18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, May 16, 1959 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale tales, cash register an. . Plckering Tempe pi FABULOUS he in end table blonde prot $29.95, AIR Berkel Eacvcin machine they last $4.99. Night alles, with and Whi drawer, $12.99, Wilson Furniture, Church Street. CCM CLUB racer with ear change, ®ood condition, RA 3-284 lof FIFTEEN Fi. cedar strip boat, com. plete with windshield, controls, and 35 yiot WHITE enamel meat counter, six feet Street. 13¢ BEAT the cost of living g by filling your gas tank at the Hilltop. Sanity gas at! bargain prices. Free credit cards available. OUTBOARD motors, name brand, thy en Highway 2 Apply 63 Cel KELVINATOR refrigerator and | ette, fork for the cottage. ry vo motor, $900. Apply 488 Marion Street. 113¢ | COMBINATION wood and gas stove, |- Kien for cottage, e. ry rad 330 Simcoe South or VACUUM cleaner repairs, ail makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free, Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser wice, RA 8-1081 anytime. ELECTRIC Seamstress sewing machine, table model, in good condition. Also a bridesmaid's dress worn once, 15 FT. boat, traler, and 14 horse po power motor, $350, Apply at 230 Bloor Street West. 113¢ +| CHORE Master, garden tractor with cultivator, 2% hp, 595 Stone Street or phone RA 8-5128. 113¢ 52--Legal Notices I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by gy wife, Edythe A. Gates, or any Persons, on or after this date, May , -- W. Gates, formerly 215 Cehas Street, condition. RA 8-8784, 1n2f HOUSEHOLD furniture, selling ov out -- rugs, electric appliances, in perfect con- dition, ete. Phone | RA 3-724. 110¢ BRIGHTEN up your home for spring with lovely new floor coverings. Many patterns and colors from 37 cents per foot. Inlaid linoleums, heavy duty, can- vas backs, regular $1.99 sq, yard. While they last 99 cents sq. yard. Congo rugs, bordered, large, 9 by 15 and 9 by 13%. Out they go, $12. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. 110f STUDIO couch, 39 continental bed, kitchen sink with faucets, 24" fluores cent light, rangette, wardrobe, suit- able for cottages. Good condiion. ' Phone RA 3-3703. 110 PACESHIP 14% ft, Tn "hp. Johnston motor, teenee trailer, complete with controls, windshield, foam latex uphol- stery, battery, lights, tarpaulin, 5 life Jackes, oars, surf board and T ac cessories, $1200. RA 8-6545. 110f fOEBOX in good condition, Apply 531 Mary Street. RA 5-5691. 1156 ONE baby carriage in excellent cond. tion. Phone RA 5-0889 RECORD player, 5 Apply 118 Nas- syn Str Street. 15a $3.35 per week year round for all your jescking, heating and water heating Propane gas from United Coun- $ies Propane Lid., Port Hope. Phone TU 52851 for details. BANGETTES, oven control, $13; single bed, spring filled mattress; Remington Srewriier: Smith-Corona adding ma- RA 34434. p= bicycle, CCM; two pairs boxing ; one outboard ; S-volt sysipi. RA 53347 after 5:30, 113¢ 4 PC CRIB OUTFIT ~~ Only $26.66. This includes full size crib, spring, mattress u Bevable value! fshings, 424 Simcoe St. 8. BLECTRIO refrigerators, all makes, ompletely reconditioned. 90-day free parranty, from $69.50, Irvine Appli- ances, 50 Bond East. FE buy and sell new and used bi- cycles, bargains in all golf, tackle and fee equipment, dew worms and bait. Open Thursday and Friay 9 p.m. Sportsman's Corner, 103 Byron Street South. MO 8.4511, THE Dutch Merchant. Used TV's and appliances. 171 Bond Street East. RA . We buy and sell. ELECTRIC ranges, all makes, com- pletely reconditioned. 90-day warranty, from $39.50. Irvine Appliances, 50 Bond East, "ADMIRAL air conditioner, % hp, clear- ance, $169. Parkway Television, 918 Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043. McOLARY heavy duty stove, maitable for cott»ve ss. R RA 81944. SELL YOUR BOAT? Boats sold on consignment. We obtain oll cash for you! Large display area. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. Brooklin, Ont, -- Phone 87 The finest Canodian made cluminum combination win- dows and prime windows, self-storing doors. Very low price, only $49.50 installed. Finest aluminum - awnings. Remember sold only by your | local dealer. ALEX VAJDA, Modern Woodworking Shop, RA 3-9851. TENDERS FOR SUB TRADES Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon, Tuesday, May 19, for the construction of a building and warehouse for the Beaver Lumber Co., Ltd, Whitby, Ontario, MEL-RON CONSTRUCTION 212 ST, PETER STREET WHITBY -- MO 8-2592 114b NOTICE TENDERS IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF JOSEPH ROBERT McCORMACK OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, FORMERLY TRADING UN- DER THE NAME OF "Me- CORMACK HEATING". Sealed tenders for the pur- chase of the following assets will be accepted by Trustee until 3PM. FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1959 Lot No. 1--Furnace vacuum with base, no attachments, Lot No. 2e--Pipe vice, pipe cutter, pipe die. 2b--Electric sow (Sawzall), Lot No. 3--1957 Chevrolet Pick-up truck. Tenders must be accompan- ied by a certified cheque, payable to the Trustee equal to twenty percent of the tender, The goods may be in- spected by appointment with the Trustee. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted: HOUSE FOR SALE Offers to purchase will be accepted on the property at 1188 Ritson Road South, Oshawa, consisting of a 6- room brick home ond a fin- ished recreation room in basement; subject to a first and second mortgage of ap- proximately $8,800. Terms are cash, tenders must in- clude a certified cheque, payable to the Trustee, equal to twenty percent of the cash payment, Gordon W. Riehl, CA., R.ILA., Licensed Trustee, 135 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Ontario, Tel, RA 5-3527 MO 8-5731, 114b SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic end Commercial RA 5-5332 Help Against Fireworks Asked TORONTO (CP) -- The prov- ince should step in to protect children against the "'indiscrimi- nate use" of fireworks, 27 health and welfare agencies have rec- ded at a child-safety con- BUILD THAT BOAT NOW Is ecsy with a moldea hull or boat kit, from 8' to 26'. See Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway. PHONE 1266 AJAX ference sponsored by the Ontario Medical Association. T. J. Wheeler of the Canadian Fire Marshals' and Fire Chief's Association said Thursday that during Fire Safety Week last year in one community 'firemen rang 75,000 doorbells and had 25,- 000 doors slammed in their faces." DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 50. Little 1. Kitchen Theresa implements 8. Caresses DOWN lightly 1. Gloss 9. Example 2. Norse god 10. Run away to 3, Canvas Gretna shelter Green 4. Weaver's 12, Straighten ope (naut.) nu. Having & the 7.Law of Moses (var.) peppermint 8. Meager 15. Hospital 9. Mothers tive votes 87. Hawaiian 48. Culture media 19: Entire [AIPIAIRITIRHO! [LIAINICIERA| TIRED) (ELLER PlELSITS El a EATON'S CLOSED MONDAY, VICTORIA DAY. RE-OPEN TUESDAY AT 0.30 AM. At a special low price to clear | The Hoover "Citation Special" VACUUM CLEANER Specially purchased ot a saving you'll apprecoite! Speedy ond thorough, the Hoover "Citation Special" Is e time ond gffort sover from the moment you elick the switch on. ' It goes te work, end beats-os-it-sweeps-os-it-cleans your rugs; drawing up "'degp-down" dirt and grit, leaving them clean end colour fresh. It does @ splendid job of cleaning bare floors, too; end hos @ wide-beam headlight to illuminate dim comers! There's a lightweight, 'pliable, double-stretch hose, approx. 18° long, to enable you to freshen up draperies, walls, upholstery, AND the job of dumping the dustbog hos been eliminated becouse the outer dust jocket is DOMED for eosy eccess to the big "throw-away" paper dust bog inside! Comes complete with extention wand for wall end ceiling cleaning, double stretch hose, furniture brush and crevice tool, Usable on 25 ond 60 cycle, EATON Opportunity i Spaviah Model 636K, } - 04.50 A DEMONSTRATION MAY BE ARRANGED IN YOUR HOME, IF DESIRED, EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 300 PHONE RA 5.7378 It's Time To Sew For Summer.., With specially priced fabrics from EATON'S ! "Clearing End-of-line . . . Reg. 2.50 "Everfast" Drip-Dry Polished Cotton Prints A style range of the season's besution | "Everfast'" imports from the \, SA «++ 6 with the fing "Brargloze" finish for creose- and spot-resistance, Handsome cottons in 1959's print-range of lovely florals, geometries, 1.79 Paisley types . , . for fashions galore and colourful home-decor. Pre- dominant tones: reds, tangerine, vielst, turquoise, eopen, gold-colour, royal, tan. BATON Opportunity Day Specie), Yerd io vviiiiinn 56" Drip-Dry Rayon Tartans To Clear! Wrinkle-resistant, finely waven rayon tartans by '"Bamil" # weave thot hand-washes like cotton with the minimum of shrinkage | Needs little or ne ironing; hos a good 'hand' and finish. Authentic tartans for dresses, jumpers, skirts, spar 1ogs: Reyel Stewart, Gordon, Dress Gordon, MacLaine of Lach Buie, RCAF, Black Watch, MacKenzie, Princess Margaret Rose, Black-and-White Menzies, Dress Beatrice, Brass Campbell, Craw ford; also miniatures inspired by Black Welch, Boye! Stewart, Gordon. EATON Opportunity Day Special, yord 'es 35" Cotton Broadcloth In Gay © Colours Drip Dry! Mercerized and "Sanforized" This is woven from fine combed cotton yarns . . , pre-shrunk for good laundering , , . finish. ed with a lovely sheen. Dyed in beautiful washfast shades , . , neutrals, pastels, bright tones, darks. An excellent 'buy' for fashions, children's toggery, home decor. White, Aqua, Powder, Mid-Blue, Caribbean Blug Notural, Toast, Tan, Pink, Red, Peach, Periwinkle, Lilac; Yellow, Light grey, Lime, Kelly green, Nile, Moss, Medium or dork greens, Navy, Black. EATON Opportunity Day Special, Yard ........ ® 85" Plain or Striped Imported Denims (cotton) Continental resort fashions ? Heres the look! Colourful 'woven striped cotton denim will translate slacks and shorts end jackets into brilliant teggery for holiday wardrobes. It's "Sanforized'-shrunk and crease-resistant, and comes-in' handsome colourings--predomin antly shrimp - pink, yellow, red, turquoise, brown, mid-blue, mid-green, gold-colour, Plain fones in pink, coral, red, yellow, green, 79 grey, ivory, gold-colour. EATON Opportunity Dey Special, Yond ...... @ " i Sy PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 253 Clearance! Floor Model For home or cottage . . . take advantage of the big saving on REFRIGERATORS This group of 'trade-in' refrigerators includes various well-known makes and a range of sizes to meet your requirements. All have been thoroughly checked and any worn parts replaced . . . all parts. EATON Opportunity Day Special, Each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 25¢ are covered by a 90-day warranty on 49-00..99.00 PHONE RA 35-7373 32. Wanderers 43. Girl's name 33. Workers (poss.) 36. Young hog 45.Era Television Seis! Stereophonic Hi-Fi Seis ! Floor models, some slightly marked . . . all at low clearance prices ! Save on oa new TV or Hi-Fi . . . used for display and demonstration purposes only, and greatly reduced in price in order to make room for new stock, 17", 21" ond 24" televisions; "Stereo" phonographs and radio- phonogarphs with all the fine modern features you want! Well-known makes in the group; all covered by the renowned EATON guaran- tee: GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. EATON Opportunity Day Special, 1999 10 389-% TATONT SOWIR MVE DEPT. 260 IONE RA fe' 373 Summer-time can be insect-time ! Help keep your home end cottage free of insect pests . . . with BLACK FLAG INSECT SPRAY Offered ot EATON'S at 'a special, SOY sida price ! 1.10 R 32-0z. tin of Black Flog insecticide -- to rid your home of mosquitoes, ants, and other insect nuisances . , , PLUS ¢ hand sprayer to deposit a fine film over screens in windows or doors, etc Dey Sec vn both for . 89 JATON'S MALL LI DEPT. 192 PHONE " 35-7373 EATON Opportunity Thick, luxurious carpeting for stairs and halls . . . Oriental designs on wine coloured background. This rich-looking runner wears very well; give your home @ cared-for look. EATON Opportunity Day Special, yard . . EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 272 Electric and Gas Ranges Please, 90 Solephone or mt orden Purchase a new electric er gas range . . . at an out- standing saying! Used for display purposes enly, some are slightly marked--which should not affect serviceability, One ar two only of a kind . . . shop sorly for best selection ! Miustrated: "VIKING" 30" Electric Range . . « Deluxe model 1S30PBW, with many fine features, including automatic even, applionce outlet, "see rough" even door. | ONLY, IATON Opportunity Day Special, each 259.95 her models in this $9.95 to 269.95 a EE : clearance Boek SATON'S LWOWIR LAVEL, DEPT. 256 Saveon 27' Runners! Manufacturer clears Axminster runner . . . much below usual price ! 4.39 PHONE RA 5.7373 in a choice of three EN EE EE EE EE EE RN RR Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Upen Fnaay Nights until 9 Fj