Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 4 Apr 1959, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 4, 1959 OFFICE HOURS iis] THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [&% _-- 32--Articles Wanted |37--Male Help Wanted: 44--For Rent | 1--Accountants 8--Building Trades 14--Household Repairs 18a--Mortg es [=f and Livestock i S |WERGER FRANKEL AND CO. ac. ALL TYPES of building repairs: roof- OMESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered ---- oj oRov GWBRED German shepherds, ~~ "TT |WANTED --- diately, middl A 1 840 private, twe countants and auditors 18 King ing i siding: chimney repairs, Phone Ye pew, Why pay more? Our FIR T A D ] p old, puppies, Bo papers, man fer small dairy tarm and general rooms, own toilet, sink and entrance, Street East. RA 3.0221 [RA 80390 1essonable. Satisfaction 3 N SECOND ime, reasonable, Phone farm work, Phone RA 5.2213, 761 near four corners, 149 Celina Stroaty Mattresses robullt MORTGAGES i 443 W30 ' 3 I Lin Oshaw | MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co, SMINGLING, chimneys, cement, stone! |MEATING salesman, sell in Os BARTEAUX -- Lawrence und EUnIce Chyriared Accountants. licensed Trus- and block work, Carpentry and altera. [Hota 5 10 Bond Street | {THREE months old collie pups, beau: (Pickering district. Phone TEmple $172), SINGLE bedroom, all somapienca ofa Thane ei at the \0en, Alay. Oshawa, iratiord, Toronto; ons. Free extimates RA 8-515, CALL Jor, HA 58018 for carpentr Sra Wyre an South: Whip, on SCRAP IRON, POULTRY I, rip ant or RA nog. Aw 5 Figs » / an fr RR or Cchrpe IY. yron reel outh, 0 Oshawa General Hospital on ' = 44 h Momelh, CA a" mooring and siding, eavestroughing, [ii SOU (IEE y AGREEMENTS OF SALE iby y : AND FEATHER TICKS 38---Male or r Female . 1959, A brother for Wendy and Laurie, A ait B. ton ' chimney repairs, new and old work, BEAUTIFUL baby budgles, ready for y SIMCOE North, four and five-room 3 Ii : Riehl, CARIAL RF Lightoot, CAI IA" S, IO *iieelo' anting and deci $1,800 10 $100,000, Home [training taiking "striin." Avply Mis. I. TURNER Help Wanted all 'conveniences, Call RA IVAN -- ». 4 ke W. Trethewey at For free estimutes, contac 4 ' ' vond, 114 Elgin Street Kant, Cm to 9 am Doevan. (nes Katherine y amron) 308 mses Biraer Norv, Osh 8 i ARTrIY patching. remodeling Murray's Painting, RA 5.8417 owners, residential property, BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for a two-bedroom apart. 57 rehways " tl ' . LAU IL ) h wish to announce the birth of a son Whitby MO 8.579) an A 3ab71 ROOMS papered. $8 up, painting summer cottages, suburban training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. | - PP RTUNITY | ments, electrically equipped, balcony, Robert Hugh. on Thursday, April 2. won CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting gyproc applied, sealed seamless. RA homes, factories ond acre Broad, 114 Elgin Street East parking. laundry facilities, lockers, Ape Mont Hi RUTHL SY IRTN AA artista: wile Hig Tons a tatine pips, Stings Li age. Quotation: by phone of | wEGISTERED miniature biack poodle | (collect) | ply 101 Craydon Road, MO 8-4221, services for wma » ures, n onc i a0 Lh Verviven for Amal Office oN 0007 ih tanks to sewer a specialty, In. FURNITURE repaired and re.uphol mail. Prompt service puppies. Real beauties, six weeks old, PROGRESSIVE art depart- | ROOM or two to rent in quiet ho from chumpion stock, Codurview Ken 35--Employment Wanted ment requires experienced |Home conveniences, Abstainers, Ne, 1 KITCHEN Bob and Bubbles ee go igen 0e, RA 3.7600 #allations at veasonable rates, Infor- stered See our niaterialy for ver CTI Ch 1 aad Tubes knoe J ation and estimates free on ony type ing Aruce BR. Dalton, 75 Charles East. OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE [hols RA 5.8060 pedi |Shopping 'entre, Apply 244 Burk Street. arrival of their son, Robert Ste 5 HOPKINS and Company, Certified hn plumbing, Dial RA 54241, J. Foley, RA 3.7212 4 THREE « year - old Labrador Retriever| versatile arfist, Plenty of ™ To. 15 on. on Wednesday, Apiil 1, af Public Accountants, 172 King Stree : " sii CORP, LTD [REGISTERED thoroughbred Mexican for wale, 'excellent bird dog. Reason:| scope, Many benefits. Write pital, Father sur. FKicl. Oshawa, Ontario. RA §5-3309. WOULD you like fo have yocr stucco YOUR local chimney cleaner, Chim: 112 6 7 Street North (Chihuahuas golden color, Call RA 3 able, Has hod some obedience training. fs | THREE rooms for rent at 336 Drew house re-colored, Free estimates, RA neys built and repaired, gas linings in. | « dimcoe ofreet Nor 7679, 00 RA 37248 after 5 7n| fully, In confidence, to-- (Street, Also two rooms and sunroom on ? stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free . Oshawa | | CREATIVE DIRECTOR Bloor Street. Phone RA 3.2281, ™m , 0015, viving, mother and son well. Thanks 10 yap, griediander. Hunter and Co Dr, Ferrier \ceountant and auditors, Licensed mat RA 3.0007 . | PART Spaniel, male, seven months old, ACCOUNTANT «= wants position: fully Trustee in Bankruptey, A King Street DRIVEWAY and cement gravel (or MALE: ! ha Lays--RA 5.3568 black and white, house trained, good experienced in preparing financial General Printers Ltd FURNISHED room with or without MALIK Richard and Mury wish too Oshawa; BL, ale, CA; F, sale by the yard or load. Phone RA | Nights with children, 85, with license, Phone statements and balance sheets, Refer. ' {housekeeping for one clean, respectable announce the happy Arrival of a little ithe SREAWES JR ol 56 | 5 MBLE RA 5.13 A 3 RA 8-047) 79a ence available. Apply Box 724, Oshawa 57 Simcoe Street South English speaking person. At 77 Ontario brother for Elizabeth, Paul and Susan - DON'T GAMBL A 51386 or RA 3.9484 REGINTERED Pug puppies. also part Times 75 78¢ Street, ™ pL di al hi ig Th GET THE BEST FOR LESS JREGINTERED Fug ; ; ; | ann pupples, Tropical EXPERIENCED typist wil ldo typin THREE rooms and Dadh, one child wel. 19--Personal e "ial 39--Agents Wanted |come. Phone RA 5.6691 mm Oshawa General 1 Rig TR a Wl in LEO GOODMAN GREEN DOOR Chesterfield, recovered and min for ms. plants, white oen in hor own home. Phone Whitby, Mo| Mather and baby are doing well rebuilt better than new. Sat. | JILLIUC fo SEL), Rorouiu, room for brine shrimp. Rabbits, budgies. eons. 5.4300 [AGENTS "to nell tailored-to-mensure| SINGLE furnished bedroom, ~ claam, | WOMAN will care for children in her clothes direct from maker to wearer, 9ulet, private home, central, gentle. | CHARTERED GIFT AND PAINT SHOP | iffaction guaranteed. Call | oo agony of Rheumatic |SUPBLY Co. 9 Colina Street. RA 5.0043, own home, daily, Monday till Friday. Full or part = time. Larger range ali | man preferred, 'Abstainer. Phone RA ACCOUNTANT ohnny Poch at Modern Up- Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when RUM A 126--Farme s Column RA 5.1629, wool clothes. Low prices, high commis. his free suit bonuses, Experience not | THRE « room apartment, lots of t DEATHS Painting end Decorating holstering, 926Y2 Simcoe [CAPS will help you to welcome relief, y STATIONARY engineer, fourth © 3 lege View Ave Toronto | i) a Street North, RA 8.6451, [Ask you Druggist 708 DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. necessary, Write now for Jamies. | Ki y Colleqw View Avene, fonte Commercial Residential Evenings RA 3.4131 BEAUTIFUL bridal and hand-made | Phone collect, Bowmanville, MA | 9, Ad night work. RA 3.7102, § a i Croshy Company, Dept, X9, Box 30 paris ce. Apply to 348 King Wi . h 88 3 M il Fur Farm, Tyrone ontrea . ? hats, $5 up. Hats remodelled, $2 up. |Margwill Fu SINGLE room or room and board OHURCH, Samuel -- Suddenly at the HUdson 5-6121 Free Estimates -- Call --- ---- k h | RA 5.7008 Jor MAN wishes employment, anything (CLOVER hay {or Ale. Norman Allan, Mechanical aptitude, chauf.|41=--Room and Board gentleman, quiet home, friandly_ Peo, Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, :t | April 3, 1950, Samuel Anderson Church 2--Barristers BROOKLI N 240 FURNACE IF YOU are not living a full and happy 837 rark Road South 7c foundered. M Write Box. 727 Oshawa ple. 160 Park Road North, R of, Whitby, beloved husband of the | life because of Tension, Fear, Frus: | oftore KE raspberry canes, Var, Latham | Times GENTLEMAN to share large room with SINGLE k " lute Robina Sims, dear father of Mis. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and E Nap | CLEANOUT SERVICE {tration, a Complex, Hypnotism can help "Nil UPC O Jeli Dlants. Each | single beds, Phone RA 5.3086 ILE furnished room, cooking priv. H. Hogel (Bernice), Oshawa, Mrs, C. MURDOCH, Barristers, Solici venings {Also reduce weight, stop smoking. re (ol Piri fd gtR IE Sl A Rickness (LADY would like day work, all day| poor to" A Tard Nees, separate place for cooking. a Eyre (Patricia), Bowmanville, Mrs. F. tary Public, Bank of Commerce hk Coll BROOKLIN 6 | $7.50 Labour plus parts lieve nervous pains, gain confidence and maturity, Tied in bundles of 25, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, RA man Phy a hoard ior gone 5:1904, 75 - ! ete Consult Edwin Heath, Institute mn he 30 ino 2 plant 81372 o a ey 4 SIX room, house, Sentral, reasonable length of cunes 30 inches, 12 plants for Parking. Apply 562 Simcoe Strout rent, Phone RA 3.2400 78h Stayodub (Rosevena), Mrs, G. Stephen jpg Street North, RA 3.3446; ------ T (Audrey), Samuel and Walter of Whit. 7 { elghton, QC; N. C, Fraser, Ethnical Hypnosis consulting at Gen. od | by. Alvin and Edward, of Oshawa, in QC: G Drynan, G. L, Murdoch, HARRY PERRY HEATING osha Hotel, Oshawn, RA 3.4641, Sat. JAE 10 wided (roe of Sharge: 80 Juri 35 36--Female H Help W Wanted | jonity 4 LARGE modern tment, two bed: his 7ird year. Resting at the W. C.NHA mortgages arranged NEW OIL RA 3.3443 urday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. unt new co OL Po Jarry Hasek FURNISHED single rooms and two. | ARGE mode Apartmani." wo o Town Funeral Chapel, Whithy, fori, poy "n™ MANGAN, QC o promises at 13 Ontario PSts ave ready. Nursery. Pickering, Ont. Phone 32703, PART-TIME of full-time work for am. room apartment, south end, Apply 19 JORMA, gy rebm: oo, April JAN, QC, Barrister, Nights--<RA 3.7944 ursery dg y bitious ladies, aged 25 or over, For ap: Grayburn Avenue Appliances supplies ort to ' > First farm north of Plokering High | new, now available, $95 a month, RA service in the chapel on Monday Solicitor. Money to loan, Office, 14% y | 6, al 2 pm Interment Mount Lawn Inclter Money Oshawa, WA #42, | FURNA | School 7ap ointment and interview, RA 3-441.) |k0OM and breakiast for two iris cr (5.9741, Cemetery, Oshawa, Friends are re © Residence, RA 5.3403 . ELECTROLYSIS y ¥ |gentlomen, willing to share room. 31} quested not to call until 7 pm - : | QUANTITY of fall wheat for sale, First " ) > rot 1 [FOUR room house, furnished, adults saturday, DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister] Buy it wholescle and have it Electric " quality, clean grain, variety Cornel 505, CANAIER - typist, permanent Vaan | Sub Street East, RA 3.203. 7c opnjy, immediate cecupancy, in RR and solicitor, 261 King Street East installed by experts. Eas Removal of superfluous hair, | at $1.45 per bushel, ex. barn, Convenl nt | . , OOM and board In clean home, for Bowmanville, Phone Newea LANG -- AU the home of her daugh- Telephone: Business, RA 5.5801: Resi. 1000 Fuel on ry ney | Motor Trouble Marie Murduff will be in [ently stored, can be shovelied straight Interesting work, Good typing reauired:| on gontieman, willing to share, single ter at Hampton, on Saturday, April 4, dence, RA 8.5373 4 " ph {In truck, Jerry Hasek, Pickering, Ont, mn A AE or wo | PAs, laundry, lunches packed, Close to, pany: Re 1989; Nane ) Joved furnaces { g y Oshawa Apriy 21 - 22, Phone |p bp Training preferred. Pacific = Finance gp, on "Contre, RA 5.1783 pt| OUR . room apartment, downstairs, ; " Anes Ahh 4seks. beloved ie Of MANNING 'F. SWARTZ, Barrister, COMPLETE REWIND SER- G ho Hote. on these dates Phone 327.J.3, 78 Credit Limited, 13 Simcoe Street South, glib Available May 1. Phone RA 5:3301. 78¢ the' Tate Charles J. "Lang and loving Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Awso: HARRY O. PERRY VICE TO ALL MAKES OF: Senos ho ote; on d 127 --Fuel Wood RA 50571 70 PRIVATE rooms for gentlemen; 00d|MGRERN fiveroom bungalow oi « { a I clate, Bruce V. - Mackey "Henry Apointmen -- 5 meals, TV lounge, home privileges, : 5 ny Ra) ¢ A » . MAN PC fol i o Humpton, Mrs. T. R. Traynor (Oka). Bick, 204; Kink Stre Last, RA 3.4007, HEATING WASHERS, DRYERS, SUMP- April 22 | WooD curling by bus saw and" shin YoMAY to tke. cary of ¢ MeHy Kio | close to South GM. RA 3.3003, heated, central. RA 3.08 hi Wh f residence, dial RA 3.4026 | PUMPS, BLOWERS, POWER -- naw Snow plowing Phone RA 8.0727 A Wikby Pi ' 770 | ROC -- TWO rooms and kitchen, ee 81720. 788 year. The late Mis. Lang ix re wit " y | RA 3. 3443, Nights RA 3. 7944 | TOOLS, FANS, MOTORS | L |! ¢ \ Street, Whitby, Phone MO 8.2373, © ROOM and board, close to four corners vear. The late Mus. Lang is vesting at % T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Soli.| RA y y EY WOMAN marred or single, for And GM. Good European meals, HA SINGLE room for gentleman or lady, the Molntosh Funeral Home, Service Cltor. etc. 13%; Simcoe Street North, LEARN HAIRDRESSING | 28a--Trailers rinting. paste uh. work. Permanent or |8:5160 or 20 Elgin Street East e to shopping centre, Apply ate on Monday April 6, at 1.30|Dial office RA 8.3741: residence, RA STAR ; we | PINK ble up Work Syrmunont of . Grenfell Stroet, TRtataent Zier Coineters. Triends | 5-3042 EVERYTHING Women wanted, greatest part-time, Experience helpful but not|ROOM and hoard for one gentleman : prtigiien rested not to call at] . ) | TRAILERS exsential, Apply T. F, Cox, RA 83501. lor two, 202 Qing Street Kast, bl rou Ror five.room. pAFiment, Whior hy piindly dau sie iy The Bay ALIMeGIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers Repair Centre pportunity >et ter pay, 2 After 5 p.m. call RA 8.8182 7c ONE ntioman 4 i |nished, private bathroom. Phone RA vo » before Sunds weed : entlomu 0 1 frat mariage. 0" Simcoe. § (root IN HEAT] NG 49 BURK ST pleasant; work catalogue For carefree family holiday HOUSEK ER wanted, full or part: | single 'hed. in private Tani, Tine ann Sow Sr 313 Sylvia Street, Ls LOGAN Entered into rest in the Noph, RA 53366, Charles C. MeGib. | 9 free Write: Marvel Hair. See the GLENDETTES qt {me live in or out. Write Box 734, 4 k. Call RA 8.6721, 76h [THREE - room apartment, unfurnish. Oshawa General Hospital, on Friday, hon, QC: Edgar F. Bastedo, QC All parts for warm air, hot RA 5.7743 dressing Schools. Branches: oe le Oshawa Times » ed, use of washing machine, Apply April 3,. 1959. Elizabeth May Logan o TL a . HR + room heated apartment, suit weloved daughter of the late Hugh MUMPHREYS and Bovchyn, Barris-| Water ond steam heating, Hamilton, Ottawa. ""Conade's | Cook's Trailer Soles, Osh- Isa WEEKLY, responsible woman, lve able for a couple. Private bath and (01 Howard Street or RA 5.2206, ~ 78f y " in, general housework, good with chil-| entrance. North west section. $30 a|TWO . room apartment, partly fur. . ters, Solicitors: R, D. Humphreys; QC, oal, oil and Expert ser- nal Sys ; . And Mary: Jane Murdach, and nother | BEN Oe A Ys ana] S000 ot Sn ie) DRT! sats 15 Instruction National System owa 3 miles East on High dren, North Qshawa. Write Box 783. month, Possession April 15, Phone RA |nished, private entrance, $30 monthly, Tharnton, (Codette, Sask) and David GB, bs Jung Suess Wea 5. ehones: fort of 'modern automatic [HARVEY | my Baton, tap, ; way No, 2 Telephone RA is oitollbbonioy ive: fi {ciao between 3 and 7 p.m [369 Drew Street, RA 5.8132, i ve paling 4 © ¢ pl Ld i \ d ) onvenie 2.08 9 , ISEKEPE v n business. In Her 7Ist vear, Resting at thew, ip. "365.2961. 'Money to loan heating now with no money Royal Academy b ; untand Reg) ©r Your convenience we gre 3:9534 or RA 3-9017. re HOM. ty SORT chadrar Hood There Washing manent, unfurnish: | THREE-room flat, unfurnished, adults, Armstrong, Funeral Home, Oshay A {ster now 4X Kine West A 30122 | now able to serve vou in oll {an 4s hom 3 ed. Use of washing machine. Apply 261 on bus line, Available, Apply 301 Gib. with memorial service in the chapel JONN A. MacDONALD. BA, Barristgh| down, 5 yeurs to pay on oil | suiviTa Teacher, student counselor. lone of [29--Summer Propert Surroundings and pleasant working Howard Street or" RA 3-2236. 76 bons Street. RA 5.1615 Monday, April 6 at 2 p.m. Interment and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North. and gos burners, furnaces and [13 years' experience. Appointment only, OY | conditions. Call RA 8-871 for Inter: |p ar ar Toh ee. tm ---------- Oshawa Union Cemetery. (Friends Phone RA 8.8311 boilers Cull RA 53-1084, ; DRY CLEANING For Sale or Wanted |viow "orn conveniences, close to 3 GM, [THREE unfurnished rooms, central. Are asked not to call at the funeral jo,un"s CAMERON. Barrister. Solici | ETLLIAN 7 ; LOT 50 x 300 feet on lake in Oshawa, VOCALIST wanted to sing with small|RA 5.4420. Apply $36 Lorraine Stest:|APPIY 7) Warten Avenue. Te home before Saturday), In lieu of " LILLIAN Mae Marsh, Dance Educator tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL |p i h 1 ve. | nd residential sub-divided, for wale or dance band, Phone RA 5.0335 8 goom b TWO rooms for gentleme: south tibwers donations to Hert and Cancer: pg "oa"s 9260 'NHA and private mort g Aneing School, ballet. tap, baton, pre 9 trade for summer cottage within 70 : [ROOM and board for Wentieman, close gg) ihe, home, privieses. Apply Fund will be appreciated 78 cages arranked RA 5.7181 Soave felubatie a Sarees | pli LAUNDERING [miles of Oshawa. RA 5.0624 DENTAL awsistant, age 17 to 0. No|lo downtown. Apply 23 Elgin Street| Sh industries. home pt safes Mvang | Masonic temple. RA 3.725% 4am experience necessary, State schooling | East. Phone RA 3.7814 78 PM. asian : STONEHOUSE In Oshaw Ho GREER AND KELLY, Barristers | - and references. A wonderful opportun- | THREE « room a. 'complete otely RIM Con Friday. April 3.108%. Sarah Solicitors, ele. Tia Simeoe Sureet South. COMBUSTION CONTROL | From 9 am... 9 p.m, daily, | Lakeshore Cottage Lots -- lity for industrious person with Initia. faman, bressian opions)." Boone | aie, all conveniences, private Alice Flint. beloved wife of the late Dial RA 3.2278, Residence phones: J. Music Studio tor all Instruments For tast ficient 4 "e NDOS LAKE ly 98 tive. Apply Box 730, Oshawa Times, Li 529, nl three . plece bath and entrance. William Stonehouse and loving mother | M. Greer, BA, Sc., 50368: Terence SERVICES g erhicient service in HA v Only WAITRESS -- experience not neces able for couple or twe at Mrs, ice Drew Bowmanville and | V. Kelly, BA, BCI Oh a, [Duncan -------------- . Piano Tuning odorless dry cleaning, coll | miles from Oshawa to this sary. Must be neat, accurate at fig. [Room and board jor Sentlemen, seve RA 5.0590, ur Branston, Columbu in her |R, Phillips, B, Comm, RA 8.197 gorgeous 17 mile long lake |ures. Apply 922 Simcoe Street North U8YS & week, south en ome privil- | oy a i ern y s 1a onehouAe ' 5 L 'N, PLEX brick house for sale or up. Tard year, 'The late: Mrs. Stonehouse dn | Lote i Lu Eel Se ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES SPEE DEE in Peterborough County, after § p.m. 77H | He hot ater, good meals, single| DULLEX brick ho a or Ww. - same house, immediate Yomemicn. resting at McIntosh Funeral Home : Service in the chapel on Monday, April H. Greer. Associate Barristers and So N d uU d Pi { Choice of 8 beautfiully shad- - in y licitors, 130 King Street East. RA ew an se anos y | ROOM or room and board, six-d Bat 390 wm. intermen Onion come: USL 0 ANE ok eta CLEANERS otis durveved lo | BELL TELEPHONE CO. [seek stor man Seat bod A Re S00 -- wee THOMAS M, RUNDLE, Ba , . Full selection of all instruments 100 x 250' each with pri HAS OPENINGS FOR ply 232 Arthur Street RA 8:0 723, | Two iar. completely fir RA 8-6221 vate road, cleared, sond ROOMERS wanted. Apply at 345 Albert | \oyteKeePINK. rooms 5 Shciuging, ol tH s of ' For Funeral Flower citor and Notary Public, 477 Simeco treet - . Street Fast, Phone RA 81763, b imcoe Street North beach, safe for children, | CLERK-TYPISTS [Street continuous hot water, use {ROOM Dong Sonal, near Duplate, | machine, Central to jp +8 Mi al ' Arrangements See y i GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, B . | 3 Hydro, ollent fishing, sal- LEWINGTON'S Tisters Solicitors nq. Notaties Buble. SEPTIC TAN KS | For Fun, Popularity and Success 21---Personal Service as Bo black ig io io ag iculation {Poone RA § Joi |Shopping, Centre. Sult 6 King Street Eas ' pick p 18-25" wen FLOWERS J. Murphy And James A. MacDonald. | WALK SLABS TRY DANCING [Na a mak ine eANI. ad service. qrel 'and white fish, Only | PLEASE WRITE TO |armmacrive: turished Four. kval (913 Weakly, Phone RA 937, Phone W. BRUCE AFFLECK. BA, Barrister You Carn Actuall |PABYAITTING Duress, i o.| Tile in oft Highway No. 504, | BOX 647 [North's p.m. RA Ba671, on Te Dive gs KS partments, privele RA 8.6211 -- RA 8.6212 'and Solicitor Phones: anos PATIO SLABS GO DANCING perienced women for habysiting or] $995.00 each, Write to Jack ahi comrontaBLE om a jv ora oS aie x a Sa or RA heavy cs bridge Res. RA home making. Mrs. R. 8. Disney. RA| Paris, Realtor, Young's Point, fo) Seutiem Toone and 2 Xing 2 hes, Oehawe BOWMAN, David L, Burister. Solic STEPS & PORCHES After One Lesson At 34921 Closed Thursday afternoon. | Ont. for oh Youngs your SEERA | vo hors, parking A ns Tou Aah S, Stor) 9 [tor, 3% Simcoe South, RA 59592, Resi | ARTHUR MURRAY HAVE your fur coat shortened. repair-| own home or phone Oshawa (North Oshawa. Phone RA eT a self «contained, close to ih f dence RA 8:04 WELL TILE DANCE STUDIOS a or made ver balore puting In| RA 5.4664." STENOGRAPHER ROOM aud board for two ¥ en, | and school, Children welcome, W" storage. Prices reasonable rs. single 8, clean, private home, close [ley Apartments, Enniskillen, MA $3377, " GERROW FUNERAL | +--Dentists CURBING 118 Simeos St. 5. RA 8-168) Maciuuuail oi Gibbons Steet" (30.1 oot qd Found REQUIRED Sh TRE SL xs 3. T. Scluk, Office hours 9 to 8 | ; . : eon Wo 'housekeeping rooms, for one of HAP pr G T Solu L er ad {LOST «= In vicinity of Pleasure V pir | Must have some experience, {ping Gentre, also three rooms. Clean, ry c Be {gn Phone RA 5.2223 BROOKLIN LEARN TO DRIVE JANE BLACK Slenderinzing | North Oshawa. bck. du 1 : steady employment. For gp. {No children, Phone RA 81439. 761 | we we, gentieman, or Joung 3 Studio, Slenderizing, Redut- [Answers to name pointment ----- phone RA (7 room, RA 81435. 334 Beatty Avenue. 78 . ey | '"--Wanted to Rent en ASFA eniTi SCHNEIDER S ng, St Both d M [dren's pet. Reward, My FN e030, | © 3-2276. wee | THREE room. Basement apartment iy ing, Steom Both an 0s- LY 79¢ FOUR or five.room house, Oshawa or | apartmen possession May L DRIVING SCHOOL Bowmanville. Phone RA 8.0084. 758 | Apply 0 Wiison® Road North, Apart: moderate prices 5--Nursing Services sage, 451 Simcoe Street Nn --Articles For Rent 37--Male Help Wanted |APARTMENTS, houses, stores an d|ment 3, after § p.m. The finest service ot RA $5226 ANDEN NURSING HOME | CONCRETE 390 King Street West Si KING ST. WEST. 157 Olive Ave., Oshawa, Ont South, RA 5.9602 for ep. Ea {farms, good tenants. W, McAuley, Ri lshed apartments (Licenced) PRODUCTS LIMITED | [SUMP Gd jor, Fig 0 ght » ba WANTED «= Three men, one mechanic, 107, id Prince Street, RA asth, Mo LL -Toom, unfurnished ap Street. lusi home for : - |All repa Exclusive nursing ho Phone 155 Brooklin RA 8-5315 | point. Open 10 a.m.-10 p.m. | spring "thaws. RA 54363, Tin, Hurvia one apprentice and one washrack man. : manager, Kerr Indus-{OSHAWA or Whitby, five to six. dk ind | | convalescent and elderly peo- IN MEMORIAM roi (Men end Women), 0 16 Insurenc | [EUNA rentals, RA 5.3501, Straight Abily service nah Yo modnn: cartier ave rooms, semi-private. Suit eouple. ih Sharpening Service e SMITTY S {Stitch and Zig Zag wanted adults, references, May 1st. Write a RA Qaim, 191 Chadburn Ave, Te Nurses and dieticians in oh | Tray service, |POWER and hand mowers, sheers. [ALLSTATE Auto Insuran * up| CAR CLEANING SERVICE |RENT an Elna Zig Zag for spring sew. COU RTEOUS Nntied ina pours 5636. Oshawa Times, 70f [SEVEN . room house in residential ARMSTRONG In loving memory | attendance. AIMEE, Wow Dealt hat 20 per cent, nine months to pay.| Dial RA 3.261% ing. Free instruction first. RA 5.2501. |with ear district, suitable for professional man, o Mr. W. G. Armstrong, who passed| radio, T.V, lounge, [Work fully guaranteed. Pick. rpaned, For personal service at your home, | Wi Yook i -- Tie Te Ne Juin sxpriience WANTED TO RENT = Apartment or us at door, block from school. RA bi A Oh we wore wat] 0 t hotr ts delivery, bor Axtistadtion and a MAY. call RA 3-113, ant your eor to loo ike | pier 78 Aragon Ave, Agincourt | ners, by couple with two.year-old, Best 8.8786. i a ™ bor A 6--Opto Shing Mat lasts, on I Im Fudge, 30 17--Money to L Wit Webbing's Phone AXminster 3.3710, Tic|references. RA 3-709 after 7 p.m [$78 Four - room self + contained apart: The sorrow the day would bring, C. H, TUCK, optometrist, specializing Money oan ithout any trouble er Rental Service MER, "exscutive (ype salomnen, $500 | ment. new stove and refrigerator, close For the call was sudden, the shock in muscle anomalties, evesight and N--Business Opportunities FRIvATE onde wv Ind | bother to you? per month, plus bonus, Intensive one |44--For Rent {to downtown. RA 5.4569. ™ severe glosses. Evenings, Mon. Wed. bri. i h 1, Then just call Smitty right | TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT year training. No experience necessary. | yp ARTMENT, two rooms, furnished,|UPPER Duplex. centrally located in To part 'with the one we loved so Invalids examined at home. RA 58 away FOR RENT {Married man with good education Se ll AWE piri Wn bl sh immediate possession, Phone Disney Bldg, 31 King East, tee! "RA 5:3870, 700 | 303. F 4 [piuierred, Write in confidence to BOX | o.qin "orivate entrance. A ly TRA 5.4221 or Brooklin 143, ™ Or service in your own 282 King St, West Oshawa Times and include tele. Basis' Avene PPI) Tel i-- The . [SPECIAL new self-contained STORE f t on treet | " 7--Surveyors ATO, fr nt nt J rl RRR driveway. RA 54873 pone" Roba hpi | ey - pm INALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario Land information write Box 737 Osi | lyou o v for Hn furaishoPm Apartment, private room apartment, good location, Pig Fisie Wing me nary he oy io hi6 Aes Street, RA s 6881; Times kL neo r "NT Semplate so hash, 3 5. Ample Parking Sot on earn 133 0 hg - ra REY on Rfurnished, adults, central Ra Sublet; Fane. Serigeraner Sided, . K a as : 3 1M, | p . "N80, plenty of ar ng. Adults only. hone A ang ory. Nngere GX HORTON And Associates, Oye gp RA chrome cleaned, etc. $5.00, |32 Articles Wanted aay War: Car Arey THREE - room and two - room apari- RA 3.0316 Sweetly tender, fond and true eo Sout hid -- : Sundays and holidays, $2 and PIANOS -- 10. Any make or size, Will " ments for rent. Child welcome. Apply GAS Feast, four-room modern Nr te Jane. Ar thier gineering, 70 Harwood Avenue South, | oreo te drapes, | CLIENTS' first mort $ y ys, $ pay cash, State make and price. Write SALARY plus commission -- Colonial} {410 King Street East Por GAS hated, Ours Neuse, Soder Ajax, Phone RA 8.0121 | ¢ sal 6 ou provide only the A requires three men to join our expand h 3 . That we do not think ¢f you eippers, button holes, mending, pant gage, Mortgage ents of sale Box 620, Oshawa Times, {TWO - room apartment, private en. |390M{ id --Ever remembered by hushand Fred Trad cuffs, shirt collars, etc. Dial RA 5-369. purchased. 8 arranged, water outlet--we toke care IRE eles tail with 3 food sownd Wile 0: FOO apartment diane : 8---Building Trades Fraser, Drynan and Mur| of all else, We'd oppreciate | DESPERATELY needed. Fill and lots tyre, Experience not necessary but rola chen Subbouids, jurtiished oe |IFOUR room, unfurnished aPstalte of it, 36 Garrard Road North, evenings. pelpful, Car essential, Drop into Colon She hone R/ 0 f flat, Abstainers only. RA 5-417], daughter Gladys and son.in-law Elmer © PENTER work, framing, trim 13--Gardenin & Su, lies [doen | a ay', ot -- ROGERS -- In loving memory of my © ARF shen cabinets, custom work «= Sréening h_Supplity | Tel day's notice whenever SELLING furniture. We'll buy it." Re. ial, 134 Simcoe Street South or call RA ATTRACTIVE, three - room. heated two and onehall foom & dy ming, Kite iN Bo FIRST and second mortgage, sa bl pa > rother and grandmother. Mrs. ani renairs. Mortgages arranged. All LEN owlers' landscaping and garden | OTROS Harcivased and oid, Home| possible frigerators, TV's, washe! Plans, 8.8571, 75 apartment, centrally located in Bow: poi decorated, furnished, basin in fe Rogers, who passed away April work guaranteed. RA 3.3579 ny i giraens ane twas ploughed nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King 79h stoves. etc. For top cas ho ar, contact | nian" for small a8 mOOr Tepairs. Manville, heats Wiring, para on: kitchen, sarage available abst ilized, gardens a p t P) 11a). . 0038 A loving mother true and kind ALL plumbing and heating supplies roto-tiiled Sidewalk sighs, patio [Street East, RA 3721 |22--Radio and T.V. Repairs | {19 Prince Street. Phone share i Jrokity M48 To Birr hond- Phone MA 3.2436. ff 8 and h "Tn No friend on sarth 'ke her wel Phone RA W321, Harold S, Stark, ht Everything for your gai RA =| un dtm ae. Box 723, Oshawa Times. 751 NEW, 8ix - rosm bungalow, near Shop. | RHREE rooms, and "cupboard in find plumbing, heating and engineering. 2 busy | SPECIALIZED radio and television ser. of Y.pleces or more |de! eens. (ping Centre, close to Rew School hob. | Kitenen, stove and refrigerator, immed. For all of us she. did hor best Simcoe Street South MANURE for gardens er flower beds. | MONEY AVAILABLE vice. All makes. Fred Thompson. 157 8, walnut or oak Of recent |=---- py stop. Available May 1, RA 8.8775 or! inte possession, reasonable rent. RA And God gave her olernal rest ROOFING, siding and repairs, fully i d Yard 18 five yada ot over, Small TO HOME OWNERS Elliott Street. Call RA 3.9793 rn RA Ju not essen: | 1. Eoion. Co. Ltd dh OR Jor 39260. 494 Bloor Fast To our " « 5 oh ual h v , ~ coma ne . h \ ---- fn our hearts her | . guaranteed, free estimates, RA 57780. LANEGR SA manville. Phone |TV. TOWERS completely alnstalled 1] io ---- Oshawa Shopping Centre THRE . room apartment near south| FoRmSED four - GM, immediate possession, Apply 269/Would rent separately w with Sweetly, tender, fond , Aray, Newcastle 3176 or 3066. - 78 o |year guarantee. 50: Alf Gray, Newcast or °f Up 0 $3,000 for any good [Year CEDARDALE REQUIRE A SALESMAN [Thomas Street, 7s([Drivileges to "young men. preferably missed by wife and daughter There is not a "day mother That we do not think of you LAURIER M KENNA GLADIOLA bulbs, large assortment | purpose, including down pay from $29.95: easy terms hone! T™V. RA Vi al From her loving daughter and sor AU C of colors te pick from, 30 cents to 78) ' | 5: fl office workers, Very central. twlaw, grandchildren, = Madeline, Fo conts per Goren. Discount on large] Ment on home payment of [sn SCRAP with thorough knowledge of {TWO Suturhished | Teoma i ad cud | pou + room Jpariment, Sin ward, Bennett and family For expert paperhanging quantities, Apply 3 Division Street | existing mortgage, consolida ROME and car radio service 1507 Sim. | boats and outboard motors fone' reierred. Centra couple, or | ossession. RA Te i tion of debts or purchases of coe North. Phone RA 2.08 IRON METAL LTD. | for a temporary position. [3% 7% ONE or two roams and Rik TURPIN -- In loving wemory of ou paintin Jyptexing; plastic A : dear In = In loving iveinery of ou J A ony kind. No penalty for pre. PROMPT TV service, any make. 10 ©. METALS | Apply aot Customer's Ac- itu Toom In private home. two |Nrele. Apply 268 3} i ; no bonus Yas XBerience, RA 8:36, Oshawa IRON : : counts Office {Single beds, suit one or two. APPLY 81/SINGLE, furnished bedroom i m heth Turpin, who passed away igh \ 8 payment, A : * April 4, 195} PLANT FOODS For Fast, Friendly Service, Bieri Tonite Se PAPERS : RAGS 794 Park Road South Sti nessman. Apply 38 Colborne West, YOArs ago. on You can only have Phone RA 5.2851 dll EATED, three - room apartment, |ONE clean furnished room, two min patient. kind and tu i ; FOR LAWN OR GARDEN ~~call- T 2 OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY overlook cit ivate bath No other friend in Ww TIMATES FREE V AERIALS OPE 2 tance. Taundee elec ne Oath, OR [utes from four corners, men only, n \ ance, 1a v, electric st i N Y ERR Gigen EvavgteanssSnu SEABOARD Scld and installed ssp 32 SALESMAN [10a ame a Apes marsh | Appis 168 Celina 'Street 'or Bhone k . 3 | Moved and Repaired Ha 3 Oshawa Times 5° - Sie uked nothing HAYNES Goin Turt Special--Shur-Gain DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD : | Pr ENT -- Ill the world deserts yo UILDING CONTRACTOR LA A MR Se 29% Simcow Street South 20 ft aerial. $29 and up 100 ANNIS STREET with connection in ~~ |AVAILANLE now." fourreum apart [Veniences, lose a So you who have . 5 expat? Old floors Ten--C.LL. 4.12-10==Milor- RA 5.1121 ROLLAND T.V. FREE PICK- up | Building Materials Field Tr TV er chen rd bath. | {ideal location. 18 Aberdeen, RA S-5063. | | Cherish her with care (Formerly Bellvue) -------- Ss For vou! Pa Shit the heartache ade Hee, new, Hgrdued ganite ie oo Y RA \ 3 4849 a Top wages ond benefits for [a Street West "RAND new bungalow, close to Shop [ill you see her vacant chair r til arpenter wor Complete Gardenin ee MLO [ P ° Nge PARKWAY TELEVISION ~dovingly remembered and sadly r Kitchen cabinets N ot missed by her daughter Violet, son-im be q Supplies at WE AVE clients' monies for loans on ENTRAL -- upper duplex, heated. ping Centre, also three rooms. Clean, SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. 0. | right man. Replies held in |Eeciie stove and refrigerator. Telos no children, Phone RA 81439. 76 Rose. confidence. sion aerial, garage, $75 monthly. HA nin Boulevard. ™ law Rex. and grandchildren ur clalty {first and second mortgages and pur ELECTROHOME | "Wants cars tor wrecking, also | {3.4303 after 6.30 Te . rtment. seifocons RA 3.7196 COOPER SMITH CO. Shae of agreements of sale. Louis 8 RCA VICTOR, ADMIRAL, | scrap iron ond metals, ete, | WRITE: IMODERN, three-bedroom bungalow, THREE room apartment. Sei Lo] an, QC. 37 King Street East, Osh , 16 CELINA ST. awa, RA Y403. WESTINGHOUSE bought. Open Saturday oll OSHAWA TIMES [ir or ma Frat ow. A. Thaw. Phone RA 3.1000 Between 1 CARD OF THANKS ! DODD & SOUTER Le RA 3-2312 ! "| The finest Jn_telavision and day. Phone: BOX 725 nia = hee bedrooms Home. ------ PAINTS --. WALLPAPER 2nd ard 3rd 18 Simcoe N -- RA 33043 [RA S:3311 89 BLOORST.E rniired fn otava NO 39s MODERN 2 BEDROOM VWE wish to express r heartfe PAINTING & DECORATING . : . | thanks and appreciation for the act a START NOW! re |37--Male Help Wanted 7st TRACTORS P - re Ry a)noo [ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms. avail: APARTMENT YN FRAC ol. Kindness. mess AY PAIR nid TO HAVE YOUR TREES, / _ - and beautiful flora erings received | Fe estimates call | T.V. AERIALS -- T.V REPAIRS | able in private home. 82 Park Road ; fram our many rela frie i 0 rs MO 8.5231 SHRUBS, PRUNED MORTGAGES | All.channel antenna, rust | DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT REQUIRES Nurs 3 - 7 pm 3A 3671 a On 2) Shewan St Avajjeble in private home, very "cen! a | . a hanks mdighbors. Special thank | proot materia! | i | {Spring mattress: suit. gentleman. 102] children over 12. Apply for his consoling wor EVENINGS RA 5.7426 Also tree removel | ethren. Dr, ise 107 Byron St 5. Whitby Call or write for 1959 Cate: $1 Monthly 20 #. $24.00; 30 #. $34.00, | SHIPS' PILOTS (SEASONAL) Hien Street. Fast Lhd A Rotor antenna $65.00; Towers | \ 3 DESIRABLE apartment, self-contained, 78¢ eral Wowmtal for Nina x shawn du logue RA 3.3222 $54.00 = 4 ther sla Town w CUSTOM BUILT | Oshawa Garden Service | ForEvery $100Borrowed | ig & Lous Ty. . [AREA--Port Well - Sarnia SALARY $950 per month ie wen, on 3h wl ewe . { town: adults only: § A 8.8173. far their kind. efficient a 3 ----e------ ---- EERE HOMES COSMOPOLITAN RA 5.7844 APPLICANTS must be Canadian and have served a number TWO large housekeeping rooms. suit ONE BEDROOM of the services ~Mrs. Wm. EE Jamiesor ™ | Bowmanville MA 3.3942 of seasons as master or sailing master on the Great Lakes while [couple two single girls or men. Phone y futal Additions, Alterations SPRING DISCOUNT holding a certificate not lower than Master Steamship (Unlimited): RA 8.68% nt APARTMENTS WE would lke to thank . Reignbors and h via for ir ear Rec-rooms, Kitchen Cupboard: 3--Women $ Column Inland Waters and a thorough knowledge ot the waters between ONE or two partly furnished house. | ad. flowers sent to + Tile end Hardwood Floors CLEAN-UP 641 Yonge Street. Toronto |SPECIAL = heat permanents $6.30: Port Weller and Sarnia; satisfactory physical condition and eye Keeping Twame. She pa of eas Immediute possession, ele 1 achine A ' S t RA | I wer| trically equipped, best loca. thanks to the nurses and ; 4 e 3 cold waves, $3.50 Pane greasing sight; age may be a determining factor ig i fy Port Perry Commun « | i io br. Renme To Mcnermoti and] HUGH CROSSBY Fertilizing WA 3-0939 3% Pine Avenue. RA 3 a on tion. Buckingham Manor | BENEFITS include permanent position, reasonable travelling ex FOUR - room self-contained, unfurnish- . ng : Panabaker Funeral Home an Y Alle at the Chapel: to the Rev .P. P BUILDER Lawn Power-Rolling | Open 9:00 to 5:30 24--Market reer ea apartment, stove and refrigerator. il a \ 0 so oral tributes e enses, generous pension, sick and holiday leave; group hospital ; R x Remeril and all who sent floral tributes RA 5.3937 Everything Expertly Oone ! Saturday 1:00 p.m roTATORS SL per TH Sag Pag vied ih a Avalabie May 1 Apply 4% "Simcoe RA 8-8676 irley Women's Institute fer t \ a ps Pp § omas, we -- ee -------- h Nori-burning evergreen fertil. Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday Rive Points | 137 Ritson - Road . North, APPLY by letter before April 9, 1959, quoting' Competition i -- LLOYD REALTY home at the time of the sickness Sl death of Mary Jane {May} Contes FRAME AND tzer. FREE loon of spreader. till_9:00 -------------- T-SP.1, stating age, certificate held, end outline of experience ONE BEDROOM RENTAL AGENCY Russell Coates and family Patio slabs, compost manure. [19 Personal [35--Pets and Livestock 10; WR would like to extend our heart TRIMMING Complete nursery stock. i NTED -- good : than {RAVE you a drinking problem * Write Xa Phone rod ogra re Director of Administration & Personnel, APARTMENT Our fee is less thon e vacancy, only screened ond reliable tenants. felt thanks and appreciation to ou friends. relatives "and nelghbors Spe Alteration kitchen cup OSHAWA Alcoholics Anonymous, Box M8, Os De tof T ort | elal thanks to Dr. Kimmer M beads and general repairs GARDEN Pr awa Times. SMALL apartment size tov terrier | iii of Transpc Electrically equippéd Cheseborough and everyone whe was Custom built homes. For tree CEN RE ANYONE witnessing accident on Mary | MW John Griffen, Enniskillen a | Ottawa, Ontario LA SALLE COURT Liable tenants ris) Lid. 86 TAUNTON ROAD NORTH Street, April 1, involving boy on a bi- | BEAGLE, one year old, female, in THOSE CALLED TO INTERVIEW will be required to present testi RA 5 3815 101 Simcoe St. #0 kind to us during the sad bereave ment in the loss of my husband, = estimates phone Christensen | eycle being hit by car, please | all RA | oculated, registered. $30. Phone Ajax 28. RA 3-3222 1380 Toc | 768. | monials from former employers os to conduct and competency. RA 85123 Mrs. Lillian Howard and family. { Const, RA 5-63

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