{Lak 14 din ETN MM y - =, "KIWANIS RADIO AUCTION WINNER RECEIVES PRIZE The freezer, which was the | this morning to Bruce Annand | Oshawa Home Appliances; Don | prize for successful bidders in | whose ticket was drawn. | Ormiston, chairman of the the recent radio auction held | Caught by the camera at the ways and means committee of | by the Oshawa and Westmount | presentation, from left, are | the Westmount Club; 3. i Kiwanis Clubs, was presented | Howard Broad, manager of | Schmitz, president of the West- | SIMCOE HALL | and means committee of the 1959 3 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 23, Oshawa Baha'i Tol, Hear Address ; He 1936 yeah book of est Plays. | [4 After several years as United |? Press correspondent and as news| editor for radio stations, he be-| came the Pacific coast radio di-|¢ rector for the Knox Reeves| agency. | 4 Later he moved to Philadelphia ? 'here every Sunday he created| " lic is cordially invited, will begin | nan starred in in MBs ve |at 8.15 p.m. at the Westbury|CBS comedy show "In the Park" | |Hotel. The speaker's subject|from WCAU-TV and also had his! "This Earth, One Country" willlown coast-to-coast CBS TV pro-| be most timely for the Oshawa|gram "Kid Gloves. He broad-| # visitors who are currently con-|casted professional football |ducting a promulgation campaign | games of the Philadelphia Eagles) |to acauaint the Oshawa public and TV games for the Univer. {with Baha'i teachings. : sity of Pennsylvania. He won an| { In a statement to The Times, award for the Gutstanding TV? Lloyd Gardner of Oshawa, who|sports show of the year. He has| |is the chairman of the Canadian appeared twice as a guest on the| SSational Assembly, Fi that Mr.|Ed. Sullivan show. ears was a good friend of the| ' " naka [Baha'is here and that it Was onl" |¢ Mr. Sears) hook, Release De |due to the pressure of & full itin- San 2 siory of Lhe. sana) |erary that prevented him from "aith " and its relationship to visiting this city. Clean, first printed in Eng William Sears, who cut short a ond, ya Shoelly be publiched In| {brilliant career as playwright, | Loves aug er', a humor- lradio director, and award-(°S 2U'0 lograpay. ' | winning TV producer, to help es-| It will be followed later this tablish the Baha'i World Faith year by a compazion book en- throughout the world. has only titled "Thief in the Night". In recently returned to North Amer- this book Mr. Sears fells the ica. man - in - the - street about the Winning the University of Wis- Baha'i World Faith. The book's in playrwiting award in 1933. title is taken from the quotation am Secrs went on to dircet a about Christ that He would come "like a thief in the night" when cted and wanted Members and friends of the, {Oshawa Baha'i community will} [travel to Toronto Friday, April] |24, to hear William Sears who will address the public meeting conducted as part of the 12th [National Convention of the |Baha'is of Canada. The meeting, to which the pub- cons bi Little Theatre Group for the next ¥ {five years, publishing nine plays, mankind expe one of which was published in Him least. THE CORNERSTONE OF the Harmony Road North Public School was laid by Sterhen G. | Saywell, chairman of the Osh- | | awa Board of Education Wed- | To Ordain Priest mount Club; Bruce Annand; Ken Smyth, president of the Oshawa Club and Walter Famme, chairman of the ways Oshawa Club. nesday afternoon. Seen here is | which wil be finished in time Trustee Saywell laying the | for the fall term, is being car- stone with Trustee George A. | ried out Bradford-Hoshal Fletcher and Trustee Harold B. | Associates, Limited, of Port Armstrong looking on. The con- | Hope. struction of the 10-room school, | by Oshawa Times Photo. General To Inspect GM "Here Saturday Oshawa will have its first Anglican ordination service, Sat- urday, April 25, when Rev. Peter |E. Trant will be ordained as a priest at St. George's Anglican Settlement House Has rector of mechanical engineering |in the British War Office, will | visit Oshawa tomorrow to inspect {the manufacturing and assembly facilities at the General Motors The Rt. Rev. G. B, Snell, PhD, | DD, Suffragan Bishop of Toronto, will conduct the service. The Rev. Dr. C. R. Fielding, dean of| Major-General L, N Tyler, di- Church, Centre St. BP Board Chairman Lays Cornerstone Of School S. G. Saywell, chairman of the when completed. It will be ready offered by Rev. €. C. Cross, rec- ¥ Oshawa Board of Education, laid for the fall term. tor of St. George's Memorial [the cornerstone at Harmony Road| Maver Lyman A. Gifford gave Anglican Church, president of the North Public School Wednesday 5 civic welcome. He touched on Oshawa Ministerial Association. 3 afternoon. the history of the Harmony road| Guests included T. D. Thomas, In his remarks, Trustee Say- area and spoke briefly on the ris- MLA for Oshawa riding; D. K Widely Varied Work tivities are embraced by the pro- gram at Simcoe Hall. The pro- gram is widely varied in supervisor|ality it serves many facets of Settlement |citizenship, including Victorian House, was the guest speaker at|Order of Nurses, playground su- the weekly luncheon meeting of | pervision, speech Oshawa Kiwanis Club Tuesday. "Golden Age Club," ete. In Osh-|cl. Harold W. McNeil, of the Simcoe Hall asses. divinity, Trinity College, Univer-| well spoke of the dedication at-|ing costs of education. plant. The g tour of Canada and his visit eneral is on an extensive : ® i to Rev. Canon M. T. Ne ining chaplain to the bishop, will its General Motors will permit him correction, |scope, embracing all groups and to see automobile and truck pro- | duction in Canada's jargest and The service, usuaily held in the sity of Toronto, will preach and why, exam-| present the ordinand, cathedral church of the diocese, tached to such a ceremony. He traced the custom of laying cor-| 8 nerstones back to Biblical times. as Princess Margaret Publi FRILLS EXPENSIVE The Harmony Road North og are ee f th Schoo! is expected to be known| ' of ihe school is the important thing. |Jackson and N. J. Ypes, archi- |tects; Miss Evelyn Dick, former owner of the property on which {the school is being built; C. 8. |Smith, representative of Brad- |ford-Hoshal Associates Ltd., Port Hope, the firm constructing the "Sunken gardens and fancy said the He brought the members and awa, Simcoe Hall settlement] their guests a vivid and detailed house is operated by the Wo-| picture of the enormous program men's Welfare League. being carried out at Simcoe Hall,| wr. McNeil pointed out that on behalf of this city. Simcoe Hall conducts a used| "Simcoe Hall," speaker (clothing bureau for needy citi-| pointed out, "is basically interes-|zens, Juvenile court cases are ted promoting the interests handled by this organization, the| and welfare of children." |costs of books and clothing for| Rev. 8. A. Barneft," needy students, medical services, out the speaker, was the bedding, prescriptions, and even| meal tickets for transients, all ME E i palsied children, these .land many other phases of social welfare work are carried on the staff at Simcoe Hall MANY ACTIVITIES HL] : {ti g with his fe oe later, of 3 1 af ball, piano lessons, out . brary, model buildi tl J' as it ---- , is recognized only as|tion club, anization for youth, in er ged i 1 Adventist Church | Plans Sessions in the tist Church. Pastor Community will be the theme of Nelson, of Oshawa, Canadian the forthcoming Sixth Quadren- | president ; of the Adventist nial General Session of the Church, will preside as general Seventh-day Adventist Church in chairman of the five-day parley. Canada scheduled to open in Ed-| Over 500 delegates and visitors monton, Alberta, on Tuesday, are expected to converge on Ed- May 5. monton during the first week of In this connection, ihe session May for the session which is the will discuss the stand the church highest legislative authority of should take toward a variety of the denomination in Canada. issues affecting comununity life Every congregation and church- across Canada Resolutions on operated institution from every marriage and divorce, religious province in Canada will be rep- education in public schools, the r ited by the clerical and lay Lord's Day Act, how pest to curb delegates named to aitend. obscene literature and alcoholism| Before the close of the conven- are being drafted by the denom- tion the attendance is expected to {nation's National Executive top the 2000 mark with the clos- Committee prior to submission 10 ing day's deliberations being held the delegates at Edmonton, Mr. in the Jubilee Auditorium on Sat- Green said. urday, May 9. Topping the ilst of international Sunday, May 10, the delegates religious leaders attending this will be the guests of the denom- meet will be Reuben R Figur, inationally - operated Canadian of Washington, D.C., world pres- Union College in vearby La- ident of the Seventh-day Adven- combe, Albe.ia, wheie a special "College Open House ' progr is being planned to acquai church leaders with the college's recently launched inillion-dollar development project. The Church's Witaess Walter A. COMING EVENTS nade. ~ gifts No Gas War Here As Yet The gas war, which is current- ly raging in Toronto, has not reached Oshawa as vet, accord- ing to a spokesman from the service station operators' associ- FROM INDIA -- Attractive hand mw wedding, mother's day, ete, | New shipments received. Also inlaid coffee tables. Reasonably priced. In spection invited. No obligation RA 5 2987. 9b POLISH Society of meeting of all mem at 219 Olive Avenue 2 p.m. RUMMAGE sale St Friday, April 24, 2 p.m hn BINGO at the Avalon, Thursday, April 23, North Oshawa Park. $6 and $10, Seven $40 jackpots. Share the Wealth. 5a Oshawa special pers will be held on May 2, 1959, at Andrew's Church, 9%a HOME baking sale Metropolitan Store, West Courtice Home and Sele! Age. ation here. , from 1 'til 3. Pies, tarts, coo i hg April 24th 95a! The spokesman commented z 5 that gas retailers of Ontario are JCHRE Scout Hall, Gibbon and § Eren Vista, Friday, April 24, at 8 working hard .to secure a court a.m. Six prizes, refreshments, admis- order to stop all signs being dion 50 cents. 9a hosted at service stations. rr = "If no signs were posted, there BINGO would be no price war," the {spokesman said ' | He explained that if there were ST. JOHN'S DAL Ino signs, the public would not be CORNE 4 {aware of the price and the gaso- FRIDAY APRIL 2 line could resume selling at its 8 PM regular price. 20 gomes, $6 ond $8 "As yet, it doesn't leok like 5, $40 jackpots the price war will hit Oshawa,' 95b the spokesman stated. He alsc said that during the last gasolinc | price war, Oshawa was about two months behind Toronto. He said it usuallv gets as far as West Hill and district and peters out before {hitting this city. "However," the spokesman FRIDAY, APRIL 24TH concluded, "if the war continues 1PM |for a lengthy period, it will prob Specicl table of Spring Hats |ably necessitate a price war here 950 lin Oshawa." RUMMAGE SALE Mai t Hart Group $T. GEORGE'S CHURCH Centre Street acles. for|old feats "and build "new hopes and we try to provide a program it ik troduced the guest speaker to the| meeting and at the conclusion of| Various clubs, archery, basket- Mr. McNeil's children's li-|dress, ng, conserva- strong voiced the grateful appre-| stamp club, nursing ciation of re- cadets, these and many other ac- guests, The co-operation required with most modern plant, | other local groups, such as Juv-, General Tyler will be accom- has been arranged by the Bishop enile court, police association, panied by Colonel R A. Camp-|of Toronto, the Rt. Rev. F. H. etc. were also outlined by the bell of Ottawa, speaker, who stressed that so army's director of mechanical people may become often boys can be won over to a and electrical engineering. liar with this great ancient program of citizenship, if first he [families is interested in fun and repo CELEBRATING |T0 SERVE LUNCH BIRTHDAYS ship. Referring to the "Golden Age Many clergy and people from and diocese will be Congratulations and best wishes to the resi ub," the speaker commented-- 'we are not trying to work mir- present and attend a luncheon, given by the women's guild, to following Trant. dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birthdays . Our purpose is to demolish honor Rev. The service will cpmmence at the sermon, the hat will supply new, pleasurable iences." today: iwanian Graham Coulter in- John Keyes, 14 Hemlock street; Mrs. J. O'Keeffe, 577 Shakespeare avenue; Fred | White, Jr., 198 Oshawa boule- | ward south; Guy Gibson, RR 8, Bowmanville; Ronald Code, 561 Oxford street; J. Hoskin, 1053 Ritson road north: Allan Smelko, 223 Edna street; Mrs. Ed. Jalasja, 157 Athol street east; Sandra Perkin, 981 Sommerville; Marion El- In the service of Holy Com- munion, following the Gospel, the bishop and 11 of his priests will {lay their hands on the ordinand as a symbol of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Follow |the ordin. {the Veni him with informative ad- Kiwanian Harold Arm- the members and | | the examination of , the bishop will sing ator Spiritus, invest the=Sale 3.Car Crash and deliver the Canadian Wilkinson, DD, LLD, so Anglican more | 10.30 am. ip Si 3 Song ev on ¢ Gard d i i School when it is completed. The Gargens aud iter things are mice! {10-room building is under con-| He continued, "The architects |struction and will be Oshawa's can submit any kind of plan they 22nd elementary school building|want but the final responsibility | » Jof Siveniing 1 for the city rests Local Jews A welcome to guests and intro- To Observe Passover ductory remarks were given by The Jewish Passover, which] Trustee G. K. Drynan, chairman property committer. Trus- tee H. B. Armstrong, chairman of com- Mr. Trant, a native of Toronto, |}asts for eight days, began last) is assistant curate at St. George's night. According to Rabbi Martin| ee ets the bullding and planning. com: |call to the Oshawa Fite Dep placed commemorat v. No cuments-in the stone. |damage was reported. One grass Memorial Anglican Church. He Norden of the Oshawa Jewish| took the post last June and will] Congregation, more than 120 fam-| continue in that role. lilies in Oshawa will take part in school and Job Superintendent A. McKay. Minor Explosion In Boiler Room A minor explosion in Jos Golior | RT. REV. F, H. WILKINSON | |the Bible into his hards, saying: "Take thou authority to preach | word of God and to minister the Sacraments in tke congrega-| {tion where thou shalt be lawfully appointed thereunto'. NATIVE OF TORONTO HARE OPTICAL JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist lis, 129 Barrie avenue; Mrs. Florence Newell, RR 3, Osh- awa; Marie Marlowe, 37 Prince street; Mrs. Stanley Sargent, Frontenac avenue; Mrs. George Hood, 568 Front street; Alec Bremner, 320 Colborne street, Whitby; Ron- nie Poch, 429 Ritson road north; Joyce Tobin, 630 Car- négie avenue The first five persons to in- form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre good for a four-week period. The cur- rent attraction is Walt Dis- neyv's "The Shaggy DogV Reports on birthdays will Injures Woman An Oshawa woman is in Osha- wa General Hospital following a three-car accident on Simcoe street south, Wednesday Mrs. Lillian Band, 293 William street east, suffered back and leg injuries when the car in which she was a passenger was sand- wiched between a tractor-trailer and another car Mrs, Band was riding in a car, driven by Donald Kent Stiles,| 770 Grierson street The other two vehicles involved were a tractor-trailer driven by Chester Lewis, of Calgary, and a car driven by Lawrence J. McLaren, 308 LaSalle Ave Damage to the three vehicles totalled $625 SPCA Names Executive The Oshawa and District So-| ciety for the Prevention of Cruel- {ty to Animals decided, at its meeting in the CRA hell Wednes- day, to,/Yegfeit autonomy membership iff fhe Ontario SPCA.| As a branch, under the Toronto! headquarters, Oshawa will re- ceive much help in tlie way of advice and legal assistance, it was pointed out, | ! | George Dodsworth was elected be received only between the [chairman of the Oshawa Branc hours of 8 am. and 10 am. of the Ontario SPCA George A. Snow was elected vice-chairman, |The remainder of the executive |remains the same au before. Mrs) H. Melich, past president, mentioned that OCCI gave $50 to) the association from the proceeds of its dramatic show called "'Cen- tral Presents". She said the so- ciety was very grateful for this. It was mentioned that a tele- phone listing is a necessity. Mrs. lake St. Joseph. Que., measuring George Dodsworth offered her 14 by 192 inches. a istin s SPC CLEAR HISTORY Phone for listing as the SPCA Two of the Colmaghi purchases Mrs. Melich gave a brief report Shooting the Rapids and In- or aetjvities at the last meeting cost its owner only 20 cents, was dians Shooting Stag--are partic-|or the Ontario SPCA .She said sold at Sotheby's auction room in ularly well documented. They the main problems discussed London Wednesday for a record- Were sold by Dr. J. E. R. Lor- were methods of livestock slaugh- equalling £2,100, about $£5.700. ner oy were emaly in He ter. methods of livesiock trans- The painting, measuring 133% collection 0 1s _great-grand- i > trappi inches p 2155 inc was sent father, Alexander Ross. Ross ob- DO A rae trapping of to the sale by Mrs. E. L. Bartlett tained them from Krieghoff| "mp "hooting concluded with the of Bideford, England, who ob- Whom he met while working on showing of three films. "Do Unto tained it at a jumble sale for 1s the Grand Trunk Railway. The Animals" showed the. need for vd. It shows Hudson Bay Indians ROSS family later went to New better transportation methods to at a portage and is signed and Zealand and took the paintings et livestock to slaughter how with them. jEet vos Augaier uses, Every Dog a Gentleman |showed interesting techniques for {the humane training of dogs. "Life in Western Marshes" {dealt with the conservation of i Krieghoff Picture Sold In London KEN METHERAL Canadian ress Staff Writer LONON (CP A painting by the 19th-century Canadian ar- tist Cornelius Krieghoff, which By C 1¢ 1 ) The jumble sale canvas was ~-- one of eight Krieghoffs sold for a total of £9,565. The price equals New Buses Proposed the record high for a Krieghoff set in October, 1957, when a Ca- | nadian collector, Roy G. Cole, jacks. paid £2,100 for The Trapper"s Return, a winter scene, F N h B | » DEALER BUYS SIX t Y T D d A London art dealer, P. and D. or or a | 0 eCl e Colnaghi and Company, Limited, NORTH BAY (CP)--New buses - monopolized the bidding, buying serving city routes every 15 Table Tennis 'six of the eight paintings, includ- minutes from early morning until ing Mrs. Bartlett's. mignight have peey oliered D 3 " A spokesman for the firm said Dus service proposal irom a Sud-| Ch h all six were purchased by the bury firm. ampions 1p firm and not on behalf of clients. The proposal wag made at a Colnaghis' paid £1,800 for a eeting Taesiey of company of-| The South Central Ontario table winter scene called A Trapper"s xe a 5 Ang eich, and 4 tennis tournament will take place Return--a title common to many rman. Woks D ni : C. 'here Saturday, Avril 25, at the Krieghoffs measuring 13 by North Bay Las Poly i ia CPA building, The tournament < and £1,600 for an oval Bus sory ice since April 15 i = will get under way at 12 noon. canvas measuring 12% by 17%, contract between the city and s saowing three Indians in a| peje Coach Lines was termin:| canoe and entitld Shooting thet, Rapids. { Ald. Cardinal, chairman of the According to an official of the The firm also paid £1,300 for city's protection committee, said club, the top table tennis players A Crossroads in Winter, a false the proposal from the Sudbury in Canada will be participating oval, 12% by 17% inches, depict- company was made verbally. He in the 'event ing two trappers with a horse sh so confer ed with A dinner following the tourn sleigh in heavy snow by a road-| two other outside companies. fament will be served. spon ored side shrine and four Indians Shoot-| Formal proposals will be con-by the Oshawa Table Tennis| ing Stag, a scene on a portage atlsidered by council latgy. Association, the Men's "A" singles: Men's |eral wEssaieee] TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1959 ed after more than 11 years.| B Singles and Men's doubles. | 8 BOND ST. EAST -- HOURS -- 9 AM. --6 P.M. Wed. Until 12:30 PM. ow» Sat. Until 2:30 P.M. PHONE RA 3-4811 For an appointment trial ivelment at 3:40 am. Trustee Mrs. C. C. Lee present. fire was also extinguished. {fire was also e a ed we el, used in the cers: geyan ambulance calls were A prayer of dedication was|five being due to sickness and |two to accidents. Bird Dog Club | Phe rector and congregation at|the celebration. . St. George's are pleased to have Services will be held in the church. services being held the first two The Upland Bird Dog Club of |days and the last two days. Oshawa is holding it's first semi- . . | ; {many families will celebrate sup- =. 0il Industry Brief per table service at home and ound is located on the passover feast. Taunton road. The Passover is held each year The trial is open to all pointing OTTAWA y tion will be given a brief from the flight of the forebearers un-/Parts of Ontario are expected to mony to Mr. Saywell. |answered by the fire department, To Hold Trial this ancient service in their local synagogue with the main 0! rid S Rabbi Norden also said that annual field trial Saturday, April some families join each othér for Wilso north just north .of Asks Market Talks (CP) Considera-/by the Jews, commemorating breeds, and dogs from many the oil industry asking the fed- Ider Moses from Egypt into Sinai. participate. It took them from slavery to| Entry forms for the trial are government to Sponsor a freedom. available from R. Lambert, RA| conference on marketing, says, No food eaten during tHe eight 3-7856, 481 Masson street. { Trade Minister Churchill. |days can have leavening ingre- RS He said Wednesday in the Com- dients, The main pant of She ' {menu is a crisp, unleaven mons that the proposals of the bread known as "Matzch'. This industry appear to be far-reach-|represents the early Jews, hur- ing and cmplicated and that/ried and harassed, baking un- they will be given "appropriate leavened bread in the hot desert consideration." sun. LEARN HOW PRAYER CAN HEAL in a Free Lecture on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURER: FRANCIS WILLIAM COUSINS, C.S.B. of Manchester, England Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts. SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE : THE PATHWAY OF SPIRITUAL HEALING PLACE: ; McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY THEATRE Corner Bagot and Centre Sts. TIME: 46 SIMCOE STTN. ® OSHAWA VEAL Leg or Rump Roasts = 99° Shoulder Roasts .- 49° 39° Boneless Sewing 29° 37: Wieners 39° Breakfast Bacon . 55° Pineapples 4 "i= 95¢ 2 i 45¢ MILK FED FRESH KILLED LB. ' Flanks or Breasis - FRESH LEAN SIDE Snareribs PRESSWOOD'S SKINLESS PKG. LARGE AT 8:15 P.M. SIZE Doors open at 7: . rs open at 7:30 p.m ONTARIO H.H. Rhubarb ® ALL ARE WELCOME eo 4 '