Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 13 May 1959, p. 27

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of round table, French group headed by Maur ice Couve de Murville. The British group at upper right of round table has Selwyn Lloyd, today's chairman, in front cen- | TIMES BUREAUS COBOURG A. McCulloch FR. 2-9218 PORT HC HOPE Iain Macdonald TU. 5-5787| at left, with East German group | at diagonal table at right, In- terpreters ave In immediate foreground. Secretary of State | Herter is in front row, cebtre, of US. dlegation at left side HERE'S A general view on the openliig of the Geneva con- ference with Big Four foreign ministers and their aides at large round table. West German Aelegates are at diagonal table Fine Port Hope Bootlegger $500 PORT HOPE (Staff) -- A 53-jabout $500 in the past two years ort Hope {for liquor, but denied he had pur- Jordi J and ts aR {chased any for Bouskill, He said cogs mn 8 [he drank a bottle of whisky a day. trate's court here Monday, after| - next to he | | | | | | 8) a second conviction in two years . for bootlegging. Fred Bouskill N C h t t was charged after another man ame 0acC. es 1 e Aiiied buying liquor from him : At Cobo The charge followed testimony| 1 0 urg n ayo S. in a previous case, when Robert COBOURG Two cogching Rowden, Port Hope; Roger Cour- posts which had remained un-| COBOURG - Men's bowling ville, Cobourg; and Lawrence Mc- [filled for several weeks were fill- 10,000 playoffs continued Frida: | V| Cormack, were found ed over the weekend. with liquor in a car by Const. | Taking over the Cobourg night at Cobourg Bowling Lanes Vern Lees. {venile Ball Club in 1959 is an with the bottom 16 teams holding Rowden admitted ownership Carlson, an employee of Cana-lout for the consolation competi- nd wu ing $00 " ot hele, | dian General Electric. Practises|tion e e went to uskill's are under way this week and next ight" house near the corner of Ward week in preparation for the After the night's play, eight and Deblaquire streets, port(league opener in late May. All/Survivors had qualified for the Hope. He gave Bouskill $10 and | boys under 17 before May 1 are Second round Tuesday op received $3 and a 26-0z. bottle of eligible to try out. |Nichol's Movers headed th whith? " cutee Bt PT a A ais Club has announc:| with a team triple of nr ense ussel J. Mur-| yle Chapin, Ball street, Co- t phy, Oshawa, suggested Rowden bourg, will pilot the Bantam All aT Pa g Talking. hie rap' for McCor- (Stars. He replaces Jack Sherlock General Foods No. 1 Eliminated for the year were Rae entered | ae Homelike Indians with 285, e Minor 80-| Knights of Columbus with 2787, Sawdust Kings With 2713, Bell| Cl s 2062, dent Order of Foresters with 2646, Cooey Rangers with 2617, OPP Holsteins with 2617. Beayer Lumber de- faulted. The 10 survivors in the battle Cicons LOOP Umpires Form Pp. Nt consolation, the eight r ini tre, with UN Secretary-Gen- |dent, Pat Mitchell, occupled the, game "Fruit Baskets". ments were served by the host- ess and members of the group. MISSION BAND The Mission Band met Tuesday under Mrs, Don Mitchell, Presi- were read by Janis the treasurer's report eral Dag Hammarskjold at left of Lloyd, Soviet group Is at right, with Andrei Gromyko in front centre. --AP Wirephoto --te---- Start Street 'Repairs At ' Port Hope PORT HOPE 0p - Counct| fF (will spend $8000 to repair Port |Hope street surfaces in the ne {few weeks, It is expected the money will be spent mainly filling the extra. large crop of potholes which fol low the severe winter, Town crews have already spent many hours making tem- porary repairs. Start of perman- ent repair work had to be de layed to allow grading on the {worst affected streets, |WILL EMPLOY | PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Some [lucky high school student here will get work with the town this summer, Council voted Monday to allow |$45 weekly salary for student was bi by Sharon Walls, Mrs. Carolyn Wilson led ' in| {worship assisted by Sue Mitchell! {and Brenda Ormiston, It was decided to hold the pie: Inle Saturday June 13, CANCER DRIVE SUCCESSFUL Mrs. J. K. Lawrence, Myrtle, Vice-president and committee of Port Perry unit of a Cancer Soclety. we is reported that approxim- ately $600 was collected from the Brooklin area. SUNSHINE GROUP Mrs. Fred Young os hostess for the May meeting of the WA unshine Group with leader Mrs, Elwood Stevenson in charge. Mrs. 8. Lockyer, Mrs, Rich- on Mrs, M. Routley and Mrs. Dick Rodd led devotional exercises. Mrs. Elwood Stevenson con- ducted the business session. Richardson Ei A a paper on yo origin ns a @ contest. Home. Mrs. Rout flower and vege! FAITHFUL WORKERS The Jay | meeting of el Touh. p was held at 0 Trey ore Ingleton, Service was presen by Mrs Neil Petty, Leader Mrs, Norman Alves pre- sided for the business session, Mrs. Neil Petty and Mrs. Ray {help at the town sewage disposal ingel | plant. |" For several years council has provided work for Jocal students sm Approves Grant "" To New Board | BROUGHAM (Staff) -- A grant {of $25 to the Rouge Hill Com:|y {munity Park board to assist in setting up the organization was approved by Pickering Township {Council Monday. The board will [institute a drive for funds to [ia a Rouge (Hill Community A letter from F. Crosgrey of|of Board requested a grant of $50. Smtr Verna |Swan l d the board Association teams meet at 9 pm. with only four advancing to the semi-finals. other items. COBOURG ~~ Arnold Wade of been arbitrating a J were Newtonville has accepted the| "snubbed" in presidency of the newly formed| During the Rhy each team Lakeshore Umpires Association Will be responsible for supplying| following a meeting of arbiters|a Plate umpire when playing at in the district last week in New-/home and a base umpire on out- (CHCH-TV Channel seule {of-town dates. The umpire's 4880 WKBW-TV Channel 7---Buffale ciation will come into Mr. Wade is presently a mem- league and oBr Je Stiect When! wGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo TELEVIS 11--Hamilton ION LOG: CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto| Io" WROC-TV Channel S5--Rochester WBEN-TV Channel ¢-Buffale money to buy stationery and| Groat, program ducted a contest on Household Items. LEND-A-HAND The Lend-a-Hand Group ne Fo the Sunday school room United Church under pi Mie 8. J. Hillier. Mrs. Lloyd Bouakley, in_ab.| sence of secretary Mrs, M. \ reported and Mrs. A J. Cook ove the treasurer's oF dsp Croup was a. r ueets of of RELIABLE LE GROUP The of the Re- May d/llable Group was held at the home of Mrs. Douglas Jackson. Mrs, R. Steven Pesided for the business ses- when it was announced that a donation of $20 was received to assist with ber of the Ontario Baseball As-| com-| sociation executive. He is past Mence. President Wade will ap-| president of the Lakeshore Minor Point all officials for playoffs. Baseball A: The association met with mem- | Boschell pi 0ntivn and the bers of the lakeshore Minor }1--=Theatrs; "Swarts 6-~Dancing Storybook South of which he founded Baseball Association in Newcas-| s-- piv Frank R. "Dude" Hills of Port| tle to iron out existant difficulties. | 4. ed To YH) Hope was named as vice-presi- Eatry of three intermediate Thee, Sirages dent. An attempt will be made to| Win Post Stove, an pick up a secretary-treasurer y into the junior section of from Bowmanville In' orout. the league is anticipated when have a member of the executive ; the schedules for all age group- in close contact at all times. Togs wil | be drafted. The association was formed DANISH LIBRARY mainly to prevent the Oshawa Denmark's national library, Umpires Association from handl- founded about 1660, includes ing league playoff games. It was among its 1,000,000 books about claimed that umpires Ww who had '4,000 printed before 1501. DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN 1.Fuse partly 1. Aircraft car. dren's 8. Vipers rier (slang) game 9. European 2. Catch again 21. Sea kite 3. Notion eagle 10. Distributes 4. Spread 24 Dress. [ 12. Leveled to grass to dry' ing the ground 5. Entrance gowns i (var.) 6. Scorch 3 Comes |; 13. Craze 7. Philippine in. 14. Italian island 8. Cut 9. Salutes 11. Speaks y | Tl a Rind 15. Hawaiian 28 Pirates' 7--Osle and Harriet | food drink | 4=Trackdown 17. Disgruntled 29. Trees persons 30. Recoge (collog.) nizes WED REDAY ru 8:00 tmCaptaik Py a Popeye LAL) | + T=Devotion: 2:30 T--Romper | S=Favorite &~Topper 10:00 4--On The 33--Dough 10:30 7--Morning 33--Treasu Cartoon Storybook 5:00 PM, T-=Mickey Mouse 6--Huckleberry Hound 4--Dinner Date 3--Bengal Lancers 6:00 P.M, Theatre News; Weather 7--Early Show 6--News 3-Jet Jackson 6:15 PM, Joriedt PD 11:00 §3-3-Price 4-1 Love 11:50 8-2--Concen Te Bo Ray, RRA Weather 6:45 PM, 6-5-4-23---News uN PM. 11--Family Theatre Tabloid S--~Rifleman 4-~Mackenzie's Raiders 2-Special Agent 7 FELLER 4 7--News: Weather 7:90 PM. v IF] A All 11 Storytime 2.co8 RINATN mm 12:06 WAR MIE NBA] £0) BAER ATE 11--Popeye; T--George 5 News; ALE | 11--News 7--Play 32--1t Cou 7--Lawrence Welk 6~Disney Presents 5-3-Wagon Train 4~Union Pacific 8:00 PM. 11-All Star 4--Gulding 1:00 | | | | 1l--Leave It "re Beaver | | --gentury Stories T--San Francisco Beat | 653--Bat Masterson 4-T've Got a Secret | 10:00 P.M, | | 11--gan Francisco Beat T--Boxing 6-Close Up $3-This Is Your Lite | 4=Circle Theatre 0a PM | 11--cnna, You Are Wel come S--Flight Official Releetive | 10:45 PM TT Jos. Soares [FTE 745 H eS well Weather: Sports ms eM T--Playhouse Vie $3---Dr --my 1» &- "Verdict wpeint $~Feature Movie 3 PM, U=The Late Show 6~Feature Film 4--Theatre S-Jack Paar ces Serials "» |. Popeye $-3--County Maggie Edge of ©. $118 AM, 3--Coffee Break 4-Sam Levenson Your Hunch 4--Search for Tomorrow 1:4 PM | 3--Helen Neville 7--Gale Storm 2:48 P. Ta-Nuisy Scho, 116 Der T--Beat The Clock Malone Payoft Places of Et | THURSDAY EVENING 5100 PM, 11=Theatre; §| 6---Whistletown Kangaroo a Mla 3-~Three Stooges 5:18 P.M, 4~Cartoon Storybook 5:30 PM, 7-Disney Time 6-~Woody Woodpecker 4~Dinner Date $--Huckleberry Hound 00 P.M, U~Theatre: News Weather Early Show 6~Metrop. News Jett Rn Co 6-1 slutied Jou 6:30 AM, 1) AM, Room Story AM, Go Ra Mi AN, Show re Hunt AM. Is Right Lucy AM, tration lar 45 AM. LAS Nowa © Weather 100 P.M 0 Noon v Bugs Bunny Tam Theatre Hamilton IV -3-Tie Tac Dough Weather | s=Highway Patrol Tn PM, 7--News; Weather 1: PM. T--Leave It To Beaver 6--All Star Theatre S$--Colonel Flack t=] Love Lucy 3-Texas Rodeo 8:00. PML - id be You Theatre Light P.M, The 1st Brooklin Scout Moth. ers' Auxiliary will meet May 21 at the home of Mrs. Fred Young. PAPER COLLECTION A r solv collection will | Lr any, Mav 16, used for the United Church| tbuliding fund. | ¥ airbank fi | 11-6--Explorations T--Frontier Dector FE 53-You Bet Your Life 1s Yours "we PM 11--Bugs Bunny T--American Bandstand §--Speaking French $-Truth or Consequen- rw Fatr Mugging ine Late Show Night Theatr than the) keep the a fat SIME Paar 'timism that the regime of Pre: Guide Mothers ed|Helen Gallagher, comprised the senior class boys. Proceeds will] § "greatest | 4 i hh... i ~ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 13, 1939 27 Dr, W. F. Baldwin (left) and | T. M. Salthouse of the biology | Branch of Atomic Energy of | Canada are shown examining A South American __ "kissing INTERPRETING TH] BUGS HELPS bug" (insert) with a micro- scope, Dr. Baldwin and Mr, Salthouse discovered that the | small, _blood-sucking bug has | to radiation. RESEARCH characteristics suitable for study on the mystery of why insects are especially resistant Thejr studies could lead to methods which would help reduce the effects of radiation on man, (CP Photo) E NEWS By DAVID ROWNTREE Canadian Press Staff Writer Britain's decision to sell arms to Iraq underlines London's op- mier Karim Kassem won't go Communist, The Macmillan government's reading of the Middle East situa- {tion is still different from Wash- ington's 8, as it has been LL the Host to 150 New Citizens COBOURG (Staf) -- A Mother {and Daughter dinner was held Saturday evening in the auditor. lum of St, Michael's Roman [Catholic school in Cobourg under the sponsorship of the Girl Guides' Mothers' Auxiliary. Over 150 Girl Guides, Brownies and mothers were present at the |dinner, Chairman for the event was Mrs. Juanita Perrin, who with Mrs. V. Doncaster and Mrs. committee Among guests were Mrs. G. Perry of Port Hope, divisional commissioner; Mrs. P, Burbee of Cobourg, district commissioner of Girl Guides; Mrs, Evor Leonard, president of the Catholic Women's Arms To Iraq Plan 'Has Implications d Toure protests that when France, which formerly Suez Canal fiasco of 1056, Wash- ington officials are sald to be stopping a Communist in Iraq. There is general agreement that Communists dominate peas- s|ant and worker groups, student and teacher Srgeuisation and frequently instigate demonstra. tions in favor of the Soviet Union, But there is less agreement on the extent to which Communists have infiltrated the JUverninet, Many American observers lieve the penetration is oy serious. In announcing the arms deal to the House of Commons, the min- ister of state for foreign affairs, John Profumo, said Britain "does not accept the promise that the present regime in Iraq is com. pletely dominated by the Com- munists." MAY REVAMP CABINET be on the pessimistic about the chances of as takeover The yg perhaps, oud; the held the territory a colony, refused him guns) and money and the United States seemed unwilling to help, all he could do was to accept "gifts' from Communist countries, PUSHED TO COMMUNISTS The British move, if it is fol by similar ones in other in. 5 < = i tries, may reduce the occas-| newly ther oll - producing coun-|, Industrials, Western Oils Reduce Losses is EE A Yai Bria wa West. Despite Bo Communist activity in the country, no known Com- munists hold cabinet positions. There are reports that Kassem will soon revamp his cabinet and it will then be shown whether he still has. the authority to re. sist demands that he should in- clude pro - Soviet men in it. The sale of British arms to Kassem may be designed to pre- vent what happened in the United Arab Republic and Guinea. When League of St. Michacl's; Mrs. K. Mcintosh, secretary of the Co- "lbourg Girl Guides Assoctation | and Mrs. Carl Jefferson, treas-! urer, | Pastor Rev. J. P. Collins spoke| of the work of the Guide move- "|ment, while the Rev. John Pear. | son, assistant pastor at St. Mich-| _|ael's, said grace. the West when he asked for money to help build the Aswan .iok And dam, he turned to Russia. after Suez, the Soviet Union be- came one of the few countries where he could buy arms. In the case of Guinea, there is talk of Communist infiltration 'there, too, but President Sekou HALIFAX (CP) -- Two Mari time provinces are turning tour- us efforts to a low-cost attraction that can yield big re- President Nasser was rebuffed by (turns. Nova Scotia and New Bruns- are answering a demand for more areas, one of the most economic meth. ods of attracting tourists. The Nova Scotia travel bureau, swamped with requests for infor- mation on available camping areas, last year published a book- let telling tourists where they could find them. New Brunswick decided 30 gee Tourist Effort | Made Attraction One of these was opened last summer in Shelburne and in & 2,000 visib velop a 2,500-acre half a mile from Parlee rh at Point du Chene near Moncton. The project, biggest of its type undertaken in the NEW AUTHOR Mrs. A. B. Bhatia of Edmon- ton takes time out from her | writing to chat with her son , 3. An English girl who married an Indian physicist and went to live in India, Mrs Bhatia has had her first novel, | "Alien there is None," publish- | ed in England. work on a | story, based on ience, tells of the lonel: an English girl liv Mrs. Bhatia, who the pen name of J. it | shown here wearing a sari. (CP "9 vours. LJ. MITCHELL. President THE MEMBERS OF BRANCH 43 CANADIAN LEGION Wish to thank the Kinsmen Club of Oshawa for the privilege of participating in their first Hobby Show and wish them the best of success in their future endca- G. F. GRANT, Secretary

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