Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Apr 1959, p. 8

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| "Point System" Feature Of Talk At IODE Meeting | The first regular business meet-| Conferen.e will be held in Hamil- {ing under the new executive of ton on April 15, 16 and 17. Dele- ; |{the Golden Jubilee Chapter IODE gates from the Chapier will he | was held at Adelaide House re-' Mrs. Roy Sawyer, Mrs. Stanley |cently, with the pre«ident; Mrs. King and Mrs. H. A, Ward-Whate, ,|John Houghton presiding. The Regent will alss attend. | Mrs, Stanley King, former edu- Mrs, Walter Libby introduced cational secretary, announced )My, Terence V. Kel: a local {that the fund of four hundred dol- parrister, whose subject was |lars, set up last year to help fur- "The Point System" ther the studies of deserving stu- I | : ntroducing his subject, Mi, | (dents, had heen divided between yoy, aid that the point system two graduates of OCCI. During has been brought inte effect pri- the event a further four hundred marily to separate the good driv- {dollars was voted to the bursary ers from the bad, and to pro- | t ph | . { jong for he Sueien yea and fect the good drivers. Despite | abroad convener, Mrs, H. . y 8 Ward-Whate, anmmounced the sew- Sed, Women ore Sessrally Sood {ing group leaders had been ap. itnesses in accident cases pointed and the ma erinls and| ; > Iwool were on hand for distribu-| Ope of the reasons why the sys- | |tion. The group leaders are Mrs./tem has been postponed until Roy Sawyer, Mrs. William Lock, this month is that there are ap- firs. A. J. Johansen, Mrs. Vernon proximately four miliiun drivers Walker, Mrs. Hayward Murdock '® Ontario to put on file in such and Mrs. W. D. Waren. a way that an Individual card The Regent announced the ap- May be easily accessible when pointment of Mrs, Wiillam Lock Points have to be rezistered as a as Canadian Consumers represen. Fesult of an infraction of the tative, and Mrs. A. V Walker as ©0d®. {Hospital Auxiliary representative.! Mr. Kelly outlined in detail The annual birthday party for the infractions and penalties. He the Golden Age group at Simcoe said in Chicago they use an IBM Hall has been arranged for machine, which system may Thurkday, April 9. Mrs. W, D. eventually come into use here, Burns is convener for the affair and in relation to this made the and hos an interesting program amusing remark that drivers planned should all beware as the points Immigration and citizenship mount up against them, or one convener, Mrs, Frank Turney, re- morning a button may be pushed, ported on her attendance at a their name pop up, and -- no li- YOUNG OSHAWA DANCERS MAKE TELEVISION DEBUT | Shige weltare, recreation and-eo. Following the address. a ques Maria Drygala, 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jan | Drygala, Fraser avenue, and Eddy Kolodziejczak, 13, son of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Kolod- cial adjustment and announced tion period was heid and Mrs. 7 3 that Citizenshi y he W. D. Brown expres th - who have been dance partners | org have had a busy winter en- | has entered festivals in Toron- Jha a zenship Day nas been sel , » Brown expressed the ap for about a year, appeared re- : : : or May 11. preciation of the group to Mr. cently on a Buffalo, New York tertaining in the district for to, Peterborough and Lindsay. The annual IODE Provincial Kelly, television program, in a novel- | ¢lubs and organizations. Both | --Campbeil's Studio mre - -- | ziejezak, Thornton's road north, | ty tap routine. The young danc- | are also pianists and Maria 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 4, 1959 Mrs. Wesley Piatti. Stouffville United Church. Mrs, "eh western-grown asparagus is of stalks. Lay stalks in shallow bride's parents' home on Park March Meeting | Catherine Storer Serve It In Different Ways TT eer fo |g, The "March. meeting of the Wed At Stouffville It's fresh asparagus time agais,| pinch marjoram by Miss Marlene Martin, wore a {Prince Philip, Chapter, IODE, time to enjoy those tender green|8 peppercorns (street » length sheath dress of |was held at Adelaide Louse, The, Catherine Anne, daughter of spears of fresh asparagus that|3 eggs, slightly beaten pow: ; lue lace over sati th| Regent, Mrs. W. F. Mercer, pre- My and Mrs. W. A. Stover of are arriving in local markets 1 3-0z. can deviled ham p viet hive nee ea 8 With} sided and expressed thani's 0igiouifville, became the bride of from the west. This spring vege- 1 10-inch pie shell, baked 10 , the outgoing executive and wel- weinyss Keith Sutherland, son of table, known as an edible food minutes Miss Martin was idenitcally comed the new executive. Mr. and Mrs. A. W Sutherland since the early days of Rome,| % cup grated Parmesan cheese dressed in brown. She wore white | The minutes of the February of Oshawa, last Movday after-'has such a short season that you %% cup fine buttered bread |accessories and a corsage of pink Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3.3474 meeting were read by the secre- noon, will want to serve it often during crumbs Iroses. Mr. Keith Rogerson acted -- Reverend Douglas. Davis the next few weeks to come. METHOD: Wash asparagus as best man. tary, Mrs. C. G. Luke. The 7pe [treasurer's report was tabled by performed the cer mony" in The wonderful part of serving well and cut off tough woody ends An invitation was cxtended by Charles Nolan played the wed. 18% il is low In calories with one pan and cook covered in 1-inch r | -- n the executive and staff of the ding music and the soloist was " 7° cooked, having only 36 cal- salted boiling water for 10-15 min. casion the bride's mother wore AUX IARIES McLaughlin Library to tour the Mrs. Claude Brillinicr ories. A cup of cooked spears aleo utes, Drain and cut into I-inch brown silk. The bridegroom's : J : provides about % the vitamin C pjeces, Set aside until later. mother was in light blue, Both {library during the week of April The pride was given in mar- you need each day, over 1-3 Combine water and evaporated v ST. MATTHEW'S GUILD The regular meeting of St. Matthew's Anglican Church Guild was held on Tuesday evening, March 31. Mrs. Jack Edwards, president, welcomed two new members, Mrs. Duke Andrews and Mrs. Robert Mothersill. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs. Ar- thur Davey. The treasurer's re- Jn was given by Mrs. Donald orrison. The members were informed that plans for St. Matthew's fam- fly night were being completed and a very enjoyable evening is anticipated. would be held on April 18. On April 4, Bister Barbara from the Convent of St. John the Divine, Toronto, will be at St. Matthew's Anglican Church to address all the Altar Guilds of the Anglican churches of Oshawa. Mrs. Jack Edwards asked the members to remember Mrs. G. A. Turton in their prayers. Mrs. Turton is a patient in hos- pital. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Thomas Anderson, Jr., Mrs. Leslie Gouldburn and Mrs. Ar- thur Davey. SA HOME LEAGUE The regular meeting of the Sal- vation Army Home League was Assisted by Mrs. W. G. McKayiearly fall, Mrs. Leo Glover, so- Joy Olga Jam es paragus. hymn, "I Know that My calls of the former convener, with harem skirts and brief CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Mary St. H and § Assn. Albert St. H and § Assn. North Simcoe H and S Assn. Westmount H and S Assn. Horticultural Society Women's Welfare League Gertrude Colpus H and S Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club Sunshine Rebekah Lodge TUESDAY Adelaide McLaughlin H and Knox Presbyterian WA Dr. C. F. Cannon H and S Queen ¥lizabeth H and § TOPS Clvb fA ame Lepnie ("ist Church WA Vv CTU Kinétte Club Fver Ready Class Centre St. (West Grp.) St. George's Guild Alice Jackson Aux. 0th Scout Mothers' Aux Vietoria Lodge LTB 11th Group Committee Danghters of Fngland Holy Cross WA Onward Group 15th Scout Mothers' Aux WEDNESDAY SA Prayer Meeting University Women's Mub Vietory Lodre, LOBA Rebekah Lod=e No 3 Northminste~ WMS Come Double Club Parent-Teacher Assn Dr. Robert Thornton H and § Centre Street WMS St. Matthew's WA THURSDAY St. Andrew's WMS King Street WA TOPS Club Sth Scout Mothers" Aux Calvary Baptist WMS 6th Scout Mothers" Aux St. George's Eve. Guild St. George's Aft. WA Silver Cross Women Cluazan Group Valleyview Park Aux 4th Scout Mothers' Aux. FRIDAY Centre 8t. WA (East Grp) "| A reminder was issued with re- 2nd Vice-Regent, and Mrs. Har ---- |12, The Regent reported that edu-|, y ather. S wD ; " He held on Tuesday afternoon, cational secretary. Mrs. F. N. riage by her father. She wore a of the vitamin A required daily, milk with bay leaf, parsley, March 31. McCallum, had written to the fui skirt ending in a train Mrs, William James led in the adopted school in Kukatush and 11.6 voke wae ano! . a an =] r singing of a few choruses. Mrs. expected to have a reply for the Res Soe hui Soitapuct -- I a pr a Pinerages) hrs . . ; si A smi y ains . . . and x a Chris. Osbourn led in prayer. April meeting. cap held her fingertip veil of provides bulk needed in the daily Stram the hot mille mixture Mrs. Charles Cathmoir was in' Social convener, Mrs, Leo tulle illusion and she carried a diet, and it is highly recommend- : : ' : " : on bott, 3 y charge of the devotional period. Glover, announced that the ninth white Bible with a cluster of ed for a low sodium diet as it with OHO Ui Dit he any coat The Home League singers sang birthday dinner would be held on white orchids has a low salt content, with Parmesan cheese ind bake Calvary". Major and Mrs. Wednesday, April 8, at 6.30 p.m.| The matron of honur was Mrs HOT OR COLD at 350 deg, F. for 30 minutes or Rankin sang a duet, 'Take Up at Adelaide House. Membership Marie Irwin and the bridesmaids until set. Spread bread crumbs Thy Cross and Follow Me". convener, Mrs. W. 8. C. Larmer, yore Miss Marian Stover, Miss There are so many ways you ooo. top of pie 10 minutes before Mrs. Cathmoir told the Easter reported that she had contacted Maria Schell and Miss Carol gan ndjude Aidit 2 naragys a done. Makes 6 - 8 servings. Story with flannelgraph. Mrs, DY lefter two prospective mem. Henesey, They were dressed YOU 5 ake them bright- 1] H fer \f | Rankin led in the siaging of the bers following up the personal alike in Dior blue strapless gowns Tr re Edn oh Bo DUTCH ASPARAGUS SALAD | fvas'* s. E : ™ yegetabl vith 1 tt r Redeemer Lives". Mrs. A, Mrs. EJ. Luke. jackets, They carried bouquets of : en lemon we Tem 2 lbs ony deal) : fi 2 Walker closed in prayer. Echoes secretary, Miss Flossie white button chrysanthemums. |ith a hit of nutmeg or mace, or 1% Ib. bacon, cut into tiny til tender. Saute almonds in but- Tea was served by the Cheerio Co¥te, requested members 10, mys Erie Sutherland was best top them with a rich cheese squares ter or margarine over low heat It was announced that the rum- Group. Next week the local offi- 'ead their Spring Echoes just re- nap and the ushers were Messrs. sauce. If you prefer serving as- 3 to 4 thsps. wine vinegar {until golden, stirring occasionally. mage sale planned for April 4/cers will be in charge of the de. ceived and pointed out special yjajcolm Wright, Harold Hodg- naragus cold, marinate it in a1 teaspoon sugar {Remove from heat; add salt and votional period under the leader- items of interest including the gon apd Peter Stover tart French dressing and serve salt lemon juice. Pour over hot as- was held in the as a salad or an appetizer. This pepper paragus. Makes 6 servings. | ship of Mrs, George Beard. reference to Prince Philip Chap- A ter. Convener of Empire and HARMONY W.A, World Affairs, Mrs. K. R, Wagg, The April 'meeting or the Har- read the TeYien > oud mony Woman's Association of fairs, Mrs. K . WARE, TO the accessories. 0) Harmony United Church held review of World Affairs prepared Rh ns j other foods, too, such as wrap METHOD: Prepare and cook armon, -IUrCh Was held; v Mr. M. McIntyre Hood now Mother chose navy blue with Goon mo 0 Bo es of ham the whole asparagus spears until 1 on Wednesday evening, April 1, living in England. Mr. Hood avy blue and white accessories. Ding 'he SDears Mm shes ol Nam ender. Chill Fry the tiny bacon, 1 in the Chireh hall win the first oo especially with the historic Each dad a corsage of pink roses. S00 SERVE LD oF Sheese, or squares until crisp and brown Dy. Ts G. Mo meeting being held "in a cabin For their wedding (rip to points or 4 kev chicken or ham with Remove browned bacon and stir t The regular reports were read " # followed by a short business Pod nl_Meane Convener, 'S meeting. A tentative date was!' oh o set for the strawberry supper to sample of the tags to be used on A reception ) pr i Masonic Hall. The bride's mo- iS especially attractive when ear hard-cooked eggs chiffon with turquoise and white ®88S- : Western Iceberg head lettuce 1 The bridegroom's Asparagus combines well with gown of white silk organza with a about 1-6 the iron needed, as well onion, thyme, marjoram and pep. for a wedding trip around Lake Ihe as good amounts of the B vita- percorns. Simmer for 15 minutes. Ontario and on their return will into the asparagus. Spread ham eggs. Sprinkle with bacon and hot dressing over the salad. Serve immediately. Makes 6 servings. AL ther received in turquoise silk nished with sliced hard-cooked 2 green onions WITH BROWN BUTTER SAUCE in the hills of Maryland." east, the bride wore a beige the spears and bake in a cheese Vinegar, sugar and seasonings'hazelnut color. Add flour and linen dress and cocoa brown coat ¢au0e for a delicious casserole Ito the hot bacon fat. Arrange lemon juice and stir until heated F. J. Peirce, exhibited a With matching accessories and a ish. Asparagus served on slices Chilled asparagus on lettuce-lined through again. Serve hot over as- orsage of white orchids of toast and topped with eream- chop plate. Cover with the sliced paragus. Makes 4 to 6 servings. what some men say. he contin- { PERSONALS 2 Miss Catherine Campbell has {returned from a vacation spent |at the Royal Hawaiin Hotel Wal. ¢ kiki Beach, Hawaii, She was ac- companied by Mrs, Jean Spry of Toronto. | Mrs. Lyman Gifford will the bazaar and tea to be held at Westmount United Church os Wednesday afternoon, April 8, {under the auspices of the WA You are invited by the Social 4 (Department to send in any little STURDY ONE-YEAR-OLD Son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. McGarry, Alma street, is bright - eyed William Patrick who was one year old on St. Patrick's Day, March 17. His Eldridge-Butler grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William J, Noonan and Mr, and Mrs. Patrick J. McGarry, all of Oshawa. ~Campbell's Studio SOCIAL NOTICE Nuptials Held | The marriage of Sandra Jean {Alvin Butler, and Burlington The bride, who was attended orsage of deep red rosebuds. A reception was held at the road south, Oshawa. For the oc- wore corsages of roses. Later the couple left by motor ive in Oshawa, inely cut green onions. Pour the ASPARAGUS WITH ALMOND SAUCE pounds fresh asparagus 14 cup slivered almonds 3% cup butter or margarine 14 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoons lemon juice METHOD: Cook asparagus un- ASPARAGUS 1% pounds fresh asparagus | V4 cup butter or margarine tablespoon flour teaspoon lemon juice METHOD: Cook asparagus un- il tender. Brown . butter until ENGAGEMENT The ment i is d of Noreena Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Ravary of re -- te tmnt Butler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Whitby, to Mr. Harold Edward --- i a -------- a Fudge, son of Mr. and Mrs, Vie- | | Asparagus Is Plentiful Now, (ove si sumac an sito vets ol0mva; The mar 1 113 1 {and Mrs. Harry ridge, all of riage will take place at Albert | Prince Philip Ch. Keith Sutherland Oshawa, was solemnized In the Street United Church on Satur: parsonage at Harmony United day, April 25, 1959, at 2 p.m. items of interest. News of teas, surprise parties, showers, annie versaries and comings and goings are always very acceptable and for which there is no charge. Please write or telephone RA 3-3474, local 13. MUSIC MAKER Victor Herbert, the American [composer of light operas who died in 1924, was a noted player ---- tee ---------- SLIM and TRIM a new series of 10 Weekly Classes Starts Tuesday, April 7 210 3 pm. Phene RA 3-7626 (Afternoons) For information Nursery for Pre School Children Y.W.C.A. 199 CENTRE ST. CA THE "PROCE Submit a mame thot can be WIN 5100-00 BY ENTERING RINKER'S NAME HERE'S ALL YOU DO: SS" CONTEST applied to our NEW PROCESS PRO so that your garment Helps your garment retain Gives @ nice TEXTURE to harsh, dry feel. of replacing notural oils to garments efter dry cleaning. AW dv eani LA . » We are looking for @ name that best doscribes this mew pre- cess for replacing these natural oils. Here are some of the focts about eur mew refinishing presess to help you arrive ot o switable nome. I. Reploces most of the natural oils removed in dry cleaning has a FEEL like new, 2. 3. Adds o LUSTRE instead of @ dull finish to oll kinds eof materiol, 4. Brightens COLOURS so that they sparkle like new. 8. ge of the oils in neturel fibres. CESS its DRAPE for @ longer peried. vour garments instead of @ NOTHING TO BUY ~-ALL ENTRIES BECOME THE PROPERTY if RINKER"S CLEANERS 51 BURK "The Best In Town" RA 5-1191 be held in the latter part of June. annual tag day, May 23. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland will ed eggs makes a. wonderful "* Peirce also reported that Mrs. make their home in Stouffville. spring supper entree. Another | The devotional period was in George Ansley had offered her ~~ - -------- | tempting suggestion is to garnish charge of Mrs, Howard Hoskin pome for a tea to be held in the a seafood salad with chilled as- are chose "Easter" as their ja] convener, to be in charge. ASPARAGUS PIE | eme. . Mrs. J. E. B, Shortt, secretary - 2; lbs. fresh aspara The speaker was Mrs. Albert A. of services at home and abroad, Feted Bride Elect I 2 os pie bn SIN Crowle who gave a talk on re i . ' ported that Mrs. J. L. Beaton,! ajiss Joy Olga James whose two-thirds cup evaporated Er EEA ETRE wp OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT training in the church". White, Mrs. A. S. Whattam, &nd| Blair took place in the Salvation/1 large bay leaf | Mrs, Shortt had stafied the tuck Army Citadel this afternoon has/4 sprigs parsley ST. MATTHEW'S WA shop at Fairview on March 20, heen feted at several pre nuptial|4 thin slices onion The March meeting of St. Mat- Volunteers were requested to events. | pinch thyme thew's Anglican Church WA was Visit the wards on April 17. Mrs. Harold Stuck, entertained, = ~~ |beld on Wednesday, April 1. Mia yas ane hs at a towed Shower at her home WOMAN CHIEF A oi = +: Shortt to purchase materials to in Owen Sound. ALBERNI, B.C. (CP) -- The The Gevollonsl Detiod, Which provide ditty bags and to pur- The Salvation Army was the Opitchesaht Indian band has] was. A gm as at Priv chase the contents. Letter of scene of a miscellaneous shower.!glected its first woman chief in| rr en riot Bg President, Mrs. 'hanks was received from Sit. Mrs. J. B. Blake asd Mrs.|the memory of its people. Jessie Roat tev heard sad Belles for chocolates sent to him (parjes Bilton were co-hostesses Watts, attractive 34 - year - old! : me Tepors were Acar and by the Chapter. : .. at a miscellaneous shower held daughter and sister of chiefs, will| much detail in connection with Convener of Canadianization 4 the former's home on Dear- reside over the band. for the! St. Matthew's family night to be and Immigration, Mrs W. Butler, horn avenue. | next two years | held at the Church Saturday. reported that the reception for . | Al 1 vane am dis- New Canadians held at Whitby cussed. Mrs. George Day, tele- ypited Church on March 3 had ; eb . [phone convener for the dinner, heen most successful, about 55 ome on Burk street . [] {and Mrs. H. J. Bathe. dinner cob gending. Mrs. J. L. Beaton and The 16th Oshawa Scouts Moth- Don f Forget! vener, gave encouraging reports \r.c Leo Glover had attended °T Auxiliary 1 presented Mise as to the reception they had re-ine ceremony at the Court House ames Wi ilchen equipment a KIWANIS ceived in connection with same. i 'a tea held at the Salvation Army and presented Bibles te the New| ore she ic assistant cub hig) The next regular meeting, Wed- Canadians. Mrs. Morgan had 1 nesday, April 8, will combine played the piano for the recep- er. . RADIO work and business, Each member tion | Mr, Ronald Wragg, office man-| was asked to respond to fhe roll-| The Regent, Mrs. Mercer, re- ager of McCallum Transport Lim- call with a poem verse or thought' minded the Chapter members ited, made a presentation of a for the day that on May 11 there would be a coffee table and china flower. | AUCTION | The secretary gave a report on Citizenship Court beld ia Osb-| Following the rehearsal the) {the president's and secretary's awa organized by the officers of wedding party was entertained Deanery meeting held at Port Canadianization and Immigra-|at the home of the prospective] Wed April 8 Whithy recently, especially with tion and that both IODE Chap- bridegroom's parents, Mr and ~ regard to the Little Helper's de-'ters in Oshawa were expected to!Mrs. Russell Blair, RR No. 1, partment. participate, Mrs, Alfred Austin,| Hampton. | Mrs. Linton Herron was host- : | ess at a linen shower at her gard to the WA Workshop which old Tonkin, standard bearer, will have its inaugural session in were appointed delegates to at. - R---- this Deanery at St. Goerge's tend the annual meeting of the PROMPT SE _-- i Memorial Church on April 23. Order op April 15, 16 and 17 in STORE HOURS. Memb sked t i. to 1) t Con. | [attend the allay rr Homo 2 i . Boys - Cone PRESCRIPTION N Doily 9 o.m.t0 9 p.m. ------ SERVICE § Sundays and Holidays 13 Simcoe St. §. x" » LL (Above Yan's) RA 5-4321 ing 3. 3 169 165 184 149 CAME ncMErips Ed PPT It gly. a1 ames CAMERRS - COSMETICS Tod PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WAL, : 197 a 71 pli PROMPT FREE DELIVERY The lucky fadi titled ss on Y cok 8 KING ST. E. 530 SIMCOE ST. S ra Pet ovine LT Sivonen. ANY. SoM wave puoNE RA 3-2245 OSHAWA "phone RAS-3546 Choice Top Floor ANNOUNCING the WINNERS of 3 | Excellent bright office space is now being BR ¢ arranged for rent in the new Times Build. Beauty Salons | ' ( 1. ing--modern passenger elevator service. ® the offices can be arranged in various footages almost as required @ all new construction @ extremely moderate rates including heat ® long desired. Apply OSHAWATIMES -- T. L. WILSON leases arranged if

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