Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 May 1959, p. 6

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bd 4 i i i § ll School, 82; Lincoln Ave. School! uous: 1. St. Andrew's B, Ajax,| ¥ ¥ J i } |@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, FPridey, Moy 15, 1959 ARENA MEETING IN An all-purpose stadium to cost about $1,000,000 with an auditorium and arena was ap proved by a meeting of about 200 Oshawa citizens at a pub- BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A course aimed at educating pros. pectl of 15 and 16, and others who may be interested will start within the next two weeks, The hunter safety course, de- signed by the Omtario depart ment of lands and forests, is in. tended to cut down the incidence of hunting accidents, ve hunters between the ages Set Up Hunter Safety Course thusiasts under the age of 21, Therefore, the course has been designed for those between 16 and 16 years of age, who are in all probability preparing to ob- tain their first hunting Ii DARLINGTON LEAGUE BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --- Alan Th of hunting accidents, They are Ig norance, stupidity and careless: ness, He added a casualty from the hunt is harsh on all who are Harsh words describe most elected Courtice, was of the Darling- ton Football League at the annual meeting, Others elected to the executive include vice - president Grant Werry, Enniskillen, secre- Elect Alan Thompson President For 1 June 13: Solina at Hampton; Zion at Courtice, June 17: Maple Grove at Ty- rone; at Bowmanville, : Enniskillen at Solina; Courtice at Bowmanille, June 24: Enniskillen at Hamp-| 959 Bowmanville at Wampton; Solin at Courtice, August 13: Hampton at Zion; Enniskillen at Tyrone; Maple Grove at Courtice; Bowmanville at Solina, August 20! Courtice at Bowe manville: Zion at Maple Grove; Tyrone' at Hampton; at Enniskillen, July 2: Bowmanville at Cour- tice; Maple Grove at Zion; Hampton at Tyrone; Enniskillen at Solina, July 9: Zion at Bowmanville; Hampton at Enniskillen; Tyrone at Courtice; Solina at Maple AWNING SPECIAL > oc OSH lie meeting Thursday night, Picture shows the meeting in progress at OCCI auditorium, Plans were the result of a year's work by a committee of Lauds Rotary On Initiative AJAX (Staff) Dr. G. Roy Fenwick, adjudicator at the mu- sie festival in the Community Centre was the guest speaker at the Rotary luncheon, He spoke of the amount of ef- fort required to stage a success. ful music festival and compli mented Ajax Rotary Club in de- veloping a love of good music in the schools of Ontario County. Dr, Fenwick said, 'I am a staunch supporter of music fe tivals, They combat the evils of switching on buttons to get music, sports and entertainment In competition, the children give their best, If they don't win they go away and do something about it, Even the best is some times not good enough, I have no- ticed a great improvement this year over last year, You have set an excellent standard and you will go on to much higher stan. dards." Dr, Fenwick said, 'Many peo. could recognize good music Some people hear a singer and | learning that the artist received ly several thousand dollars for the co-ordination, nce, conclude performa be all right, it must breath control, and correct pos-| ture, Music also does something | pilots AW 40, A finance committee will be set up to work out ways and means of financing the proj ect, Story and pictures on Page 3. ~Times Staff Photo Bulk Cargo Priority ' For Anyone OTTAWA (CP) Transport | Minister Hees, elaborating on a| statement he made earlier, sald Thursday: a priority on passage through the Welland Canal ex. tends to bulk carriers of all reg- {| istries, | | sols," DR. G, ROY FENWICK { The act of singing develops) concentration, "In a festival such as this", for the spirit sald Dr. Fenwick, "the children have access to music 'There is no limit to what the| worth child can do given the encour. pe hil JO a} n singing. Music affects the child agement such as Rotary is pro-\yno giyation 'very much mentally, physically and spiritual-'viding"', he added. | Judge Pleased With Singing AJAX (Staff) -- The third an. Whitby and sual Ontario County Music Festi. 84 val, sponsored and organized 'by AJax Rotary Club completed its| St, Andrew's Senior School, Ajax, United first day Wednesday in the Com-!g7. munity Centre, Ajax. Adjudicator! ya Dr. G. Roy Fenwick, director of Frenchman's Bay, Class18, Girls' = Triple St. 1} Andrew's, Ajax, 86; s 11, Girls' Choir: St. An-| music, Ontario Department of drew's School, 88. Education, Toronto remarked on the excellent quality of the sing- ing. He said the marking was close. The festival through Thursday will continue winners in each class, The results to date: Class 2, Grade 2, Chorus: Park- side School, Ajax, 86; Parkside 85,7 Lord Elgin School, Ajax, 84. Class 3, Grade 3 Chorus: Lord Durham School, Ajax, 87; Lord Elgin School, Ajax, 86; Lord Dur. ham, Ajax, 85. Class 1, Grade 1 Chorus: Park side, Ajax, 86; Parkside, Ajax and Lord Durham, 85 Class 5, Grade 5 Chorus: Lord Elgin, Ajax, 87; Parkside, Ajax, 88; Parkside, Ajax, 85 Class 21, Grade Brooklin School, 85; 7 Chorus Rouge Hill Pickering, 80 Class 15, Grade 1 Chorus: Dun- barton, 83; West Rouge, 84; Rose bank, 83. Class 16, Grade 2 Chorus: Rose- bank, 86. Four tied for second Jace with 85, West Rouge, Street, Pickering, Frenchman's Bay, Dunbarton Qass 17, Grade 3 Chorus Meadowerest, Brooklin, 86; Dun. barton, 85; Glengrove and Rose- bank Road, 84 Class Grade 4 Chorus: Meadowcrest, 86; Lincoln, Pick- ering, 85; Dr. R. Thornton, East FOR MISSED PAPERS 1 you have not received your Times by 7 p.m. coll AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All colls must be placed before 7:30 p.m, and Friday. SC Friday and Saturday evenings, / " concerts will be staged by the Holy Trio: 84; Class '27, Girls' Glengrove, 85; West Rouge, 83. Class 47, Junior Church Sunday School Choir: St. Bernadette's, 3; St, Paul's United, 85; inity and St. Paul's Unit Triple Rosebank, s 45, Church Choir: Holy Trinity, 89 and St. Paul's United, 88 50, Adult four part Class *: Ajax Public School Teach: Ch ers THURSDAY WINNERS Winners in Thursday's session the South Ontario County ic Festival are as follows: 10, schoo! choir, four. part: St. Andrew's Senior school, Ajax Class 4, Grade 4 unison chorus 1 Elgin school, Ajax: Tied for John's, Whitby; school, Whitby, rade 7, three - part of Mu 1 ) St hn G and St. Andrew's D, Ajax: 2. tie St. Andrew's C, Ajax and borne Street school, Whitby. an Willard, Pickering, 85, | He sald Wednesday that 'to assist Canadian and United States industries dependent upon expeditious movement of bulk materials such as iron ore, coal, | main and pulpwood and to en sure the effective operation of the anal, special dispatching will be resorted to," | Under this arrangement "bulk| carriers--whether in ballast or| loaded fully engaged in the transportation of commodities re- ferred to will he taken alterna. tive with general cargo ver. He said vessels of Canada and the U.S, will get equal treatment, | W. H, McMillan (L--Welland) asked whether the current con- gestion at the Welland Canal is due to a shortage of authorized Mr. Hees sald "we are doing our very best to get more pilots on the job." His department had) in mind at all times." Mr. Hees said "I would say that they had no validity whatso-| ever." Trans-Canada To Export Gas To U.S | OTTAWA (CP) Trans-Can ada. Pipe Lines Limited has ap- ~~ Iplied for government permission States, Trio: {to export natural gas to the| Mr, Fisher asked whether Mr Emerson, [Frost had advised Mr, Pearkes lof this suggestion and, if so, what States near and Niagara Falls, Ont, | Trade Minister Churchill said Thursday in a Commons reply| that the permit application calls {for export of not more than 200, 000,000 cubic feet daily to Mid. |western at Emerson and for an {Interruptible supply to Tennessee {Gas Company near Niagara | Falls. Man,, -- rer ---------- |school choir: St. Andrew's, Ajax, Port Perry, Uxbridge. | Class ,' section B, Grade unison chorus: 1, Brooklin, Rose: bank, and Cherrywood, Class 20, section B, Grade 6, two-part chorus: 1. Lincoln Ave nue school; 2, Pickering, Vaug- 3. Pickering Twp 5 han Willard; Rouge Hill, Pickering Twp. Class 24, section B, three-part school choir: 1. Resebank; Brooklin; 3. Prince Albert, Class 22, section B, Grade 8, three-, or four-part chorus: Rose bank Road school; 2. Brooklin, Rouge Hill, and Glengrove, Pick ering ., tied for third place. "|General 2.1 To date four instructors have been selected for the. Bowman- ville area, They are Jack Meach. in, E, Bethune, Lyle Hooper and F, L. Smale, Others qualified to instruct in safe hunting techni- ques will be accepted, To a gathering of about 46 in the auditorium at Bowmanville High School, Conservation Officer Stanley C, Simons, explained the purpose of the hunter safety course, He said 90 per cent of all hunt. ing accidents are caused hy en. AJAX PERSONALS By GRACE MILLS AJAX ~-- Mr, and Mrs, Bert Schrane, accompanied by Mrs, Schrane Sr,, spent the weekend include parts of weapons, types with their daughter Marjorie|and uses; proper gun handling in| : . (Mrs. Robert Rockburn) in Ot-|the field; shooting form on range oy x Solin Maple Grove; tawa, and attended the christen. firing; sight pictures; hunter re-| Zion at Hampto ik ing of their grandson, |sponsibility; sportsmanship; far-| May 23: Courtice at Tyrone; ) Imer-hunter relations; game law/| Enniskillen at Maple Grove, ib Mrs, M. Steer and her. sister, |i ou ladge: game identification; May 27: Bowmanville at So i Miss R, Baker, York street, spentip ining safety factors; firing on| Ma: "lon at Tyrone, Mother's Day with her daughter, | "| May 30: Courtice at Hampton; Mrs, Jim Philip, Utica, # ranges and an examination at the Maple Grove at Bowmanville, {completion of the course, June 3: Enniskillen at Zion; Mrs. Ena Robertson, Windsor] Following his remarks, officer yampton at Tyron, avenue, is a patient in Oshawa Simons showed two hunting safe. june 6: Solina at Courtice; | Hospital, where she|ty movies, "Trigger Happy Har- gowmanville at Zion. i underwent surgery last week. ry," and a New Hampshire state] June 10: Courtice at Maple| |figh and game production, | Grove; Tyrone at Enniskillen | involved, "A squecke of the trig. ger is all that between life and death," he added, MAY BE COMPULSORY The hunter suis pogn is expected to be made compulsory within a year and in all probab- BL Aen uo he or flity by September 1. At thatiyiie whose home games will be time applicants for hunting 3: played at Memorial Park, Games cences will be required to Pro-| are scheduled for 7,30 p.m, until duce a prior licence or a ceryifi- August 8, After that date all cate of competence which can be games will be played at 7 pm, acquired only hy taking the hunt-| Any senior games postponed er safety course, Instruction will/due to rain will be played the be given on how to handle wea | following Monday night, Any jun- pons safely and properly, lior games rained out will be \ 4 | played on the Friday night of the The Sonpliete evita takes 4 ume week. The junior age limit unger as of May partment advises it should be| 1% 10 yours or Yong given in four separate lessons." Following are the games sched-| Subjects covered hy the course yled in the senior league: t May 18; Bowmanville at Ennis- killen, son, Hampton, | Bill Nemis of Zion was named senior league referee-in-chief and Jim Coombes of Tyrone was named junior league referee-in- chief, m JAX TEEN TOPICS | Field Days Are Popular By GEORGETTE DUTHEIL |Len Kirby; AJAX Field day, usually a|Owen, Herb [special day for students, was held mediate, Roy Hobbs, Peter Ken Friday, Contrary to most tradi-|Draine: Seniors, Roger Lappin, tional scheduled field days, it|Dave Parker, Jim Barry (tied), Mr. and Mrs, Ted Winter and family, 5 Burcher street, have re- turned from Campbellford, where he was employed for some time, Efleen Imhoff, RN, a bride elect of next month, was the guest of honor at a number of bridal showers, Wednesday eve: ning, nurses at Ajax Hospital, where Miss Imhoff is a super- visor, held a miscellaneous show- er. The staff presented her with an eight-day chime clock, and! the medical staff presented a cheque, Geoffrey Junior, : Inter Richards Monday evening Mrs, Morris, Tudor street, and Mrs. | | Mecllveen were hostesses|was sunny and bright, Although! Lucille Bastedo and Noreen 5 i elu hind where alit was chilly dn the early morn. Pickell have wou thelr 3) visions number of friends presented a|ing, the . temperature rose by for the second phe, ons i 5 shower of miscellaneous gifts to midday a Rolf 10 18 AOA Cw on Miss Imhoff At Ajax High School, aside leadership camp, sponsored hy from the individual competition/the schools The camp is held at there is also a competition be: Lake Couchiching and one hoy TIMES BUREAUS |tween the two houses, The school and girl representative are lis divided into Blue and White chosen to go from each school. : AJAX | Houses. Each competes for points; Gary Newitt won five firsts and to add incentive and make the set five new Yeconds. Winning John Mills Ajax 420 "he White yhipand KER oar BE oy Vy this breaking the record of two con-| year. He was also on the winning BOWMANVILLE secutive winning Youry held by | basketball COSSA team, moeo'the Blue House, The teams are| ppp "ESTIVAL Rae Hopkine Ma, 37s hoaded boo hous coping toe A the school bands boys and girls, Eac . ' . v festi "a ous a il by group captains, |are taking part in the musie 1¢ sti Minister Gets [mis four for he's, time, 3a BANGS" Rote ct due to the better financial posi:| isdn Friday u tion of the student councll, rib: ibe Junior Band plays Hay No Advice bons were presented to the first lav Batuidey night five winners of each event play Satu . OTTAWA (CP)--Defence Min. Winners and runners-up in each UNESCO SPEAKER ister Pearkes sald Thursday heldivision included | Last week students of has received no defence advice! GIRLS: Juvenile, Fay Collins, High School played host to from Premier Frost of Ontario.|Wenda Cookson; Bantams, Lu-j ro pavovaky, a member of the He was replying, straight: cjlle Bastedo, Carol Groves; Jun: 1958 UNESCO Cultural Mission to| faced, to a Commons question iors, Elizabeth O'Brien, Pam Tapan, He spoke on the aims and from Douglas Fisher (CCF--Port|yickers: Seniors, Noreen Pickell,|Ton"o¢ UNESCO and the part Arthur) about statements attri: Gayle Sanders that Canada contributes to for. buted to the premier in the May| BOYS: Juvenile, Gary New itt, olgn ald and various organiza. 12 Fort William Times-Journal, ! - tions of the United Nations, Mp Ros Was yloted as say . Recently returned from a world ing a solution to defence prob. | J i hy sor of the pe + stn 1 dstenee re Cargo Carriers |i tied amu some or us pd Sued, intesevDto}, Bi . showed color slides from several | craft for Britain and the | |places where UNESCO Is operat. Loan Confirmed; OTTAWA (CP)--Trade Minis: Mr. Rakovsky was especially ter Churchill confirmed Thurs. pleased to Jiscover that Airy was being done about it, day that the Canadian, overs. High hed 6 UN cl the United Mr. Pearkes replied: "1 have ment will guarantee the Dang: po Nations as a contributor to world eived no advice from Premier |duired by two American ain) Nab i ) { | Frost." cargo carriers to buy 15 aircraft peace. . La . - ------ -- --|from Canadair Limited, Mont. 5 | fro for approximately 0 tn Rj S Of 000, | | $3,059,916 For | The Flying Tiger line will buy jax cene | {10 Slat wc A Fil F »- | {and Seaboard and estern Air t Extra Charges liners will purchase five. | 1 m es Iva | { | The government will protect AJAX -- The Film Council | OTTAWA (CP)--The sum of Canadair against non - payment staged a film festival at the! $3,059,916 has been authorized for by the buyers up to 85 per cent| Community Centre recently with) payment to seven St. Lawrencelof the amount owing, the minis: president, James Hosinec, con: | Seaway construction firms over ter said {dicting proceedings. B, deForest| |and above the original contract w------ = |Bayly introduced H. R. Ander| price, Transport Minister Hees| MARK BOMB COURSE [son, representative of the Nation. | said Thursday, | COBOURG (St on D x rt. /al Film Board, and Donald Dow | In addition, a total of $2,900554| ~ { Tra Asta tender jis «/den of the Oshawa Film Council. | {was paid the firms under term I Ys: nenapt Ro RS ave Coffee was served following the| of thelr contracts which con. | Po intended to designate al|film presentation, [tained provisions for extra pay: pombing course used every sum.| Next regular meeting of the ment for additional work, Imer by the RACF from Trenton. [film council will be held in the! The information was contained| The course is used for the drop- Public Library Tuesday, May 19} in a written commons reply, The | ping of 50-pound practice bombs(at 8 p.m : | figures refer to payments made|iy the training of aircrew. It| Many new films are now avail | nee seaway construction) stretches from Oshawa through tolable at the library for the months started. Prince Edward county. of May and June, Col: Class 6, section A, Grade 6 two- part chorus: 1. Lord Elgin, Ajax; 2. St. Andrew's, Ajax. Class 8, section A, Grade 8, four - part chorus, 1. Port Perry: 2, St. Andrew's, Ajax Class 14, section A, three-part Ajax, tied for |} third, Uxbridge and St. Andrew's, | | IB | gL © D3] {CANADA/ ! CEST 1873 SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANYILLE'S FINEST TAX! SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 If you have mot received your Times, phone your carrier boy first, If you are unable to con tact him by 7:00 p.m. ! TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7-7:30 p.m. only QUEEN'S HO IT'S THE FAMILY CELEBRATION OF THE YEAR LIDAY 200 BROCK ST. S. RIGLER'S STORE WHITBY OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY MAY 18th MO 8-9022 tary - treasurer, and Harold Bal-|ton Grove; ville, Grove, | July 16 :Bowmanville at Maple Grove; Enniskillen at Zion; Cour- tice at Hampton; Tyrone at Sol- ina, July 23: Maple Grove at Tyrone; Enniskillen at Bowman-| INSTALLED ville; Courtice at Zion; Solina at| Free estimates on oll sizes amon ee] COLONIAL ALUMINOM July 30: Hampto! OSHAWA RA 8-8571 Grove; Courtice at Eomgkiien: Tyrone at Bowmanvil e; Zion al 134 SIMCOE ST. 5. Open TH 9 pm. » ; Tyrone at Solina, June 27: Zion st Maple Grove; Bowmanville at Tyrone, Enniskillen at Cour- Solina, Hampton at Maple Enniskillen at Bowman- July 11: Maple Grove at Soli: na; Hampton at Solina, July 15: Tyrone at Courtice; Maple Grove at Enniskillen, July 18: Solina at Bowman ville; Tyrone at Zion, July 22: Hampton at Courtice; Bowmanville at Maple Grove. July 25: Zion at Enniskillen; Tyrone at Hampton, July 29: Courtice at Solina; Zion at Bowmanville, August 1: Maple Grove at Cour- tice; Enniskillen at Tyrone, August 5: Hampton at Solina; Courtice at Zion August 8: Tyrone at Maple Grove; Bowmanville at Hamp- ton, August 12: Solina at Enniskil- len; Bowmanville at Courtice, August 15: Hampton at Ennis killen; ,Solina at Tyrone, August 19: Maple Grove Zion; Tyrone at Bowmanville, August 22: Courtice at Ennis killen; Solina at Zion, August 26: Maple Grove Hampton, JUNIOR SCHEDULE May 21: Courtice at Tyrone; Enniskillen at Hampton; Bow. manville at Zion; Maple Grove at Solina, May 28: Maple Grove at Bow- manville; Zion at Enniskillen; Hampton at Courtice; Solina at Tyrone, June 4: Tyrone at Maple Grove; Bowmanville at Fnniskil. len; Zion at Courtice; Hampton at Solina, June 11: Maple Gove at Hamp- ton; Enniskillen at Courtice; | Bowmanville at Tyrone; Solina at Zion, | June 18: Tyrone at Zion; |Enniskillen at Maple Grove; Hampton at Bowmanville; Cour. [tice at Solina, | June 25: Zion at Hampton; Tyrone at Enniskillen; Courtice at Maple Grove; Solina at Bow-| manville, | LARGE DOOR HOOD $39.95 Solina. August 6: Zion Maple Grove at at Tyrone; od Enniskillen; MEN WHO THINK OF TOMORROW PRACTICE MODERATION TODAY at \ Che House of Seagram DISTILLERS SINCE 1857 | | Save the MOST on a used car . .. Shop our real TOP-VALUE buys Just LOOK... 1954 FORD CUSTOMLINE 2 DOOR Immaculate, A-1 mechanically. Must see to appreciate, $795 1951 PONTIAC COACH TWO DOOR Very good buy for price. $395 1956 BUICK SPECIAL TWO DOC B IARDTOP One owner, like new, fully equipped. $1895 1954 OLDSMOBILE 98 SEDAN All accessories $695 1956 MONARCH CONVERTIBLE Radio, power windows, power seats, power steering, power brakes, COME IN AND MAKE OFFER 1955 CHEVROLET STD. 2.DOOR Reconditioned motor, white top. $1250 1949-1951 FORD, METEOR, OLDS. Sedans and Stn. Wagons From 35.00 to 250.00 Black with 1952 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR Beautiful condition. Sacrificed at $549 1959 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR 2-door hardtop, outomatic, radio, 1959 CHEVROLET | STATION WAGON Very low mileage, 4-door, automatic win- dow washers, new car warranty, custom grille guard, 1600 miles. $3091 $2950 COME . .. see all the other GREAT BUYS on our lot . . . Take your pick ...and SAVE, © CONVENIENT G.M.A.C. TERMS ARRANGED eo F. W. AINSWORTH LTD. PHONE 1445 AJAX PHONE 1445 ® NEXT TO SHOPPING CENTRE o < discs, - A

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