. @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, April 23, 1959 TODAY'S TORONTO, MONTREAL STOCKS 4:50 11:30 Net Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge 200 $19, 19 19 6h 6 11:80 d Sales HighLow a.m, Ch'ge 150 $04'4 93% 93% 1% 200 834% 34% 34% 50 $264 2614 20% 10 860 60 60 30s 39% 450 450 2 2 Stock Cal Pow Can Cem Can Cem pr C Bk Com C Brew CBAL C Bronze 1 C Cel 560 $23% 23% 2 C Cottons pr 100 $14 1" CIL less marked 8, jot, 34 ~ Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- XweEx-warrants.) Industrials Net Sales High Low 11 a.m, OW INDUSTRIALS if 410 336% 36 36% -- %W 310 310 310 $24% 24% 2% --- 8% 8% Ya 28% -- W 2% + % We 2 +% 5% + % - A wis 50 450 pony 5 322 a farm fence 'of here, The animal crossed in the path of a westbound vehicle and re. fused to budge. The driver tried in vain to lead the small pony by bridle back to its pasture, 250 $18% 18% C Int Pwr p 220 847 46% 220 $20% 20% 400 $20% 20% C Vickers 2175 $209 20% Com Ent z50 $13% 13% Con M and 8 575 §10% 19% Crown Z A 200 $23 23 X Dist Seag 2200 $33% 33% 33% D Bridge 225 S21% 21% D Fndry 7% 84M Th D Glass 150 $91 91 225 819% 19% 25 $84 1210 $17 671 8$20% 2 325 $11 200 $16% C oil 300 $31% 31 CPR 5 S140 140 . Oils 19% 19% 19% B60 850 850 21% 21% 21% 74 73 7" $30% 30% 30% 67 67 67 175 175 175 400 400 400 230 46 146 146 $11% 11% 11% 745 740 745 5 3 : SEE TUE FRE TI rT 733 Fics EL] 3 RULES OF THE ROAD were explained to members of Dur- ham County Junior Farmers at the monthly meeting in Orono Wednesday, OPP Constable Pat Cornell, manville detach. ment safety officer, explained the Ontario demerit point sys- tem, Shown above checking | points in the Highway Traffic, Act are Helen Strong, 17, of RR 2, Bethany, Constable Cornell and Barb Bathgate, 19, of 18 Flett street, Bowmanville, Photo by Gerber Urges Care In Farm Driving ORONO (Staff) To have troduced, not as a means of pun. proper control, one must always ishing drivers, but as a means of be on the defensive when driving|correcting driving habits, = pt} Another fault, he sald, is leav. H ing farm vehicles unaltended on| p D ni highways, He urged his audience ony 18 tes ov sips ett Br oof W a hill, Faliing to R h f w ore entering a highway fri 1a. ~0 - ay driveways 15 another common| BOWMANVILLE (Staff) = fault, he said, An unidentified motorist Wednes- During the harvest season, six day afternoon experienced conside to nine farm units are coupled to-|erable difficulty with a highway gether and hauled along the trespasser, A stubborn Shetland | roads, No vehicle or bi d to break through of vehicles is to exceed 50 feet in about a mile west length, In the same connection general. ly only one crossbar is used to couple the load, At least two at- Jucinents a required to couple the rallers, d, Any ¢ ith! a gross weight of A 0, The owner finally appeared on pounds must have brakes. [the scene and managd to ga in py now -- with the ex. i ception of the pony ~ the fence i" [has been repaired. He sald a white light is re-| quired on the front after dark and a red light on the rear, He y Donohue 16% Du Pont Electrolux i Iz SUBSCPIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAX! SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI gl Maritime Martin Matatch aybrun McKen Merrill Min Corp Min-Ore Moneta 'Mt Wright Nealon Nes Lab New Ath N Dicken N Goldvue 3 A o i bt 1 LJ LH f i n| Ind Accep Inland C Int Nickel Interprv PL Irogq Gls pr Mass-Fer Mitch Rob A z88 200 $4194 41% Ge! Gr Plains Home Oil B ! pr 8 E iF 126 8 88 35 $53% +d 28 3] g anaan Prairie Oil Provo Gas FF F F&F a motor vehicle, said OPP Con- stable Pat Cornell, speaking to the Durham County Junior Farm- ers at its monthly meeting in the town hall here Wedneaday night, The officer stated one main fault with farmers is permitting children under the age of 16 to drive farm tractors on the high-|jed $50 first, tect him by 7:00 p.m. ways, The Highways Traffic Act states no one under the age of 16 years is permitted to drive on public highways. This includes township and county roads, TELEPHONR STEVEN'S TAXI Colls Accepted Between 7 «7130 p.m. Only 4ahl C Cornell, B ille Detachment safety officer, ex- plained the Ontario demerit sys- tem. He said the system was in. South U 16% 16% -- seg Th 7% 4% -- % s Sha tek Tra Trad Oil 475 475 $104 10 8 000zZZ Sicks pr 1 Std Str Steel 300 Steel Can 15 Steinbg A Steinbg pr xd 15 $100 100 $284 20% 485 40 200 $344 M4 200 380 People of Clarke, Darlington, Newcastle and Bowmanville; THE URGENTLY NEEDED bob hobo b bo [1 Webb Knapp Canadian 28400 3075 100 is s § Abitca A C Pulp EEE gey 3 id 2 : = an UH +4 FEE yo # Ford A inv Found EXTENSION TO YOUR HOSPITAL IS DELAYED Melchers pr nove Nfld Light Pur Cp 2 pr x20 Shop Save nl SC Pow 6 pr 27 Trns C Corp 300 Trans Mt 625 Un Gas 210 $16% Waterman 7% HERE ARE THE FACTS: Your hospital is overcrowded, bursting at the seams. Sick people have to wait their turn. A number of beds have been in the halls daily during the last three months. Soon only emergency cases can be admitted without prior notice, and perhaps a waiting peried. + 135 135 135 S11% 11% 11%+ % 135 135 138 48 Alscope Alta Mines Ant} Av Al fan Sales to 11 am.: 624,000, ustus MONTREAL Montreal Stock Exchange--April 2 3 (Quotations | meents unless marked § --0dd lot, 34 -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Industrials 11:30 Neb Sales HighLlow a.m, Ch'ge Coldstrm Coniagas C Bilkenl C Callinan 2% 12 18% 1% 18 1% 14% 1d 360 333 335 FF Your HOSPITAL is MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Bowmanville, It serves you all. In 1958 there were 2,792 patients admitted from the above four municipalities. Each mumetpality has helped in different degree to build and maintain it. Now it has become too small for the demand created by the present larger and increasing population of the hospital district. 1 BE | & Stock Abitibi Algoma Alumin Alum 2 pr Argus Asbestos Atlas Steel Gui Por ur Ha'tian Hollinger Iso Uran Kerr Add 5" Prze oy EACH OF THE FOUR municipalities has been asked to pay a share of the cost of the needed new wing. The total to be paid by these districts, whose people use the hospital, is $480,000. The table below shows the portions each Municipal Council has been asked to pay, and the number of sick and injured persons from each who were admitted to the hosp- ital in 1958. : Actual Admissions wd ] Lingside Merrill Molyb Montgary N Vinray Nocana 1500 NA Rare M 3500 Obalski Orchan Paudash 23 Bang CN wt 1591 Bank Mcnt 210 Bnk Mnt rts 1752 Bank N§ 75 Bell Phone 1 16% pr 50 $524 52% 52% 3 $1% 1% 1% 255 250 20 CELE [-] 8 i 444 a +] i Frobisher 9 9 9? 02 218 2W | {SEVEN storm windows, and fifteen screens, also three screen doors, com- bination screen storm door. 310 Mary Street 9c EL Film Council ss in 50 4 Plans Festival ONE boy's three-speed bicycle, + $35. | Just like new, Phone RA 88872. 95a) Aqyay Ajax Film Council! SMALL plano, good condition. APPLY will present a festival of six| 238 Johnston Avenue. 99¢ gn Tat the Ajax Community Hall TYPEWRITER $15; Smith-Corona add. Tuesday, April 28 at 7.30 p.m. The! balance, reasonable. films are "A Chairy Tale," an _ |amusing tale of a young man Per Cent Admissions 20.7 26.5 10.1 42.1 Amount $ 86,200 $140,203 $ 22,568 $175.243 TOTAL $424.24 It is expected that the United Counties grant will make up the difference between the above total and the estimated cost to the district. Per Cent of Cost 20.3 33.1 53 41.3 Municipality Clarke Darlington Newcastle Coase, 35 Phone RA 8.0045 ers Bowmanville 1,192 b ply 212 McNaughton Avenue. USED tires, most all sizes, $3 up. B. Goodrich Stores. RA 5-4543 SEASON'S Special: 11 fi. Fibre-glass| and 5 HP Scott-Atwater motof, {filmed in the woodlands of Ger- many, showing the birdlife. | | water filter (softener), "The Sceptre and the Mace," i a, Jou, hay \ypewriter, adding machine, truck, filmed in Ottawa, shows Him | | trailer, shotgun, pump jack, plumbing, een Elizabeth II performing| , and of all a kinds. Pr piping I" duties as Queen of Canada, | : "'Quetico," a Canadian National 52--Legal Notices {Park in its natural state, and ET DE Sc 'Push Back the Sea," filmed in NOTICE TO CREDITORS Holland, depicts the struggle of AND OTHERS the Dutch people to claim land In the Estate of Temperance from the sea. Mary Ellen Nash, deceased: Time of showing is expected to All persons having claim be two hours. ogainst the estate of the above-named deceased, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, who died on the Twelfth day of March, A.D. 1959, are hereby noti- fied to furnish proof thereof to the undersigned before the 8th day of June A.D. 1959. After the said date the Ex- ecutors will distribute the Estate having regard only to claims of which notices have been filed. Doted at Oshawa, Ontario, this 21st day of April 1959. Z. T. Salmers, Solicitor for 13% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. ONE pair men's roller skates, 8%, use only three times. Excellent condition. | Best offer. Call RA 3-3474 between 8 am. -S5pm. Ly ELECTRIC ranges, all makes, com- tely reconditioned. 90-day warranty, rom $39.50. Irvine Appliances, 50 Bond East. : : $50 to $150 allowance for your old tele vision on any new Electrohome, Ad- miral, Victor or Westinghouse at Park- way Television, 918 Simcoe Street North, Darlington. Bowmanville, and Newcastle Councils have agreed to pay their shares provided all four municipalities do so. Clarke Township Council has so far refused. Perhaps there is some misunderstanding there. The hospital is only asking Clarke to pay its share te provide for the people from Clarke. It should be clearly understood that the HOSPITAL AND HIGH SCHOOL QUESTION HAVE NO CONNECTION WHATSOEVER. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer, contact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 81131. .. TWO semi-formal dresses, size 16, vel: tow and shrimp, worn once. Phone RA 81753. 95¢ SOLID walnut tea wagon, like new; one pair double width lined drapes, rose, on beige background. green she rey Newspaper Industry | Cut Accidents | NEW YORK (CP)--The news- paper industry last year cut ac- |cidents involving its trucks to the lowest since its safe driving cam- paign began nearly 20 years ago. Two Ontario newspapers were among papers selected for awards in a report received Wed- nesday by the American News- paper Publishers Association. Awards were made in several categories according to the size of the papers and whether they owned or rented their trucks. The Brantford Expositor placed Because Clarke Council has not yet agreed to pay its share, the start of the con- struction of the badly needed wing is held up. The federal and provincial government grants which will cover more than half of the million dollar cost of the new wing, leaving only $480,000 to be paid by the hospital district, will be withheld until each of the four muni- cipalities concerned agrees to pay its share. Three of these have agreed. Ordinary clump, skip New Toro cuts evenly, cleans up other clippings os well, Proved Best in the "X'" test Wind - Tunnel Whirlwind out mows them all! Daring "X" Test proves new Whirlwind rotary will outcut any other. Wind-tunnel under the housing Sie power{ul vacuum to freeze every blade of grass right for a sharper, crisper cut. See thi i up] ora oh it per cu is revolutionary ® Ends clumping © Bogs clippings ® No tealping $QQ 9s (19" Whirlwind--only $10.00 down) The new wing desperately is needed. Clarke had nearly 600, sick and injured whe were patients in Memorial Hospital in 1958. There were also 2.200 from other parts of the hospital district during the same year. Unless action is taken quickly, unless ground can be: broken as soon as possible, many of the suffering among your relatives, friends, and neigh- bours from all four municipalities will be without hospital accommodation soon, or will have to be sent to distant hospitals at great inconvenience and expense. AND WILL THERE BE BEDS AVAILABLE IN DISTANT HOSPITALS? WITCHEN suite, dining room suite, two beds complete, two dressers, yacuum cleaner, coffee - table, and china cabinet. 240 Dearborn Ave. 95c In the matter of Section 27A of the Planning Act, 1955 and In the matter of an application of the CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON for approval of its Restricted Area By-Law 2111, passed the 5th day of February 1959. APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING RIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints TUESDAY, Jie nial of May, 1959, at the hour of half-past ten in the forenoon (Local Time) ot the Township of Darlington Council Chambers, Hampton, Ontario, for the continuation of the Hear- ing of all parties interested In support of, or opposing this ap- Biatioy 16th day of April, 1959 thi; pril, . Gated ot TORONTO Wis y 0. R. CHAPMAN, Secretary. © Easy terms © No extras © Trims close Complete with bag, chute ond loaf mulcher tion. The Joplin, Mo., Globe was first PEOPLE OF CLARKE, GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR REEVE AND COUNCILLORS. The Toronto Globe and Mail HARRY V. CRYDERMAN, Chairman Memorial Hospital Building Committee report showed only 1.66 ac- cidents for each 100,000 miles of |driving. The ANPA next month [will start discussions with insur- ance bureaus to get premiums lowered for trucks in cities be- low 100,000 population. Similar reductions have already been ob-| 0%~ tained for larger dis Ask about the "X" test at : If any person would like further information on the hospital expansion please contact any P ERRY GARDEN TRACTOR SALES member of Memorial Hospital Board of Directors. DUFFERIN ST., PORT WHITRY p )