Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 14 May 1959, p. 1

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THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All other calls ....... RA 3-3474 . he Oshawa Time WEATHER REPORT Clear and cold with risk of frost tonight. Friday mainly sunny and a little warmer. VOL. 88--No. 113 Price Not Over Cents Per Copy OSHAWA-WHITBY, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1959 Authorized As Second Class Mail Post 'Office Department, Ottawa TWENTY-SIX PAGES : . OPEN HOUSE tendance brought the to the three days to 23,644 itors. In the.picture 'Liz' Kor- | chynshi hands out suckers to Thousands of visitors braved for rain Welnesd: vy night to partici- pate in Open House at the Gen- eral Motors of Canada Ltd., south plant. Wednesday's at- vis- children 'passing through the building. Refreshments to vis- itors during the three days | amounted to 14,000 cups of cof- ONE--BERLIN PLAN PROPOSED BY WEST | RINGLEADERS KN OWN Brockville Loot Nearly Recovered TORONTO (CP) -- Thieves who took $10,000,000 from Brock- ville Trust and Savings Company a year ago have left a trail lead- ing as far as Switzerland. Attornev - General Roberts of Ontario said Wednesday that po- lice believe they know the five who staged the biggest robbery in Canadian history at the St. Lawrence River town of Brock- | ville. He also said an insurance com- pany, in an "underworld deal," brought back $1,409,787 in stolen securities at 10 cents on the {dollar Assistant Commissioner W. J Franks of the provincial police 12, milk, 3000 suckers. GM Photo fee, 3000 dozen doughnuts, 000 cookies and of 16,000 ha} -pints law because the sale--a com- pounding of a felony--occurred in another province. Quebec's As- sistant Attorney-General C. A. Cantin said later that he knew nothing of the deal. Mr. Roberts sketched the his- RS of the robbery after the meeting: The day after the gang carted off the loot on the weekend of May 3-4, a man was arrested inj Montreal. Rene Martin, 23, who had left his bank book in the looted vault, was sentenced to 12 years in| prison. Police recovered $1,200,- 000 in bearer and negotiable | bonds when he was arrested but {Martin has remained silent. QUEEN JULIANA New Cabinet 88 gin global disarmament. made a free city. It also coun- | | Sweeping Aim To Unite Germany GENEVA (AP) -- The Western |gotiate reunification directly be- powers proposed to Russia today [tween themselves, It proposed in that divided Berlin be made athe second phase the creation of united city under Big Four guar-|a mixed German committee of 25 ntees as the first step in a West and 10 East Germans to § sweeping package plan to unify make plans for increased contacts East and West Germany and be- between the two Germanys and to draft an all-German electoral The four-phase Western pro-|law. gram was introduced in the| In the third phase an all-Ger- fourth session of the Big Four man parliament or assembly B foreign ministers conference as would be elected at the end of he Western response to Russia's|the 30-month period. The free and demand that West Berlin besecret elections would be super- |vised by East and West Germans plus either United Nations or Big Four representatives. A summary released by the Western powers said the all-Ger- man bly would :! the unification process by draft. ing a constitution and forming an '"all-German government on the basis of the constitution with free. tered Premier Nikita Khrush- chev's call for a peace settlement with divided Germany. The proposals provide for suec- |cessive disarmament measures, including initial limits of 2,500,- 000 men in the armed forces of the United States and Russia, and leading eventually to limitation and said police also have a fair idea of the identity of the ringleaders, in the international trafficking in| bonds and securities. i These developments were dis- Iclosed following a 3%-hour meet-| ling in Mr. Roberts' office among Developments. followed which! rocked the town of Brockville. One of the robbery crew mailed | $51,700 to Brockville police. An-| other $40,000 was recovered in| the Montreal area and FRIENDLY OR FIRM? Elections For Holland 5 THE HAGUE (Reuters)--Queen five yuliana's secretariat announced possible withdrawal of all foreign troops (Soviet and West- ern) from Germany and neigh- boring areas. It months, would unify Germany in 30] United Germany would | be free to elect membership in| dom of decision in internal and external affairs." That would be the fourth phase. Parallel with the stages of re- unification, the Western nations provide for steps in security and charges were laid. There were|toqay that Prof. J, E. de Quay anid and two ase ponding 12s been asked by the queen to| (NATO) or the Soviet Bloc's War- Ismisseo an. sw e g- form a cabinet and end the coun-| ay 1 ALMOST ALL TRACED Another $103,500 turned up ine v's 63-day political crisis. Ei ang or to choose a neutral ~ a isclos 11!New England and indictments A It was also disclosed that al Holland has been ruled by a BALANCE OF POWER PM Will Try To Sell Today In Manitoba . anitob hie $310,000 of the $3,500,000 infare pending against two persons|.,..c. er cabinet since the co-| Big 3 On Small Car { a bonds sh securities|in New Haven, Conn. Mr. Roberts| C4Heta re ont Site hex oo Whatever the choice, the big force. NAB ' Rann i heory : WINNIPEG (CP) -- Clearing have been accounted for or|said one of them fits the t ber taxation § |powers, Germany and other Eu- . aden f Wilmot cem on a taxation issue. { Y OTT. > ri Minis-|to the government April 20 by ai "We hope the companies will skies and a'promise of warming traced. investigations Ge De en in al It is the second attempt by de ropean countzids Would take steps : } / x. ter Disterbaker on Saturday wil delegation of the United Automo recognize the emergency of the| temperatures greeted Manitobans| "Results of the To ions high position of trust" master.|Guay, leader of the Catholic Wet id, ony change Jn the Past. pies bh FY FE try some persuasion--he didn't|bile Workers of America (CLC). situation and see that the cars today as they prepared to elect alle bode of the bonds and have|minded the robbery. party, to form a government, |S: rs aproements agains pas ie say whether it will be friendly] The delegation, led by Sang Iarg i produced here," he said, ¥ provincial | goverment a assumed an international charac- gression astern le long 3 firm but hinted it would be|dian UAW director George Burt, three i | "ter," attorney-general said ve expressed confidence Ge: the big three automo- had said auto workers fear they|they will represented at the Party officials had feared that d many would line LZ ih 1 Ep US.- Lu BY Fe ere were press Fe fig} Flee Over {either the Atlantic alliance/disarmament. In making Berlin a "united city" the big powers would issue a declaration re. nouncing the aggressive use. of investigators of his department, the OPP and Brockville police. id Je would keep he vole down. But stolen securities." io aks SE Ee pene (pg ew Port the early morning and the 'wea- lawyer negotia the sale of WwW ther effice forecast an afternoonibonds to the insurance company rea e e {high temperature of 50 degrees |in Montreal after overtures in in most areas. Toronto were rejected by his de- iT oi i y i drel Gromyke _ already 'has "fected he ba age plan .as a 'tangle' of unrelated issues, But parts of it, especially the Berlin | sal, conceivably could lead SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Two,J. W. Reed and H. W. Church of fo some bargaining. The polls were open from 9/partment. scientists disclosed today they|the Sandia Corporation. They ad-| - Berlin, in the first phase of the am "109 pn CDT (10 a.m. to 10| The insurance company could av. taking steps to prevent re-/dressed the Plowshare Sym- package program, would be p.m, EDT), not be prosecuted under Ontario|fiocied shock waves from causing|posium on Industrial and Scien. united by "free elections to By THE i i Nomination (irgiig! he Sane 11 Ontario ' election fs 'two ' weeks |{from today and five political |parties have already named 232 {candidates in the 98 constituen- | cies. Canadian Press survey shows od iS "ears if United States man-| 4 Chrysler s decide to. land Ford would soon follow suit. To put this view across, he will] Yet there was no sign of any meet here Saturday with headsi{such intended production in of Canadian subsidiaries of Ford,|Canadian plants of these three General Motors and Chrysler. companies. damage in Russian Siberia when... U |held through all Berlin under su-| ses of Nuclear Explosions. | From the discussions, he said, | ;nyoN COMMENT "1 hope I will be in a position] °° "FT to determine, with my colleagues, Russ McNeil, secretary - treas- on the future course to be taken." urer of UAW Local 222, Oshawa, "But let me emphasize that if commenting on Mr. Diefenbak- small cars are manufactured in/€r's announcement, said union the United States by these com- representatives should be at the Iraq Border PASVEH, Iran (AP) -- Thou- sands of Kurd tribesmen have fled across the rugged northwest Iranian frontier from Iraq rather panies we want the same situa- Saturday meeting. ~~ than submit to domination by a p " What Mr. is tion in Canada. {doing is good, but we should be UAW BRIEF there." Norman L. Spencer (PC--Es- . In Windsor, Mr, Burt expressed sex West) raised the matter with his delight at Mr. Diefenbaker's a reference to a brief presented!announcement, | pro-C chieftain. | There was sharp fighting in the frontier area as recently as four days ago, when about 5,000 Kurds crossed into Iran. Others of the tribe have fled into Turkey. | ares major "pares cones CRIME RATE IN OCONOMOWOC the election carried their cam-| paigns right down to the wire. | Liberai - Progressive Leader! D. L. Campbell, a farmer who| OCONOMOWOC, Wis. (AP) has never lost his folksy cam-| Milwaukee detective Milton paign manner in 36 years of poli-) Tang told a churchmen's tics, completed a campaign cen-| group that Oconomowoc resi- tred in his own rural riding of| denis could feel secure be- cause of a competent police force. After finishing his address, {Lakeside by talking to fellow] |farmers in the small town of St.| Lang left the hall to go home. | Ambroise, Warning Against This information comes from| CCF Leader Lloyd Stinson, be-| Amir Aly Asheyara, the head|set by well-organized opponents khan (landlord) of a huge areain his South Winnipeg riding of occupied by Kurds of the Ma- Oshorne, carried his message to He returned 10 minutes later. "Somebody stole my car battery," he explained. mash tribe. He owns this village his neighbors in door-to-door elec-| {they use nuclear bombs to create] ie ; i . la new harbor in Alaska. {The Sandia Corporation is a pri- | Iset off, probably in a LX; government. |cavate a harbor in zebu a ¥ [Sound on the northwestern], lt Was these air-ducting layers Alaska coast. |Nev. | The site is about 200 miles from|frog |Siberia. < The researchers said round |they had learned that under cer-|mije, tain conditions shock waves could| veg carom off upper air layers and wit} return to earth more than 300 and {miles away with damaging ot There would be one chance in (fect. |10, they added, that it could | Blast waves from the bombs carry enough pressure 70 miles ride on air-ducting layers, said (to break most windows and some ada atom bomb tests to leap- | | Church said. X-Ray Radiation TORONTO (CP) warning against underestimating hospitals combined. effects. of x-ray radiation and A sharp had more than physicians and|identified as Sheik and about 150 other Kurdish vil- lages in the southwestern part of a few miles from the Iraqi border. The Kurds, under a leader Raschid, left 13 Barzani tribesmen dead after Dr, Okun said danger to pa-|a fight with them and Iraqi gen- strong advice to take extra pre- tients was minimal and was, usu- darmerie. The khan said Raschid caution against permanent radi- ally outweighed by the advan«ilost two dead and had two Iran's Azerbaijan province, only . ation injury were given to dele- tages gained by the x-ray pic-|W tioneering on the final day of the! campaign. Atom With Pakistan Wait At OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada and Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS «Pact | EOreign 'Salties' | doors. As planned by the U.S. govern-| vately-owned organization which(United States, Russia, ment, five nuclear bombs will be makes nuclear weapons for the and France would keep their that caused shock waves from the| over the immediately sur-/Sible for administericg the whole | ing area and come down 70|City under the general Ss or more away on Las/of the Big Four, but as and other inhabited places/could intervene in ¢ i window-busting effect, Reed unanimous vote. | | |pervision" of either the big pow-| ers or the United Nations. The Britain the Progressive Conservatives, |who seek a fifth straight election { Yictory, have nominated 78 candi- {troops until the final German Sa oe Te iberall Save chosen peace settlement provided for in gressives (Communists) nine and the. fourth phase. the Social Credit one. There. is A city council would be respon- also one independent, he Neither the LPP not. Social supervision| Credit parties held a seat in the it the powers last legislature. the Conserva- ity affairs: by tives had 83, the Liberals 11, CCF How this ar-|three and there was one vacancy, rangement would affect East Ger-| The major parties have sched. many's capital in Eact Berlin was|uled a brisk round of nomination not stated. {meetings within the next two The West made a compromise weeks in the ridings for which approach to Russia's demand that|they Have not yet picked candi- East and West Germany must ne- dates. Welland B= | Transport Minister Hees said gates to the Ontario Dental Asso- tures. But dentists, radiologists The Barzanis are followers of Pakistan today signed an agree| my ..e were no domestic lake in the Commons the government] ciation convention Wednesday. and others who work near the Mullah Hustafa Barzani, who ment for Co-operation in peace-| als waiting to pass through|had decided to allow Canadian {the Welland Canal today--but the and U.S. ships carrying, or des Dr. Charles Okun, who has ded- machines and also are exposed to{Spent a dozen years in exile in ful uses of atomic energy. to radiation re- slight increase in atmospheric ra- icated himself ) search since radiation injury/diation caused by nuclear tests forced him to give up his dental must be extra eareful. let Union after an abor- tive attempt to establish a satel lite Kurdistan in Iran, Iraq and practice. said dentists are partie- ularly vulnerable because so many of them have x-ray ma- chines. In the United States 90 per cent of dentists had machines. They Threat of CBC Strike Looms MONTREAL (CP) Montreal members of the Na- tional Association of Broadcast Employees and Te c hnicians (CLC) have cast the first ballots in a nation-wide strike vote which could tie up CBC broadcasting from coast-to-coast. The CBC's Montreal technicians finished voting early today but results will not be announced un- til next Thursday when ballots will have been cast in NABET locals throughout Canada. The unicn bargains for about 1,268 CBC radio and television techni- cians, At issue is whether to accept an eight-per-cent wage hoost recom- mended by a federal arbitration board or go out on strike as the union's negotiating committee ad- vised when it turned down the offer. CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS The 480 {age life span five years less than others working im medical pro- | Turkey. Probe Into Crashes To Continue BALTIMORE (AP)--It will be weeks, possibly months, before EVIDENCE AT HAND He had seen radiation burns on the hands of several delegates. He said he was not urging that | x-rays he used less but that greater precautions be exercised. There is evidence, he said, that children of radiologists showed a slight but significantly higher pro- portion of congenital defects. In! jaddition, studies in the U.S, jshowed radiologists had an aver- fessions, and nine times the in- cidence of leukemia. =a ov the causes of two airliner acci- (dents that claimed 33 lives are |announced. Both inyolved Capital eaway een cles planes bound for Atlanta, a. | A mysterious explosion ripped As 'New T , {apart a turbopro) oy lover Marvliand, hurling all 'aboard to their deaths Tuesday OTTAWA (CP)--Senator Nor- Thirty-eight minutes earlier, a man Paterson (L--Ontario) says giant Constellation landing at the big shipping rush on the St./Charleston, W.Va. toppled over I ing treated somewhat like a into flames, killing two of the 44 new tov." Persons 'aboard " a 3 /ivil Aeronautics Board inves- Many vessels affected by the|(igators made it clear it would doldrums in world shipping were {ake a long time to get any spe- coming to Canada 'hoping that cific answers. the seaway is the answer to their, C.A.B. and Capital officials lack of tonnage," he told the Sen- would not comment on specula- ate Wednesd tion that there may have been a Senator Paterson, a grain man Domb aboard the Baltimore plane | and lake shipping owner, added] Investigators also searched for| that navigation: problems will{documents believed to have been | West p ' Viscount, high 31! rence Seaway indicates it ig/the end of a runway and burst | The agreement, similar to thoselu ajtias" were still waiting. with West Germany and Switzer-| pike poor hosts ai an interna- land, was signed by Prime Min- tional party, the North American ister Diefenbaker ard Samuel vessels passed ahead of their for- Martin Pakistan high commis- ion guests through the canal sioner in Ottawa. while skippers from abroad could Canada also negotiating only watch and wait. agreements with Japen, Aus-| The federal government Wed- tralia and the European Atomic nesday gave limited priority to Energy Organization known as{North American ships in a move Euratom, embracing Belginm, lin reduce the shipping tieup at Germany, France, Italy, ithe canal's Port Weller entrance Luxembourg and The Nether-\and relieve the anxiety of indus- lands, itries waiting for supplies. The agreement with Pakistan! However, the government also will permit co-operation between! conceded all foreign vessels wait- the two countries in atomic ing at the canal's entrance the energy programs. It also is right to pass through to Lake provide for the signing of a con- Erie even though they may tract under which Canada will|improperly equipped for canal sell uranium to Pakistan. imanoeuvring. LATE NEWS FLASHES Liberian Freighter Out Of Control PORT WELLER (CP)--The 10,000-ton George S., a Li- berian freighter, veered out of control today as she left lock one of the Welland ship canal. The ship struck the end of a concrete pier, shearing oii wouien mooring pilings beyond the pier and stopped with her bow resting on a concrete em- bankment that slopes down to the waters of the canal. Pope Gives Special Audience VATICAN CITY (Reuters)--President Sukarno of Indo- nesia was received in special audience today by Pope John after a ceremonial welcome to Vatican City. The president drove to the Vatican with about 30 members of his suite in a seven-car convoy and was greeted by Prince Carlo { tined to carry, bulk cargo such as iron ore to go through the| canal alternatively with other| types of vessels. The rule will be| {in effect as long as the congestion continues at the Lake Ontario entrance, | § In St. Catharines, Paul Ellis, § superintenden of the canal's| {northern division, said foreign ships not proper!'y equipped| would be let through the canal| this time. But they would not be| allowed back into the seaway {until they had installed the nec- essary equipment, he said. The tieup is easing. Only eight or nine foreign vessels were an- chored in the harbor off Port Weller Wednesday night. A total of 109 ocean freighters had passed upbound through the ca- nal. | A number of these vessels have |already completed the return trip {downbound. The rest are scat. tered from Detroit io the Lake- head, | 1 Killed In Blimp Crash LAKEHURST, N.J. (AP)--One| man was killed early today when a navy blimp crashed into a hangar while attempting to land! in a dense fog. Six crew mem-| bers were sent to hospital and! several others suffered minor in-| continue for some years om the route because of various factors. Transport Minister Hees has| jcarried by one of the victims, | {Charles W, Drannbauer of Kan-| sas City. He was an American Telephone dignitaries. Pacelli, the Vatican's counsellor-general, and 15 high church G3 § juries. Eo The wreckage was wedged in {the hangar roof 150 feet above NO WAY TO TREA T A LADY said that a 27-foot scaway chan- ang Telegraph Company commu- New Contract For Canadair the ground. This bull had its sights set on | girl took evasive action by drop- | as a male member of their POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 scheduled IJune 1, nel permitting : ma x1mum nications engineer in charge of draught of 5 or 2.5 feet--is the eastern air defence force sec-| to be av by tor's nications, which is] handled by AT and T. MONTREAL (CP)--Canadair Limited today signed a $70,000,000 contract to produce 15 long-range CL-44 jet trans- Joris for two of the largest cargo airlines in the United States, Rescue workers clambered| lady bullfighter Patricia Mec- over the roof and removed the| Cormick, not her cape, top injured men who had been| photo, in a Caracas Venezuela trapped in the blimp's gondola. ! arena. The Big Spring, Texas, | ping | animal away from its quarry to the ground, bottom photo, while Juanita Aparicio of Mexico, left, helped draw the team reached down to aid Pat to her feet. Pgt was unhurt, | though somewhat mussed. --AF Wirephote A v

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