37--Male Help Wanted |44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 36--Female Help Wanled [3 Mats Help Wonled. sarng home: Prue A rsa Bl gardens tovers for girls to act as counsel POSITION open for two Fouigo men as sales advertised product, ih for right man. Before 5:30 p.m. call| ---- RA 86234 and after MO 8-4055. 111 FOUR-, oe Sires » SGM. 243 itd CLEAN, twe room apartment, un- To wines TV outlst, near Avenue. . 115¢ EXP Road. Phone a 5.1721. TLY body man, ages. Apply Port Hope Auto Body, 8" sil Street South, Port HOR? ig age o 10) to iE BE Po, SET Jat four weeks, four days a wi R . for other 1st x Spe $350) and ver month pis bonus, Intensive ary. ve. RA 5-4388, 176 Warren Avenue. « yoom apartment, Tv |SUREE facilities other conveniences, suii one orlIN 3 1156 typist, capable 'of maintaining complete set of records. arrion man with good ferred. Write in confidence to Box i include TOP mechanic, high wages plus bonus| i THREE unfurnished ja for good man on ignition, carburetor and valve work. Phone Bowmanville, MArket 3-503. 114 | Der HEATING salesman, sell in in Oshawa. distriet. Phone TEmple §- 1721, Pickering. om RVEY party chief. Write Box Oohewa 20] with full partic LESMEN --Experience, nce, not neces- SALE Col Aluminum Industries Osawa Times and phone rr adults preferred. Apply 175 Athol Street tions, 5-day | § -- | East after 5 p.m. a '50 vacation. Phone RA sl HERE i you ailable in LL now av. i information. Rawleigh's 4005 Richelieu, TWO-room apartment, "frig., stove and sink; near Holy Cross. Cross. RA sor 114 "15a | TWO-storey house, in Fort Perry ares. orp oil Jurnage 3-plece ba op LIC for service 81a could be used as apartment. Phone tion. iin Box 933, Oshawa Times. 11g POT Perry, YU 57825. FOR rent -- Smelt nets, lanterns, $1 each per night. Cabin trailers $45 week- ly Wilde Rental Service, Whitby, MO FEMALE HEL" WANTED ixperienced, either book- keeper with typing, or stenog- rapher - secretary preferably with legal training. Write Box 928, 1104 SALES REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED To enroll Motor Club mem- berships in this locality. The Ontario Automobile Associa- tion provides the finest in Motor Club benefits. Pleas- ant work that can be handled either full or part-time. Rush your name and address for full informatign as territories are being toy now. You should howe a car and be from 25 to 50, male or fe- male. Write: Sales Manager, Box 817, London, Ontario. THREE unfurnished rooms, heated,| lights and water. No objection to a baby. Phone RA 3 37595, ' ONE room in new house, for one of two Apply 637 Albert ot pu THREE - roem apartment, plied, Excellent ne vancement, year round Colonial Aluminum appointment, salt South. RA | 8.8571. 1m WANTED Two men to work 9 hours Li day, $100 per week, WRITE BOX 930 OSHAWA TIMES wages. Oshawa Times. Wonted by a well known ond established Oshawa Firm, a middle oged lady or widow, 40 or over, who wishes a pleasant place to work. Applicant must have @ good school background with grommar and spelling being the best subjects. This work is interesting ond conversational, regular busi- ness hours, plus full benefits If you are tired ond bored 118¢ TWO large furnished TO0OmMS, Separ- ate bathroom and conveniences for couple. Apply ~ Simcoe Street North. THREE room Sparement private bath, entrance, heavy Couple pals, Aaflavie Us June 1. bg Park Rot CRED rs - room apart- ment, adults, very central, private 5380, 110f bath. RA 5- SALESMEN We have o sales position for BUILDER'S CLEARANCE $395 FULL DOWN PAYMENT TO QUALIFIED BUYERS JUST A FEW LEFT 3 BEDROOMS SPLIT LEVELS RANCH BUNGALOWS FINISHED DE-LUXE RECREATION ROOM REDUCED FOR QUICK FIGHT - room house, central, 32500 down, 2l® brick | Call MO 8-449. 1 " 4 properties, THE time, the place: Now's a good time to sell Shing Jou 10 longer need, and the Classified section is THE OSHAWA TIMES, 47 --Automobiles For Sale the place iodo it auickly and Dial RA 33492. t for six wa, oll close to] -- RA 1146 $2000 down, balance on ¥ Pry screens, fenced yard, lot 62 x 135, in best district, close to either school 14 ain price, house, ceramic bathroom, storms and |3 age - "DON'T overlook the many offers in the '85 FARGO am pickup, Very good condition, ready to rk. One driver since new. Apply Pry Celina Street after 5. uy "i CHEVROLET deluxe sedan, gray and white powerglide, heater, white- walls, discs, wi , out. condition. One owner. Call RA Seturdey, May 16, 1959 17 [S0--Asticles For For Sale 11 ESTATE, con consisting of three well rent. | down payment $2000; 3000; $6000, approximately 15 per cent. [Six rooms, nine rooms, and 25 rooms, good income, Box 840, Oshawa Times. |RA 8-5904 5 CHEV. or TA Pr 1114 | stripes, 1144 100-ACRE farm for sale or rent with Some asparagus, chard, and good water supply. Posses- sion in two weeks time. Apply a2 King Street East, ALL-YEAR-ROUND , bungalow, three bedrooms, four-| Blece bath, garage, 25 feet from lake, $7500, some furniture, : | boat, William's Point, near Caesarea, 114b {46--Real Estate Wanted SALE Go direct south on Park Rd. to lake, turn left on Stone Street, watch for Model recreation room. Dial RA 5-928. xno answer dial RA 54373, LOT for sale, 30 by 105, Wilson Road 5 South. 2.4 |WousEs and farms wanted for clients, |All cash or your ity. For quick sale |call W. MeAu itor, 26 Prince ot Street Oshawa, 3-2512; Whitby MO $1500 DOWN three bedroom brick i fully decorat- shuminuy storms and screens, huge treed lot, mumerous extras. Full price only $12,000. Details from Walter Muna, RA 35-3692; Mo 8-3355 Berneice Real Estate. 113¢ Home Sign over weekend. MURRAY WARSH REAL ESTATE 115a THREE rooms, newly decorated, built: in cupboards, ground floor, private en- |trance, tenant must be clean. Apply 165 Ritson Road South after 6 p.m. 110f |THREE unfurnished rooms, sink, heavy Wiring, garage, no Children, ab- pply 201 Oshawa Boulevard| | North. 1104 Please apply ator Oshawa Clinic. 115¢ THREE rooms, modern kitchen, cen- ral to shopping centre and hospital, {CREAM OF BARLEY Park, Bowman. il RA 8-0028 or 459 Woodcrest after | Ville, will require lifeguard ands SWirh p.m. 110f ming instructor to begin as weather permits or schools Fry "13 | |ONE large, furnished light housekeep- ing room with Teffigerator. sentra), he, suitable for one or two girls or eouple 39--Agents Wanted fai "Flot WE are looking for aggressive deal- oT9. NED 0 JOmen. Wa) suaranieed| op id {RA 5:38 products. High commission; no expe ovr {lence required. Thirty-day trial plan. | ATTRACHVE furnished room=. avail} |JITO, Dept. CC, 5130 St. Hubert Street, able in private home. 82 Park Road Montreal. North 5 - 7 p.m RA 83-8671. = MODERN four large room upper du- Bl --Room and Board [plex apartment; new 'frig., new shove, CF shed separate entrance, complete four-piece RENTAL. wie ard i" Tne 2 bath, kitchen cupboards. Nice surround- |e 1773 113¢ ings, King Street East, $95 per mionth. ~~ |See it and judge for yourselves. Avail- ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail- ahle July 1. Phone RA 3-9114 between able in private home, nd full co-operation available 82 Park Road 9.12, 1.6, Complete real estate facilities a ae in rose J : from our 'staff pha a" .. ort -- =| FURNISHED = Tom." sult one or, mo JRNISHED room, ine: rsons, reasonable, Phone i nurses only, two may share. Refrigar. 113¢ 1. Sickness and Accident Insurance ator, 8 A I iy. anytime. a i i |eges. Close to hospital and a. {THREE - room furnis apart 2. Holiday with pay Mey RA 111f suit business couple. Phone RA yam 3. Drawing account for proven salesman on experienced Real Estate Salesman. Must be married, own late mode: cor. Age no barrier. Highest commissions paid. If interested please call Bill McFeeters or Reg Aker, of Schofield Insurance Assoc- jates. Daytime RA 3-2265, ond evenings RA 5- 1726. living in on apartment and wish a change of pace in an interestin, occupation,, please write Box 934, Osh- awa Times. All replies will be strictly confidential. nat 37--Male Help 'Wanted HIGH CALIBRE SALESMAN REQUIRED We have an opening at our shopping centre office for o sales man with a sincere interest in learning @ most interesting busi- ness. If you have the energy and initiative required for this position we can show you how you may name.the size of your income. Canada. 114b, 38--Male or Female Help Wanted PHARMACIST, full time or part time. COMFORTABLE room for refined gen-| AR. lemen, in lovely home, single beds, THREE rooms furnished "stove and re- excellent meals, North Oshawa, parking frigerator, share bath, good lo location. {RA 8718. 110f| SINGLE and double Tooms. cooking ROOM and board -- one gentleman, Privileges if desir gentleman Po beds, private bath, TV, radio,|APPly 135 Celina Street. | excellent meals, Monday to Friday. 37 DESIRABLE apartment, self contained, RA 3.9579. 111f three rooms and bats, unfurnished, | heavy wiring, heat a water, down. double or oY Nuits only, $80. RA 88175. 3.7161, Bowmanville. | BACHELOR partment J lagy, stove fand refrigerator, central u seen m and board for rd for gentle. | { 8047. RO man. Apply "1s Albert Street. 112¢ to be appreciatetd. RA 8. TWO large rooms, built-in sink, hot 42--Room and Board Wanted and cold water, use of phone, private entrance, RA 5.9517 between 3 - § pa YOUNG man requires room and Board, | single room, eentral to North area. For interview appointment call Doug Wilson at D. W. WILSON LTD. REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 WHITBY CLASSIFIED ROO! board, single, triple accommodation at hotel THREE small rooms, ups tral, share bathroom, heat, i 12.200 BROCK near Mary, six large rooms, brick home. Many extras, term: arranged, early possession, garage. RA 58387. ust LLOYD REALTY BE, OPEN EVENINGS PRIVATELY BUILT WITH ATTACHED GARAGE Excellently planned home with kitchen measuring 20 feet long. Step-down in style to your living room with walk out entrance to ao beautiful patio. Four-piece bathroom with vanity. Priceless scenic view from back yard. Con be purchased for as low as $2,500 down or more. Call Bill Millar, RA 8-5123 or RA 5-2557. N.H.A. RESALE Large storey and @ half brick home with forced air oil heat, large rooms, paved drive with garage. Centrally located. A wonderful byy with a reasonable down pay- ment. To see this home, phone Doug Gower, RA 8-5123 or RA 8.1287, Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors 101 Simcoe St. N RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 115¢ N.H.A. RESALE 1 YR. OLD 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Decorated, New built-in stove and oven, ond many other extras, Phone RA 8-1338 LOTS LOT 60° X 105' In one of Oshawa's finest subdivisions, the price is $3,300. We have many other lots to choose from, ranging in price from $1,000 and up. For location call Eugene Patterson ot 5.6544. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LTD. REALTORS SEVEN ROOM BRICK HOUSE 3.piece bath on the second floor; 2 modern kitchens; stools and shower in the basement, and garage. - $10,995 Very low down payment; no real estate, please. 313 FRENCH ST. Phone Ruddy Electric Wholesale. RA water. $50 manthly. RA _|5-3536, Mr. Hollingsworth, daily 3 to 5 6 p.m. {p-m. rE 'ANTED Votes for Al Schatz for| FOR RENT -- New five-room bunga- Faden, of the Kinsmen Club of om: $100. Mr. Green. MO 8.3154, Al has been vice-president long | Fon RENT Three-room heated enough. Let's make him president. 113f 0 ent, central. Available immed. TOST -- Part hound dog, red and lately. Phone MO 8.2583. 1150 Brown, ile spot oh chest. Answers to FOR RENT -- Two rooms om . Reward. MO 8-4496. 1198 ground Sour, hot, cold water, build-in boards, $30 monthly; also electric POR RENT -- Five acres of Orchard, elder for sale. 117 Euclid Street. MO on 3rd r Sochrae 1152 concession cone Sheet, Apply Kapuscinski Store, highway. | THREE - room apartment, "self. contain ed. Apply 539 Albert Street. Phone R. 8 8.0753. aes SPECIAL new self-contained three- |rpom apartment, good location, Tv included, Phone Respaticbls. business man and 4 year old son desires room and board and loving care of child during business hours in Oshawa, Ajax, Whit- by or Bowmanville area. Apply Box 841, Oshawa Times | outlet, range, refrigerator | plenty of parking. Adults only. RA 13-9316. THREE unfurnished rooms, $55 month. |ly, lights, heat and water included.! | No children, RA 5 111 TWO furnished Touma: light house. , near Sl Centre, A Sr 10 Boulevard. 110f TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, 114b (can be rented separately, use of wash. er and 12 No. 2 FOR RENT -- Three-room apartment, |centrally located. Immediate posses- SALE -- Large six-room brick sion. 415 Byron Street North. 115¢ excellent condition, fire] BE pou Poa prices PUA Prone, oi one, 2% FOR SALE oe Wrecking ng 51 F Pontiac To an Sul Tae J roe W |FoR ® SALE -- A-1 sod. Phone MO bachelor |8-4114 Whitby. 1 gardens, lawns. A. , phone Oshawa, RA 8-1386. John |sEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary YORE REIFE _ iwo room, spartment, Sealy fursifhed, bed sitting 'and ian entrance. Apply 351 Palace Street. AS '?---Wanted to Rent UPPER duplex, good . location, sepa- WANTED -- self . contained apartment, rate entrance, kitchen, Uving-room, din- for one person. ette, bedroom, bath, Available June 1. Must be vicinity + os ete Street, | Abstainers. RA 8.8393, 1100 preferably Simcoe Apply Box Fopw | Toom flat In private home, 357, Oshawa Times. 114e th refrigerator, save, bull way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, |A GARAGE or parking place, close to In i and sink, aerial, Street West, MO 33860. 204 Chestnut West; phone MO 8.2563, Lopiawe store on Athol Street. Phone | ly decorated. 17 Elena Street. "nae FOR SALE i Cheyralet Sedan vs, | J S| RA 5.0016. | THREE room "suite "with ath, salt excellent con standa; » fully | FSR RENT -- 8 8 fs Jurnished room, WANTED TO RENT - Apartment or | contain: igerator and stove, equipped. 816 Centre South. MO 84242 central. Phone M MOTE May 28 duplex within 10 minutes of Four Cor-| apartment building, Available June ¥ after 7 pm Ue Roto. | ners, by couple with two-year-old. Best| RA 5.8160. | references. RA 5.7709 after 7 p.m. __|rwe . room apartment with a May 24 Young couple with small child re. bath, private entrance, $40 a month, quires five or six - room house in heat and hydro included. Phone RA Whitby Reasonable rent. Phone MO | 35-7915 12 8-5636. 113 ant surroundings, ba Apsty A pt. No. 2, 305 St ne. ° 2860. , 20c square sks Se rockery stone. MO 8-3013. - 80 T student do posters, small tilling, a suitable = stores etc. MO 8.2897 MUST BE SOLD COUNTRY LIVING--CITY CONVENIENCE $2,500 DOWN -- LOT 70 x 215 -- BUNGALOW $12, 900 full price, smart modern 5% -room brick ranch style with b y ond attached garage . Only 4 years old. All rooms are large, kitchen is ultra-modern, bathroom consists of 4-pc. with a built-in vanity. Aluminum windows and doors. Beautifully landscaped, and house is completely dec- orated, features a fireplace. This is @ home you'll be proud to own, don't delay, . this ivy will sell on sight. Call now for Jack Appleby at RA 5.6544 JOHN A J BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 169 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 114b, 114¢ | GALL us now. Clients wi Buving, | FOR RENT -- Furnished light house. Selling or renting. Call - Lamso keeping room with private entrance Real Estate, MO 8-3032 May 23 and TV Apply 542 Mary East. MO| PANT cuffing and He aliom, men's | 44 83332. Ide R. H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre om, For Rent M board and apartment for 20d ladles' wear; drapery alterations FURNISHED room, gentleman only, pos tn conveniences. . 700 Centre May 32($4.50 per week. -2853 1152 i Mrs. Bates. 1l4c USPUENISHED three large Toon, kit- FoR Lioyd |chen with sink, cupboards a eavy nt codon Shu at stove. Married couple. 44 Quebec : treet. gray. MO 8 113¢ | otilled, SINGLE room or room and Poi Shoes sa seeding. "wi private. Phone RA 8-633. 112¢ goo {TWO - room (very large) apartment, |redcorated, sink continuous hot water, |parking; one single room; one large | housekeeping room, \ 35-8352 120 SIX -room house "with "garage on on King Street East, near Wilson. For one fam. ily or two couples. RA 3.7189. 1126 ROOM in private home, very eentral, 5f spring mattress; suit gentleman, 102 |Elgin Street East. LARGE room, refrigerator, suiv one or two ladies or gentlemen. 25 Quebec Street, mesv in i five. "Ornamental Evergreens, Shrubs, Hedges, Paeonies, Perennials, choice collected Cedars for hedges, 35¢ ond up, ORCHARD NURSERIES No. 7 Hwy., South Side, 2. miles west of Brooklin", THIS WEEKEND SPECIAL AT PICKERING NURSERIES ROSES ROSES ROSES Collections carefully seleched for variation in color. 12 Hybrid Teas (amongst others, Peace, Helen Trau- bel, Golden Masterpiece), $10.90 (regular value $15.75). June 12 ® RENT -- Three-room seit -contain- ou h 610 Dun- wit! ~ West. MO 8-2024. liable tenants want. | ished self-contained rooms. Apply 740 Dundas East. 110f HOUSE ud bungalow wanted, Good down payments. W. MeAdley Realtor MO mt, Oshawa RA 3-2512. | FOR BENT -- Furnished 3 rooms and bath on ground floor, apartment build- ing; vange, refrigerator; $70. RA 5-3214. BRICK, Sleek and general cement free estimate call P.| Wolters, Mo. 8-229 June 7; FOR rent -- Smelt nets, lanterns, $1 each per night. Cabin trailers, $45 week- ly. Wilde Rental Service, Whitby. MO 8-3226. JDrivate_« en. LISTINGS wanted, homes, farms etc. | old and new: also rentals Whitby and| north to Lake Simcoe. W. T. Lamson, Real Estate. MO 8-3032. May ny FOR cl ILL. PAINT call {TWO rooms, unfurnished. App | Park Road South FURNISHED, light housekeeping Toom for one or two gentlemen, includes re- frigerator and washing facilities, rea- sonable. Apply 208 Bloor West. 113f hs Service: ptm A 5-0702 | FURNISHED room, suitable for two for spring i --_"" -- i> MO 3.3870. | FOUR room basement apartment, = sod for sale. veniences, semi N -private 0 cents yard. Phone Ajax 2%. new home, newly decorated. jing re | ONE] HALF hour from Oshawa. 11 Sonvenlanens: FraRaT storey, large family kitchen, EE. room apartment, separate bath, hot soft water. Immediate pos- couple. Mrs. McTaggart, RA 3.701 0230. Liod Ji 12 | | CENTRAL three - room Jags) | apartment, near hospital, ground floor, trance, all conveniences; Re teenage children 4 yh y sha eparate entrance, $75 a month. RA Ip 58-2577. 114¢ . | THREE - room apartment, heated, fur- Hii MONTHLY = Moder th rev nished, central, available June 1. 11 113¢|TWO furnished rooms, bedroom : kitchen, with refrigerator, ou (garage. BA SERIO. cues [Ritson Road_South. | DUNBARTON pi self. MODERN two-bedroom bun water, inside conveniences, very nice grounds. $45 per month. Phone TE 9. '2'¢!y. RA 3.9238. , ~~~ - room "apartment for rent, 3c {good locality, unfurnished, Phone RA Apply 59 | 8-6859. 114b ew home, perfectly dry. Bright, mod bin kitchen, bedroom, large living abstainers, quiet coupie. 112f CULTIVATED sod f furnished, or furnished, all | Soe | Chadburn Street 111f room house, al " | 3-plece entrance, central, suitable for business | 2. session. RA 5 {TWo ~ room apartment, | |use of automatic washer and dryer, Drew Street. I ap rp --------n | near Shopping Centre. Phone RA 3-3707, Phone RA 3.7602. - COTTAGE for. - Tent, . made over over from and sink, all conveniences. Apply 887 |congained apartment, hot and Park Road South, $85. Availab |2712 Dunbarton between 6 and 8 p.m.| THREE i13e| THRE E . room basement Spartment in room, heat and lights, parking space, | ee nice rooms, cupboard and sink DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store | 107 Bytom Street South MO 8- 5231; GRAVEL & FILL Driveway Gravel, $7 per load | Cement Gravel, $1.60 per yd. For Delivery Phone ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2660 FOR RENT -- Lawn rollers, seeders, mowers, garden tillers, post hole diggers, paint sprayers, cement mix. ers, wheel barrows, chain ond skill sdws, drills, grin- ders. Canoes, car-top boats, mot- ors, boat box ond cabin trailers, tents and camping equipment. FOR SALE--New and used boats, motors ond trailers. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE ond SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY -- MO 8-3226 f | people, board | Io 8 |e Hybrid Teas. $5.70 (reg- ular value $8.25). Grandiflora's (2 each Bue- caneer and Queen Elizg- beth) $4.90 (regular value $6.00) Floribundas (Independence, Jiminy Cricket, Red Pin- occhio, etc.) $5.70 (reg- ulor value $7.75). Fine Everblooming Climbers (Parade, Climbing Goldi- locks, Dr, J. H. Nicholas), $3.90 (regular value $4.75), | FIVE . | Apply 165 Verdun Road. RA 3-309. 114f [FOUR | FREE | couple, in gentleman's home, in return after 6 p.m for care of invalid man, also remu Tequired. 113 Alien | im kitchen, private bath. separate en- trance, suitable for working couple or room bungalow, all conveni-| girls. pire minutes from four eorners. nces, also apartment, available now. RA 3.2264 112¢ . For apartment, upstairs, $60. Phone RA 8-0363 na Market ONE lovely furnished room in private home, nice for gentleman. RA 3.7070. FOUR - bung treet. rent for lady or married sink in kitchen, tion. Phone Bowmanville, "room bungalow, three.plece bath, $65 per month, in 8 hee Immed- iate possession. RA 5.0429. Tindall Real Estate, 43 Bond Street West, Oshawa. 14 ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT Stove, refrigerator, washing facilities, Phone RA 5-3815 King Street West. FOUR . room spartment bath, self - contained, ay heated, June 1. RA THESE WILL ALL BLOOM THIS SUMMER Plant now, do not delay! Evergreens, Hedge Plants, Trees & Shrubs, Guaranteed Stock! Also Box Plants, Peatmoss, etc. central Jorn $73 monthly. Avaigble | 8434. LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less thon a vacancy, only screened ond reliable tenants. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 MODERN TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT All conveniences. Parking ores. Northway Apts, 630 Simcoe N. Available June 1. Aly: 341 Division St, after | PICKERING NURSERIES on No. 2 Highway, 3 miles west of Pickering, 1 mile west >f Dunbarton PHONE: TEmple 9-2111 Open All Weekend MODERN TWO-BEDROOM QUIET ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS Immedicte possession elec trically equipped, best loca- tion. Buckingham Manor, RA 8.8676 APARTMENTS ON 15 GIBBONS ST mediate possession. Adults or with children over 12. Apply 21 Gibbons St. Im- | J. A. VONDETTE MO 8-3322 WANT YOUR WEEKENDS FREE? Tired of pulling weeds and squashing bugs? Rather golf and fish or just glen sleep in? Let us show you this three-bedroom home in spotless condition. Large kitchen and living dining area, painted basement. Ideal sized lot landscaped so it can be enjoyed or ignored as YOU see fit. Priced fairly at $13,800 CONFIDENTIAL FILE Just one of our choice top drawer listings. Discriminating owner has placed his lovely home in our hands for immediate sale. In the heart of this desirable community with manicured lawns and excellent schools this beautifully solid masonry Ranch, 3 family bedrooms, fireplaced living room, dining room, 2 bath- rooms, divided basement, finished playroom ond knotty pine rec. room, laundry room 'with appliances. Shown by appointment only. $29,000 WHETHER YOUR CANDIDATE WINS OR LOSES _|one owner. RA Make three people happy by Listing your property -- we Sell it. You'll be happy, the buyer will be happy, so will we, that makes three. BERNEICE ARMSTRONG 'REAL ESTATE RA 5-3692 MO 8-3355 47--Automobiles For Sale 56 PONTIAC Laruentian two-door, two- tone, white walls, radio, A-1 condition, 3-4250 after 5 p.m. 115f '58 CHEV. Bel-Air fordor hardtop, 8 Sulinder, powerbrakes, power steering Turboglide Jransuission le level air sus. |pension. Other extras. RA 3.9748. 115f '53 FORD automatic, radio, white-wail tires etc., 121 High t, Bowman- ville. MArket 3-2706. 115¢ '58 DODGE, Crusader sedan, six cylin- der motor, automatic, two tone, Like new, $1750. MArket 3-5219. 110f '59 PONTIAC sedan, automatic, radio, ashes, etc., private, can finance. 2802. DODGE truck, S-Avsed, gear box, good hone RA 5- 1 re a -top, blue and white, spotless interior and finish; radio, automatic transmission, 18,000 miles, $1895. Lease expiring sale King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre, 110f '55 BUICK two-door hard-top, red and white, upholstery red and blue with not even a scuff mark, automatic trans. mission, radio, white-walls, $1295. Lease | expiring sale King West Motors, oppos. ite Shopping Centre, 1 41 CHEVROLET co. clean inside and out, A 5-8503 after 5.30 p.m. 'S17 FORD customline sedan, radio, small mileage, absolutely im- maculate interior, Ford expert says it's perfect mechanically, new tires, $1495, King West Motors, lease expiring le; opposite Shopping Centre. '50 PONTIAC coach, good shape. To RA 8-8208. CAR radios | installed, rear seat "speaker and dual aerials optional. Easy budget terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. "58 MERCURY Lucerne sed: and white, automatic tr: power steering, power bral padded dash, tinted glass, lights, etc. $2785. King West opposite Shopping Centre. *31 "MODEL A" Ford, Rovai "Victorian, Exceptional condition. RA 8-040. blue, radio, new tires, immacu. ) guaranted ale. King West Motors. 5% METEOR, | owe "50 Pontiac, § $123; 5: one '49 Pontiac, $100; Or Er nif All in geod condition. RA 5.7759. 52 FORD customline sedan, heater, window washers, excelelnt con. dition, A. Appleby, RR 1, Ashburn. Claremont 31407. 8 CHEV. Biscayne four-door sedan, excellent condition, coral and white, au- tomatic, radio, white walls, athens, gd miles, private, $2300. Cash 3467. | rhubarb, apple or-| Road 114¢ | White, excellent "good motor, 110¢ tutone, , radio, back-up Motors, 11 110f '58 FORD custom 300 Tudor, medium $1995. Lease 110f nice car, $375. RA 3.7512. 0f 113¢ radio, 114e {overlook a Classified ad as the {solution to your problems. om section every day. And don't all " CHEV 1 good condition. Phone cellent condition. Apply 34 South. ss FORD Customiine eda, Steen and Tr gUAr- anteed by Ford oe Ag! Boe wl in- terior, $1095. Lease pxpiring sale, a ing West Motors, opposite Shopping Cen on Robinson Motors (OSHAWA) LTD. 574 Ritson Rd. S. DODGE - DESOTO . SIMCA Sales -- Parts -- Service RA 5-6518 48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars| for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA | 5-1161 or RA 5-1182. WANTED "83 Stydebaker Champion or wreck- front end of same. Will top any 35-4944. ux er's price. RA 5- HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean -cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S. RA 3.9421 BUCK'S BODY SHOP collision work Painting, Towing Cars bought Expert Welding, and Storage and sold, H. MARLYN, Prop 361 BLOOR ST, E. RA 5.4513 or RA 5-7456 MACKIE MOTORS |» Will buy good clean cars. Pay off liens. Sell on consign- ment. Trade up or down. NEW LOCATION KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-in RA 5.5743 CASH FOR YOUR CARI LIENS PAID OFF NO WAITING, WALK AWAY WITH CASH IN YOUR HANDS Seaway Motors [3% LIMITED 200 DUNDAS W. WHITBY OPEN TILL 10 P.M. up, Repairs to all ers, om 31% GOOD used refrigerator, Coldspot, suid able' for summer cottage. arnt uw USED washer parts 3% hp motors, " wash. Guaranted 'washers, Paddys Market, Hampton. Ma 33055 Bowmanville, pi 8 Sa pind POWER avn meme Veg WR largest Sacounie in town, Delt ties time ge" » HP Johnson 438 Madison. RA 8.6873, GYM sets come wa and With on Te Store, FETERBOROUGH hardtop, 18 boat, 35 HP Johnson 57 outboard, trie at, Jonsrator, i ih gil Lu Latee i crib, % in bed, ; i 49--Automobile Repairs DKW & FIAT SALES & SERVICE ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W.--RA 3-7132 Hea RoADITER in fine tonneau cover, seat belts, 14,900 miles, used as second car. Phone RA 5.4488. 114d station wagon, ted, oll filter. Less than 4000 miles. New. car condition. RA 5.8888. > la 4 SLDSMOBILE ¢ 6, origi original m! cage | 51,000, good tires. Very clean. $100 - 3 37109, Ty "CHEVROLET sedan, good ay tion, $75. Apply 150 Burk Street. 115f '55 OLDSMOBILE 88 sedan, blue and white, automatic transmission; small mileage, clean as a whip inside and out, white walls, $1195 Lease sale, King West Motors. 110 #9 PONTIAC, good condition. Phone RA 5-8802. 112¢ '52 '(98" OLDS., hydramatic, power steering, radio, etc, Immaculate condi tion, 4600 or nearest offer. Can finance. MO 83-3262, Whitby "54 Ford, 37,000 actual mileage. $400 down, take over payments or $850 cash, Apply 356 Ritson Road North after 6 p.m. 113¢ 53 CHEV. sedan delivery truck, Phone RA 3.3798, he '52 DYNAFLO Buick, real good cond FOR THE FINEST REPAIR SERVICE ON FORD - RENAULT - CHRYSLER PRODUCTS -- TRY Van Huesen Motors 149 King West RA 5.3557 BRAMLEY MOTORS bo 2 "flied m ftrosson, Dinette table, walnut finish, Chest of drawers, 0 go. condition, RA 5-9476 nearly new. COLONIAL ALUMINUM COMBINATION. WINDOWS, DOORS AND AWNINGS Manufactured in our Whitby plant. Before buying come into our show room et 134 Simcoe St. S. end see our display or for & home dem. §atigtion coll Oshawa RA FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN COLONIAL ALUMINUM 134 SIMCOE S.,, OSHAWA SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford Service and parts. Wheel alignment, wheel balonce, with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equip GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS EVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trade-ins accepted. Finance. Terms. n evenings ond 50--Articles For Sale TC heii SPECIAL discount! 25 per cent off > 2 Jems board motor, good Buckingham. 1958 AUSTIN, A- 40, for sale. Phone RA 112¢ tion; 9 ft. plywood boat, i? hp on PPly 1 85-1204 after 6.30. 152 built: in ovens, ooking 8, dishwash: 13) ors ete. Kelly ter {i » 81 King West. BEAR front end alignment and wheel the coming election it will pay you to inspect this sturdy, brick, front porch 2-storey home, centrally located, easy walking to downtown Whitby. Not enormous, just 9 emple sized rooms with a possible 2 rooms in attic. Ideal for rooming or flat renting. Large barn at rear suitable for garage, private drive. Priced right for immediate sale. Oil heated. $15,000 HURRY--BLAST OFF "56 CADILLAC Fleetwood, all electric and terms, Mackie's Van and Storage 3+ 4992, '50 METEOR, good condition. Cheap cash. Apply 178 Bloor St. W. 110f | a ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up to 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home call RA 5-2802. autronic eye, white walls, radio, trade; Ltd., Phone days RA 5-4622 nights RA wood, ois Garage, 1373 Sim- MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONT, PHONE 87 ft. runabout mahogany cushis pring seats with Ly ate. hone RA 5-4622 days or RA 3.4992 nights, 1156 EATONIA six-way baby carriige, sil: grey. 3 aha _eatriage pad, $25. Like how. use ANCE ST baby's crib, seven storm windows, 26 by 58, Call RA 5-9889, 114b CRANFIELD MOTORS In the family cor and see this one. A. frame bevelled sidi 2-bedroom bungelow with full basement with fireplace, is living room, hardwood throughout, tiled floor in kitchen and bathroom on a lot 97 x 200. Owner eager to sell. $9,500 TIRED OF PLAYING CHECKERS? If 30, make Northern Heights or Westview Heights, yi, your next move and the game will be over. And you have WON o new Pome, i Sedreovn Jb a nice living room, Miciin Kitchen good size clo: forced oir perimeter heati | 40 minutes drive from Torro ? hegtins, 100) basements. Down Payments starting as low as $1,234 Carries for as low as $68 monthly, principle and interest i} 1% HP motor, a $69: portable air USED CARS FOR SALE LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN AND ACCESSORIES In Excellent Condition $40.00 PHONE RA 5-4629 SOmpIostor. $34: B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN MOORRIS, M.G., WOLSELEY, look RILEY SALES & SERVICE. > MTV.) Sie coe Street South. RA 5-9216. pa feriiture? We'll buy it. Re- pianos, stoves, etc. For cash offer, conta 19 Prince ror op RA 8-113 iL , ot NEW and used boats, outboard motors and Lawn-Cruiser grass mowers. Bue- caneer motors from $150 up. prices allowed on r old motors and lawn movers. Boat kits, sizes from 8-foot prows to 21-foot |cruisers. Barons' Marine and Sports, 426 Simcoe Street South. RA 3.2263. The Supreme SUNBEAM RAPIER Performance & Safety Endurance, Reliability NOW ON DISPLAY WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. 11 EXTRA For a better buy on aluminum storm-screen windows, flair vent awnings, doors, porch railings, pre-fab cottages and garages, stone tex siding, call HOLODY ALUMINUM 30 Grenfell St., RA 5.2431 Whitby, MO 8-4633 NONQUON RD. RA 3-443) BUYING OR SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Uust East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494, Res. 5-5574 COLONIAL ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS, DOORS AND AWNINGS Manufactured in our Whitby plant. Before buying come into our show room at 134 MAGNATONE GUITARS AND AMPLIFIERS Spanish and YHaveiion, Save up to 60%. Buy direct from Lloyd Hahn, Wholesale Rep- resentative, 59 Billingsgate Cresc., Ajox. wh 113¢. Simcoe St. S. and see our WHITBY DAYS EVENINGS MRS. RUTH CRAIGEN -- MO 8-5413 MR. HARRY JERMYN -- MO 8-3895 MO 8-484] | STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN display or for a home dem- onstratien call Oshawa RA 8-857 FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN COLONIAL ALUMINUM 134 Simcoe St, §. SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 Oshawa Food and freezer plant. $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approxi- mately 90 per cent gro- ceries and freezer, no . down payment, for ap pointment. No obligation. Phone RA 5-3709.