Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 May 1959, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Moy 15, 1959 d dire ector; P. G. tor. Front Flet row, Hopkins, treasurer; and Wm, A, Witham, director. The chap- Dowton, cher, MEMBERS OF EXECUTIVE of THE NEW of the Lakeland was A. J, Jempson, District Plant Superintendent for Bel 4200 Suppliers Help Build Cars Here are some facts and fi-|hicles built its 3,500,000th unit in gures about General Motors of December 1958. Canada -- General Motors of In addition to the production Canada employs an average of for the domestic market, GM at 14,580 men and women in its Oshawa builds cars and trucks plants at Oshawa and Windsor which are exported to every con- peo in ten parts warehouses and tinent. t zone offices across Canada. MATERIALS IN PLANT The Company's annual wage "naterials required in construc.| bill is in excess of $62,116,000 and tion of the assem lant in-| in 1958 General Motors collected; qed two-and-a-ha Pant of| $73,105,000 from the consumer in glass; 30,000 pounds of putty; sales and excise taxes for the y 1000) bricks; 13,000 tons of federal government. The amount steel, or enough to build 8600 of taxes collected, in behalf of the | arg! 15,000,000 nails; 38,000 gal- Joueral Sovernment, suceeded the 1ons of paint; 12,275 fluorescent General Motors arches lighting tubes; seven-and-a-half| hse nll 3 Duc prov Taw miles of copper tubing: 157 miles! vices from ay R20 ted RE of conduit pipe; 11 miles of @ Koil lo aati pt posal pipe; 11,856 cubic yards of approximately $1,800,000 ever concrete, or enough to build a A tia ¥1500-mile sidewalk, three inches g day of-the year. ithick and four feet wide. OVER 125 ACRES The number of 2" by 3" 's in | Total plant area of General Mo- the roof represent 21,000,000 lin- tors at Oshawa is in excess of ear feet. While the roof was 125 acres -- 65 acres in the auto/being laid enough 2" by 38"'s assembly and Central Parts Dis- were used to build six frame tribution Warehouse in south Osh- houses per day. The siding on the awa, and 60 acres in the truck plant represents 172,933 square {and sub-assembly plant in north feet of aluminum, 85 tons of cop- Oshawa, oper and 115 tons of steel, The| More than 1900 GM employees parking areas and roads around | Ihave been with the company for|the buildings would surface 25 25 years or more and represent miles of a 22-foot wide highway. | i fran nearly 50,000 vears of experience, in automotive craftsmanship. General Motors, Canada's larg- est producer of automotive v The body plant is 1,110 feet by feet; the chassis plant, 950 feet by 810 feet; the shipping uilding, 600 feet by 77 feet, out water for several | and # placed in water upon returning home, they will live until ready to skin for eating. are on the ground. The mud- cat is equipped with horns. That is why they are holding the fish by the tails, The mud- cats will remain alive with- A GOOD NIGHT'S CATCH-- Ron and Marilyn Bray proud- ly display some of the mud- | cats as a reward for their pa- tience. A few of the mudcats Mudcat Season Here Again Scugog Has Plenty Of Em mudcat swallows a portion of the, Now that you have made your bob and hangs on until it is pulled catch, how to' clean them and out of the water. |get them ready for the table is Getting back to the habitat of the next problem, There are sev- |the fish, they are found in On-|eral ways to clean the mudcat, tario northward to a line between however, one of the easiest ways the Sault, Lake Nipissing and|is to place a fork in the head "Impossible", vou say. Let me/Mattawa and in Canada from the|of the fish, slitting a cross be- assure you that it is highly prac-| Maritime provinces to Manitoba. hind its back fin. Take your fin- (tical and a night's take might There is no definite season for|gers and place them behind the range anywhere from a good the mudcat, however, they bite fish horn's and peel the skin off, meal to several hundred. the best in the spring, usually All that is required to do now is A mudcat or catfish as they during the month of May. {cleaning and chopping off the are known to the average fisher- FINDS FOOD {tail. When the mudcat is ready man is called a "brown bull-| An interesting thing about the|for the frying pam, it is about head" or "ameiurus nghulosus™ mudcat is the way it finds its five inches long. in the realm of thé «American|food. The mudcat's eyes are FINAL STAGE Fisheries Society. |small and visibility is'limited, so| Cooking is the final stage be- ter held its last meeting of the year at the Hotel Genosha, Thursday night, Mr. Reid turn- ed Sver the chair to Mr. Sparkes at this meeting, The special guest for the evening left to right, James B charter president; H, arkes, president; D. Malcolmson, Other meml Sydney from Reid Chapter of National Office Management Association shown, They are, from left Mur right, back ro al and Robert Bammett, secreta G vice ident Wildblood, director; Harry not present, Pioneer Home Lakeland Chapt. To Disappear Holds Meeting Demolition will the Mfe span of an 85 awa house, at the nor ner of Simcoe and Avenue s was originally ed by as Wentworth Bowman Telephone Co. in the Kitchener district, He supervised a brain. fact, He wer ocd o vrai | WEATHER FORECAST = Scattered Fros Friday Night ' | TORONTO (CP)--Forecasts is- Mostly cloudy with scattered Lake Scugog. Just what is bob- {sued by the weather office at 5 snowflurries this morning, clear- ging, you might ask? It is the am.: ing this afternoon. Sunny and al|unique way to catch fish without sgn ® | Synopsis: Cloud and a few little warmer Saturday. Winds using a hook or net. ritic ze showers persisted in Southern northwest 15 to 25 today, light on {Ontario overnight as tempera- Sunday. . {tures dropped to the 30s. Through| Timmins-Kapuskasing: Mainly OTTAWA (CP) -- Ontarjo's|Central Ontario snowflurries Sunny today and Saturday. Progressive Conservative govern- were reported, while clear skies little warmer Saturday. Winds ment has been chided by both were general through Northern northwest 15 today, light Satur- Liberal and Conservative sena- Ontario. Little change is forecast|day. tors for the manner and extent|/in the weather pattern through Forecast Temperatures by which it raised liquor prices Saturday, except that skies willl pow tonight High Saturday following the boost in the federal clear. Somewhat warmer tem-| 4 tax on spirits. |peratures are expected Saturday. ¥ ndsor Senator David Croll (L -- On- St. Regional forecasts valid until Eh Thomas tario) accused the government of Midnight Saturday. | Wingham Premier Frost of making "un- oike Erie, Lake Huron, Lakes, ono justifiable profit" on liquor sales. | hn og Halfwiion re Senator Gunnar S. Thorvald-|&ons, Vincsor, London, Toronto, (Trenton ......, Hamilton: Cloudy with sunny in- |St. Catharines .. son (PC--Manitoba) said Ontario to varie and a fow brief showers Hamilton ... displayed y aye 'callous and indecent todav. Clear with scattered frost Muskoka os haste" in raising liquor prices in tonight. Sunny and a little Killaloe .. the wake of the federal tax in-|waormer Saturday. Winds north-{Earlton .. . crease, announced in the April 9 (vest 15 to 25 today, light Satur- Sudbury ............ to ay are T. rn | | | Profit For Liquor By ALLAN BAILEY terminate Under the supervision of A. J, be made either by tape recorder Jempson, District plant super-/or by shorthand. intendent Bell Telephone in ANY TIVE Kitchener and district, the mem "The leader should be prepared mans were a pioneer bers of the Lakeland Chapter, to stop any negative thinking or family. National Office Management criticism of ideas. ; conducted three 'brain "Avoid long sessions. Fifteen to Rueben Smith H Amn ASSUMed gi ping thei 1st 130 minutes is usually ample time. J the h > year in "Have each member contacted Ee eur Buffalo Thursday the d: after for additional sug- Wife In Oshawa he gestions, Compile a list of sug- small manufac Jestions for review, *. Son Is vo longer | "Carefully review and evaluate In 1936 Dr. Will each suggestion." sow residing We o) Jo The three subjects "brain- Jersev, purchased t me le ' by the NOMA members Fielding was the ner are some methods fore a Toronto dev junior staff to fill itions"'; "Methods to gssumed poss The architectu normal work flow be- Ing is typical : \ p.m. and closing" Dntario homes 4 ii nsug. Bis ds to encourage em- Georgian and oductive. Avoid ployees romote J od- g the Gx + p Bo wi) Pl s to promote public good budget, bi [North Bay widow's walk. The u brainstormed GF S GIFT Senator Thorvaldson said the! Georgian Bay, Kirkland Lake| Kapuskasing construction and \ The last group was presented Ontario price. increase had been regions, North Bay, Sudbury:/White River . furnishings in the building in advance what the subject with cigars. They ha prese greater than the tax increase. | m-- rere -- th cigars. They had the most Senator Croll said governments | for fo occup sessions of Genosha at the Hamlin cribed the & chnique as fol n pis to de ng an informal | in a manner ex 1cted 1 ) 0 deve pe maintain tween 4 omote a free sion hangeé of changé of » of the build n ' x or eight people m recogn ed the subject being ELLLL00L8888823 or 'Tell participants two or three make days is said at 1 Ross tod 1a An overheated furnace Agnes street at 7.30 am necessitated a call to the O Fire Department. Th owned by A. C. Sherban. i o dam tg (Cp riers Two who SEND FLOWERS by Wire Delivery and Quality Guaranteed by the world's most responsible florists Look in Yellow Pages Florists'. TELEGRAPH Deuverv) the ¢ MARITAL TROUBLE CHICAGO (CP A forbidden Arthur Holt bringing home the es. Wife Bessie, to evict her hu some because he 1 only fig bars and else. Holt said his tome potato chips else. The judge other food judge has 61, from ocer ted R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS 10%2 KING ST. WEST RA 5-1131 = a JOHN BURTINSKY FLORIST Flowers for all Occasions 124 DUNDAS W. WHITBY MO 8-3324 Whitby CITY OF OSHAWA CLEANUP WEEK The week of May 25th to May 29th inclusive, has been designated as Cleanup Week in the City of Oshawa ond arrangements have been made for the collection from private residences, on their usual garbage day, of all discarded house- hold accumulations of furniture, hing bbish ting from the cleaning up of grounds or from minor household re- pairs, and domestic waste material such as paper, rags, cor- tons, packing cases and bottles. However, let's go back to the|it uses its whiskers or barbels asifore eating the tender meat. The first question and explain just feelers in searching out a meal. |fish should be soaked in batter what bobbing is. Worms are The mudcat, although apparently and placed in the frying pan. Un- {strung on a line and tied into ala dumb creature, travels in a|like most other fish, the bones do lball, This makes the "bob', The school. This is not a school as We not come apart when eating. It | " [know it, but a number of fish pamains in a skeleton form. Cold which have banded together |storage is used for keeping a | A fully grown mudcdt averages large catch, OBITUAR seven to 10 inches in length.| Each year thousands of mud- Those newly hatshed grow » tye cats are pulled from Lake Scu- {or three inches by the end of the gog, and this year appears to be BERTHA A. RICHARDSON (first year. It takes three or four/no exception. Bobbing for mud. Bertha Arabella Richardson vears for a mudcat to reach full cats has been an annual practice -- |died suddenly at Oshawa Gen- maturity. [for many years and from the en- . ¥ spi May 13. S in| a y i both it: somewhat wuusual i , will be, If any, are inexperienced suggestions. Group one came up tr ettion] -- al aay Pr. She wes gi Tho a ak Mohn on A, ee ook that the attic room was opened in brainstorming, I would help to| with 13 jdeas. Group two had 21 shouldn't indulge in unjustified | CAPSULE NEWS Mrs. Richardson was born in|cat. Now, we get into the detail many more. ¥ J May 13, for the first time in over oxplain the methods ahead jdens Group three had 23 ideas, |Profit-making. The Ontario sin Whitby township, the daughter of |of catching the fish. First of all ¥ decade % Fatal ; (of time. | Charter President James Reid, 1a¥ In boosting its prices for li-) ° ° Mark and Lydia Crawforth. there is work to do the night be- A commercial esta lishment Is| A record of suggestions can after reviewing the activities of | duor that had been purchased be- In February, 1913, she married | fore you are going fishing. As|, slated to replace the old building "i dn ' . ... fore the new federal tax was im- : he | Soon as it gets dark you go out on -- : ie year turned over the chair posed fre Jak aoe Richardson, Sue the lawn or in the garden. The to the new president H. Murray "= ived in itby township all her| Sin I . 20 hs Sparkes E "| Senator W. Macdonald, life, and was for many years a|only tools vou will Mihi rid " eputation Mr. Reid was presented with a OPPosition leader in the Senate, | schoolteacher in Whitby and pall. 2 Sasiight an oF iii A + | gift of two récord albums for his Holed Shay Pome pry et er an S Pickering townships. tot of eI Nhat vou: Tricst "do is spot "hi-fi" set: enbak ; ed suc 8, She was an active mem . 2 ; MP Recalled € But perhaps the truth was that] Whitby United Church, and them with the flashlight oa age was reported » Fire De Yo hes |the federal government feared . member of the WMS and the Red Dunce por Wh ig odd partment also rep that m0! PTAWA govern {liquor tax now was at the point] QUEBEC (CP) -- Among 300/was reported Thursday. Public Cross Society. | rom > Fromm " y 2 39) task mmbulance calls were answered criticized. IYACATS est of diminishing returns when con- passengers who arrived here Works Minister Connell said gov-| gp 1aaves four daughters, Mrs. hos pean ave Jeted. Re ber uring the night AoWies. Were. reminded sumer resistance would nullify|aboard the Dutch liner Maasdam ernment engineers will make an|p "pt FF0ee OR Fe BEE Ga has besn complet " ai { ---- ae " h orraar CON any increase in revenue brought this week was Mrs. Augusta exhaustive" check of the effect], del: rare: Mrs. H. Flana- t ough, you Wil neec ai eas t former CCI R IN her the Yonge Str Swi den, Delaware: Mr: 4-150 worms for each bob. Sirs were. ibvolvad : once stood. 80 Ige n ouse by higher tax. Thus, it resented |Stokreef, who will visit a brother the onge Street subway has had (Leila) of Camden. Dela- tollision ont: Bloor: str axe with theif leader that. he oo any added provincial tax, {in Acton, Ont., and 'Miss K on hulldings Bs od 8s the Legis ware; Mrs. L. Michand (Ruth) of STRING WORMS Bouse No. 117. Wednesd vas offered the nomination as. OTTAWA (CP)--A means test -------------- |Kamphuis who will visit a lature Building, built in 1892. |g; ion "and Mrs. N. Stephen-| The next day, one of the dir- Feed Eben La na 3 . 2 to determine old age pension re- brother in Orangeville. Both are ((Wilma) of Ottawa. She/tier jobs must be done -- string- pam. The first car was driven by speaker of the Commons, . | vial work: for the Nether- BOOK FOR QUEEN son ime had A li bout eight ROO Lie ye I cipients could--and should -- be S 11 R 1 social workers for the Nethe SE} leaves one som. Dr. A. K. Rich.|ing the worms. A line about eig Reinhold Litz, 117 Bloor stree , Doutlas Fisher (CCF -- Port worked out, Senator T. A. Crerar eliless Appea [lands Christian Association. ORILLIA (CP) -- The Queen ardson, of Toronto, and three sis- fect should be used. When all the . nag we LM, Arthur) referred in the Commons p y 'gaid av and Princ ili A ivi | eM ; Irims- s have been strung, take the Roneld Lentz, RR 3, Belleville. 1; the miei shuieme irons 1-Manioha) Sa Thursday. S B CCF JOIN CANADA COUNCIL and Prine hilip, will Tereive @ ters, Mrs. A. R Jolson, Grime {JOINS have heen = i Bkg the Damage was slight. Bobby McDonald (PC -- Hamil- 4nq -- -- oa aii een y OTTAWA (CP) -- Appointment gine Sketches of a Little Town | Ms os Buck, pial vei To.| Then tie the bob to another line -- th) und Murray Smith a AGRE 10 Ol US Day nem of Gerald M. Winter of St. John's, in lieu of a visit to the writer' joo; and AE NTU |attached to a pole Vinnipe ; North : mention sind the basis of Cl and] OTTAWA (CP) -- 'The sweet |Nfld., Emile Tellier of Trois. home here July 4 The Nr Tonto, 3 . " d t fish a ip g Oy no as a matter of right, he sald smell of success has evaded the Rivieres, Que., and Mrs. Marg- couple' will "Todt Lown Pine Mrs. Richardson is also sur-| Now Jo Be rea > to go ash My e $ particularly, during Senate debate on a bill to! CCF so far because the socialist | aret Harvey of Victoria to three- |, amore and their wives during vived by two brothers, 'Marking, Drovi Ye ave ages : r. Fisher sa 1 Mr, Knowles se gontributions to the old|movement appeals too much to|year terms on the Canada Coun- {air estimated half-hour visit Crawforth of Whithy township, ram of pre a arge coniaer Population or provi: integrity : ension fund the selfless in man while other|cil was announced Thivsaay by 2% land Arthur Crawforth of Sirah ee , | anc lair Geallng dur 5 Lom rew support from Senator parties appeal to the selfish, Prime Minister Diefenbaker. Re PRICES CLIMBIN |roy. Fink . v J days should be "protec-\john T. Haig (PC -- Manitoba) Murdo Martin (CCF--Timmins) appointed for three years were| yo. von! O50 I, bine| The funeral service will be con-| Picking up the mudeat, The mud) from the kind of invective wy asked: "Why in the world{said Thursday night in the Com-|Leonard W. Brockington of To 4 3 (AL). =~ Climbing| ; cted in the W. C. Town Fu.[0% IS equipD Akar ss he was subjected to by gov-\would any government present mons [ronto and Samuel Bronfman of €0Sts forced 87 U.S. daily news-|D CAS, 0 HE ort © Thy Rev.|capable of penetrating into your ment members id age. 1 ht pres : : : | Montreal. A sixth appointment is Papers to increase their price to|1¢ra" ome, iby United|nand. It is only the point of the old age pension legislation giving, His remark met with a, ripple| Montreal, PPO "|readers in the first four months John Smith of Whitby H barb that is dangerous | Mr. Knov now is executive benefits to men and women who|of laughter and the shouted re-|to be made. of 1959, the American Newspaper Church. The service will take! eq \. von have made your wey the vice-president of the Canadian have no need for the money at mark: "Sounds more like self-| CLEAR SCHOOLS QUICKLY Publishers Association reported | Place at 2 ro olay oF. lero the dock or In a loat you must Labor Congress all righteou | ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- A Thursday. {ment will be at Union Ce Y:|wait for a bite. Dusk is perhaps| SS [total of 15.000 students in 70 dis- . {the best time for catching mud- [trict schools took part in a mass $1 ELUDES THIEVES | FUNERAL OF cats, although after dark is just |civil defence exercise Thursday.! STRATFORD (CP) -- Sixteen| THOMAS HENRY HOBBS |as good. They seem to stay clearing their classrooms in an|$1 bills placed in a store's dis-| The memorial service for awake at night and sleep during iii of 2% minutes. They play window here as a sales pro- Thomas Henry Hobbs, 201 Bond|the day. If you get a bite you took refuge in school basements. motion attracted thieves, who gree, i who died ety will ow it by She tug pa your {tried to cut through the window [last Monday evening at the Loron- pole. When you feel this tug pull | DISASTER FUND REPORT to reach one note. They missed ation Orange Temple, was held the line from the water smoothly WINNIPEG (CP) -- Canada's ino ¢1 hut damage to the window at the Armstrong Funeral Home swinging the mudcat to the dock, |disaster® relief fund, untouched may reach $200. |at 2 p.m. Thursday. May 14. (or boat. ead Jose: fotals Salem. fa Rev. C. D. Cross, rector of St.| The catch will depend upon a Pn at rd in 193 with| TO SEND TV TO MOON | George's Anglican. Church, con- i any Sings. id is the $1.485.000. the - balance of the. DERBY, England (Reuters)-- (ducted the services. Interment eat or d te Wes ler js Sod Manitoba flood relief funds Russia has 2,000 volunteers to| was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. A ge at Tee which remained after work in/Man a space ship, but a "'mech-| The honorary pallbearers were as well Another factor is how Manitoba was finished. Between anical explorer" --equipped with/Milton Bateman and Dick Me- hungry the fish are | 1953 and 1957 the fund paid out @ television camera -- will be|Laughlin. -- - ni |8361.700 for various disasters, landed on the moon first, Oleg| The active pallbearers were |The fund has been augmented by Sapounoy, second secretary of charles Dowton, Alex Foote, bank and bond interest and sev- he Russian Embassy in Londan, | clarence Dowdall, Lorne Johnson eral donations. said Thursday night. He told a ang Dean Hillabough, all of Osh- | | branch of the British Interplane-| sa and Robert Hobbs, of Ash- SHIPS FOR BELGIUM tary Society Russia will continue yon | | OTTAWA (CP)--Two Algerine to launch Sputniks. biti i |coastal escorts, the Wallaceburg land the Winnipeg, will be trans. | ORGANIZATION DRIVE STREETS CLOSED | {ferred this summer to Belgium| MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (CP)--| Only one street will be closed) {under the Canadian program of Canadian delegates to the con-|today and Saturday for construc- mutual aid to NATO countries, it|vention of the International Lad-|tion: Ritson road north from | was announced Thursday. jie oS ment Soners Union| Rossland road e ast to Alice | | (CLC) warn anadian employ-|s treet, emergency conditions, CANADIAN Le SRIEFLY |ers Thursday that the union bad) as bad weather, may re-| ick Di of Vi to ole former | fends to go all-out this year to or-| quire the closing of other streets, {ric unn ictoria, Ic |ganize all workers in thélalthough they will be kept open] Fitzpat- [president of the British Columbia ,means apparel industry | whereve! Chamber of Commerce and now on a trade and goodwill tour of Europe. was arrested in Prague for taking pictures without per- | mission, it was learned Thurs. "lday. He was released quickly | and now is in Paris | | | CHECK ON SUBWAY EFFECT | TORONTO (CP)--The Ontario |government may refuse the To- | ronto Transit Commisson per- msision to run the spur line of | the planned eas!-west subway un- \ |der the I lature Building, it OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE 1061 RAVINE ROAD RA 8-5358 [XC CHAMBERS =: | DID YOU KNOW CLUB 65 UNDERWRITERS RD" weddings. He received four | and one for 'a wedding photo- |] That you could carpet a room | 2 " py 3 red 1 0X."9-1188 ssibl All materials to be collected should be put out during the above-mentioned week only, and at the same time and in the same place as the garbage for the regular ¢ollection. MATERIALS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS COLLECTION THE FOOD PLAN THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF STAN BRYNING Large quantities of waste building material and waste food products (in excess of tne normal amount handled in regular garbage collections) are not included in this collection. This special collection applies only to private households and not to apartments, stores, businesses or industries. LOCAL George V. Irel: of a focal photos stud shown holding d award winning ph entered at the 7 annual « vention of the Ontario Society Ph of The conven at the Toronto PHOTOGRAPHE held ntlv wld recently d Ho awards of excellence and four | graph. He also won three x 18' complete for only ) awards of merit for portraits adil Tat go el and one in the wedding class. CARPET SALES, 174 Mary-- --Photo by Ireland Studio J RA 5.1202. ALDERMAN WALTER R. BRANCH, is of rit of meri Chairman, Board of Works. all first prize were of the awards of excel s and candid | lence were for his portraits | for hiree | portraits, wedd t

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