy, the school "Espirt de id left at 7 . "" to plant trees. GREAT BENEFITS Following parade and inspec corp" trophy was presented to n h.m. pia . Actually, the 30 editors repre tlon each of the three corps pla-|Cdt, Capt. P. 8 Merrill as hest : sent a portion of a group brought toons competed In a drill con: all-round eadel CIVIC CAKE to Ontarip annually by .the On test for a trophy annually ma The Strathcona cup, for marks VANCOUVER (CP) Bary taric Aanavtment of travel and| od to best platoan manship, was presented to Cdt, here 26 days aftert he city was publicity Usually, about 120 edit-| Platoon commanders were Cd. 'Cpl, L. Winfield formed, Mrs. Flavence MeNell, ors, publishers and writers tour 78, now living in Portland, Org. the province. Fhe party is brok-| . has again received her annual en up intp three groups who are) n birthday cake from the city. She taken to different sections of the| ee L ar 1 g was the first baby born here af: province. | ter the city was incorporated In! It has been going on a long! 1886 time, and people who have made n a roun 5 | such trips avtomatically 'become gested some form of guarantee members of a eluh which now has over 1000 members. PORT HOPE (Stal Repre engineer Rosy Stounons haa!! ° 1 f me other finan sentatives of two Port Hope shown the playground surface cla Arrangement churches attended a board af was unsuitable for vehicle waffic.| A B. Schultz Jr., representing dh education meeting here last night] "It could bring resurfacing|St: John's Anglican church, said 9 to sound ont possibility of using/costs next fall Instead of {on | he had been told cost of resurfac BUYING A RUG? a school playground for Sunday years from now," he said {Ing the playground to hold auto) church parkir Mrs. Clarke asked how whelJiunile tall _ would be between See Our Stock Councillor Mrs. Ruth Clarke, Board would feel if the Shurch Mr. Raynar suggested that Before You Do . . . representing town police com: pald costs of resurfacing thei, oth churches send representa mission and Port Hope United ground for car parking tives to meet and formulate some HIGHER QUALITY ' A H church | she d to know If there Is a good plan, We muina'ly ac oplohle plan end L of 3 ' ¥ ° 0 how the board felt about use of would go along with it," answer- then meet with school board rep: LOWER PRICES \ ' a playground for parking pur ed chairman Raynar} resentatives | 8 A $ ; poses He sald there wauld be two| Sunday morning parking aleng| NU WAY RUG | § ] 4 - "Our position ho ' Always the board stipulations. There was tolgide streets recently caused ime - ey HY pi same," answered board chairs be no wn AN p Hd 1 a opera, itihartied aim avo eter antes {REE an Warren Raynar, "If it could] gontrol . Ferliets B5inad. ve would be happy to "We coy ood) w in arnot drive on their own streets | 174 MARY §T. RA 5.1203 unsuitable area," 'sald Hnamce|becnuse of cars parked along] He added that survey by town chairman A, J, Ballet, He sug 'both sides - { There's budget wisdom in giving electrically. There's » / } a wide choice of sparkling appliances for just what OSHAWA BUSINESSMAN ®1m1ca.., E B you want to pay, and the shopping's easy! Give the ) ) i J 9 . ) v BE : 4 thoughtful, modern way--give electrical gifts. # a ; i N 3 a Sliommird # (25 7 Lurk, Lp ew . ou he tas fu When YOO SF Re mi of electricity. "The fallowing are but a few of the points that make me happy to be a Buick awner: 1. The instant acceleration and excellent performance af the mator: 2. The efficiency of the smooth changing Twin Turbine transmission: 3. The luxurious ride and road handling ability." a Make the change... make the ' | magnificent change now to BUI CK 59 For further information on your electrical problems contact your electrical dealer or . . . CLIFF MILLS MOTORS WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED| THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA WHITBY, ONTARIO WM. BODDY, Chairman GEORGE F. SHREVE General Manager