\and family visited Mr. and Mrs. |Ed. Annis, Orillia, over the] | weekend. GREENWOOD By MAY 'E. BROWN ji0q tne Milton Pegg home Sun- GREENWOOD -- Mrs. Milton day. | Pegg visited her mother at Mag-| nr. and Mrs. W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Glynn Eastwood and Linda visited Mr, and Mrs. - er, Orillia, Sunday. 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 23, 1959 Three M's To Assist Campers Hubert, P.Q., visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker and J. Baker over the weekend. Mrs. N. C. Wotten visited Apha Hodgins, Bowmanville, Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Harrison, netewan last week. Lois and Ralph, Oshawa, visited Audrey Hopkinson, Toronto Mrs. Harvey Yellow visited Jean Pascoe Sunday. 8 Mr. and Mrs. George Blak | | I y e FABULOUS PRAPERY a a £ Savings You ° Can't Afford _ To Miss! WE A uk It's The Biggest Dollar-Saving Drapery Sale In Years!! This is the most Fabulous sale of Draperiestand Drapery Mat- erial we've ever been able to offer at such a low, low price! Over 2,000 Yards of 48"-50"" Wide Material including anti- que Satins, Bark Cloth, Fortisans, Boucle, Novelty Weaves, Plain Cloths, some with Gold Threads, Abstract, Floral "and Scenic patterns . . . and they're all at Money-Saving Prices! SAVE EITHER WAY YOU BUY ! Do it yourself, Ward's will match your drapery FREE, all you pay for is the Material used. Remember! . .. we will be only too glad to ad- vise you on how to make your own drapes. Visit Our Store Tomorrow and choose your Drapery Material for Only 1.69. See What You Save on Custom-made Drapes If you prefer your drapes to be custom made Ward's will make them up at the lowest prices in years. Just bring along your window measurements and we will do the rest, These low, low prices include material, lining, hooks, buckram and sewing. Up To 4 Ft. Up To 8 Ft. Reg. Width { Reg. Width is | 12.95 | 26.95 | 38.95 | 51.95 ued | 16.95 | 37.95 55.95 | 74.95 Ross. Cryderman, under , Mrs, Murray Vice, April tion of officers resulted as : President, Pat Knox; vice - president, Diane Tink; sec- retary - treasurer and press re- porter, Pat Davis. -A name for the club will be chosen at the next meeting, April , at the home of Barbara demonstration of measuring and wet ingredients was dren were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles | awa. | Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Squair, Bow-| manville; Mr. Lawrence Squair, | Up To 12 Ft. |Up To 16 Ft. Please Triple Width | 4 Widths Inquire for pi Prices On Other Sizes We Are Oshawa's Headquarters For Draperies ! WARD'S SIMCOE ST. AT ATHOL Remember! RA 5-1151 2. FURNITURE COMPANY FEATURE LOWEST PRICES EVER DIRECT FROM MILL TO YOU "Barrymore" Viscose Tweed Broadloom In conjunction with Toronto Carpet Manufacturer, makers of "Barrymore Carpets" we at RELIABLE FURNITURE have combined to bring you unheard-of Savings in Viscose Tweed Broadloom Just in time for Spring House Cleaning and Redecorating. Vibrant New Shades of Cinnamon, Beige, Green Briar, Skye (Brown Mix), Marble Grey. 84.95 12x 10'6" .. 79.00 12x 12.... 90.50 12x 13'6"" . 101.95 12x15... 113.00 Ox136"...7650 12x18... 13595 surcrase IN TIME FOR SPRING! PURCHASE 6.66 FOR CARPETING. WALL-TO-WALL INSTALLATION .. 27" VISCOSE TWEED HALL RUNNER ONLY 4.45 YD. exciting event! 69" x9 ... 38.25 9x9 Don't Miss Out On This Sensational Offer For Spring! $q. yd. Only REMEMBER ! "PRICES ARE BORN HERE AND RAISED ELSEWHERE" These wonderful rug creations are manufactured by the new Random Tufting process . . . exclusive with Barry- more. Long-wearing Viscose blend with wonderful soil re- sistant qualities. Moth-proofed, deep cushiony Pile, highly fade resistant. Also on display are all the latest patterns and colors in High: Pile hard twists and carved and ripple effect in Wilton and Axminster Rugs. Remember, Your Credit Is Good at Reliable -- No Finance Co. -- You deal direct. RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. 96 KING ST. E. (NEXT TO PLAZA THEATRE) \ RA 3-7928 E| img (the JB2=% Clinic a IRVINE APPLIANCE Your New BzzZZv Dealer for OSHAWA and DISTRICT BRINGS YOU 'NEW LOW PRICES On Canada's most popular Washer cop Automatic Safety Wringer Automatic Wash Selection Timer Automatic 80 sec. Drain Pump with wet Stainless Steel Double Tub Gy Self Locking Castors p> 6 Minute Washing Action Cynakote 'No Rust' Finish 6 Year Mechanism Guarantee UP TO s70. TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE Bealls Reg. 159.00 ECONOMY with BIG Porcelain Tub and Pressed Steel Wringer Wi FREE Gifts! OV INCL. TRADE the live demonsirafion of J3eally Washers Thursday, Friday, Saturday prove and win a 21" Admiral TV Beatty self absolutely free. washers are best. NEXT TO UNION HALL 50 Phone RA 8-5841