Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 May 1959, p. 5

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WHITBY and DIST Rotarians Entertain Friends At Dinner eon ect to hypnosis but perhaps may Woods, and Mr, and Mrs. James 41 Ch. jonship, je a gral in receiving the Patty, were recipients of some| Districts 24 al 4 amp o! sie: instructions because of not wish- beautiful: gifts, having won them Grands get-together with DDGM| ling to co-operate. It is just aby way of a icky draw Whit! Brother Ross. | ") r held in/matter of time, he pointed out. |was present in e rm of "rye second degree will be con- gtr ge sup-| Several people were hypnotized playing cards which were dis- ferred in Oshawa on Thursday per, an annual affair, saw a large|in varying degrees with two Ro-|tributed around the table. The evening, May 14, by the Whithy thering of farmers and Rotar-|tarians being the most able sub-(person having a duplicate card| i. "hder "ihe floor leadership 2) sit down to an excellent) jects, of the one selected from. the head oe pr ther Attwood, chicken dinner after which they] One man was suspended be- table won the gift, | The vi'iting committee report- were entertained by the well|tween two chairs while under plower corsages were present- ed favorably on all present or known professional hypnotist. {hypnosis and had Heath sitting ed to all the ladies attending the prior sick brothers, all again be- Beginning with a mass attempt on his stomach. Another hypnotic dinner which had been an annual ing active with the exception of at hypnotism which was directed | experiment saw one of the men get-together of the farmers and Brother L. Northam who remains out over the entire audience, receive a burning Sensation in his Rotarians for the past 10 years. |about the same. i of Broth ced eral hand when a match was waved| : a. | The good turn out of Brothers inl ig Bg ng agai around the hand of another man Sieing at fhe head lane re fo for maintenance work on the new| and allow him to hypnotize them |also under the spell of hypnosis, Lyn Fair, County Agriculturali,, ono quring the past two tive and his wife; Don | At the end of the demonstra. Representa : | weeks has been very gratifying ag i let out that no one|tion, Edwin Heath explained that| Woods, Whitby, Outarte Farmer 5 and, of necessity, will continue Id be made to do anything|/hypnotism was recognized in BF50¢ Nor some time, sou » Ra ti spell that he many hospitals and practiced wife; Bua Gove, chsitinan of shee wouldn't ordinarily do or that|quite often with very excellent re ye SOI So . their sub-conscious mind felt was| sults, Joo Ta Ty Sinem V pom To their moral standards. He] John Robson, a Rotarian with wite;, Jom MeClenny: a mm n as also explained that anyone who|an excellent musical talent, was on. igo Sle 86 . . states he cannot be hypnotized is|also on hand to entertain the as- Pre . Socia venin merely talking to hear his own|sembled farmers, Rotarians and] Hugh Omiston apologized for | voice because there are only three|their wives, followed by Ted Ross|the farmers not having held al yy. Vimy Ridge LOBA No. 639) classes of people who cannot ab-|and his ventriloquist dummy ser- strawberry festival last year and instead of its regular monthly] solutely be hypnotized, and they pent Lyle, who had the audience blamed it on the dry season. He| ot. had a "Social Evening" | are the insane, the "alcoholic and in stitches with their antics. pointed out that there would be last Monday at the LOL Hall.| the dead. Everyone else is sub-! Mrs. John Puckrin, Mrs. Irmaia festival this year. |awa, PERSONALS | Social games were under the supervision of - sister The House of Windsor Chapter Dolly Andgreon bill Jae ODE. witead of Hs awarded to lucky winners. yi Plan Trip The regular meeting of the Oddfellows was held in the Whit. thy Lodge room on Tuesday. Three officers were absent, During the cour e of the meet- ing, several congenial discussions were on the floor, including the forthcoming trip to. Dundas on Edwin Heath, Hypnotherapist, of Oshawa, held his audience spellbound Wednesday evening, when he attended a Joint Lacrosse Season | Opens On May 21 Ashmore welcomed all played Senior Lacrosse will come to| Monday, June 15, Whitby at Whitby every Thursday begin- Brampton. i ed at a pot luck supper held at gin and sister E. Anderson in ning on Thursday, May 21, with] Monday, June 15, Whitby at {the home of Mrs. Donald Hill, of charge. | Lyndewood Farm, last Monday The winners for the draw were: | Long Branch the visitors to the Long Branch. evening with the following in at-|Sister Mav Ostler, who won the| local club. The home games Will| myyrsday, June 18, Longtendance: Mrs. Herbert Cole, basket of groceries, and sister | all be played in the Whitby arena graneh at Whitby. | Mrs. Murray Detlor, Mrs. J. Gart-| Madeline Ashmore, winner of the where it is hoped the lacrosse, =~ 4. june 23 Whitby at|shore Miss FE. Gatti, Mrs. John bath towels, kindly donated by fans in the surrounding jres willlg, Catharines. |Harvie, Mrs. E. Milian, Mrs. Queen Mary TOBA. Books of gather to watch the Jocal boys |. Thursday, June 25, Peterbor- Donald McQuay, Mrs. Stua action. the Millers, [ough at Whitby. Roblin, Mrs, John Vickery, Mrs (Who volunteered to sell same, 18, hl CANCER CAMPAIGN Chairman and campaign man- p-------------- ---------- A Whitby electronic equipment manufacturer, Croven Ltd., for- merly the W. Gary Wright Elec- tronics Co., are progressing in a large way, with a new factory in the proce s of being constructed on Beech street, Whitby, and an- other plant a subsidiary factory, to be built in Charlottesville, Vir. | fg Rg game| Thursday, July 2, Brampton at Clarence Freek, Mrs. Harry Ash, [Proceeds to go to the future erec- against Brooklin on Saturday, Whitby. y hd o Refreshments were served by aga "6, which is Fair night in| Saturday, July 4, Whitby at Herbert Wright, Mrs. John Wall, 2" mittee and a social hour Brooklin which will be a continu- Peterborough. and Mrs. Donald Tuline. Special .¢ enjoyed by all. i » some lo i Mrs. Frank Godden, Mrs. E. M. plied for quite some time py the rines at Whitby. % » Mi Brooklin and Whitby ed Friday, July 10, Whitby at Freek and Mrs. Reg. Stuart. | the Wby Sen With Jetethori Monday, July Whitby at street, is celebrating her birth. | DAY-BY-DAY Sugh Par ir playing at Long Branch. day today. Her friends wish her Tia, ic mpton Thursday, July 16, Long many happy returns of the day, POST OFFICE HOLIDAY { or William Brampton Memorial Arena and Whitby Postmaster Long Branch at the Long Branch) Tuesday, July i neapolis, is visiting her cousins > bowl Poi - pots, : S05 hours for the post office on Mon- : » Thursday, July 23, Brampton at Mr, and Mrs. F. B, Killens, of day, May 18, Victoria Day. Gen- ovine ha- |eral delivery wickets will be open L Wednesday, July 29, St. Catha 1 Thursday, on g|rines at Whitby. | Branch at Whitby, Thursday, July 30, Whitby at|and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Wood, of order, vines Dati x Samp | Yarmouth, Nova Scofia, estab-| wicket remain closed a day, ough at 1 Thursday, lished residence at 1101 Henry The lobby, for the use of box- Saturday, May 30, Whitby ~at/Long Branch, St. Catharines. " to them in their new surround. until 1 p.m. The last despatch of . { ings. {mail will be at 10:30 a.m, Whitby. R h VA Pl FBYPA MEET Friday, Jue 6, Whithy - u ans, Mrs. G. Eastwood attended last | rhorough. 3 T ; le of Faith Baptist Church andson, David Clifford Red- people a apts wu rsa y., June 1, 8t. Catha- Spring ead grag son of Mr. and Mrs. Clif-|met at the church and from there , 12, Whitby at] The Ruth WA of St. John's/ford Redman, of Scugog Island, | went to the General Motors Open eting last Wednesday the ceremony, no meeting. . afternoon at the Sunday school Mrs, F. Sim | . pson, Toronto, who Legion Rux. hall. The president, Mrs, B. has just returned from Ocala,| prayer, .|paign for funds in Whitby, Wil- Grants $175 Rev. Nicholson gave a Bible JITEC OL he0 or mm. Simp. lard Dodd, reported on Thursday study on the book of ' Romans'. [night that over $2100 'of the so- Auxiliary held its regular meet- | was decided that the Ruth Group, Mr, and Mrs. George Foster, of raised so far in Monday night's ing last Wednesday evening at the would provide baby sitting serv-|1ee avenue, entertained last Sun- blitz. He said that other sources Legion Hall. Mrs." George Brown ice on Wednesday, May 20, when | day for her parents, Mr. and Mrs.|are yet to be heard from and session plans were discussed for home of Mrs. J. A. West, of Duf- the occasion of their 40th wedding be reached. the coming fal! bazaar to be held erin street, Port Whitby. aniversary. Many relatives and -- at the Legion Hall | Mothers wishing to attend the friends were present. . the Cancer Society. Another dona- the Sunday school hall from 2.30, Mrs. William Watson, of Tren- Novelist T tion of $50 was given to the Salva- to 4.30 p.m. where they will be ton, visited for a couple of days. sent to the Provincial Command [son closed with prayer, Re. -- m---- a for scholarship. This donation is|freshments were served with/ "ye . available to any child whose par- Mrs, A, Parish and Mrs, T. Cad- Auxiliary Visits ¥ Is' ; ; Cedarvale School | Immortals The Fireside Eveni ile : Electronics Firm fhe "United Church "vivid PARIS (AP) -- Novelist Pierre |Cedarvale home for girls in |Georgetown on May 11. A bus the French Academy Thursday |was chartered and Mrs, Houston, by resigning his place among them, school, welcomed the members : . and introduced the staff. » before. The rules k 0 Crover Lid. which manu. She outlined. the activities of JORG of the ly age) a factures quartz crystal and crys- the school and what is done for ting. Members quickly refused to tal ovens used in radios and elec. each girl. She explained that " . ; : n nab iall but the girls taken from homes Benoit said he was touched by bogul CURSEUCHON oF te Plant where there could be problems. the refusal but added, "I will to be built in Virginia, which will They are taught sewing, home never again sei foot in the acad- 4 i A to go into their foster homes. of me." ia. U.S.A Canadian company, which has a "gi N % bd ginia large export trade in the United cone vi oe vie ale hum the 'The academy was founded in structed in Whitby, will cover a Sate, ; § Paris 1635 to safeguard the purity of space of 6000 square feet and The manager of Croven Ltd. are invited into homes outside of " i will be situated on 2% acres of Robert Wolter, stated that the Georgetown to come in hat ip a perpetual rev ision of the company will not be hiring on with family life. -All girls attend French dictionary. There are 40 expansion as the business pro- members, known collectively as gresses, |actually over crowded in the| The baby bonus is given to the Immortals, Robert Wolter, manager of plant which will be sold as soon each girl with supervision to be! Benoit has been a member Croven Ltd. said that the busi- as the new plant is ready to com-|used for spending money. They since 1931. Ile was a supporter Whitby for the past five years as of this year. The Virginia plant ages are from 6 to 16; 22 girls|vacancy. Morand, a former am- of this June, and that business is/will be ready for occupancy, it are in residence. The ladies of bassador to Vichy France to Ro- picking up more and more as was reported, by June 1, of this the Fireside group gave each/mania and Switzerland, failed of | "y and Her Bible. Refreshments Asked if he had resigned be- -- Tey se |cause of the Morand affair, Be- BR noit replied: "It was not only Phone MO 8-3618 ER NOW PLAYIN EVENING SHOWS 6:45 & 9:15 FEATURE AT 6:45 & 9:30 will play an exhibition Mrz. Roy Beckman, Mrs. tion of a lodge hall ation of the lacrosse action suP-| mpureday, July 9, St. Catha. Buests were: Mrs. Jack Roblin, All Whitby games will be aliprampton, Miss Catherine Bush. of Henry | the Haig Bowl; Brampton at the pi noh af' Whitby. Whitby at| Mrs, Kenneth Botham, of Min-|p "0 "00" announced closing the Lacrosse wiithy, | Maple street. schedule: : : May 21, . and Mrs. Herb Sweenee from 8 am. to 10 a.m.; money eterbor-| Brampton. Thursday, May 28, P Aug. 4, Whitby at fm Best wishes are extended | T day, June 4, at Sunday the christening of her| On Tuesday evening the young Friday, June | Brampton. Anglican Church held its regular|A family dinner was held after House. Bourne, opened the meeting with Florida, was dinner guest at the The Canadian Legion Ladles|A business scssion followed. It SO": . [clety's objective of $2500 had been presided. During the business|the spring tea will beheld at the/p "Killens, of Maple street, on forecast that the objective would A donation of $50 was given to tea could take their children to tion Army Appeal and $75 'was under supervision. Rev. Nichol- relatives. R . F ents were in the Armed Forces. man as hostesses. of the United Church visited Benoit shocked the Immortals of [) Builds New Plant imc ean Such a thing had never been tronic equipment, has already Cedarvale is not for delinquents accept the resignation. be a ubsidiary plant of the all- economics and are well prepared emy. It would really be tactless The new factory to be con- of Ontario, and very often they the French language and to keep land, leaving plenty of room for any extra help since they are the United Church. nes has been in operation in mence operation about August 1/also go to summer camp: theirof Paul Morand for a recent time goes on. year. |girl a book entitled 'Mary Jones election by one vote. WHITBY For that," He refused to amplify. 20. cutey wun BUDDY ADLER'S poten __Sorry Free List Suspended for this Attraction PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT > Adults 75¢ -- Students 50¢ -- Children 25¢ uild Plans Hall Opening | Crack Hall Opening | Crackdown On Afternoon Guild held its regular monthly meeting at the home of| | Gilbert street. The president, Mrs, WASHINGTON (AP) -- Treas. |R. E. Smith, opened the meeting|UrY agents synchronized their| gave the scripture reading. Thursday in seven cities from| A nice sum was realized from coast to coast. |G. Beaton reported that several sons had been seized in what the] cards were sent to sick mem-|internal revenue service called a Further plans were discussed |tionwide gambling combination (for the official opening of Officials. reported large |which the Afternoon group and | ? iment and records were confis- |other organizations of the church cated along with a number of The president closed with the automobiles grace and the hostesses served a, Arrests wére made as follows: cial hour followed. Miss McIntosh 16, San Francisco 6, Middletown, moved a vote of thanks for the Ohio, 4; Lexington, Ky., 2; Nia- 1 The AN Saints' Anglican Church . U.S. Gambling | Mrs. Cassels and Miss Barnes, of| with prayer. Mrs. S, Armstrong| Watches and struck at 3 p.m.| the recent rummage sale. Mrs.| Before nightfall close to 20 per- bers co-ordinated crackdown on a na-| | parish hall to be hel t sha lo d June, 1 ati, mounts of cash, gambling equip-| Iwill help for this event. dainty lunch and a pleasant so- New York City 6, Los Angeles, hospitality of the hostessees, !gara Falls, N.Y., } Next week there will be| ager of the Cancer Society cam. | That's why three of Canada's largest steamship companies have decided that the lakers have outlived their usefulness. In Montreal Thursday a Can-|the little ships." Lines spok | hi ada St |tions on service, They've b A {smooth," says Capt. Scott Mise- |ner, president of the firm, . |""There may still be a place for | A CSL spokesman said getting said the company will remove 10 rid of the smaller ships is a nat-| to 15 of its smaller vessels from ura] business evolution which has ricT Oddiellows Small Lake Vessels May Become Osolete By THE CANADIAN PRESS pany believes it will probably be| The John E, F, Misener, draw- The small lake vessel sailing only a year before all its canall-/ing 22 feet, two inches, because the ssivay today Appears to its ers disappear. owner like a Model T on a SUper-|mAgING CAREFUL LOOK Righway-the car's not fit for the "oye want to see how the trade haul. : | pattern develops once the opera- the seaway become ically obsolete. The U Lakes Transporta-| y lon Tey has only nine of 16 units," he said. "But this {been sy opening, | "It is sound business practice d up by the seaway's| does ships operating and one has been not mean we are in any way de-| |emphasizing operations. | sold, Seott Misener Steamships Lim- still in operation and the com-/way." 'In fact we anticipate greater ited has eight of 23 small ships business volumes with the sea- holds, was expected to reach possible by the seaway, the ves. | Liberian |aged, Built to carry 325,000 oll unl auth coal a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 15, 1959 quite a few people on the other prepared to stand it for a side who are pretty keenly in-lor two , ., but I don' terested" in the seaway. "All the big countries who are|years. There serious about this seaway arelweedling out in the process. of them can of 740,895 bushels of grain in its today with its record Besides the record cargo made sel"s time of five days and five nights from the Lakehead to Montreal will also be a record. On the Welland Canal Thurs - day the 10,000-ton George S., a freighter, oke her steering gear and vi out of control as it left lock one, but the vessel was under way again within 30 minutes. The oil tanker BA Perless ran aground Thursday in the St, Mary's River, but was not dam- Chas. A. Bradley & Son DECORATING CONTRACTORS Wallpaper A Specialty 3 PHONES TO SERVE YOU BROOKLIN 323) WHITBY AT 2-0961 MO 8-3559 WEST HILL barrels, the vessel was stuck In the river bank three hours until Measures Promised In Quebec (CP)--Hon. Antoine Worthy mistress sister Madeline Rivard, Quebec's solicitor - Gen- presentiara] says that if an offence has and gave a special welcome to heen committed in Quebec prov-| [the following LOBA, Queen Mary, |i 1" oonnection with the re- the resale of the bonds to the in-| [Victory and Oakley, all of Osh-/oa10 oe ponds stolen in Brockville surance company took place in "We will take the nec- Quebec province and QUEBEC last year, essary measures." He was referring to a state- ment regular. tion sale was held with sister William Common, Ontario's as- monthly meeting was entertain- yjadeline Ashmore, sister E. Vir- sistant attorney - general, that received enough o those who engineered the resalelyet to take legal procedures. able bonds May 3-4, 1958, | Mr. Roberts sald an insurance |eqst, |ccmpany in Montreal, in an 'un-| derworld deal," bought back $1, number of British (rade papers 409,787 in stolen negotiable secur-land ma ities at 10 cents on the dollar. Thursday Mr, stolen the weekend of Common said "no of-| fence has taken place in Ontario] Said Mr. and we have no jurisdiction in in Toronto Thursday by|the matter." Rivard: "We haven't| (information) freed by the Laurent C. Tumer (cannot be prosecuted in Ontario, an American tug. | Attorney - General Roberts of poonNOMIC QUESTION Ontario Wednesday disclosed de-| tails of the theft and the subse-| [quent disposal and recovery of some of the $3,350,000 in negoti- At Hamilton, a London journal ist sald the seaway 's "a big |question mark" to many Europ- |ean shipping companies now us- ing #t. None of them was likely to make money for a year at T. R. Lloyd, who represents a gazines, said 'there are PLAY SAFE COLD STORE your FURS ond WINTER GARMENTS with WHITBY CLEANERS 150 COLBORNE E, MO 8-2345 TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel |{WGR-TV Channel 2---Buffalo 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto| rt tickets were Issued to members WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo FRIDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M, 11--Theatre; Sports 6--Hidden Pages 5--Playhouse 4---Fun To Learn 2-Three Stooges 5:15 P.M, 4--Cartoon Storybook 5:30 P.M, | 7.6-Mighty Mouse 4--Dinner Date Theatre | 2-Wild Bill Hickock 6:00 P.M, 11--Theatre; News; | Weather 7---Early Show | 6--~News | 3-8pace Ranger | P.M, holders, will be open from 8 a.m. | 11--~Theatre 7:15 P.M, 7--News; Weathe# | 7:80 P.M, | 7-8--~Rin Tin Tin | 6--~Leave It To Beaver | 4--Rawhide 2-D.A's Man 8:00 P.M. 11-6--Talent Caravan 7---Disney Presents 8-2--Ellery Queen 8:30 P.M, 11-6--Plouffe Family 4--Amateur Hour | | 9: s |11-6--Music Theatre | 7---Tombstone Territory | 53-M Squad | 4--Phil Silvers | 9:30 P.M, | 11-8--Country Hoedown 7-77 Sunset Strip 4--Playhouse 8:2-Thin Man 10:00 P.M, |11.6-3--~Bob Hope 8---Cavalcade of Sports 7---8ea Hunt 4--Person To Person 10:45 P.M, 8---Jackpot Bowling 11:00 P.M, 11.7-6.5-4-2---News; Sports 11:18 P.M, 7--Playhouse 6----Viewpoint B5--Movie 11:80 P.M, |11--Late Show | 6--Premier Perform. ance 4~M-G-M Theatre 3-Jack Paar SATURDAY 8:00 AM. Farm Hour 8:30 AM, 4--Popeye Playhouse 2-Rampds Room 8---Briefing Session 4--Sclence Museum 2---Farmer Alfalfa i AM, 5-Off To Adventure 4--Capt, Kangaroo 2-Junior Auction 9:45 AM, 5-~Cartoon Theatre 00 AM, 5-2--Howdy Doody 10:30 AM. 52-Ruff and Rready 4--Mighty Mouse 11:00 A 5-2 Fury 4--Heckle and Jeckle 11:30 AM 3.2-Circus Boy 4---Robin Hood | 12:00 Noom , | 7--Uncle Al 3---True Story 4-Cisco Kid | 3-Dance Party 12:30 P.M. 5---Wrestling 4--Last of the Mohicans 1:00 P.M, 7--Modern Almanae | Film Feature 1:18 P.M. 8---Film Feature 1 130 | 7--=Adventure 4--Americans at Work 1:45 P.M, 42-Baseball Leadoff 2:00 P.M, 11--Range Roundup 8-3---Baseball 7-Off To Adventure 118 P.M, 7--Catholic Newsreel 2:30 P.M, 9--Alr Force Story 6--Feature Film 3:00 P.M, 11--8hock 7--Armchair Adventure 8:30 P.M, 7--Playhouse 4:00 P.M, 11--Wrestling 6--Bowling SATURDAY EVE, 5:00 P.M. 11--Popeye 7-8ix Gun Theatre 6:15 P.M. 11--Monty Wooley 6:30 P.M, 11-~Tennessee Ernie 6:45 P.M, 6-4--News: Sports 7:00 P.M, 11--Rifleman 8--Ivanhoe 4~U of B Round Table S--African Patrol 11~The Vise 7-Dick Clark 6--Saturday Date 8.3--People Are 4--Perry Mason 8:00 P.M, 11,6,5.2--Perry Come 7--Jubllee U.S.A, 8:30 P.M, 4-Wanted, Dead or Alive 9:00 P.M, 11--Frontier 6---Naked City T--Lawrence Welk §-2-Black Saddle 4--Face of Danger 2:30 P.M, 11-6--Great Movies 5-2-Cimarron City 4---Have Gun, will Trav. el 10:00 P.M. 7--Sammy Kaye 4--~Gunsmoke 10:30 P.M 7--Walter Winchell 5---Pat Boone 4--Silent Service 2-Flight 11:00 P.M. 11-6-4-2---News: Weather: Sports 7--Playhouse 8--Rescue 8 11:18 PM, 11--Late Show 6--Juliette 2-Just Musle 11:30 P.M, 6--Wrestling ~ S--Movie 4---Playhouse 2-NY Confidential 12:00 Midnight 2-Late Watch SUNDAY 8:30 AM, 2---Cartoons 9:00 AM, 7--Test Pattern 8-Christian Science 4--Let's Open The Door 9:15 AM, | 8--Man to Man 9:30 AM, 5-his (s the Lite 2-Simple Science 10:00 AM 8-Christophers 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 3-~Church Invitation S---Industry on Parade 4 Uncle Jerry $~-Morning Gospel 10:45 AM. 8--Look at Congress 3-Faith of Israel 11: WM. 8-Children's Corner 4--Eye on New York 3-U.N. Dateline 11:18 AM, 7--The Living Word $--Sacred Heart 11:30 AM, ¥--Command Perform. ance 8--Kit Carson 4--Camera Three 2-Western Round-UP 12:00 Noon 11-Thig Is The Life 7-Bishop Pike 5--S8pace Ranger 4--News; Weather 12:15 P.M, 6-Test Pattern 4--~Look At Congress 12:30 P.M. ° 11=The Christophers 7-J, Hopkins File 6-Good Life Theatre 8-Little Rascals 4--Plaphouse 3-Public Service 1:00 P.M, N=-Brave, Theatre 0 7==Thi; the Answer 6--Ray Forrest 5--Three St TIMES SUBSCRIBERS HURLEY'S RESTAURANT INVITES YOUTO A... "Finat-in- Whitby" EVERY SUNDAY 4:30 P.M. fo 8 P.M, Buffet Supper Your Choice of Tempting Hot or Cold Meats and Fowl , ,. Salads... Hors d' Ouvers. @ ALL YOU CAN EAT FOR ONE PRICE! For RESERVATIONS ond Futher INFORMATION Calls WHITBY - MOhawk 8-5741 IN WHITBY FOR MISSED PAPERS AND WHITBY'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE BELL TAXI MO 8-311 If you have not received your Times, phone your carrier boy first. If you are unable te con- tact him by 7.00 p.m. PHONE BELL TAXI CALLS ACCEPTED BETWEEN 7-7:30 P.M. ONLY 7-1 Wonder Why 6-Country Calenday 6~Junior Magazine Baseball 2:30 P.M, 11-The Living World S5--Feature Movie 7~Canisius Forum 3:00 P.M, 11.6--8peaking of Pets 7--Texas Rasslin 3:30 P.M, 11~Cowboy Theatre - 100 P.M, 11,6--~News Magazine 7--Paul Winchell 8-2-Kaleldoscope Fars ot Nation PM, 11--Lassie PEAT MOSS BULK GARDEN SEED P.El, SEED POTATOES GARDEN FENCE GARDEN TOOLS INSECTICIDES Fertilizers: MILORGANITE EVERGREEN SUPER GREEN BONEMEAL SO GREEN 10-10-10 7.7.7 4-12.10 I. PUCKRIN & SON 145 BROCK ST. 5, WHITBY PH. MO 8-3442 He couldn't wait to grab a GOOD buy at Harry Donald Ltd. 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY Where Your Used Car Dollar Goes Farther 'S51 OLDS CONVERTIBLE -- | '56 STUDEBAKER COUPE For carefree Summer A-1 condition, 1 186 Driving. ONLY Real Sharp .. '52 PONTIAC -- Clean, de pendable transportation, All new tires, NO REASON. ABLE OFFER REFUSED, These are just a few of the examples of the 50 fo 2e selection of good used cars at Harry Donald td. For a GOOD USED CAR DEAL contact one of our friend! Salesmen -- 'GUS BROWN, JOE GALLAGHER OR KE MORGAN. PHONE MO 8-3304 or RA 5-4831 '87 CHEV, 4.Dr, Deluxe -- only 19,000 actual miles. Ow- ner contacted if desired 7--Lone Ranger 6--Fron 6:00 P.M. 11.6--~Bob Cummings 7--Sergeant Preston 8--Meet The Press 4-~Cpl. Flack 3-Tugboat Annie 6:30 P.M, 11-6---Father Knows Best| 7--Brave Eagle | 5--~Maverick 420th Century 2--Bishop Sheen 7:00 P.M, 11 Love Lucy 7--You Asked For It 6--December Bride 4--Lassle TBA 7:90 PM, 11-86---Showtime 7--Maverick 3-2---Steve Allan ack Benny 8:00 P.M, 11-Loretta Young 6.4-Ed Sullivan 8:30 P.M, 11-The Naked City T--Lawman 3--U.S, Marshall 2-Pete Kelly's BI 9:00 P.M, 11.6--World's Stage 7--Colt 45 8,2--Chevy Show 4~G.E. Theatre 9:30 P.M. 11.6---G.M, Presents | 7--Frontier 4--Alfred Hitchcock 10:00 P.M, 7--Crusader 53--Loretta Young 4--Private Detective 10:30 P.M, 11-6-Fighting Words 7--Playhouse 54---What's My Line 3-Byline 11:00 P.M, 11.6-4-3-News: Weather: Sports 8--News Hilites 11:18 11-Late Show 6--This Week S--Feature Movie S~Late Watch os For a Better Deal By Far on a New Pontiac, Buick, Vauxhall or Goodwill Used Car. Please note that JACK MORGAN is now associated with WHITBY MOTORS LTD. To all my friends and former customers, if | may be of service to you in your auto needs call personally or phone Whitby MO 8-3610 i Modern snp The owner of this beautiful seven-room home is leaving town. It Is of solid brick construction with front facing of expensive Credit Valley stone, giving a most attractive appearance. The added features of aluminum screens and storms, along with Twindow glass will keep this house warm in winter and cool in summer. Two-piece beth in master bedroom. Fully tiled main bathroom with built-in vanity. Two-piece bath in basement. The basement is divided into three sections. The recreation room Is of knotty pine and Is heated. The children's room is mahogany finish, Number 1 hardwood floors and 1st mahogany trim throughout the house. The full-size dining room and the large living room have lighted valance boxes over windows, The kitchen is well equipped and closet doors. Extra large attached The grounds are all atrractively barbecue, This home Is located in a splendid residential district and Is only four blocks from the shop- ping centre and three blocks from the proposed mew municipal building: We on three executive homes from which you can make a choice as to price, This is a home where you con enjoy appointment, JOS. REAL ESTATE BROKER - WHITBY PHONE MO 8-2874 Executive Home a Jon sox $29,500.00 grade roomy, The garage three bedrooms are all spacious and have sliding landscaped ond there is a back yard patio complete with have listings location and style, comfortable living ond be proud to own. Arrange em E. SHIELDS EVENINGS MO 8-2473 MR]

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