| \ 45~Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, AES, Wednesday, May 13, 1959 ] [T--Male Help Wanted 37 Male Help Wanted 43.-Wanted to Rent {44--For Rent Aina) Fatale Toe Sale WNGLE men, reared ad pan: relation oy Rg i anveriay tore on Aiki Brest, Pons igerator, share. Bethe 500d. Jocalion; logan, 6100s 16 cys four i ode i wide BE it, it 12 3 oC ie © TROENTLY required, _ icensed "body AMBITIOUS reliable ma el of f| WAN =A fod; ne soorsted, i £8 Ta F CTT Ee fi Sh, Bt wh 5 sda MARTERED Aceon To. | WAITER | Jar | hotel, lease sia Hate 8 ase. WOUNE ~ five rooms, AV Toom In Rew house, for one or) sl, Se IE a JL BE iy i RE sia ug dm mame. couse N.H.A. RESALE - EY pis" a Write A 3, | POSITION open for two reliable me Et ua M4--For Rent fan] . ! 1 YR, OLD Boas mes, with full part as shlos Yoprehentatives, for nationally | FOR vent ~ Smell nets, Ianterns, » Bi ome: 3 bedroom brick bungalow. ivertited ; Cabin ral wes Kingedait Suen near and ht ma. Beto Nm FRE Decorated, New built-in stove other ond oven, ond meny A. J. SCHATZ PA x Three bedroom brick REALTOR x and stained trim. Ons mort] GENERAL INSURANCE Fal ad the tainsss Yel WHITBY MOQ 8-3337 seph Bosco. Reatior RA_S-9070. OSHAWA RA 5.8461 PICKERING 590 | LOW DOWN PAYMENTS Close to South General Mo- A SALESMEN BET axtren, oo 7 T{NEW tow, bedrooms, ) i, tors Plant, solid brick Sungs- New mon guaranteed $50 ANTED Tea ya 230 pom, dune 3, Call BA 3 hea RA 8-1338 ; Borof down. oth low featuring 3 bedrooms, L- first day out, W. LARGE housokseping od, IT or Tor K naar Mary, wn Targe| 1000 Fs Hi yea WITH Two men to work 9 hours pid Cig Sim die age epee hot oi, 0% Batson io York EPA ed, early POMSHION, EATANS, RA| bath. Full price $12,895, per day, $100 per week, fi] Pry i Helen 2Our auollty leads secured x iy FURNTOMED. ight ng room For particulars _ ca from direct moll requests, WRITE BOX 930 FoR LL = + three" =X Toom Bake t| for Ki two gentomen m, includes ve: |Eoraga sen _-- enue. a> Simpson, RA 5.7420, for fire informatie, Vi OSHAWA TIMES nit Avply 118 173° Hibbert 8. 113 iT and 306 Bloor Wet, 1070 h 314 Jackion Avenue. RA "i WHITBY call and ask for the order, THREE unfurnished gir Rested AMALL furnished bachelor 45arim $2,000 down payment, 3- this moy be just what 39--Agents Wanted Day, Phone MA 3700, ot i AA i | a vo Tandyeaped. decor | podroom brick and stone have been looking for. We WE are looking for agaresiive deal:| FOUR : room wparl ond 45d GA, nd Yeltigotator, contra) ral Mus be seen b fixtures with vanity, bungalow, large kitchen, liv- offer sclarles plus commis |ers, men or ny doe to sell on full oriself - contained unfurnished, heated, io fds d, RA 8 arg allshen snd din dining area, 551 h ing room, 4.pe, tiled bath sion, plus bonuses, part a Dasa, our 28 : Suaranieed sentral Tocation b 75 monthly, Avallub! wble| Wo ry i wiki het : . of = with vanity. Situated 4 fice ' he ve-sul 8 ntial street, MR. KABBAZ [iH Soiree, 1h uve aoe NroRvatnn, is sed spat Hh Te 3-356 months guarantee pot cig og EE rates. for" bolas $74 al. bath, RA 5:6380, . Money refunded if confidential, Box 923, mont Ig For particulars eal A wil APARTMENT two rooms, furnished, bay 4 Helen Simpson evenings RA RA 5-2591 41--Room and Boerd - a Fenders TV a not satisfied RN. 5.7420. FURNISHED room; usiness girls or trance, tenant must be clegn, A Hm 1¢ ox , bath, oat VE HOME ELNA murses only," two my share. Helriger 165 peau Road South after 6 pm. 1100 Fad oon ONE MORTGAGE on quiet Hal street. § Freden EXECUTI ME . ttle and laundry privil:| venue, Bowm --- Loco SEWING CENTRE LTD hid le ncpivall and downtown: | (TWO Yarge unfurnished Wosaiag Po fre ar hoa gh 13 or whet $400 best tl 112 A, iE Mary Birest __ 114 p.m. Li TWo on Cambiia#e| greq Tastefully decorated, lomen, in lovely home, excellent meals, North Osha RA 8.6718, Wall established firm, oper- COMFORTABLE room for v Tiined ei THREE all parking | 04 oting throughout US. and -- Cenado- has opening In HORM nt ¥ a Vv, rad Monday to Friday, office hare for hiahgrode IIIc averne, WA- Shh | ut young man to do outside con- tact interview work along In« vestigation lines, No selling triple accommodation at hotel, 3.7161, Bowmanville, or collecting, no overnight [and GM, Good European meals, WA [ONE . bedroom apartment, stove, re: 4, travel, Permanent job, sal- |8:8160 or 30 Elgin Street East. HAT. washing facilities. ; / ATTRACTIVE furnished Tooms, avail: J ery, ond bonus plus cor |Ghie in private home, #2 Park Road | THREE - room Apartment, private| olléwance, Promotion oppor. |North, 57 pm, RA 8 (bath. and antri noe, heavy duty, "an _ ouple only, Apply ar On tunity, Useless to reply un. ROOM and Bowid. feo eR RC or phone RA 5.2007 less you have the following Ploaz. 100f (ONE large front room for rent with HOOM, or room and lifi . Hualitica)ions Age 22:29, man, Apply 195 Albert Street ot least Junior Matriculation, {ROOM "and board, single) double or ONE large, furnished fight ho ROOM and board, close 10 four eorners d board for gentle: 112 42--Room and Board Wanted good physical stamina, use of ear, and some knowledge of unfurnished roam heav, Alainers, Apply 201 Oshawa Bavievard 1 gontieman, hs os modem itchen, can. tral to opping centre an ospita | 00k or 430 Woodcrest after THREE CL {ate entrance, kitchen with sink, cup 71950, (5 p, a4 ing room with refrigerator, RA 5-022 two #ingle beds for gentlemen. Cen trally located, Phone RA 80130, ti T™W0 furnished housekeeping Tooms, | private entrance, private bath, stove| and refrigerator, suit couple, no chil:| | dren. Apply 325 Simcoe Street South, | | in lye typing. Apply YOUN m man feduires" Too, ARABONT, Fy edroom Apartment. centrally | Phone Hyd Electr Wholesale. RA located. Separate entrance. Adults pre: P.O. BOX 31 hone Mr, oll Eh dally 8 to 8 ferred. Immediate possession, Phone) [s-a800. ne MArket 35425, Bowmanville 1074 | [ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, AvAl OSHAWA able in private home, 82 Paty Roa 112¢/37--Male Help Wanted HIGH CALIBRE SALESMAN REQUIRED We have an opening at our shopping centre office for a sales. man with o sincere interest In learning a most interesting busi. wn NEN, If you have the energy and Initiative required for this position we con show you how you may name the size of your income. Complete real estate facilities end full co-operation available from our staff. 1. Sickness and Accident Insurance, * 2. Holiday with poy 3: Drawing account. for proven salesman. For interview appointment call Doug Wilson aot on) W. WILSON LTD. REALTOR " " OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 . [North L) {ROOM in private home, very central, (SINGLE, 102 | lady RA WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR SALE « One umbrella vat, . X|TV repairs. All work gua #1 one tarpaulin, 8' x 10% Anthony Teuniasen, MO Ll age rack, MO 8.4900 ROOM ant FOR SALE -- One bed davano and 2 willing Py oe one large room, C hain, with grey A large tral _ Phone Mo 8.2382 orl and mattress, $10, |] sitable y oe cota ban "ie FON NENT ew, WET to gg - Dise hubcap, 15% be |FOR RENT -- Sroom . Phone MO 8.5038 ask for T. 120 ly a LOST -- Tiny goid ladies Bulova wrist| FOR wateh, Reward. Mra. Balley, 318 Perry | Apartments, Street, Whitby SALESLADY WANTED -- --Part time Apply Art's Clothing Store, 133 Brock Street South. + large MO & SL ready by May 30, ONE" Continenal, 31" ned Brin Eo co for. Huh Ge 0 Subway Trailer oe Whitny, ire, Weaver ilge Suvuaion Crescent, Cobourg it 1 and sink, conveniences, Apply 887 Rit. ed. onl son Road South 108¢ d board for two gentlemen, NEWLY decorated three - men! i Boards. Adults' please. Apply 38 Royal. | "self-contained | couple : apartment, Reasonable rent. Adults HX {ROOM for gentleman, 74 Oshawa mi, TRENT = New two il heh . $100 | path, private entrance, 112 month, includes stove, refrigerator, TV included serial, heat, 718 Dunlop Street West 1 hytie Toute lo 7 p.m. RA 8-067) {epring mattress; suit gentleman Glgin Street East | THREE i 80K GPECIAL new self-contained wiring, garage, no children, ab: pedroom apartment, good location, TV outlet of plenty of parking. Adults only, Phone RA_30316, suitable for one or two girls or cauple, wo "a EE Phone pinion ah, use of washer and dry. er, good. location, Adults, THREE unfurnished rooms, 855 month room | Phone Pickering 403M, bus MODERN four large room upper "du "hres: range, refrigerator inéluded, $69 == Monthly THREE MODELS FULL PRICE room unfurnished apart 0, all conveniences, separ: oe For m unfurnis d apartment, RA 5:0026, mt |ly, lights, heat and water ineluced, |No children, RA \ 57828, olf an $1 1 995 TWO fumished | rome, tight ~ m. kes ing, near Sho) 3 a, 100 Fernhil PBoulevard. 1108 fetes pleted Jue: rooms, ows, in three aren TT furnished housekeeping rooms, can be rented separately, use of wash: Ranch style, centre hall and er and refrigerator, central location, L-shape with large rooms girls preferred. RA 5.2872 110f and family kitche Four good location, Sopa. piece bath complete ely tiled, partially finished basement, some wolk-out basements with picture windows and patios. Sodded lawns, private ravelled drive. All electric Ixtures. Heavy duty cable, Also some with combination triple aluminum storm and ond only | UPPER duplex rate entrance, kitchen. living-room, din. otte, bedroom, bath, Available June 1, Abstainers, RA 8.8303, 110f QUIRES BEACH -- new "bungalow, 5, immediate Pe furnished room, "wuitabie for Apply 73 Rowe Street or phone 5.5381 1101 unfurnished rooms, on line, available, adults. Clean and bright. |plex apartment; new 'frig. new stove,| Screen windows, 301 Gibtons Street, RA 81618 sepigate entrance, complete four-piece] $100 more on down poy. Hy R rooms, unfurnished, lights, heat bath, kitchen fuphonda os purroune. ment, ings, King Street East, rm and igh + Couples only, Private en-| sues Ava aa" wing Sieve: Wem 1 def Hk HC ele PRICES ARE AWAY i. pus ie UP ON FUTURE CON- [TARGH double room, two beds and one small room with double bed. TV privil |eges, very central, gentlemen ANY ed, Phone RA 8.6007 1004 ONE large furnished housekeeping room, for gentleman or couple, One blook from Glecoff's. Apply 125 Clark | Street 106¢ | LARGE two.room apartment, heat, |lights, water supplied. Also four-room bungalow, bath, Also bungalow to share with elderly lady. RA 3.7088 1091 FOUR room basement "apartment, un. STRUCTION. SO BUY NOW, TERRIFIC VAL- UE. ONE MORTGAGE RA 5-883] WANTED! Married couple to share partly furnished, new 5.room bungalow with owner PHONE RA 5-3718 After 5 p.m. 112¢ | furnished, or furnished, all com: yeniences, semi private sntrance, in 45---Real Estate For Sale W. T. LAMSON Ehavarn Tov Cite ol ie THREE - bedroom cottage, located At REAL ESTATE LT. THREE - room apartment, separate|. Caauivas with Slaatrieity and bt 4 110d noe, central, suitable for nd garage. RA 3.1317, Avenus, 70 services we Sun. tri-level design with attached Sokal Lina. dimecs RA 3.3044, ei garage, Large living room ond dining room, kitchen equipped with dishwasher LOTS and garbage disposal, 3 ex- » tra large bedrooms, two baths. T.V. room 28 x 12 plus lorge game room, Alums LOT 60° X 105 In one of Oshawa's finest Inum storms and screens subdivisions, the price Is throughout. This home has $3,300. We have many many extras 106 numerous to other lots to choose from, mention. For particulars call ranging In price from $1,000 Devon Schatz, evenings ond up. For location eall RA 5.8425, Eugene Patterson at ny A. J. SCHATZ JOMN A. J. BOLAHOOD » ' LTD. REALTORS WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP 11d 1120 entra cou Mrs, MoTaggart, RA 37013, ay 18 . 'house, it East, Apply 76 Harris Avenue. 113b FOUR room bungalow. Apply "at 002 Drow Street, 1M THREE unfurpished rooms, | Apply 71 Warren Avenue, | FURNISHED room, suitable for two "central, 1124 | people, board if required. 115 Alice Streot ni THREE . room well - contained a apart ment, furnished, heated, central Ra 3.7692 after 8.30 p.m 107 TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and kitchen with refrigerator, 'cupboards, "Toom Apart: on segond floor, Bulltdn cups | ONE large housekeeping room, Lully | equipped; suit one or two girls or 1 Central. 'RA 3.7020 "room Apartment with p PS $40 a month, Phone. RA | 1194 | 0 - room (very large) apartment, | [xw Th WANTED fo rent -- house In Whitby| redecorated, sink continuous hot water, High School | parking 36 | housekeeping room, RA 5.8383, one large 1 one single room; KIX room house with garage on King WANTED -- Middie.aged man with car Street East, near Wilson, For one fam GARDENS and lawns rototliied, "ready | for wpring planting and seeding. Whi Sak od 'Onawa "me MO 3a Ilia! THREE GULTIVATED sod for sal a ---- CULTIVATED aod for, sale. Dalvered | vr pouitry, ala. feathers wanted. een Mioner he 1 Jahatt market prices paid. Phone col: | room, ------ l6ct MO 83488 Whitby June 12 buf service: FOR RENT -- Fourroom apartment ---- Phone MO 8-348 Whitby ti Bennie ment w athroom un J) A 020% : | SALE -- Wrecking Apply 311 Dunlop east FOR RENT -- Small house, immediate | vralgm & possession. 110 Ash Street, north of bus also '81 N shaghanle. | fly or two couples, RA 3.7189. ron SALE -- Peterborough cedar airip | RA 3:0702 ft ov Asking price, $135, TWO + room furnished basement EE 111¢ room, shower WP Pontiac, ing space. Apply aviramatie transmission; [RA 50134 after § pm I parts for sale NO TWO nice rooms. LL room basement apartment in| (new home, perfectly dry. bedroom, large * {ink heat and lights, parking space, abstainers, quiet Soups, f | kitohen, -bed. snug te entrance, park 73 Ritson Road south ment, modern y Ile BAT m nt in Kitchen, private bath. separate en BUTE "APARTMENTS opening, four FOR SALR -- MoLary heaey duty | trance, suitable for working couple or; wr enh AL whther, dryehs ne ral nie Sto or ovens, timer, 40%, three girls. Five minutes from four corners. | nel LR} A Store, central, $110. Lamson Your oN. Tie ka i LL Real Batata, MO 8.3032 Hie | FOR | SALE -- Al sod. Phofe MO SINGLE room or room and board, | FR TE TR 4114 Whitby 11f private. Phone RA 8.6083 12 | + taking, apartment building 'ete. fn ROTO-TILLING. JSardens, wos. A - time, MO 8.4508 anytime Alc (Dennis, phone Oshawa, RA | WOMAN "willing to look after i SEPTI nk "Saased De - ars | ONE-BEDROOM nd ile WAY, new tanks insta alter ard word 0, Mya s week while 200 Chestnut West: phone MO 8.2363 APARTMENT July 3 FOR RENT -- unfurnished apart: ment, three large rooms, self contained | FOR RENT -- Sie furnished room,! Stove, refrigerator, washing and stove supplied, reasonable Sentral. Phone MO 3.3466 May 3 facilities . WAREED Te Also for rent two-room furnished SOD, 30¢ square ee Selivered. Rofo | | a , Ded-sitting room and Kit: tilling, rockery stones. MO shen, Private entrance. Apply 391 Pal. ny le a CALL wa , Clients waiting. Farios, ow se = Reliable tenants want. selling or oe oy Call W. T. Lamson, | od for a furnished self.contained Real Estate, MO 8.3032, rooms. Apily T40 Dundas East not PANT and alterations, men's cutting MOUSE and bungalow wanted. Good Ri RH. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South. | oy ymeats. W. _MoAuley Realtor. and ladies' wear; drapery alterations . Oshawa RA 3.2813 To Rent -- House or lower, LISTE NGS wanted, homes, farms ete. May | May 2 | May 22/ Phone RA 5-3815 | ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS immediote possession, elees trically equipped, best locas boats, motors and trailers. Qur fee is less thon eo preferrably by uly 1, for oid and Als rentals Whithy and| Yon. Buckingham Manor. | member of staff of Whithy District north %o Take Sim W. T. Lamson, | { Hh Schoal, no ohilaren. Write John Real Bate" MO 30 | ay RA 8.8676 | T. Smith, Box #63. Hespeler Noe) --- - taba -- ~Jor an - Furnished 3} rooms and Ines range. ernie: SRA sie | FOR RENT -- Lown role, | QUIET BRICK. Wer wad parsl amant] fllen "pout hols diggers IMODERN TWO-BEDROOM Wolters, MO 83304 Juse 1| Paint sprayers, cement mix: | APARTMENTS POR rent -- Smelt nets, lanterns, 81 5, Wheel barrows, .choin | oN 15 GIBBONS ST. Im. | ach per night. Cabin tratiers. $48 week:| ond skill 'saws, drills, grin | "oaicie possession. Adults | 15 lide Rental Service. Whithy, MO| ders. ns ahr ar iD 1 -------- | Canoes, car-top boots, mots | Apply 21 Gibbons St ors, boat box ond cabin EE -- i Sp -- FOR C.I.L. PAINT troilers, tents and comping | \ \ call equipment. | LLOYD REALTY i FOR SALE--New ond wed | RENTAL AGENCY | DODD & SOUTER | Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street th MO 8.5231 WILDE RENTAL SERVICE and SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- MO 83226 Sou GRAVEL & FILL | Driveway Gravel, $7 per load Cement Gravel, $1.60 per vd For Delivery Phone ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2660 * Omamenteal Evergreens, Shrubs, Hedges, Paeonies, Perennials, choice ' collected Cedors for hedges, 35¢ ond up, ORCHARD NURSERIES No. 7 Hwy, South Side, ? miles west of Brooklin®, 4 | vacancy, only screened ond reliable tenants Lioyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd 101 Simeoe _RA 8-51 MODERN TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT Al ccaveniences Park way Apts, 630 Available June 1. 341 Division St, after Qree A Simcoe N Apply: ] cupboard and a ' Stephen Macko REALTOR RA 50771 $1,500 DOWN for this &-room home with garage -- modern conveniences = 3nosioue grounds. -- close to shopping centre. All this for $11.8 Now vacant, move right in, buys this centrally totand S.room brick bungalow. Large med - forced air oil heating -- close to store, school Reduced to $9,300 for quick sale. Must be Beautifully kept. ern kitchen and bus in front, seen to be truly appreciated CADILLAC AVE. S. NHA RESALE 412% Specious S-room bungalow with large modern kitchen --= 3 bed. rooms = in school -- owner transferred. Asking $11,400. Phone now--5.077 | LISTINGS URGENTLY NEEDED - ALL INQUIRIES CONFIDENTIAL. DEAL WITH CONFIDENCE - CALL STEPHEN MACKO RA 5-0771. Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. - a MOHAWK AVE, S-year-old &-room brick bungalow with breezeway and attached on beautitully landscaped large lot with plenty of tall garage trees, Paved drive, natural fireplace, aluminum 'storms and close to school. Owner transferred. , Decorated. Price re. duced to $14,700.00, CONFECTIONERY -- SNACK BAR Centrally located, doing good business = ideal for couple. $3,000.00 includes all equipment, VACANT LOTS Contact this office for V.L.A. lots, apartment ..., end good building lots. We have one good ravine lot 90 x 160 ft, all lots close to schools, shopping end transportation: RICE LAKE BUILDING LOTS Good lakefront lott ready for building ---- paved road to en. trance, oR) 100° x 150°, Contact Lloyd Metcalf (after $30 -- $1378.00 DOWN HARMONY HEIGHTS $1378.00 DOWN The subdivision with an amazing record -- over 140 fomilies moved into the subdivision and only | resale. No new homes in the subdivision not sold and 15 sold ohead to be built by S. Jockson & Son Ltd. ' We have approximately 20 lots avoilobie and we would be plecsed to take your order for eo home in this area within 2 blocks of new public school, Prices range from $12,700.00 to $14 175.00 with down payments from $1,378.00 to $1,920.00 down. All prices include cla brick, partig! stone front, aluminum storms ond screens, aluminum storm doors, ceramic tiled bathroom, fan in kitchen, lgunary wibs, hot water heater, sodded front lawn, sidewalk, Complete in every way We have NHA. mortgage. available end can give occupa in September. Hove your new house bullt with your prove op colors on o lot of your choice end you, too, may be o happy resident of this fine community. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 3V4 Simcoe Street South Dial 3-9329 or 5-6551 AFTER 5.30 DiAL-- Lolyd Metcalf 5-6983 Everett Ellior ..... 3-9290 Dick Barrioge 5.6243 Joe Mage ....... 59191 112 W. McAULEY REAL ESTATE -- 26 PRINCE ST. RA 3-2512 WHITBY MO 8-3231 APARTMENT INCOME Good brick two-storey with 3 rooms and bath down and three rooms and bath up, Oil heated. Central location, A good value ot $12,500---terms, $1000 DOWN é-r00m frome house and half-acre good garden land, at Prince Albert, Only $4,500, $1500 DOWN S.r00m storey and a half brick semi-detached. with $1,500 down, Olive Ave. DREW STREET S.room brick storey and o 'half, oil heating, good condition. Only $6,500 Asking $10,700 with $2, 500 down: i We have other 'good homes to choose from, SALESMEN:--~ HENRY MELICH BERT PEYTON 45--Real Estate for 3 Sale $300 FULL DOWN PAYMENT SIX-ROOM SOLID BRICK BUNGALOW, AIR CONDI TIONED FSEATING DIVIDED BASEMENT, LARGE LO PRIVATE DRIVE, LENT AREA WI SCHOOLS, SEWERS, BUSES, ETC. TRADE YOUR PRESENT HOME RA 5-8831 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. room contains three Aol and recreation room, Dial RA 59228. If no answer dial RA 85-4373. BUNGALOW, $10,000 io Flee. 1500 | 75a down, $60 per month. 3306. 1074 109¢ 47-- Automobiles For Sale | 58 GHEY, 19,000 miles, Fordor, Be offer, RA 34783, it 51 CHEV, 0175, After § p.m. ap 294 Olive Avenue. wr "Austin tie, =, solid brick, six rooms, modern|,. oo ie A new 53 motor, Spots Ht #00d renting area. Call RA, hroughout, St ol eo 7oo 3 ec. | ING to . Best offer, RA 5253, 1126 for, sale, 30 1 io Road 103 oar A-40, for wale, Phone er 6, ' bungalow, large lot, for 50 OCHEY., Hood Hood "Fey an and motor, furthey partioulars, RA 81973. 103} sor cash. Phone Whitby, M HY suis 1128 6 CADILLAC Fleetwood, all @ autronic eye, white walls, By eh and terms. Mackie's Van and Stora Fin, Phone days RA 5.4622 nights "a XO MONARCH for 50 METEOR, "food 8 condifion, TH cash, Apply 1 loor St, W. "Siok ORD hn wedan, green and white, excellent tires, new motor guar. anteed by Ford dealer, nice clean in. terior, $1005. Lease Sxpiring sale, King West Motors, opposite Shopping Contes, 1 '53 OREVROLET coach, Ai Sonditfor. must be sold by weekend. 313 ref Street, "51 VAUXHALL, good running i tion, dependable, Soongmtiont frogs tation, Phone RA 8 55 PLYMOUTH, LE spotless, only 82,000, Will take older ear on trade, the Dalanes can be financed. Full price 81175. A 85-2783, voor iE "Auto Insurance. Save vig 20 per cent. Six months to pay, personal service at your home call A +280! oo RD Custom Tudor, beautibul light green finish, excellent meohanio ally, four mew tires, fully guaranteed. 46---Real Estate Wanted HOUSER and farms wanted for clients, All eash or your equity. For quick sal all Ww, MeAuley ealtor, treet, Oshawa, RA 83231, Make three people happy by Listing your property -- we Sell It, You'll be happy, the buyer will be happy, so will we, that makes three, BERNEICE ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE RA 85-3692 MO 8.3355 0 26 Prince 342512; Whitby MO $1105, Seaway Motors Lid, 200 Dundas West, Whitby, Open till 10 p.m, Ille 8 CHEV, four-door, turquoise, auto. matio transmission, heater, radio, wind. shield washer, mileage 9000, excell condition, $2228. RA 5 un, 1 "51 DODGE sedan, sharp, 1ight "blue finish, excellent mechanically, very good tives, $205. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby, Open till 10 pom 11%e "0 DESOTO sedan, beautiful light bile finish, spotless brown terior, wile. matic transmission, custom radio, four | excellent tires, motor completely we | conditioned, A real beauty, $385, Soa. way Motors Ltd, 200 Dundas Wost, | Whitby. Open tll 10. p.m. 1c |'51 PONTIAC hardtop, two-tone grefy, | good tires, good mechanically, $%15, Seaway Motors Lad, hi Dyndag Wet Whitby, Open ti} 10 54 FORD. Custom Toda: =e ou finish, motor In top 'condition. Guaray- Spring Is Here WE HAVE BUYERS! WE NEED PROPERTIES! HOUSES, FARMS, SMALL HOLDINGS LIST NOW WITH MERV. BIRD BROOKLIN Phone 255-W J. A New N.H.A. HOMES ROSSLAND RD. W. (Only 2 Left) featuring: 1. 3 lorge bedrooms --- double closets, 2. Tiled bathroom == builtin vanity, 3. Lorge living room -- cove ceiling == built-in valonce 'box. 4. Loads of cupboords in bright kitchen plus dinette area. S. Pierson windows, heavy duty cable, laundry tubs. 6. Carport -- forced air oll heating. 7. Down payments from $2,500.00 and up. Full price $15, 245.00 ond payments of $80.94, principal and interest. KING ST. E. (Only 2 Left) Same as above without carport, Central to Public and Separate schools, $1,750.00 down, full price $12,989.38 and monthly payments of $71.95, principal and interest, Specious 5-room bungalow with 3.room basement apartment, on Lloyd St. (about 12 blocks off King W.) Only 3 yrs, old, large lot 75 x 239 ft, forced air oil heating, 4-pc. colored bath, hardwood and tile floors, fully landscaped, and aluminum storms and screens, A steal at $11,900 with $3,000 down. Call Ozzie Addison for an appointment at RA 3.2254, ; 8-room house, Simcoe St. N., on large lot 150 feet by 291 feet. This commercial property can be used for different types of business, Forced air oil heating; three-piece bath, second floor has built-in cupboards, would make good apartment. Full price $11,900. Terms. Call RA 3-2254, BANCROFT, ONT. 100 acres of land ~~ 70 qeres of bush, balance of workable land, plus six-room house and barn. Good hunting and fishing. Reforestration ares. Full price only $3,400 with $800 down. Interested parties should ¢ontact Ozzie Addison at RA 3.2254, LLOYD AYERS REALTOR 1120 WILLOUGHBY SONS LTD., REALTORS 46 Eglinton E., Toronto Spring Catalogue Sent Free Dundas West, Whitby, Open Hil, abi ERAN RLEa "57 CHEVROLET deluxe two-tone, S475 or best offer RA 8-0004 after 4.80 0/1 5 1 teed, $705. Seaway Motors Ltd. 1 ° '48 CHEV. In RA 8:5004 wl FORD Custom 300 sedan, spotless | Brentwood brown finish, excellent "fw | chanically, 24 miles to the gallon, Guat. | anted, $1305, Seaway Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Whitby, Open till 10 p.m. Ule 56 PONTIAC Saluxe sedan, spotiess light blue finigh, i ate) interior, four new tres, 'exosfiont motor, $08, Seaway Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Whitby. Open #1 10 p.m, Tie 50 OLDSMOBILE sedan, rhdio, sig: matie, eto, Excellent transportat $195. Seaway Motors Ltd, 200 Dufi West, Whitby. x Hu 10 ) pm, 1 ne '55 FORD sedan, arp two-tone gree finish, spotless Nant kn gray interior, Po: for 'in excellent condition, very K tires, custom radio, fully guaran Food dimiadis $095. Seaway Motors Ltd, 200 Dundas West, Whitby. Open till 10 pom file 48 INTERNATIONAL \e-ton $138. A Me! I's Jarvice 314 Bloor Street West after 7 p.) Centre Street, 1 '0 METEOR Custom tudor, besutiful black finish, spotless interior. Custom radio, fully guaranteed, $1105, Seaway Motors Lid., 200 das West, Whitby, Open tll 10 p.m. 11le 5 CHEV, tudor, brand new tires, ox cellent condition, . Apply 324. Wilson Road South, 1 88 FARGO Viton plok-up, Very good 47 Automobiles For Sale washers, ete, private, can RA 5.2003, 'ss 58 DODGE, Crusader sedan, six cylin. finance. | condition, ready to work. One dfiver since new. Apply 214 Celina yo after 8, A114 der motor, automatic, two tone. Like i GREVROLET deluxe sedan, L Bray new, 81730. MArket 3-5219. 10f| und white powerglide, heater, white 8 PONTIAC sedan, sutomatie, radio, | walls, discs, windshield washers, .oub Banding condition, One owner. Call RA 3-3034. 1y tires, Phone RA 5. DODGE truck, Jared, ear box, good . " 111 [black finish, 1050 FORD Custom coach, he Tmackiah excellent mechanichtiy |8293. Seaway Motors Ltd., 200 Danded st DODGE Min. tally equipped, | West, Whitby. Open till 10 p.m. white, spotless interior and finish; miles, $1895, Lease expiring sale white, upholstery red and blue with nol even a scuff mark, automatic trans. Sxpiting sale King West Motors, oppos. ! Shopping Centre. . CHEVROLET yr clean inside and out, wood motor, | "sedan, tutone,| absolutely, im. radio, small mileage, maculate interior, Ford expert says it's perfect mechanically, new tires, $1495. | West opposite Shopping C lights, ete, $2795. King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. an" A" Ford, Royal Victorian, CHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. REAL ESTATE CLOSE TO CORONATION SCHOOL $9,200 -- 7-rcom brick home with garage. 1---oil heated; 2--full' basement, nicely landscaped, paved drive. Monthly payinents of $75. 00 per month, Please call Bob Davis, even. ings, RA 8-6326 SIMCOE ST. NORTH AREA Buckingham Ave. -- a 6-roomed rug brick home in spotless condition, Hedged yord, paved drive and garage with tool shed attached. Large living room with fireplace and dining area. Modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. bath plus © 2-pe. in base ment. All this for $15,800 with $5,000, Please call Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5. 0243. BROOKSIDE ACRES Only one fot left. 100° frontage with a depth of approx. 200°, Located on Glen Manbr Drive, in on area of fine residential homes. If you are interested in a treed lot with @ view of the creek, coll Reg, Aker, evenings, RA 5.0201 » ATTENTION -- HOME BUILDERS 4 building lots in a row on Cedar St, just around the come. from Thomas St. 3 lots 50 x 150 One lot 59° x 150", Close to school, church, bus and a new shopping centre. Please call Bill McFeeters, evenings, RA 5.1726 LISTINGS URGENTLY REQUIRED Used homes are in great demand. We have buyers waiting. If you are thinking of selling, now is the time to sell. For friendly sincere service, please colle DAYTIME -- RA 3.22645 -- EVENINGS Bob Davis .... RA 8.6326 Henry Stinson . RA 5.0243 Bill McFeeters RA 5.1726 Reg. Aker RA 5.0201 BEFORE 5:00 PM. -- RA 3.2265 NETWEEN 5 & 6 PM. -- RA 8.1624 112 Exceptional condition. RA 8.0408. late interior, expiring sale. King West Motors. best off 3.2997, '55 OLDSMOBILE 88 sedan, blue and white, automatic transmission, small mileage, clean as a whip inside and out, white walls, $1185 Lease sxpinng sale, King West Motors, 5% FORD, new tires, excellent running order, $350. RA $873) F » PONTIAC, good oo RA _S-6802. Lot STUDEBAKER & with SVSNIVe and radio, $95 RA 33313 $50 52 Pontiac sedan, seven § -- tires, recently Sverhauled Must de sold by weekend, L. Wood, 34 Mary Street. 112 | 58 FORD customiine, A-1 condition fully equipped. MArket 3.2070. 107 '50 "WHITE" WC 16, long wheel ba Buse, | ig Jhon, good condition. Phon: 0 or oe "OLDS, hydramatic, steering, radio, etc. Immaculate condi tion, $600 or nearest offer. Can finance MO 23-3263, Whitby May » The Suprem SUNBEAM RAPIER Performance & Safety Endurance, Reliability NOW ON DISPLAY _NONQUON RD RA 3-443] BUYING or SELLING TED CAMP N MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Uust East of Wilson Rood) RA 3-4494, Res, 5-5574 May be desired. Apply 886 Robson Street. ne] 1083 FORD coach, *57 BUICK four-door hard-top, blue and |tires, Immaculate interior, $695 Tadio, Siematie transmission, 18.000 why King West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre, (1081 FORD Custom IE 1 5 BUICK two-door hardtop, Ted and | Ope RA 58503 after 1108 Motors, | lease expiring sale, of 50 PONTIAC coach, I "shape. Phone RA 88208. ; 38 MERCURY Lucerne sedan, copper 110¢ 1106 '88 FORD custom 300 Tudor, medium blue, radio, nearly mew tires, immacu. guaranted $1005. Lease 1108 fer. 41 Chev parts for sale. RA 1108 power| - WEL! MAN MOTORS LTD | "coach, 1, spotless 8 oe green finish, excellent motor, foo? Spa wt "two a real beauty, $205. oe rs Ltd, 200 Dundas West, vil Open "tn 10 nm i] '55 PONTIAC sedan, some body "worl jus Motors td, ol indus thy. Opeth till' 10 aren, t mission; radio, white-walls, $1305. Lease (Sater TI Pee RA 110f | DON'T overlook the many offers in the | Classified section every day. And don't |overlook a Classified ad as tho simple solution to your problems, Plar, | 3492 1055 MONARCH Lucerne sedan, i {less twotone blue and white finish |automatic transmission, radio, re four nearly new whi for this week only 200 Dundas 11te |seat speaker, wall tives. Special $1395. Seaway Motors Ltd, West, Whitby. Open ba 10 pan CAR radios installed, rear se CRANFIELD MOTORS ao, Go i Tp Eee igi USED CARS Street West. B.A. SERVICE § and while, Stouts 5 TanSmission, OB ER: METROPOLITAN wer steering, power brakes, radio, : ENR SABYAN 'MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN: 52 METEOR, nice car, $375. RA saa | SALES ond SERVICE abu -- of 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH" "7 FORD Half-ton panel truck, $78 or OSHAWA, ONT, TEL: RAndolph 3-348! Robinson Motors (OSHAWA) LTD. - . 574 Ritson Rd. S. DODGE « DESOTO - SIMCA Sales -- Parts -- Servite RA 5-6518 i 48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cam for wrecking, Highest prices paid. RA $181 or RA 3.1182. on | WANTED 53 Studebaker Champ pion a | front end of same. Will top any wreck: |er's price RA 54044 id | MORRIS Minor in the early 80's, gnae Pe RA S988. 1 CASH FOR | YOUR CAR | | LIENS PAID OFF NO WAITING) WALK AWAY WITH CASH IN YOUR HANDS Seaway Motors: LIMITED | 200 DUNDAS W; we WHITBY < | OPEN TILL 10 PM: 8%