Y6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Mey 15, 1959 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Women's Column LITTLE BUCKEROO RANCH RIDING rats ADULT ond CHILDREN'S CLASSES Lesson twice weekly, $7.50 monthly. Once @ week $5 monthly, Treil riding--=any« time by reservation, For in- formation Diel 2737 eon. |28Pots and Livestock as for Jos on | BA pur. st weeks budgies for AT rinTking king strain 3308, Ara ants, OFFICE HOURS 8 AM, to 5 P.M, MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 32-Articles Wanted 1 4 Call the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 Loney to Loan , Mortgage Fall 08 King Rx wer Lo ant, Omi, WA pad money to loan on firs mort. Sage, Mortgage and agreements of sale Creighton, Fraser, Drymen ang. Bur. YOUR local chimney neys bulli and tepaired, Gas LINES mn: %To--Toon Wanted wailed, Jumaces vacuumed, Free esti. - LEN Bowlers' landseaping and warden. [mm A 32007, WE Cy "clients monie an Hina iA yy we A 3 ing serviee-- lawns seeded, sodded, fer | jo ot Bast, Osh. . tee] tilised, gardens and lawns long i, abs Cv mainttc---- i MOVIE and TV stars use hypnosis roto-tilled, Sidewalk siabs, Everything for your garden "RA 88783 to help them with thelr over-welght problem, Why don't you? Do It now for | GARDENS and Ti ready for apring planting, or Seeding, |Call RAS A988, HOD bi your health and appearance safely and rod with white markings, RA 5.7758 quickly, Consult t Blowin, ST 31 Kendalwood Ron iv} » i m BOARDING, y 8--Building Trades GENERAL contractors, brick And| | nen work and "repairs. RA 55020 BAREMENTH dug, nd back, ci fified, ox x eavating, ete, RA 5 PLUMBING and oS hn ings, fixtures, new and used, changing from lo ta 8--Building Trades FENCES SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED specialize in permanent type all-steel constructed choin link, galvanized for best rust-resistancy, Reason able prices, terms arranged. For free estimatess-- KELLY'S . FENCE RA 8-612] 1==Accountants YALE, PRIEDUANDER, RUNTER and .» Aceountants and Suditors, LA in Bankrupity, Vai, "tA ret "oshawa; BL r nder, B, Comm, Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this eolumn: Births, Memortams, Cards of Thanks 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS « 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 13--Gardening & Supplies 13 Sordaning 3 Suppiice "| GARDENS and lawns rote tilled ard or vushal, | SEIN A oy black Team: green sod, RA ark Rod |5.4974 or RA i size, Average size $3.00 xperien 14---Household Repairs Apply Glen Munro 414 'South, RA 5.7887, GALL Jor. WA 50018 _for rn ant, | Fa STRAWBERRY plants, Premier, grown from virus-free plants, Any quantity, {Order | today. RA 5 Bri |TREE removal and cul with chain saw, hr estimates, Li [¥ 71 cow are, 97 a load; chicken man. ure, #5 a load. Load approximately a ton. RA 8.8070, specialty, In. furni tord TV's, nero For CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD, IRON : : META PAPERS RAG! OPEN SATURDAYS F bi DAY RESIDENCE ~ RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET 'REE PICK-UP wood NT RA wall to wall instal iin Binding, fring ing. Ajax 149: 1492W, a ons 4 Sona Ww. estimates frees on any type hd gary Dial RA b-4241, J, Foley, WT OLASE | lastering ind irs; og ssid g plaste Tephire; Af 4702. ! NTERION, exterior painting, odd jobs. | Reasonable, MO 8.5136, pray uarant: shawa, ros es, FIA 8 866 [7 EATERFIELDS w and CRT re ered like le Modern Uphoistering, 926'4 Simeoe eet North, Call RA 8.6481 for a free Custom Built Homes Additions, Alterations, Rec rooms, Kitchen Cupboards, Tile and Hardwood Floors HUGH CROSBY BUILDER RA 5-3937 JONES, BA, and Associate Barristers and sor i30 King Street RA| JACK C. MacDONALD mse Rabbits, budgies, ¢anas BAe" phe ih Co. 9 Colina , FOR sale -- Boxer, 1 perfe 00 1 - Reasonable rates. RA isis om 10-12 5 n and shears (and 47. »l arpene , saws filed. Apply G. Power,| word . (iiling, landseaping, 1263 Simeos Stress North jobs and lawn service, Phone POWER and hand lawn mowers arp | 53576 and RA B-1576, ened, piok-up-and delivered. RA 9200 Aw and ) gardens rotodilled, H or RA 3.0901 after hours | McDiarmid, 04 Bloor West, RA 3 HAVE your lawn mower precision | ~ ClOANAD | ytored. Bes our materials for RA| ing." Bruce' R. Dalton, 75 Charla 9 p.m; Saturday WYGIENIC supplies malled post paid in lopes with price Ms gontss 24 samples $1.00 All, foro Rn, - RE " goods), (BEAUTIFUL bi . 25 | aining, talk) al 4 sealed - 25 Broad, 114 Big 81 on airs Smier 'lod, Arai and Cama "Certified Public Accountants, 173 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 3509, BOB OLANCY'S Ontario Accounting Servioss offer rviges for small business, 184 Bond Stress West, Room 1, Offies RA 8:0997; Residence, RA 3.7608, WERGER FRANKEL AND countants and Judiiors, 10% 5% Street East, RA a ---- THOMAS M. Avy or Barrister, Soil: eitor and Notary Publie, 2014 Ki Street East. Phone RA 5.1763, 2--Barristers FETTERLY « Dr. and Mrs, J. CO. M, isters, Fottarly anbounce the rth of 5 dug: QAERR AND P Aston pears, ter on Tuesday May 13, 1099, at Vie. Residence a foria Hospital, London, Ontario. A + RAB i Ter sister for Jane, Mark, and Paul, , BA, BCL, RA 8.5832; FRENCH Laurie and Dorothy (nee Blipi, 3. Comm RA MacDonald are happy to announce the arrival of their son, James Edwin, Waodnesday, My / 13, 1959, at the A awa Gener ospital, A brother for SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, , Gre lieitors, Wants cars for wrecking, also 80240, Mortagage loans alla tr Jenn Elizabeth, First grandson of Mr, teed Mattresses rebuilt, and Mrs. ann MagDonald and Mr and Mrs, C, KE. French, all of Oshawa FOWLER « Ray and Biva (nee Fics) wish to announce the arrival of A daughter, Linda Lou, at the Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, May 12, 1050. Thanks to Dr, Morris MORRIS -- Danny and Timmy are happy to announce the safe arrival of their baby brother, Jimmy, weighing 6 lbs. 8 ozs, on Tuesday, May 12, 1980, at the Oshawa General Hospital. Proud parents, Jim and Irens any thanks to Dr. Morris DEATHS KLUMPER « Suddenly at od Jems; 245 Bloor Street West, Thursday, May 14, 1080, ™ erat Torry Klumper in his 3rd year, be loved son of Theodore and Mientge Kiumper, and loving brother of Debbie and Brian, Terry is resting at the Ger row Funeral Chapel, 300 King Street |: West, for service in the chapel on Sat. | urday morning, May 16, at 10 am, In terment St. Gregory's Cemetery RICHARDSON, Berths -- Suddenly At the Oshawa Gene Hospital on Wednesday, May 13, 1080, Bertha Craw forth, beloved wife of the late Albert W. Richardson, dear mother of Mis R, 'Richardson (Marion), Mrs. HW gan (Leila) of Camden, Delaware; Mrs, L. Michaud (Ruth), of Brampton, Mrs Stophenson (Wilma) of Ottawa, and Pr. A Richardson of Toronto, In her 78th year, Resting at the Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for serv. in the chapel on Saturday, At 2 pm; Oshawa GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL The finest service ot moderate prices. RA 8-6226 390 King Street West For Funeral Flower pranperanty See LEWINGTON'S | etate, Block, 26% King Street Kast Ww. C.|; May 18, 1, King Street Interment Union Comatets: % in 17 3 (Whitby, MO #276 EF. SALMERS, eitor, Dial office RA 35-3741; 5542, JON A, CAMERON, Barrister, Solel. | tor and Notary Public, 184 King Street |. East mortgages Arranged MeGIRBON and Bastedo, Solicitors, first mortgage: North, RA 5.3068, bon, QC W. BRUCE AFFLECK, BA, land | bridge 29, PAINTER & DECORATOR, Poperhanging and Painting Gyptex Free Estimotes All Work Guaranteed 50 Nassau St. RA 3.7080 MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIE N C€O., Chartered Accountants, licensed Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, To: rontos Hon. J. W, Monteith, FCA, MPs A. B, Monteith, B, Comm, CA} G, Rishl, CA, RIA; R. F kintjoot, oh: Trothewey CA, RA 5.3527, Street North, Oshawa) | { Whitby MO 8.5731 [JOHN A, MaeDONALD, BA, Barrister and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North Phone RA 8.8511 -- CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Not ary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg 8 Simcoe Street North, RA 3.3446; T K Cr N. C, Fraser, QC; Murdoch, NHA HAYNES BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floor experts, Old floors made like new. Hardwood or tiling. Carpenter work al terations, Kitchen cabinets our specialty, CALL RA 3- 7196 FRAME AND TRIMMING Alterations, kitchen boards ond general repairs. Custom built homes, For free estimates phone Christensen Const, RA 5-6328. | g Street Kast, RA 3.4717, Russell 9. Murphy and James A. MacDonald GREEN DOOR AN in Sou. RA' 3s mest] OFT AND PAINT SHOP | dence, RA 80264 HUMPHREYS and Solicitors; R Boyehyn, ! | mortgages arranged JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Soselion Money to loan. Office, 144 | Street East, Oshawa. RA 8-8333; Rest ence, RA 408, DONALD BLAKE DODDN, |and solicitor, 2614 King Street | Telephone: Business, RA 5.5501; dence, RA 8.8373 i i MANNING ¥. SWARTZ, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan, Asso-| Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry| RA tt ea Barrister East Res! cup Residence, dial RA 3.4020 GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, War: risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public, | 6 Kin, Painting and Decorating Commercia Residential Free Estimates CALL BROOKLIN 240 EVENINGS-- CALL BROOKLIN é 0 HENDERSON CONCRETE | PRODUCTS LIMITED Concrete cinder, Maydite blocks, CHIMNEY BLOCKS, 1089 Nelson St. Corner Wellington RA 3.4412 RA 5.7041 Boyehyn, Barns H. Humphrey, QC) BA: W, A, Millman, West, Phones: Res, RA 5.4604; or Money to loan A, Barrister, Soil. Simcoe Street Noth residence, 1. ate, 13% RA 3.2200: NHA and private Barristers, | funds available for 20 Charles (€ Bastedo, QC Clients' Simcoe Street MeGib Edgar F Barrister Phones: Office~Ux. = RA 8.6704 | Solicitor Res. FLOWERS Phone RA 8.6211 RA 8.6212 24° King St. East, Oshawo ( | Simcoe Street South | DODD & SOUTER PAINTS -- WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING 4--Dentists G. T. SCIUK, Office hours 9 to 6 evenings by appointment 239 Phone RA 5.323), pen (2 doors from Karn's Drug Store). IN MEMORIAM REESON « In loving memory of my daar mother who passed away May 13, ' Not dead is mother, but sleeping In her Father's home abovi he Rewarded for her suffering, Rewarded for her love =Lovingly remembered by son Bruce, 5--Nursing Services | ANDEN NURSING HOME | CONTRACTORS For free estimates call DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5.7426 107 Byron St. S., Whitby | LOCKWOOD HEATING | Sheet Metal Ltd TINSMITHING AND SHEET METAL WORK AIR CONDITIONING | | (Licenced) KING ST. WEST. Exclusive nursing home for convalescent and elderly peo- ple. (Men and - Women), Nurses ond dieticions in attendance Tray service, radio. T.V, lounge. | | COLTON « In loving memory of my dear father and granddad, Walter MW Colton. who passed May 15, 1958 Beautiful memories, silently kept, o a Wondertl dad we will never orge 6--Optometrists €. W. TUCK, R.0,, Optometrist. Please PAY accounts BUILT-UP ROOFING OIL BURNERS n | Sold - Installed « Serviced d FE Now iE The Tie at Dominion Bank aor Phone RA 5.4587 For each of us you did your best, May God grant you eternal rest =Lovingly remembered by daughter | Lots, sondn-law Walter, grandehildren | Jane and Jeffrey | COLTON w= In loving memory of my dear father, Walter Colton, who passed Away May 15, 1988 Years of striving, little of play, Loving and giving the whole of the way A cherished smile, a heart of gold The dearest dad the world could hold, | Surveyor, 218 Alice Street | PHONE RA 3-2511 288 ARTHUR STREET CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES Additions, rec tions, panelling |7--Surveyors , MORTON and Associates, On. | {tarlo Land Surveyors, Professional Bn. gineering, 70 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax. Phone RA 8.0121 I DONALD BH. TROLLOPE, | Ontario Land RA 5.6881 8---Building Trades VREE estimates on all kinds of build. | { | | | | altera- cabinets, roms, sharpened, free pick up and Selivery: | 8.4360, CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled fertilized sod, eut Delivered or laid Prompt deliv 8 3.88 é GRAVEL Also STONE All Sizes LOAM Be Satisifed Dial RAS-5279 | GRAVEL Pit 909% for mud driveway Anytime RA 8.0109 Evenings RA 8.6096 OPENING SPECIAL MAY 14, 15, 16 == | POWER "and hand mowers scissors, ete, precision P Work fully guaranteed. Piokup delivery. For satisfaction and a sharp: ening that lasts, call Jim Fudge, 207] [Chureh Street, RA 5.7616 | " AVE lawn mower sharpened | In ws, scissors, knives, ete. Perey Neil, 102 Highland, RA 8-836) | 11--Business Opportunities - | fresh daily our Free estimate [J RA ery blasting business for sale r alr compressor, like new, alr place sand blaster and equipment, also | hat ton GMC pickup, Will take ear as {part of down payment. Phone Oshawa jane Blasting, RA 5.9641 after 6 pm 1104 NEIGHBORLY service station for lense in Oshawa, completely equipped. Well for right party, Write Box 810, Oshawa Times, 1111 | 12--Dressmaking DRESSMAKING, alterations, zippers, buttonholes, mending, cuffs, shirt collars, etc. Phone 5-2638 DRESSMAKING and alterations done expertly by young lady. Call RA 8.1870, 13--Gardening & Supplies GARDENS Roto-tilled, plowed, disced {and cultivated, Danny Deveau, 505 Stone Street, RA 8.5128 GARDEN the Merry Way, buy see the Merry Tiller action, Free demonstration drapes plant RA run stone. Good Before you Tractor in RA 5.6032 | ----k WANT 30d? You'll be missing a good | # you don't call us before you| nd We deliver or sell In field, RA 80048, SOD. 30g square yard, delivered, finest quality, Rototilling. MO 8.3018 Whitby, | GARDENS and plowed tilled and levelled Nght | work. Average size, Phone 51339 anytime AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered ond layed. Top soil. Phone PICKERING 889 Evenings Ajax 431 roto blade RA lawns Also 82:85 Roses (Durham Grown) $1.05. Reg. $1.35 Apple Trees (Durham Grown) 1 yr $119 WHITE BIRCH SPECIAL SALE Single and clumps Open Sunday Oshawa Garden Service 86 Tounton Rd. W, RA 13-3222 OSHAWA SOD SUPPLY 1 nursery grown sod. Fertilized, Box Fertilizer, VAN BELLE GARDENS GARDEN CENTRE OSHAWA Evergreens, Peatmoss Plants, MA 3-5757 BEVERWYCK GARDENS on Highway 12 North of Whitby IMPORTERS, GROWERS, No cultivated, field and 112d weed treated. 12 years ex- parience Special contract Free estimates RA 8-8639 rates semi--Dwarf | Hwy. 2, 3 miles East of Oshawa be remembered by daughter | 'P¥ and repairs, new homes, commer and grandehil. | clal and industrial work, foundation and concrete work complete, framing | and trimming. Full contracts or sub In loving memory of contracts. Phone RA 5.6937 olton, who passed away | ALY TYPES bullding repairs, roofing, May 13, 1938, Ox He had a )shawa, Ontario | siding, chimneys, and masonry repairs. e had a smile, a pleasant way, Phone RA 8.0390 A helping hand to all he knew wLovingly Sheila, sondnlaw Ron, dren COLTON Walter H counter tops. Experience carpenters. G. REYNOLDS and SON BUILDERS d He was so kind, so generous and true, | On earth he nobly did his best, Grant him, Jesus, heavenly rest Ever remembered hy brotherinlaw and sisterdin-law Blake | Victor and Bernice | COLTON « In loving memory of Walter H. - Colton, who passed away M 15, 1958, Oshawa, Ontarie Deep in the heart lies a picture Of a loved one lald to rest In memory's frame we shall keep it, Because he was one of the best ver remembered by wife and fam ily COLTON -- In loving memory of Walter H. Colton, who passed away N 1 1 1, Oshawa, Ontario » passed since that we loved was ¢ him home, it was His will, our hearts he liveth still r remembered by grandehildren MASSEY In loving memory of a dear mom Mabel Massey, who passed away May 15, 19% Her ory Is as dear today % In the hour she passed away Sadly missed by son Lloyd, daughter aw Bet'y and grandson Robert sad day led away nl MASSEY « In loving memory of dear mother, Mrs. Mabel Massey, < passed away May 15, 1986 Quietly and suddenly came the eall,| Her sudden death surprised us all; Dearer to memory than words can oss of a mother we loved so | | Dearly remembered by her son Ron, davghterdndaw Gwen and id Ronnie | MASSEY = In loving memory of our doar mother, Mabel Massey, who pass. ed away M 15, 1988 «Mother, you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more, SUll In memory you are with ys, As you always were before | ~Sadly missed by daughter Evelyn, | san-inaw Keith, grandsons Randy and | immy MASSEY « In loving memory of our dear mum, Mabel Joy Massey, whol Passed away so suddenly, May 13, 1956 | We have only your memory, dear mother To remember our whole lives through But the sweetness will linger forever As we treasure the image of you Sadly missed by son Perey. daugh ferindaw Sara, grandchildren Mary and Janice i CARD OF THANKS | | I wish to personally thank the nu and aldes on 3A at the Oshawa pute Hospital, Dr, Shaw, the Canadian Le , the Venerable Archdescon HW. D arden, Christ Church, and neigh. bors, and friends in Warmony, for their many kindnesses shown to me Suite |My recent stay In the hospital, A.M. Fools [A 1 BRICK and block work, chimney asement waterproofing, free | estimates RA 8.0000, { PLASTERING, patching parging foundation. Free General repairs, RA 3.4871 CARPENTER work, framing, trim ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work and repairs. Mortgages Arranged All| work guaranteed. RA 3.3 ATTENTION! Now is the tire to call experienced carpenters to do all the building and repair jobs in your home. | Also specially designed cupboards. For| free estimates, phone RA 8.5532 RA 5-3376 NEW OIL FURNACES Buy it wholesale and have | installed by expetr Eosy terms. Fuel oii, oil burners, furnaces HARRY O PERRY HEATING RA 3.3443, Nights RA 3.7944 and stucco, estimates. DODD and Struthers, lightning rod systems; installed and repaired. Write Box 1355 Bowmanville PO; MA 3:2820, ROOFING and siding, eavestroughing, chimney repaird, new and old work RA 5.6821 BULLDOZING | and excavating. Dial Merny ieee Dave. watag:| LIFETIME WROUGHT IRON RAILINGS JOHN A, CAMERON, Barrister | Guaranteed rust.proof tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street East. RA 3.2280. NHA and private | | BEAUTIFUL ENAMEL FINISH Most Modern Design mor Rages | arranged CONCRETE STAIN-FREE DAILY ASPHALT SURFACES AND PAVEMENTS PHONE RA 5.2063 | Phone RA 8.8695 after W. B. Bennett Paving Ltd é pm. ond Saturday PRECAST CONCRETE Rich Loam Top Soil, Gravel SEPTIC TANKS WALK SLABS PATIO" SLABS | Brick, Sand, Cheap, Fill Levelling or back filling lots, RA S- 2156 PLASTERING New and Plasterin Le] repai water rs cement proofing WOOD'S PLASTERING| STEPS & PORCHES WELL TILE CURBING BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Phone 155 Brooklin RA 8-1311 CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND Prompt Delivery RA 8-8951 WHOLESALERS JOHN COX, Prop 600 MAPLE ST, WHITBY PHONE MO 8-4184 STOCK, shrubs, hedges, gold leaf, etc new varieties, dahlia roots, strawberry and raspberry plants, box plants, seeds, grass seeds, FLAGSTONE, loam, manure, peatmoss, fertilizer, SPRING DISPLAY of flower bulbs, crocus, narcisssus, hv- acinths, tulips. Cut flowers for sale Come and see us day and evenings week Plenty of space GARDEN SUPPLIES PLANT FOODS FOR EVERY NEED BULK GARDEN SEEDS FLOWER SEEDS GARDEN TOOLS PEAT MOSS BUG KILLERS WEED KILLERS BOX PLANTS SHRUBBERY ROSES OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS | COOPER-SMITH | COMPANY 16 CELINA ST RA 3-2312 @ | Lawn and 'Garden Supplies 1 | | Flower and vegetable seeds, garden and lawn tools, fer. tilizers, peat moss, insecti cides, sprayers, sprinklers, hose and gross seeds. Ask about free use of our fertil izer spreaders, R. B. Reed & Sons HARDWARE 48 SIMCOE N RA 3.4032 NURSERY roses evergreens, lilac trees, GLADIOLI open all 7 days o parking Free delivery Ornamental evergreens. shrubs, hedges, paeonies, per- ennials ch collected cedars hedges 35¢ ond up, ORCHARD NURSERIES No. 7 Highway, South side 2 miles west Brooklin ce tor of OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. GRAVEL-STONE | . TOP SOIL-S0D RA 3- 3528 SPRING CLEAN-UP Power Rolling Fertilizing [3 Rato-Till Top Soil « Sod + Manure HARDSAND LANDCAPING RA 5-1721 COURTICE LANDSCAPING Weed - treated, field nursery sod, top § i 1. Com. plete service, Cc act motes Free Estimates ED KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 ng p. | Dept. holstering Co., 10 Bond Street west, Hamilton, 0 Dial RA 80311, FURNACE CLEANOUT SERVICE $7.50 Labour, plus parts HARRY PERRY HEATING RA 3-3443 Nighte--RA 3.7944 frustration. Learn to be happy! Hap: Janes and health go together. Hypno- troubles, ner. nall biting, salesman other problems « skin vous pains, smoking habit, sti mn ering Improve dy easier, Consult Heat on Institute of Ethical Hypnosis, 11 Ontario Street, Oshawa. RA 8.017] |Weekdays 1 pai |10 am - 1pm ele WHY feel old? Feel years younger FURNACE SALES | AND SERVICE H. M. Mackie Co Ltd RA '5-5954 Cleanout Services $7 labour plus parts | = {past "0. Only do, At all druggists, Go to the Dutch Lady FORTUNE TELLER MAIN - STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 1732 ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff' will be in Oshawa June 9 - 10. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment Electric Motor Trouble COMPLETE REWIND SER- VICE TO ALL MAKES OF; WASHERS, DRYERS, SUMP. PUMPS, BLOWERS, POWER LEARN to live and he the master of |- Janrasit, Eliminate fears, tension and orapy is the answer to theses and Edwin p.m. Saturdays O#trex tonic tablets revitalise thousands | woos 52741 after scrap iron and metals, ete, bom, Wea Saturday ell RA RA's.237T 8 BLOOR E PICKERING DOG SCHOOL Obedience training for ell dogs. = For information ¢-Il PICKERING 240M4 TEMPLE 9-1656 |26--Farmer's Column POTATORN Jor aie. Phone ¥Uifon [2 PTI for shin. WANTED P IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 (collet) | L DEAD farm stock pioked up Phone collect, Bowmanville, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. POTATOES, Irish Cobblers, RA_8.0209, 27--Fuel Wood PRY hardwood ocutil 5 - d loads, Also used lumbe: Der, RA sn Yu ~ |28--Summer Re orts COTTAGE required Ju July 11 - bedrooms, RA 8.8410 COTTAGES « furnishd, safe "be hth, - 1 CASH WOR SCRAP 8} E BUY sven, METALS SATTERIES, PER, RAGS, Ete. M. em & SONS RA 3.7333 i Bloor St, E Employment Wanted YOUNG girl with two years' exper lence, requires housework, live in or out, 240 Ritson Road South, 114b 36 scfumale o Help Wanted onan yo B, thse: conveniences, safe be; Hise | fishing, hydro, $30 per week, boa cluded, 30 miles north of Madoe, J i" ings County, Phone or write, a TORRANCE, N Muskoka: 1% miles ll | | | TOOLS, FANS, MOTORS. S LOCKWOOD sonable rates, fully insured, RA 5.2831, ROY LOVELESS apartment reasonable rates, fully insured. 8.8515, Repair Centre I] and Storage, rea. moving, | RA cellent working conditions, Say week, '80 vacation, Phone RA va. Ch 5 eng: nin i ge 4 180 thly is rite rads. ance or phone Bala 8, booth, Weeks and mo Hutchinson, To |342-w2 EXPERIENCED naires RE nursing home, COTTAGES furnished, wi RXPRRTENGED Tis pee vacation, refriger, Yacati a Top w Apply ip ---- n oF id two-, taliha, 49 BURK ST, RA 5.7743 A GALT Cartage. {mo vin, 15--Instruction jovi 5 sonable insured, Call day or nigh furniture and ¢ rates, t, RA § fully +4408 oom, safe for children, RA 5. bowtiog, NEW lakefront three TET » keeping cottages, complete hae {WARVEY Dance Ageden Baton, tap, | Royal Ac lot hl } loyal Academy ballel 8 he: ot 21--Personal Service ster now 424 King LILLIAN Mae Marsh, Dance Educator: THRIF-T Delivery service. 34141 Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, pre - {school acrobatie. Friday and Saturday (SEWING machine repair and servic | Masonte RA 37283, to all makes, Elna. RA 35.2391 PRIVATE cher, student eounselior, 15 years' experience. Appointment only, Call RA 310M, SCHNEIDER'S DRIVING SCHOOL Well known for guaran. teed satisfoction. Reasonable rotes. Effective date, May 1, 71 ALBERT ST. RA 8-5315 0. OLAN LAWNMOWER & ENGINE SALES & SERVICE Authorized Clinton, Lawson ond Power Product Services, new ond used lawnmowers, 81 CENTRAL PARK BLVD, §, For Fun, Popularity and Success TRY DANCING You. Con Actual! GO DANCING After One Lesson At ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIOS | 114 Simcoe St. S., RA 8.1481 LEARN TO DRIVE SCHNEIDER'S DRIVING SCHOOL 71 Albert St., Oshawa, Ont, RA 8.5315 DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! DO IT NOW! to play the guitar, 10-week course, $1! Classes - of two or four Bring your friends. Professional tuition, Any style. For appointment coll ALTO MUSIC RA 5-1501 JANE BLACK S lenderizing Studio. Slenderizing, Reduce ing, Steam Bath and Mas. soge, A! Simcoe Street South, RA 5-9602 for ap- 10 am. | Learn Special per lesson pointment. - Open 10 p.m. Phone RA CLERK visi, Spin bf ate Danduiting. stating Ms. Sxperience, 836, Osha wa Times, 114e TELEPHONE solicitor wanted, experi: ence preferred bul not ary, plus commission, For formation, call RA 80834 before im »Also| DENTAL nurse and receptionist. Stale past experience, name of Aide] ampievare; LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH DAY CAMP FOR BOYS and GIRLS 6 - 14 $15 weekly includes, trans. portation, milk, daily riding, swimming, archery, crafts, sports etc, Registered nurse. For Indlore mation Dial RA 5.2737 280--Trailers Li | GINNRS trailer Wome. Like new 'inside | working a out, '50 Plymouth diag maids ,| Cleaners, 331 Olive Avenue. new, inside and out. Apply P, A.| EXPERIENCED typist for Margan, Five Points training Track, EXPERIENCED typist for teon Road North, "® |plece bath, hot and cold running 4 {large living-room with nnd veer dow, kitchen with builtin cupbomrds, double sink, mew refrigerators, duty electrie ay ran ) sould safe deseh, J Jniise front obert Parkin, Britain, Antaris Phone MR FOR rent = Colibge -- Hort Lake: hydro, June v fo August 1 Jlisum 22 to Sept, 5 330 weekly, . 1 am tial. Phone Ajax 108. CARIN Soler fr SE Fo Ta h EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted RJN Restaurant, Whitby your holidays in the new 13-foot, cabin trailer, Rook sev ah aE sgage for LA, ti WL bb Street, Strent South at Gi 0131, Pose RA COOK" TRAILER SALES Invites you to see the camp- ing models, $995 end wp.; --_[32--Radio and T.V, Repairs | Re PT TV service, . RA 8.5206, Oshawa [16--Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, to 20 per cent, six months For personal serviee at your home, | call RA 5.7413 17--Money to Loan FIRST and second mortgage, sale agreements purchased and sold, Hen {nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King | Street East, RA 3.72) " make, , Oshawa | PROMPT TV service, | years' experience, RA 8.5 Electronics, TOWERS © a guarant bolt: [Tivets, all welded All channel aerials i |irom $20.95: easy terms, Kelly TV. RA 5121, ompletely netalied, 1 1 Was no HOME OWNERS ! Is your first or second mort gage coming due? Do you need extra money? Are your monthly payments too high? Call us tor advice! We have private funds avail- able at reasonable rates. LYNDEWOOD INVESTMENTS Brooklin 303 NEED CASH? See Seaboard "Your Lending Neighbor" OF CANADA LIMITED (formerly Bellvue) LOANS UP TO $3,000 OSHAWA OFFICE 29V2 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-1121 [SEABOARD FINANCE CO. [18--Loan Wanted | FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES and AGREEMENTS OF SALE $1,800 to $100,000. Home owners, residential property summer cottages, suburbon homes, factories and acreage. Quotations by phone or mail, Prompt service. IALS installed, moved Fair RA "and re hone R 8 SPECIALIZED service. All makes, Fred Thompson, 157 Elliott Street, Call RA 3.9792 PARKWAY TELEVISION ELECTROHOME . RCA. VICTOR, ADMIRAL, WESTINGHOUSE The finest. in television and ce, -- RA 3-3043 | | | | servi 918 Simcoe N. factory ap- television Call any For qualified proved appliance, and aerial service, firm listed below. | TV's -- HI-FI -- AERIALS Associated Services RA | | | { co 3.3427 Deon Kelly Enterprises RA 5.5121 .. RA 5.1485 ++ RA 3.3043 Pollard Radio .. RA 3.9512 Premier T.V, .. RA 5.1179 T.V. Enterprises RA 5.2905 APPLIANCE SERVICE Christie Appliance Service RA 5.1179 Lodwick Electric Aes) A 5.6369 Ba RA 5.7743 Warner Williams Service Centre RA 5.3531 Members of Service Opera. tors Association in co-opera- tion with the Oshawa Chom. ber of Commerce. Fowler T.V | Parkway T.V, | | | Star Repai- 23--Women's Column SPENCER Foundation Spencer Foundation Garments individu: ally designed. Reg. Corsetier, Mrs. 1. Hendershot 308 Park Rd. N. Oshawa. SPECIAL «= heat permanents, $8.30; cold waves, $5.50. Page Hairdressing, 396 Pine Avenue, 33363. any make, 10 terms, FEMALE HELP LOCATION; ~-- . 10) HWY. NO. 2 AT COURTICE 29--Summar Proper THREE - bedroom "cottage, ated at a, With electricity TE ater, garage. RA §-1217, WANTED Experienced, either book. keeper with typing, or sten ropher - secretary preferably wh legal - training, Good Write Box 928, alo snd telvisigp|Ls Garment «| Oshowe Times. 1104 AE a to sell MN io. Ontardlo. n par Jewellery Soles girl required. Full time position for right girl. Experience not required. Apply between 10 am, ond 2:30 p.m, to: BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTO, Leo Pew, Waterford, HI 3.5770, FOR SALE -- on Sougog Take fron frond, cottage, clean and comfortably furnish. od, ready to live in, hydro and well Phone RA 81920 RICE LAKE, Bewdley Bargain for for cash, modern cottage, RA +1000, 113b [FOR SALE -- Summer stire or mack {bar with gas pumps, all year lving quarters, on new paved thr h road at View Lake on Lake Scugog, Priced to (sell at 86200. Small down papeaent, Look [this one over. Leo Pew, Wagerford, On. tario. Phone Hl 3.5770, 30--Lost end found LOST small dog -- | Pom, 14 years old, Ty aH LOST « Small dog, bl Pom, 14 14 _yoars old. RA 31--Articles For Ss Wanted by ao well known ond established Oshawa Firm, @ middle aged lady or widow, 40 or over, who wishes o pleasant place to work. Applicant must have @ good school background with grammar and spelling being the best subjects, , Torte i] "pokines 1194 This work is interesting and conversational, regular busi« ness hours, plus full benefits, If you are tired and bored living in an apartment ond wish o change of pace in on interesting occupation, please write Box 934, Osh. awa Times. All replies will be strictly confidential. 113¢f 37--Male Help Wanted TOP mechanic, hgh wages plus bonus for good man on ignition, carburetor and ae work, Phone Rewamenvilie; MArket 3 ua Bea Sey sell in Oshawa: Pickering district. Phone TEmple § 1721, Pickering, BUTCHER, 1820 years old, with some experience for modern food market, $\4-day week. Apply in person, Stroud's Food Market, 34 Simcoe Street North, um hy "RA 3-8563 CEMENT mixer - elecbrie. barrows, TV sets, alse alks Sriveway curbs laid, RA 5.427 or RA ELNA rentals, RA 3981 lien and e ng. Straight WEBBINGS RENTAL SERVICE TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FOR RENT 282 King St. West RA 3-4873 Ample Parking SEW and SAVE OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE CORP.! LTD 112 Simcoe Street North shawa RA 5-3568 PONTIAC INN BANQUETS & WEDDINGS Hot and fod plates $1.50 wp Private Ry 993" ete. 1 Days-- | Nights: RA 5.1386 on RA 3.9484 RA 34470 after 6 pm, RENT a SINGER |32--Articles | Want d WANTED used Kitchen stove for wood | EXPERIENCED gardener. spring fuel. Four w 14a 'Road. Phone RA $1720 party chief Write Rox 834, rhaes, with full particulars. | a8 Mvertised product, . good opportuni for right man. Before 5:30 p.m. 11 AMBITIOUS reliable man, castle of portunity for the right man. Write Box 831 Oshawa Times ny «don, Apply Box 983, Oshawa Times ns POSITION open for two reliable med sales RA 8633 and after MO 3 managing dry cleaning plant, gooa ep: LICENSED mechanic for service sta. it Glover's