-- dom. at ae, tpn. = A i i a a - . El A ua) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 24, 1959 19 YOU BET WE HAVE IT ml 7 eg @ We are sure that you will be pleasantly ing deficiency Pavinetts on grain.|to continue debate on agriculture] Friday, April 24 ,1959 (estimates. The Senate is The Commons meets st 11 a.m. journed until 8 pm, My SPECIAL LOW SPRING PRICE (o] VI .¥,, {e 1§ NOTICE TO ALL EX-SERVICE MEN, WOMEN AND DEPENDANTS! All ex-service personnel and their dependants are invited to take advantage of a FREE Legion Service. MR. J. J. WALSH (Service Bureau Officer from Toronto) will be at the NO MONEY DOWN... NOTHING TO PAY FOR 4 MONTHS FRIDAY EVENING 7-Off To Adventure 5:00 P.M, 2:15 For the coolest summer ever, and a more afiractive house, get Alsco Aluminum Awnings and 11---Theatre; Sports 6--Hidden Pages 5--Playhouse 4-Fun To Learn 2---Three Stooges 5:15 P.M. 4--Cartoon Storybook 5:30 P.M, 7-6--Mighty Mou 5---Baseball Warm-up 20's. BD phos a pir] lly tel P li t || The Story Of Brother Andre iii: =u Parliamen Indeed, he was| hadiktut and Dr elt honored to be shia es Bi K-Glance umble, Saintly a wn cn ' (to serve God and Saint Joseph| By THE CANADIAN PRESS lin the lowest capacity. Thursday, April 28, 1959 "The story of a humble Cana-| United States there are traits one of America's pn fhe There could hardly have been al Agriculture Minister Harkness dja, Brother Andre, is contained |of people who firmly believe that{World's -- Shentest 5 es, ® man more humble thaa the little announced continuation of pres- iu a new book, "THF MIRACLE yo. ave been cured of grave al, Ah oseph on Mount yay prother of the Congregation ent butter price supports and re- OF THE MOUNTAIN; The Stery iyi SV, S00, "0c holy work | oY ontreal. o Holy Cross. |duced supports of cheddar of Brother Andre and The Shrine |, goher Andre and the inter-|STEP BY STEP This is a book to be read and cheese and skim milk powder. of Mount Royal" (McClelland ...cion of St, Joseph. It was, This is a scholarly and enter- treasured by thousands who have' Hazen Argue, CCF House aid Stewart Ltd.) by Author|y. on their faith fo that simple taining book about Brother Andre heard of the wonderful deeds of Leader, aecused Prairie Conserv- Alden Hatch, Iman and his devotion fo St. |and the shrine. It is also the story this saintly and humiie man, 'atives of betraying farmers seek- All across Canada and thelJoseph, that there has been built of why many thousands believe| {that the humble porter at al | Catholic school was truly a saint | {and how. the cause for his beati- | fcsie and eventual canoniza-. [ion is being pressed today. CHCH-TV Channel 1i--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toromo' The author displays fine insight WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester |into the life and work of his WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo ~~ WBEN.TV Channel 4~Buffalo ject, and no one has cver before | $0 dn ti d the susp ful skit Carson |process by which the Church 4-=Camera Three Prime | EVE Re SPRL, SE --Alr F § AL auc Soy. opm 18:00 Noon "ste |man may place him in the com- 6--Feature Film 7=Bishop Pike pany of saints, S-dlusieat Intestine Author Alden Hatch follows the | 4=News; Weather life of Brother Andre step by step | T--Armehalr Adventure 4--Dinner Date atre 2-Wild oy Hickeeh 6:00 11---~Thearre: "Now 1--Wrestling Weather 7--Early Show §--Bowling 300 P.M, TPlayhouse dio P.M, 6--News 1100 P Abbott 5 Costello | 4 pum Fe Colones Flack 6: MM, 30 $4 -Newdt A-Porey ' 6:45 Sports ature 7-8ix Gun Theatre 5:30 PM, 116-Rin TWA Tin 8--Three Stooges $-Twilight Theatre 4--Colone] Finck S:00 P.M 2--Reseue # Ts P.M, 7--News; Weather 7:80 P.M. 7-5--Rin Tin 3=Dick Cla 4=Wrestling L] 2---Notthwest Passage B00 P.M. 114 o--tatent Caravan & Mr. Fixit 6:4 8-4-News: 7:00 11=RAHfleman 8:30 P.M, 11 matt Family fon 6-=Jvanhoe 11-6 one fol rds stone Territory 5-2---M Squad 4--Phil Silvers ito PM, ~The Vise 11-6--Cotintry Hoedown 7-77 Sunget Strip 4--Gene Kelly $-2-Thin Man 10:00 P.M, 11-8-5-2--Cavaledde of =Parly M 13~Nation's Business 7 Early Show 6<Panie No Warning rk 6:15 P.M 11<Monty Wooley 0:80 PM 11--Tennhessee Ernie S<Lawrence Welk PM Sports rm fy Date 8.93 lg Come Sports Jubilee USA 10:15 P.M. 8:50 11-Jim Coleman 10:30 P.M. 7--Sea Hunt 11-Frontier 4--Person To Perso La) 10:45 P.M, 7--Lawrence 8--Jim Coleman 32-Jankion Bowling P.M. Face of 1:00 9:30 11.7-6- st 2-News; 1 P.M. Sports 7--Playhose 6--Viewpoint S--Movie 11:30 P.M. 1-8gmmiy Ki 11--Late Show 4=Gungmoké 6--Premier Perform. ance 4-M-G-M_ Theatre 3-Jack Paar SATURDAY 5-Pat 2-Flight 9:00 A.M, ¥--Test Pattern S--Tactie &--Science Museum 2-Late Wats + Heckie yi Jeckle 11:30 A 3-2--Circus boy 4--Robin Hood 12:00 Noom . 7--Uncle A Ble S$: S=Christoph --L as 8 i MoHiédns s-vidutiry P.M Modern Science 2--Morning 4--Lone Ranger 10:45 1:15 P.M. rat of 3--F y Ry Ta 11:00 TR Ly Roundup 11-8--Chyrch 7--Adventure 4--Ameéricans at Work 1:45 P.M. 5--Paris Precinct 4--Player_ To Player 2-Fiim PP PM. &Wanted, Dead or f:00 P.M. akéd City Welk #3-Black Saddle Dangér P.M. 11-6-Great Movies §53-Cimarron City 4=Havé Gun, will Trav. LJ] 10:00 P.M. aye 10:30 P. os Winchen pou + Wo Services 4--Playhouse 2-NY Confidential 12:00 Midnight 4-Race of the Week M, SATURDAY EVE. 5100 P.M. 4<U of B Round Tak | African Patrol 7:30 PM Clark Show irene oy Fufny 11:00 P.M, 11-8-43-Néws: Weather: Sports 12:15 P.M, 4<Look At Congress 2:50 P.M, 11=The Christophérs 7-dJ. Hopkins File 6--Good wile Theatre S=Little Rascals §~Face The Nation 3-Musie Department 1:00 P.M, 11=Bravo Theatre 7-This is the Answer 6-Ray Forrest 5-~Three Stooges 2----Playhouse 1:15 P.M. 4-Talk Back 1:30 P.M, 7-Church Services 6-Country Calendar 5--~Bowling 1146 P.M, Playhouse 2:00 P.M. 7--Understanding 2--Baseball 6---Junior Magazine 2:0 PM, 11-The Living World §--Featuré Movie 7--Canisius Forum 3:00 P.M. 14 Quality of the Aet --~Texas an 4:00 P.M { 11 Father Knows Best 7--Bowling 5-Bengal Lancers = Ceénty Gh PW. ti--=Rev. Roberts 5---Gift of Life 6--Lassie 8--8uré As Death 8:00 P.M. Alive | 11,8---Néws Mag:ziné 7--Paul Wipchéll 4---Callége Bowl 6--Frontiers 4=Amateur Hour Amt Hor 6--Bob Cummings 35 eant Preston 5-3-Ch: ionship Golf t=paisd A) News §-Fathir Riowi Bést 7--Bravé Eaglé 20th © ok 7:00 P.M. Love Lucy You Atked For M BFidé Décember Fim Féaturé 1] gt a, ah 11--The Naked ity 7--Lawman 3-U.S. Mar Pete Rag "shies in the imvestigation which will, it is hoped, bring about his beatifi- cation. For Catholics this book will provide a moving account of the life and work of a great man of God of our own time as well as a revelation of the careful (investigates claims to sanctity. For non-Catholics, this is the story of a great Canadian healer and a great North American shrine, where faith has changed the lives of people of all creeds. Brother Andre was a child of poverty who had never learned to read or write until he had joined the religious order in his with which the church § LEGION HALL, BRANCH NO. 43 ----OF) -- Monday. April 27 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., also from 7:00 p.m. to completion of business . . . to give skilled advice on Veteran's Benefits. Anyone with questions on war disability pension, War Veteran's Allowance (Burnt-out Pension). Treatment or Hospital care, is urged to call or write to MR. B. JACKLIN Busi- ness Manager of Canadian Legion, Branch 43, 90 Centre Street, Oshawa, who will arrange an appoint- ment. Open till 9 p.m. For free home demonstration Phone RA 3-9843 We would like to invite you to come in and see our display at the Oshawa Home Show which will be held at the Armouries. APRIL 30, MAY 1 AND MAY 2 Lansdowne Shopping Centre SIMCOE STREET NORTH -- OSHAWA PRODUCTS OF CANADA LTD. surprised wheri you see oll that can be done on improving your home for an amazingly small price at Millwork & Building Supplies. So why not come down and inquire about our easy Budget Terms. Millwork & Building Supplies LTD. 1279 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-4694 ---- Ee ii J 4 pid "Robot A new development . . . the Robot Gardener Kit is designed to fertilize the lawn and garden, kill weeds and garden Insects ! New, easy 16 use, automeotic applicator for fertilizer, Insecticide ond weed-killer, lawn with a minimum of hard work! Kit contains: Tough plastic automatic ehamber engineered to withstand high water pressure and designed to agitate and dis- solve Robot earfridges of o controlled rate . . . the chamber ottaches to garden hose od rbzzle, 6r most fypes of sprinklers! 24 concentrated fertilizer cartridges (3 cartridges treat area about 250 sq ft), For Lawns and Gardens! Gardener Kit No more heavy bags, tanks, etc, A beautiful 8 insecticide concentrated cartridges (3 cartridges 5This 6 the Life oh Ae 4+ Uncle Jerry 5--Pregs Conferencé S--_Children's Corner 4--World of Ideas 7--Frontier 4--Alfred Hitchcock 10:00 P.M. ers 7--Crusader Lamp Unto My Feet | 5-2--Loretta Young lens Hviition 4--Private Detective 10:30 P.M, 7--Playhouse 5-4--What's My Line 2-Byline § ig 11:00 P.M AM s 11-6-4-2--News: Weather; ris Spo; 5--News Hilités 11:15 P.M. 11--Late Show 6--This Week S--Feature Movie 2~Late Watch 130 P AN "parade Israel Servi ce é~Theatre 1:45 P.M. treat area about 750 sq. ft.), 8 weed- killer cartridges (3 cartridgés treat about 1,100 sq. ft). Complete and elearly explained instructions in each box. Complete Robot Gardener Kit . . Extra cartridges available when needed Fertilizer Weed-Killer Insecticide 249 149 98 FATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 253 595 PHONE RA 5.7373 "e-Suiban Shortage of Water In Chatham Area CHATHAM (CP) -- A serious drought situation exists in this of Ontario, Professor Her- man Overgaard of Waterloo Col- lege told the Ontario water re- sources conference Thursday. Prof. Overgaard said Chatham is suffering a great shortage of 7--Command Perform. | 6--Camera Three water. Kent and Essex Counties | are the biggest users of water in the area and their demand con- tinues to excésd the gupply year after year. He told the 70 delegates that much of the local water in this part of the province is of such poor ity that he 2 on of treating makes it more nomieal to pipe it in from oi sources. THEATRE GUIDE Biltmore -- "THé Yaung Cap- tives" 1.00, 3.35, 6.10, 8.45 p.m. alsp "Tokyo After Dark' 2.10, 4.45, 7.20; 9.55 p.m. Last com- plete show starts at 8.45 p.m. Brock (Whithy) -- "Good Day For, A Hanging" 7 p.m, and 10.00 p.m. "Smiley Gets A Gun" 8.35 p.m. Last complete show at 8.20 p.m. M.rks -- "Submarine Seahawk" 12.30, 3.25, 6.05, 3.05 pil Pa troop Command" 145, 7.30, 10.30 p.tn. La show at 8.55 p.m. Plaza -- "Retnérkablé Mr. Pén | acker." (adult) 2.00, 3.50, 5.45, 7.35, 9.30 p.m. Last com plete show at 9 p.m Regent -- Walt Disney's "Th 9. 1 paid all . BILLS with a low cost loan from Supérier Finance, the fastest growing all-Canadian Lodn Company $50 10 $5000 endorsers kahle security -- ie ef au comes with knowing that 3 my bills are péid, and | only have to Tako asy monthly payment. At Superior, | found fait cotiteotss, personal service, pt theca nda wiht ry 4 tape. Sq whe isd cliklo ay glad your bil you did! SUP ERIOR FiNANC Friday, till 8 Jpen, Sat. till 12 nc Offices throughott Of | © REGULAR VIGORO . . . a balanced, 6-10:4 plant food for lawns, gardens, flower beds. A generous application according to instructions may make all the difference--ensuré more beau- fiful lawns, more productive gardens. Approx. 3:1bs covers 100 sq. ft. 3.10 25h ...... 2.05 50-Ibs. @ GOLDEN VIGORO . . . An advanced 6-10-4 fertilizer particularly well-suited for lawns. Will not burn if applied as directed; is designed to give luxuriant, thick, velvety lawns. 3.95 840s ...... 2.65 50-1bs. .... & GOLDEN VIGORO PLUS CHLORDANE . . . gives all the benefits of Golden Vigoro as well as protecting lawns against many soil-borne pests stich as white grubs, certain cutworms, 4 09 Goldsmith beetles, etc. 50-Ibs. " ® TORGANIC . . . a non-burning, organic base . fertilizér which should produce supérla- tive vegetables. 4-lbs. "EATON'S BUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 280 You'll find your complete Lawn and Garden Fertilizing Needs At EATON"S Outdoor Shop ® NEW TURF SPECIAL . . . a 10:6-4 fertilizer for new or established lawns, treéé and shrubs. Espécially well-suited to lawns, as it may be safély applied any time, néed not be watéred-in. It's a chémically balanced formula designed to give that greening effect that lasts. Approx. 2-Ibs. covers 100 sq. ft. for new lawns. 25 on... 380 ® GARDEN SPECIAL . . . a 4-12-8 prepdration formulated especially for flowers, shrubs and veg- étables. Has prolonged Nitrogen release = for gradual feeding; is clean, dustless, odourless, spreads evenly. 25s. ..... 1469 es 098 ® PEAT MOSS . . . a libetal application of peat moss makes a good mulch layer for shrubs, gar- dens, lawns. - . 0.9% 2V4-bushels . 1.95 PHONE RA 5.7378 20-Ibs. 50-Ibs. 4 cubic ft. TECO Forced-Air Oil Furnaces 3Way Special Selling! @ Steel welded construction ® Permanently lubricated blower fan ® Seam-welded heat exchangér ® "Auto-Flo" humidifier Three money-saving plans to heat a 6 to 8 room house PLAN 1--install @ néw system with "TECO" furngci and oil burner, 00 completely installed ..........c000000 " PLAN 2--Install a new "TECO" furnace and oil burner, using your existing storage tank. Trade-in your old oil burner and controls. (Burner tradé-in 4 allowance 50.00). Installed, you pay ... s PLAN 3--"TECO"" Conversion Oil Burner installed in present furnace, including basement 239 00 " storage tank and controls. Instalted .... EATON'S Budget Plan Terms may be arranged WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT Additional benefit If you install before July 31st: ® No payment mecessary until October 1st EATON"S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 556 PHONE RA 5.7373 | Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9 PRE FH NER Sas I Po I SY SP