THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Mey 14, 1989 11 Oshawa Youths |WAMeets _ Admit Break-In | AtDMyrile | BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --jmorning. They told him where By MRS. A. DOWNEY Quick thinking on the part of Pro-|the guns were hidden. He found| MYRTLE -- The monthly meet- vincial le Pat Harte-Max-|them underneath the overhead ing o he Tay Assistion -|CPR b at the west entrance Was he a e well, early Tuesday morning, foil-|CPR bridge e J vere: Ct pater ed what might have led to more to town. Serious consequences than the ar.| They also admitted the two dent, Mrs. Lynde, in charge. rest of three youths in Courtice, |breaks-in 'at BHS and the: gas Mrs. Rov Percy conducted Seve Constable Harte-Maxwell took, thefts. Approximately $30 to $40 fonal Sibreises, . Mrs. Elmer | into custody three youths who|was taken in the May 4 break-in. Cooke read he scripture, } were stated to have been hitch-I, W. Dipple reported the theft| Invitations were received to at-| on Highway 2, near Cour- tg police on the morning of May tend Raglan WA meeting May 2, | tice, shortly after 5 a.m. {5. Chief Kitnev told the court|and a bazaar and tea at Pros- Five hours later, the trio, con-|entry had been gained through a/pect Church May 27. sisting of John Taylor Roe, 19, of north window in the gym: The | Plans are under way to hold an 256 Eulalie avenue Oshawa; Ken-|{riy proceeded to the girls' dress- auction sale June 27 at Myrtle oo nd Daniel Bickell, 18 an Su od en ress el Bickell, 18, of| A heavy wire screen had been| i Mrs. Duff! 12 Centre street, Bowmanville, torn to allow a hand to pass 03. Armstrong 20d. Mrs, Du in police court on six through and open the dressing|wo o an'c Association. | charges of breaking, entering and | room door, The filing cabinet was| =, ©, ayn ia theft. Evidence was heard on|aitacked, That was where the NOVIErs © es : 8 | the theme of a talk by Mrs. | three of the six charges. Others money was taken from hin lems: Of ay rs are still pending against the trio.| The pas theft charge of April werming. two | contes 2 vere PISTOLS STOLEN 128 resulted when Mr. Hendry staged i Po as Lseacner When apprehended, the trio ad-| complained to police that a car) DS msl) 8) Harun i : : : p on. | grandmother, Mrs. Nottingham, mitted breaking and entering the came into his yard and the occu-|® TO Tr. iors and. Mrs MeGregor Hardware Store, King|pants stole a quantity of gas younge A Pac he ied gl street east, moments earlier.|from his storage shed. Wg unter, the } 8 . | Three 22 calibre pistols (two| Constable Harte-Maxwell said in A plant exchange was held and automatics and a snub-nose re-'a statement the three were un-|lunch was served by the hostess. | volver) plus three clips and 1300 able to give a good enough ac- pERSONALS rounds of .22 bullets were taken. [count of themselves and proper Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Harrison, The trio jointly pleaded guilty identification when he noticed new Liskeard, have returned | to the hardware store break-in, althem "hitch-hiking" at that hour|p me affer spending several break-in at Bowmanville Highjof the mor g. ne, | Weeks with Clarence Harrison. | School May 4 and the theft of gas brought them back to Bowman- Se OH ean i from an y ren farmer, Robert ville. for questioning. He was}, Evert Watson iki Sod bie) Hendry, April 28, aware of the hardware store] onee. in Wid OW Te Wer! Bickell and Kavelman pleaded theft. : family from Ashburn have taken gE 5 ie of rat nd y owe and . . { Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carno-| er Bip Save 2nd First Bid Group {chan have moved to their home gas from Mr. Hendry April 29 Lk . on the outskirts of Brooklin. suilty pe Mo Wh i Plans Inspection g ked at v 3 flastlliglt from 2 cay parked 2 During the past week, changes tion early Tuesday morning. have occurred within the ranks of 0 alad | Evidence was taken on the the Oshawa branch of St. John , bat Ingredi three charges to which 21) three Ambulance Association. SA ngre ient! pleaded guilty together. The trio Mrs. Viola Bittorf, formerly the | oy PRICES was remanded one week in cus oui ? | Vif EM F tod. divisional" officer, has resigned BAO ¢ 10 if ap EFFECTIVE ® HOLIDAY STORE HOURS " BREAKIN ADMITTED X from the organization. She is suc-| / oe? 1 ; i : MAY 14, 15, 16 ice Chief Bernard R. Kitney ceeded by Mrs. Pearl Badour, of | Rs 2 IW © ' : rg \ £ NE OPEN THURS. & FRI. NIGHT. were cu: ly at police head-|Mae clement, 'mer' 5 p- ; on) ar UNTIL 9 P.M. guarters early Tuesday morning. keeper in the organization, was le said, after being questioned! .. ted to corporal, Mrs. Zena ' . AB. the trio admitted the break-in at =~ = = ade x, A 18.8 a the hardware store earlier that Glecoff, of 488 Byron Court, suc- i " T the hardware store e TIEN OF $8 BYIOR Co og : oo CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY |keeper. Mrs. Lloyd Masters, the Oshawa divisional supervisor, has . | / nmin x y a ® ke § or been granted extended appoint- ) i 4 th of ment in her presc nt capacity. 4 Age f Vian wn I enin ® FROZEN FOODS Y i The association reported the ; CANADA YING ] 7? BUY ENOUGH BREAD SPECIAL! ; booth set up at the Kinsmen i TO ! & 0 [ 4 (+ ] Is Explained Hobby Show, held in Children's : Seton! i COM COTTAGE BRAND N Ww R P FANCY Arena, was not successful al- iE ¢ / DATED DAILY RASPBERRIES Bor ¢ oh there was f " 3 4 j The need for a larger trained though there was no call for med uno 1 um, CT YRAL AES ANNE \ |] UAV PALLY |] ERAS OGRE DS as PKOS. ; staff and the understanding and| "2 2id Tastes better - MIR ACLE WH 3 LOBLAWS McCain French Fried Potatoes ROMS, 29: sympathetic understanding of the Tre Beshelation Js ba prepa and i's more Schnomi I BREAD whole community, were stressed ng for its annual inspection to ] 10 onomical. : ¥ a : "held May 27 at the Community fi . dab D ; 15.02. 2 by Buttes Les Sifecior he Recreation Association building. ¢ aed Inedoilt fH ¥.: OL SUDO Aylmer Fancy Sliced Strawberries ee PKG. 37: Children Soc --- " i created by | ; hk . WOT OAR 18: B rd S Eye : range Juice Yh 3 oz. Tike La County of Ontario and Oshawa, at| the meeting Monday of the Ro-| % White -- Whole Wheat AVAILABLE IN MOST LOBLAW MARKETS tary Club of Oshawa. wk. Ro . . / : vs Cracked Wheat h i! wits i tes ew Joni discovery! | oer = 1, Williams Two Fra Marmalile 3% 3% / SERER Eq new wave result | gp -- -- Pride of | LipfonSoup ul, .....2 we 288 Arabia Durham Corn Starch ........ 12 18 i ] century, the at mes HIDDEN BODY = I : Cofice | Welch's Grape Juice ..... 7. 388 ye to f hild ' : vere poorly _ fed, _ poorly = i fren : | we 1.77 Bosco Milk Amplifier .... u% 39¢ "> 69¢ . BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE -- LUSCIOUS PLUMP AND SWEET SMAL! Back Spare Ribs A, 2 ptr fom mot | hot BOE AOY R177 18 ts ofc | Melaren's Dill Pickles 4% oh 33¢ of the society's work today Smooth down sleek styles-- pn \ " i : 3) : ~ a----r Penn Sweet Mixed Pickles oily 29 money and trying to keep up with NEVER DROOP. . wiih wih 01 : AN As i Coffee mast learn to share some of their : ; iis York Beef Stew Sestrieiaionnisenons lt JERE 29 Mr. Lewis commented. ; " SWISS § TYLE operating under a charter and| § / > : 1 directed by a board of citizens. : " \ . 3 Milk Sunlight Soap Civrbrssis issues 2aR 6c residence as the emphasis is on together. .® o Fruits and Vegetables o TOASTMASTER o LOBLAW QUALITY MEATS o | BELICIOUS COOKED SMOKED SPECIAL | HOTHOUSE KITCHEN PRIDE Lamb in the Basket | &¢% ® [] 3 California Strawberries "wit 45¢ 92 SIMCOE ST. NORTH - : RA 5-3732 | HEAD SPECIAL | "ADD YOUR FAVOURITE SEASONING" et were poorly You'll feel something new-- jon. Such cases are relative- Hig yn request today, The greater in yout hair, You cus ff vp ) : ; BAG with emoticanl neglect hai droops. : . ; LOBLAWS a avels your hair never pt 7 Chih: g $ : 1) a wai ergy of oP oe) EE ' givens | Libby's Beans * Yaa oe 330 "People are so busy making ® SMOOTH STYLES... 3 Two Cup Plumrose Pork Should y 909 PICNICS LS. the neighbors they have too little : ou a ey . . five tot "eit Spidreh. They * CURLY STYLES... Ee gi we 53 time with their children as many SOFTER, LOVELIER. Lr y § > ¢ ae now prin of the attection : hy 4 : fl : Hawes Floor Gloss Wax we ohn 59: y into adulthood", % IT'S DELICIOUS ° velop mental offense | White Cross Toilet Tissue 43° 2 vous 276 It Was siuphasized that the cok : Javex 16-FL. 2rL drew's, a Jo ey) ; ; 4 : & CHOCOLATE , s OZ, BTL. 15¢ oz. BTL. 25: Rather it is a private company, | 4 % 3 a Golden 0 Cedar Wink Furniture Cream conse ns oz BiL. 3 4) ME: hacwis Blse said a relatively| ' i : ONLY | number of children are in ' b Lo . 0%. NL Lus ° " placing children in h ] : ¥ : is , me 10c tre-Creme Lotion Shampoo oth. 45s iC ren in 8 - C e b : / fe, . h . pacing chidren in homes of - wl. SuperFab 38 ............ 2 The | FLORIDA NEW CROPI NO. 1 GRADE: RED RIPE CUTTERS A REAL TREAT Sliced SPECIAL} BULLY SKINNED, R n HOCKLESS -- TRIMMED OF ALL EXCESS FAT 01s : x 28 WATERMELON iin BIO | 5 25¢ | HAMS 2s... ( ; INCOMPARABLE FLAVOUR | LARGE PLUMP BEAUTIES aa SPECIAL | STEW TOMATOES... veevaeenees. Not GRADE a 5: APPLE au § GREAT MODELS --ENGINEERED BY NORGE, MADE I'§ CJ ADRGY MOFFATS E MEAGHER'S / . DAILY EXPRESS ARRIVALS -- ATTRACTIVELY PRICED SPECIAL 39: SPECIAL! . - . PRICE ' ° GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! CRISP AND TENDER LARGE SOLID HEADS ylarve with Loblaws Whyte s Wieners ennld fe. 39: 0080 ---- LETTUCE No.1 GRADE 2 LARGE 20 NOW AVAILABLE AT SOMBINATION PACKASE 49 . SIZE [+ LOBLAWS Minced Beef, Pork, Veal. Le. é GARDEN FRESH MILD AND TENDERI MAKES A SALAD COMPLETE " GOLDEN BOOK - SEE THE NEW 1959 MOFFAT RANGES ENCYCLOPEDIA | sreciat mora ron meat Loar on wansurces: = SREEN Quigns 3 aus 2 3 vou ove emu | Extra Lean Minced Beef - 42 srssissviey basaaderes QRIGINAL COMPLETE YOUR SET : ON; THE SOOKW WEEK ® FRESH FROZEN FISH--PAN READY @ NOW ON $ALE 449. oLomn FRIED -- JUST HEAT AND SERVE 20: soz. pg 1 Ba nas awit | Cooked Cod Fish Sticks... . « » now on display! TOP QUALITY EATING CELERY! No. 1 GRADE--CRISP AND CRUNCHY CELERY : One of Canada's HEARTS Lessee e snes annnEte * BUNCH Great Stores for the Home AVAILABLE IN ALL LOBLAW STORES