THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, May 14, 1959 3 Favor Lakeview Park "Floodlight Softball 5 Residents Object To & Would Clarify Fund Appeals Alexandra Park Use Councillor Willard Dodd of|up to this year's quota of $30,000. A recommendation to light the are most suited for night games, box shoul install | Whitby charged at a regular|Approximately $29,000 has been softball diamond in i he they decided. Of these two, park. 8 a tat jmeeting of the Ontario County jeollected in OMA COuNy, |Park will be sent to City Council|Lakeview Park seemed the best.lng ppanT Ps Unit of the Canadian Cancer So-| Mrs. A. C. McKenzie, cam-a5 5 result of a decision made| In his letter, Mr. P also TUL! ciety Thursday night, people in|paign commissioner from Beary, dnesday by the Osh Board | registered objections Hi rebuild-] A letter was received from the Whitby donated money to the|verton, said the canvassers- inlof park Management. ling 'the grandstand in Al q {division commissioner of the Ca- 0dd Fellow's "Cancer, Polio and|the county had done a tremen-| Jf the recommendation is ap-|Park. "The events, such as mo- Girl Guide Association in- Tuberculosis" tag day thinking dous job in the campaign. |proved by the property commit-|toreycle races, held 'because tiie forming that 1959 marks the 50th /they were giving their annual 21 PATIENTS tee, it will be referred back to|grandstand was there, provided!' Car for Guiding in Canada. Te |donation to the Cancer Society. | Mrs. Beaton reported that dur-the' parks board. undesirable noise for residents § |commemorate the event, golden Mr. Dodd suggested that the|ing April there were 21 patients.| This decision came as a result|the area." esidents in ¢,lips will be planted in parks |0dd Fellows be contacted ask-|A total of 32 dressings were|of discussion following a letter! myo board réterved. hi (| throughout Canada. |ing them to drop "Cancer" from made and 1137 dressings Were|from city council stating thatiien to city Jefe i is Tat | The association requested per- |their campaign slogan. He said given out. There were four new|¢s 500 was included in the 1959/18 Se five uncll as the Sr | mission to plant bulbs in Oshawa that when the Cancer Society|patients and one deceased. budget to provide for installing! a hice i © Parks. Herb Bathe, parks super- canvassers approached some of She said that she wished more fiodlights in one of the parks. grands ir y -also sent a re-intendent, said the old bulbs these people who had donated to doctors would report their pat- A letter was also received |duest to City Council that they|would come out next fall any- the other fund in mistake, they|ients to the society so that the|from T. R. Prest, 474 Simcoe st |Pe included in any discussions to, way. Three beds were designat- did not want to make a second unit can be of service, "That is\N on behalf of the property| ake, Place ing de possible re- ed for this use. donation. |what we are here for," she said.|owners on the west side of Sim- p g e grancsanc, | A plan for a proposed building, | A motion was passed request-| Mrs. Beaton also reported that|coe St, abutting Alexandra park | The board decided their de-|to be built in Rundle Park was {ing Mrs. J. L. Beaton, represen-| directors meetings will be held | registering their objections to the cisions, as to who is to use the presented to the board and ap- {tative of the Ontario County Unit every three months. The meeting| roposed installation of flood- Alexandra Park for future ev-| proved. + District No. 3 council, to bring was chaired by Keith Clarke, lights in that park. |ents, should be tempered by the| It was moved that local 222, city council! |fact the grandstand is no longer|UAW, be given permission to use $300 to CREATE TRAFFIC PROBLEM |there and bleachers from the Lakeview Park, July 18. Ai : | L ARENA WILL BE APPROVED Looking over the plans for | North Oshawa Pee Wee Hock- | mittee and E. R. S. McLaugh- | the OCCI auditorium tonight. posed a Civi ¥ y . | lin, chairman of the commit- | The boys have visions of one the pro Oghiaws Civic Can. | on Team Jas Witter, The Bove, tee, are hopeful that residents | day being members of an Osh- |CAMPAIGN SUCCESS {the society. The membeis of the board all|ball diamond will have to be used] Discussion was held on a pro- tre Auditorium and Arena are | seen with Ald. S. T. Hopkins, | of "Oshawa will give their ap- | awa hockey team in OHA com-:| The Cancer Society's annuall It was also reported by Mrs. agreed that Oshawa needed a|in some cases. 400-car parking lot to be Thomas Reed (left) and Jim | (left), chairman of the finance | proval to the recreation cen- | petition. icampaign has already exceeded Beaton that the daffodil tea, held lighted softball diamond. They, In answer to a letter Alan Es-|built at Lakeview Park, It was Todd, who played with the | committee of the Citizens' Com- | THEY ARE HOPEFU before the district; who reported that had approved a grant of the matter jcouncil. tre project at the meeting in Oshawa Times Photo |last year's quota and is almostiin April, netted $210. |decided that in most neighbor-|sery was given permission to use suggested that a parking charge i Ey Es ater -------- mt Sd m------------------------ ------ hood parks the lights would be Alexandra Park on June 20, for be levied on Saturdays, Sundays A [too near residents in the area, It|Ontario Dirt Track Championship and holidays. was also noted that night games bicycle races. A financial report for the ; would create a traffic parking) As a result of a letter from the month disclosed that $12,102.38 problem. |secretary of Nipigon Park it was|was paid in advance and $4,750 |" Alexandra and Lakeview Parksldecided a temporary service'.79 is outstanding in unpaid bills, Army Cadets Are Praised fo portment and steadiness are very good," he said. "I am most im- ¢ i a Knights To Awards Presented | Attend State By Camera Club Convention Cadets of the Ontario Regiment received high praise from their A 1 superior officers, on their drill-| pressed. You are a credit to your ing, at their annual inspection | instructors, and it makes nesday ni particularly proud to see Wed ay night. since I was once a cadet instruc- Even to the eves of a layman, \¢,,. with this unit." the snappy precision with which Warde. ad they carried out their drill be- . Warnica had ind | WO! Spoke good training of apt stu WO Of I eae ions : _ |fident, and of the calibre re After drilling in parade forma. quired for officers and NCO's," tion, the cadets gave 8 series of he said. demonstrations of militarv tech- . niques, showing the operation ONE COMPLAINT ! and care of weapons, first aid] The major had one complaint, | and radio operation. Throughout which, he pointed out, applied & the demonstration, commentaries not only to the cadets, but also were given by cadet officers and |; other soldiers of the regiment, NCO's. th "You are wearing the heed. drees Concluding the inspection Pa-of a well-known and § ok ,7? he sald "vet, I see soldiers coming going with machine - gun post ie taketh bYlieir berets tucked through their foot soldiers in the face | shoulder-straps -- that is not the ; E li i heavy eross-ire, proper dress for a soldier, wear| 'PARENTS OF BOYS in the | | The Annual Photographic Ex- honorable mention for their ef- hibition of the Oshawa Camera|forts. Club was held Wednesday night. i A number of the members of| Awards were presented to top Amal competition trophies St. Gregory's Council, Knights of club photog were awarded to the best color Columbus, Oshawa, and their| Junior praphers. rial wingers) Hd€ in each category. |wives are planning to amend the were: Millie Burnett, first panes ot te ophies Wits; {Ontario State Convention May . i Wi 'ozer, W. H. Tro- | award; Phyliss Ferguson, second phy, senior color pictorial award; {to 17 in Toronto. |award. urnett Lovell | Delegates and members trom| Senior color pictorial awards Millie ot. Jus anq_Lovell \ |{the 98 councils in Ontario will went to: Edward _ Tozer, first @ i Edward Tozer, Edward G. Tozer Trophy, nature color pictorial competition |attend. This is the 56th 1) award; by the award and Laird Williams, third |meeting to be held Knights. aw, y In the nature category, winners were: Edward Toz first Business pessions 9 will be con- ducted throughout convention, » award. a special Gk ASPA, leading world exhibitor, Frank Norman, president of the Toronto Camera Club, and Clar- ence Ferguson, an international photographic exhibitor. The exhibition consisted of mon- ochromatic studies placed around the walls, and colored slides pro- jected on a screen. The limited number of black and white works prevented a contest in that cate- gory. i at Oshawa Armouries. In the above picture, inspecting offi- watch closely as the cadets demonstrate the Bren light machine-gun. The officers HARE OPTICAL JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist 8 BOND ST. EAST -- HOURS -- 9 AM.--6 P.M. Wed. Until 12:30 P.M. Sat. Until 2:30 P.M. PHONE RA 3-4811 For en appointment » | | | { | vieted narcotics pedlar described hy the Crown as "a dealer in VANCOUVER (CP) -- A con- erroneously | RUMMAGE sale, Simcoe Church, Friday, 1.30, May 15. NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY, EVENING, 8 P.M at ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled anytime Door prize $15 INGO X_ ASSOCIATION ] PM arner of "games wock- ish during which officers of the state board for the 1959-60 term elected." The delegates to the su-third - : |preme convention, to be held in| Many club members 'received a - | uly, will also be elected. | | are, left to right, Captain J. W. | dismantled the gun and re- i the convention | TROPHY PRESENTED {your beret at all times, when you| Ontario Regiment Army Cadet | i lo a | Major S. Clarke, of Central | part of their training. Right Honorable David Fulton, trophy was awarded to the cadet| With Major Warnica in the in.| ed as their youngsters took | | Command, Oakville and 14. J. federal minister of justice, will be judged best in the regiment onispecting group were 1t. J. Flash,! part in the annual inspection, Flash, of Oakville. The cadets --Oshawa Times Photo [at the banquet. Mr. Fulton is a all-round ability. The trophy was|of Oakville; Sgt. Maj. S. Clarke, |" ; | member of the Knights of Colum- S ITes & presented to Cadet Sergeant of Oakville; Chief Instructor » ! bus. PITTSBURGH (AP) -- A Major David Haslan, of jax, Capt. J. W. Kaine and assistant ® : : -- A man ya} has been three years in the| instructors Lt. H. Davies, Lt. R 1Yec 01S Plan Drafted For | Che final day, the Bet roam accused of posing as the associ-| cadet corps. The trophy was pre-|Davies, and Sgt. L. Scott 1 Ch h Buildi Cll ba. presented with the 98|ate editor of the Toronto star | sented by Major J. R. Warnica,| Following the strenuous drill- urc ul ing | Council Trophy The Oshawa|Was arrested Wednesday by an second in command of the ing of the parade, the cadets > Plans are being prepared for Council has been in the top 10/alert detective. | Ontario Regiment 3 Were Teste) to SH geinke, and) ame a new church on Garrard road councils for the past 10 years. In Tdentified as Eldon Ha 8, Addressing the cadets Nal sandwiches by th luis of he othing Bogle sue 7 th coun] won the trop. (3. he wae held on a tentative Warnica commenced hem : "| Activities during the yes The church, which will be call-| The official Oshawa delegates i y their demonstration. "Your delimy. [reviewed and a Bove gf , led Westminster United Church, |ywi]l be Grand Knight Jack Kelly|, Pe fom ig fa -- _---- " |tors selected for the ensuing year| One of the many interesting) Brigadier S. Gennery, of Belte-| Vill cost approximately $45,000. and Deputy Grand Knight J. Fox [l6_saw | aring walk out oa * Ti C du tin at the annual meeting this week features of the program associa-|ville. yen ors A be called in a Members and wives of the coun-j oo Ue a te apn | imes Lon C g of the Youth for Christ organiza-| ted with the celebration of the! Other distinguished visitors| The b Hiding i oil will sisv attend the conven 4. A. Hi wr or tion in Greater Oshawa. A. Gold-|75th anniversary of the Oshawa|wil] include Lt.-Col. Arthur Cam-| The building will be one storey tion, i fig at 11. A, Mingmarsh, assob C S er gig i alan Pelle 8 Yo : he | includ ~Col. hur am-| with a basement. It will be of) --|ate editor of the Toronto news-| | Lonsumer urvey conducted. the meeting year, Saverio ony oli this com-ieron, of Toronto; Lt.-Col. Wes-|brick and block lamenated con- paper, ; ne J ing Wee! end, i 1 the open|ley Rich, of Toronto; Bandmas- struction and will have warm air - Police quoted Hartung as say-| a e eg S _ This week The Oshawa Times he Jollowing, representing oe serv ice # the intersection of ter Harry Mountain, of Toronto. heating. ears al ing he had been arrested three | Ey oud at SU iose io seins of te] Ca SoBe shiek boar His: tor legal muy Jno. the s Survey, p Cana-|W a c e servic of 30's ' oy ico Wi i g | Uni High School students must take dian Daily Newspaper Publish- Jim Aldous, Frank Carter, Tom p.m. yi. BD Re it 2 Suiday alierteon service vil Deis Foss Luitouss. D T d Yaitod Slates an, had bet i a 'driving test like anyone else, ers' Association. The survey is Defoa, Sodan oger Ed. many ways parallel similar ga-| Thomas, MPP. er or ope Ia © en last Apri 3 after serving whether or not they have passed Sonducted fo provide infyrmation eo a LE Ratod therings held during the early| Another interesting feature. of S k I |a two-year term. the school requirements in driv-iq oo 5 nt chandisers. |quist, Elmer Lick, Dorothy Mor- days of the corps in Oshawa the celebration will be the mu-| ee ncrease | ing administration, Sceppding Pp This week. Oshawa Times car-\Ti%: Herman Morris, Tony Pele- ovation Afwy cadets, array- seum in the citadel boardroom. - [1 G. L. Roberts, principal of Osh-| 11S Weert, Lisiawa ines "| shok, John Sigsworth, Bill Slywka,|ed in authentic clothing used in|On display will be the first Sal-| I P eath" wi - awa Collegiate and Vocational In- Fer salesmen Wil Gist Toate dues. Snider, Evelyn Tindall, |1884, will be on an open air stand vation Army flag used in Cana- n ensions | death wee Seen Ye stitute the city. The questionaire which Merc. Zajac, Jack Zurba and at the intersection. They willlda, two or three of the first in-| The Oshawa and District oy om : 74 Mr. Roberts was on is strictly confidential wili deter.|St€vé Zurba. carry out a typical Salvation struments used by the local Trades and Labor Council Tues- Nl quoted in Tuesday's edition Ofjn.0 tho sioducts, from refriger-| It was stated that more than |Army service of that period, ga- corps and a copy of the first War day night approved a resolution, | Steve Bohack, 40, ee The Oshawa Times as saying the oo oo 6 ot nacte. most common-|$1400 had been received during thering the corps, until.the pres- Cry published in Canada. presented by the lekislative com.|tenced on one count of ¢ pr [=P Ne oll | local licensing guhorities w ere oly used by Oshawa householders, the fall and spring season. Major on ins with its flags, parades|---------- pin | mittee, asking the provincial gov-|acy to waite in BaroORcs 2m PREEY satisfied with the calibre "| eslionniy it f expense i ded .|from the citadel to the stand. | inor i two counts of possession of drugs tion given Oshawa students, Woh Yuestionoires = be lofi COTS Aang opin The present corps whut Ww i Cl hep Toda gol ge Rg s i ASSN rad » homes by carrier boys, 2 to spea y ha al, ad- J Se Ss W p py eh ip a Sw to be filled by the hohe vertising, films and the direc-a short open air service, ex- eaving ass without giving é St, i |The carrier-bovs will pick u the/tor's salary plaining the purpose of the de- - they had a card from their in Comoloted forens Rg Rp vie amuel Sherrard, director, stat-| monstration -- inviting attend- May Form Guild Spector Hating, they Jee Tequire. | Week not later than May 25. (ed that 55 meetings were held ance at the week-end meetings. ied 8 am IV ne cf : blupe Salvation -A ai 411 class 'RA ar Mr. Robert's statement should ~ TuaTeOUs/y ACT 0S So »ssed the hope that the pro- i AY aup wit form an tative of iB have read, "after passing OUr|" ag ay incentive to the carriers|Erams would be continued > we ae weaver's guild for the box-loom course of instruction they are notly © uo pe" vey as complete The direcfor also said that OFFICERS' TEA {Plans will be discussed tonight required to take any further mc possible, each carrier will be Barry Moore and Wes Aarum had| Later in the afternoon a locallat the final weaving class in the struction, providing they have a given 10 cents for every com. Completed a week of services in officers' tea will be held at the CRA building. card from their Coir pleted questionnaire he turns in. the Belleville area with attend- citadel at which Major M. Ran-| The weaving class is a joint ing the have pass If he returns with all his ques- ances averaging about 700. One kin commander of the Oshawa !program of the CRA and the requirements. _|tionaires filled, he will be given hundred and eighty decisions com will introduce the guests. YWCA assisted by the comn a A spokesman for the local Driv-lan aqditional 25 cents bonus were recorded. It was Mr. Shar- Greetings I a Tule | iy San a ou ow er Examination Centre of the De- "myo" oy voy je conducted an. fard's opinion that such a cam-| oqo officers will b i averages 10 students.' » partment of Transport comment- nuaily ty, Canadian newspapers Paign would be highly desirable cj; ' Ww tor R id shi trwetress oe i DE dents are subject 10 thellialy T° Qavaciin Sihere to open the fall season. x ian Wa ter eid. . nstructress for the classes is od at oe test as anyone else |" bes ou ih In the evening a musical fes- Betty Locke, of Toronto. Jame AVE te Be or Devart tival will be held in the citadel| The weaving class was held 12 by 2 Qi | in which the senior band and nights, two nights per week. It A arr avs ust ove | sonsgters, the vocallettes tim. Pegan April 7. | rels and visiting soloists will] . . participate. | 3 COMING EVENTS Power Limited Stud N ee 4 The "services on Sunday wil Serial Numbers | include an open air at the cor- ~ United! The Oshawa and District| Y {ner of Colborne and Ontario Sts., 5 13a Trades and Labor Council has re-| ; . a Holiness Meeting in the citadel Bogus 10 Bills wt ceived a letter from Hon. Michael|, It Will cost the city $10,000 just at 11 am., a service of praisel PORT HOPE -- A fist of serial MADE, A ne A | Starr stating he was unable to|t0 Study the possibility of givingiand thanksgiving, at which numbers from counterfeit $10 Local a p.m, Six Jackpots. * "ip! create a 36-hour work week. Suwon Oshawa a facelifting. Mayor Lyman Gifford, will pre- bills is being circulated by bank 2 The Jetter was read Tuesday | his will be reported by the Plan-|side at 3.15 p.m., an open air at|officials in Port Hope. night by Secretary - Treasurer ning Board to a special meeting 6 p.m., followed by a Salvation] The eight numbers are found on Keith Ross of interested parties Tuesday eve- meeting at 7 p.m. and a recep- $10 bills suspected being eircu- J: Pemine the council that ning, May 26 tion at 8 p.m {lated in the area. undér the provisions of the Brit-| At the meeting will be the plan- v » . The numbers are: S- 5 North America Act, the au- ners, city finance committee, To- SPEC AL SPEAKER [3-0 8581205, MD. Se (thority of parliament to enact|ronto officials of Central Mort. The special speaker at the|5308099, K-D 8581295, B-D 8822043, Se h legislation was limited to gage and Housing representatives morning and evening services oniN.D 4313468. about 10 per cent of the indus-|of the Oshawa Downtown Mer. Sunday will be Commissioner Port Hope merchants have in Canada # a . ; York, national commander of the their S| ois 3 ify : Planning Director G. A. Wand- qo 4s ; of the their cash registers, and to notify That 10 per cent, the letter Joss Tits heen informed that. the Satvation Army in the United police upon receipt of any suspi- noted, covered such industries as| federal and provincial govern- Sites, i Ye services will also cious money. mark the first visit to Oshawa of | -- iroads and transportation. : i | The minister said that legisla- estimated $20,000 cost of a pre- _ ---- n study. This conflicts |any other undertakings cam e with the statement in the down-| "And on top of this we first under the jurisdiction of . the town merchants' original request have to. provide proof that there 12° x 18' complete for only His letter informed the council that the senior overnments Wandless. '"'Just to prove the] month at NU WAY RUG © ny hy hos { onth, - and | {that he felt this was a matter forjwould bear three-quarters of the need for it will require a great] CARPET SALES, 174 Mary-- will be A A i : ; L - » | Kaine, chief instructor; Sgt. | assembled it, demonstrating will be the state banquet. The Ph Ed t At the end of the program, alare in uniform y | Corps Wednesday night watch- | cers ony 1 or tries and business undertakings' chants' association Norman S. Marshall of New|been asked to post this list near television, broadcasting, rail- ments will pay only half of the the m divisional commander. | ; ; |tion governing hours of work for| iminary _ eel DID YOU KNOW provincial governments for a redevelopment program, is a need for the study," said Mr. § 199.50, aos low as 6.00 per 3b collective bargaining 'deal of detailed work." ij RA 5.1202. That you could carpet a room {of pensions to be paid to recipi-|for purpose of trafficking involv-| ents of workmen's compensation, |ing the largest amount of heroin The resolution said that the ever seized in Vancouver. | percentages of pay, on which the] William Stewart Arnold, 35, pensions are based, in many convicted with Bohack on one cases apply to wages earned|count of conspiracy and one| many years ago and therefore|count of trafficking was sen-| $n) = maser 46 SIMCOE STN. ® OSHAWA » 25¢ YA SKINLESS SHANKLESS READY TO SERVE MAPLE LEAF or PRESSWOODS HAMS 5.99" 2.25 n. 39 PRESSWOOD'S GOLDEN VALLEY BOLOGNA suce- SLICED LAYER, RIND ON Breakfast BACON mm. FRESH KILLED YOUNG ROASTING or FRYING Chickens 139° 3 LB. AVERAGE {the resolution sponsored by Sen- lator William Tsnor (L -- Nova |Scotia). The proposal is "fanciful and |unrealistic to a degree," said |Senator W. D. Euler (L -- On- tario), a former trade minister. are not adequate under today's|tenced to seven years. present high standard of living. | Bohack, convicted and sen-| SE ga -- |tenced to seven years for drug . ! conspiracy in 1949, will serve an-| Resolution On [gue is years im ison if the J % | fine is not paid. L Drugs seized by police were Seawa Flunk {worth $250,000 on the underworld y |market. When arrested Bohack| OTTAWA (CP) -- The Senate{had a bag containing 7,800 cap-| Wednesday rejected a resolution|sules testing 69.2 per cent her-| which urged steps to increa-e use oin, the court was told, | (of Atlantic ports and a five-month -- BH BE winter closure on St. Lawrence] f harbors to lessen the impact of| {the St. Lawrence Seaway on east | WHOLESALE PRICES coast operations. He upper house generally TO THE PUBLIC agreed with any efforts to in- | crease Atlantic harbor traffic but OSHAWA {balked at the second section of| DISCOUNT HOUSE I 290 Albert St, RA 8-0311 Res RA 3.7550 Open Thurs, Fri, Sat. LIST WITH REAL ESTATE BROKERS TENDER CRISP LARGE | Head LETTUCE 67 KING ST. E. FIRM RIPE HOT-HOUSE RA TOMATOES | | 1 |