orts, plans were made for the 914 Mohawk street, on the eve- Oshawa Home League Retains pre GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES [iced ir a toma, sh edu? 8 i May 21, from three until five garden tea will be diséussed. Territorial Flag For 6th Time : DORCAS GROUP tons scheduled to take place rer's booth is Mrs . Lou Sklar. cook MARGARET HARI GROUP Preparations were also diicuss-| A number of Oshawa women Captain J, Craig. Their musical The Dorcas Group of First sovietime in May. {In charge of He 102 oi this| Topara garden tea and bazaar| The regular meeting of the gent to Toronto last weekend to ability was outstanding. Baptist Church held its April It was decided to invite Mrs, Year is Mrs, Ric rman. | oo cionehaven, the home of Mrs, Margarét Hart Group of the attend the first National Salva-| The Home League singers of ; ' meeting at the home of Mrs. Bert Cooper, national chatrman|There will also be booths for pas-io "Nr. ™ 0 i Toco oon of (Guild of St, George's Anglican tion Army Home League con. Metro Toronto also supplied / 4 0 Daniel Rogers, Switzer drive. |on leadership, fo visit Oshawa|(ries, candy, plants, toys, sewing, Wednesday, June 8. Tickets are Church was held in the parish ghess. at which two thousand music under the direction of Mrs. VB nN The secretary, Mrs. Frankland conduct a' short course om 8rocery, white elephant and sur-, "ov ilanle from members. hall after the rummage sale dglegates were in attendance. Major Buckley, as well as solo 7 ' / 7 Newell, read the minutes of the this subject. |prise, Israeli and toiletries. There was further study of a Mr . Donald Fox presided and Wie Osliaws iti numbers by Lieut. Grundy of To- / y 7 previous meeting. Mrs, Fred zaar and tea I "Woman's Federation" in a con- the minutes and trensurer's re- i Ji¢ Osh awa Tome League sad ronto, Mrs. Sr. Major Evert of / Crome reported that a rug was iva] Lois an Solo LAUREL GROUP gregation, the discussion being|ports given. terial flag for the sixth time for Montreal, Mrs. Brigadier Gen. still needed for the nursery room, agternoon, May 12 Members of the Laurel Groupjled by Mrs. E. G. Nichol and| various business items were ving the largest Home League(nery, Belleville, Mrs. Captain J / and that the drapes the, tics : |of St. Andrew's United Church|{Mrs. E. F. Cuthbertson, | discussed. . i Canada {Hammond of Sudbury and Mrs. | #89 tt WH bk primary and nursery would bel Dusation Srou: say Inatoc. ete aenaiel vhe Jomo of For the social hour Mrs, Mor-| The next meting will be held on i Captain Burroughs of Montreal, J 2% g i fr will be extended ing in from various cities| ough drive, for the monthly an and Mn =, G. Storie Sun iMay . 2. v a an [to all women of the church to throughout the country. Oshawa meeting on Monday, April 27. |.gses for refreshments were Mrs. | attend the May meeting of the merchants have been most gen-' Mrs, George Werry prasided R. I. Mark and Mrs, F. G. Dar. yThe advance flag went to Saint|37 ' John, New Brunswick, and the Mrs. Eric Sharp of Joronio, fig to the Home League having Seturday afternoon the large the most ouistanding progress, Sale of Jeork was yey Fuccesstl. 4 % 2 7 -|Dorcas Group, when Mrs, Gloria erous with their donations in the and the ting was LL went to Lachine, Quebec. / i / group's biggest projects of the by Mrs. E. G. Nichol ' iin. . build a home for unwed mothers / Alken, formerly of Jamaica, will| a message by Mrs. E. G. Nici The next meeting will be held Mrs. General Kitching, World ("5 aris, France. Saturday eve-| BE ig be the speaker. Yeap, jentitiod <dust for Today. at the home of Mrs. D. S, Lowe, vee A g-- --- a women on things closest to thelr) 1.0 included items by delegates #, . fall season, | . | They'll shout f LAVENDER e shout for a... | Bight but she ever kept the theme "The Helpmeet", 5 The group later worked on Hearts, their homes and their from Bermuda, Northern British ; 4 Mrs. Ronald Trewin and Mrs. | of the Congress running through| 4 i py " H OIL er addresses, "Christ for thel 7 V. READS ov She Wityery and also | "" E" Bome, the Home for Christ" PERSONALS i % Refreshments were served by h was guest speaker at each of the -- fo Spe ; "phases of Home League work ] its evening to the first Tuesday meetings. She spoke to the lly oh in Varsity Arena. This A i of the month beginning with the r mre YA R D L E glories were closed with a drama entitled i" u% using as their topic re | | Hresidént of the Home League OE, ral Oy The group decided to change] The convener of the manufac-' Following the reading of re- families. Her little humorous, 0 d Newfoundland, It / , E. Nelson led the devotional listened to with de. Columbia an ewfoundland, v Us | 4 Other outstanding speakers Mrs. Ronald MacGregor and over the weekend Included Mrs, | 4 Mrs. Fred Crome, assisted by the! | gi Eaton, OBE, LLD, Mrs.| Among those who are enter- Ihostess. iH ° GRAPE ° CREAM SODA efller McKay, wife of the Lieut. taining prior to the *Tee-Off overnor of the Province of On-|Ball" to be held in the UAW hall | HADASSAH CHAPTER trio, Mrs. Arthur Melghen, and tomorrow are Mir. and Mrs. Rob-| PRINCIPALS IN RECENT CEREMONY" | meeting of the Oshawa chap. e LEMON-LIME * ROOT BEER derman Jean Newman, Mrs. |er e, , Mr, J Iter of Hadassah was held on Mon. ' Kate Aitken of CBC and Mrs. Kenneth Tipney, Sim.| Married recently at Holy | Lodge of Oshawa and the bride- |. evening, April 27. LEziday morsing Mp. H. A. Mrs yy Kent RA" EW CIM yom yA | groom is the son of Mr. and | Nominations for a new slate of o ORANGE GINGER ALE Mowatt, a member of the na. Mrs. Joi ent, ' | wer! Tr. an rs, Victor Yur. | rew Yurchi Finnt- | rs hi th the J onal executive of the'United Na-| Ville. chi, The bride, the former Miss Mrs, Andrew Yurehi of Winnl- lofficers were held with the elec fons Association, spoke on the] My. and Mrs. G. K. Drynan| Marilyn Yvonne Lodge, is the | PeR Beach. work of 'the United Nations and Judith are in Strathroy to.| daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Noel | Photo by Mary's Studio | SOCIAL NOTICE f Friday afternoon, Mr. Blake|day to attend the funeral of Mr. ane, supervisor of probation of- Drynan"s aunt, the late Miss feers Family and Juvenile|Mary Scott Drvnan. oourts for Metro Toronto, spoke A gay time was had Saturday ® Ju enile Delibgnencys, (Oher evening, April 25, when eleven gagement of their daughter, Jac. | - To 4 riday evening, Commissioner. nies, members of the Doubles jsageme; Bir dagghter, Jac J 4 p | i Wycliff Booth spoke on the early|Ciub of St Mark's Anglican {queline Jeanette, to Mr, David 4 i Raby yrce ariel : vender Dat! lw Beginnings of the Salvation Chyreh, were entertained at the . {Edward Collins, son of Mr. and w ; / / Army {home of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert (Mrs, Edward Arthur Collins, of 7 y t. y transform your bath to Music for all meetings was sup- Wilson, Two new couples were| 10 shawa e marriage wi A . i plied by an all-woman band com-|welcomed fo the club and follow- |take place on Saturday, May 23, / wr 23 4 an exotic pool of Medi osed of Salvation Army Women|ing a business meeting the eve.| |at 3 p.m. in St. George's Angli- BE ' | terranean Blue, leaving adets and women officers, [ning was spent in playing cards| can Church, 3 | G y Pr lm ag THIRST you delightfully relaxed ander the direction of Mrs, Sr.'and in square dancing mom--p-- at | X pi " UENCHING | d refreshed. Lavender ¢ - ----| Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 mea ih 07 0D Q a a ool rofans and WwW th Ba fa 14 "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 30, 1959 | 4 U G % awa wi it 72 Th : joove = wa al ; il around the tub. ; | Ruction Follows Agnes Wihlida! |CLEANED Made and Bottled by . . . as h ION il Patrick E. Merlin | TO YOUR : Y AVE ys : * | Pot Luck Supper SATISFACTION $2.00 : ; | Exchange Vows : " O nN OO S | On Monday evening, April 27, . of y { the University Women's Club of The marriage of Agnes Mary | NU -WAY RUG | y yi y 2 { Oshawa held a pot luck supper Wihiidal and Patrick Earle MITCHELL . THE din Christ Memorial Church par. Merlin Jr. was solempnized on | Dt A 4 Ish hall. The supper was under Saturday, April 25, at St. Ger- and CARPET SALES . BOWMANVILLE ok Drury LOR SL X |V i the Joint convenership of Miss trude's Roman Catholic Church, 174 Mory St. RA 5.0433 § y SIMCOE ST > RA . § ¢. 1 Violet Lidkea, chairman of the The bride is the daughter of | - hospitality committee, Miss Mrs. George Wihlidal, -------- . -- < Agnes Miocich, chairman of the and the . late Wihlidal, and| entertainment committee, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr.| . 1. MacLeod. chairman|/and Mrs. Patrick E. Merlin of| of the program committee. {Oshawa - Following a delicious and var-| The Reverend Frank § jed supper, Mrs. F. M. McLellan Mahoney officiated. The wedding rr. gave an Interesting account of Music was plaved by Miss Helen the history of the club which was Zoloty and Mr. Garry Logan organized in Oshawa in 1945, by SanR. on ib Wmartisze. bv hes Mee. 7 3. Salter, then Mins 1va brother, Mr. Albert Wihlidal, the | . ride wore a floor - length gown i The past presidents of the elub| of tulle lace over WHEE Al were seated at a separate table|., "of pearls held her finger- and were each presented with atin vei) and she carried a bou- § yellow rose corsage. They were|q et of white carnations and red called upon by Mrs. McLellan to ces. give the highlights of the vear| The hridal attendants were n¢_which each had held of- Mrs David Burpee, sister of the - fice. The first president, Mrs. pride, as matron-of-honor and the ioodfellow, now living in Toron- zfisses Clara Mitchell and Olga | ENGAGEMENT | Mr. and Mrs, William James Joyce wish to announce the en to, was unable to attend but a'rrimple, All wore waltz - length letter from her was read. Miss dresses of pale green organza Phyllis Ferguson, Miss Marie gver taffeta with white picture Shantz, Mrs. H. P. Hart, Mrs. hats and gloves and carried cas- CONTINENTAL R. E. Richardson, Mrs. Austen cades of yellow and mauve tinted STITCH N* TURN Hiltz, Mrs. K. H. Braithwaite, chrvsanthemum Black, Oak brown, Miss Alleen Parker, Mrs. R. V. Mr. Cyerl Merlin acted as best 6 to 1) half sizes Sheffield, Mrs. W. F. Taylor and man. Ushering were Messrs. Mrs, D. H. Moore, presidents of David Dumais and Guy Roach $0.99 the club respectively since 1945 A reception was held at the "si each gave a short resume of the Legion Hall where the bride's| bors sizes $6.99 developments in club. activities/mother received in a royal blue during their term. Miss Marie sheath dress with white accesso-| Shantz was called upon twice ries. The bridegroom's mother since she held office In 1947-48 assisting was In beige lace with LEISURE STEP and 1954-55. Dr. Thelma Blair, pink accessories. Both wore car Bone, 4 10 9 holf sizes President in 1948-49 was unable to nation Jorsages oft. 4 tel be present and Mrs. Elliott, pres-| s the couple Ie or their $4.99 Ly in 1949-50 has since diy | wedding trip the bride 'was wear- A novel form of entertainment ing a brown print silk sheath was the Chinese Auction during dress with beige accessories. Mr. which bids were made by the and Mrs. Merlin will live in Osh members for white elephant gifts 8Wa. A which had been donated by everyone attending. Mrs. E. M SMALL PUPILS |{Culp, chairman of the Ways and] The first kindergarten classes {Means committee, acted as auc- were opened in Germany In 1837 : tioneer and the proceeds will go|by Fredrich Froebel, noted edu- Fantastically BIG? ? ? ... Yes... Ed Wilson has made oné of the biggest CASH purchases T V. Swivel Chairs {towards the scholarship fund. cationist. in the history of Ed Wilson Furniture. This tremendous factory clearance buy of SERTA pro- ye i - em------ ES PE ducts will be sold at a very small profit for a quick turnover. BUT you must hurry, because | AND PLATFORM ROCKERS -- l there will be no repeats and many items are one of a kind. You'll be sorry if you wait . . . Values to 89.50. $ 1 SWEETHEART so BUY IT NOW. As usual FREE STORAGE AND FREE DELIVERY. WHILE THEY LAST Black swede, Greige : wrssa) Free Home Trial |) -- BABY SPECIALS [ers with [ET] KitchenAid f | rou somes vacr src maroon some, | ARGE SIZE CRIBS [cr ie oo Plank tops. Solid gables. Dustproof. Here's @ quality suite ot $937 Teething id oh oh "94 50 AXED TO $a LJ fobulous saving. Reg. $339. You Save $102. FLOOR SAMPLE . Ya PRICE CLEAROUT .. ---- f 3-PC. HONEY-WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE ii | Portable Dishwasher! | | =: .oumyay rotons, oo papyCaia | [HOSTESS CHAIRS | "DISHWASHING CAN BE uli Sunvisor, mud guards. Reg. 44.50. 28 50 Spring-filled. Many colors and » A DELIGHT"...TRY OUT LIVING ROOM SUITES SMASH SAVINGS Se covers. Reg. 19.95, 98 WHILE THEY LAST » THESE DRAMATIC FEATURES FOR YOURSELF: KROEHLER AIRFOAM CHESTERFIELD SUITE BABY STROLLERS a Jorau bog Bg Tailored In latest modern design. Teomandous Strong end sturdy. Folds easily. © Exclusive stort control ] DRASTICALLY 'REDUCED TO : 188 CASH AND CARRY [] END TABLES © Porcelain --inside ond swt Rig * Services ond more at inci Walnut 'and blonde. Fancy 2 Juicer we ang gee TrEnch Jeavineiol CHESTERFINLD SUITE 219 PLAYPENS pois glo " Pp v: 4 | AS, a luxurious suite at a clearout sale price. Reg. $349. ONE ONLY La d % bottoms. Unbelievable but true. 3 Duel Wi-druie bose : 0 and omy. 7d bottoms. $ 88 wie THEY Last 8:89 ® Revolving power wash ond - > ouT THEY GO "iu a double rintes sr | EE "pn FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE | £) oo covERING BARGAINS | Bed | : Serta Spring-Filled Mattresses LR { oe space ofl arownd and patterns. Wall-to-wall. "your Bata buy is your best buy |: I -- ( is oh ae ae uggon: 20.95 CHOPPED. To, PER FOOT . * Neo instollation or plumbing Je = . pense - gl MORE. Selling for as low as CANVAS BACK INLAID LINOLEUMS. Heavy duty. 90g Reg. 1.99 sq. yd. WHILE THEY LAST, L YD, Use it in your home for 3 days. No oh. BB : 8 . ' h Spring-Filled Mattresses og. sq. yd SQ. YD gation. Keep it for on little os 3.03 » ) R ough, able ticking, wit . RUGS. Non-sk ¥ » i 9 ur 9 | 2 95 COTTON BROADLOOM on-skid backs 19.95 Ber week ofter trial period. It washes opp kp-2P | BN 3} hundreds of coils. Values to Large 6 x 9 size. Reg. 39.95. HALF PRICE dishes clean , . . dries them bright. | 8 : 1 29.95. OUT THEY GO NU 1 wu BATA SHOE STORES, H NY) A os | : gg Tr : ; Tree ED Wi S N «rn (OSHAWA) LTD. : d ; is a is a opas Sane | oo smcorst.s. RA 5.5332 X f STREET