a. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 15, 1959 3 Wred Crawford and Mary Lou, i, : OLS Port Perry, visited Mrs, G. Craw- eets - - A LOOK AT THE SCHO Mot ers ote ford aud 34. and Mus. YW. Peates, voted in favor of the sector plan|linger, Joan and Ellen, Toro . Mr, and Mrs, Wallace Marlow, for an every-person visitation, (visited Mr, and Mrs, Wal o hd hd Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Thompson and ! Dowse Sunday, Vv : family, 'Mr. and Mrs, Jim Mar- oil US rersonavs Mrs, Ray Smith and children, I 11 C 1 X orers low and Anne attended service in Lorraine Wellbanks and Pat|Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mrs, ih ig : Eldad Sunday when James Mar-| COLUMBUS - The Evening Lieke, both of Toronto Teacher's|Merlin Hepburn, Sunday. ' low, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart|group of the WMS held its May|Colloge, taught at the Columbus|------ sds AEST By MRS, R. C, HILL Mrs, E. Gibson, Nestleton, Leask was baptized. They were meeting Wednesday at the home junior School last week, < o ADENAUER BLACKSTOCK Explorers spent the weekend with Mr. and|;oior entertained at the home of fof Mrs, Alan Scott, President, a0." 200 ape p B, Kay of MAY SUCCEED A Erhard, or C 00 {Thursday entertained their moth. Mrs, Oscar Graham, (Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Leask, Mrs, Frank Smith, opened the Toronto visited Wilfred Sander-/the man most lkely to sues . . d. Unfortunate: °** and younger children, Wor. Mr, and Mrs, Ross Dulf enter- Taunton. meeting with a reading and in- bei A sp Bing ood Konrad Adenauer as chan. By DAVID JEWELL Accompanying Trustees Say-|vidual's background. ship was conducted by Lyndatained the Duff families Sunday.| wy and Mrs. Henry Adams troduced Mrs, Clifford Naylor -- 0| A 's Day supper aticellor of West Germany, will D will be Trustees|ly a great many youngsters to te, Betty Bradburn and Linda Mrs, George Fowler has return-\ io 'Mrs, Gertrude Adams, Mrs.|who spoke on the roposed amal| Mo s ; wil The spring of the year seems Wl V0 or Fr R, Britten, Mrs, day never have a chance to Kyte y ed home from Oshawa for the ind Webber and Mrs, J. W, gamation of the WA and WMS, |the home of Mr, and Mrs, T. Thy' seven-day visit to hard adbu: : nite States next month, Er. to be an active season for the » and Mrs. Shaw. appreciate or understand it be- was announced by summer, vn fo Toronto Saturday on|A brief discussion period follow: Scott were: Mrs, H. L. Pascoe, next month, Kir. Oshawa Board of Education : {A oe and Nit. ORCHESTRA |Cause no one ever takes the Hine Phe Carnaghan who also. Mrs, H. Hawkin, Port Perry, Br occasion of Daniel Wotten's ed, Me. and Mis. Alan Soot, Me. and Jie Sonam es inital pnd I mars of ihe moar Wave|" At Last Monday's board meet" Thn'oould bo he Oe welcomed the guests, Linda Butt snont the weekend with Mr. and 75th birthday. | Several lotters were read and) Jil pt moma 'McCullock, [garded as the chief architect of visited senior public sethools wd A to accept the|iunity for Oshawa to accomplish fave a reading i Riis Ma. vas Sownelore Burketon |. Sunday visitors to Mr, and Mrs, reports given by Me 5 Ren. Orono; Mrs, W, Scott, Mr. and the country's post-war recovery. throughout southern Ontario on|offcr of the Oshawa Symphony|this, If the board felt that the ThomPaot Mend Wl FUN CL and Mrs. E. Murphy, Tyrone, at. Leis, Henry and Mrs. J. W. sien, seneritiiuder OL tl onay, Mrs. J. H. Pascoe and Douglas, - STI re (Orchestra Society to put on one first concert was successful per. lg Mi the "Love" "Helen fanded service Sunday and were Bradburn, were Mr. 14 Mon | Ex lores '|John Morrow and Mr. and Mrs, They have been discunsing of the Leonard Bernstein-type haps they might wish to havi jad woes a pe MAT and luncheon guests of Mr. and Wes, |Lome Bradharn and Jum, Talon, Yeudley ote Explopes. resided Grant Pascoe = hanes 0 gs with a view tol, 0 + the school children, | ; 3 cheon | ne ; at Pa " Shely Dugioes po I Ny We concerts for the school Ores if they confine it to the Ly Bradoura LR 1 McLaughlin. toy rolned| and family. Mr, and Mrs. F, Car- for fhe program and worship a re co tho or of Mo Board members are also taking ATTENDANCE LIMITED = \_, joniy who have already shown|s Marin S00 cite SL oh itor the Murphy family at|ter and family, Maple Grove; Mr. Mrs, Edward Laviolette read the day were Mr, and Mrs. Walter an active Interest in outside' asso-| Because of the space available, an interest in music it 1s doubt: SANZ An ynda Kyte, | A " or J {and Mrs, Merrill Henry and fam-| goripture. A reading on Mother- Oke, Enniskillen, Mrs Fr. hy rd ne ord fel nat attendance 8 11" "arpope "of tha of Explorers, presented leader the Lome of J 6 Bek Too ly, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs, hood was given by Mrs. Kenneth ney Hockiday and Mrs. 8d Hock.| : Board Chairman 8, G. Saywell, ghould be limited to students) .o of presentation will be real- Mrs. Butt wi . v, J : } ack Webb and boys, Oakville, powell, followed by prayer b¥|iqav of Soll s served refreshments, |er's Day gathering, 5 iid J ay na, 3 third yee: |v se already shown some|; | girls served refres 1 wr , ote. Rev, and Mrs, P, Romeril visit- Mrs, Cosway, Mrs, Cosway, Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leger: for instance, is the thir who have already s ized. | MisstoN BAND MEETS Mr. and Mrs. Will Forder yin Ah i presiden' of the Hh 5 00 interest in musi or who play pled Mir. and Mirs. Benson Dunn, od relatives in Hamilton Thurs: powell and Mrs. Laviolette #ave|ton and Mr. and Mrs, James Bel: MALTS & SHAKES Boards Association of Ontario. an instrumen | cide fu i i A ho n the Bern b a lasion Band met Tiesday VThe| Oshawa, Sunday. ny gud Feiday. Dents Yo esdings a. oi tie'3 Focud Bud wibon de Tabada Ny CONVENTION Ee t LR iy ¢ Jos y thur, To- er) i Next meeting will be on Ju Ws J 678 . RA ia Its stein" cooncerts knows that such Dam usters children finished and Painted the ive and Sey Meats, To: 0.2 And Mrs, Roy ig aid at the home of Mrs, R, H. Love, Lome RH. B68 SAVE ne "annual Jorn: demonstrat Fo oth nusicn p had made as gifts ; vs. J, Forder visited Mr, a ng vs 18 Dor ® inn and instructional N St ndards for Mother's Day. ol, el. wd Helen VanCamp Mrs. Anson Taylor and Mr. and FAMILY DAY SERVICE wall this weekend 7 Their prime function is to teach ew da | OFFICERS abe and ] a Mrs. Brown at the cottage on| Special Family Day services | i Mr, Seywell, along with other ' oly DN a ee INCOM. I Reuters) A| MOTHERS ELECT | Lis the weekend with thelr | oie Lake were held at Columbus United This Thor, & Fi. only stees, will attend he listener ho N ge WN, Eng. (Reu ri Guides, Brownies, Scouts and mother, wake. A vere iy the Hivhii~hts will he alous types of music small group of men, including Cith aothers held a second meet: Vir, and Mrs, Les Gibson, To. BA and MW. Y oung end Church Sunday. { talk by Dr. A. D, Dunton, presi- We fecl that they are primarilyisome Canadians, who took part|y.' wien Mrs, Florence Collins ronto, 'sited Mr. and Mrs. Cecll| 5 WB 0 an | The Sunday School service was dent of Carleton College in Of, aimed at people who have He iy "the historic RAF "dambuster"| Cl nnointed president and Mrs. Vill and Mrs. Norman Taylor, Mis. ' Brey. Sunday, ie conducted by Elmer Powell, su- wa no nrevious knowledge of class raid on the Mohne and Eder Hilda Mappin secretary - treas-|Sunday. lo ean | ord, oan , Prins porintendent, assisted by Lois | Dr. Charlotte Whitton, ex-may- ical music, (dams in 1943 made a sentimental... Visitors to Mr, and Mrs, A, L, (Weekend with h ther, [Heddon at the plano and Grant or of Ottawa, will speak on the They can, of course, be enjoy: journey back to their former ~nioi meeting will be held May Bailey Sunday were Mrs N| : Webber who read scripture. tople 'Furthering and Finanefug ed by anyone, It seems however base at Scampton near here 20 at the recreation centre Henry, Carol, Dianne and Bruce,| BIG DEVELOPMENT Morning church service was Bowe We i Education." that, if the concert to be presents py cq. CHIMNEY FIRE Janetville: Mr, and Mrs, Ray| poroNTO (CP) Maver No onmg he Rov. Rodld 7 you Trustee George Drynan will be ed to the Oshawa Students Is Jobe Wearing medals awarded for Bird, Mrs, Willlam _Powles, yo Phillips says o $25,000,000 11. Love. Special music was pro VR 7 we ) IRESH-MOZIN RAVOUR ihighisteh ) n yne wo 3 re i » watehe \ ve shimney fire at the home of : Salam wh ! } « bacia' N hi ! k ' conducting a question and answer un dot the raid, they watched the Queen » A Gi A 8! fhe home o George and Jim, Peterborou h commercial development protect vided by th cholr, under the di ob /] BONDISTHAST. pe 'ad 1 secondary education. better 3e directed toward se Mother present new standards to Ir, tag, bl nm Gi iy ot but Mire and Mrs, Stephen Suv for downtown Toronto will be an- rection of Mrs, Wallace Scott. 1341 SIMCOE ST. N. n y dents with little or no musica 4 Ry ster 8 ed considerable exciteme p Margaret. Mr, and rs ¢ § Es : { oe Ses Shi al rhe final session on Monday the 617 Dambuster Squadron ind Margare "Inounced In about a week, He Douglas Willred Griffin | AT TAUNTON RD. ------------------------ {background at all, In this way it| p ber fortunately the brigade and jo a Mra. Fred Bailey. ature wolor film we. | Dackgroun ' nn. Which now flies jet bombers, " a uisla 4 awson an IS. Vilgald it would be financed by baptised, | NE Onhia Board of Might teach them the fundamen: "ype" speech, the Queen neighbors were able to keep It oghawa, Mrs. F. Bailey Is re British capital. A short congregational meeting thon tals of, nd Whe ability do eno Mother recalled that she visited confined, mrining home for the 'summer, --- . OR FILM {music which, perhaps, they didiye yy ce with King George VI 16 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner, Lor-| cou i [not previously understand |years ago to congratulate the| Mrs, M. Weldon, Uxbridge, raine and Janet, spent the week- The Po. oe oy RICH, WONDERFUL crews on thelr return from their visited Mrs, H. Bailey and Eva end at their cottage at Coe HII, tion to Secondary SC 8, § i rie 'COSS Iped them Parr, Friday Mr, and Mrs, Russel Mountjoy pnerally y .al Grade ® Classical music is a rich and successful raid and he! . . i us Seseraly ows lo Jota) rade of Wisi thing. Most education: choose the squadrons badge and Mr, and Mrs Goldwin F J are spending a few days in oy WOW a 0 - CONS ' tit | 1 "Apn i le deluge' and family, Toronto, spent the ronto at to e y at it is an essen. motto Apres mo 3 0 year, showing them what (0 Ists will agree tha ' oh Y nf " sekend at their cottage here Helen Crawford, Mr, and Mrs, pect when they. reach high schod]l, [tial part of a well rounded indi After me the flood wee ! ford, frs. 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