Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 May 1959, p. 10

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it will reconsider if both BasiMo be offercd Basilio, Lh LJ LJ Carmen Basilio Still on Hohe sgn,| " A can Got wked Ba a 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, sturday, Mey 16, 1959 > . "substantial guarantee" (re. |is wait, The rules are the yules," gy sports eno B1lly P1erce (Waiting For Robin aries By Geo. H, Campbell et one a i Sr on me canon won |p omy Ray Robinson still is bobbing and | 44 % or risk the vacating of his Tu Is National Assochation | of te Racing Commissioners OSHAWA'S 'SPORTS EDITOR R z 5 hd weaving i. Ll runing battle hy. fhe cominission, meeting at New York 10 years e thin From Sou To Nuts {ah the New York Stale Athletic rook No ACTION ago tony unanimously rejected | |Commussion, | Instead of taking getion Friday Is to legalize off-course i Robinson Flaine he already when the deadline "urrived, the| ting. A, T, Cole, chairman of REMDEZYOUS has complied with the orders of commission called a hearing for|the New York state commission, DECLARED ? i # 't been yel--ihere's 4 good it will be and very shortly--a "war" between a grou |the commission and the state sU- Monday after reading a letter|said Heensing of bookie CASTER property owners of the west side of Simcoe Street : r [preme cow by signing for alfrom Robinson's attorney, Marvin "kill horseracing" okies Orgule HOTEL LAN andra Park" as against the softball teams, fans By ED WILKS Oity edged within 008 percentage Brewer (13). Sept. 21 defence his World| Machat. painting to the. Philbdel. Ste 8 | public of the city of Oshawa. Seems that "the west fated Press Staff Writer [points of fourth place Washing. Bob Nieman's fourth homer, middleweight boxing title in Phil-|phia i , § if oles, St. residents" gof up a petition and presented it| Little Billy Pierce, twice § 20- tan UAT the Senators 4-2 following Bob Boyd's leadoff sin adelphia, The commission Isn't" Basilio, of course, has signed! Board of Parks Management and they, in their|game winner and one of the hest|A BREEZ {gle, won it in the ninth for the so sure, nothing, He has a $2,000 good L decided to recommend to the City Council that lefthanders now pitching, finally| Plerce got his second shutout Oriales, who had been shut out Melvin Krulewiteh, commis- faith deposit posted with the a softball diamond at Lakeview Park be installed is catching up with the New York|of the season in a breeze, walk-lon three hits hy Don Mossi (1-2), sion chairman, ordered Robinsan commission as a challenge to Aa xandra Park be ignored. The three-columa heating ankees. ing but two and striking oul Billy Loes (3-1) was the winner/to appear Monday afternoon with Robinson, who already has been) Oo Cd) - which appeared on Page 3 of Thursday's issue At 33, Pierce has only a 21-80;seven. The White Box col with 1 1.3 innings of hitless relief. all available evidence to prove he stripped of his title in National| LANL d--and we quote Residents Object To Alexandra lifetime record against the Yan-(lected six of their nine hits off jerry Walker gave up all nine has "entered into articles of Boxing Association territory, > seems just about as true a paiement thay eves Kees, Dut oe Hinged Bis Srp, He. White 2 ad 38. Fakiad Ui Tiger hits, hut didn't. allow a run agreement to defend against Ba- However, the NBA has indicated it' time the thousan shawa ! 8 y, until Leo prberet h pred | : we ut en in a oy for just|against the Yankees, but helsecond save in two games for the Tua pete omerad n , I ty-owned park, a sports facility that caters ta the|gained his fifth victory in his last Cleveland, retired Dick Gernert,| occ gemmerer, who had won : | ly thousands of people, either as players or spec: six decisions against them Friday Pete Daley and Bill Renna in or-|, 0070 S500 a "Kansas City their opinions. Alexandra Park was given to this Rig, planking New York oh der after Sickle ens n va: blanked until the seventh "when SERVIC STATIONS | as an athletic field and was such long before the|singles for a cago victo omer had. chas |Heetar Lopez rapped a three-run | I that gave the suddenly hot White Grant in the ninth. ¥ was No, * homer. Ray Herbert (2:3) allowed | med that petition ever topk wp residence on the of Simcoe Street, abutting Alexandra Park praperty. In/Sox a seven-game streak. for Jensen, who now has hit at only Nis lasing oftort we have had objections to motorcycle racing, harness| by wvei-game siieal--ontan feast one against every club In27 ns 'osing elon. OPEN THIS SUND AY ting to floodlight softball and|in the majors § Seaspn-- e league, yt g di he second-place White Sox with-| Rocky Colavito hammered his letter, have even raised ohjections to rebuilding the Y d. Truly--the "residentg ph Alexandra Park use' na half gaine of he Araricn ninth for $he Ingiane ju » two: H ow LO N G suspect § 11 to § that Gelf $t be/League leading evela n-{run second and nnie Minoso oat they've all sab to, MRO od dians, who won 4-3 at Boston. wrapped it up with his fourth, a dra Park and d ay with #ignt fhyough Alexuwiipy Pars and Go away ioid | Baltimore clung to third with a/twe-run shof, in the third, Both| S | N CE YO U finest has-- fiel on ep », Wy sey namely Whe fives: qthletiy field 2-1 victory over Detroit, Kansas/were off starter - loser Tom At least two Oshawa teams will play softball this summer ad TE [ 8 league that embraces Pickering, Brougham, Ajax, Brook. ° | th. carson, Port Perry and perhaps Whithy, Every one of Uu S T e am c a t ain CHE CKED BRAMLEY'S TEXACO e centres, some only village-size, equipped w. ood- » P . YOUR CAR 1271 SIMCOE NORTH lighted softball diamond, except Port Perry--and if is being CROWELL'S SHELL considered there, or was a few Months ago. We could mention | Peterborough, Cobourg, Scarbaro, In fact about $0 per cen I of ph softball centres In Ontarlo--they all have special par S (o) ers | WH E E LS ¢ softball diamonds equipped with floodlights, We realize the 22 BOND EAST new Seaway has proven a tremendous success but we are a ; : | equally certain that teams from Port Perry, Brooklin, etc. MUIREIELD, _Seatland (AR)= match. Srv war, sea roe ERIN VAN HEUSEN"S WHITE ROSE are not going to come to Oshawa via Lake Ontario, Not aply is United Altes ED a Call. dott od SHOE The best insurance against bad it far cold after svndown, at Lakeview Park, plus fog, in ln Phar a Cog today fourd | Hg na, Ddila Soa My i vibrati 4 shi 139 KING WEST : the "playoff" months but floodlight poles, would mar Lake- hoo Bae aa rt ®, BE ging youl ine Wil Nre wear, viaration and shimmy AY as view Park as an ideal picnic grounds, for racing, ete.-- and |#Ved y ; Cl man, py oi a is to check wheel alignment | SARGANT'S TEXACO Lakeview Park was donated as a picnic ground, remember ? | Thirty - one years ago Jones beat Carr and Guy Wolstenholme! °°? 5,000 miles. The John When She Shifts To First Gear, Run For Aside from the fact that it was the Oshawa softball men who [sparked the U.S, pmaleyr 0 | Bean Visualiner checks and 278 PARK SOUTH | Shelt ' team to a 44 lead aver Britain 00g 0 corrects faster and more accu olter / requested the lights be at Alexandra Park--and they should 8 ard Wettlauf Buffal i y " w_. |in the Walker Cup Scotch four- ettlaufer, Buffalo, ang thes 11"on. aches bmporian, wfcy factor. Pasion so goes, Coe did the same'for Yau Ja RE Oblg, rately than athe; Methods. CLIFF MILLS CITIES SERVICE II We appreciate the warning, but this would be quite owned Michael Lunt and Alex iI o switch for us, Usually the only running we do there is one other important safety factor. Floodlight softball United States Friday will of courde be a real attraction for youngsters, the teen: J the reid ing U.S Shepperson 2 and 1 completing come in for a 222 KING EAST bh } ers and younger fans, How many Oshawa parents want Toi BW eign ® the th : ! | around here is in the direction of the customer, Be soungaers ching fo Takeview Park" every. Meh (amatcw, chamoion, wont el Raber 0 wre in ae our VISUALINER MEADE'S SUNOCO Fast, efficent brake seryice with o Raybestos Brake sre 3 all' game © ¥ Y against T. P. Perkins and routed is deceptive and gives no i Certificate to back it up . A Raybestos Brake Certif- youngsters (a few, but very few) who reside on the west side cation of how close the heck p y erti of Simeoe 5. North, in (his special area. We don't intend to fie SIUisE Miele 1B nd 1%) matohes really were," said Cop. check-up 74 SIMCOE SOUTH il icate is proof that your brakes are really safe. ee sacs (treme soy, [oar Oki History of the. NL6E0: cine. - Yesterany wo. "had top (TE -- DOVE'S FINA Don't learn ahout 'bad brakes' by accident Alexandra Park "sovth diamond" as the logical site for a odaw BBS year - old Coe from/bounce af the vall. And it doesn't HA BLY 792 SIMCOE SOUTH ! oodlighted softball diamond. We think it is significant that the Oklahoma City played British ice the same way ice. f 0 ° BRAKE SPECIALISTS ° Oshawa Hospital Board has raised no ohjection to the pre- [Champion Joe Cary of Ireland in|. io ocay LR ed ol 8 les, COOPER'S TE | posal. The question of traffic is not a problem--that was prov- (ge top singles match of this 4% OF HES Temaced by yoautiul TI RE LTD XACO en last summer when they took steps to cure this problem |yeap's competition. Ooe is the yr, EFS OE he A Spring, | . 410 RIT WwW and succeeded, with ease. As planned, the floodlights would Uys amateur champion. he & on iii] key SAFETY THONGH QUALITY SON RD, NORTH ° ° mot interfere with any ether diamond or sports facility in Al- Ope partnered Billy Jog Patton) ==" bah Ricddein exandra Park. And ¥ that's where the men who run softball [of Morganton, N.C., in a 9 and 8 lc i hi # MIT TON'S B.P. Jn this city, the players, fans, ete., think it should ho = then victory Friday over Arthur Per- ~ ATRieAN SUGAR ome amy nar orn 1038 SIMCOE ST. GARAGE SERVICE STATION and GARAGE 'we think their thinking should carry a lot more weight than |owne and Michael Bonallack. e South African sugar indus:|l oo 0 neol n cpa 3.7881 + NORTH | 67 KING ST, WEST ----- RA 3.7822 the objections of a handful of residents in a city of over 50,000. That was the only rupaway|try had record production of 1, . -- Am eee --r--e-| 180,600 tons in the 1058-59 season, FM Hann E ne "MAJOR LEAGUE : LEADERS | Soni Deiot Wy 5 Monday May 18th 8.45 p.m, WHITBY ARENA Fpx, Chicago 122 14 43 353 Kaline, Detrolt 115 12 40 .348 | s, Kansas City 106 21 36 .340 Mari Colavito, Cleveland 102 19 84 333 The G reat Bolo vs H it ! : iii] iA > TH 51° EL i i ; : 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. fl TR i "Runs -- Killebrew, Washington, Runs batted in--Killehrew, 38. . 'Hits--Fox, Chicago, 43. Y k E 'Doubles -- Williams, Kansas! u on ric y ity, 9. £& {Triples--Keough and Runnels, » Bostan, Cerv and House, Kansas Cty and Allison, Washington, 3. {Home runs--Killebrew, 12. [ Stolen bases -- Aparicio, Ohl | go, 7. | , 'Pitching -- McLish, Cleveland, | $40, 1.000. SPECIAL | eouts--Wyon, Chicago, 50. | y | MIDGET TAG TEAM BOUT ' National League 4 'y : | AB R H Pet. RC Little Beaver & The Brawn Panther Aaron, Milwaukee 115 21 56 487 | a \'4 3 Burge. Toh nati Lop 0 | Ski-Low-Low & Ivan The Terrible Pjnson, Cincinnati 120 24 41 342 | | i LONG i YE nd @ ONE OTHER EXHIBITION eo : cage, 38. [ hi ut Lord Athol LAYTON VS Pat FLANAGAN Mad LONG iDoubles--Cimoli, St. Louis, 14. | H 'Priples--Mays, San Francisco, | Tickets At... | [i\' \ "soir wes -- en 10] CASINO RESTAURANT Angeles, 8. ¥ --Face, Pittsburgh, 6-0, . ; Buna Promater ,.. PAT MILOSH | / Strikeouts -- Drysdale, Los | ; 4 Angeles, 55. Ji I ---- - Ep -- "TO MEMBERSHIP OF AMALGAMATED LOCAL 222 UAW. | l OM F ant vou that's am sanding. for sinehon gh Segre ! tary-Treasurer and delegate to U.AW. Canadian Council. My platform "Sound Experience". My main object is to secure and build a better way of life for oll and help especially my fellow plant workers, May | p for your opp i, my lificati which your continued fraternal support, in the past, has made possible. Your past app | hos ited in my gaining much FEIT EE +o NITH A WRECKED CAR. IF YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY DOESNT May | refer with Interest in the recently affiliated members, my diversified Union activity token from Tiana: GEMS | COME THROUGH FAST, ITS TIME YOU KNEW STATE FARM GIVES Thomas's (MPP) Oshawa Riding Secretary. | am on his Financia! Commitiee, cise recently in elections | was associated closely with our former Mayor and Brother | BAR RE ad YOU "HOMETOWN SERVICE WHEREVER YOU DRIVE. MORE THAN 100 222. Elected 1950 os Recording-Sec. of the Executive, also Sorgegnt-of-Arms I wos 1 year Vice-Chairman of GM Bargaining Unit JOHN M. BLACK . For a considerable period of time | was a Board Member of the Auto Worker Credit Union, Sec. to the Boa and on the "Loong Committee > | have served os Union representative on Pensions in GM. Unit. 1956-57-58-59. My interest in these J! A | 0 A LON 3 A L L R EA D Y TO G | VE senior members is profound. , Treasurer of the Union's Building Company while modern Unign gall launched. Completed and signed off "shares". Served on Exec. Boord of Oshawa and District Labour Council, once Secret f its. Municipal C > TR a OO Dea Or PTs! dour Council, once Seeretary. of its. Municipal Cammiline and . Publlicit: Chairman of Union pignic, and for @ period of time edited the "Oshaworker, when A, Shultz went . on "Staff" ' 'Y A Y LJ ttended UA W.-C.1 0. Lgadership Courses in US. on Radio Publicity, Pensions, Social Security and News diting--Graduate also of Canadian Labour Congress Union Institute on "Canadian Economics" in 1956 : . Since 1950 have attended (Blacted) 3 CLC. Convemonsm Canada, 3 SW, termes! Enventors in US. CO N T A C 1 YO U KR F R ] EN D 1 Y N E A RB Y ST A { E F A RM A 6 EN T STATE FARM | ' It is our duty to strengthen every cultural ond economic tie that helps to bridge the Gulf between [ia a. Runs batted in--Banks, Chi- East ond West. A Christian conscience cannot remain complacent in the face of moral issues involved, when 2/3 of the world's people continually go to bed hungry, some children sick and ¥ desperately hungry, while 1/3 ore stuffed with luxuries. It is our duty In 1959 everywhere, to N\ build into the ccmmon life of the West more of those Christian principles which alone can make Y L LOW PA S 0 F Y0 U R T E L F i i Nn 114 weibogs our way of life warthy of suryival ' . in \ a 4 i "UTANCE n finishing this message, | make one promise that | will merit your confidence by making Local shi 4 22 o better place in which to do business. Every vote will be greatly appreciated i State Far ut | A t bil I > anal > Yours for Advancement For All, ua u omo | e / Hoes mM nsurance Company / HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO, ONTARIO

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