Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 May 1959, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, May 15, 1959 © ne ad Lawn Bowlers Plan j = for first-year bowlers at|fee of §2 per person willbe | p |charged fa h + 12 a charg lor eac {$12 for men and $6 for women, | Ce Bl excepts { the Gold 3 y, 4 1 7 1 |A number of new members were LJ J : § Cu or 5 introduced at the meeting and p. i J AY he, | others are éxperted as the mems No definite decision was made / S&F 4 | bership committee continues its regarding the rehabilitation of the ] | . ¢ the condition of the wood Plans for the 1050 season were ed in the morning,~commencing tion of a 24foot extension to the SOCIAL EVENINGS SUCCESS (will be made and am effort made laid at a well-attended meeting|at 10 a.m, and two games in the east end of the present clubhouse, The social committee an-|to recondition them, canvass of prospects. lighting system; but a Survey ol -- of the men's section of the Osh- afternoon. The tournament Will for the use of the ladies' section. nounced that the five social eve-| MD I {fenented by the 'varions Som: /inelys trebles even Whe played gy out of town entries for the Jitney tournaments for club In steed, Bara BY res |General Motors Gold Cup tourna- members will be played on Wed- | " "el ND |petition, One game will be play- played Monday, June 8, The first| E ottort is bei hl serve pei 3 at uc RF FZVOUS | - regylar club games will be very effort is being put forth of the open tournaments a e| HOTEL LANCA: TER to increase the membership of club will make a donation to the A | executive and the finance com- yA Ready To Start mittee to proceed with the erec-| Club celebrated thelr fifth an- gam - 340 but the Oshawa | above, left to right: (front row) | tain; K. Miszakowski, R. Bunio, dent, Mrs Jack Anderson, wr feos will remain the same as be-| niversary last weekend with an | Polonia team made | J. Bunio, J, Szmanski, M. Pap Z. Dranskl, W. Pletrowski, J, [coming about forty former and Lo lla! te closing of the| illness and Mrs, Anderson voice! -l "wv ¢ r the club's regrets and wishes of [7 OLD COUNTRY SOCCER all, for a speedy recovery ava Lawn, Bowling Clu Thurs-ibp 2 myxed jis eve 1 y he|The addition will be similar in|nings held during the winter |day aight. Byron Edmondson, the rinks drawn from the board. design to the present clubhouse, months at the Children's Arena TALLY HO - It was announced that the first] The annual president vs vice. ment in August. This competition nesday and Saturdays as was the clu ment will be held Mon-| president games will be played| Mei, 0 NERS: Ne, i dong n] Iam nd f : . W this ¢ pti ; | . |] - Habits J ns pi pod the men's section." With this inlladies on a per capita basis. It | a 1e8 ection played with the rink competition mind it was decided to set thelwas also decided that an entry | | | The ladies' section of the Osh- at 7.45 p.m. Names of play-| awa Lawn Bowling Club held its ers wishing to play must be! exh ition game at the Kinsmen | enough showing to Indicate ew 4 AL : ae a " members cold he lg Civic Memorial Stadium, | they'll be making a real bid for in ki, J. Sweet, P. Adamowicz | Mosbalek, W. Sucholewski and Mrs, 1 ar) Sharp, president light apd ele oh SPORTS MENU - Ln 0, Express Buses and treasurer, Mrs, Gordon Pirie ) By Geo. H. Campbel {club president, presided over the| The club's first open tourna-| "oo. 2000 oad that entries had resulted in a net profit of OSHAWA'S day, May 18, with the. Hayden| Thursday, June 4 and the first of 00 "Vith the number of Oshawa The ladies' section of the club later in the season. . y ' k ~~, > a a POLONIA SOCCER CLUB READY FOR ANOTHER BIG SEASON as Lives sowing Clu Jed Rulers "iting 10 play mont be against Polish White Eagles, of top honors in the Oshawa and and A, Mosballer; (back row) Ted Chlanda, coach elect for the current season, was po tha executive. England's Touring Teams 1 YT h ™ save their reports, along with the | ng an S ouring 1 €a bad conveners of the social, games SPORTS EDITOR direct to OLD WOODBINE Imeeting at which reports were ment of the season will 81 ave already been received from $207.85 [Macdonald Trophy up for com- the men's club games will ntries restricted to 14 entries. |ywjll serve refreshments at each| . A \ 4 # ' : ; -- BF | Lawn Bowl oe T0 EXTEND CLUBHOUSE i = ty 7 awn ow ng The membership authorized the » ' - fe ) & % The Oshawa Polonia Soccer | League, The visitors won the | season. - The team fs shown | Soccer Club; K. Rawskl, cap. afternoon, with the acting-presi- Membership fees and locker the Toronto National Soccer | District Soccer Assoc. race, this | J. Balko, president of Polonia Photo by The Oshawa Times not able to be present, owing to | house, locker, purchasing and Being Closely Watched "iii: It was announced that the Bas sett Trophy tournament date had| By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' A LITTLE DISAPPOINTING ! That's the only logical observa-| LONDON -- British soccer foot- Son tha Cun be made, Johowmg Jost i public Riesling, at'ball interest is now centred on the 'entral Collegiate gymnasium, on the topic of a new Auditorium: Tm ns Ba Arena for the city of Oshawa. The attendance was the main dis- various English teains which are appointment--about 150 persons turned out--a far cry from the dozens and dozens, yes hundreds, who have taken time out in re-/playing against the leading teams 'cent years to observe that Oshawa needed an arena, that a city there In a one-sided Under-23 in this size was 'dead' without a hockey arena, etc., ete.--where were all these people last night ? In fairness to those who turn- ed out--what they lacked in numbers, they made up for in en. young English team redeemed thusiasm. And the pointed questions that were asked real, honest- the fortunes of English soccer, to-goodness, sensible questions, in most cases--showed that these dimmed by the poor display of people at least, were thinking, The small pamphlet, presented the full English side against Italy through the courtesy of Alger Press, gave every person an excel- at Wembley, with a sparkling lent idea of the proposed plan for the auditorium and the over. 3-0 victory. Pointer of Burnley all Memorial Centre. The size of the project, no doubt, proved a scored two goals and Parry of revelation to many--certainly the proposed cost couldn't be con- Bolton the third to seid the young fused with "peanuts." Basically, the meeting expressed approval Italians off the field with the boos of the project and authorized the Citizens' Committee, formed a of 80,000 spectators resounding in year ago, to proceed with the appointment of separate commit-|their ears. tees, Financially, the solution of raising about one-and-a-half mil-| The young English team has touring the continent of Europe ternational played at Milan, the lions of dollars, seems to be to have industrial workers pledge a jmpressed the soccer critics very vie day's pay--once a year for three years--which will bring an esti: favorably, and there are whole-| mated return of a half-million dollars, Broken down, it woul Hi suggestions that some of its in the same tournament, beat Fri. bourt 2 to 0 and Zurich F.C, 2 to 1, and then took third by beating Zurich Blue Stars in a playoff game, Luton Town, on a German tour lost 3 to 1 to a combined Saar land XI and West Ham were de feated by the same score by Dortmund Borussia SHREWSBURY GO UP belated fourth division ue game, brought about by a league order for re play of the game with Watford abandoned when the floodlight failed, Shrewsbury won by 4 to 1 and earned promotion to the third division. The replay was or- dered because the promotion of either Exeter of Shrewsbury hing- ed on the result, Shrewbury's ry put them one point ahead ter, who stay in the fourth division for next season. been changed to June 20. Mrs. 1. Mann also announced that afternoon games would. start at 2.30 o'clock and evening games 5% bp. Evinrude FISHERMAN Perfect fishing companion, The ultimate in quiet. Smallest Evinrude with a complete range of big motor features," Its compact EASY size makes it a favorite "take. BUDGET long" motor, TERMS RACES Saturdays & Monday, May 18th May 9th to May 30th LEAVE OSHAWA 12:00 noon Daylight Time RETURN Includes FARE 2.45 Admission Return After Last Race Tickets and Information at BUS TERMINAL 18 Prince Street -- RA 3.2241 MARINE SALES RA 8.8853 || seem that the small sum of one dollar per month, for three years, oorightly forwards be rushed to Reginald Smith, manager of the will produce the half-million, with about 14,000 to 15,000 workers|gouth America to join the full Falkirk team which was relegated HANNA participating. Industry is expected to match this figure and pngland team there, to replace|from the first to the second divi- s, professional and special names, produce the remainder. poco who failed miserably sion, has resigned his manager- The idea appears sound enough--the big question is will "the yoqinet Italy prior to departure. [ial post, which he took over two average Joe" carry his share of the load, Don't know what willl ying Graves of Chelsea and years ago. A Lighthouse guides ships... happen sun here--but no doubt the Citizen's Committee will have s,.field of Blackburn, of the|" ron Seco WE GUIDE YOU... Under; unior baseball hich out to Brazil to join the English i: pions sorter participated In. the Loaside Baseball Assocs [team there. In spite of having his " i ALMOST EVERY MAN ENJOYS . .. Yes, we guide to the best in quality, the best in service, Sparis, : nose broken in th it may not operate again this season, At the moment, things are. |v Ron oars wh 1 in a very confused state--and the big mistake seems to be |been declared fit to play, and has| that the club management didn't get busy early enough this [gone to South America with the season, to make sure everything was going along as expected. |team. A new sponsor was expected, Al Heffering, of Heffering's Im. ready to operate, one sponsored by the Oshawa Legion Minor g y Baseball Assoc. and this club expects to operate In the Lake- roi CES] DOUBLE meet RR 3 CIGAR SMOKERS shore League, Apparently there are enough good players for yoo Jar pect dally dorble ) Q two clubs--it's Just a question of whether each has a place 4" gaan 40 was recorded at | ¥ 3 } ™ SMOKE ! TTT | 0] 20 RAY ST. and the best in workmanship. You can solve all building problems lock, stock and barrel with us. So why not come that he had changed his mind. The players first decided to In a youth team tournament down and let one of our train t i - call it quits--then held a meeting and decided to carry on played at Zurich, Switzerland, | 9 0 y ained gXperts advise you on what after all. In the meantime, they had notified the Leaside Lea- |Manchester United's young team | gue of their first intention, of dropping out, so the league re- [came out on top. They defeated scheduled last night's game, having Laurie's Sports Instead of [Zurich Young Fellows, 2 to 0; Oshawa, play Ideals. Now fhe Leaside grovp hasn't definitely {Zurich Grasshoppers, 8 to 1 and decided whether they'll accept the re-entry of the Oshawa |Verona 2 to 1 to take first place team--but a decision is expected before the end of the week, in the tournament. West Ham, In the meantime, there Is another Oshawa Junior ball team m-- m---------------- ever your needs. MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES 1279 SIMCOE N. LTD. RA 3-4694 perial Service Station, but last week-end, he notified the club |UNITED ON TOP te play. fhe ursday when | Bpmper Limit and Lock's Las {to change its name this season We urst two races. There |Vancouver Pilseners became the were 48 winning tickets on the : awa : It Carlings and Nanaimo Timber-|correct combination. Jockey Club Openin men became the Labatts. Charles Clark rode both horses, | g | = -- The Oshawa Golf Club will officially open its 1959 season this Saturday, with the usual two-ball, mixed tournament, a nine-holé. competition, to which every member is invited. A draw will be made on the 1st tee, by captain Tommy Kidd, at one o'clock sharp, Saturday afternoon and this will mark the first time the tough three new holes will have been used in a two-ball match. Scores are ex.| pected to be somewhat "higher than in previous vears The usual afternoon tea will be served by the ladies' section at 4.30 o'clock in the clubhouse and the first regular club dance, a traditional event on opening day, will be held in the evening. at nine, o'clock. : The club officers and social conveners -are hoping for a full turnout at both the afternoon and wvening events, to mark hte launching of the 1939 season CHANGE TEAM NAME NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. cP The New Westminster entry in the InterCity Lacrosse league has dropped one of the oldest team names in Canada - the Salmonhellies and will henceforth be known as 0'Keefes. The team, last year's national champions, Is the third NOTICE Stenhenson's Garage 15 CHURCH ST. Ve are sorry to inconven- ience our customers while we are renovating our pre- mises. We expect to re- open for alignment work during the week of May 18 to 23. Qur services w be expanded Due, services wi For SAFE-BUY used cars and trucks, see your Mercury-Lincoln-Meteor dealer the addition of a second ulignment mach ine. | A ilt-in toughness pays off 1 \ oat Proof of a truck's strength, and stamina is found only on-the-job. This is where Mercury M-600's prove they're the toughest three-tonners in the field. With heavier components throughout, including greater spring capacity and a 15,000-1b, rear axle-- they have a maximum GVW of 19,500-1b. to cut your biggest jobs down to size, Both initial and operating costs save you money. The M-600 is the lowest-priced three-tonmer in Canada with V-8 power. And Mercury's new gas economy saves you approximately 5¢ a gallon because regular gas is recommended. So visit the dealer nearest you--he'll be pleased to match a Mercury Truck to your job. SN Certain features illustrated or mentioned are standard on some models, of lat extr onoth FRU. SEE YOUR NEARBY MERCURY TRUCK DEALER -- mm BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. LINCO 1271 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 | Melear -

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