Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 25 Apr 1959, p. 8

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"sent the Oshawa club ta Sault Jaycettes Hold [5% sari. Following the business the Inter-Club Night = [fuss ves tone T's shawa members, entitled "Western Night". Games were a TR ----. . A The Oshawa Jaycettes monthly SE dinner meeting was held in the grey room of the Hotel Genosha with visiting members of Jay- cette clubs from Scarboro, Rich- mond Hill and Newmarket as played and a movie of the first men's night was shown. The Oshawa club was thanked {by the Newmarket club pres. (ident, Mrs, Jack 'McCarman, omen, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 their guests Scarboro first vice-president, During; dinner Mrs. Donald |yy.. nonald Fair, and the Rich Lowe was presented with a pink mong Hill president, Mrs Ceell carnation to mark the arrival of winio nc Noor prize yas won by her new daughter, Michelle Ann. .___ The president Mrs. Robert Dewland, welcomed the visiting F U R TS - D,. 8 ™E osmAwa CHILD GUIDANCE Child's Religious Tolerance THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 25, 1959 club members. The general business meeting (followed with the committee re- ports, Mrs, Douglas Knowler, res- olutions chairman, reminded the members that changes for the Constitution were to be in hy {next month's meeting, Mrs, Wil-/ Begins in His Own Home | By G. CLEVELAND MYERS to yourself, "That's a funny) We waht our children to grow Way."? Would he read in your y ,. words, voice, or face any sign of {up feeling proud of their family's your looking down on his fam- liam Carey, entertainment chair. man, gave a fina] renort of the recent men's night. Mrs. William | 4 , Edwards told of the work being / / - done on the leadership training] course. l Chairman for the refreshment | Phone RA 5-2722 for FREE pick-up Fashion. Village FUR SALON TO BE MARRIED NEXT MONTH an- | in St. Georges Uksainian Sake | the Royal Military College, nounced today of Miss Hallie | olic Church. The bride-to-be is | Kingston, is the { CT. Karandiuk and Mr. Thomas | the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. ay a i ~ o me. Clive Thompson who plan to be | Peter Karandiuk of Pickering | *'V€ pron Wi and 'Vrs. married on Saturdav, May 23, | and her fiance, who attended | Thompson of Brighton, Ontario CWL Holds {religion and unafraid to have it jiy's religion? Would all his an-| [known that it differs from the re: swers be as free as if he wore telling of the TV show he liked gion 'of oterg. : best? Would he hope you would| +A SAD COMMENTARY ask him more such questions You have often heard it said later ? | F" that, in a mixed social gather- When you and I are really sen-| #® ing, you should avoid bringing up sitive.4o, and appreciative of, the religion. - Practical as this may feelings of others, we soon make be, it is a sad commentary on them comfortable talking about {the lingering bigotry of most per- almost anything that's precious to |sons. It assumes that the aver- them. age person could not refer to a WONDERFUL GUEST religion different from his own wonderful if we had a without feeling superior or ini» in our family circle who, booth, for the Jaycee home build- | ers fair, Mrs. Henry Hewitt, re-| ow ported on progress being made! by her committee. The president related to the clubs some of the highlights of the provincial convention to be held in Sault Ste. Marie on May {16, 17 and 18, A committee was err -- THREE WAYS TO ENSURE BETTER HEALTH FOR THE The engagemént is (dents on their endeavors during Council of St. Mary's of the Peo- the past year and urged them to pl hostes | ple as hostesses, chosen to make comie corsa 9 ges | Continue the good work. Referr- ne Ralph Jones, regionallty enter In competition at the ENTIRE FAMILY ing to the immigration program i. Guide convener, reported| a, % ¥ ; er, Convention. he stressed the need of strength-l,.; cho had been notified that a) Mrs, Donald Brown PARAMETTES An i 4 r rie 4 JUNIOR peimg Bath iy at on benediction rally for Girl Guides president, and Mrs, W nd- EB ow Bhima would take place in May at St.|wards, past president, will repre-| PARAMETT | low-up calls; and complete re. Michael's Cathedral under the di- HOUSEHOLD HINT PARAMETTE SYRUF ed cords tabled and reported to T0- ection of Miss Helen Sylvas; na I you can't afford too many| 21 VITAMINS, Region Meeting for to persons of that particular fics 0 Agni Jolly oltice, ol M5. G tional director of Girl Guides. ce s. George Conv ' £¢ Conveners were asked to send the toys for the children, or if you can give some away to make) MINERALS, AND ae : ; In Uxbridge 4 Sint Hol Big ; A (religion. s a devout a | It also assumes that in any Davis, archdiocesan president, ames and addresses of all room for #rs, paint up the old TRACE dhist and we could make him feel] Mrs. Kelly DeGray presid . : . 1 [mixed social group there will be jo "ye iore "And how wonderful |tholic Women's League for the v " | ) 4 I M ONE YEAR OLD ON MONDAY ciation of those whose religion or questions we or our children e810" of Ontario South held re-|Niss Mary Dobell, archdiocesan DR Ms. . ones to look like new. Sand wood ELEMENTS at ease telling us about his relig-|at the annual meeting of the Ca-| some who betray a lack of appre- if he felt glad to answer any| Joseph' Jablonski [Philosophy of life differs from Ci ed to ask about his religion. | at $t. John's Industrial|vice-president, brought greetings. ones en toys smooth first. DRUGS | How This jolly little chap is Mark | son of Mas Allan Konarowski who will cele- | and Mr. and Mrs. Severn Ko- brate his first birthday on Mon- | narowski and great-grandson | dav. Mark is the son of Mr. | of Mr. and Mrs. John Fialka, lone of the Protestant sects and they feel when we try to learn| In welcoming those present the|cial projects. She extended thanks|the dims sud workisge of i and Mrs, Stanley Konarowski, | all of Oshawa, your child's playmate is a Catho-/from them what is most precious Reverend J. VanZelst S.C., pas- to the outgoing Executives and a uhunets ne Agdd Ravine road. He is the grand- Photo by Ireland |lic or a Jew. to them and why. tor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Par best wishes fo the new executives \ hers cred : A CHILD'S FEELING (My bulletins, "Graces and|jsh in Uxbridge, spoke m Heart of Jesus Council and stu- The annual convention she re- | ra vors dg Children" the, orted would be held in the Royal|den's of the school acting as D tT Would this child feel comfort: PTAYETS for Foun C1 esser ea | CLUB CALENDAR able dropping remarks such as At Northminster (morning, or "at the synagogue, Lay Apostelate, He referred to a york Hotel, Toronto, on June 13, guides conducted the members gion," may be had by sending a|recent article in a Toronto paper|14, 15. in a tour of the buildings. "when we were at Mass this self-addressed, U.S. stamped en-|of the great work done by such a| The Reverend M. J. Darby, re-| ea] tefer to having at. Velope to me. in care of this news.| group at Combemere, Ontario. | gional director, thanked the| EVENING OF MUSIC De Yo church aving a paper.) | Following the reading of the women for their co-operation dur-| Toe Clos Lorsley 1a past deci. 3 . Ala if we ENTS' OUES iS minutes and treasurer's reports|ing the past year and congratu.-|ing In fhe c¢ v Draws Big Crowd '. C Would he foe Sorufortatle i You PARVNIS AL ESTION L the annual reports were present-|lated the chairman and conven. dian Citlsansilp Week by Je Past Matron's Club Ty Mi D a4 Q. When would you punish aed. Mrs. De Gray welcomed thelers on their annual reports. He senting an evening of ente ! A large crowd attended the JODE (Prince Philip Ch.) tions about his family's religious child, under ten, for lying? new: presidents OE el ANTUA TepOTES. feo ment in German and English at| "Dessert Tea" sponsored by the Castle Chapter OLC ceremonies at home and way of A When, with my own ears and . . i 3 aii : ie St. Gregory's auditorium this| ! 0 , rorahin? . A The Reverend C Mulvihill, |the proposal of a regional pilgrim. ~ | 5th Scout Mothers' Auxillary held 13 Soon Mothers: Aux, public worsiip eves, 1 fousid him doing what he archdiocesan director congratu-|age in the near future. Brother pir ALB ii hub, at Northminster United Church gslava Liousiies | Aseoe Would he feel you were saying said he didn't do. lated the chairman and presi. Joseph of the staff of St. John's group uhplat m on Wednesday [ODE (Golden Jubilee Ch.) 2 Mrs. L. E. Astrop and Mrs. R G. Trewin received at the door Ma der GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES i." rn, {Training School was thanked for and Mrs. William Goodyear will | etc, from 2 variety of delicious des-| Re.Echo Lodge Toronto, She also brought six| llowing those present the oppor- would be appreciated these|? {contribute to the program and articles are to be sent" to {tunity of seeing the school. members of the Oshawa Sym ---- li school, serts arranged on a buffet table./SA Home League little w 3 of girls with her who sang| Tea was served by the members gi Matthew's Guild several action songs of BUYING A RUG? See Our Stock Before You Do . .. HIGHER QUALITY LOWER PRICES NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES MONDAY |Southmead Park Aux Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club |their own. . i Trai 5 i {She thanked those who had con-| A test of our appreciation of| Training School, Uxbridge. | y Suppose you are a member of others who differ from us, is how tributed to national and provin.| A Brother Joseph gave a talk on 28 King St. E. RA 3-4621 Regular City-Wide Deliveries TUESDAY CHALLENGER GROUP he Challenger Group of Albert Street United Church met recent Captain| Sar- Mrs. . Henry Hogarth closed WEDNESDAY SA Prayer Meeting THURSDAY Christ Church Eve. Guild Baa] ncaa ue L Rema Mrs. Major Rankin introduced the need of good used clothing, | FRIDAY Senior Captain Isobel Maxwell, and old nylon stockings: also Minister's Children's Relief Fund who spoke of her work with the new articles such as writing in India Christ Church Aft. Aux children in the "nest", the Sal- pads, crayons, muscilage, pencil The tea was ably convened by Simcoe Street WA (Group 3) vation Army children's home in,sharpeners, children's scissors, Mrs. G. R. Jarvie and her com- T T.R.1O. to be sent to the High Commis- Mrs. DeGray reported the Oc-|phony Orchestra will augment The worship service was led by of the scout auxiliary. Christ Church WA ir with Mrs. Victor Phair pre Mrs. Rankin thanled E. Young Yow and grows glass Tutt VI Boy Tain Ja scripture lesson. Mrs. Harry Tea was served by the Rain./by Mrs Clarence Scott The guest speaker, Mrs. E J.|Court Oshawa, IOF Plans were made for the 'Homestead", Toronto, will tellland their authors. The blograph- Street gu tion Army care from the police most interesting. brought with her a few of the|Randezvous Club SA HOME LEAGUE Mrs A W Brown presided at -- terial and how each article Was| pata Sigma Phi held on Tuesday afternoon, April Street United Church . 4 4 - 5 a be seen in her home the singing of a hymn and in the Roy Kellar, The treasurer's re-| cheque from the scout auxiliary led in prayer Announcement was made of | sioner of India for the Prime \ Tre e b 3 r k / 'tober meeting would be held inthe orchestra directed by Mrs. Lawrence Allen, assisted by | The tables were beautifully|Canadian Legion Aux siding Maxwell and Mrs. Ernest Mrs Douglas Lander sang two 8 Sth scout | i are the colors of the H and § Council Crouter was in charge of the de- bow Group Mrs. Joshua Kinsey gave a 7 by Mrs ; , Pinto was introduced by Albert Street WA Spring Epix to be heid of Apeil of her work among women, wholes of Rudyard Kipling, Alfred 30, native costume. She Group with prayer after whioh a social SOUTts. +. Ernest Luke and her com- the every day living in India withiarvilla McGregor Aux Was 7 many hand made arts and crafts| pipet Batpsit WA The regular meeting of the Sal the April meeting of the Cheerful made. She explained that these| 21. The roll call and secretary's 4 Ko ; i . Mrs. Trewin thanked Mrs respondive scripture reading. port was given by Mrs Almond | The World's Most Perfect Carefree Carpet Oshawa with the newly formed Rudolph Bushman. Mrs. John Coleman and Mrs, C.| . --_--_---- - decorated with daffodils and yel- Ont. Regt. Assn. Aux EE Fiel Colenian resi tHe geant closed in prayer [solos, accompanied at the piano troop. |Jesste Panton Aux 1 : D votional period. Next week Major Hill of the|talk on some well known hymns a Lorne Thompson. Mrs. Pinto, Calvary Baptist YWMC Dave been assigned to the Salva-Lord Tennyson and others, ere hour was spent, "ERFUL G CRS itive served refreshments. that of Canada. Mrs. Pinto/women's PC Assn. CHEERFUL GIVER ides = of India and described the ma-'puandship Group vation Army Home League was Givers group of the WMS of King articles and many others could Mrs. Charles Cathmoir led in report were given by Mrs. Le-| . » A + . xr Pinto and presented her with a Cadet Mrs. Johnston of Toronto Brintnell. f ! od | | AN 010, ' LJ » In a Range of Exciting Plain Shades Uncovers ELEVISION || "2 f<d| | o HOUSEHOLD HINT Do not apply wax to bare wood, as the wood will absorb #. Seal off the wood fibres with a thin coat of clear shellac before apply ing wax BS mies ----| SOCIAL NOTICES | overnight... Creme Extrordinaire AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wragg, 281 Jarvis street, will be at home| to relatives and friends on Sat- urday, May 2, from 2 to 4 and! 7 to 9 p.m. on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Gordyn Brent of {Bowmanville wish to announce the engagement of their daugh-| ter, Gloria Grace, to Mr. Donald Herbert Badour, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Badour of Oshawa The marriage will take place on Saturday, May 23, 1959, at 3 p.m in Tyrone United Church. RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Salis sured of fast, reliable bury will be happy to receive i and friendly service | their friends and neighbors at the| home of their daughter, Mrs. | with a written guaran- tee {Cecil Gurney, and Mr. Gurney, "GERRIT"" Bouwmeester RA 8-6781 542 Cubert street, on Wednesday. Notice To Homebuilders : April 29, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9] p.m. on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs Peter Karanduik, of Pickering, wish to announce Have Your TV ANTENNA outlets instal- led while your house is being built . . . thus no exposed wiring. Everything is in- side the walls. You'll be surprised at the low cost. For further information or o free estimate. PHONE RA 8-6781. 171 BOND ST. EAST A former employee of T.V. Enterprises, Ger- rit has been in the T.V. antenna installa- tion business for about the last six years and is considered by ex- perts in his field as one of the best. When dealing with TR.1.O, you are as- "I've found that EVELEIGH'S he THESE FEATURES! SOIL RESISTANCE = to a degree never known before. EASY TO KEEP CLEAN = even ink, fruit juice and oil stains can be easily removed. Here it is at last, the bloom of youth in a single Sanitone Dry Cleaning $-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-S my clothing dollars!" jar. So incredible is its performance that Elizabeth Arden calls her newest preparation Créme Extrordinaire. No other cream has ever You, too, will find that our helped the skin in 20 many different ways: Sanitone Service adds up to true clothing economy. We get out embedded soil and fibre-chafing grit that causes wear. Clothes look looking longer! You get more wear from every gar- ment . . . so every clothing dollar goes farther! Call us today. smoothing, moisturizing, nourishing, neutral- COLOUR FASTNESS is : «= fibres are spun in colour, not dyed -- the original colour stays. CRUSH RESISTANCE == remarkably resilient, high resistance to moisture, quick-drying. NEW STANDARD OF DURABILITY == its New Look lasts and lasts thanks to its lifetime colour * clarity and built-in soil resistance. izing acid conditions. Créme Extrordinaire is a the engagement of their daugh- woman's cream that helps remarkably to lessen |ter, Hallie, to Mr, Thomas Clive | {Thompson, son of Mr. T. Clive | | Thompson QC and Mrs. Thomp- {son of Brighton, Ontario. The| {marriage is to take place on Saturday, May 23, at 2.30 p.m. in St. George's Ukrainian Catholic {Church 3 wrinkles and lines. With a few applications, you can see for yourself what this almost miracle cream does for your skin. 1% oz-- 10.00, 3% o0z.--18.50, 10 oz.--27.50. v Miss Arden Offers You a Special Size at 1-50 (Limited Time Oris Believing so much in Créme Extrordinaire, Miss Atden wants every woman in the world to have an opportunity' to try it and see for herself what this beautiful cream will do for her. Hence this unusual offer! * This wonderful new carpeting, made by Canadian Celanese Limited, also completely resists all moth and mildew damage... does not cause allergic reactions or generate abnormal static electricity. 4 95 yd. and up Ask to see TRILAN® CQ. today at NU-WAY RUG and CARPET SALES 174 MARY ST. RA 5:0433 SEW-THRIFTY - By ANNE ADAMS | 50 MILL STREET top dress or --| ae I a ays] PHONE RA 3-4631 hide - and - go - seek. No waist| seams, no fussy detalls -- quick, to sew 'n' iron. Choose crisp cot- ton. Tomorrow's pattern: Misses'. | Printed Pattern 4506: Chil dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Size 6 dress takes 1% yards 35-inch; button-bolero % yard { Printed directions on each pat. tern part. Easier, accurate. Send FORTY CENTS (40¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont, BUDGET PRICED From - CONVENIENCE, IN WHITBY, BOW- PERRY FOR YOUR CUSTOMERS AJAX, PICKERING, MANVILLE, PORT MAY CALL OSHAWA WITHOUT A TOLL BY SIGNALLING THE OPERA. TOR AND ASKING FOR | Zenith 1-3000 530 SIMCOE ST. S 8 KING ST. E PHONE RA 5-3546 PHONE RA 3-2245 5 KING ST W._- 317 BROCK ST. SOUTH OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE - PHONE MA3.577 -- WHITBY -- MO 83-2338

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