Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Apr 1959, p. 2

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carefree Caribbean look these ada's top ranking featherweight if only to levy a parking charge days, it's understandable. | performers, on the numerous Toronto buses Mr. Humphreys and his wife, Robert E, Wilson, chairman o; Which clutter the nark roads, recently returned from a 10-port the Children's Arena Commis. especially on Sundays. tour of the Caribbean aboard the gion, was quite justified in his It seems unfortunate tha: this luxury liner Mauritania, beef about out-of-town people scenic site, one of the largest They visited Nassau, Barba-|monopolizing Lakeview Park al-parks of its kind in Canada, is dos; St. Thomas in the Virginimost to the exclusion of Oshawa|not available to more Oshawa Islands; Barbados; Martinique; folks, people, especinlly as it was don. [Trinidad; La Guira and Cara- My, Wilson, peaking to the ated to the city in 1921 by Gen. |cas in Venezuela; Curocao; Cris- Central Council of Neighborhood'eral Motors of Canada through tobal in the Panama Canal Zone;| Associations this week, said the Col. R. S. McLaughlin and his Kingston, Jamaica; and Port-au- situation had béen getting worse|brother, the late George Me- Prince in Haiti, for the past five years, and that|Laughlin, The Humphreys made the tour any improvement would he un.| Could not the property commits 'GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN The big event on the 1959 calendar of Local 222, United Auto Workers, will be the executive elections in May. Only one other Oshawa election is of equal importance -- the municipal vote -- and the rea- FIVE NEW CONSTABLES JOIN OSHAWA POLICE FORCE Ouellette. constables com- instruction Monday. This brings the pres- and G. F, new school of Baron These menced Five new constables were sworn in to the Oshawa Police Department Th vy by Mag- istrate F. S Left to right. thev are, G W. Miller, | E. R. Kylie, C, D. Bulloch, A. ent police officer staff to 71 WEATHER FORECAST | Sunday Will Be ~Cloudy, Milder about the first week of May. One of these new constables, Al Baron, lives in Whitby and the other four live in Oshawa. The course which they will | They will begin regular duties | take before they are full fledg- | son for this is simple. VITAL ROLE The president of Local 222 and his executive guide the destinies of more than 12,000 UAW work- ers in this area, by far the larg- est labor group here and an in- Itegral part of the community's economic life. The president and his aides represest these workers at the bargaining table. Decisions them can help pave the way to continued prosperity. They can {also throw the community into a |black period of depression, such as hit Sudbury. The appearance here yesterday 'and today of Walter Reuther, the Big Daddy of the UAW Inter- national, has been interpreted in various ways by various people, but let's face it actually it represents the opening salvos in a campaign instituted by Mr, George Burt and the internation- al to unfrock and dismiss from office the present executive. Already the lines of battle are] ed constables is conducted by Sgt. H. King, with Deputy Chief Duncan Ferguson and | Chief Herbert Flintoff also giving instruction. --Oshawa Times Photo | | OBITUARIES MRS. WILLIAM STONEHOUSE failing health for two | In |months, Mrs. William Stonehouse Traynor (Olga), of Toronto and hag not as yet selected any can.|tributed Monday copies of an edi.'Greer and Mr. and Mrs. Terence 1 torial . Also surviving are six grand-|it is reported to include some in-|dated March 24, 1959, which at- |died at the Oshawa General Hos- |pital Friday, April 3. She was in |her 73rd year. {of Hampton and Mrs. Wing Unity Group." This group! one son, Whitney of Toronto. |didates for the May election, but| by ! Mr. and Mrs, John G. Geikie (he is president of Pedlar People ghould be taken by City Council, Ltd.) and Mr. and Mrs, K. H. Braithwaite (he is vice-president of Duplate (Canada) Ltd, AID FOR SENIOR CITIZENS The Federal Department of Labor is keeping a close eye on [WESTMOUNT Church, the effect of new legislation in Wa raan: shame, by with two other Oshawa couples--|jikely this year. tee, under Alderman John Brads, Mr. Wilson Hough eine action oe SP with some ut COMING EVENTS Floyd Street, ng, tea room, 0 7% ANTON R, LENDI Presents A COLOR FILM PAGEANT - New York State to help older , persons find work. | Hon. Michael Starr, Federal Minister of Labor, made this statement here this week, Mr, Starr said his department was "deeply interested" in legislation enacted last June and the most progressive of its kind, fn North America today. | Reminded that Forraer Gover- nor Harriman referred to the legislation as 'no cure-all, but, the best approach to a solution of the problem to date," Mr. Starr said: "We are most anxious to help | senior citizens find employment. | -------------- ROBERT WILSON ~ |beginning to take a distinct form| complex problems of subdivid- If we find the N.Y. law is work- and it is an open secret that Pres. ers', but he did ident Clifford Pilkey and his fac-|Punches in his brief comments. tate | tion will be opposed hy a group, |He also indicated he will make a the people of Canada." under the chairmanship of Eddie|more detailed statement on the Read, which operates under the matter, possibly before Council{ "ERE AND THERE [tres, Mrs. Car] Bradley (Norine), gelf.styled banner of "The Right! renders its decision. not any ing out, we certainly won't hesi- pull i { to legislate a similar law for! Add Oshawa vacationers now in Coronation Orange Temole| SWITZERLAND SIMCOE UNITED CHURCH MONDAY, APRIL 6, 8 P.M, 79h "HYMN FESTIVAL presented by the Oshowe Centre Canadian College of Organists in BINGO SATURDAY APRIL 4th | 20 REGULAR GAMES | SHARE THE WEALTH 4-$40 Jackpots To Go 1-$150 Special To Go b SIMCOE UNITED CHURCH TUESDAY, APRIL 7 ot 8:15 p.m, ' Sir Ernest MacMillan DIRECTOR Organist Kelvin James 79% RUMMAGE SALE to be held in the Old Red Cross Building --f-- MONDAY, APRIL 6TH AT 2 PM. Scout Mothers' Auxiliary 79 The subdividers proudly dis- Florida -- Mr, and Mrs. John star, V. Kelly, Federal Labor the T t / 14 . grote Minister Michael Starr will head from SPRING TURKEY SUPPER i --------------_---- es -------- | children. Ifluential names in the Local 222; tempts to explain why an aver- a Canadian delegation to the In- A daughter of the late Job A private servicé will be held world; it also represents ay a8e house costs $1500 too much. Stonehouse and Elizabeth Flint, at the McIntosh Funeral Chapel amalgamation between the Mal. Space prevents - detailed dis- the deceased was born in Leices- at 1.30 p.m, Monday, April 6,/colm- Smith and Nels Wilson cussion of this editorial, but it is ter, England. She came to this followed by interment in Zion|groups, both of whom are re./@ fascinating document in that it district from England 47 years Cemetery. Rev. F. J. Reed, min-| garded as being well to the right represents almost a complete ago. She was a member of the ister of Hampton United Church,|of centre. {about-face in the Star's editorial Church of England. will conduct the services. | Whatever happens before eler:|Policy on subdividing services as The deceased was married Friends will be received at the|tion time, Mr. Pilkey and his represented in an earlier editor. twice. She was married in 1913| funeral chapel on Sunday. group will be difficult to unseat. 131 on Jamary 7.5. i to Gordon Branston who pre- The president of Local 222 is al as The Star n a victim of eating. skies which have al Forecast temperatures deceased her in 1926. She was MRS. ELIZABETH MAY LOGAN a, campaigner Accuntomed Pressure -- the kind of pressure ready reached northern and cen. LOWs tonight, highs Sunday: married a second time in 1930 o, gh gH Re "185 "Osh - lo heavy Zoing. He is als an er? by Metto Mayor tral Ontarlo will move down over Windsor 55 [William Stonehouse who prede. beth ay ofan, Io, 0ehawdiadroit performer who can bel ariners southern sections of the province St. Thomas 38 5) ceased her in 1943. (oo) SYarc Ror , ¥he I Friday | cOUnted on to make a good show-| , lly popular misconcep- this morning. Temperatures will London . Mis. Stonehouse leave: 2 A x 3. will Ta M P 2 * April 5 ing regardless of what opposition | OH x gubdividers to the of: not--denart markedly from nor- ™incham daughter, Mrs. Alice Drew, of P 3, w Ad i ay ge (may arise. ect they all drive around in gold- mal figures for this time of vear. Toronto Bowmanville and a son, Arthur at io a Ho ms rong dit The campaign is too new to|Plated Cadillacs. g year, Toromio Branston, of Columbus. nera pel. Her death owed allow for accurate forecasts, but| Such beliefs deviate far from Str tharines Also surviving are three grand- a short serious illness. [there is little doubt but that it|the truth. The subdividers, as a region. 'Windser: Hamilton children, Eleanor, Doreen / and She was hom Dec. ig 1508 at will be one of the most keenly|8roup, are successful business- Sunny but with periods of cloudi- Muskoka Harold Drew. : Penetang, Owarie a a Iheicontested in the history of Local Fen a , as aueh, Hey are fre- ness today, Mostly: eloudy with Killaloe Mrs. Stonehouse lived on Ross- Jang! et ol a His 4 (222. x | Jue y 5 jected 0 She harping showers Sunday. Cool today but arlton Ta road ee OF EE a io Dovawa THE SUBDIVIDE CAtr |20d wnlalr. criliviams Jovelled 'at a hy Td ig We eral years ago from Bobcaygeon 32 years ago. Oshawa subdividers presented|qividers al-o have their financial eoming light this evening Kapuskasing The funeral service will be held She was an active member On wit was i oof anos [reverses, and some of them in Lake Huron, Niagara. Lake On- White River shawa are finding the dollar es tario, Georgian Bay, Haliburton Moosonee at the McIntosh Funeral Chapel King Street United Church, a life 5 at 3.30 p.m. Monday. April 6. member of the woman's associa- The subdividers -- in common pecially tight. ; with subdividers almost every: " he aommunity needs the sub- TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- regions, London, Toronto, Hamil. easts issued at 5 a.m.: ton: A few snowflurries generally _Synopsis: Extensive cloudiness ending this morning with clear- and snowflurries persist early ing by mid-day. Clear and cool this morning throughout the tonight. Mostly cloudy with scat- lower lakes, but the barometer is tered showers, but milder Sun- tising sharply as the storm which day. Gusty west to northwesterly aut across Southern Ontario Fri- winds near 25, becoming 'light day now moves toward the Mari- this evening times. valid Mark's Anglican Church, will ful Group of the WA. A conduct the service. Interment She is survived bv one daugh- S67 icing are too tough. part of any progressive commu- will be in Oshawa Union Ceme- ter. Mrs, Harrv J. Bays (Fcther), ey Preselied a six-point list nity, but this does not alter the tery. |of Ochawa. and two sons, Thorn: © Toque S of new concessions fact that Council appears to be FUNERAL OF ton, Codetts, Sackatchewan and "c8arding such items as curb and yandiing their latest avplicatior JOIN LUCYK David, of Ochawa, Also sruviving Sutier twhich they call trills and in an intelligent manner. Mass for John Lucyk, who died are one brother, Bert Murdoch, ted £ t Si at the Oshawa General Hospital and three great grandehildren. {3 rl sent Suveranse Kepulation OSHAWA LAWYER HONORED __ Rev. J. N. Lothian, rector of St. tion and was active in the Faith. : ) y oy where -- think the city's laws on|qividers They are an essential COBOURG (Staff)--Growth of the various municipalities eom- a Jrising the united counties of Northumberland and Durham is re- ected In the assessments presented to United Counties council this week by assessment commissioner T. G. Shields. Total taxable assessment has grown from $62,419.621 in 1955 to $72,050,078 in 1958, an increase of almost $10 million. Following is the breakdowm of assessments as they relate to each municipality. Municipality Land Building Total Taxable 649,241 1,620,530 1,606,301 1,822,233 3,421,050 1,747,185 5,800,462 2,318,493 4,076,032 3,049,329 2,030,394 807 900 1,7 23 1,817,140 2 434.081 7.283.435 2,666,708 12,444,082 9.344 840 Business Alnwick Brighton Twp Cartwright 561,341 Cavan 79! Clarke 97 Cramahe Darlington Haldimand Hamilton Hope Manvers Monaghan Murray Percy Seymour Bowmanville Campb-"'ford Cob ur Port Hope Brighton Colborne Hastings Millbrook Newcastle 98.988 444 4 16 5.825 666,900 § B 5 11,000 8.435 8,575 ,503,628 900,566 160.710 100,401 57.250 26.109 69,846 Village 699.406 605.628 933,984 $72,050,471 $69,501,291 $656,773 .115 $62,419,661 1958 1957 1956 1955 4 Bccidenls Renoriel There was abou 00 da and no one s fue accidents shawa Police Dep day. A car driven by Ross TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL $50,345,075 $48 522.9% $'6.570,162 $43,247,005 $4,222 610 $4,192,688 $4.006,080 $3,451,952 Stolen Truck 's Recovered covered a st"len sedoan delivery ing to Wm. Amos Clarke 60 Alma St., am. today Mr Tay Oshawa Police Department re- Clarke reported the theft of his truck juss after midnight, last Tuesday, In his 74th year, {was sung in St, Mary's Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church at 9.30 .m. Friday, April 3. Rev. P, Zaparyniuk sang the nass. Interment was in St Mary's Cemetery. The pallbearers were the de- ceased's six sons, William, Mich. ael, Peter, Morris, Walter and Metro Luveyvk MRS. C. J. LANG The death occurred. early today at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Carl Bradley, of Hammton, of Mrs. C. J. Lang. The deceased was in her 81st year The former Nancy Ann Jacks. the deceased was a daughter of the late Samuel Jacks and Susan- na Armstrong. She was a native of Darlington township, and had lived for the greater part of her life in T ronto. She was the last of her family Mrs. Lang leaves two daugh- | CITY AND DISTRICT . ONE AMBULANCE CALL Oshawa Fire Department an- swered one amhulance call last night. There were no fire alarms. SOUVENIR SPOONS Four Bowmanville Rrtarians celebrated hirthdays and were presented with Rotary souvenir snoons at the club luncheon Fri- dav, They were Alan Strike John Morrison, Art Ribey and David Higgon. One out of town Ken Markell of Oshawa. was precent at the meeting. ROTARY SPEAKER The sneaker at the meeting of the Rotary Club of Oshawa next Monday will be J. B. Smith, sec- retarv-manader of the Air Cadet guest on Masson St. at 8 Leagne of Canada. The officers and NCO's of the Oshawa (Chad- burn) 'Air Cadet Squadron will be guests of the club. ATTENDANCE PINS Rev. M. A, Burv of Kine Stree United Choreh will econdnet th service, Interment will he in Osh- awa Union Cametery, SAMUEL CHURCH : The death occurred suddenly at the Oshawa General Fridav, April 3, of Church, 211 Brock St. S., Whitby. The deceased was in his 73rd year, A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Church, the deceased was born at Grimsby, Lincoln county, Nov, 21, 1885 and was married to the former Robina Sims. at Grafton, Ont., in 1913, A resident of the Whithy-Osh- awa area most of his life, Mr. Church was a bricklayer. In re- cent years he was employed by the Barnes Investigation Bureau of Toronto as. a guard at the Bathurst Container plant in Whit. by. He was a member of the Salvation Army at Whitby. Predeceased by his wife, he| leaves four daughters, Mrs. H.| Hogel (Bernice), of Oshawa;| Mrs. Pat Eyre, of Bowmanville: Mrs. Frank Starodub (Rosevena) | and Mrs. Glen Stephen (Audrey)! of Whitby and four sons, Samuel. | Jr. and Walter, of Whitby and Alvin and Edward, of Oshawa The funeral service will be held at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m. Monday, April 6, followed by Interment in Mount Tawn Cemetery. Lieut. Robert| Zwicker will conduct the serv- ices. i Present Crests To Pee Wees | The Bathe Park Pee Wee Hockey Team was honored at a banquet given by the Bathe Park' Ladies Auxiliary during the Eas- ter holidays. Guests were, Fred| Ellegett, of the parks board; John Fisher, president of Bathe| Park Association and the fathers. | Rarely has Council heard a'had a busy day last.Monday. case so well presented, but as| He apveared before City Coun- the 2%-honr session progressed it cil in the evening tu present a soap became apparent that the brief ofi behalf of Oshawa sub. subdividers were in for some dividers rough sailing in this session held; Earlier in the day the Cana- Hospital, before Council of the whole in dian Press officially announced lost, this one to Thorold 5-1. It Samuel committee, with Alderman Wal- his appointment as counsel for a was the first time any of the ter Branch in the chalr. Judicial inquiry .into York Town- Mr. Branch never looked to ship affairs ordered by Municipal better advantage as he controlled Affairs Minister Nieol what could have been a difficult] This is not the first time that meeting because of the complex Mr. Creighton, Ontario County's problems involved. He was pati- oldest legal practitioner in the ent and yielding on some key point of years served, has re- points (including a request by ceived high honor. Mr. T. Kelso Creighton, the sub-' He served as city solicitor for dividers' counsel, to discuss sev- Oshawa from 1940 to 1951 and eral points not on the original'was a Progressive Conservative agenda) but he was also firm member of the Legislature for and decisive when the occasion Ontario riding from 1945 to 1948. demanded. What was most important about on Municipai Law and acted as Mr. Branch"s performance w as chairman of the Municipal Law that he displayed a deep knowl- Committee of the Legislature in edge of the subdivision world with(1948. He was made a Bencher impartiality; also, he took no|of the Upper Canada Law back seat to Mr. Creighton (a'ciety in 1953 distinguished legal counsel and Mr. Creighton has practised acknowledged authority on Mu- law in Oshawa since 1912 Stephenson, president of the Osh-/frem 1930 to 1940. awa Builders' Association, who helped present the OBA case tion will open in approximately with skill and good taste). [three weeks under Judge Joseph The subdividers found two sup- Sweet of Hamilton. porters on Council in the persons 1 of Alderman Bastedo and Hop-||nAT CARIBBEAN .LOOK kins. Mr. Bastedo"s numerous If Oshawa questions on the 5 per cent con-| Humphreys, QC, Mr. T. Kelso Creighton, QC,|by St. Catharines in the little He is regarded as an expert Overtime. S0- sia (Reuters) -- Prime Minister Sir Edgar Whitehead was a ked and Friday to ban the convention of nicipal Affairs) or to Mr. J. C.|lacted as Police Mamistrate here Jehovah's Witnesses here April I iy : 912. The request was made by The York Township investiga- the Central Africa wing of the League of Empire Loyalists in a letter which had been declared a subversive | organization in New Zealand and lawyer Russel D. an has a happy. tralia. ternational Labor Organization convention in Geneva, Switzer. land, at the end of May. He ex- pects to be in Europe six weeks, . +. In Toronto yesterday to at- tend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing on the Oshawa bus franchise case were Alderman A, V. Walker, City Solicitor Ed- ward McNeely and Alderman !Christine Thomas. . . . A recent |visitor to Oshawa was Yvon FESTIVAL Saturday, April 4th 8 PM. UKRAINIAN HALL Corner of Bloor end Simcoe 7% ST. STEPHEN'S UNITED CHURCH FROM 4 P.M, SATURDAY, APRIL 25 ADULTS $1.50 CHILDREN UNDER 12 75¢ and PRE-SCHOOL CHILD- REN 35¢ 79% {Durell of Montreal, who is Cana- |dian and British Empire Light- {heavy boxing champion. Yvon |spent an hour here visiting with {his old friend from Moncton, (NB, -- Herman "Tiger" Pyle of |306 Pacific avenue, one of Can- 'Borden Loses To Cobourg WELLAND (CP)--Three teams from rural east Metropolitan To- ronto were the first to be side- 'lined as play continued Friday in the little NHL tournament here. In the under-10 Junior A divi- sion Niagara Falls dropped Clair Lea out of the running with a 1-0 victory. Another Clair Lea team |from Toronto was whipped 11-0 AHL action for boys under 12. The Clair Lea team failed to get| a shot on goal as Tom Davis led St. Catharines with three goals. In a little NHL game for un- der-14s a third Clair Lea club three Clair Lea teams had scored in two days' play. In other Junior A games Hunts- ville defeated Collingwood 6-5 and Cobourg downed Camp Borden 4-1. In the preliminary AHL com. petition Midland edged Huntsville 2-1 and Trenton shut out Camp Borden 2-0. In other little NHL action Co- bourg beat Swastika 5-1 and Huntsville edged Penetang 5-4 in Play continues tonight. WANT WITNESSES BANNED SALISBURY, Southern Rhode- -- Extra JUBILEE FREE ADMISSION KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, APRIL 7 20 - $20 GAMES $150 Jackpot -- $20 each line plus $50 full eard 5 -- $30 games 2 -- $250 Jackpots No. 53 & 54 Buses -- PAVILION CASH PRIZES Four Prizes $50, $1.00 ADMISSION RED WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO MONDAY, APRIL 6--8 P.M. $1,300.00 $100.00 FREE CASH DOOR PRIZES INCLUDING: CASH PRIZES $25, $15, $10. TWO $250 JACKPOTS (51-56) ONE $150 JACKPOT (must go) 20 games at $20 -- 5 games at $30 Plus Free Pass to Person on Right of Every Winner INCLUDES ONE CARD AND CHANCE ON $100 CASH DOOR PRIZE BUS SERVICE TO DOOR FREE BARN {TURN LEFT ONE BLOCK PAST A&P STORE, NORTH oA { ] sald the Witnesses illegal organization in Aus- veyance regulations were pene- trating, if not always enlighten- ing. Close behind Mr. Branch in keeping the subdividers' case in proper perspective was Mayor! Lyman Gifford. He was deadly, effective as a critic of some of] the land developers' claims. An OBA survey of other Ontario cit-| ies which tended to show Osh- awa's servicing laws as too se- vere was one of His Worship's favorite targets and he certainly left some grave doubts as to its reliability. | "Why don't you ask the Fed- ANNUAL Progressive Conservative Association | Provincial Riding of Oshawa MONDAY, APRIL 6th, 1959 MEETING | Bus Service from Oshawe 2nd -- $250 in 52 numbers WHITBY BRASS BAND BINGO CLUB BAYVIEW, BYRON SOUTH, WHITBY Wednesday, April 8th, 8 p.m. Terminal -- 25c Return SPECIAL GAME OF $250 $20 each horizontal line; $150 a full card 5 games at $30; 20 games at $20 TWO JACKPOT GAMES Ist -- $100 must go; $50 extra in 50 numbers or less, or less, 1 added each week. $25 Consolation $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES 1 CARD Door prize and fres admission tickets son, 22 Sherwood Rd., P was involved in a collision with a car driven by A. Warren Mac Millan, RR 2, Whitby, on King $t. W. at Thornton's Rd., at 5.20 p.m. At 4.35 p.m., on Simcoe St. N. at Alexandra St., two other cars were involved in a collision. The first car was driven bv Dono'd Beaton Gavas, 305 Saguenay Ave., Apt. 5. The other car was He said he left it in his drive- way at midnight. Tt was gone at presented at the Friday luncheon 12.25 am meeting of the Bowmanville Ro- There was about $100 worth of tary club. Rotarian Keith Billet| pl'mbing material in the truck received a seven year perfect at when it was taken. But there was tandance pin as did president not much gas. Rex Walters. Howard Rundle " was presented with a 14 year, nerfect attendance pin. | GIRL KILLED f A 17-year-old Janetville girl was killed Friday night four Three attendance pins were coe St. S., at Olive Ave., at 5.05 p.m. After midnight, a parked car owned by Harry A. Finer, 343 driven by Tetje Nieuwhof, RR 1, Brooklin Clifford Roy Bebee, 525 Dun- Birk Ave., was taken to the Osh- awa General Hospital, to check on a sore neck, when his car King St. E., collision with Robert A. Stuart, 311 Division St Ir at the time of the accident. was involved in a a car driven by .,a passenger in a car driven by Finer's car was parked on Mary St., opposite Hotel Genosha miles south of Lindsay. Anne Walker was fatally injured while! Ed Andres of Port tails of available. Perry. De- the accident are not was involved in a collision with a car driven by Paul Fedosenko, 1445 Bala Dr., Hillside Heights, * The accident occurred on Sim- Chartered 135 SIMCOE ST. NORTH WHOLESALE PRICES . TO THE PUBLIC ® : PARTNERS wo HON. J. WALDO MONTEITH OSHAWA A. BROCK MONTEITH DISCOUNT HOUSE ci B.Comm, C Gordon W. RIEHL, C.A., R.LA, 290 Albert St., RA 8.0311 Res. RA 3.7550 ROBERT F LIGHTFOOT, CA. GEORGE E. TRETHEWEY, C.A. Open Thurs. Fri, Sat. ", Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co. LICENCED TRUSTEES o Res. Partéer G. W. RIEHL -- RA 5.4478 Accountants OSHAWA, ONTARIO e TELEPHONE oo Oshawa RA 5:3527 Whitby MO 8-5731 Ajax 730 Bowmanville ZENITH 45750 Preceding the dinner, grace eral government for some assist- was sald by Henry Glecoff. Dur. ance in this matter?" he thun-| ing the banquet remarks were dered at an OBA member. "Per-| given by the coaches, Dick Rollo|haps Central Mortgage could ask and Al Cockerton. for a lower down payment. Why! Proceeds go to the Building Fund GENOSHA HOTEL Crests were presented to the do you co.ne here tonight and| boys by Bathe Park Association. try to break down our financial Chairman John Fisher gave a structure." vote of thanks to the ladies for| His Worship, like Mr. Branch, the banquet, displayed a fine grasp of the MEDICAL PHARMACY "Your Prescription Centre" ® FREE DELIVERY oo 107 Simcoe St. S. RA 8-6277 (Across from Memorial Park) 8:00 P.M. Guest Speaker... Hon. William A. Goodfellow Minister of Agriculture ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND ANENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION E. Marks, Q.C. | Secretary MONSTER BINGO SATURDAY, APRIL 4 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 SHARE THE WEALTH ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH Includes ticket on prize to be drown on later date 2 EXTRA GAMES AT $25

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