A ---------------- Charles Gibbs and eommittes. ~. OBTAINS FIRST CLASS HONORS GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES TANNERY AUXILIARY | The regular meeting of the Tannery Ladies' Auxiliary was |held on Tuesday, May 12, at the home of Sister Florence Kitchen. Minutes, treasurer's report, bingo report, and sick list reports were given. It was decided to send two CGIT girls to camp this summer, and also to send a donation to Harman Park for baseball caps and sweaters for the young boys. Another bus trip is planned for |the residents of Fairview Lodge jon May 27. ? Final arrangements were made for the banquet on Saturday, June 6, at Pontiac Inn. JESSIE PANTON AUX. (East Group) The East Grou of the Jessie Panton Missionary Auxiliary held its monthly meeting in the ladies' parlor of St. Andrew's United Church with Miss Grace Ander- ison, group leader, presiding. Arrangements were completed for the East Group's assistance in the catering for a wedding on March 23. It was also decided that each member would donate 25 cents for /the supplies necessary in con nection with the quilts which the group is donating to the citv wel- fare, It was also decided to hold a|Church was held at the home of| meeting on the second Wednesday in June at the regular meeting place During the evening the secre tary's report was submittec which 'was of particular interest. tefreshments were served by Mrs. William Bear and Mrs. Har- old Grant who were hostesses the evening, CENTRE STREET WA | (East Group) | The East Group of the Wom- held annually in the parish hall.| members, Announcements were made on coming WMS activities. The Loyal Workers will present the worship service and program for the June meeting of the After- noon Auxiliary of WMS, The bale will be packéd the last week in May and any good used clothing will be gratefully accepted. The June meeting of the group will be in charge of the executive, Mrs, Frank Vice and her com- mittee presented the devotional and program. Mrs, Vice read a poem "A Smile You Give A Weary One'. Miss Effa Wrigh! read the scripture, Mrs, Joshua Kinsey's talk was about hymns, thejr authors and the inspiration that, prompted their 'writing. Some of the hymns were: "In The Cross of Christ 1 Glory" by John Bowring, "God of Our Fath- ers' by Rudyard Kipling, "Jesus Tender Shevherd Hear Me", bv Mary Lundie Duncan, "What A | Friend We Have in Jesus" by Joseph Scriven, "Onward/ Chri tian Soldiers" by Sabine Baring Gould, "Still, Still iWth Thee' by Harriet Beacher Stowe, and oth- ers, ST. JOHN'S JUNIOR WA | The May meeting of the Junior {Women's Auxiliary of St. John's Ukrainian Greek Orthodox the president, Mrs. Walter Kuch, | Minutes of the last meeting were read and Mrs, Nicholas Se- menuk presented the financial statement in the absence of the treasurer, Mrs. Steven Gonta. Mrs. Kuch reported on the Eater for visit of the auxiliary members to) pice Maddaford the hospital and Fairview Lodge, | A lengthy discussion followed [regarding menu and preparations {for the Easter dinner which is VON Directors Hear May Reports The board of directors of the Oshawa Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses held its May meeting on Monday afternoon, May 11, in the board room at the City Hall, , In her report for the month of April Miss Isabelle Sorley, nurse- in-charge, stated that during the nionth 25 new patients had been admitted. During the period 366 visits had been made including 339 for adult nursing care, three to pre-school children and 24 for, health instruction work. | The hours worked by the nurses totalled 502 and fees collected totalled $437.61. Mrs. Norma) Bingham, recently engaged as third nurse, started. to work full time on April 20. Mrs. Ellen Dur-| ant, relief nurse, had worked! seven days during the month, The Venerable H, D, Clever: | don, president, presided at the meeting. The minutes were read| by the secretary, Miss Helén | Boddy, and the treasurer's report, as given by the treasurer, Mr, | [F. A. Mcllveen, A letter was] {read from the City Council stat- |ing that the VON office located in| {the City Hall would not be avail-| |able after September due to need of increased space by the city staff. A committee consisting of | Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon, Mr. | H. Collins, vice-president, and |[Mr, D'Arcy Bird was appointed o act regarding securing other space for the office, Miss Catherine Maddaford, re- gional director, was present at the meeting 'and brought greet. ings from the chief sunerinten- dent, Miss Christine Livingstone, spoke of the {home nursing care and referral {plan of the VON and commended {the Oshawa Branch on maintain- ling a high standard of efficiency. | Archdeacon Cleverdon and] In the recent Royal Academy | hill boulevard, obtained first en's Association of Centre Street|This is the first vear that the| ) ) » a: s Ass ; * Miss Isabelle Sorley who had at-| class honors in the primary |ypnited Church met recently at|Junior Auxiliary will be in charge|iended the annual meeting of the Carol and Fern- ballet = examinaitons, Brown, daughter of Mr, Mrs. Mortimer Brown, grade. [the home of Mrs. W. G. Dickson|of this event. Mrs, Paul Plishka, yON held recently in Montreal,| == --Oshawa Times Photo or jig regular meeting Mrs. Dickson chose "Mothers" Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, May 15, 1959 |as the theme for the devotions, lusing "Appreciation of Mothers" as the central thought. Mrs. Fred Taylor presided. Roll was called and minutes of |1ast meeting read by Mrs. Dean | Peel. Treasurer's report was |given by Mrs. Ernest Howard, | A rummage sale was an- | convener of the dinner, asked for {the co-operation of the members in making this a success, | The dance committee called a | special meeting for May 28 in the |parish hall for decorating and last-minute details concerning the Spring Frolic to be held on May 30. Mrs. Dmytro Luchak and Mrs. | Steven Hercia introduced Mrs gave their reports. res Simcoe Hall Subiect of Talk | ' To Lenore Group | | The May meeting of the Lenore / ww » . Eleanore Ann Lack and Jo- | Roman Catholic Church, The both of | wedding | and Mrs, vows recently at Holy Cross | Oshawa, Worona, exchanged seph John Oshawa, LODGES AND SOCIETIES BETA BIGMA PHI The regular meeting of Gamma Epstion Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi was held on Tuesday, May 12, at the home of Mrs. Clarence Freek, Whitby, with the presi- ident, Miss Joyce Power presid- The Ritual of Jewels ceremony (was held for the pledges, Mrs, J. F. Morritt, Mrs, P. F, Me- Bain, and Mrs, Kenneth Young. in the absence of the chaplain, Sister Betty Atkins, Arrangements were made for |special occasions in the future, including the birthday banquet which will be held May 183, Sister Ina Milgate was given a very hearty vote of thanks for her donation to the lodge. Sister Gertrude Logan gave a of the Grand Lodge, which was held in Niagara Falls, | After a short busi meeting {the president' installed the new lexecutive who will take office in |September: president, Mrs, Douglas W, Wilson; vice-presi- |dent, Mrs, Arthur Hilton; record- ing secretary, Miss Betty Leask; | corresponding secretary, Mrs, Bryan Cole; treasurer, Mrs, Ken-|| | Ineth Young. { Mrs. Leo Ratelle reminded the | | members the Phi Phi Chapter was holding its. Ritual of Jewels ceremony at the Hotel Genosha| on Wednesday evening, May 13,| at 8:00 p.m, i | The cultural program was | given by Mrs, Earl Kuntze, who| |spoke on the subject "The Ama-| Iteur Spirit", | The next meeting will be held lat the home of Mrs. Douglas Wil- Ison, Rossland road west, and will; {be a pot luck supper, on Tuesday, May 26. | | Refreshments were served by| ithe hostess, assisted by Miss |Joyce Power and Miss Helen "ardon, QUEEN MARY LODGE Officers and members of Queen Mary Lodge 97 held its regular] meeting in the Coronation Orange Hall with the Worthy Mistress, | Sister Evelyn Bilton, presiding, | assisted by the deputy mistress, | [Sister Gertrude Logan. Devotional exercises were per- formed by Sister Agnes Temple ' while you Hear Batten! | AT-THE-EAR HEARING AIDS WEAR " INCON, BEHIND THE ky ZENITH DIPLOMAT SLIP-ON WEARING AID fly. Plugs instantly Slips on of off in armold. into tiny lightwei| New ZENITH EYEGLASS NEARING AID Worla's most ature ne conspicuous hear worn fight at your ear, bride is the daughter of Mr, Robert W, Lack of --Photo by Ireland, PERSONALS SOCTAT, NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mrs. E, J. Black and Mrs, H, T. Hunking will pour tea at the annual spring bazaar arranged by the Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church next week. Mrs, R., D, Luke is convener of the tea room and guests will be nounced for June 9, and a near- John Goreglad for membership, (Group was held in the parlors of received by Mrs. W. T. Dempsey, Mrs. John Dutchak was a guest Simcoe Street United Church on|gyjld president, and Mrs. D. A. K. [iy new sale for May 26. A report was given of flowers) [os cards sent to the sick | A picnic was planned for Thurs- at the meeting. The business meeting was fol- lowed by a demonstration on cas- Wells, the president, presiding. | Mrs. John Thompson read the; {day, July 9, at the home of Mrs. ualty simulation. The next regular scripture and Mrs. Stanley Myers Howard Willson, King | east. The June meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Norman Mech- in, William street east. Double-Ring Ceremony Unites | Joan Goodall, Robert Henry Northminster United Church/for the bride, was the scene of a wedding on regal blue flowered silk Saturday afternoon, May 9, when | with a blue and green petal hat "A Dedication to Mothers'. Joan Goodall was united in mar-| and matching accessories. Assist-| wore white and Crepe gruce presided and read a | LOYAL WORKERS | The Loyal Workers Group of [the WMS of King Street United Church held its May meeting in| {the church parlor. Mrs, C. C. Mrs. Bert Howlett read the min- riage with Robert David Henry.|ing was the bridegroom's mother tes of the last meeting and call-| The bride is the daughter of|in White and powder blue flower-led the roll. Mrs. Edward Sills | G0 Board of Toronto who was|street, on June 9. This will be in| Mr. Sidney Goodall of Oshawa, | ed silk crepe. Both wore cor- gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. | end the late Mrs. Goodall, the bridegroom is the son of Mr. | and Mrs. Clarence Henry of Osh- awa, The Reverend H. A. Mellow performed the double ring cere- mony. Mr. John Robertson play- ed the wedding music and ac-| mmm companied Mr, J. McKnight who sang "'O Perfect Love" and "Be- cause". Given in marriage by Mr. Aylmer Ward, the bride wore a full length princess gown, of gar- denia white silk brocade, featur- ing a scalloped neckline and sheath sleeves, A headdress of sequins held her long illusion veil, and she carried a cascade of pink aristocrat roses and white feathered carnations. The maid of honor was Mrs. Jack Logan, sister of the bride, and the other attendants were Miss Janette Loyko, Mrs. Thomas Laughlin and Mrs. Eggleton, sister of the bride- .groom. They wore identical| gowns of mauve nylon chiffon flocked in white over mauve taf- "feta, fashioned with sabrina neck- lines and elbow length sleeves «with short white gloves. They swore wide brimmed hats fashion- ed of the same material as their gowns, and carried cascades of ellow chrysanthemums. Master ark Logan, small nephew. of the bride, was ring bearer. ' Mr. Robert Matthews was best man, and the ushers were Mr. Arnold Eggleton, Mr. Joseph ®lesky and Mr, Elwood Ward. * The reception was held Northminster Church hall where Mrs. Aylmer Ward, who received | Canadian Legion .. Plans Activities and | sages of pink carnations A. Wilson read a tribute to G. For the honeymoon trip the Mrs, Knibbs who was a member, bride travelled in a beige wool of the group. Reports were given| suit with a green hat, matching by Mrs. Bruce Wilson on calls accessories, and a corsage of rust made by chrysanthemums. On their return! month and by Mrs. Ernest Brown the members for the ' in the parish home. | | Madonna Group | Birthday Party | A birthday party was held by the Madonna Group of St. Ger- trude's Catholic Women's League | POEM | t5 celebrate the third anniversary |of lof its founding. A surprise guest Members were also advised of a at the party was Rev. Fr, George| Coyne of the Redemptorist Mis.| conducting a forty hour devotion| at the parish church. { A short meeting was held dur-| ing which the welfare convener, | Mrs. Michael Rudka, reported helping through the Nearly New Shop, two large families who| the couple will live in Oshawa, |and Mrs. Hugh Myers on the sick| MR RH + 'her work as treasurer, a position Thomas § in| "HOW DOES THIS LOOK, MUMMY?" | Son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Conlin, Wood street, is Gerard Thomas who celebrated his first birthday on April 10, Jerry is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kinlin and Mrs. Louis Conlin, all of Oshawa. --Photo by Venus Home Portrait * The Ladies Auxiliary, Canadian Legion Branch 43 met on Tues- day evening, May 11, with presi- dent Mrs. Herbert Bathe presid- ing: "~The financial report of bazaar held recently showed a substan- tial profit and will help consider- ably toward comforts for sick and fipedy veterans. A donation is to be sent to the British Sailors So ciety. «Final arrangements for the 25 §ear-membership dinner were made and members wishing to aftend must purchase their tiok- ets not later than May 19. Mrs Robert Williams is in charge of tickets and, the dinner will be held on Tuesday, May 26. Mrs Edward Bouckley is in charge of entertainment. On June 2, the Zone Rally will be held in Oshawa and on June 10 a bus will be chartered for the yearly visit to Sunnybrook Hos pital when 400 parcels will be dis tributed to sick veterans The catering report was given by Mrs. C. E. Vermoen, and the profits given in to the treasurer. This is a worth while effort and helping toward the ever growing expenses. Reported fll in Oshawa General Hospital were Mrs. William Col- Mins, Mrs. J. Stark, Mrs. Kenneth Solomon and Mrs. Cooper. Sick at home are Mrs. William Hun- gored. Mrs. C. Hewett and rs. Beech At conclusion of meeting re- freshments were served by Mrs Painting Decorating Interior and Exterior PAINTING PAPERHANGING GYPTEX WORK and ROXATONE WORK Etc. Free Estimales and Color Scheming PATTE'S | PAINT & WALLPAPER OVER 85 YEARS AT 85 SIMCOE NORTH RA 5-3529 {were badly in need of clothing. | | A small token of appreciation and| a hearty vote of thanks were ex-| {tended to Miss Vera Brown for she has held since the group's in- ception. Mrs. Bert Heemskerk was also presented with a small gift for her constant attendance at meetings and her unfailing as- sistance in the shop. Mrs. Albert Winterink was given a medal for| her new son Ronald Paul. was also complimented for her attendance at every meeting ex- cept one. After closing the meeting with prayer, the Reverend Francis Mahoney commented on the fine work being done by the group and the manner in which people from so many different national back- grounds had been able to work together in harmony and accom- plish so much, He expressed the wish that such work should con- tinue and that all newcomers should be made welcome. Refreshments were provided and served by Mrs. Stephen Harkin, Mrs, James Carmichael, Mrs.. James Sabyan and Mrs. Yan Vankuit, The birthday cake was made by Mrs, Walter Branch, She| § street meeting will be held on June 10 conducted the worship service. | A splendid report was submit- ted covering the recent dessert luncheon and a letter was read from the speaker on that occa- sion, Jo Ratcliffe Clark. It was decided to hold a rum- mage sale on May 29, and sev- eral members offered assistance. Announcement was also made of the quarterly pot luck supper the Woman's Association. | pot luck supper at the home of Mrs. Harry Smith, Alexandra lieu of the Lenore June group|,, |was responsible for the meeting.'ard Wood, Bowmanville; meeting. Tentative arrangements were made for catering on June 4, and| another catering project was men- tioned for later in the month. Miss Marilyn Scott contributed several accordion numbers. | The speaker was Mr. Graham Nelson, assistant director of Sim- 19°SALE MALTS & SHAKES SAVE TV This Thurs, & Fil. only 1347 SIMCOE ST. N. | AT TAUNTON RD. | | | [Tuesday evening, with Mrs. H. H.| Allen, wife of the minister, Mrs. 8S. G. Werry is general convener for the St. Andrew's Flower Fund tea to be held on Thursday, May 21, in the Chapel coe Hall, who gave a talk on the work accomplished at Simcoe Hall, ranging from the nursery school to the Golden Age club, Mention was also made of the Cerebral Palsy School, the boys club, accordion and piano lessons, a course in archery, the chil- dren's library, first aid and the craft shop, Mr. Nelson showed colored slides of the different phases of Simcoe Hall, The speaker was introduced by rs. F. J. Peirce, whose group Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas of T the it of their daughter, Marilyn Joyce, to Mr, John Douglas Fowler, son u Mr, and Mrs. Harold Fowler Macleod, Mrs, Hector Campbell, ot Deawa, Te haviage 3 Mrs. Harry Wilson and Mrs. 1959, at 2 o'clock in Leaside F. R. Stephens. Presbyterian Church, Toronto, and parlor of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church, Mrs. James Warnica will have charge of the servers who will be Mrs. W, D. Burns, Mrs, Murray Miller, Mrs. D, I. The Marktonian Players of Hali- fax will present their entry, "Teach Me How To Cry" by Patricia Joudry at the Dominion Drama Festival to be held on Wednesday, May 20, at 8 p.m. at the Royal Alexandra Theatre, Toronto. A former Oshawa girl, Miss Shirley Coulter, will . play|t the role of the teacher in the three-act drama. PROTEST U.S. PURCHASE FORT WILLIAM (CP)--Local 1075, United Auto Workers (CLC) sional services in con. nection with Zenith Eyegloss Hearing Aids are available only through your ophthalmologist, op ftometrist, or oplicion, DEFERRED PAYMENTS ¥ Desired | IMPERIAL OPTICAL 22V, Simcoe St. S. RA 5-174] union said the move is contrary to efforts being made to curb un. Other items of interest to/employment and bolster Cana. women will be found on Page 2. dian industries. Out of town guests at the| [ Henry-Goodall wedding were Mr,| Margaret Rowe, Toronto; Mr. | and Mrs. Keith Austin, Burk's/and Mrs. Lloyd Clark and Mrs. | Falls; Mr. and Mrs, Gordon|Nora McCorey, Whitby. Blacks. = Cherry, Mrs. Lily Collett, Mr, and Mrs. Terry Hodgins, all of Port Perry; Mr, and Mrs. How- Mrs, TWO STORES IN OSHAWA OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 P.M. RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS Summer Voyagers at 29.95 CAMPER a kh. speedy recovery is fulfilled in Y, 17 Measured against this loss, the 7 PRESCRIPTION IS SENS RRS Thanks to the doctor's profeseional skill and the "miracle drugs" of modern medicine, his promise of a many illnesses which formerly meant long absence from work and costly loss of income. cost of medical attention and prescribed medicine is very small indeed -- a "bargain" unequalled by any comparison of benefit or value. bade LLL LL TL TL EL TT pu | "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S OUR PROFESSION" Jury & Lovell LIMITED OSHAWA--BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY "We Send Medicines To Europe Postage Free" eo CHIDREN'S SIZES 5 to 10 89: ZELLER-THRIFT-PRICED! -- blue canvas Shoes that are so FOOTWEAR SMART AND STURDY! 'round warm-weather play wear, nd TENNIS PS OPEN FRI, EVE, TILL 9 P.M. © MISSES' SIZES 11 to 2 Excellent quality red print or comfortable for tennis and all Rubber soles, Big 'Buys! LM SERRE FOR BOYS eo Boys' sizes Trl yt .. 1.69 Little So Sizes 1.49 ZELLER = THRIFT « PRICED! -- Durable boots! Superb for baseballs tennis, camping, etc, Extra-durable black canvas with sturdy rubber soles in styles sketched. Smart coats of corded bengaline with self- stripe, shaped into two basically beautiful styles . . . complete coverage for all your summer travelling events. Exactly a: sketched in sizes 10 to 20. § Se NAVY, BEIGE, OYSTER, BLACK OR GREY STRIPE Blacks. FOR GIRLS | 19 SIZES 4 TO 2 -- This smart multi-stripe Shoe will keep action-ful feet cool and com- fortable all Summer through! Durable \canvas. with arch cushion insoles. DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. S. Phone RA 3.2294 ZELLER'S LIMITED LADIES WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-1912 SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD, S. Phone RA 3.2209 A