Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 25 Apr 1959, p. 2

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COURT CLERK clerk in 1915 and became clerk | in 1924 -- the slightly-built but ge Audette, 70. clerk of of the Supreme Court Geor proce of Canada, sits at his desk with | outspoken official is retiring some of the notes that have | Although not a lawyer, Mr. made him a recognized author- | Audette is putting together voluminous notes on judgments and court decisions for a text on Supreme Court procedure. ity on the court and its work- ings. After 44 years with the court he joined as assistant ais iS ie Ag during the strike. I don't remem- ber his name because the names 'Cancer Bid | WEATHER FORECAS of such people are quickly. forgot-| ten, but I think it starts with GOOD EVENING 'Hep'." : -- By JACKGERRIN ~~ -- luda = or Program Set "I know, and you know, Mr Mayor, that there is a terrific F T d age: he, hee + hte 1 OF JUICSCQY the eity of Montreal. I won't be A lvod vil" to Sover fhe offended duri speech if wo-hour "blitz"" ] Somebody raises his hand and entire city will be undertaken by tells me the score." {the Oshawa Kiwanis Club and The leadership banquet was a Canadian Order Foresters| colorful and well - planned social Tuesday, Am 3 Bid all om affaly, Cor Society. The Seventh Day Ad.|ness and some light rain, The ad- BEER GALLONAGE : Mr. Reginald Lancaster, presi- the city. dent of the Oshawa Hotelowners' "mye 'blitz will commence at 7/now to Association, reported this week nm and conclude about 9 p.m. Great Lakes. This disturbance is ! It will be safe to assume that Oshawa rate- | payers don't want private ownership if the voters | reject the Windsor agreement with J. J. Dixon in the bus plebiscite June 8. 'The reason is simple: Alderman Walker and the transportation com- mittee advertised for more than six months in an attempt to find an operator to replace the CNR. TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- casts issued at 5 a.m. Cooler ithe campaign in the east end of Ifor all deficits. This would need a private bill in the legislature and it's unlikely the legislature {will sit again this year. | The city would also require a (large debenture issue to provide the initial cost of taking over the The committee feels that the Windsor offer is Bagel aportad | ed n. o . . lowing ne beer - jo | far more attractive than the other two sent in. Iouage TE ores ie neal Seve tT uh expetied Io move 3crom South | City Council solidly endorsed this opinion with a [hotels during the past three national objective of $2,750,000.\ing and will be followed by a resounding 11-2 vote 3.000 gelions [fhe Saucer sampaigd is fancis. more pronounced outbreak of - " . 000 ga ng over cold air. In other words, Council feels th .y. 1957--267,000 gallons April. . yords, e the 10-year } on on (vear of William H. Gibbie, cha of Region] forecasts valid until | Windsor offer is the best obtainable, Papin. Alanis "the local cdmpaign, announced hig) % . {KNOTTY PROBLEM "The hotelowners will protest the that the national campaign has , Lake Huron regions, Fro lebi 5 knott application of Wilmington De- been endorsde by leading busi-| Windsor, London cities: Cloudy | . bus J leujselte is a kn ny velopments Ltd. for a hotel li- ness and medical persons, in-|with a few sunny intervals y. [pron ig with nd in genes on King stress sant when Sugli die, Prosidest of the Ca- Widely scatiore Showers "tonight, this matter should keep this fact "| Kenneth Smyth, president of|turning cooler toward morning. in mind. tario sits May 1 at Peterborough. the Oshawa vans hub yotat, Sunday slearing ad cooler, | What will happen if the Wind- ANGLICAN ORDINATION oul id more| Winds southeast , shifting sor agreement is rejected? When Rev. Reter E. Trent was Hal oy Poli og he 10 Jortiwent 15 to 25 early Sun- | Bést guess seems to he that the ordained as an Angilcan priest or the word 'cancer control' y . lity would set. up some form of today at St. George's Church on month he said. "After all, can-| Niagara. Lake Ontario, Hall |commission to take over the bus Centre street, it marked the first cer is one of our most serious|Uorion. Georglan Bay regions, system, with the city responsible time the ceremony had ever been health problems taking the lives 3 orost ny Sasiiion cities: Souty performed here, The first Angli- of more than "22,000 Canadians can settlers were reported in and causing great suffering and widely scattered Swen; ag Oshawa in 1838. Today there are economic Bardship, Much of this|Sunday clearing og €00) ver. 8 six Anglican churches here and can be prevented If we all under-|Patches this moi Hog : again 8500 adherents. |stand the disease and what to do|tonight. Winds easterly 10 to about it. It is a fact that many oasy, Hy tonight and northwest DOWN BAHAMAS WAY more cancer patients could be) ventists are also co-operating injvance of fe svcier aw has been day Fog Patches, Cool During Sunday today followed by occasional rain tonight. Sunday clearing and | cooler. Winds east 10 to 20 today, becoming northwest 15 to 25 Sun. | Timmins - Kapuskasing: Cloudy with occasional rain or snow to- day. Mainly cloudy and a little cooler tonight and Sunday, Wind. southeast 10 to 15 today, north- west 15 to 28 Sunday. Forecast tempermtures Lows tonight Highs Sunday: | Windsor .. weer LL] |8t. Thomas . 40 0 London ..... 4" 50 Wingham L] 50 Toronto . 4% 35 Suen 4% ] St. Catharines 40 5 il Ld 85 Muskoka . 35 "$ Killaloe .. » 1] Earlton .. 28 "0 Sudbury . . © North Bay .......... 30 L) TO ATTEND CHURCH The members of the Westmount (Oshawa) Kiwanis Club will hold parade Tom McLaughlin, Oshawa's in- cured if they reported to their dustrial commissioner, has re- own doctors earlier for treat. turned from the three-day con- ment. During the campaign we vention of the North American Will use everv means in our bus system, and this is a point weary taxpayers should keep in |mind. City-operated bus systems have |not been too successful in other |Ontario cities. For instance, the {1958 loss in Sault Ste Marie was Industrial Development Council Power 0 ing these vital facts in Montreal. . . . Dave Savage, of y He explained that although can-| Tuesday, A manager of the Plaza Theatre, | is more likely to strike elder- St. Andrew's the evening at Bt A George's Anglican Church, COMING EVENTS RE TL Fo EEE SE Rh $97,373. Brantford had an esti- has returned from a vacation ing persons, it takes a heavy toll POLISH Society of [the Bahamas with a deep tan, He from children and young adults. meeting of {mated loss of $100,000 last year. | ne | | |visited E. P. Taylor's new de- The Windsor agreement calls payers should never expect to|velopment, Lyford Cay, a com-| yen to accidents. it causes more)3 p.m. for a "special amour': of $37,000 get something for nothing. |bination club-real estate develop. Seathe SONS Shildres Wider the {annually to be set aside in a fund The taxpayer shoul! he skepti- ment. In 1955 Taylor paid $2,000, and it is the chief cause of death to be used, if necessary, to sub- cal of those public servants who 000 for 4000 acres of underbrush, in" women between the ages of |sidize the local operation. Audit- are self - styled 'do-gooders', who making him the second largest!ss and 54 |ed figures will be supplied cover-| would have one and all believe land-owner on New Providence a |{ing the financial picture each that they are in public life mostly | Island. He has laid out $3,500,000 ,y the Canadian Cancer Society, year, . {for the betterment of mankind, [on land improvement, and is|is organized on a national basis ALDERMAN DAFOE BINGO Saturday, April 25th Oshawa special | far members will be held | {oie at 219 Olive Avenue on May 3, 1950, at The fight against cancer, led| Coronation Orange Temple Bazaar and Tes". April 3 at 2.30 p.m, Chureh x We A GALA SPRING FAIR These are some of the Impor- and the community ir general. |building a $2,000,000 clubhouse. |in more than 2000 communities in Share the wealth, 4--$40 tant facts to remember. | There are such public servants, | 10 provncial divsons. During to 1--$150 : | $48,000 DAMAGE SUIT th Jackpots ool He is a son of the late Mr. |THE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA but they are far and few be-| : A |the campaign, thousands of dedi-| 1g go, . eB | ty Ho Gloo Club In psy tees: They are usually the A Judgment awarding total| cated men and women volunteers 9¢b| UNITED CHURCH chequer. Court of Canada and eon 3 ner version bu councillors who stand up un. d8mages of more an $48,000 will be calling on their neighbors | an i |against Charlton Tra Ltd. to raise m an older brother of Louis old ditty, "There's a Goldmine in afraid to speak out on behalf of AQIS, AMP mepory ise money and leave cancer Audette, chairman of the Cana- |The Sky" (with new words and dian Maritime Commission. {music by Alderman Bastedo and . . 3 |of Oshawa, was awarded this information pamphlets. (nd re" Couch Week by a superior court jury in| "It gives us incentive to really C |vital subjects as low-rent housing |Quebec. The accident occu extend ourselves in this eam. __CP Photo |the finance committee, and spe-| 0 "0 dragging badly They March 1, 1958. The Oshawa firm paign," Mr. Smyth said, "when 1° |cial choral effects by the other| om = EE ie © money Was defendant. Alphee Allaire, 30, we realize that besides giving as- members of City Council), jinay Pepreseii 4 ie ig = Money a truck driver, was awarded sistance to cancer patients in our | 5, bu! they t/627,813, and Yvon Couture, a pas-(OWn community and helping cut BINGO U.AW.A. HALL APRIL 30 Officially opened by MRS. LYMAN GIFFORD Mock Excavation Exercise Held For Three Counties At 6.10 a.m., Friday, April 24, ering, Townships se "A" theoretical evacuation thy and ae A spare communication set to Barrie was available in a radio telephone, A in rae er tn tae. Ver road | County started as the result of was set up to take over during a Canada-wide Civil Defense "alert" called "Exercise Co-op- eration II" The object of this exercise is to train control centre staffs in civil def functions, including the method of co-operaton with the armed services The object is also to test com- munication and warning system procedures, to test liaison with all civil defence services in Ontaro County, and to test billeting pro- cedures at Beaverton headquar- ters. County control headquarters was in part operation at Oshawa armories by 7 a.m. VAN STANDS BY At 11 am. a mobile van was standing by to pick up communi- cations equipment and transport the changeover period. At 5.30 the following situation bility or moved it to target sup- port area target suppor area. Operations of phase "C"" were At a suitable time, the county eadquarters were to be closed at the armories and open in the re The timely revival of this once- {popular number is intended, of clusively to them. | course, to have a soothing effect {on at least some of Oshawa's tax-| payers, many of whom are still reeling from the effects of the new 8-mill increase, largest in nine years. | Council is spending im _ an almost unprecedented manner, | but there is little evidence of a w-down, or a tightening up of financial policy. Take Monday night, for in- was to exist in this mock opera- to be carried out as a study on stance: tion: The full control room staff was, called in Evacuation of the hospital to Peterborough was to be com- plete, except for 12 serious cases which would be moved, if condi tions got worse. Weather information was re- ceived and plotted. Schools did not operate on Fri-| dav, although factories and of- fices did remain open. Food stores were requested to stay open as long as customers; tioning in effect. By 7 p.m., various civil defence services were assumed to have] the City of Oshawa. Further operations were con- ducted as the situation dictated Operations ended at noon to- day. CITY AND DISTRICT TWO GRASS FIRES The Oshawa Fire Deparment were available with voluntary ra- reported two grass fires, neither of them serious, Friday, and two the ambulance night. calls, during Council did the right thing in voting itself a raise (although its timing may have been bad), but it fumbled 'badly in handling a matter that allowed a perfect opportunity for the start of a new |economy wave -- the symphony | orchestra's request for a $5000 annual grant. There's no doubt in the world that the city needs a symphony orchestra -- just as it needs a 'new arena -- but 1s it fair to shackle the taxpayers with such burdens?. There are rabid symphony orchestra supporters who regard devote their services almost ex-| co uor'in a car driven by Allaire, down the mortality from cancer| was awarded $20,630. They were, through education we are part of : Highlights: variety hand Regardless of this, the job of the plaintiffs. The es Ore he biggest and most exciting April 25th work; attic trecsure's; potted most Oshawa councillors is stren-|red when a car driven by Allaire| medical crusade of all time . . . 20 Games $10 A Gome plonts from patio; home uous and time - consuming and|collided with a trailer truck|the crusade to end the curse of es cooking (etc). Tea will be {entitles him to a $300 increase. owned by the defendant, who|Cancer through research." 5 Games $25 served in Maypole atmos- Mayor Gifford is also entitled to|was parked across the road, near -- phere. his small increase. |a Cookshire garage. E ti 2 | C Jackpots, One Game $150 Sporsored by the Alderman Bastedo, incidental-|-- S mae ost Womon's Association |ly, acted in what appeared to be| SHARE THE WEALTH Apr25,28,29 an inconsistent manner during the pay-hike discussion. In the early part, he soundly criticized the principle of any| salary increase at this time, but| later he sponsored the motion for| 2 fio boost to Mayor Lyman| . ifford. of this left some of I d t Ltd his fellow councillors just a little naustries i bewildered as to what his feel-| |ings were on the issuc ! Crucible Steel Of Seaway Cut R So 1 WASHINGTON (AP) -- The es- uys Ie {timated cost of the St. Lawrence b Seaway to the United States has gone down $2,714,700. The St. Lawrence Seaway De- velopment Corporation gave the QUEBEC (CP)--Crucible Steel ((* eostaent Eisenhower. for. the ' ~ |Co. of America, Pittsburgh, is to year ended last Dec. 81 Alderman Hopkins once again acquire through a Canadian sub- The cost was put 'at $127,858, proved to be a loyal Council side-|sidiary the steel-making facilities 200 Dee, 31 compared with $190, kick for Mr. Bastedo as he|of Sorel Industries Ltd. 569.900 a year before. 4 strongly supported the no-pay-| Edouard Simard, president of| The corporation said the lower hike-now proposal. {Sorel Industries, made the an-|figure results from completion of THE ARTS {nouncement Wednesday in a/some features at less than es- an statement issued in Premier Du-|timates, a reduction in conten- THEATRE NOTE: Dr. Claude plessis' office. gencies and a $400,000 saving in |Vipond of Oshawa is playing a Details of the financial trans-|interest. dual role this week in the Osh-|action were not a d awa Little Theatre's production of| The statement said that while FREE ADMISSION | KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, APRIL 28 20 - $20 GAMES $150 Jackpot -- $20 each line plus $50 full card 5 -- $30 gomes 2 -- $250 Jackpots No. 56 & 57 ~--Extra Buses-- JUBILEE PAVILION 97a -- A ---- pw the recent approach to City Coun- 'Murder in The Cathedral." Crucible will operate Sorel Indus- it to Skiloft when required. | prepared their equipment for mo- Farmer Resents Union Asks | Suffering 'Revision Of Of Animals | Liquor Ad Law TORONTO (CP)--Ontagio laws CP)--A farmer be-|8overning liquor advertising OTTAWA should he overhauled because comes attached to the animals he's fattening for market, xs 3 "ph rganizati aid Friday vertising and printing industry, {afm organizations sa is the Ontario Federation of Prnt- Therefore, the farmer 6 doesn't y A like to see them suffer at the fg Trades Unions said Friday in slau Aer iouse Vhusea eal at. The release said There arises 8 Yeo rea by 'Under the present laws, there tachment" said a brief Tea oy are no restrictions on the amount H H Hannam, presiai oo 3 i? of such advertising allowed in the Canadian Federation ol gricu) province providing the material ture, before the Commons agri-|q .. ates from an outside eulture committee source." A "feeling of comradeship de- "py. federation plans to pass a yelops" said a brief from the In-regolytion asking the provincial terprovincial Farm Union Coun- government to change the regula- ol tions when it holds its annual The committee is nearing the|conference in Hamilton May 9 end of hearing on whether con- and 10. trol of humane slaughter of ani- mals should best be handled by legislation under . the Crimina Code or under the agriculture de- partment Friday's briefs backed the justice department's view that the agriculture department Funeral services for Anita seems the best way Louise Goyne, 9, who died Wed- And both agreed that Canadian nesday, April 22, at the Toronto Methods of preventing pre- Hospital for Sick Children, were slaughter suffering can be im- held Friday, April 24, at 2 p.m. proved although the council|at the Armstrong Funeral Home. | warned that this should not mean Big services were conducted by A en Jat ng a des United Church. Interment was in would have to bear additional the Oshawa Union Cemeter~. Pallbearers were: Gordon ots Gregg, Everett Edwards, David should slaughter regula- : y tone force small independent op-| Edwards tnd Ronald Pine. | erators out of business. OBITUARY ANITA LOUISE GOYNE -- pr mi---- TO RETIRE " + COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. : 1 (AP)--Gen. Earle Partridge, 58, Rir Raid Drill |commander of the North Ameri-| lcan air defence command, willl {retire Julv 31 after 41 years in) {manded to May 1. two they discriminate against the ad-| James Young, of Cedardale Walter McLean, a second year What they are worth (the actual Did You Know That you can buy Deltox Ri for your cottage, 6' x 9'. Clearing for Only 9.95 each. Also in larger sizes? NU-WAY RUG end CAR SALES, 174 Mary -- RA 5.0433, REMANDED ON BAIL cil as ill-timed, even ill-advised. For theatre - lovers who would tries' forge and foundry the George Watt, 59 Mutual street, Council didn't have the gump- not miss this treat, the final per-| Simard interests will continue to Toronto, appeared before Magis- tion to say a polite 'no" to this/formance is tonight in the Mc- operate the vast machine shops, trate Frank S. Ebbs here Friday request. So what did #t do? It|Laughlin Public Library. plate shops tool - making morning on a charge of breaking, [tossed the entire issue into the| This is Dr. Vipond's maiden facilities. entering and theft. He pleaded lap of the ratepayers by putting it appearance in the amateur the-| Crucible is to operate in Can- guilty to the charge and was re- on the June 1 plebiscite. atrical world since his college ada under the name of Crucible | Watt is charg-| Alderman Finley Dafoe was|days at Queen's. He appears in Steel Co. of Canada. ed with the theft of $2000 worth one exception. He was in his the first act as "a tempter" and - DANCE - Spring Time In Paris APRIL 25 -- 8 P.M. HOTEL GENOSHA All kinds of refreshments. Full course meal -- 14 chicken of boat motors from Orde's Ma-|fiery, old-time form as he strong-|in the second i " rine Seles in Port Perry. Bail was ly ors putting the a 4 3 8 "ough. will be served. set at $3000 . i IMR. JODOIN'S WIT : : orchestra issue on the plebiscite. i For Reservations Call Rudi -- RA 5-9931 DEVELOPMENT ROAD There are too many organiza-| The star of Local 222's leader- : : | Notification as been received tions now riding on the back Wl ship banquet last Saturday night | or Tickets at the Door . A the city when - they should {was Claude Jodoin, president of that the road between Manchester to stand on their own|the Canadian Labor Congress. Three new trucks ond Come and. bring 8 Fina, and Goodwood has been desig- | g nated by the Ontario Department os He displayed a nice change-of. | . IVERYONR WHLCOME of Highways as a development|, Alderman Walker aleo opposed pace oratorically, and never| drivers for Delivery 6b road. The road has been heavily te move the ground it may bored lus audience. | travelled i vent. 'vears *, confuse the voters. n he spoke on 'lackadaisi- | i much lly hig td Years and A City Council, like a private cal" unionists who never exercise Contracts and Routes WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO by Ontario county. citizen, must learn to live with-|their franchise with the ballot in : he Osh A : > lin its budget; and Oshawa's City |civic or union elections, his voice in the Oshawa Area. CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY ROTARY SPEAKER Council is Just appreaching the thundered with defiant scorn. | : ' ' A. F. MacDonald, public rela. day wi must practice some, 'There are people in some Wed i 29 tions officer of the De Havilland rigid economy. |countries who would gladly die SPEE-DEE DELIVERY nesday, April ' 8 p.m. Aircraft Co., Ltd., will be the {for the democratic vote," he said, Bus Terminal from Oshawa Terminal--25¢ Ref speaker at the meeting of the THE PAY BOOST 'but over here, if it is a fine i Fig i Rotary Club next Mon. There should be little opposition election day, we go fishing." | OSHAWA LTD. PH. RA 84222 $20 SPesiAL SANE 9F $220 ay. Mr. MacDonald will speak on/to Council's pay boost -- $1000) In an obious reference to the| : eacl rizontal line; a full card the Progress of aviation in Can- for ng SHOR, up to $5000; late Premier Hepburn of Ontario, BONDED CARRIERS L) games at $30; 20 games at $20 ada in the last 50 years. land for lermen, up to he said: : GRADUATE APPOINTED $1200. | "In Newfoundland. there are| BOX 52 TWO JACKPOT GAMES The board Cf Tissone of th When Peterborough Councillors good people and bad. The bad] 1st--52; 2nd--55; $30 Consolation Proshytenn Churth 1 CanargTcontly voted themselves 2 $200 will suiter. They wil be like the/ $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES 1 CARD has an In Lanadaipay hoost to $1000 per annum, man who came to Oshawa in 1937 ) c ize and free admission tick hifyannounce the appointment of The Peterborough Examiner look fi Suse od fre an deka. . , shawa, a : exception editorially to the move. | 9s graduate of Knox College, Toron- The Examiner bron | up the , low |old argument that an erman | Jon's, Newfoundland during his term of office must TOP EXECUTIVE {make sacrifices, and that alder-| It was announced recently that/men cannot be paid in money to, to St. Aidan's Church, St. theology student at Knox College, payment they get is just a token Toronto, has been elected presi-|0f appreciation). dent of the Student Administra-| This talk is quite true, but the tive Council of the Univesity of Examiner seemed to be splitting OFFICE SPACE MONDAY, APR WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO IL 27--8 P.M. Toronto, Mr McLean is a son of hairs over trivialities CASH CASH Re Ci Mein] The lo Hite given away So FOR RENT PRIZES $1,300.00 PRIZES free in this world (in municipal life or elsewhere) most every| service rendered has a price tag of some kind on it, and the tax- grandfather was principal of the Port Perry Public School for many years, ABOVE CANADIAN TIRE CORP. Brings Jail Terms {uniform. Unofficial reports have) NEW YORK (AP)--Five of 19|indicated that Gen. Laurence Ku-| persons arrested for refusing to|ter, 54, stationed at Honolulu as fake shelter in an air raid drill|commander of U.S. air forces in last week Friday chose 10-day|the Pagific, may suected him. | terms rather than pay $25 fines| CTE re) 3 vito) "They want to draw the atten-| bese 3 ital eu did Ru tion of the people in this country | S128 bli an § am gous : and show the idiots in Russia and Poepe publication aws, Suniisher | other countries that all the PeO-| yas passed Friday by Com | ple in this country are not War-|y. .,.. woul ve police ter | mongers," said their lawyer, Jos- ould gi po greater | r s powers to crack down on the seph G. Glass trade in pronography. Works now Magistrate: James Roe ac- will be judged on their literary quitted two defendants and sus- merit and their effect on the pended sentences for 12 others, class of reader for whom they | TO THE MERCHANTS | OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA In view of the fact that children suffer injuries due to the explosion of fireworks, you are respectfully requested by the Oshawa City Council to withhold the sale of fireworks until Monday, May 11th, 1959, for safety purposes APPROX. 2.200 SQ. FT ., WILL DIVIDE APPLY TO MR. EARL SMITH CANADIAN TIRE CORP. ASSOCIATE STORE 115 SIMCOE ST. §. BUS SERVICE LR BARRAND RA 8-6272 City Clerk. all fst offenders lare intendef 3 y $100.00 FREE CASH DOOR PRIZES --including-- . Four prizes $50, $25, $15, $10 TWO $250 JACKPOTS (54-59) ONE $150 JACKPOT (must go) 20 games at $20 -- 5 games at $30 Plus Free Pass to Person on Right of Every Winner $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ONE CARD AND FREE CHANCE ON $100 CASH DOOR PRIZE TO DOOR RED BARN (TURN LEFT ONE BLOCK PAST A&P STORE, NORTH OSHAWA) 9 7e : y RB TR

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